North Korea

we world-class military power now

Best Korea just did its annual military parade, few hours ahead of the Winter Olympics in South Korea (instead of April). I just want to know what's the meaning of the hat? And how many of you guys will be rooting for them during the games?

image courtesy of NHK NEWSLINE, which likely will broadcast it again today (it's in English; it starts every hour):

Other urls found in this thread:–North_Korea_relations

hat means he's played the new metal gear game liked skullface a little too much.

giant robots now.

also get

Who gives a fuck?

He’s going for the old school Red style.

NKIDF please go

you don't support cute nork waifus?

Fuck all gooks ALL OF THEM DAMMIT and fuck you for stealing a trip

good goy

The emergence of new nuclear-capable world superpowers creates the admittedly small chance of a major global shakeup. You don't have to be NKIDF to see how this is a potentially interesting/exciting turn of events. Of course, nothing will probably happen.

They look like teenage boys

the same reason fedoras wear fedoras
he's going bald like his grandfather


so if they don't win they are going to be killed upon return to NK right?

Asians tend to look 15 until they are about 40
After that they look like crumpled up paper bags

It's a little somthing called style, maybe you western pig-dogs should try it some time?

God, he's getting fat.

Will he undo the treaty of Trianon with his nukes?

Goddamn it I know that fucking song but I can't remember its name.


What happened to the norks wanting to calm down?

Gooks, Chinks and Nips always hold grudges. They could be literally sucking your cock and they'd still be thinking of a way at a later date to fuck you over. Some real mental gymnastics my man.




He looks like such a cartoon villain with that getup.

Question will he play Tyranids or Tau?
Do we get a apocalypse game?

>being a (((mainstream media))) parroting retard

He's obviously playing IG.

No wonder all the Reddit and Twitter soyim started adopting his parlance.

no but thankfully you'll be dead soon enough, boomercuck

Kim Jung Un! Why does he wear the hat?!

Reported for supporting communism.

Norks are hiveminded gommies much like Tau.
Tau are exactly alike NK with the good goy social system. Socialist/gommie nation run by Monarch (The Jong family and Tau ethereals) respectively.
And like Tau empire no-one takes them seriously or consider them a threat.
Castration, re-education and prison camps up the wazoo.


I'll be rooting for them, last time they didn't win any medals they go sentinced to work in the mines

You picked the wrong ideology, fool!

Still hoping to see tanks the size of aircraft carriers…

I mean you get benefits and penalized accordingly how well you kiss regime ass.

Nice capes. This is obviously a country that has a more respect for courageous people than banksters. Good news because Afrimericans are getting tired of getting their shit pushed in by the same sandniggers over and over again. North Korea will hopefully end their miserable existences permanently.


Supreme Leader Kim will rule the world one day, nigger.

That twatter account is still fake as fuck, though.

As I said in Trumps military parade thread.
What if as America turns less white it requires military parades to show off the power of the state to the plebs?
The theory of power display to non whites is simple, all they understand is show of force.

If this theory holds true then it would have applied to Rome which had a large portion of slaves from arabs and nigs. It would explain Russia which has a large portion of nonwhites in the east. It would explain why India has such huge parades despite being pathetic militarily. And it would explain why most military parades in white countries are not as showy.

In a hwhite countries military pride can be instilled in many ways because hwhites can simply read history or observe a few pieces of military equipment then correlate it to recent victories/skirmishes and conclude their country is powerful.
Nonwhites lack abstract understandings of time. They need to see a significant portion of the military displayed to them to understand it.

thats to show he tips his fedora

It's also stunningly accurate sometimes.

Nice theory tripsmeister, but it falls apart when you consider the fact that the vast majority of Hitler's speeches were given in front of paraded military forces. Modern, industrial, and renaissance military discipline and parades were actually entirely developed by western, white powers. "Drill" which is an English adaptation of the French "Escadrille" is the process and technique of moving your assembled military forces in pattern and sync with one another. Ask yourself if you think a bunch of spics and niggers are going to do it well, or even develop the practice on their own. they don't, I know from experience It was based on the Roman column marching approach, and if you weren't retarded you'd know that for the vast majority of it's history Roman legionaries were citizens of Rome, and it was only towards the fall of the Roman Empire not the republic which preceded it numbnuts that the military was intermixed with barbar mercenaries.

Military Parades are inherently white. It's a shame our mixed race forces will be sullying a proud European tradition

The Taliban strategy that defeats the U.S. every day in Afghanistan: fight monkeys with smarter monkeys.

Why the fuck are the Taliban training Brazilians to fight for them?

Kill yourself cunt.

Eat shit gooks. You have no power here.

they can't pass through the tunnels under the DMZ

I wonder how many tunnels they have now, how big they are, and what kind of robots/drones can use them.

He does it all for m'lady


nah, he can have an harem if he wants
his children are more important, I hope

what are you, an american or something?

the US is losing the war in afgan because they refused to accept the taliban surrender and kept provoking rebellions since the US needs to have a pretext for their presence there. the only problem now is that theyve got a too big pretext thats learned from decades of occupation

He genuinely likes video games and is an autist of the highest order. I honestly could see him imaging himself as Skullface while all the ordnance drives by. The guy strikes me as the kind who lives in his own head and has ridiculous day dreams and fantasies about himself. Funny enough he has the power to make a lot of them come true compared to the average block. I mean who hasn't thought about playing harem master? That cat probably does on the regs.

It's impossible to win a war that was designed to never end. If the kikes had a sell by date on afganistan, they'd have thrown burgers at it like they did to the Germans. Instead they want this slow burn to go on indefinitely.

He will be able to get his sanctions lifted. To be honest this has needed to happen for a long time. China is transitioning hard from Communism into being a generic lawless state where greed is everything and the absolute largest and most unshakeable gang is the party. Kim wants to live in a less shitty country but still wants to be absolute ruler and the military wants to keep enjoying their gibs, so they will likely start heading towards the China route while resisting a lot of the social decay that both China and the South Koreans have experienced. With lifted sanctions they could export their mineral resources as well as import food and new technology. The Koreans are pretty good on keep a lid on foriegn propaganda so if they maintain that it will be able to maintain social cohesion. Gradually the workers will become complacent in the state's relative success and will seek foriegn novelties and luxuries. Things will be smuggled in, culture will defuse; and unless massive reeducation programs are rigourously and uncompromisingly maintained, cultural identity will weaken and they will begin to be influenced by which ever culture is most appealing to their sensiblites.

Kim get's to go down in history as "Noble Leader whose strength saved his people", while still enjoying the life of hotpockets, video games, fucking whatever girl he wants, and playing horse with the hero of his youth.

I have become extremely lazy in my proof reading. I apologize.


they ranked 11 in figure skating at the Olympics after the short program; they're doing great! Don't miss the free skating; it should start in about 8 hours from now

Holy shit man I didn't think this was real until I looked it up and I laughed so hard that I almost fucking choked.

They can call it whatever they want but it's communism as it was in the Eastern Bloc in every way except even shittier, even down to the superficial nationalism.

the point is its not a threat and the (((US))) is just screeching to get a new central bank installed in some unfortunate cpountry they wanna invade


Fuck off Holla Forums.

simpli eric