spread the love on this upcoming valentines day and shower your local bulletin boards and valentines day card boxes with the message.we should probably make Valentines day the official day of red pilling and shitposting because such gestures are an act of true love for one's people.
Feb 14th. IOTBW card and flyer blitz
and dont forget to remind everyone that all commies must die >>11240805
Not a bad idea tbh. Instead of trying to fix what isn't broken, just pick dates for more mass posturing campaigns.
Valentines day works. I'm in.
the pink is too flamboyant and yours reaks of mspaint and doesn't need to be compressed
also doesn't match the style of the original
This has potential, but I have nothing to contribute but a bump.
I like this one the best
can we get one where the heart is made out a pink or red line? to save ink
Put that on a shirt. Maybe some other repills too.
Great idea, this has great potential.
Nice, do you have the original pic?
Bump. The idea has merit, but your design is terrible.
Best design imo.
Also, I think if a few of pic related were postered around the same time, the impact would be magnified 1000 fold.
what could possibly make you think that?
Because I ran it through the Kvetch-O-Matic Salt Estimator and it returned exactly 1000x magnification (+/- 0.0005). Seriously, faggot. Have you not heard of hyperbole?
Way to waste a heil, it is shit, which has nothing to do with your hyperbole.
Here's your (((you))), Mr. Sage.
Hey buckaroo, your idea does nothing to help with the IOTBW movement and at best is a shit idea and at worst is D&C faggotry. I live in an over 90% white area and the local colleges are right full of nogs and pajeets, so this message would reach zero white people (it has flaws).
This is definitely the best one.
I hate myself for not removing the sage in my name and apologize for it still being there….
Crop and google/tineye reverse searh
Or sauce.nao
The intent was to use it in conjunction with , never as replacement. A few of them sprinkled around here and there to amplify the impact of a February 14th deployment. I'm not that attached to the idea, just throwing it out there for consideration. If it doesn't fly, it doesn't fly.
What about just doing it in black and white, and cutting out the heart?
Stale meme is stale m8.
I was only pretending to be retarded.
I realize that now user and I apologize for my faulty reading comprehension. Also, the sage name was from a slide thread that no longer exists, it wasn't meant for this.
It's okay to be white, but why do you have to be so cringey about it?
If any of you are thinking of posting flyers, make sure you're not an embarrassment first.
Not bad
"Support the future of mankind… be white"
I'm an embarrassment, that's why I just stick to using software to do magick and let the non embarrassments do what they will with my creations.
All jacked and /fit/ bros need to go out and put some of these posters up. Feminists will get wet when they see you.
satan, you saying IOTBW because there is more black and pink in that poster?
self check.
I you want a chimp out reaction post this.
Lazy nigger should have posted them before they got there.
You don't plant mind-mines while people are walking across them, because they will go off and you get hit by shrapnel like this guy.
So a fat soyboy decided to go plant a bunch of stickers in the middle of the day, during some kind of shitlib event, while wearing his official nadzee uniform.
thanx for the bump
I know you faggots don't like going off-centre but how about something like. You're white. Love yourself. Or, it's okay to love being white. It's fucking valentine's day for crying out loud. Use the dates and your copy as force multipliers. Valentines day = Love. Think of how you can maximize your intent and leverage timings. I get the IOTBW is set in stone, but that should be everyday ops, not used in PR bursts when you can manufacture something a lot more effective on certain days and link it to relevancy.
Sounds like an idea, user, and I certainly do love being white.
It's a curious angle to take.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
My heart is white,
And so are you!
good stuff
ty kind user
btw i thought of another slogan which might be developed
Racist is a slur for white
idk if it is any good, that depends on its popularity
fuck my spacing
We already have ideas for a new campaign.
This one is the most aesthetically pleasing
This is shit
Looks like a false flagger. Was anyone able to uncover which antifa group he belonged to?
I don't like this one. It doesn't say anything and even if (((people))) get triggered it won't really serve a great purpose like the original did.
Interesting idea.
The communism one is good IF you can find a way to compare the 100M with the (((6M))) without triggering the (((programming))). I don't think the second one is particularly effective - the brand of normalfag we are targeting doesn't know the inconvenient truths we know. The third one is no good because normies are too lazy to actually confirm it themselves.
See if this gets traction in cuckchan. We need the useful idiots.
What is that paste you can make with sugar? Doing this again but if you just use tape it is ripped down by the first kike that walks past it, verified this after finding all my fliers were torn down during the last op and heard through the grapevine who the vigilant warrior was
I could see something on a red background with black text that says "It's ok to love" and white text that says "yourself". Something like pic related. Maybe add a little "Happy Valentine's Day" at the bottom.
My other idea is to ape that Keep Calm meme. Put a little heart or two (offset like in>>11244360)
at the top and write "Keep calm and love" then "yourself" in white.
But it's not okay for blacks to love themselves so your idea is useless.
Holy shit, no one is this stupid. Go somewhere else, Holla Forums is bad enough as it is.
Sorry for the late response user. It's not a bad idea, but who, what and why are you doing this? - Ask yourselves this always. One could argue you have two TA's. 1 - Pro-whites and normies who see this as nothing more than a neutral statement which it is. 2 - Mentally Ill individuals and professional victims. I completely understand your idea and I think it's very bright but if you're planning on triggering libshits (2) are you sure it's as effective? Maybe, maybe not. But see how you can exaggerate it a little more. Exaggeration, Reversal, Humor. Those 3 angles work.
Hey You (white)
Copy (black)
Yourself (white)
But now think of how it can backfire (Reversal). It's simplistic. Now you're suggesting the copy is representative of race and colour, the left might see this as a message for miscegenation because some are really that stupid - then again, they'd probably not be bright enough to spin it that way but the jew would. I like the copy though. My critique? Put it on one of those vintage white male and white female illustrations with the same formatting and typeface as IOTBW. This reasoning accomplishes 2 things.
1. The imagery speaks for itself. (traditional white couple)
2. The copy is a calling card for everybody familiar with IOTBW and so you'll form allies but also trigger those who were against it in the first place.
At least that's just my 2 cents and do not wish to derail whatsoever. Even the above might end up looking too busy but if you enjoy graphic design, I don't see how you could lose. You could even put them in a heart shaped layer-mask like they ended love stories and cartoons way-back in the day. Just shitposting ideas but I like the energy. Nice one man.
As for the 2nd idea, that's breaking off from the IOTBW campaign and actually not a bad idea whatsoever because it diversifies a portfolio of design and it's normie friendly. It speaks to all audiences.
There's nothing racially suggestive about this but all the kikes and sjw's will project their instinctual wiring of racist beliefs and see it as a bad sign. All realists will approve. Win win.
Don't forget to add "Happy Valentine's Day" in fine print below. It's the cherry on top.
I got you, fam. I'm sure someone else could do a better job, all I have to work with is paint.
Just use "It's okay to be White" with a valentines theme
Reminds me of "size acceptance/ fag/feminist" propaganda perhaps re-purpose some of those to be pro-white messages instead of pozzed bolshevik judeo-shit?
retarded quote/pic related
Also imagine the salt if they figure it out….
ha ha ha I like it.
You'll go far in life user. Just be your own man and never give up.
Sublty when using the kike star, and considering kike involvment, subtly place the kike star in 1, maybe in the commas.
White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a Controlled Opposition Jewish psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
Sounds like a lazy buzzfeed/e-celeb trying to create "scandal" for an article.
No, you are not a large predatory cat
Standard and rebel media "controlled opposition" color scheme.
Kill yourself.