En-uru-gal, or Nergal for short, the much maligned yet little understood Lord of the Great City, the Ahnenerbe investigates that which in popular opinion is known as Moloch.
It is always the case with Semitic Deities that they have acquired them from elsewhere and the case of Moloch is no different, it's from the rendering of Melqart as Lord of the City, the title of Nergal into the Semitic.
Herakles also related to a title of Nergal;
The origins of Nergal are humble, he was a God of mining and smelting and forging, a God of transformation through fire, as the God of casting culture his early motif was the double headed axe seen extensively throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, his place of origin the mines of Cilicia, he was the human or semi-Divine principle of such and literally tunneled his way into any underworld associations.
As a son of El-lil, Nergal/Mot was obviously an aspect of the early NW Semitic Pantheon which Israel looked to disassociate themselves with, as the God of mining/smelting/toxicity/plague/weapons/death was always somewhat problematic, but his cult had strongly developed in that region due to the merchants relationship with the trade in precious ores and the quasi mass industrial practises of the Phoenicians totally depended on such so he was their principle Deity of the military industrial complexities, and others also;
Next we need to consider what throwing everyone in the fire was all about…
It's obviously the case that a casting God is concerned with transformation, that one extracts the crude ore, refines that and smelts it, the resulting artifact having made the process worthwhile, and thus the transformation through fire was such a spiritual metaphor, perhaps not best taken literally but that certainly occurred depending perhaps on how strongly one desired change, the Jews themselves considered they were above such transformations, they could enter into the fire and remain unchanged, they saw this as a good thing, the principle involved was that of consecration.
Any religious cult is at it's strongest and most developed in the region that it originated and in this case that is of the Indo-European Deity Sandon/Sandas/Santa of Tarsus in Cilicia, were the pyre relating to his cult is often seen on classical coinage, this was also the basis of the funeral tradition of Roman Emperors, the transformation within the flames toward Divinity were the eagle atop the pyre was the conduit of the soul, the cult of Sandon was a cult of resurrection;
There is only evidence that Semitic peoples sacrificed children in terms of this cult, there is no such evidence with regards to Nergal and Sumer or Sandon of Cilicia.
Jacob Hernandez
Indo-European tradition has tended to maintain the tradition in terms of the all conquering hero, after the manner of Herakles, were the underworld is entered into, whether merely in terms of psychological condition or actual, and the means of transformation obtained, the forging of the indestructible weapon.
There were many associations in Cilicia of Sandon with the Anatolian Heptad, the seven stars of Ursa Major and the basis of the swastika, the principle of destruction towards greater transformation on the world stage, he could be identified with Iyarri/Erra the lead star of Ursa Major and the principle of fire, the fox star.
The God Apollo was derived from the term Aplu which indicated the true heir, a title of Nergal as Aplu En-lil, the son and heir of En-lil.
There are also associations with Aries/Mars, the association with the seven Demons of Ursa Major also lent itself to their traditionally being seven apartures of the more complex funeral pyres.
Eh? So the Jews worship Hercules by a different name and subvert what he represents or… What am I missing? t.brainlet
Andrew Ortiz
All mythological gods were nephelim
Hudson Taylor
Let's see where this thread goes, been asking Nergal for strength since last May, and I have felt better than ever, and now I am interested in knowing more of him.
Adrian Brooks
The NW Semites once shared these traditions but turned against them and probably only practised a ridiculous version anyway in the first place, hence the numerous biblical warnings against Moloch.
The tradition developed from mining and casting culture of the Indo-Europeans but the cult of Moloch/Melqart as the Semitic version is what the merchants made of that, for them it was more about making money and they generally made sacrifice in the hope of successful business ventures, the transformation of their fortunes, that isn't found in the original Indo-European traditions.
Christopher Anderson
Ayden Miller
It has to do with jews tho so….
Sebastian Watson
Jews now or jews 3000 years ago? No, I didn't read the whole thing.
Juan Reed
Nephelim are two references combined into one, because the kikes were bastardizing far older traditions they didn't understand in the slightest when they broke away to form their own anti-culture. The first is that of the last of the Neanderthal tribes before their extermination; the second is that of the scions of Atlantis whose physical stature was superior to that of ordinary men due to the harmonic resonance technology used by the pre-Younger Dryas civilization. Most mythological gods were European Übermenschen who came to represent archetypal characters due to their influence restarting civilization after the Younger Dryas.
Oliver Young
It's what's known as an esoteric Hitler thread.
Jackson Martinez
Interesting, sort of lines up with what I read from Eliade's The Forge and the Crucible regarding the ambivalent nature of the divine smith/artisan/civilizing hero figure among cultures. Human sacrifice to the forge, in a ritual context, was even practiced by ancient Chinese metallurgists.
David Adams
OP, what's the deal with the "hand of Nergal" meaning plague? Is Papa Nurgle this aspect of Nergal, filtered through an '80s heavy metal lens?
Parker Bennett
wtf I love moloch now?
James Rogers
Ryder Foster
The pyre will relate to the furnace and also an association with the sacred mountain from were ores were extracted, in the case of Cilicia the Taurus mountains, Nergal was understood to transcend the three levels related to such, the underworld, terrestrial and Celestial in terms of transformation, in earliest times the mountain Goddess was his consort.
I think in a sense the hero sacrifices himself to the forge and voluntarily enters into the underworld in search of ores, the consequence of one's own actions.
Thomas Bennett
The association with plague likely originated from the perils of mining and forging, toxicity and creeping death from industrial related causes.
Colton Scott
Gabriel Cox
Thomas Johnson
also plagues are a novelty of living in cities, when you're accustomed to an agrarian lifestyle a village of 100 people with a few of them meeting others from couple of neighboring villages three times per year didn't know plagues a filthy city with 10k unsanitary people is an invention of civilization
Ayden Johnson
This is how I see the blackpill stage many anons go through, an underworld or hell, and as they come through it, the indestructible weapon they forge is their will. The will to look reality in the eye no matter how dark it seems. The will to face up to our problems no matter how painful. The will to tell the Truth no matter the punishment. The will to do what is right no matter the reaction of others. The will to confront our fears no matter how terrifying. The will to overcome our weaknesses no matter how arduous. The will to strengthen ourselves no matter how hard it seems. The will to utterly destroy our enemies no matter the cost to ourselves. The will to win no matter what for the glory of the White Race and in honor of the warriors who went before us. The will to rebuild this world in our image and to never again allow our guard to slip. Our WILL, forged during our dark night of the soul in the depths of the underworld is the indestructable weapon that will bring us ultimate victory in this war against the corruptors of humanity
Easton Walker
Moloch is the one they sacrifice their children to.
I'd also remind everyone that 'cities' are evil creations. Europeans have always hated cities and even the Bible says that the first city was built by Cain. The next mention of a city is Babel. If you look into the more uncommon sources then you find that smelting and mining was taught by devils.
Would be great if someone with more knowledge about pagans could give some information about cities. I know that Plato saw them as evil, and I know that in England and France they were considered evils that everyone would only begrudgingly go to, and would desire to escape from as soon as they had the economic means.
Isaiah Howard
OH look it's this slide again. Ramping up for Shabbat again eh moshe? Like clockwork. Your lack of creativity never fails to impress.
Sebastian Martin
In a sense many do sacrifice their children to the military industrial complex but there is always a hoped for transformation at the end of that process, all religious archetypes do is interpret that which is apparent and if it weren't for those involved here we'd be rolling around in the mud rather than typing on computers, so perhaps we accept necessary evils?
Levi Foster
I agree this is simply about acknowledging reality and the greater context within which we determine and justify our actions, the true nature of the struggle.
Noah Campbell
It really depends on how you look at it. There are obvious advantages and luxuries to be gained out of city-living, there is more potential for advancement and innovation. But at what cost?
I'm not truly advocating that we all throw away our computers and live in the woods, but I think it is a good idea to acknowledge how large-scale society is essentially the root of all evil. I'm sure in many of our younger days we came to the obvious conclusion that Democracy is flawed and doomed to failure as soon as you reach more than a few hundred (couple thousand at the very most) people. It can definitely work when there is just a few, and this basically goes for everything. Small communities where everyone knows each other, and where each person is actually required to fulfill some role; leads to camaraderie, brotherhood, respect, hard-work, passion and justice. When you do not know your neighbour, when you are just a faceless statistic in a factory, when your teacher doesn't even know your name - then you will find that you do not feel bad from stealing from those next door, you do not feel the need to work hard and produce because what different do you as one of countless many make? You do not respect the person who does not know your name, and who likely only cares for one or two people in the class. The whole foundations of basic society become rotten when it expands too much. Even money is not needed until you have a sizeable community, as bartering or even charity is far more effective when there's only a few people and they all know, trust and rely one-another.
Cities are evil. And whilst we might live in them today, or live with some of the advantages that they have allowed us - we should always keep in mind the fact that they are dangerous, and we must therefore endeavour to live as if we are still in a small village or tribe. Get to know your local butcher and baker, attend the local Church, meet your neighbours and organise neighbourhood events every once in a while. The reason why National Socialism and Fascism were and are so great is because they marry these small-society 'tribal aspects' to the larger populace.
Parker Cox
Stand for light, for truth, for justice. Be a lamp illuminating the darkness.
James Hernandez
Again i agree, Nergal is only one Divine archetype and there is that other son of En-lil in terms of Ninurta which is the current archetype we are actively engaged with, as God of the storm.
The two are seemingly closely related, both standards marched at the head of armies as both related to warrior cults, but Ninurta is the defender of the land and champion of all Divine Order, and we must look to the preservation of the land and its peoples and impose order upon it, Ninurta was a God of farmers as well as being a healing God in that he directly attacked the cause of malaise rather than addressing the symptoms, it's a question then of drawing a line in terms of the exploitation of natural resources and mass consumerism, profiteering and corruption of the Earth in general, of finding our balance.
Ayden Jones
The kikes summoned demons of Nurgle to turn the river to blood and kill the children of the Egyptians.
Yes, Grandpa Nurgle will make you feel better… as a zombie. Personally I'd rather worship Khorne and go out in a blaze of self-destructive violence, but you do you.
Andrew Gray
Yeah, Nergal is a God of Chaos, but also he protected his cities, he has a sphere of power in Mars, and so he is also a War God, if anything battle that spreads chaos should be up the alley of kek believers. I myself have found renewed strength and purpose in Nergal and the desire to liberate Iraq from Religion of Cuck™
James Moore
Very interesting thread, but I consider the Moloch-Melqart connection to be weak. Maybe the Eternal Jew stole Melqart and rebranded him as you say, and certainly this makes sense, but if that's the case then the development of the Moloch figure has strayed radically far from the original.
There is a connection between the (((Moloch))) we all know and the Jewish demon-god (((YHWH))) as well.
Josiah Morales
Moloch is pure evil, through and through. Melqart/Nergal is the one you're thinking of.
Samuel Bell
Which they could have done, as they stole the March/April month of Nisannu and turned it into their Nisan month.
Levi Brown
Grandpa Nergal is a-okay in my book, mr. Ultramarysue.
Austin Robinson
That is a dangerous shilling angle, I agree. It must be stated that it appears as through (((Moloch))) is a corruption of Melqart.
Adrian Butler
Moloch is just taken from Mlk, King, hence Mlk cart/Melqart as King of the City, were Cart-hage meant New City in Phoenician,
Thus a Semitic rendering of Sumerian En-uru-gal/Nergal, Lord of the great City, the cult was very widespread as it related to casting culture but only the Semites as i mentioned seem to have literally believed people could be transformed by placing them in an actual furnace, in Cilicia the point of origin this was understood as spiritual metaphor and celebrated in symbolic terms.
Jayden Collins
The (((Moloch))) we know isn't just bound to burnt sacrifice. Now he's a straight up god of Greed.
Connor Thomas
But, tahts too stretched to even be the same guy, Nergal was a chaotic protector of his people who then redirected the plague and pestilence towards enemies. While I have never heard Moloch having a single good trait
Isaac Myers
Again the term Moloch only relates to Kingship and that was in the same sense as the casting God Nergal, the one who supplied the weapons and basis of power, made sure the Black headed ones behaved themselves.
Nergal was associated with all destructive forces, his means to power was the destruction of the environment, he was good at being destructive, death followed in his wake.
John Richardson
Would that have been Kybele/Cybele in that time period/region? I'm curious how the Attis/Adonis-Kybele/Cybele mysteries actually evolved as a cult.
I forgot to add in my last post, Eliade interpretted nomadic peoples as vilifying the Divine Smith/Civilizing Hero, whereas agricultural civilizations venerated him.
Levi Miller
Things get quite messy after 10k years of iteration. Keep in mind folks, as the people changed so too does the archetype. Look at Etruscan gods compared to Roman equals for instance. Or Aries to Mars. Similar, in fact they often occupy the same general roles, yet they can change a ridiculous amount in how they commit to the role. Only Zeus/Jupiter, Apollo, the Fates, Hermes/Thoth/Mercury, and oddly Philemon seem to have a consistency regardless of time or place.
Austin Smith
I think you faggots are throwing (((semitic))) apologetics around for no reason.
Nergal was a Sumerian deity and preceded (((Akkadians))).
Jaxson Young
I must also point out from wiki that the unlikely combination of seem to be comparable to the Σμινθεύς (rat-lord) of Apollo, a principal solar deity.
Gabriel Phillips
Yes, he preceeded them, but I feared someone would start equating Nergal to any Juewish deity. I have not more than a year ago stumbled my way across sumerian myths and decided to follow the faith, yes, sure, I'm alone in this, but a War God of Chaos sounds like the ideal deity to follow in these times to shitpost reality further than we have ever accomplished so far.
Daniel Garcia
No Kybele/Kug-Bau/Hebat was the consort of the storm God Tessub/Ninurta, though sometimes there is syncretism between the two.
Originally he was related to the Mountain Goddess in general as consort and then to the Goddess within the mountain, Allani/Eres-Kigal, and that in her association with Gold, the Sun Goddess of the Underworld, i don't think he really belonged down there but he found himself as God of the Underworld through mining.
The seals from the mining centre of Kultepe show the inner Earth Goddess in her chamber beneath the Taurus mountains, the land of the little.
Nergal was also understood as the Sun/Shamash within the underworld and transcended all levels of the mountain, he shared the same lion symbolism as Shamash and that of the solar eagle.
Ayden Rivera
Jordan Roberts
I believe board-lore savvy oldfags have accepted Nergal as an allied deity since day one, user.
Jonathan Hughes
No i demonstrated that the Semitic equivalents derived from Mesopotamian Nergal and earlier Cilicia.
Jonathan Howard
Glad to know, I am willing to die in service of Nergal, it makes me happy to know someone else could carry forth my God's hatred and chaos, my death won't be pointless, perhaps one of you will find the same strength I did from him, soon it will be Akitu, sure, I know no High Priest, but I will try and carry on as much of the old tradition to thank him for the blessings.
Joshua Davis
Many will call the tales of visiting the underworld as metaphors, muh tradition or some stuff like that but no. Reality you see isn't the only one. Some people in ancient times temporarily found themselves in some other levels of reality and tried to explain what they saw there, then the explanations changed over time and reinterpretations.
Not all blackpills are true, tho. Some are meant to deceive and mislead.
Nolan Lewis
all black pills are actually just a really dark shade of blue. if one is true then you call it a red pill
Xavier Turner
In terms of maintaining tradition how much of the tradition of Tarsus and the God Santa do you think the Apostle Paul of Tarsus introduced into Christianity?
Gabriel Moore
I personally prefer love and strength.
Daniel Cook
love and strength won't kill the fucking jews, friend, in a sense it will avenge those before me, who got murdered and slandered in the jewish testament, and then used as names for demons, I know I am not a descendant, but I've found renewed purpose under Nergal, my love and strength is with you all when the moment comes, and it surges from Nergal, may Nergal guide us to victory.
Carter Harris
Oliver Diaz
>((())) Sargon of Akkad the YouTuber =/= Sargon of Akkad the King. Read your history before peddling bullshit - the builders of Babylon were not dirty Jews.
Levi Adams
The Akkadians originate to Sumeria.
Samuel Carter
I've been researching similar avenues lately.. How well documented are the descriptions of everything which you posted? Not implying that I necessarily dispute anything just I've had a hard time backing up what I have found with solid citations.. Usually have to rely on several sources of overlapping info to piece together missing parts of the puzzle.
Jordan Reed
Near, not in. Supposedly "they each had no idea of the existence of the other civilization even though they were like 40 miles away from each other."
James Sanchez
starting to sound like the Umman Manda
Christopher King
But.. user.. Don't you know? The definition colloquially given to 'Love' is not the definition of love.
In each of those statements, and every other statement like them, what is being said is "x brings me profound joy, I really enjoy it".
That is not describing something that merely brings you joy. No. Love… Love is vengeance. Love that which you would die to protect without a moments hesitation, and spend every moment necessary coldly and methodically planning revenge should harm be brought upon them.
Love is Vengeance. Hate is the affirmation of your love.
Gavin Robinson
More likely than you'd think. Not to that degree per se, but turning of phrase to divided by a common river comes to mind. All that we hold as common today, like simple road ways, would be novel in the period. Travel was a premium afforded to the upper crust, those few who didn't have to toil for a living. Literally, this is the time of Ur examples. When fart jokes were new.
What was it, in the dark ages it took ten people working the fields to support one who didn't? Imagine the ratio then. Not knowing the men of the next river over but by rumour and hearsay seems quite reasonable.
Ryder Long
Interesting thread, this.
Alexander Torres
I find your lack of faith disturbing…
David Anderson
Akkadians were a semitic tribe and Sargon was a typical usurper of the Sumerian civilization. Just because Akkadians/Assyrians/Babylonians were the most constructive of their (((vile kind))) doesn't mean they are not subversive parasites than their hebrew and arabic kin.
Sebastian Peterson
Landon Moore
Yea that sounds about right. I've posted about this a lot over the past several months and it always gets met with immense amounts of REEEING, so this will probably cause the thread to get shilled quite a bit more kikes seem to not like this
This was a tribe that had very peculiar migration patterns. Where every they went a civilization shortly fell. Eventually they bumped into some scythians and rather than subvert these scythians they entered into an arrangement with them, the scythians would be the warrior class and the saka suni would be the royal/commander class.
After this they went around the whole middle east fucking everything up. They were a force the likes of which no one was prepared for consisting of 3 tribes that were each an army unto themselves. It got to the point where a lesser known king from the area of northern turkey embarked on a huge quest to rally an impromptu alliance of as many tribes and kingdoms as he could. He then lead his army to meet the enemy, baited them into a trap and managed to completely destroy one of the saka suni tribes, and the remaining two got their asses kicked so bad that they retreated and that king chased them all the way to north western india.
I had a bunch of screencaps for this but cant find them at the moment
James Bailey
Sumer wasn't Jewish either.
Liam Rodriguez
Nah. There is nothing subversive about the work they did. They claimed the same city but each time it wasn't taken through underhanded tactics - certainly not through central banking or mass importation of niggers. Read more and get the idea that the builders of the cradle of civilization were Jews out of your head. It gives the hook noses too much credit.
Hudson Smith
How would they not know about each other? They literally shared words and conquered each other
Akkadians were Semitic usurpers and Sumerians were poor Nordic civilization builders who had their hard work stolen, right? The two literally lived in cultural symbiosis, taking much from each other and conquering each other.
Jews were known as usurers even among the Mesopotamians. They're hardly the same thing, but don't expect people on Holla Forums to know anything
Aiden Harris
a foolish samurai warrior is hunting him
Sebastian Peterson
Akkadians first came to Mesopotamia as "poor refugees" from the adjacent sandy shitholes where semitic sandniggers spawn from until they outbred the Sumerians with help from their gibs.
And yes, Sumerians were White, at least as much as Georgians and Basques are.
John Reed
The citations from the link provided are solid, they relate to the cult of Sandon centred in Cilicia and variant practise of this from Syria, the cult of the pyre is very well attested from coins of Tarsus in Cilicia as i sourced, the pyre took the form of a three tiered city with seven apertures.
Jaxson Gonzalez
OP, what do you think about the idea that the jews of the Exodus were actually the Hyksos of Egypt? After Ahkenaten was exiled after 17 years of extremely unpopular rule for fucking everything up, the Hyksos were run out for having backed him (He may have been one himself). If they were the original jews, this would make the story we know from the bible an EXILE not an exodus. Would fit the pattern as well, no? IN a nutshell for those who don't know, this pharoah who wasn't even mentioned in inscriptions about his father and his many children, married Nefertiti for the throne (Maybe bought the throne?) and proceeded to force monotheism on deeply polytheistic people and society, demanding they only worship Aten who was a minor solar deity at the time that the Hyksos just happened to worship as well. Kind of sounds like a dry run for judiaism and xtianity, no? When he was removed, people turned on the Hyksos and drove them out. Records from the time even speak of the looting and destruction they left in their wake as they left Egypt. And some scholars actually believe(d) Ahkenaten to be Moses or Aaron from the bible. Something else that is telling is how he is depicted today. All modern works about him praise him as the first monotheist who tried to revolutionize Egyptian society for the better. He is cast as a victim, despite all records from the time lamenting the years under his rule as disastrous; economically, militarily, and socially. They systematically removed his name and visage from everything after he was gone, they hated him THAT much. Makes me wonder why if he was so despised and inept at ruling, he seems to be so beloved by modern authors on the topic. I went to a display of artifacts from his rule at the local science museum more than a decade ago, and he certainly was cast as a poor victim of ignorant peoples who didn't know any better.
Camden Phillips
Begone Jew.
Henry Hernandez
This actually relates to the greater question, do we accept the basis of Kingship as related to the Indo-European casting culture of Cilicia, Sandon/Nergal with it's Semitic spin offs, or is there an alternative to the triumph of Moloch?
The Trans-Caucasians you bring up also had their own casting culture and that also related to the basis of Divine Kingship, the centre of the metallurgy industry in Sumer was Bad Tibira close to Uruk, the name is Hurrian and indicates "Fortress of the Smiths",
Bad Tibira related to the cult of Divine Kingship of Dumuzid, were Dumu in Hurrian means child and zid means true/faithful, the companion of Dumuzid was Inanna of Uruk, this represented the relationship between Hurrian casting culture that provided the raw materials for Sumerian civilization sourced through Iran and the early agriculturists of Mesopotamia.
Gabriel King
Some historians believe the exiled Jews were in fact the Hebrew royalty of the time, who had abused their positions and were thrown out. They took their army with them and proceeded to genocide the Canaanites.
Luke Taylor
You know, looking into this type of stuff really shows you how literally all good research ended before WWII or soon after. Killed it. It's all relegated to the bin of kooky conspiracy theories now. smh I didn't know this but apparently even giga-kike Sigmund Freud wrote a book exposing the religion of the jews before he died. And some people think he was killed for it. Kinda want to get my hands on that.
Noah Hernandez
The Hyksos were likely a City state confederation of Canaan, with regards to their ethnicity Canaan had been colonized by Trans-Caucasian Hurrians from the 3rd millenium BC onwards, evidence of Aryan culture is also evidenced there, this ruling over a predominantly Semitic population, these were actually the giants that the Habiru confederation displaced and all evidence of Hurrian culture ends by the 10th centruy BC in Canaan.
The origin of the Hebrews themselves in linguistic and cultural terms was the merchant City state of Ebla in Northern Syria which had strong connection to the trade in Anatolian ores, they invented liquid currency in terms of the shekel Gold standard and through the practise of debt slavery were for a loaned lump sum an individual was bound to them as slave they destabilized the entire basis of civilization as it related to the Temple cult, people began to serve the merchants and not the Gods.
For this reason the Hurrians destroyed the City state of Ebla under the patronage of their storm God Tessub and thus the proto-Hebrews became actual Habiru, displaced persons in the social chaos of the time.
Those wandering Habiru did fall in with certain renegade Atenists displaced from Egypt and that forms the basis for the Hebrew tribal confederation that subverted and conquered Canaan, which was in a weakened condition after the defeat of the Hyksos, the real strength of the Hebrews was that those Atenist elements included elite scribes that generated religious text and were capable of creating and controlling a narrative.
Jackson Fisher
Really interesting. Yeah that makes sense. When I was reading about the Atenists it just seemed uncanny how many parallels could be drawn between them and jews so I thought I'd toss my thoughts out there. I also ran into the term Habiru and other variations on that when I was reading as well so I guess I'm not too far off track. Do you have any approx. dates for the last bit about the Habiru and Atenist uh… collaboration I guess. I'd also be happy to check out any books you might suggest on the topic.
Dominic Sullivan
Please, for the love of Ashur, post a single source or shut the fuck up
Noah Cox
This is a good article on the links between early Judaism and Atenism;
It likely arose through intense observation of the rising and setting angles of the Sun, related to the cult of Re, and the determination that the Earth was a sphere, that called into question pretty much all of Egyptian tradition of the Sun's journey through the underworld of a flat Earth, it's daily entering into and departure from portals located at the extremities of the horizon/Earth, and for this reason it saw itself as an enlightened basis for truth and exposing falsehood in neighbouring religions, the cosmological model of Ezekiel is Helio-centric, the four planets of the inner solar system rotating around the Sun.
Also for these reasons they held that the given source for earlier tradition, the scribal cults of Mesopotamia and their obscure connection to the Apkallu were teachers of lies, that such religion had been founded upon false premise and should be abandoned, and thus had begun the process of dismantling Egyptian religion, it was a crisis in religion long before the Greeks put the final nails in the coffin with their observations.
It was something of an over reaction because even though Egyptian tradition at face value was literally absurd in the metaphorical and metaphysical sense it contained much wisdom, but they were determined to throw the baby out with the bathwater, and the Hebrews already had strong resentment to neighbouring cultures including all of their cousins, so they were more than willing to participate in the subversion and overthrowing of such, effectively establishing a religious state from were they could resume their practise of debt slavery on a global basis.
Blake Kelly
Interesting thread, could you post some vidya or audio lectures on this subject?
Ayden Hill
Martin Luther King was Moloch all along? I FUCKING KNEW IT!
Isaiah Rivera
Caleb Hernandez
There isn't really anything out there i'd endorse in terms of the bigger picture and populist opinion/media, it's generally a question of piecing together specialist academic research and filling in the blanks.
Hudson Davis
Anthony Edwards
>(((wikipedia))) link to Moloch/Malachim
Moloch is the collective karma of the jewish people. An Egregor. Don't believe in egregors? You better start believin' - you're in one. Ours is older and stronger than the jewish god though.
Colton Miller
If people don't even understand the basics i refer them to wikipedia;
Moloch is in no sense the collective Karma of the Jews, but they certainly control the beast and it may yet devour them.
Also i am very unlikely to share common thought form with a New Age Mystagogue.
Joseph Russell
Bump for D E E P L O R E
Matthew Lee
Nergel was not a kike god. The kikes corrupt and pervert, in an attempt to control.
Benjamin Howard
>(((wikipedia))) is good source FFS user.
Ryder Davis
It's my sense of humour.
Luke Ramirez
As i pointed out he wasn't Sumerian in origin either but Indo-European, for that reason we are going to defeat Moloch, the Semitic connection, but not destroy, rather the point is to re-take independent control of the Military-Industrial complex and to be the Master of that and not the slave to it.
Dylan Lee
Learn of the left hand path and then avoid it at all costs. Buddhism, for instance, has some very good wisdom in it, the turning phrases of buddhism are a very good concept to be aware of. But they flirt too much with ego death. Buddhism originated as a subversion of the vedic teachings, which were ultra pious right hand path. Think of it as the teachings of the kikes, their torah teaches a wicked perspective… but within its metaphors of lies lie the truth. The truth can not be destroyed, or hidden… The truth SHALL be revealed… It's just up to you to see it or not. Think of it like politics, how Holla Forums has been able to deduce the truth while being served nothing but lies. They think they can lie to us but HE won't allow it.