Sharing part of my collection. Pre WWII and cold war, posters and magazine adverts. Axis and Allied, Russian with some Chinese and Nork stuff as well.
The Art of Propaganda
Posting link to "Propaganda" by Edward Bernays.
With the printing press and the newspaper, the railroad, the telephone, telegraph, radio and airplanes, ideas can be spread rapidly and even instantaneously over the whole of America. "
Downloaded the zip file. Will read through it tomorrow.
This print media was the Mainstream Media of it's day.
Amazing to me how powerful it was.
Why are you posting commie propaganda
Interesting stuff, OP.
Ever noticed how the Allied propaganda posters tended to be aggressive in nature and for the most part derogatory (especially to the Japs) in order to put out a powerful message while the Axis (especially the Germans) often made a point to put out pro race messages that reached to the heart of their people…
…Not meaning to say that nazi propaganda wasn't naming the Jew but the point is that unlike what we're told to believe, the propaganda posters from the Axis side wasn't explicitly meant to scare people or use fear tactics yet we see the Germans as being portrayed as utterly evil and the point of said propaganda is to instill fear of this Axis powers in order to fight harder against them.
And then in Russian posters, I'm not quite sure, a lot of the posters appear to be rugged and I honestly can't tell what the messages are portraying (maybe because I can't read them lol)…
And then we have stuff from Asia which just seem to go along with the 'pride in your people' approach… Although to me they look like something straight out of a Chinese calendar.
Interesting to see how each sort of 'side' as it were took their own style for propaganda
I'm guessing this was part of some sort of demoralization campaign? Got the sauce?
Good stuff op.
Nice. Hope the kikewave cancer doesn't steal it and apply their jewish influence to them.
They're black propaganda made by the Germans during WW2. The first two, "Broadway Melody" and "A Puzzle Game" are Südstern (southern star) leaflets distributed in Italy for American soldiers, and are a collection of 6 in the Georgia series. The leaflets are a few short paragraphs trying to convince soldiers that the homefront has forgotten about them and that their women are getting fucked by men back home.
A lot of German black propaganda basically boils down to telling soldiers that they're getting cucked by their wives/gfs back home while they're dying at the front. The US army was segregated, with blacks only in noncombat positions and making up only 1% of enlistees while 10% of the total population (practically every black who served was forced to by the draft), so the German propaganda intended for Americans focused on their lovers getting blacked back home. For Englishmen, they focused on their lovers getting yanked by American servicemen assembled in England.
Considering America now worships niggers, the Germans were clearly right.
The eternal cuckservative. Truly /ourmeme/.
Most of all this shit in this thread is cringeworthy as fuck.
I doubt it affected anyone that wasn't already some sort of fantasy roleplayer.
Like really the ones about miners are hilarious.
Yo I just got down a 16 hour shift covered in dirt and grime and hauling heavy shit, brb im so happy because someone is shooting guns with the metal im mining.
Eh, some of these are funny but most of this is just shit they sold to the golems who slaughtered their own immune system.
America is a nation that believes Bigger is better of course the worship the Apemen.
Well this became a template thread, posting mostly allied propaganda on Holla Forums, but I will just add something to the "everything is divisive" faggots.
This one got mixed with the OP,
Bump for good thread. Needs moar German propaganda.
Here's a Python script I just wrote, in case anyone wants to batch-download all these…
from bs4 import BeautifulSoupimport requestsimport rethread = "11245726"url = "https'':''//{}.html".format(thread)html = requests.get(url)soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, "html.parser")for img in""): imageFile = requests.get(re.sub(r'/thumb', '', img['src'])) filename = re.sub(r'.*/(?!.*/)', '', img['src']) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: print('Writing ' + filename) f.write(imageFile.content)
The first picture is probably my favorite propaganda pamphlet
Thank for the info user. It's interesting stuff.
That first pic is terrible propaganda.
Seriously did they even think that one through?
All pics posted by that user are blackpill propaganda by Germans, user. Also read
Greetings from >>>/polder/
great stuff, thanks
Quality thread. There's a lot to learn from wartime propaganda, both successful and faulty.
A Bash one liner to run from the terminal to grab all images to the current directory.
wget https'':''//; grep -Po '(?
The code wrapping tags screwed up the syntax:
wget -N
Whats with the anti jew ones? I was under the impression they were peacefully exporting them. did they get redpilled mid war? Its obviously they knew america and britain were puppets along with the soviet by a few of these posters.
Also looking at the allied ones most of them reek of jew, but it may just be hindsight.
only nigger in all the propaganda pics. God damn I hate niggers.
drop the -N off the first wget if the server isn't playing ball, just remember to delete the html file manually before running it again.
Add a -nc to the last wget if you're running it as an update because more were posted
You think that because you have internet, other people who agree with you to talk to and access to counter arguments and news from all over the world. Imagine being some farmer's kid in the middle of nowhere and the only news you get from the outside is telling you that everyone is in on the war effort except for you. There were certainly people who didn't buy it but you better believe this shit DID change minds. If it didn't they wouldn't have put so much effort into it.
>“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
- Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda
This manipulation is going on actively on both sides of the political spectrum right now and is obvious to anyone who honestly looks for it. The people who deny it most emphatically are usually the most effected by it.
I think they tried to go with irony here in that the artists are Jews with German and Italian last names. It's obvious to tell they're Jews because the "artwork" is atrocious while simultaneously projecting some of their own facial features.
It's a tongue in cheek type caricature imo.
This style often has an oversized head and exaggerated facile features.
You see the same in depictions of Japs, with huge squinty eyes.
Also the op pic is built around a stereotype.
pic related
Gotta love how the Hitler there doesn't even hold his hand correctly for the salute and they made him look emo as fuck.
And yes, a lot of these are cringey FUD meant only to scare people into doing things, especially the ones pushed by american locomotive. I also like how they consistently portray the Germans as godless heathens when our "allies" the Russians were supposedly atheists.
The industrial military complex, in the US, has always needed a MONSTER to fight.
bump of thanks
As you are art collectors, does anyone know the name of the /board/ where it's mainly classical paintings posted?
I've searched without success :( I came across it once a long time ago, & I confirmed it it's not in my browser history (searched by board like URLs), not sure of the name, searched through many art related boards to no avail. :( getting desperate
An update on the one line Bash I posted earlier-
This would work if you run it the first time or are running it again to catch newly posted images:
rm 11245726.html*; wget
What would the style of the first two be classified as?
Surreal style, it looks like a less extreme painting that Salvador Dali might do.
A reverse search comes up with the artist name:
Russian who did radio propaganda
op here
The best I can do is offer some downloads.
I have an art thread on the torrents board at half chan.
Lots of sets and good seeders.
Scroll down the thread and some great HI Res sets available.
I have about 1500 more to post if the the doesn't get an anchor (bump lock).
Boris Artzybasheff was an American illustrator of Russian origin active in the United States, notable for his strongly worked and often surreal designs.
His set can be found in the link posted above.
Cap from his folder
I just realized a direct connection to the images I have been posting and one of Holla Forumss biggest tools.
I posted of of the "Release the memo" memes on another site an the response was surprising.
Some actually took notice of the, over the top style and the in your face message behind it.
One actually called it powerful propaganda.
Thanks for the 4chan link user! Wew! :D
image related is small offering of thanks
Fantastic OP, but to save you the effort, and us in downloading each image individually - is there an archive where we can download all of the images posted here in this thread in one go? Are these al in the torrent in the 4chan link? (If so I'll try to get it from there)
Yes! Memes are why I'm very interested in these, and was asking about the classical paintings in the question bread
The hivemind is real. :^)
The fourth pic shows how to make homemade masks from cloth and gauze, and all the horizontal text shown is read right-to-left.
1930-1969 Graphic design with lots of adverts
I have the info for the this propaganda set. Keep in mind the were about 40-50 images in this thread that aren't mine. My file names are numbered sequentially, if that helps.
Anyway, scroll to the bottom of the art thread and the 6th post from the bottom, I link the post with specific info on which folder in the torrent you need. You can choose the specific
folder after the meta data loads. Seeders are from around the globe so be patient. If you have a problem post it in the art thread, I don't want to de-rail this one too much.
Here is the best Hi Res classical paintings set available in that thread.
Thanks user. I can't post on halfchan but will sign off now to switch to torrent pc
thanks for the link user
looks like a good place to rip more stuff
8-8ch user?!
That is an excellent find.
Thanks op these are great. Please post more.
Damn I wish I could download these but I ain't gonna click save image for 100 images.
start reading here user
and here
link to torrent thread
Thanks lad.
Do fliers count?
sure, post away
The first picture is a red flag (obviously) with 1 may written on it and the text below reads "happy holiday comrades".
That is this “Oceania was always at war with Eurasia” propaganda were I wonder did the US people never notice how their country was “best buddy with Russia” just a few years ago? Were, are the Americans even more brain washed than the average Soviet or Chink?
No more than the Germans who invaded Poland together with the Soviets and had a nonaggression pact with each other.
The number 1 reason for the war in a nutshell
To the new world order, it was bad enough that Germany and the other countries had broken free of enslavement, bad enough that they were aiming to destroy their favorite country, the Soviet Union (the closest they have ever gotten to their dream government on earth), but what they were completely terrified of was fascism slowly and peacefully spreading over time to other countries. As years would go by and fascist countries would prosper people would start to ask questions and even start to want to try the system out for themselves, and this terrified the jews because they knew that for everyone but themselves it was the superior system and knew they couldn't hide it forever
But when you manipulate your country into going to war with all the good countries before they are able to realize all this, you stop it from ever happening
That entire monologue is total projection, just replace a thousand years with a hundred
the fuck?
That seems to honest to be an actual poster they made
Apologies if off topic, but I whipped up an exploitable version of the last image for any talented artfags out there who want to add a hammer and sickle, hexagram, or other logo on the sleeve of the (((enemy))).
The Germans never made any “Russian is our friend” propaganda, neither did the Soviets in reverse.
So my claim stays, USA was, is more orwellian than the Soviets.
It’s like Iraq, Persa/Iran is a threat to the American people, total retarded. The creator aren't retarded, the intended audience is.
Similar retardness is the US fighting for freedom of religion, as if Germany, Italy or Japan had the intention to force or forbid a religion. Of course, there is the spin, “jews are a religion like any other”. The big elephant in the room of alleged US war aims was the alliance with the Soviet-Union who for sure did fight all those points the US propaganda claimed the USA was fighting for.
well then
no user it is not from the war
seems a meme from the bush jr era slipped in
Cambridge extremist jailed for four years after inciting racial hatred online
Looks like (((they))) won
Anyone have the "who if not you when if not now" poster?
Last one is a Red Orchestra 2 promotion poster but whatever.
bump for an actual (& useful) thread
Here's the original Viet torpedo boats/Iraqi WMD/Syrian gas attack.
Yes, the script is 120 years old by now.
check this song
Always found the 2nd one to be terrible. While it's meant to be that "We're friends" the fact you can't see the soldiers eyes and most of his face is obscured give it a creepy vibe to it.
The insincere Indian door to door salesman look does not help either.
From the Hungarian Arrow Cross Party
Wonderful thread.
Wonderful documentary evidence of the ways in which the Kike manipulates the goyim to murder one another and uses the bait of "you won't get laid unless you do as we say."
And what has changed? The young goyish man is still completely vulnerable to screeches of "are you a virgin or something?"