is Holla Forums watching the Winter Olympics?
it has some of the most white sports and is less pozzed than the Summer games
is Holla Forums watching the Winter Olympics?
it has some of the most white sports and is less pozzed than the Summer games
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I saw part of the opening ceremony, I was pleasantly surprised. I was expecting a globalist pozzfest but it actually seemed a bit, dare I say it, "Nationalist". A people of a specific ethnic group living in an ethnically homogeneous region, and celebrating the history and culture of their own specific race. A beautiful sight to see, I'm wondering how much kvetching was going on backstage. This is PRECISELY the sort of attitude that white people should have for their white nations. It's a shame that only non-whites are allowed to have pride in their culture, I'll gladly give my life to see this change, but we can at least take solace in the fact that there are some parts of the civilized world wherein the jewish poison has not completely infected the national body.
No. Screw your faggot ice circus.
wtf are you implying?
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
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Note the "one" South African participant.
Connor Wilson.
I wonder why the liberal retards aka the Jew pawns, haven't said the Olympics are racist as they play for their own countries and not be 'open border' like.
shits dumb. the ski shooting one in particular. bullshit 22lr racers really aren't even guns anymore. Whole thing feels overly sold with less emphasis on the person and more what they're wearing.
Yeah I'm watching right now
Doesn't mean much when its just a jew merchant extravaganza. Can they plaster more trademarks on anything else? Can't wait for the inevitable winter special olympics on every cereal box in every store reminding you that you're nothing compared to this person who only does squats for a living.
Kill the Olympics.
OP can't inb4 cunt. If you have to, it means your argument is shit and you know it.
Biathlon is pretty gay now. Originally it was a military sport, where the Europeans various ski troops- the gebirgsjaegers, alpini, chasseurs de alpins, would compete for badass points. They also used their combat rifles, not these bitch ass .22s they use today. In fact, biathlon was originally called “military patrol” and the athletes were active duty soldiers who competed in uniform.
How's the Jamaican bobsled team doing?
No. Fuck the bread and circus.
they didnt even send the men this time
Nobody cares.
The Olympics are a joke at this point.
Please kill yourself.
I can't wait for the Serbs to get jewed out of all of the medals.
Stop.being so.fuckkinng.petty..
What is wrong with you?
Jews.want all and you root for brother?
Zbudi se pička ti materina
Any dudes who think they are women beating women at the game? That's really the only useful thing that could come out of it is redpilling normalfags on trannys.
Če bi te zdajle videl bi te pretepel kot psa.
Nisi vreden krvi ki jo nosiš v sebi.
A si slep?
Kako.kaže imigracijo mladih? Kako te ni sram?
Lmao, how's life Slovakautist?
You mislabeled me you dumb shill idiot
Swell. I love every second
anyone got a source for a stream link etc?
Remove yourself from gene pool before I expedite the process
Yeah fuck those gooks and that entire event if any of that is true.
Ful si smešen.
A veš kaj ni smešno? Imigracija mladih iz Hrvaške
Znaš šta je još bolje? Naš zaljev, brate. A sad odjebi i nauči pričat Engleski, bog te mrtvi jebo.
Ubij se.
here come the chads
In kaj ti bo zaliv?
Boli zaliv
Židi te.jebejo uničujejo.ti državo.
Mladi bežijo. Ti pa jim nasedaš.in sovražiš brate. Kaj je s.tabo narobe? Brat
Fuck off, racist. South Koreans don't eat dogs.
That's North Koreans. Source:
Watch at least the first 24 seconds if you want to know WTF is going on, but the source is at 7:28.
Do kdaj? Zbudi se
Multiple independent sources verified by trusted nonpartisan fact-checkers or GTFO.
I work fucking hard try to bring us together for the battle that is coming. Don't you fucking belittle me ever,
A razumeš?
I don't see the appeal of the winter olympics. The summer olympics has more interesting sports which is sad considering the amount of nigs that pervade it, but it still doesn't stop the winter olympics from being boring as shit.
requesting motivated autist to do the racial olympics again
mixed monkeys go to fuck it, autists call.
I saw some of the opening ceremonies there are Aryans hiding in unexpected countries Korea has at least one white man on their team.
Keep the tears coming, though. I'm made stronger with every drop.
you say racist like it is a bad thing
all communists deserve the rope
Is this a good book for teaching my kids about the winter games?
You say communist like it's a bad thing. All racists deserve the gulag.
I like how you completely sidestepped the issue of that random racist getting BTFO by video evidence. Typical untermensch "master race" behavior.
No. As soon as I heard the curling was on and they were quick to busy themselves (CBC) about fellating some fucking feather nigger playing above anything else I decided to not give a shit. Again. Only positive side is that the winter Olympics have substantially less niggers involved than the summer one.
I'd actually recommend one of pics related over yours.
I literally can not wait for your departure again. I can understand a difference in opinions in topics, but you bring nothing to discussions except for strawmen and ad-hominid. Kill yourself, you'd be doing everyone a favor
Unless an opinion is different from yours, of course.
Stop regurgitating this stale meme. I literally posted video evidence proving an ignorant racist wrong, how does that fit either of your shit-tier labels? If you'd think for yourself for once in your miserable life, you'd realize that it doesn't. I make quality posts backed by facts, logic, and reason, and that triggers you so you spin this ridiculous narrative about how I'm somehow the bad goy. In reality, you just can't stand the sight of a strong, independent womyn, much less one that anally ravages you with hatefacts like I do.
Top kek.
They banned Russia for "doping" while every other nation gets off free
The kikes are using the IOC to push the Russia narrative, so no, I will not be watching this years.
Not a single fucking athlete is from the country they're competing for. The single nigger athlete from Madagascar was adopted by a French family and raised in France from age 1.
The male skater in Japan's figure-skating duo had the last name Reed. Meanwhile the two Americans had the last names Shigetani or some shit.
This shit is no less pozzed than the other Olympics
Filtered. Maddow is a fucking ugly dyke.
Can we put a halt on the newfaggotry, for the love of whatever deity you fucking believe in.
Skating is the gayest of the winter supports so I'm not surprised that it's also the most pozzed. The rest of it is alright. Except for the commercials. Anyone else keeping track of how many times they play the 'Free to move' ads? That's open borders propaganda at work if I ever saw it.
And one of them Isn't even Jamaican: she's from New Jersey and was previously on the US team. (And daughter of a freemason.)
I like the skiiers.
I don't watch Olympics, too many disciplines that make no sense to me. It's supposed to be to compare the bests in physical supremacy, not who got the most aerodynamic ass in a sleight descent…
These olympics are a chance for the Globalists to push their meme of Asian supremacy/Asian century.
The whole thing is a giant psyop. It might differ depending on which coverage you watch but the basic theme is always going to be there. NBC is pretty blatant about it and so I'd recommend watching that if you want to see what I am talking about.
The opening ceremony was nig-tier.
Japan will show how it is done in 2020.
Checked. I can't believe how hard the lyin' media is shilling for Kim's sister, at least I couldn't before I realized that (((they))) control North Korea too.
Now it all makes perfect sense.
Huh, that's something I've never seen. Maddow poster responding to a deleted post.
I've been banned for chronic shitposting for suggesting Trump is friendly to Zionists, yet this is allowed.
I've seen that many, many, many times.
rachposter is a fucking moderator. They do this shit regularly, and are never banned, never inhibited in any way.
The idea that the mods 'get it' or some shit is usually the defense, and its just pathetic at this point. This board is basically a slower, more aggressively moderated (not always for the better) cuckchan. Literally the only thing this place has on cuckchan at this point is that the mods (usually) delete and ban cuckporn threads - but then, they also delete and ban anything that is vehemently pro-Trump in all contexts.
This. What the fuck is a ==Winter== Olympics without ==Russia==?
It’s obviously a mod.
*isn't vehemently pro-Trump
It’s the problem with forums and image boards, the temptation to sell out is too great.
Exodus back to Usenet when? At least you can’t pozz a whole protocol.
Nigger, I was genuinely joking, not my fault that the Slovenian of Ultimate Autism has to sperg about any and all mentions of Croatia or anything-slav related on the whole fucking board. Fuck, I doubt he even posts outside of the slav-thread usually.
Maybe I overreacted? It was a joke?
Pogovarjajva se po naše. Oba se razumeva. Moj brat želijo nam.smrt, če se ne upremo sedaj..,,,, zdaj moramo stopiti skupaj. Me razumeš?
Temni.č nam prihaja naproti, ne želim biti pesimističen vendar.vem.da.moram zbrati vojsko.
To je edini način da nam uspe
Slovansko bratstvo
Se razumeva?
Je, brate, sve je dobro.
A one without crack addicts or mongolians?
Too much faggotry, race baiting, and "Muh Drumpf" bullshit from the US Team, and waiting for Fatty Kim's sudden nuclear testing anytime now.
Sreča in Zmaga brat!
Vse dobro Hrvaškim ljudem in vsem Slovanskim narodom!
Pred nami je velika bitka-Prepričan sem, da jo bomo dobili
Poslušaj Svarico. Ko punca začne peti, sem zjokal ko sem prvič slišal. Res solze so mi pritekle
Isn't that the Polish slag who killed herself over 'racism' in Britcuckistan, who turned out to be super into nigger music, teen modeling and was implied to possible be a kebab-cooker?
You go away right now.
First and last.warning
If the US and anywhere in South/Central America are taking part, I think not.
The Olympics are a fucking degenerate festival of interracial fucking, on top of being an absolute joke in every conceivable sense and has completely dissociated itself from the very concept upon which it was created.
You have no power.
She was into niggerbeats, she was photographed repeatedly with older non-White men, and she was into teen modeling.
Stop promoting slags as angels.
Hočem da veš da nismo sovražniki.
30 let so.nas komunisti ščuvali drug.proti drugemu
Vendar smo bratje. In skupaj nam bo uspelo
Most orientals eat dogs. In Asia they literally have dog farms where dogs are bred for consumption. You literally don't know what you are talking about.
White people form close emotional bonds to dogs. Members of the other races generally do not.
Počivaj v miru General
You have it wrong. You should leave before ghosts of our warriors catch you. I am not joking.
Listen.very carefully:
You are messing.with don't.understand. .. YUREI.
Honestly, I'm disgusted.
Leave and never return. insult.her once.again
All those you love will die.
Faggots trying to ruin the Olympics.
They played a song from Yuri on Ice for one of the ice skating routines Japan did.
it's obviously a bot
you're probably a bot for being so fucking retarded that you didn't even realize
Take your kike bread and circuses and blow it out your ass.
When they're being presented by kike media, yes.
I take.this personal.
Do you fucking understand me?
One more bad word and I will provide you with suffering you can't fathom.
Fly with Angels Babygirl
Think this belongs here. Snapped it about a minute ago.
fuck forgot link:
sage for obvious reasons
Cool autism bro
Oh wow, five people in Worst Korea have eaten dog before.
But I'll see your [citation needed]-ridden wiki article with my video evidence that refutes your claim:
Anyone who is real Holla Forums will remember this baby. And what we set out to do 2 months into elections. The thread where we said we will win for her. She was with us, and she is with us now
Just going to try And numb my feels
Love you DaggyDag
(criminally unchecked)
I always make sure to report rachposts I see so you can read the post you made a second time.
I know that feeling user. I actually got pissed when I found out the Russians were banned haven't really been paying attention.
You know that this isn't a hidden industry right? The South Koreans eat about a million dogs a year. There are literally restaurants in S. Korea that serve dog meat and there are supermarkets that sell dog meat there.
Is for you babygirl.
I haven't forgotten you,
We haven't forgotten you.
You know?
I'm sorry. I'm just going to cry now. I can't really explain but everytime I think of her I cry. She's with angels now
Sports are amazing.
No. I was on one of the US teams and even I don't give a fuck. It's all propaganda
I don't get it
I actually really enjoy the Olympics when some athlete isn't dragging politics into it. Nation's competing with one another, athletes proudly standing to and sometimes even singing their anthem. The opening ceremonies where the host proudly presents their culture and people. Sure it has faggotry just like anything else that is being partially directed or influenced by (((international communities))) but the very core of the Olympics are an incredibly positive things. Pride in ones people and *usually* friendly competition and rivalry. Although I will grant the fucking unity push because of North Korea pussing the fuck out and pursuing peace the moment someone stepped up to him is annoying as hell. I think I'm starting to despise John Lennon's imagine. Also kinda wish American athletes would act more seriously or professionally then like tourists.
I love the concept of the Olympics. Nations vs. Nations in friendly competition backed by their respective populations, but in reality you've got ethnic russians competing on behalf of S-Korea for example.
I would prefer seeing strict rules that exclude non-ethnic X from competing on behalf of X.
It seems more like "football teams" who just recruit from all over the world to make their teams that represent their nation, which is bizzare.
^ that person is literally a rapist.
What if Rachel Poster is actually Rachel Maddow himself?
After all, Rachel Maddow works for MSNBC
And NBC is the one with the (((exclusive))) rights to broadcast the Olympics
I'm pretty sure it's just some fag the mods seem to allow because people are too dumb to just not reply.
But what are the odds?
1. It's a rapist (yes, I am certain of this - Rachel Poster rapes all ages)
2. Shilling in support of the games?!
3. Recall that all homosexuals are rapists.
4. And that Rachel Maddow is a homo
Well, it sure might be Rachel Maddow himself!
Cognitive dissonance? As long as international competitions exist nationalism will be present.
This may be the last Olympics ever, tbf.
that is fucking horseshit. russians always dominate at these games. and rightly so, its the one time where growing up in their frozen hellhole actually counts for something.
didnt the US team all get caught doping last time too, but it was just swept under the rug?
keks will be immense when the norks nuke the games.
Best part of the games.
Olympics, competition every 4 years all around the world of every race on the planet, decided by some committee that self styles itself the authority? No. Can't be supported by nationalist countries.
Why you ask? 4 years is too often and expecting to host the world is too much.
What if every nationalist country, the nation of people that inhabits it, chose for themselves how often they would host an event, in any particular sport, and then you would have competition?
Any argument you can make pro olympics from the nationalist perspective is better served by the above approach. Anything else is jewish.
Getting young fit, and sometimes rather intelligent persons to spend their ENTIRE LIFE on a sport? It is a sport, not a profession.
And mind you in most of these activities the kids have to be getting to the expert level at ages 10-15 to have a proper chance of being in the olympics. Stunted education and development much?
I could elaborate on all this but it doesn't have to be. The money grubbing this circus hosts is disgusting and everything about it reeks of jew.
The truth is that Holla Forums is always right.
Listen wisely newfags. These posts all show you truth.
rooting for Sara Takanashi
Nigger, did you even read those posts?
lot of Asians in skating tho
(((NBC))) requires you to sign in with a cable provider to watch and I don't watch TV on the TV because I'm not in my 60's but I've caught a couple events at my friend's house.
If anyone knows of a stream I'd love to watch more. Am I really expected to subscribe to cable TV every 2 years for the Olympics, with no other way to watch?
It is every 3 years user, and the answer to your question is no.
How dumb can you possibly be?
thats definitely not the answer to my question, and you are stupid as fucking shit
Just hook up your VCR and tape it on timer.
Color me surprised
Alas curling is full of kikes.
I might have tuned in if (((NBC))) didnt own all the ways to watch it.
Daily Reminder, the White Olympics are actually a competition of technological advancement.
You will Never win the competition of who sends the first Bucket of Chicken into space, Your best hope is Wakandindu, go there Create a world without Whitey and his Evil bang bang sticks.
No, her last name is Medvedev, she is a jew dummy.
yes it is pozzed
There's nothing more faggy than snow crap