Just follow the hash and see it for yourselvesy bases go-I mean hwhite brothers!
What based hwhite supermen they are, fighting for kosher goodness.
Just follow the hash and see it for yourselvesy bases go-I mean hwhite brothers!
What based hwhite supermen they are, fighting for kosher goodness.
I was just getting my dose of youtube today and the subhumans just had to get into my face with a 30 second ad about evil german nutzis and how they saved their precious kikes. Of course commies got pass.
This should be eye opening.
Kiketube link to the shitty ad.
Evil nazis are so bad, better save the kikes instead! So fucking pissed off. Just woke up and almost had to vomit. Parasites will be parasites I guess.
Poland enlists Interpol in hunt for Nazi war criminals
Poland has asked Interpol for help in finding 1,600 former Nazis accused of committing war crimes in German concentration camps. Polish authorities view the investigations as the last chance to bring them to justice.
"We finally have to deal comprehensively with the mass murder that was committed in German concentration camps," State Prosecutor Robert Janicki, of the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) in Warsaw, told DW. "It is a state prosecutor's duty to find perpetrators and bring them to justice, and we want to see if it is still possible to find Nazi war criminals today."
Poland has been prosecuting Nazi war crimes for decades. A number of investigations were launched after the end of the Second World War, but most were shut down in the 1960s and 70s due to a lack of willingness to cooperate on the part of West Germany. Only a fraction of Nazi war criminals living in what was then West Germany were ever brought to trial, let alone convicted.
But in 2011, Ivan "John" Demjanjuk, at former guard at the Treblinka Nazi death camp, was found guilty of being an accessory to mass murder. It was the first time that a German court had ever handed down a conviction for accessory to murder in a concentration camp without having to prove an individual crime.
What's the matter Sheklestien? You upset that Poland is ignoring your attempts to remove their culture and their population with mud-shits? So you come here and try to stir up the board into thinking Poland not bowing to the Jewrey in the EU is a bad thing?
How much did they pay you moshie?
-links a kike article about anything-
Fuckoff D&C kike, reported
Kaczyński asks Israel to treat Poland like Germany
Tamir said Kaczyński told her that he understood Jews’ pain and urge not to forget the Holocaust but that Israel had forgiven Germany and "cynically" diverted blame to Poland.
“You send your high school students to Poland, they march in our streets, waving Israeli flags, exuding hatred and fear… and then they go to Berlin to have a good time, they sit in the cafes next to Gestapo (Nazi secret police) headquarters and feel good,” Kaczyński said, according to Tamir.
Kaczyński reportedly told Tamir that Israel was “rewriting history” and “deliberately blurring the difference between the horrific testimonies about Poles who murdered and massacred Jews, and the fact that the Polish people and its government never declared a war of annihilation on the Jews”.
“The annihilation policy was official German policy,” Kaczyński reportedly said, adding: “I respect and understand the pain of victims, but we [Poles] too were victims”.
Kaczyński invited Tamir to Warsaw, where she later spent three days considering World War II from a Polish perspective, which included lessons about the Polish underground, the destruction of Warsaw, and detention camps for Polish anti-Nazi activists.
Tamir said her Polish hosts asked Israel “to remember that [Poland] did not initiate the Holocaust”.
According to Tamir they also said: “We want you to treat us the way you do the Germans,” adding: “Who would have believed at the end of the war that we would beg to be treated like the Germans”.
Say someone the Poles are not crazy as a mad hater.
I wish all of you subhumans a long trip to eternal suffering in hell, kikes and inferior.
Sure Lech
Muh based kike arse licking Poland
Jesus, these fucking subhumans.
Is it Poland or kikes in Poland doing that ?
Watch the ad with your favorite kike demonitizer and for yourself at the end.
Polish National Foundation
op go back to 4chan with your shitty thread that no one likes you fuckin g jew kie nig
Top kek. Stay butthurt, subhumans. Cant wait until the big lie is debunked and the kikes and their pets kill themselves from haywiring.
Poland just hates germany so they're being jewish ironically
Honestly this, more people in Poland know the holocaust is a racket than they do in germany hence the behavior of jews in poland vs in germany where they are more comfortable (germany is less anti semetic)
Based Poland
Now this is one embarrassing subhuman. You best delete your old post first.
who voted (((Merkel))) in once again and her party continues to be the biggest in the polls
fuck Germany
Go on, show us how ignorant you are like a typical poolish toilet licking car thief.
Why isn't (((Based))) Germany denying holocaust outright, but instead shifts the blame on the first country they occupied 2nd country nazis occupied, first being Germany?
That's Israeli and German historical policy, not Polish.
Germans don't want to end the gravy train for Israel on account of muh 6 gorillon and exponential growth of unborn jews with 6 quadrillon as the base. They simply want to switch the perpetrator, very successfully might i add, first they paid the jews a few billions of ransom to switch from "German Death Camps" to "Nazi Death Camps" (how mysterious, some alien race of Nazis came and occupied Germany) now the chutzpa reaches new heights with mentioning that "Arbeit Macht Frei" isn't a Polish sentence being an anti-semtic hatefact
When German and Israel politics align they're truly based!
After all not allowing kikes to slander you in their extortion racket is playing right into their hands.
who voted for her party if not the Germans?
who's taking it in the ass from rapefugees and asking for more? Germany or Poland?
Are you an ameri mutt by any chance? Since you are as retarded as the other subhumans squatting on our land.
Only the winning party can decide who gets up to.
But since you subhumans are desperately trying to convince people on Holla Forums of all places that democracy is anything but bread and circus bullshit, I will just allow you animals to further expose yourselves with your anti NS and therfore anti German causes.
how did they win?
Being a shitty neocon party that spouts bullshit from the winners of WW2, and all other true nationalist parties after the war were literally banned?
Dont think you can lead the conversation, janunsz or whatever. You are both inherently ignorant and subhuman, inferior to me.
I wonder who would go out of their way to make these threads again and again.
Now go beg the kikes to treat you as good as they treat an occupied state, subhuman. Remember to sweep that soviet chimney too.
judging by how they vote this is what the germans must want
you will never accomplish anything by waiting for a permission to do so from your enemies
And I wonder what subhumans have to ruin my wake up with kike propaganda, fucking retard.
The polish subhuman is trying to preach to us about slave mentality. How amusing.
Germans don't have a slave mentality?
Hitler was shot at and jailed by the state
what sacrifices are you prepared to make?
Make 17 (and counting) asshurt posts on Holla Forums, because (((german))) and Israeli plans get derailed, I'd wager.
Another D&C thread
Btw, every normal thinking nationalists would use such opportunities, but meanwhile retards like you seem to not understand that what Poland is doing is the optimum, the optimum for itself. Now would every country do that, then there would be no problems.
Hiter was shot alongside hundreds of other Germans. Then they went ahead and tried to free themselves from the kikes. The polish subhumans meddled with that and get fucked so hard by vatniks they have to blame Katyn on Germans.
Not without providing evidence first that who is keeping the foundation myth of Jew World Order alive :^)
The subhuman mutts, everyone. I rest my case.
That's what the soviets attempted but managed to fail in courts that require no evidence, so as a consolation (((Jakub Berman))) called in a pogrom in Kielce giving absolute withdrawal orders to UB, Milicja Obywatelska, KBW and the Army but not to journalists who could go wild with stories of bloodthirsty poles massacring innocent jews literally from dawn till dusk
Transparent shariablue d&c. Defending your country is normal and healthy. I applaud the Polish in this case.
Anchoring the thread wont help, kikes.
The links the article everything is still there.
Saving the kikes and begging them is healthy too?
Absolute state of the subhuman mutts.
I think I will just bring these material far and wide :^)
What do you mean, where I live it is definitely at least 90% pure blooded native :^) And certainly dont like to say German Death Camps.
I'm convinced most people on Holla Forums defending Current Year Germany are actually Americans
is this site even accessible from Germany?
Sending a mobile h0l0caust museum like a jew would do?
Poles aim to educate Americans about Nazi death camps
A mobile museum is to travel around the US aiming to remind Americans that death camps were run by Nazi Germans rather than Poles during World War II.
Do you think Americans don’t receive enough atrocity propaganda?
Poland on his knees begging to be the kikes favorite shabbos goy.
The eternal Polak, backstabbing like a kike, just less intelligent.
Defending is now runing to big daddy crying that Germany is baaad?
Kaczyński asks Israel to treat Poland like Germany
Maybe the jews should grant the Poles their wish
lel buttblasted torpedo kike
germany is under military occupation, the state has an infinte amount of ways to discipline citzens.
i dont even blame the poles, most of them are living on stolen land i mean thats gotta mess your feeling of belonging up. its like blacks in the ghetto not knowing who they are or where they come from so they end up being kang golems.
Of course this D&C kike is a redditor using that kikewave crap. Pottery.
Unless they are kikes living in America, American's don't support white countries being invaded. We don't like when it happens to us, we don't like when it happens to you. Understand that for many of us, our heritage and where our families came from means something.
It does a disservice to try and drive a wedge between Americans and Europeans. The only ones it benefits is kikes.
Germany pressures Poland about right-wingedness, Poland pressures back where it hurts. That's all there is to it.
This is why people here laugh at the troll like amimutts and the polish subhumans.
They believe that the kikes dont want to keep the Holohoax alive and support shabbo goyim who do it like good little doggies.
If there ever was a deathcamp, more poles died in it then jews.
They are just still salty.
I just saw the hashtag, more Holograph propaganda. Why is this thread anchored?