Ethnostate Travel Guide

Greetings white travelers! Welcome to Ethni City, the capital city of our glorious white ethnostate. Ethni City is more than just the pinnacle of human achievement. It represents what can be achieved when mankind's most fit race is no longer hobbled by the eternal dependence of the muddled races. We hope your experience in the city is a pleasurable one. To help ensure that this is the case, we advise reading through this travel guide to avoid any embarrassing situations.

Knowing Your Place
As all people naturally self select because they prefer being among other people who are genetically similar, Ethni City has been built to make this possible even in a racially homogenous nation. The city itself is broken up into three primary zones. These zones allow whites of certain purity levels to live among others who are similar. We ask that you please stay within your zone and travel only to those zones into which you allowed.

Pure Aryans
The red zone at the center of Ethni City is reserved for those of provable pure Aryan blood. These are people, for example, with an SS ancestry or people who, through genetic testing, can be proven to be the purest example of our divine race. They are located at the center because these people represent the heart not just of our ethnostate but our race as a whole. The pure Aryans are those who have, despite constant attacks, managed to preserve that which is, without a doubt, white.

The red zone is also where you will find our White Senate. This illustrious group is made up of 88 specially selected Aryan elders who discuss and decide on topics ranging from legal, to financial, and even social issues. The 88 elders are the final say in our ethnostate legal system and therefore must naturally live in the most secure and well equipped locations within the heart of the city.

Patrician Whites
The purple zone, in some ways the largest of the three, is reserved for patrician whites. Patrician whites naturally make up the largest portion of our nation’s population. They are people who are, by all standards, white but they are not pure Aryan. Many Patrician whites are selected every year for special breeding programs where they are partnered with a pure Aryan mate in order to, over time, move their genetic bloodline closer to that of the ideal. For this reason, Patricians are allowed to live within close proximity of the pure Aryan areas.

Plebiean Whites
The green zones are for the plebeian members of our city. Plebeian whites are fully accepted members of our ethnostate but they are, by their own admission, fairly far from the ideal our nation is trying to achieve. These are wonderful people and Ethni City always has been and always will be a very diverse city. Don’t be surprised if you see people with dark hair, brown eyes, or even slightly olive complexion. Diversity is a wonderful thing and, when handled correctly, can add extra flavor to any society.

Non-White Zones
As with any city, Ethni City has more than its share of jobs which are, for obvious reasons, below the superiority of the white race. As we say in Ethni City “There are some things you wouldn’t even ask the swarthiest white to do”. This is why there are tightly controlled non-white areas located just outside of the city wall. These are non-whites who desire to live in the ethnostate but are, for obvious reasons, not able to simply immigrate. They are only allowed behind the wall with proper clearance. No whites are allowed into non-white areas unless authorized.

Travel Restrictions
The travel restrictions are simple. They follow a natural order. Pure Aryans can travel to any of the three city zones. Patricians can go to the Aryan areas if invited, or to any of the Plebeian areas. Plebeians are only allowed to visit other zones if they are invited by written consent according to the required forms. Non-whites without the proper clearance will be deported immediately.


< windmill of penises penetrating

We appreciate your concern but we are confident that not only would Herr Hitler have qualified for our MoveUp! program but he would have been it's biggest and most vocal supporter. We imagine him rallying not just Patrician whites but all whites to register with their local MoveUp! offices.

Our MoveUp! program is open to all whites who qualify to immigrate to the ethnostate. It's a very simple process. Your genetic make up is analyzed to determine where on the white spectrum you fall. You will then be paired up with one or more mates according to the algorithms. We have found that MoveUp! participants are happier and more content than the general population because they know their genetics will improve over time.

Another benefit is that having your sexual and procreative needs met, without the hassle of dating, frees you up to pursue other interests that help better the white race. In a way, you're doing double the amount of work to help our people while also getting laid at the same time. Make sure to sign up today!

Just a quick reminder: Graffiti is NOT tolerated within the walls of Ethni City despite its over abundance in some areas of the servants brown zones

"Cavemen write on walls. Whites write history books." - Official decree of the 88 Elders

doomed to fail


I say we automize the non-white servant 's jobs and kick them out. I couldn't live in an ethnostate and see ONE nigger.

How do you determine this, short of genetic testing.
What if I have a farmer's tan but am lily white elsewhere?
What if my eyes are green and blue, or hazel?
What if my hair is light brown, or red? Or worse, some mixture of colors–blond, brown, and red for instance?

How importantly do you rate physical fitness?
Test scores/IQ?
Current/previous employment history?
(((Education))) level?

How does the economy function?
What are our major exports and imports (if any)?
Who are we exporting to (and importing from, if any)?

op's image is literally four cocks fucking a box.

Are they holding hands?

Basically, what I'm saying here is kick out the niggers.

You said that here already.

It's not graffiti. It's the original image. It's a homo image.

Did you forget we have IDs, Schlomo?

You do realize Europeans, AKA whites, come mainly from three separate groups of peoples, right? There are no "pure" Aryans anymore. If anyone is pure it's those highest in Western Hunter Gatherer and Early European Farmer, not someone high in Yamnaya, who came from Asia.

I agree it looks like four dicks, but why are you talking to yourself?

We certainly appreciate your concerns! Believe me, we did not fight to erect this great nation of ours just to end up living back where we were. The decision to allow non-white enclaves (which are not autonomous) was always a controversial one and so a compromise was eventually settled on. The rules for non-white inclusion are fairly simple. They are:

1. No non-white can be more than 2.5 UM (untermenschen) Levels away from minimum Plebeian white.
2. Non-whites must possess technical skill or attend ethnostate sponsored training
3. Men and women are separated.
4. No non-white children are allowed.
5. Pregnancies are punishable by immediate deportation

We hope that clears things up!

< you are breaking halfchan rules!

We appreciate your questions! Hopefully we can answer them clearly!

You got it! Except in cases where the person can prove SS ancestry, which may be rare but is exceedingly easy to do if true.

So long as you qualify as minimum Plebeian white according to our accepted standards, you will be allowed into the ethnostate. If you wished to live right in Ethni City then you would be appointed a zone according to your position on the white spectrum. Hopefully the travel guide has helped explain some of the restrictions you might expect.

While the larger ethnostate is open to all who qualify as minimum white, Ethni City itself is actually a bit elitist. This is, of course, simply by necessity as Ethni City is the capital of the greatest nation ever conceived in this or any lifetime. So yes, there are some tests and reviews you will need to pass.

The economy functions according to the financial system of the greater ehtnostate. Ethni City is, of course, just a city and so importing and exporting isn't exactly an issue. Unless you mean interstate style transport which is a bit beyond my pay grade.

Thank you for your questions!

Jews like this are why we have walls

Thread reported. Divide & conquer.

Thank you for your question! Yes, this and similar questions were obviously a concern for many scholars and scientists in the beginning. What we've found, however, is that a VERY small percentage of the world's population possesses a genetic purity that is Just under 98% pure Aryan.

Here's where it gets interesting. What we also discovered was that a little over 1% of that impurity was simply due to evolution. In other words, white people are the pinnacle of human evolution but we weren't simply born onto this earth by a bolt of lightning. Now what that means for you and me is that we only really need to fix that other ~1% of genetic aberration to once again have pure Aryan (the remaining 1% being pre-human aberration)

You can find out more at a local MoveUp! office.



So you're volunteering to work the sewers then?

Impressive. I'm definitely interested in your campaign setting. How many sides are the dice you use? Where can I view your rulebook? Could you tell me a bit about character creation? Is Ethni City PBF or PBEM?

pick one you fucking jew

t. 2018

You see where this is going faggot? Expecting shitskins to work has backfired every single time.

I don't think my background in electrical engineering will be best utilized in that field, but perhaps the younger citizens who haven't yet found a profession could be utilized to maintain them so they gain an appreciation of the labor required to maintain the life they and their families enjoy. Those from the lower and upper classes could work together in those dirty jobs to build a camaraderie, brotherhood, and cohesion between members of the different classes. Just because I'm not a garbageman doesn't mean that I look down upon those who do a thankless but necessary job and there's no shame in those jobs.

I find it very hard to believe that any true white would ever suggest that another white, no matter how swarthy or disagreeable, do the work of a subhuman. Obviously non-white enclaves only exist until we have the technology to replace them. We would develop that technology a lot faster if we didn't have whites shoveling out clogged sewer lines. But this is a free country so if you'd like to grab a shovel then be my guest.

This time they have been specially selected and actually want to live in the ethnostate even as restricted temporary residents. I'm sure there is a white neighborhood in your town that is always under threat of being muddled. Everyone wants to live in the white neighborhood.

Absolutely not. Our work ethic is one of the primary things that have allowed whites to not only survive or thrive but far surpass other races. Muddled races do, of course, exist so I don't see why we shouldn't use them.

forgot the (you)

We don't need them, but work and suffering build character and that crucible will forge the strength of future generations. People will appreciate the food they eat more if they understand what it takes to bring it to their table, they'll take care of and maintain their plumbing if they know what it takes to make sure their city/town gets the water it needs and will be able to do routine maintenance and fix minor problems. Having non-whites do jobs that seem undesirable only makes us weaker as a whole.

meant for

We don't enslave, we kill

Assuming OP is not a shill from a University making some assignment.
I really encourage to watch "Murdoch Murdoch - 100% Bavarian Phenotype" to find out about not desirables possibles outcomes.
Spiral purity among population will end up badly.
However, a slow progression in eugenics (see the Lebensborn program), minimizing the impact on the inhabitants might be right path.
Uncle Adolph knew very well what he was doing.

Honestly I thought this might be a fun bit of humor but you guys are so fucking autistic you think I'm being serious. I'm not even sure how to respond to that.

Fuck off aut-kike, take your gay talmudic LARP back to your degenerate forum.

I'm starting to think we can judge Aryan blood by salt content. Jesus people get a sense of humor

Pretty sure you're a kike that's larping as a human and you need to stop existing.

I love the irony in posts like this. I makes me thankful I'll never be as stupid as the people who make these posts.

First off, learn what the words you're use mean.
Secondly, when people mock you and tell you off for being a retard, it doesn't mean they're mad. It means they recognize you as the shit you are.
Lastly, that's what makes the irony great. You call people autistic, but autism is about misreading social cues, and you misread people as being mad constantly, because it's some sort of coping device for you.

Yeah ok. Its called satire you dolt. It was historically a part of the political discourse but levels of autism such as you are displaying has apparently removed its effectiveness.

Also, you don't know what irony means.

It's not funny anymore when there are faggots who claim to be pro-white out there literally pushing this crap. Poe's law.

You can use white people with disabilities.

What if I lead a group of non-pure Aryans (i.e. the dark haired ones) to another region to create our super-state where we can rule?
Will this make you angry?
Will you be worried that our Mozarts and Shakespeares will outperform your best and brightest?
And what if some of your women escape to come live with our chad Don Drapers?
I'm worried this could lead to some kind of war.

Come on, you glow-in-the-dark nigger.


I know, that was my point. The purpose of political satire is to point out when certain people are being completely ridiculous. Satire is what keeps (((some people))) from selling extremist pipe dreams to idiots who sperg about it everywhere thereby discrediting any legitimate movement or the concerns it might address.


Having non-white people in white ethnostate make no sense. Non-white tourists is fine but living permanently in white ethnostate is not fine.

Lord! Give me patience.
It is outstanding how out of touch with reality you are.
There is all kind of persons among our people.
And if you think you are of high status that you will not clean, think again.
The most likely scenario will be at many places full racial war to control territory, and millions of refugees fleeing the fight.
Your task probably will be to pull the trigger and to get rid of the corpses.
There is not such thing as free lunch.



Oh tell me more about those "extremist pipe dreams" you mestizo bastard!
You misunderstood me there. I was not shitting on your gay larp because it's too extreme, but because it's borderline civnat, hahaha you probably have a beaner granny you trs faggot.


Do you understand that in many cases, in order to create you must first destroy?
And because of Boomers and Millenials who had a comfy life, talked exactly like you, and gave a damn about the next generation's future, we are now in this shitty position.
I am sad to say, but it might be necessary to burn our comfy present in order to create a viable future for our children.


Is redhair aryan?

Nothing wrong with the lower IQ to be given jobs people usually do not want if they are unable to do another. That and automation will mostly relegate these jobs to simply management and upkeep.

Red hair and green eyes would be Patrician

or maybe you're just a fag.

Low effort b8. Deported

Sanitation is a white invention. There are whites keeping the sewers flowing right now. Thinking productive work beneath you is a jewish perspective. Dignity through work and dignity through high wages.

Would you rather have a white pov class? That's the only other option. Literal white niggers

I'd rather my white ethnostate be white, thanks.

This is kiked as fuck. Having a swastika as the design of a white ethnic state capital that promotes slavery and class separation. Do you have any knowledge of basic NatSoc policies beyond "lol gas the Jews"? NatSoc promotes the value of manual labor and thankless jobs that make society possible, such as farmers, factory workers, garbagemen, sewer workers and what not. NatSoc spits on class separation, that is a kiked capitalist / communist paradigm perspective, that is why NatSoc is called the third option or third perspective. All occupational skill levels are important in NatSoc. The farmer cannot grow his crops without the tools and fertilizer provided by the factory workers and miners, who likewise cannot eat without the food provided by the farmer. And all of them cannot live without the homes built by the construction workers, who use both the tools from the factory workers, the resources from the miners and lumberjacks, and the food from the farmers. Economy, and thus society is an interwoven framework of necessary and important jobs. Putting certain occupations on a higher level than others disrupts that harmony and breeds resentment in the now lower classes.

And NatSoc would not promote the use of slavery whatsoever. Slavery goes against almost all NatSoc principles, including those I highlighted above. The Jews were not put in labor camps to make them slaves, they were put there to keep them from sabotaging the nation from within during the war, and while they had them rounded up the Germans were like "why not put them to work?".


Bumping for Holla Forums's lack of humor