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This is a good timeline.
Speaking of the Middle east, is there any news regarding Yemen that is NOT from pro-saudi shill sources?
I hope it was one of those F35's. It would be like the 117 shootdown over serbia.
So much for shabbat.
For those out of the loop on this:
>The 1999 F-117A shootdown was an event that took place on 27 March 1999, during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, (Operation Allied Force, Operation Noble Anvil), when an Army of Yugoslavia unit used an S-125 Neva/Pechora to down a Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stealth aircraft of the (((United States Air Force))). The pilot ejected and was rescued by search and rescue forces.
Pic related is slavbro propaganda taunting the zogbots for getting dunked on by a 'third world' country.
And it all hinged on NATO fucking up communications.
Liberation of the Golan Heights when?
How will Trumpstein respond?
is Ivanka crying already?
Syria shot down a F-16 and a apache helicopter.
I hope the pilots were wearing their combat diapers
I smell another German "atrocity" like "diesel cheating" on the horizon to pay for that.
the funny part is that they're constantly trying this but everytime it fails to gather steam in the media
only advantage of Trump seems to be that he creates so much shit for the media to hyperventilate over that the neocohen foreign agenda gets buried in the shitstorm
Blue checkmarked Israel-Palestine conflict reporter reports that anti-aircraft missile that shot down Israeli F-16 was *Russian* on a Syrian base.
Haven't seen confirmation of this elsewhere so take with a grain of salt.
of course it was Russian, retard
I don't think Syria even produces it's own missiles
Well, yeah, I know the missile was Russian, the tweet seems to insinuate that it may have been Russians on a Syrian base who fired it though.
Syria says that Iranian drone story is bullshit.
There has been a debate over whether the anti-aircraft missile was produced by Russia or Iran, and she's saying Russia.
Russia itself has not intervened in this, they only are protecting their own assets and won't dare lift a finger against the Jews even to protect their own allies.
Fuck yeah. It's always a good day for dead kikes.
The serbs also figured out that if you rip a door off of a microwave oven it looks like a radar site on radar, so all the kills the USAF made most of the time were babushkas microwave oven out in a field with a fuckhuge extension cord, or plywood tanks with a bathtub inside looked like actual tanks.
The serbs know how to make do with whatcha got.
On euro - news they say at least 25 S-200 (SA-5 "Gammon") were fired. No confirmation of S-300.
It absolutely was a Russian missile. The prevailing military exporters of the 20th century were Russia (Soviet Union) and the US. Syria is not a US ally and doesn't produce its own military hardware, so therefore one can deduce that Syria buys and uses Russian military hardware.
Or you could just look it up;
Just watch their videos, user. Many on LL and jewtube.
Not that you'll understand much..
They never will use S300-S400 unless it's all out war. Because then the kikes never have any radar info for jamming/fucking with it.
They only use the old shit and it's good enough to knock kikes out of the sky, kek.
I've seen a source that I can't link right now (it was in my work's computer) that the attack happened as retaliation to drone sweeps made by Hezbollah in Syrian territory. Anyone has anything to corroborate this?
You are a kike shill and do not deserve your digits.
The jew cries in pain as he strikes out.
It is actually amazing what these kikes get away with. They attack another country over and over and over, then when they FINALLY have a plane shot down which they 100% completely deserve, they've gotten what they wanted. Now they will push for war and probably get it
It's just amazing to me how the kikes work
Can we just nuke Israel and wipe it off the face of the earth? It would solve like 90% of the world's problems immediately
I hope the heeb flying it was wearing his standard-issue diaper when he got hit :^)
I hope assad gasses every last kike, and I hope whatever Israeli kike lies are actually true, and Iran has a nuke and positioned it right next to Israel and nukes the shit out of Tel Aviv. FUCK ISRAEL TO HELL
I've made a question about a possible narrative (((they))) will pull out to justify. Your kvetching only confirms your attempt to dissuade everyone into not talking too much about it so the kikes can tell the goys whatever they want to get their cake and eat it too.
Who gives a shit what their lie is?
Russian-made, not Russian.
Enough of these people. Assad/whoever needs to nuke the fuck out of them. Gas and nuke. Enough of this shit.
You disprove their lie and get another example of kikes manipulating information and lying on your face to every single normie.
Funny thing, the US backed the Iraqis who gassed a shit ton of civilians during the Iran-Iraq war. There's precedent for us turning a blind eye to the gassing of (((civilians)))
Fine. But even humoring them is playing their game, because they're the masters of sophistry.
They just need to be nuked. Enough of this shit.
Massive shitstorm incoming. What are the odds that the Israelis launch a """""Raid""""" from the ground as well?
You forget that most of that shit has the potential to cause a revolt against the kike puppets in the US ending kike control in the US.
Please elaborate.
I want their lie to be exposed. The only humor given is they are quick to justify any action they take with bullcrap that can be disproven quite quickly.
Then they blew up the Chinese embassy in Serbia because some pieces of the wreckage were brought there to be sent to China.
A big part of the secret sauce of this stealth aircraft is the outer skin (maybe it's just special pain?) which absorbs the microwaves from radar.
Imagine if they did that shit today? It would be WWIII.
serbs are niggers. they deserve every bomb
now fuck off
Kebab spotted.
You deserve a bomb, faggot
I don't know about that, this seems like a prime opportunity for the Israelis to justify a conquest to the Tigris River. However the politics involved and general chicken shit nature of the Israeli Army might prove to be problematic. So you might be right in regards to nothing other than business as usual coming from this. They'll probably stick to their formula of propagating rebels and launching air raids against Pro-Assad forces like they have been.
That one was for the boys
Gopnik counter-intelligence > NWO NATO shekels
Those fucking bantz
They're done. Completely done. Without false-fagging their betters into their anti-Arab sepoys, they can't conduct ground operations on equal terms anymore. Welcome to detente faggots.
It only looks worse in the Serb last-gen case, and demonstrates the efficacy of swarming anti-missile defenses with last-gens before saturation bombing. If they can't get planes in to kill them on the ground, any incursion invites a North Korea dumpstering Seoul instantly with conventional arms scenario. There will never be a Greater Judaeic Empire
Russia was smart to invest in anti-aircraft and anti-missile technology instead of racing over who has the best aircraft. The cost difference between the two technologies isn't even a comparison. They developed their tech on a shoe string budget basically and new missiles are incredibly cheap compared to a single aircraft. Could fire off an entire salvo at each aircraft and you're saving millions.
There isn't a single world power that wants to put the S-300 to the test and yet they'll talk all kinds of shit about how its untested, obsolete, and overrated.
Same calculus in "Charlie Wilson's War" - 7 out of 10 times the Muj fired a missile, a heli came down. Stingers cost $60-70K, MiG ~ $20MM
Similar to this is how the Germans fucked up London with their missiles, which were much more cost and manpower effective compared to the Blitz
At least one dead Jew and possibly the very first kike jet that was taken down.
A simple image search for serbian women proves you wrong. They're just slavic from what I can tell.
Assad won't have to, but he can with Iskander, those are some next level missiles. Chaff, ECM, Decoy(s), any good payload and hypersonic, networking etc.
This is one of the main weapons that stops the kikes from going all out.
Kek, Assad dindu nuffin.
It's always smart to use older munitions first. Clear out the inventory for better stuff.
i like how this jewish whore implies the missile launch was unprovoked.
and they did it again today.
And checked
Supposedly video of kike pilot coming down, whom is severely injured.
Can't mossad the Assad!
I know, but 9 times out of 10 when the media says "It was a Russian missile!" they are referring to Russian made in an attempt to sway public opinion against Russia
Here is video from the kikes
Pics of crash site
a model wooden tank with a metallic bathtub inside. the "hightech US survaillance equipment" sees a big metalic object shaped like a tank.
put a microwave in the back and they think its coming after them
At the Lebanese border:
World War MayMay has kicked off.
So you clarify it and refute the kike propaganda wordplay.
oh lawd.
holy fucking shit
I was told change is good. The fuckers should have not started a war. Just wait until the kikes find out the US can disable parts of their stolen toys/tech at will.
The end draws near jews.
That's something which you don't see every day.
Not white but perhaps they can go last. kek
1) most of that burger tech was made with israeli technicians onboard the design team and has MOSSAD backdoors
2) are you seriously impying the (((US))) would even think of doing that?
Neat! Thanks user.
Fair enough, sorry
US/israel. What's the difference?
Wait until they find out that not only do the chinks have back doors as well, but it was all coded by incompetent poos, and the design schematics were leaked to the russians. Jokes on them if they think burgertech can save them.
Allegedly kikes returned fire and hit a few Syrian bases and air defence systems.
when, when you think about it, Trump lip service so hard for Israel, that by default the MSM has to hate Israel in return, guilt by association and all. If ther MSM support Israel, they support Trump by proxy, and they can't have that now can they? in a nutshell the globalist kikes can't use their MSM apparatus to defend Israel no more.
the only funny part about the left is they can't be outraged at this, their love of mudslimes/palestine/rapefugee painted them in a corner, Israel lost all public sympathy from the left, and the right neocons not included won't help either since they are the aggresor in this scenario
We have been aware of the jews and planning for a time to deal with them that would not fail. We know and have known of their "backdoors." I'm not making an implication of the sort. The United States of America is of a different mindset than the (((US))) as you put it. The previous administration played their part perfectly. The problem was kikes can't see past their noses and whites can play the long game even better. We kept handing them rope. They kept taking the free rope and wrapping it around their necks.
Now it is all coming to light. Every single rat turd in the cupboard. It is all being disinfected and the offending pests purged. Trump blows smoke up yid asses and they can only squeak in the shadows over it because ultimately, the "good goy" does everything the yids want. How can Trump be the bad guy? He's the bestest of Goy giving them Jerusalem! Every decision backing Israel is done out of love, kindness, and utmost respect for the chosen of GOD, for christ sake. And yet here we have everyone bitching and moaning about Israel. More voices are being raised about the kikes. More questions are being asked and answered. People are a lot more receptive to the idea of dealing with the problems causing our problems permanently.
Now the plans that have been sitting and waiting for the right moment to finally bear fruit are budding.
We brought a lot of the kikes here to the USA so we could keep a better eye on the cunts and selectively let them steal stuff. "Damage control" as it were. If we let the few intelligent ones loose to their own devices it would have been a worse nightmare. We see the shit they do when left to their own devices.
Soon brother.
Paint on the fuselage.
In WW2 inflatable balloon fake tanks were often used in a similar fashion.
They're called decoy's son.
literally remove yourself brainlet shitskin
wake me when someone declares war
Didnt assad say like last week if kikes attack him again hes going to flatten an airport?
What do you mean "when someone declares war"?
The war was declared centuries ago, but I'll wake you up when the next major battle begins.
neocons and zionists are two peas in a pod, you're confusing 'drumpf' and actual allies with the former, nigger.
Why are you goys so surprised, don't you know we are just setting up a (((safe zone)))? archive.is
first of all what is shareblue and why should i care? their page sais its some political burger shitposting site. and i dont give a fuck about internal (((US))) politics because theyre all cucks.
second of all fuck off back to reddit
If you were to accuse of Israel creating ISIS to expand. People wouldn't be outraged over you implying Israel beheading a bunch of people to grab land, they would be outraged over you saying bad things about Israel.
It's like how a female nigger got her kids taken away after she kicked her baby's teeth in. She would be bawling her eyes out along with the father & grand parents. It's not that she's upset over what happened to her children, it's that she's upset because of what happened to her.
it looks like a nose
Did the pilot get POWed?
Dropped in Israel.
Pilot landed in ISISrael sadly.
They'll get more, it's not the first nor will it be the last.
Landed in Israel but succumbed to his wounds
Checking will get more and landed like a brick in Israel.
is this a debate or gay sex?
They cross illegally.
Guys, any threads on US killin hundreds of Russian citizens (PMC Wagner) today? Russian internet is buzzing, Americans killed Russians.
I'll be seeing you niggers in the screen cap
That's just a rumor making the rounds on VK, as far as I know. If the killed troops actually were Russian the Russian government would go fucking nuclear. They've bombed the everloving shit out of Idlib after the moderate beheaders tried to attack their peace keepers stationed there. No matter what, the Russian population seems pretty pissed.
a couple well placed emps and we're back to old school battles. remember we were always frightened of emps but never prepared for it always placing faith in advanced tech.
in most cases the israeli jets just fly to the border and launch a missile from their side
They were Russian but mercenaries, not regular army
They often use Lebanese airspace too
I can just imagine a bunch of serbs giggling as they set them up
how about Holla Forums simply uncovered a more proximal group with actual proof of shilling, and it thus become fashionable to attribute shills to shareblue? not that it's relevent in any way since I could argue JIDF and shareblue both use similar tactics, and have similar oriented goals, both and any other brainwashed leftists trying to undermine Trump/the right/libertarians/"insert other group that represent a threat" to the profit of globalist kikes/deep state/Clintons/ISISrael/Commies
So, I was just on Jewtube watching RT's footage of that F-16 burning and whilst giggling like a schoolgirl, I noticed that there was a warning stating "RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian government" that links to the RT Kikepedia page. When did Jewtube start doing this?
When this board was WN/NatSoc, JIDF had a interest to try and stop the rise of anti-jew sentiment and the empowerment of Whites. They've successful done that by changing the narrative from jews to "liberals". Liberal were seen as the enemy in the past because they were a tool used by jews, now liberal have literally become the central topic rather and a sub topic/by product/extension of jews. The issue is no longer ethnic, it's partisan. Holla Forums was never about that. Shareblue wouldn't give a fuck about Holla Forums in the past because they weren't a demographic that would vote Republican because they viewed them (right) as being apart of the was jewed system. And Holla Forums would never give shareblue a 2nd thought because they weren't into conservative/Republican talking points. That's all changed now after (and during) the election with a massive influx of civnat, neo-con users. If I'm being honest this whole "shareblue" faggotry for me coincided with it being a massive topic on t_d. Given that that was a Republican related sub I can understand why shareblue would target them, but now that those users have seeped on to here they've brought that boogeyman with them. And that explains why JIDF has seen a decline in use since JIDF aren't a force on t_d.
Pick one user. Trump is the most popular American president in israeli history. He also has some of the highest approval ratings among practicing American jews of any US president.
Anyway I don't want to derail this thread anymore (before the inevitable "MUH SHAREBLUE!" shills show up) since this is an important topic that doesn't get that much coverage on here anymore.
i think we all know where it can leads to. If Syria "attacked" izrael US have to defend their ally and attack Assad, but Assad is Putin's fellow so we can wait for 3 world war. But in my opinion that's improbable Trump is so stupid to stand on the side of izrael. They encroach syrian's fly space so Assad is clear in 100%. In Trump we trust.
Translation (each line is basically it's own bantz):
which changes nothing. it's still the jew crying out as he strikes you. i hope assad glasses ben guryon airport next.
Holy fuck, that's some top-tier IRL shitposting.
What's the story with the tiger again? Also holy shit those bants.
Trump has been Israel's lapdog since day one. He'll probably do exactly what they say, if for no other reason than that his kids married into Judaism.
Yeah no, I won't buy into your false dichotomy bullshit, his popularity with various groups is not a valid metric, for started people can be brainwashed by the MSM to believe this or that politician, just look at how many retards voted for Clinton in the first place, and kikes are not a homogeneous group, there might be big overlaps between factions, But maybe most USA kikes are starting to get either fearful of the demographic replacement self awareness on an instinctive level or just trying to gravitate toward where the political shift is to save their skin. you got a fair amount of legal ethnic immigrant who somehow voted for the wall, cuz they hate illegals more than they hate whites.
So far despite Trump lip service to the kikes, it brought nothing but trouble for them, the biggest thing he did was officially declare jerusalem the capital, despite that being the case since forever. He didn't actively try to overthrow Assad, he is letting Putin clean the mess, and no amount of official condemnation on the Assad regime for muh chemical changed anything. and for the 1st time things are improving in the USA, less regulation, more money in the citizen pocket, less government power, MSM bias exposed to the grand light, leftist ideologies getting pushed back left and right, immigration down by a lot, and any objective metric shows that.
Whatever Trump is, he's an anomaly working in our favor in more levels than against, I have no qualm with him shaking hand with jews with a big smile as long he keep stabbing them and fucking their shit up like he's currently doing.
< implying Trump controls any part of the government
< implying elections mean a thing
well said
dont let the shills fool you, there are a lot of people who agree with you here
It's their mascot, user.
[spolier]polite sage for offtopic[/spoiler]
no they didn't
He didn't fly so good.
tnx for the support, but don't claim to speak for others either, just sayin'
'You lying cum-guzzling kosher civnat FAGGOT.
_Men: 34% of Total Vote
- 21.42% (of Total Vote) to Trump
- 10.54% (of Total Vote) to Hillary
_Women: 37% of Total Vote
- 19.61% to Trump
- 15.91% to Hillary
TOTAL: 71% of Total Vote
- 41.03% to Trump
- 26.45% to Hillary
_Men: 5% of Total Vote - 00.65% (of Total Vote) to Trump
- 0.65% to (of Total Vote) Trump
- 4.00% to (of Total Vote) Hillary
_Women: 7% of Total Vote
- 0.28% to Trump
- 6.58% to Hillary
TOTAL: 12% of Total Vote
- 0.93% to Trump
- 10.58% to Hillary
_Men: 5% of Total Vote
- 1.65% (of Total Vote) to Trump
- 3.10% (of Total Vote) to Hillary
_Women: 6% of Total Vote
- 1.56% to Trump
- 4.08% to Hillary
TOTAL: 11% of Total Vote
- 3.21% to Trump
- 7.18% to Hillary
_Both: 6% of Total Vote
- 1.92% (of Total Vote) to Trump
- 3.66% (of Total Vote) to Hillary
Here's the real rub: You're a civic nationalist, a philosemite, a liar, and worst of all - you're right wing.
I am not left wing. I am not right wing. I am the Third Position.
And you?
You are just another (slave to the) Jew.
I presume you're talking about Halabja. Here's the full timeline:
No, given them everything they’ve ever wanted, including the single most important thing to them over which they’ve created every war in the last 150 fucking years of human history.
Right, I just said that.
And is still doing what his predecessors did.
To what end? Nothing has changed.
1. Citation needed.
2. Still 30 million illegals here.
Not according to anything that happened in the last year.
I do, you fucking yidlover.
1. He has never done this, ever, at any point in his life.
2. He is not doing it now.
3. There is no reason to assume he will do it in the future. Not even Q-LARP faggots think it will happen.
Uh oh. You’re a jewish shill for saying that jews rig elections. That MUST be the case.
t. People who post here and are not banned
check the florida latino count vs past elections faggot., and you also need to compare a lot of stuff to previous ones as well.
do a fucking muti-variant analysis you dickwad
ya never gonna have over 50% of latino voting for less gibs ffs, learn to read.
also tnx for the civnat projection, but I nerver said anything about wanting any of these people around. but they are there, and voted more for Trump than they did for Romney.
No, you don't, because its irrelevant given what DID happen and what narrative you're trying to push.
But let's say I did.
You're a fucking liar.
And as for the 'muh florida!' shit? GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY FACE. You're trying to cherry-pick like a mother fucker, while igorning the over-all trends. "They voted more for Trump than Romney!" is easily countered by "They voted more for Bush than Trump!".
Meaning they're basically worthless as a voting bloc from our perspective, because they're already very small, have poor turnout, and vote overwhelmingly blue (more so with each generation in-country).
No, they didn't, you fucking liar.
lets dance
including giving them more rope, just cuz they asked for it don;t mean its good, poisoned apple and such. look at the result, not the wants.
his predecessor removed Saddam, Ghadafi, and groomed radical factions. so far Trump did not remove anyone nor destabilized the region further.
having a vast majority of the population doubting the MSM lies is nothing? do I really need to spell it out? how obstute can you be to not want the MSM apparatchik exposed?
>1. Citation needed. 2. Still 30 million illegals 1: here. washingtontimes.com
2. Didn't say squat about deportation, but if you insist, Trump has a rate slightly above average of deportation, but inlike before way less illegals are comming in. he also gave Ice free reign to go mess with sanctuary cities.
you are being willfully ignorant, lot has been done, and you pretending other is funny, in a pathetic kind of way.
I don't, sporting a friendly smile, getting the kike within stabbing reach, shake his hand, and stab him in the gut while mainting your smile as he fall down. I will sully my hand, you on the other hand refuse to play nice with a kike in order to stab them? so you preffer a live kike to a dead one? good to know.
did too, 29% vs 27, learn to read. and yes they are worthless as a voting block, and I never said anything otherwise, you just projecting intentions I do not have. The whole fucking argument was to not use the popularity of someone as a metric to measure how useful that person is. and that despite Trump rants against illegals, and the then spin by the MSM that he was calling all mexican rapists, he still got 29% also do pretend that if that 29% voted 100% hillary she would not have taken florida,
and here is where you conflate that statement as somehow a support for Hispanics, if there were no spic and niggers to begin with the whole fucking map would be red.
now go back to my 1st post and read it again. the argument is and was that popularity is a shit metric to base an argument on, and it was nothign else
also, why are you changing IP and derailing?
how about we go back to the issue at hand, a kike plane got shot down, that should rejoice everyone
Provide evidence that anything done has been negative for any jews, anywhere, in any capacity.
They got exactly what they wanted for the last 150 years and nothing has happened to them as a result of it. Congratulations; you just furthered the fulfillment of jewish prophecy.
The US bases all throughout Syria–you know, the ones still fighting Assad’s forces–say otherwise.
Do you have evidence of this? Why are none of the corporations going bankrupt? Why is nothing changing at them in terms of viewership or which anchors remain employed?
Yes, when you have an argument you need to substantiate it, otherwise you get rightfully called the faggot that you are.
Be very fucking careful, moishe. Use another strawman and you’ll be dismissed.
Washington Times, but fair enough.
Trump did, though. And yet they’re still here.
Whoop de shit. 100,000 last year when it had to be 8,400,000 to meet the quota.
Irrelevant. We’re going to be bred out thanks to the fifty fucking million spics already here.
And what has come of that? Certainly not mass deportations.
List the things, then.
You have no evidence that Trump is doing this.
Nice false dichotomy. That’s two kike tricks now.
Thanks user, I always wondered what the rest of the poster said. Checking those dubs too.
Wow, one plane. Meanwhile the genocide continues.
No go this time. Trump told them their big bombing raid on Damascus was enough retaliation. But the kikes will eventually propaganda the USA into this war. (Clip is from propaganda film, Foreign Correspondent, that came out just before the push for lend-lease.)
That's bullshit and you know it. If Trump was just a puppet then we would be seeing exactly what the kikes wanted from day one and has Syria been glassed? Has the TPP passed? Has the immigration rate doubled with his election? Have we gone to war with russia or north korea? Zionist relations does not equal zionist puppet and if bush could go to war due to one little girl then Trump sure as hell could have glassed syria due to (((chemical attacks))) on children.
There is a reason Trump is still sending troops in Syria just like there is a reason (((they))) have to resort to sending kurds and bombing the syrians themselves. I would be very surprised if Trump didn't send aid and supplies to Israel if war started but would be more surprised if he came into the war on Israel's side.
$150,000,000, at minimum :^)
Who fucking cares m8? One kike plane being downed as part of a massive kike attack with no response from any major power is not something to get giddy about.
Did not - 39% vs 35%, you slippery nigger, and its STILL IRRELEVANT because they voted more for fucking Bush at the national level.
Why even bring them up in that context, you kike-tongued faggot?
That was never the argument made against you, it would seem, in that the commentary was that Trump is popular amongst Jews, and that's telling. Saying in response "Popularity doesn't matter goy!" isn't convincing, at all.
Nigger, the election is FUCKING OVER, and the spics are still here in vast volume, while Trump cucks for Jews and refuses to even say the words 'White people'. Get a grip.
Do you have any facts to back that up? Because from what I've seen of spic contribution to Trump, their piss-poor voter turnout and generally small population size in any given area outside the West, I'm not entirely convinced thats the case.
Exactly, and its easy to conflate such given the context you employed.
When its a question of popularity amongst Jews, that argument falls apart quickly.
defending Religion of Cuck™ic powers is not da wae. you fucking double nigger
newsweek this week, proving they are forced to fake traffic to stay relevent. as for evidence of population distrust
are you even keeping up with events or are you living under a rock?
nitpick through pic related then
as for them breeding, thats one reason to push for stopping free gibs and the welfare state more than anything else. we could also make it socially hell for them if we can continue make people more and more hateful of spics, as much as I would like for Trump to just round them up and deport them within the hour, logistically, human ressourse wise, and politically its hard to actually do. But I ask you then, in a realistic fashion, how would YOU go about deporting them all with minimal backlash? brainstorming and stuff
I was mirroring your stupid argument that I was a kike lover with an equally stupid misrepresentation, I said I had no qualm with Trump being friendly to a kike if he backstab him in the process. as for evidence, most of whatrs on pic related goes directly against the kikes agenda, so there.
also if ya gonna keep bumping this shit with unrelated stuff, at least sage your post.
checked, also thats hilarious
Yeah, fuck that stupid Assad supporter.
I'm not pro Assad, but I hope he raises hell as he goes out :^)
no, you counjured the argument that I was supporting spics, I was arguing ya can have shifty kikes voting for trump the same way ya get stupid spics voting for a wall, the argument was that's not a valid metric, you butted in and yelled about unimportant data, and your main gripe was cuz I mentioned a good chunk of latino voted for Trump, 29% is almost a third, so yes, a good chunk., you somehow tought I meant the majority of spics voted for Trump…
150 million US taxpayer dollars wasted. And the genocide continues. And no one is woken up to Israel. It doesn’t mean anything.
We’ve proven that they ALL fake traffic. None of them are being charged for their crimes. No one is being arrested. No one is fired. Nothing has fucking changed.
Of course; no one questioned any of that. Where are the mass deportations. Where is the prosecution of the traitors in the government. The things in the list are meaningless. We are being exterminated.
All the laws are already in place.
So hire more guys. Plenty of people would do it for fucking free. There’s no excuse.
Ignore the backlash and do it. It’s not that fucking hard. Get the military, declare martial law in a state, arrest all government officials, go door to door, kill illegals. YOU DON’T FUCKING DEAL WITH THE JEWS. YOU IGNORE THEM AND DO YOUR FUCKING LEGALLY MANDATED JOBS. Anyone who says otherwise is a shill.
Nope, you weren’t mirroring the lack of fallacies. You need to explain why he isn’t holding up his campaign promises–the ones that Holla Forums cares about more than anything. You need to explain why he’s ignoring his constitutionally mandated duty to ARREST EVERYONE IN THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION FOR THE TREASON AND SEDITION WE HAVE NOW PUBLICLY PROVEN THEY HAVE COMMITTED. Where is your justification for that?
In no capacity.
We need one for the board
Dead jews? Good news!
keek fuck them lipstick Holodomors.
I thought they bombed the embassy because they thought arkan had been there trying to secure arms deals for the serbs. Two birds one stone.
So why is Trump approving all these attacks on Syrian forces? Really noogles that noodle.
Chaos president for a chaos timeline. My figuring is that ISIS will be driven into Israel soon.
Crazy slavs used modified microwaves to decoy million $$$ missiles.
Kek! :DD
The only thing those jets hid successfully was tax money.
And what you think this moral world order is if not a form of jewish eschatology hidden behind protestantism, using the USA as the goy of service?
Fuck me. Look at the type of thread you're in and look at the t_d tier logic you're trying to push. Even your posting style in your (12) glows redditfag.
just why? also don't do t_d, people will think you're a shill even if you're not
That's CIA. :^)
sounds about right, affirmative action really is harming our intelligence services badly
Shit posting done right. Kek! :D
Are those the guerilla warfare terrorist skins from Counter-Strike 1.6 fighting Metroid Prime? WTF?
We know why the markets dropped as if by magic. Israel was planning operations, and word of this came to top kikes, who dumped stocks.
W O R L D W A R 3
Just after the close of the Olympics. Wait for it…
Motherfucking cunts.
Vid related is becoming closer to being reality.
There are no proper proofs still, and Wagner wasn't in the East Bank.
The strike itself was dubious in the first place, in reality not even a dozen syrian militiamen died according to local sources, unless you go out of your way to believe whatever fox news was vomiting out.
Now this is a shitpost.
Back you go
Which after all, is ultimately a thumbs up from the side lines. Go ahead kikes, you got this one. God wills his choosen people to take on Syria, And Lebenon and Iran and Russia and Hizbullah.
tbf it's a guerilla war fighting the taint of kikes, in the churches, even supposedly hyper-conservative ones, here in the US.
been here longer than you faggot
Im sure if any Armed forces are watching right now they are laughing their ass off.
Which is good. We appreciate you guys!!!
When shtf you know we are 1.
Have this
holy fucking what?
Welcome from reddit
While we jest I'm sure there is actual kvetching right now among the Sanhedrin.
Fridays have been big this past year, look at when the memo dropped.
Who else here is hoping both sides lose? I want to see whipped dogs all around the region.
Get roasted, kike.
this timelime…
I want each side to expend manpower and equipment so we can sell them the ‘Nam era shit currently collecting dust in boneyards so we can take their dinar and shekels and MAGA. What use is any strong nation in the Middle East to us? Heck the religious right who appears to support Israel is really ultimately interested in its demise as a part of the Final Battle.
Get woke son.
I was not expecting this when I opened the thread.
God damn this board is trash now.
You kinda were m8.
The spics aren't stupid, and almost none of them voted for the wall - reminder: Spics are 17%+ of the population, while niggers are 12%, and yet niggers amounted to a greater contribution to the total vote in the 2016 election - only ~46% of eligible spics turned out to vote, of those, .
The point is: The spics DIDN'T really vote for the wall - or at least, a pathetically small group of them voted for Trump (which is not directly equivalent).
Which is inaccurate.
Except that data goes directly counter to your commentary.
Problem is, that's 29% of those who voted… And those who voted equated to 46% of those who could vote… Which means, in reality, about 13% of the eligible spic voters (29% of the 46%) voted for Trump. And 1 in 10 is not much at all - especially when taking into consideration the miserable turnout.
Oh, also: I never suggested you meant the majority of spics voted for Trump, you obviously English-as-a-second-language faggot, I suggested you were using shitty data to suggest popularity with a given ethnic group didn't mean anything as a metric, and presented data to offset your obviously-inaccurate commentary.
Your whole bitchfest appears to have been in the vein of "We can't draw ANYTHING from the fact that Trump was popular amongst Zionist Jews, goyi-er, fellow Whites!", and that's clearly fucking retarded; doubly so when your go-to was the fact that 1 in 10 spics (probably the ACTUALLY White White-Hispanics) also voted for Trump (and not necessarily the wall).
God damn you are a fucking faggot and a half.
Seeems legit.
That thing is a pair of legs and a some mounted guns away from being the closest we can get to a metal gear in our world.
Alternatively a bigass drill and some treads it could be a good shagohod.
< don't sell guns to niggers
Like why the hell wouldn't you sell guns to niggers?!
Statistically? Each other, followed closely by us.
Of course, we're not talking about selling guns to niggers - we're talking about selling guns to sandniggers and kikes.
And no intelligence agent currently working for the US government would urge against selling weapons to those two factions, whilst no upstanding White man of any sort of character or tact would urge toward selling weapons to those two factions.
I smell redditor-derived Jewry afoot in every post I've seen from you.
Checked for self-oven you shekel-grubbing kikel scum.
Trump proved this when he sold guns to the sand nigger arabs and they proceeded to attempt multiple coups.
Can you cite those specifically, and did any of them succeed to our benefit?
If you have no contract or money for me, then you have no access to me.
I am not under your jurisdiction. This is US soil, not Marine Corp soil.
< followed closely by
Not even close. Nowhere near.
Homicides, For 2015, where both races are known:
Black-on-black: 2,380
Black-on-white: 500
Additionally, that was an up year. It's quite possible, through segregation, to get the racemixing shootings down to 10-50 / year.
Checked, and can’t build the future without money.
I've done it. Why'd you leave this part out?
Also: You realize, considering the scope, that 500 vs 2,380 isn't much at all.
That's quite 'close' as goes 'a close second'.
Its completely irrelevant, in any case, given you're trying to use this retarded ass narrative to justify selling niggers weapons, which is… I mean, why don't you just offer us some fucking matzo you filthy kike?
< muh nothing's perfect
< cuz nuffins perfect we was kangs
sod off. You're a kike. Nigger-brained.
^ CIA agent.
Its completely irrelevant, and you know it, you gross gross kike.
< muh misdirection
< dey dumb dats y we shud gibs dem waepens
Its disgusting that the mods ban legitimate commentary and shit like you is allowed to fester
You have nothing to support your disgusting kike commentary in favor of giving sandniggers and kikes guns, let alone giving niggers in the US guns, and English is very-obviously not your first language.
< i have no statistics - indeed i reject statistics
< despite having none, i conclude, fiercely, in opposition to a reasonable model, having no theory whatsoever of my own
eh. CIA. :^)
never forget how that agency was formed and by who
< oy vey - don't point out that my statistics are questionable in the context in which I attempted to employ them!
< oy vey - i why don't you give me statistics goy!?
< oy vey - let me just go full jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers and pretend i didnt see it!
< oy vey - giving niggers guns is a far better and more reasonable solution than simply removing niggers or even NOT giving guns to niggers!
< oy vey - shut up goy!
God you people are fucking cancer man. Jesus. Jesus.
Fail. Fail. Fail again.
You have no idea how to be a white man.
Gee maybe it’s time for you to stop posting then.
Remember, most CIA agents join the CIA for the purpose of being rapists. It's one of the "perks" of the job, as they allow rapes of white women and children, as their purpose - the very design of the CIA - is to kill White People.
Source? I'm in between jobs at the moment and I am interested in new prospects.
O_O ,/,,
,,/, -,- ,/,,
Greater Israel is doomed, it allways was pipedream. Israel cant archive military victory. 9/11 and war on terror went only so far then flatlined in 2006 at Lebanon.
These di/sg/runtled MORONS are deluded shitskins mentally stuck in the 90s who will hate any and everything American just because they keep on getting proxied to oblivion by the kikes and (((anglos))) for decades. They will ignore and shit on everything that goes against their one-sided anti-American/White 'hurr usa whitebois = zogpuppets!' astroturfing fantasyland where 1 white man = literally the whole race/country according to their tribal mindset, they'll even quietly agree with their moderate headchopping opponents once in awhile on how much they hate drumpf and his zogpuppet links according to shareblue/ctr which by the way they are convinced that the latter is just a myth/excuse for ebil hitler-worshipping natzee whitey's burden on being the greatest cucks for the kikes, everytime.
Not to mention these brainlets are easily convinced with cianigger/shariablue blackpill arguments, especially when it comes to Donald Trump. And these di/sg/racefully useful idiots still wonder why they keep getting the boot on 8/pol/.
Literally fuck off back to cuckchan where you all belong.
There has been alot shill/soy hate on this video but
Personally I don't really see why. Chexk the Trump sticker on the gunner, idgaf about music preference. ASF is badass. We should invest further. Army = Patriots
If SHTF they are on our side.
Checked for more crashed kike planes
What a cute family, bashir. Your wife is gorgeous.
Giant fucking newfag.
Come back when you are competent enough not to out yourself on your first post.
So what’s the current sitrep? Purity spiraling Boomer kikes larping as Nazis have once again done their best to derail, but let’s ignore them.
I hear reports that Israel is bombing Damascus now, is this accurate? Can Jews bomb shit on the Sabbath? Sounds like lighting a fire AND a lot of work.
glad to see this posted
As long as it's not someone's grandauntie's cousin six gorillion times removed's shiny road pebble and NOT a fellow kike, then it's a-ok
Yes there are yid missiles that got shot down while others got through, and it's all thanks to the jihadists with their spotting skills that media-banned places like suspected strategic military locations are hit, but not the kind of earth shattering world ending fear porn event the fake news media would love to tell you.
Between kikes attacking because theyre kikes, and escalating because they're butthurt they can't attack with impunity, and USA bombing SAA at Dez, i don't see how this doesn't quickly grow to war. Which is what kikes want in the first place. SAA obviously cannot survive if they will accept being bombed without consequence by IDF. And so they must continue to shoot down kikes. At some point Russia also cannot allow USA to continue bombing SAA. And then we either have:
Because how it's called?
The only way for the kikes and sand niggers alike to lose is if there’s war user. We’re against all sides in this conflict, may they all blow each other up.
Check syria.liveuamap.com for some updates on news and rumors. From what's there, it looks like no, it's actually Syria that's bombing the rebel-held part of Damascus.
Lurk two years, nigger.
Holla Forums is against the kikes and has always supported Assad. To most, Hezbollah are in the good books too and Iran also, don't forget some Aryans also came from this area.
user you responded to is not a boomer or nigger it's JIDF. JIDF works hard to control dialogue about Israel and lie and spin news to a positive view for Israel. I have no doubt they're posting in this thread. But you notice that:
I'd say you're totally right but they are using tired old boomer-tier arguments on Holla Forums, which is fucking retarded.
Kikes are so fucked if things escalate further.
Bet Trump would let them rot also, if you watch his moves in Syria, he's likely been working with such a possibility in mind. Basically doing the absolute minimum lip service, to not be called a nazi by the kikes.
Can we get this as a banner please
This is hardcore strawmanning.
Obvious disruption/d&c/derailing attempt
Would Israel really try to escalate if they weren't sure they could handle it/had sufficient US support?
They've done this shit for years, this isn't really an escalation, just a usual kike spat to try draw attention to themselves, like a toddler not getting their way.
Most don't realize but there was never an end to the war the kikes take advantage of, technically they are both still at war already..
There is no way trump will be going down in history as fighting the Russians over ISISrael, he's already talked shit multiple times about 'allies' who are not 'friends' and then avoided naming them (for obvious reasons).
sucks the jew pilot lived
Plane crash. No survivors.
But for what purpose?
Yeah, the BASED Zogbots who went around confiscating guns after Katrina will be on our side.
Back to r/the_donald neocohen scum
Also just recently heard about this coincidence.
Fucking Jews always seem to retaliate within a day or two.
They take eye for an eye seriously, but dont count us goy as humans, so its always skewed body count
>it doesent matter if theyre doing more to kill israel than we ever will, theyre not (almost) white like (((us)))
>implying the (((US))) is not a ZOG tool
Mossad back at it again.
when SHTF they will be the ones putting you in the FEMA camps for being a bad goy.
Historically, there has never been an example of the military siding with the people in a situation of revolution.
That isn't to say there aren't factions in the military, and that they won't fracture along those lines. But there is no "people's" camp among those factions. That said, you're right about them being patriots, which is why quite naturally they'll be against us, the nationalists.
Even the report that a missile brought down the stealth fighter is suspect. Those that brought it down claimed they brought it down with gunfire, and the videos showed numerous bullet holes in the fuselage.
Those of you that think this isn't possible, think again…since WW2 the technique of spraying gunfire in the path of strafing planes has been known and taught. Some of our jets in Vietnam were brought down in this manner.
Air vehicles are made of light material due to their very nature, they are not bullet-proof. And if you spray-and-pray in the path of that vehicle, you may well hit a vital part of the machine, not the least of which are oil pumps and fuel tanks (need some interspersed tracers to ignite fuel, of course).
The military might well be lying about what brought down the craft, due to the embarrassment of a multi-million-dollar piece of equipment being foiled by common rifle fire, but it is very possible, especially while engaging in a low-altitude bombing run.
Rafer may not be able to detect these planes coming in, but humans certainly can.
Rafer = radar
Don't know how THAT happened…
Heres a video of the decoys discussed itt
Heebs thought their lawyers could protect, and were so self confident they ignore basic protocol. Because the bulk of the are sub 80 IQ sandniggers with inbreeding genetic problems, they try to just rush targets like lv1 machete niggers because when they do this to the west nobody strikes back. They try this with veterans of nearly a decade of brutal civil war, armed with modern technology thanks to the russians who just wanted to keep their port, and get blown to fucking bits.
They have no idea how to spin or what to do about it, except to step up their heeb spam and hope the ZOGbots roll in to save them.
American commentary on the decoys
Those were local cops, and nobody who would fight them was left, as those people had brains.
If they were sent around to confiscate guns as the goal, they would eventually run out of cops.
Hell, they lose cops just trying to raid nigger drug-flops, and if they were going after armed citizens, who had the moral high-ground in the first place, they'd lose so many cops there wouldn't BE a police force inside of a few weeks.
As for the military…they would have internal conflicts from the start, when first ordered to turn their guns on their own citizens. Most of the military is made up of gun owners. The traitors within their ranks would be fragged constantly, until the only ones left in charge would openly refuse orders, after which they would turn and occupy D.C.
Gold doesn't rule all, steel does.
fuck off boomer patriotard.
I remember when Clinton dragged us into that thing, he kept puking up that WW2 started in the same place, and anyone who knew anything about WW2 would understand the "need" for the U.S. to get involved. But most of the country was against it, didn't see how we were involved in any of it, and couldn't figure out what side we were SUPPOSED to take. We were getting the same goddam propaganda about baby-burning and mass-exterminations that we get EVERY time our government wants to go to war, and only idiots believed any of it.
About half our citizens were lowing like cattle, and didn't care what kind of garbage our government was getting us into (again), so they had no trouble going overseas to kill people we didn't know, over issues we didn't really care about, putting our own people at risk and giving the military industrial complex a chance at multi-billion dollar profits (with Clinton and others getting some substantial kickbacks, I'm sure).
Voices like mine were noises in the wilderness, and nobody heard, nor listened.
Jew detected & filtered.
Polite sage, not related to subject.
fuck off boomer patriotard.
thats great, now just convince the other 98% of the population to not put their wellbeing and way of life first and start a revolution
So often near Moscow.
White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a 100+ year Jewish psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
alt-right isn't white nationalism. alt-right is boomer patriotard zionism.
That "attack" on the passenger train is a fake video…
You can always tell who the kikes are from stuff like this
Thanks. Correction, the video appears to be authentic, but it was slowed down in a way that resulted in it seeming fake (it also makes it seem like there was time to turn away, once the train appeared. It wasn't. It was impossible).
Are you retarded? The train was hit twice. It was deliberate.
The screens of the time were very small. It's quite doubtful the windows on the train were noticed. They don't review footage before striking again, of course. It's a bit like a Let's Play!.
What is your major malfunction? All your posts in this thread have been nothing but deranged babble.
So you are retarded.
The first strike, the gunner could have aborted it when the train entered frame which was before it got on the bridge.
By second attack the fire was already burning, thus giving them plenty of time to NOT fire.
Stop moving the goalpost.
Seems the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was… FRIED
No, samefag via VPN, it was not possible to avert. It was not readily apparent it was a civilian target, due to the tiny screens used at the time.
Get it? FRY, fried :^) LOLOLOLOOOOO
Lol ok schlomo
" it was not possible to avert"
yet you can see them re-target the bridge.
Yes. They did retarget. And it is not likely they noticed the windows. It's only evident about 15 frames from impact. Reaction times, even of the most talented, are insufficient. Regarding retargeting, I have addressed this. The screens involved were quite small. There are extensive studies in the area of human vision and cognition, which show that people do not notice everything which occurs. Hindsight is 20-20, as they say.
wew lad
Go ahead and be 'white" over there ackmed. You're not and never will be European. Best wishes fighting the kikes, though.
Forgot pic
Absolute top banter
Your improper formatting betrays that you are not from here.
Any other genre than rap?
What the fuck kind of dogs are those?
Video is badass, can I suggest you edit some good music into it?
They have learned how to meme, but the digits are not aligned.
I can't into editing, user.
Jewish bastardization of language truly knows no bounds
This guy gets it
Reminder that Israel only has one source of fresh water. Any Syrian who can make it far enough to drop a dump truck full of arsenic into it can win the war singlehandedly.
I figure it would take a audio guy/remove track.but keep.sound
A timeline concerning Syria, taken from Russia Insider.
Feb 5th, 2018
Turkey Tries to Block Syrian Army Offensive, Retreats to Lick Its Wounds
Feb 8th, 2018
Russian-Turkish Axis in Syria Faces Meltdown
Feb 9th, 2018
30,000 People Pay Last Respects to Russian Su-25 Pilot in His Native Southern City
Feb 9th, 2018
Lebanon to Open Its Ports to Russian Warships
Feb 10th, 2018
Russia to Israel: Creation of Threats for Russian Military Personnel in Syria Is Unacceptable
It's happening. Russia is taking a rather clear position in regards to Judea.
Clearest we've seen in a long time anyway. What's the response from the goodest of goys? War with russia would mean a pretty spectacular split within the US. The right would be like 70% neocon and for the war 30% nationalist or libertarian and against, while the left would have to decide if backing palestine or fighting the russian hackers is the more virtuous thing to do. The ensuing civil war would be a clusterfuck.
Just keep in mind that it is far more valuable to launch attacks domestically against productive infrastructure, skilled defense employees, and military personnel than getting sidetracked with party politics grudges.
My point was more to highlight the large number of factions that would spring up over this. Whereas before I always figured things would split pretty much cleanly in the US before. You'd have a lot of different trying to wipe out the same targets for contradictory reasons. The kikes would launch sampson, but if the russians wanted to land a hammer blow to the US they could kill it as a single entity with one strike with this.
/sg/ was basically pre-campaign Holla Forums. There was nothing remotely controversial in any of it apart from it rubbed new ownership the wrong way.
you do know we europeans prefer lebanon that keeps to itself than your autistic ZOGmerica right dumbass?
So, essentially they're stuck on pre-[Current Year], and they didn't bother to update their mental calendar, jewdar, and autism because their tunnel vision syndrome and clear influence of shariablue/goon speak got in the way because literally taking everything Donald does at face value is totally okay because it saves the effort in tiring out their almonds?
are you actually defending burger aggression on uncucked nations?
I'm sure you do, kike. We'll be sure to grant some of your clay to them when this is all done and over. Always a good time when your kind stops by for a little D&C, would be nice if you had some new material though.
i didnt know we had albanian monkeys on here
No, not any of that word salad nonsense. They were anti-zionist full stop. I'm going to go ahead and filter you.
Anyone who knows about Syria to a reasonable level, who isnt' a kike, hates ISISrael. It's actually quite an effective normalfag redpill.
the absolute retardation of reddit
retard meter off the charts
im european and everyone here fucking hates your autistic zionist burger bullshit that doomed europe with immigration, neoliberalism degeneracy etc.
youre not even fucking white, and the world could not possible get worse if your entire east coast was vaporised
t. Abdul Il Amahd.
we did. the problem is that redditfags like you didnt since youre so retarded you fell for "the democracy in america" hoax
>implying the position of (((US))) president is anything more than a symbolic status to keep dumbfuck masses like yourself down
if i were a kike why would i prefer a nation that tries to destroy me over a "nation" thats literally my golem?
you already granted european clay to shitskins you dumbfuck burger, do you even know whats happening here in europe?
This is like a whole brand new of salt that I've never seen of taste before, and it's delicious as fuck.
heres a demonstration you mongrel
not an argument
You tell me mr shekelstien, what problem do you have with your kin?
/sg/ was ok before the elections.
but then after the elections a wave of ZOG shills came from reddit defending zionism. and they did it for free. and now those fag shills from reddit dont want to go back.
they just keep autistically screeching. and when theyre proven wrong they call everyone shitskins and anti(((american))).
the only solution for redditfags is the final solution
I'm literally shaking at my boots seeing those scary looking images mr. mehmet
Not all /sg/ hate Trump. If anyone, /sg/ fags should be able to appreciate what has gone on behind the media facade.
the problem is that retarded fags like you shill for ZOG on the one board that is suppost to shill against it
Who's doing that rabbi? You're the only one preaching anti white hate.
how about you actually present an argument if your degenerate brain is capable of doing that?
heres some start off points
>(((you))) are the biggest backer of world terrorism
Funny how he hasn’t done that and you’re still shilling for ZOG behavior…
you retarded t_d fags are
never seen one in my life but if america keeps doing what its doing my country will be full of them
I'm sure there are who actually knows what's up, the thing is, as long as there are (((faggots))) in /sg/ who will shit up the place with their insipid d&c there will be no end to this charade courtesy of willis and his neocon relatives
(((bruh))), make sure you really know what you're doing, IDs are a thing here unlike in cuckchan you're just displaying how much of a dumbass you really are, and the entirety of /sg/ for that matter
Called in some support, eh? I understand, you clearly need it. So now this thread will have twice the anti white D&C. What motivates you kikes anyway, is it the shekels or is it just hate?
Both, user. Both.
(((they)))'ll say it's one of the two to confuse people when both answers is the real answer all along.
It's hard to believe anyone could take the position that detractors of US foreign policy are "anti-White". I don't know how someone could actually be a White American and operate under a delusion like that. We must live in two totally different countries because the only thing that has ever been made abundantly clear to me here in the US is that it is my job to die and be subsumed by shitskins.
how dont (((you))) get it? (((you)))re not welcome here, noone is falling for (((your))) bullshit, eveyone knows (((youre))) to blame for the modern scourges.
(((you))) dont belong here, you never did. fuck off back to reddit. youre not even arguing, youre just shitposting your autistic screeching and pretending the (((US))) isnt beyond saving
>(((bruh))), make sure you really know what you're doing, IDs are a thing here unlike in cuckchan you're just displaying how much of a dumbass you really are, and the entirety of /sg/ for that matter
not an argument. reported for zionist shill
What's to argue with kike? For whatever reason you're trying to kill off whites for some perceived slight. I don't know why you hate burgers more than the rest, but if it was some personal thing you can tell us about it. We're here to listen.
i literally layed out points for you. now either youre a JIDF shill or just a product of the pathetic US education system if you cant understand that
1)(((you))) are the biggest backer of world terrorism
2) its your fault europe is the way it is today
3) you should fuck off back to reddit
im not the zionist. you are.
i dont. i just hate bluepilled redditfags fucking up this board. and i hate ZOG puppets like you.
i hate you because youre a kike tool, not because youre "hwite" (which youre probably not)
It probably has to do with the military occupation of Europe for most of the 20th century that has seen Western Europe subsumed demographically to match the tastes of the American government and reflect the American population. The continued involvement in the Middle East that sends refugees north for the purpose of destroying Europe as an economic power that can stand on its own. Maybe it's the continued assertion that it is anyone but the JSA who is killing off Whites.
The idea that wanting to get hundreds of thousands of literal armed nigger terrorists in multi-cam out of Europe is "killing off Whites" is reality denial on a scale that is near unfathomable.
Associating burgers with their occupied government is just basic bitch shariablue posting, I hope you can do better than that shlomo. But whatever it takes to try and kick off one last brother war to finish the job, right? Oh well, when you've got no point to make just scream reddit, that always works.
You might have more of a case here if your kind wasn't jumping all over anyone who points out that the Trump administration is not acting any differently than the occupation government. Which it isn't.
Given that no speech other than that is allowed to be posted here and is deleted if it is, what do you imagine you’re going to see here, user? Think for one second.
But user, sharieblue is a literal myth and a pathetic excuse for whitey to justify their zoggyboo association according to /sg/.
No really I read a few posts on an archived /sg/ thread about that not too long ago.
It's well known trump is a kike, I don't think anyone is seriously trying to refute that. Just look at his family and he company he keeps, proof enough.
United States have been violently occupied since the Federal Reserve usurped the constitution. People who have tried to break these chains often end up dead, along with their families.
Laying the blame on occupied, indoctrinated and brainwashed populations is a childishly shortsighted thing to do. Most of Europe is brainwashed into a state that allows ethnic genocide through replacement to be possible.
"Being awake" was once a National Socialist meme. Think about that for a moment, Juden.
theres a difference between a burger criticising ZOG and a burger defending it (such as yourself)
how about you find some other buzword because noone outside america knows or gives a fuck about the variety of autistic organisations you have over there
also you didnt adress any of the three points i gave you. now youre either terminally retarded or a shill.
I haven't defended ZOG rabbi, maybe reread things before making claims like that. Points you made up in your head have nothing to do with anything. Citations needed, molymeme poster.
They're the Charlie Brown of Holla Forums. Utter fucking losers.
That's the problem with /sg/, a very big one at that. They don't even make the effort of getting rid of them. And their brand of Arab intellectualism doesn't help their cause either since they tend to see things at face value without any kind of critical thinking whatsoever.
Don't project for me, faggot.
Shocking truth.
>i was just saying how good for you goys the (((US))) is
>anything that portrays (((us))) in a bad light is surely false goy
reported>>11251877(>ban evading)
Not really shocking if the word 'Arab/shitskin' is on a sentence, because it very rarely happens
sure thing shlomo
Someone remove nigger beats and add Hate Diplomacy
fino ane
got proofs?
Eno po domače
Bolj diši domači kruh kot tuje nam pogače :^)
tele kamuflažne jakne so drage za popizdit, ko gledam na varusteleki. kje v naši deželi se jih sploh dobi?
ej, strikerja / hunterja hočem tud jaz. drago za popizdit. Je pa vrhunska roba. Ustanovitelj je bivši SV/ESD. Kolikor vem, opremljajo mnoge profesionalne operaterje, med drugimi nemške specialne sile
so what, are (((they))) now openly trying to start WW3?
What is the name of that camo pattern?
V Trzinu
UF PRO®, Planjava, Trzin
kikeistan is just throwing a temper tantrum over getting it's jet shot down, if they do, then they're doing a shitty job at it, because no one's buying their 'ww3 nao!' shit
Meanwhile; twitter.com
Kurds are still shit though, because they went all in with that muh kurdistan shit with barzani
are you 15 or something?
Are you?
v Peruniki pred BTC imajo jopiče in plošče, če te to mogoče zanima, ampak so isto dragi (cca 300 na ploščo). seveda je še cev kup birokracije in preverjanj ko prideš tja. skoraj več kot za orožje.
you are arent you
are you sure you know what that means and how to use it?
could you give a honest anwser?
I could, but /sg/ being /sg/, the response I'll get would be something along the lines of;
Hvala, nekaj opreme se da dobiti tudi v army shopu. pa ena zelo lepa pupa je tam, vsaj bila je, ko sem.bil zadnjič tam.
Si lj?
po tem sem se malce umaknil, sicer me niso posneli v obraz vendar sem zabeležen na mnogih kamerah ter kopici slovaških medijev.
Točno 1 leto kasneje
To kar se je zgodilu v rogu je direktna posledica napada name.
Fantje me niso povabili niti vpletali v soboto, ko se zbudil sem prejel videoposnetek. "To je zate"
Volkovi ne oproščajo.
army shopi so kul, ampak je težko dobiti kvalitetno robo kot trpežne hlače in jakno. osebje v AS BTC hala A je res kul, dosti pomagajo.
hahah, GD že en čas niso kakšne velike pizderije pr nas naredili, pa bi bilo luštno.
sem lj ja.
kaj se je zgodilo v ROGu? meni so rekli da se je šlo hipije prefukat ko jih je bilo ravno nekaj na kupu (če govoiva o tem takrat ko so se not zabarikadirali pred bagri nedolgo nazaj).
drugače pa kako so te? kolikor vem so te kurci nevarni samo na meti, ROGu in ob hiralnici. še ob kardeljevi ploščadi (FDV) si ne upajo veliko.
shod SVZM
Pozneje smo pokradli komunistom zastave itd.
V glavnem zlatko čefur meu koncert na meti in gremo tja. Brez orožja/karkol zajebavanje.
Prasice so me napadle z baseball kiji 7/1
To kar je blo pol v rogu je blo pa to da so dobil po pički in jako anarhistično klical polcijo nej jih pride rešit lol
See, that's the problem. Israel's reason for doing this could be one of two entirely opposite things: Supreme confidence, or utter desperation.
It looks to me like the second. They're used to not having to fight openly like this. Sure, they've launched missile strikes/air raids/etc. in the past, but that was always as part of asymmetrical warfare against paramilitary forces (Hezbollah) or a regular mob (Palestinians). Remember that these aren't petty Arab tribesmen they're flinging at each other any more; these are G-D's Chosen themselves risking their lives to topple Assad. The fact that Israel knowingly put its own Chosen in harm's way like this (flying straight into known AA defenses), then doubled down after a jet was hit and launched yet another wave of bombers, seems indicative of an impending all-or-nothing play.
Yet instinct tells me that it is not, and cannot be, that easy.
kek, I'm glad they included the hebrew translation. Israeli pilots will have no choice but to either look or willfully ignore looking at that when illegally entering their airspace.
/sg/ is populated by antifa fans who root for ypg
t. commie
How could we trust anything a tor poster says?
Why would antifa root for the lion?
What am I even talking to you?
You are right about almost everything (except kikes hating immigrants)
This post nails my general sentiment about Trump. He's very unpredictable and is working into our favour for now (i mean, he does things that help white nationalism, while not being explicitly one himself)
How about no, only Jews and fags like butt play. I don’t
Dats right
what a fag
Tor was a mistake
Savage ッダナ
Get dug in and shore up your defenses Syria. The Jew knows no limits when it comes to expanding in to other nations.
(Check 'em)
We live in odd times now that self-defense is considered aggression.
Checked for Rothschild limeyfags get the tar & feathers.
Filtered for being retarded. You can't misquote someone that badly when their statement is right fucking there.
This deserves a (you)
/sg/ hates kurds because theyre a US/israeli puppet. meanwhile the US supportis literal commies and retarded fags on here defend that by saying its some ADHD chess
how exactly did a thread about syria degenerate to fags whitewashing what the US is doing there again?
Don't forget that Netanyahu is likely to be indicted soon, so he benefits from a political distraction that makes him look necessary. "Oy vey the Iranians are going to gas us any minute now, only Bibi's hardline warmongering can save us!"
Does this bother anyone else?
Very good point
This is correct. Note, also, that the current happenings relating to massive nuclear diversion/sales etc–the whole massive thing–also ties directly to Bibi/Mossad. Dan Gertler is tied in closely with the Mossad. He is a known fixer in African mining, and his business ties are deeply connected to some of the US nuclear theft that is the massive treason permeating our congress and agencies, etc.–the thing they were basically covering up by trying to stop Trump any way possible. Gertler is in on that, Gertler is closely tied to Mossad, and Bibi is too. Bibi therefore has every incentive both because of that international investigation and because of all his scammy kike behavior in the (((mother land))) that he is insanely dangerous and ready to start WWIII (kind of like our deep state) to have a shot at saving his own skin
I forgot to mention also that Gertler/Mossad/Bibi are closely tied into the financing component of private funds offshore relating to the nuclear diversion/classified info sales/you name it–all the money laundering involved ties to jew private funds and those are tied to Dan Gertler/Mossad/Bibi. Bibi and American deep state could very well conspire to start WWIII together to avoid going down.
Stuff just like that–"bloodline" bullshit– is yet another example of the massive attempt right now to discredit real and important crowdsourced inquiry by flooding forums etc. with irrelevant distraction shit.
IF you are not in on the deliberate distraction/investigation discrediting efforts, people like you are just as harmful to real investigation because the optics of what you do is damaging. In sum, hang yourself immediately. Die forever.
Ignore people like this.
"tor is gay" is a deep state nigger meme because it's annoying for them
You are fucking retarded, you shady-nigger… Or, you are trying to spread disinformation. You wanna know how I know? Because you claim what I said is disinfo, yet cannot discredit the information. So, instead you choose to use ad hominem and erroneously claim this information is not "real" and is a "distraction", with no evidence to back your claims.
This information can be verified through Burke'sPeerage ("the Bible of aristocratic genealogy"). Just Google "Burke'sPeerage" and see for yourself. Don't take my word for it, faggot.
As an American, what this means is that we do not have fair democratic-elections in America. And that the will of the people has been subverted. either that, or it's just a fucking wild coincidence that EVERY SINGLE US PRESIDENT has bloodlines from English and French royalty, and that the candidate with the strongest royal-genes has won every time. I am uncertain of the probability of this happening, however I'm sure some math-fag would tell you the probabilities border on the absurd/impossible.
Given the verifiability of the statements I have made and the passion in which you have shown in telling others to "ignore" this as an "irrelevant distraction", I am confident in suggesting that (((you))) are a LARPing, shilly, turd, who is butt-hurt that THE PEOPLE are learning the truth. (Thanks internet).
Now fuck off back to your handler's lair and massage the feet of the tyrants you serve, cuckie. Attempt to discredit me again with that weak-ass, limp-wristed, uneducated-bullshit and I'll skull-fuck your goddamned soul.
ITT: mentally defective subhumans who know nothing about how genetics works. Look at this fucking faggot and laugh as he screams impotently about "IZZA BLUD KUNSPIRAZEE!" All whites have royal DNA, you stupid fucking kike. You NEVER will.
Tell us… What "real and important crowdsourced inquiry" are you contributing to and/or engaged in, right now?
I'll wait…. fag.
On the contrary, Mr. LARPing royalty-fag, all whites do not have "royal DNA" (whatever the fuck that means). Lol, as you call me, "mentally defective"… You aren't even attacking my argument directly, retard. You must be one of those "autists" who got that way from vaccine-injury.
However, all US Presidents are descended from 3 particular royal-bloodlines, as shown through the research provided by Burke'sPeerage. If you believe otherwise, than show us your evidence. Otherwise, shut your fucking cunt-mouth.
"Uhhhh, uhhh, uhhhh… "
Can you discredit the information… Or are you just going to claim, "Don't believe him guys, he's mentally defective" again, like an intellectually-bankrupt, faggot?
trying to discredit someone with ad hominems because you have no real arguments against their opinion or actions.
also this is a thread about syria so fuck of before i report you for derailing
That's you, kike.
They do.
This is how shitty your shilling actually is.
With good reason. Nice quotes, by the way; they show you agree.
1. I am.
2. You have no argument.
3. It's the jews. It will always be the jews. It's not the vatican. It's not the queen. It's not the illuminati. It's not the jesuits. It's not even the reptilians. It's the jews. It will always be the jews.
So is every white.
No one cares about your kike misdirection. You have no evidence.
Moron… That is exactly what ID:000000 and ID:ca6ff9 did. They did not even attempt to discredit the information I shared and instead engaged in ad hominem.
But you are claiming this is what I have done?
Go ahead and report me faggot. I shared this info here in hope that you fags could at least read. Apparently, that is not the case.
Here… I took the liberty of finding a website that you can use to learn to read like a pro: abcfastphonics.com
Also, for the record, only like 10% of the posts here are regarding Syria. But I completely understand how you have to go tattle-telling to get people banned when you get intellectually BTFO and don't have a valid leg to stand on, chump.
Reported for kike spam yet again.
Oh man… You really blew-out my argument there (Laughs so hard coffee exits my nose).
No one cares about your kike shilling.
This is what paid shills actually believe.
Maybe you should tell your Mommy I hurt your feelings too, you LARPing, Jew-shill, faggot.
Says the ONE guy, over and over… Try harder, glowing-nigger.
This is how shitty the shills have become
my sides
Oh, you reported me twice? You are so intelligent. I wish I could win arguments by banning everyone I can't win a debate with.
Fucking loser.
Look at all this fags posts… he contributes nothing and only takes shit to other anons and trys to get them banned. Who's the sliding-shill faggot??? Yeah… Unlike you, WE can read.
Go back to Israel, or Kazakhstan, or wherever your Talmud-loving bitch-ass is from.
You were exposed. It's over. It's the jews. It will always be the jews. It's not the vatican. It's not the queen. It's not the illuminati. It's not the jesuits. It's not even the reptilians. It's the jews. It will always be the jews.
Bitch, you don't even know what a "Jew" is… 85% of Israel is not even Jewish, you pretend-pol LARPing, nigger.
The culprits are actually TALMUDISTS, ultimately. But I wouldn't expect your dumb-ass to know a thing about that. You just shout, "Muh Joooos", not even knowing what the fuck you are on about.
Do you know what a Donmeh Jew is?
Ever heard of Khazaria?
Familiar with Baal-worship or Babylonian Talmudism?
No… because you are dumb fucking nigger.
Sacrifice yourself to Moloch, cupcake.
Well stated, user… What are your thoughts on Trump's allegiance. I supported/voted for him, but I'm having second thoughts as to whether he is /our guy/. He has delivered on many promises he made, however not the crucial ones thus far, in my opinion.
Its the jews and khazarian theory is a lie propagated by jews, the author of khazar theory is a jew.
show us who these donmeh, khazar, talmudist baal worshippers are then if you are so sure of yourself.
There was someone on board they wanted dead. Being a plane crash means it was likely a Cohen or Royal descendant.
They wacked some people connected to TLI/uranium.
You will be banned from posting here if you do not fellate God Emperor Trump 100% of the time. Either leave or get your act in gear.
I will… Because I can back-up my statements, unlike your ADLish-ass.
The Donmeh Jews:
The Khazarian Mafia:
Most of Israel is not even Jewish:
Let me know if there is anything else I can educate you on, Mr. Common-core.
Kek… Ain't it the truth! That's certainly the case on /qresearch/.
Q's a kike shill LARP; that makes sense.
Just fucking kill yourself. No one believes your yiddish lies.
This is right. The irrelevant distraction tactics these people use are effective, because they produce a response like yours. You see this guys ad hominems coupled with an ongoing false premise that there is even a debate over the distracting/tangential issue happening when there isn't. The fact you even responded to this distraction/discredting shill by humoring him with one additional response beyond mine, which was merely to identify his bullshit (to be fair, a couple responses is probably ok to call these people out), means this guy has already one.
If they can elicit just one response that doesn't directly address the very important subject at hand, namely Israel trying to start WWIII in a proxy war in Syria, then they win.
Yeah, see that's the thing… When one shares sources and backs up their claims with actual research, you don't get to call them "yiddish liars" and claim you win the debate… Faggot.
Now ask your Mom to make you another grilled-cheese. Because you brain isn't working properly and I fear you may be malnourished.
Also, toss yourself in an oven later this week.
You fucking hate it when we find out the truth, don't you Khazar-kike?
Sharia blue was the left trying to take down one of the most difficult to tackle opponents of Jewish hegemony in the US.
It was a drastic failure on their part, and only ended up making the guy essentially invulnerable to kike targeting.
Apparently you mean this sarcastically, but I agree so wholeheartedly that I would happily murder every single enemy of Donald Trump. Anybody who comes on here to shit on him needs to be murdered. Not just banned, but actually found and killed.
I'll be back to rid you of these LARPing nig-kikes in a bit… My BASED girlfriend (who's a solid 8, all day), would like me to do some degenerate shit with her, right now. I must oblige her.
Oh and ID:22d798… You're a Talmudist-imposter. I'll deal with you personally, later.
You did no research. You have no claims. Kikes are the ones behind it. Your misdirection is over a decade old. We don't fall for it. Get a new gig.
Fucking commit suicide, you stupid fucking retard. You don't belong here.
Reminder that this paid shill is still posting.
Can’t use that excuse when they cry about Hitler expanding into Poland to defend his own city as a war of aggression.
yeah well… My posts and evidence speak for themselves. You're just some Talmudist-kike with an opinion. Get rekt, faggot.
Naming the Jew makes you a Jew??? Lol… That's about the jewwyist shit I've ever heard of. Hope that was a funny joke and you weren't serious. Because then, I'd have to throw you in an oven.
Nigger, when you contribute one thing to this board, you can start calling other anons "paid shills". Until then, shut your bitch-ass mouth, cuckie.
That’s too high profile for a simple stooge. They don’t crash a plane unless it’s someone with real knowledge or is essentially untouchable by their own rules.
You did no research. You have no claims. Kikes are the ones behind it. Your misdirection is over a decade old. We don't fall for it. Get a new gig.
Are you and your boyfriend just going to say this repeatedly so others think there is a consensus?
This FAGGOT has posted to this board how many times in an attempt to get rid of me now? Try harder, you glowing Mossad-nigger.
Contribute or fuck off, shit-stain. No one cares about your butthurt.
Digits check’em
My posts speak for themselves… as well as, the research I shared.
And your insubstantial-posts speak for you… Loser.
Now go be a loser with the other losers, in loser-land. Loser.
I'll be back… Please rid yourselves of these LARPing turds before I return.
Hi, REDDITOR. Go back.
Go back to reddit. You did no research. You have no claims. Kikes are the ones behind it. Your misdirection is over a decade old. We don't fall for it. Get a new gig.
No one cares. Go away forever. You are LARPing.
I see the Jews and homos have arrived.
So… not Trump.
Nope, someone that destroyed several Jew scams single-handedly. As in just put enough pressure in the right places and caused them to lose a lot of control.
What control have jews lost, anywhere?
He took down the UN link to climate change that was used to start dismantling UNICEF’s influences in the US as an attack on No Chil and Common Core stuff, caused the NIMH to disguard the DSM. Caused Hillary Clinton to use the Kike name for what he built, the Alt-Right. That was all one guy in his mom’s basement and sister’s attic. Not joking either.
025e66 trying to distract and divert from discussion of WWIII attempt by Israel in Syria
No more responses to this guy other than this one, but people need to see clearly how you Israeli shill fuckers are all over the web doing shit like this (and maybe you're American deep state or maybe JIDF)
Whatever you are, these trolls are out in MASSIVE force all over the internet trying to assert old school control of the information war they used to have, which allowed them to start massive endless bloodshed for Israel.
Thank God for Donald Trump you fucks. Telling Israel he doesn't think they want peace and that he thinks we spend too much on war. Donald Trump is a goddamn epic hero. All efforts to insult him here can be attributed to him, in effect, telling kike establishment to go fuck itself. Incredible first step in American history. First time since JFK.
For you, IDF/JIDF/American deep state Israel people/etc distractor fuckers like 025e66, go fuck yourself. Take your bullshit elsewhere. The stakes are too high in a discussion like this…literally Israel trying to start WWIII…your techniques will not work anymore. Fuck off.
Samples here of this deliberate distraction with off-topic shit then tries to pick a bunch of fights
(apparently creating his own debate with a TOR here)
He hasn't done this, you idiot.
Neurosis and not wanting anyone to have a chance of something they don’t get to sell them. Basically ruthless and malicious mercantilism. They are called Merchants for a reason. They see everyone as competition, even those in separate fields. Look how they behave in Universities and just take Jeff Bezos as an example. He’s a ruthless monopolist and would do anything to control all commerce online.
This. The audacity of these kikes, newfags and shills.
Do these shits just get worse everyday? Israel finally running out of shekels?
It because this site is low cost and relatively high impact in their goals of delaying the coming conflagration. The conflict is about to get kicked up a notch.
In the non-pol, non-fantasy, actual world, you cannot tell kikes to fuck themselves or take actions that are blatantly 1488 as a president. You are dealing with the most powerful people in the world. The most powerful, wealthiest lobby in the US and the most insane, nuclear-armed, warmongering, nasty country in existence.
Trump has played the kike suck-up game AS ANY PRESIDENT MUST and has taken incremental steps that are HIGHLY UNUSUAL for a president who wants not just to stay alive but also get reelected. Trump moved embassy to Jerusalem to piss off internal elements of Saudi Arabia so Israel was forced to go it alone AFTER they had attacked an Iranian airbase–that was their first big attempt at an Iran war. Trump also just said we spend too much on wars in the middle east RIGHT AFTER netanyahu tried, yet again, to start war with syria a couple days ago.
Trump fucked Israel right up the ass when they wanted their typical insane Israeli war. By REAL LIFE standards for presidents and the incremental approach REQUIRED to take on something as powerful as AIPAC/deep state/Israeli deep state, that is an insane step for a president not seen since JFK tried to stop Israel from getting the bomb.
Therefore, Trump has IN EFFECT shoved it right up the kikes' assholes when it counts, even though in your fantasy world he hasn't directly said "gas all the kikes" or "kikes are the source of all evil." Trump is very clever and is taking steps not seen since JFK got offed for suggesting Israel not have nuclear weapons.
At least you put some effort into your demoralization shilling.
Third position is the only way. Trump cucks are a fucking disgrace. Gas the Jews race war now
He’s playing Israel right into a corner they won’t be able to slither their way out of. I suspect soon enough all pretenses of there being different factions of Jews will be dropped and we see them start fleeing to Israel.
This is what the Rabbi’s want, so anything that succeeds in getting that started is desirable from the Rabbinical perspective.
What fucking corner? “Giving them what they’ve caused every war–everywhere on earth, for 150 years–to get” DOES NOT FUCKING EQUAL “backing them into a corner.” Do you know what’s going to happen? Israel is going to annex the entirety of the West Bank. Sometime in the next seven years, probably. They may even go ahead with their golan heights expansion, too. And Netanyahu will go to the UN and openly state on television, “Yes, we’re annexing this land. So?” And no one will do anything about it. Not the dune coons around them who are either paid off with goy tax dollars not to attack, nor the “aggressor nations” who know the US and all of Western Europe will destroy their countries if they attack Israel. No one will do anything. No one will protest here at home. No one will fight back. “Holocaust,” and the argument is over. This is what is going to happen, because it’s what has happened every. single. time. since 1947. In before “you’re a shill because you told the truth.”
Good read. Thanks.
fantastic post
I already know about Zevi and jewish scholars even bring up how he's a nega-messiah to them. I had no idea he would be brought up again and again AND AGAIN AND AGAIN when researching present day international jewish banking cabal/ZOG. Now he's behind all the middle east bullshit too? Unbelievable.
We will never get normies and niggers to understand how twisted the history of jew villainy is and of course a jew will deny it and call us racist making women close their eyes and ears to us too. It's clear we must kill them. Juden must be exterminated to the last child regardless of status or merit.
I can’t paint the picture for you to see it. They were financing every war, they didn’t fire the shots. Except for JFK that was probably one of theirs.
You don’t get it. I don’t care about Muslims. I don’t care if Schlomo wipes them off the face of the planet. I am not a fucking Arab or Muslim. I have enough trouble with Monarch fags and nigger Masons coming after me. I can’t even shower without them harassing me.
It’s the cocked Mason fags feeling mad that Hitler kicked them out. The Jews peddling the holocaust lies and the low IQ niggers doing whatever it takes to make paper dollars, because shiny things are for niggers.
It's always funny to read about how hard the U.S. government tried to protect their super secret stealth "fighter" which was actually a flying tub that couldn't remain airborne without computer assistance. Without a computer, the pilot would have to make constant adjustments that would render them exhausted before they even got to the target area. The B-2 was definitely more dangerous because it was a giant fuck-off bomber that could shit a nuke on your doorstep assuming you didn't have time to prepare like these Slavs did. On the flip side, I think the Nighthawk is a piece of American history most modern USAF brass would prefer we just forgot about.
That PC game for it by Micropose was pretty good though.
We need more world politics and history framed as Looney Tunes.
Look at me I’m a Jewish nigger
Digits check’em.