Kang boycotts Olympic ceremony bc not flag bearer

You couldn't make this up. I just watched the opening on stream since I'd rather look at gooks and almost no kangz. I was shocked ZOG didn't have a kang to carry flag. Then I found this:

"Davis, 35, a five-time Olympian who has won two gold medals and two silver medals, lost after a vote among sports federations represented at the games ended in a tie.

A U.S. speed skating spokesman said Davis had not originally planned to march in the parade of nations later on Friday, but would have made an exception if he had been chosen as flag-bearer.

'Shani won't march in the parade. It was never part of his plans. He is fully focused on his first race and is concentrating on that,' the spokesman said.

In an angry tweet, Davis, took a shot at Hamlin, the holder of a single bronze medal."



Other urls found in this thread:


Here is the tweet. I know the formatting is shit but ran out of muh seizure pills so just waiting to start flipping around like a fish and for the Jews to take out my body.

Also, did anyone watch and what did they think of the opening? Not a yellow fever weeb, but christ it was nice not to have to see kangz everywhere during the opening.

and his first race is shitskin,

Black people hate the US and they always have. They shouldn't even be eligible for the US team. They should have to compete as a whole separate country. Actually they should have to be a whole separate country. In Africa.

The scientific name is niggers, user.

I could beat his nigger ass in speed skating all day every day. What a privileged quat

how can you unironically say this?
is there a total disconnect? what history have niggers made? besides being the perfect golem for the jews.

The gooks actually did well with the opening as far as production value. There was a cultural marxist rendition of "Imagine" but it was nice to see so many Euros happy and healthy and that the Jews haven't quite finished us off yet. It's worth watching if you can find a torrent. Never would watch on network for the Jews to run a commercial every 2 minutes. I think also parts available in VR if you have the setup and care enough.

Well for one they ….uhhhhhhh…………mashed peanuts and sheeeiiittt

You want to talk about memory-holed… Not a single person I've ever met in real life knows what the American Colonization Society was, but they all know about the Emancipation Proclamation.

I think there's a forgotten red-suppository in the lost history of the ACS. Specifically how they backed and helped plan Emancipation. How they bought and founded the country of Liberia. Finally, how the Emancipation plan was to send all the niggers to Liberia. The memory-hole is why we stopped actually shipping the niggers back after only ~15,000.

The freed slaves were never meant to be allowed to stay in the USA.

So they just played the studio recording off the original album? Weak.

Obviously, the song is a communist anthem. What added to this was a small screen showing some kang in africa playing bongo drums as the gook belted out the song. It's pretty sad the Jews got that in there but other than that, the visual effects were impressive. I just can't believe ZOG didn't cuck to the nigger on flag. Maybe due all the #metoo? Were it a female kang the Jews would have just steamrolled it.

Dat coin iz raysist!



I remember them playing "Imagine" at the London Olympics too. Is it some kind of tradition I don't know about, or do they love it because it lets them shill communism, but still having the excuse of just saying "we chose a popular song"?

Represent 13% of the population as 90% of the population in all media and they will start acting like they are 90% of the population.
It's like south africa without quite as many niggers.

Stupid fucking nigger
Did the games begin yet?

2Hours opening ceremony on the tv

opening ceremony was at 6 est ZOG time. You had to live stream it, not available on the app until 9pm. Tonight they'll edit it into a 25 mite clusterfuck full of commercials and soap-opera story lines to bring in female viewers. It was also in VR if you care enough to spend the time. The visuals were good since I imagine they were done by best gooks samsung has in their warehouses.

I've been searching around but no luck, anybody got one?

Do women really care about watching trannies on steroids compete against niggers and faggots?

That's more the Summer Olympics. Niggers are afraid of snow and ice, so the Winter Olympics tend to have hardly any niggers (expect the ones shoehorned in by The US and Cuckanda to pretend like these niggers overcame the ebil snow white oppressors to skate around on ice). There are a lot of faggots in figure skating though.

Winter sports are more skill and endurance based, and there's very few nigs competing

They changed "and no religions, too" to "and all religions true"

These guys are a no-show then, eh?
dob jej

the jews are going to really hold onto copyright like their balls here, esp with TV ratings on electric jew down. If people can find it on torrent, how are the jews supposed to get their shekels and brainwash the goy with race mixing filth?

So a selfish nigger wanted the prestige of being a flag bearer but did not want to show any support otherwise.
Why not just throw the nigger out? Do we really need a nigger who can skate fast? Of course not. He should go back to Africa with the rest of the kangz

SHEEEEIT gibs me dats flag whitey.

Stop pushing this meme. They gave up all birthright to Africa after their treachery towards Rhodesia. Niggers belong in ovens and nowhere else.

2-Pac's ghost told 2-Peat not to let this Kang bear dat flag cuz he wuz a gay nigga n' shieeeeeeet. He mad tho?

The Kingdom of Liberia is where our forefathers wanted to send them. I'm sure if we provided a decent incentive for all black Americans to go there…it would cost less than killing them. Besides why would you care what they do in Africa when they get there?

He's a nigger making justifications for being a racist, sexist, uncouth monkey. Funny how it suddenly becomes about "merit" when you can finally put someone beneath your feet.
I'm sure if a white man with golds were in his place it would be completely racis.

You want to cause a shitstorm of epic proportions? Someone ask him why in 2010 the entire womens speed skating team saw him as a abuser and his fellow female "workout partner" "TMintz" hates him so much.

Bottom line is dude is universally hated by all the chicks on the olympic team, at least then he was. They all saw him as dangerous.

I am serious by the way. You go down that road and look into that and you're going to find another Olympic hush game.

>(((political leverage)))
>(((80% commercials)))
>(((olympic sponsors)))
>(((paid endorsements)))
>(((regional blackouts)))
>(((twitter spats)))
>(((prizes are valuable medals not invaluable olive wreaths)))
>(((0% national honor)))
>(((0% sportsmanship)))
>((("i should have won because i'm ranked highest RRREEEEEEEEEEEE")))

You see, user, the Olympics have become obsolete. It's original purpose was for ethnostates to fight/compete each other without the mass casualties of war. It was so the Englishman can fight the German without a world war, and then shake hands at the end and honor each other.

But now, what is the point of the Olympics? Its mercenary athletes imported from all over the third world competing against mercenary athletes imported from the 3rd world. The Olympics are obsolete.
I haven't watched the last Olympics, and I wont watch these.

It's true.The only Olympic events I watch are the wrestling in the summer and, every now and again, the hockey in the winter. Nothing else means a god damn thing to me. Wrestling though is interesting as it has brought together and bridged the gap between some nations that were at each others necks.

Apparently Jordan Burroughs is loved in Iran just as Alexander Karelin is so respected in the US and Kyle Snyder is mutually respected in Russia.

The only real value now is in the opening ceremony to see how far the tech has come if it's in a rich country.

Most underrated comment of the day. Have my appreciation.

Or how far they haven't.

You guys see how quickly Brazil turned all those beautiful buildings, parks and rec areas into utter shitholes?

Part of the point the globalist fucks like to preach is the Olympics helps uplift and repair areas/fix issues in an area. It took those low grade fucks four years to turn all those billions into the equivalent of shit down a drain.

* 1.5 years

lol, john candy is shopped into the picture with the niggers. probably couldn't stand the smell.

our forefathers failed to manifest destiny. we will not


I'm going to get called a demoralization shill but I was just watching an ernst zundel from the mid90s where he said it was already too late. Imagine what he thought about the rapefugees in germany? We won't know since the jews had him muzzled after 7 years in jail and now dead.

seeing the racial homogenity of korea, was jealous.

She’s a cutie pie but I wonder how pozzed up the opening ceremony will be…


Please tell me this is something that an actual nigger tried to pull during the olympics.

it was already on this morning. the stream without comment was ok. if you watch it on network, you'll get commercials, soap opera storylines and all sorts of bullshit.


Chinks have an issue with them as well. You can't cheat a coin toss.

Reminds me of the chink gambling house where the guy keeps walking up the steps to record them and they get pissed off that they can't fix their games


Kick him off the team! He disrespected everyone. I would love if Trump tweeted about this.

I knew about Liberia but didn't know about the ACS. I'll look into to it.

For anyone who doesn't know: We tried to send nogs back to Africa already Americans gave them an entire turnkey country to go fuck off to.

Pics related are a map and the Liberian flag which is modeled after the American flag. Other pics are before and after the nogs arrived and decided to engage in an endless civil war Excuse the masonic temple, it's the best before after I could find.

Oh wow, an overly prideful and entitled groid afleet. What else is new?

I am not sure that is politically viable or the most intelligent thing to meme right now, but it is true, and it might wind up happening when the rest of our people get desperate enough that they start killing. I have a feeling they won't stop.


Well that is next level retardation, because by definition all religions contradict and often call out each other as false.

It's even better, he was tied for the athlete vote of who should carry the flag and lost in a coin flip and then tweeted it was because racism.
Coin flip = racism

I fundamentally disagree with your cap. Mongols from Mongolia aren't in any position to offer geopolitical aid considering China breathing down their neck, but that doesn't mean they dislike Whitey. In fact, many still speak German and fly swastikas because of how much they liked the Nazis. Many examples of hospitality abound, not just from 'hapa' Japs, or Mongols, but even from the darkest Jungle Asian too. Point is, just because someone isn't helping, doesn't mean they are able to but refuse, or that they wouldn't be a good friend in other circumstances. The key has always been self-reliance.

They have no place in our countries.

Who was that bitch who said "Drumpf is bad, not gonna shake his hand or accept a White House invite" who sustained a career-sustaining injury because of the Trump Curse?

Lindsey Vonn probably. The chick who was getting blacked by Tiger Woods.

Think before you hit "Post". Also she's fine enough to compete still. She's in these Olympics which she said would be her last.

1936 olympics where pretty comfy tho

You are right but to be fair the NBC coverage is unwatchable cancer full or retarded edits, nonsensical comments by announcers, inappropriate and very long sob stories, and lots of cuts. Surprisingly CBC, (Canadian coverage) is infinitely superior despite how pozzed that country is, just shows how fucked up NBC is.

The Olympics, summer and winter in general, as currently constituted are terminally pozzed. I've come to appreciate men's gymnastics and weightlifting as I've gotten older. But I'm not willing to wade through hours of commercials and brain damaged faggots editorializing on every event with multi-cult victim horseshit to see 20 minutes of sports. And that's in addition to the broadcast host itself advertising how great its coverage is in lieu of actually showing the competition.

I excised the electric jew over twenty years ago but when events like this come up I'll switch the monitor over to terrestrial see if there's any content. Usually last about 30 seconds and shut it down. Pure aids and cancer.


1972 summer Olympics had it's moments, tho'…

Watched it with the wife last night, I think it was designed to induce seizures but it wasn't actually very pozzed.