I’m so fucking sick of H3H3. This fucking jew FROM ISRAEL has done nothing but shilling since he rose to fame. He supported Net-Neutrality(Who’s main proponents of were giant companies like Snapchat, REDDIT, Netflix, and FUCKING AMAZON) so hard he had tp have been getting payed for it, he made a video called “America, a country for sociopaths by sociopaths”…How do we deal with the shilling problem, Holla Forums?
I’m so fucking sick of H3H3. This fucking jew FROM ISRAEL has done nothing but shilling since he rose to fame...
aggravate sam hyde into wrecking this jew for ripping his style
Fuck off with your ecelebs. NYPA.
Stop watching jews you retarded cuck.
Somebody keeps trying to shill Holla Forums into wars with ecelebs on the internet like Jordan Peterson and H3H3. It's not that they are on our side or anything it's just that shills want to bog us down in eceleb wars like back in the Gamergate days. They also know that these celebs have huge numbers of subscribers that will listen to them and be turned against us.
Have Hauptsturmführer Hyde give him a visit again.
oh fuck, h3h3 is going to sick all those 14 year olds on us
Piss off loser. H3H3 is fucking hilarious. One of my top 10 favorite Youtubers.
Kill him.
also sage because NYPA
He's not from Israel, he's from California. His wife is from Israel. They met at a Holocaust museum while he was in Israel on his birthright trip.
lol Fucking Jews. They're such a fucking cliche.
This unironically is a concern. In the unlikely event you manage to shill this thread into some traction, the unlikelier event somebody actually does something and the very remote chance kleinbergstein responds, do you actually want a million odd highschoolers shitting up the board? Even the 500 who would actually bother to google us would be hell.
I doubt kleinwitz could even find this place let alone his followers, 8pol practically immune to anything but mass cuckchan exodus
I admit, I used to watch him till fairly recently.
It wasn't until he started kvetching about pewdiepie saying nigger that I realized HOW jewish he was
Now I can't watch him without thinking about Israel.
On top of that, he seemingly only attacks low hanging fruit, and worst of all….he hasn't made good content in months.
pick one. Everything else in your post is correct.
Back to 4chan
He had pewdipies back & idubbs's as well when he did his nigger schtick.
Your boss must be mad about your total fail with the Jordan Peterson thread, agent.
What did you expect, retard? He started out as a copy of Sam Hyde. he is a talentless honorary kike hack and you are a newfag for creating this shitty slide thread instead of posting on QTTDTOT. sage
No, HJewHJew idolized Tim and Eric. Nihilistic random stupidity. A Jew's default mode. The best way to deal with his kind is ignoring them and making better comedy to guide whites away from Jewish subversion.
This faggot isn't worth the effort because it doesn't accomplish anything.
Jordan Peterson is easy because he's promoting an easily disprovable worldview so it's minimal effort for good results.
Not to mention anyone with any sense sees that Jordan Peterson moves the needle in the right direction. Massive, massive influence which will only continue to grow. It’s already pretty fucking clear what his love for Jung and Solzhenitsyn (and others) says about the JQ. He doesn’t need to state it outright, and he is smart enough to play the game on a deep deep level, knowing he is sowing the seeds for a movement that will likely materialize long after his passing. He knows not to reveal his power level. It would ruin this phenomenal groundswell of momentum. This is a delicate, multi-generational game, and he is pulling us back from the brink of losing. Let people like Kevin MacDonald fill in the rest of the gaps. There will be other Jordan Petersons after him to take things juuuust a step further, until finally the rest of our people are broken of the conditioning. Jordan Peterson is like water rising behind a dam; he is setting up others to let loose the flood when the time is right. He is a slow-pitch softball, which is why there are suddenly so many furtive slide threads and shilling against him.
“B-b-but here’s a photo of Jordan Peterson with a JEW”
That's pretty accurate at least, seeing as how this country was established by Freemasons rebelling against a European monarchy in order to create a New Jerusalem from which to spread the new world order.
Peterstein might have been let off the noose if he didn't constantly defame Hitler.
He does the exact opposite and constantly talks about Hitler being even more evilerer as you think and that we should be grateful for the superior jews who rule over us and the only people who dislike the kikes are jealous failures.
I could totally understand him staying away from the topic because he doesn't want to get locked up for wrongthink in Canada, but he does far worse than simply staying away from the topic/giving just a bit of empty lip service to it.
I actually didn't want to post it again.
Well, we all know your task on this imageboard now. Very sad!
Are you going to start shilling for every other kike who's been affiliated with Peterson, like Ezra?
Very stale responses
Maybe in the NEXT thread you guys try to stir up you can show up with more energy.
You end your fellow cultist are who tried to make this thread about Peterstein.
Just ask him how many palestinian children did she kill, directly, indirectly.
Takes like 5 seconds, and if enough people do it, it'll rustle some jams.
Disingenuous nigger. Alex Jones and the like do the exact same thing, but they don't get magic protection from clean room cultists like you.
His jew cunt wife is retarded or something. It's way beyond not being able to speak English. She had a stroke or something and he found her in a Tel Aviv gutter or something. Just fucking trash and normies watch this garbage. Shit all over the comments. Insult the pathetic cucks who watch this jew bullshit.