Kikes pissed that whites will be majority for 5 more years

Trump immigration plan could keep whites in U.S. majority for up to five more years

President Trump's proposal to cut legal immigration rates would delay the date that white Americans become a minority of the population by as few as one or as many as five additional years, according to an analysis by The Washington Post.

The plan, released by the White House last month, would scale back a program that allows people residing in the United States to sponsor family members living abroad for green cards, and would eliminate the “diversity visa program” that benefits immigrants in countries with historically low levels of migration to the United States. Together, the changes would disproportionately affect immigrants from Latin America and Africa.

The Census Bureau projects that minority groups will outnumber non-Hispanic whites in the United States in 2044. The Post's analysis projects that, were Trump's plan to be carried out, the date would be between 2045 and 2049, depending on how parts of it are implemented.

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This has been planned for a while.

The big question is how do we stop Spicorita and Niggqueesha from having 15 more little subhuman mongrels


That's still ample time for a DOTR

We'll never guess.

Awww, can't discriminate against whites anymore.

They can't have more kids if they're hanging from trees. Or just send them to africa

Aren't negroes at stable 10% due to the abortion industry, their lack of marriages and the fact that they kill each other constantly? Mexicans are the bigger demographic threat.

Quit making baby making so profitable for people on gibs.

Wow. Five years. What a success.

Have you learned nothing? The only time whites will ever be free from this curse is when we kill everyone else, or whites no longer have any wealth to steal.

wrong,chinks are the biggest threat as far as pop demographics and seldom do we hear about it however the number one immigrant that surpasses all others even filthy spics is chink women who the majority of are already pregnant by wang.

That amount has massively grown since then,the true sleeper on immigration isn't spics or niggers its the gd dog eating insect dinks

It's true, I see them all over. I've even met some half chinks from beta white men. We have got to fight back.

End paying the jobless niggers and mexishits for having kids. Audit the special education program in schools for niggers and mexishits abusing the program for gibs.

Top Kek, the anti-white population trends are going to be reversed even faster as time goes on.

Have a black pill, and remember you don't own nuffin :^)

Cut welfare. Easy

It should be against the law for whites to be under 80% in America.

But we should start with a law of 50% and increase it over time.



There are few things funnier than seeing kikes who project their fears onto white people who want self determination lose their minds when anything goes well for white people.

That's actually a surprisingly neutral article.

Given that it was over 90 before the 1965 bill, make it 90. To start.



Hmm.. no. That won't do it. You have to remove people. People who have been conferred citizenship. Anything less and you're pissing in the wind. Five years is nothing.

get rid of gibs, deprogram Whites to not be sjw/progressive/christcuck suicidal egalitarian.

The problem with this is that intelligent whites see that there is tremendous competition for limited resources and see that as an indicator that their offspring would be better served by waiting, or having fewer. When you throw them into a vat filled with black and brown gunk they don't have room to properly grow.

How can let your children play in the streets when there's a street gang slinging coke a block or two over? Everybody here knows what happens when racial areas intersect, or god forbid you're in a "diverse" area.

Necessary to be sure but 52cae is correct, that won't do it, 6.5 billion turds out of 7.5 billion world population, 190 million "White" Americans out of 340 million, half of that breeding age, in the wouldn't be great fantasy scenario where everyone partnered up and had six kids each that would up "Whites" in America to 475 million, which doesn't stand a chance against the 6.5 billion shitskins who have an open invitation to invade America with jews' 1965 turd immigration policy and non enforcement of illegal immigration.

Has been ignord all thread.. what the fuck type of reddit tier newfaggotry is this?

YES IT WILL. A wall 2000 miles long and a mile wide starts with the first brick being laid user.

That won't happen until DOTR. So until then make white babies faggot. And play the jew's game and promote abortion of non-whites.

Only deals with Mexico and only deals with people illegally crossing, namely drug runners. Most Mexican illegals literally walk across the border or drive through at official crossing points. Asiatics, hindustanis and chinks fleeing corruption charges, have been the primary immigration for years now.
There isn't going to be a DOTR if it doesn't happen. You actually need a certain level of population for it to work, you understand? There's never going to be a DOTR in South Africa. You can't make enough babies and have them be raised to minimum fighting age quickly enough to counter the coming population flip. There is a limited window in which there are enough White men on the right side of 50 to do anything about this.

In case you've missed the last year immigration is being cracked down on and daca and dreamers are getting completely btfo. What you need to do to do your part is stop being faggots and get to fucking and making white babies.

Oh its much worse for them than that. Kikes and liberals are incapable of actual data analysis they simply extrapolate a trendline without looking at the components of that trend. For example what if half the white population had no kikes and the other half had 3?

Liberals aren’t breeding anymore and temperament and predilections to certain political positions are very much inheritable, the 2010 US survey and Europoll 2011 both found that 93%+ of individuals had the same political and religious affiliation as their parents once they were older than 25. Indicating some form of heritable trait is being passed on.
You can see it in the birthrates by political affiliation and race within in the USA. White Democrats: 0.9, Jews: 0.8, blacks: 1.4, and spics: 1.6. White republicans are between 2.6 and 2.9 depending on whose numbers you use, with the highest being recorded in the General Social Survey which also has the largest sample set.

If the 2014 white conservative birthrates and those of the other demographic groups remained constant without additional input via immigration by 2050 only 20% of individuals in the US will be descended from habitual Democrat voters or self described liberals and only 7% will be black.

That is what the demoshits have feared for so long, that is why they want to import shitskins so desperately.

I've lived in rural America my entire life, even a college in rural America had a student body that was predominately right wing in 2004-8. Every white man I know wants to exterminate shitskins down to the last child.

They'll be praying for us to be Nazis, begging us to be fascists by the time these people are down. The holohoax didn't happen and the natsocs never planned on exterminating all darkies in the world. The white population now overtaking America however would very much support such actions. They've created the monsters they dreamed of for decades and I could not be happier.


user is right; you can't sit idly by while we see our race become sparse; however we cannot take actions of violence at this stage. Therefore we must try to raise our own birth rate in order to try to delay the inevitable.

Haven't missed, articles of 100 one day, two dozen another, what you have to realize is for ICE to be meaningful in what they do need to be deporting over ten thousand a day, every day, for eight years, to make progress on the illegal aliens here, and this doesn't even touch the one million a year via jews 1965 shitskin immigration act.

Unfortunately, liberal White people tend to be only ones who actually support birth control measures and anything resembling sane foreign policy – whether or not the government officials who claim to represent their views don't follow through on that. White, conservative evangelicals are a more corrosive, civilization-threatening force than genuinely White [i.e. not jewish] liberals who don't like Wal-mart or non-union shops.

anons, this poster is CLEARLY one of the aws kike-bot shills

notice it doesn't understand the reference and can't understand the big picture of what i really meant. because it's an inhuman kike-bot and has never into philosophy and can't into allusion or reference unless they're word for word.

notice it follows with the standard talking points against the wall pushed by cnn.

suggest filter ID+ and report

I think everyone is more or less onto the tactic of immediately accusing someone of being a shill from some nebulous democrat organization and sprinkling your post with red text or smug anime pics.

Huh? Liberal foreign policy is to abolutely oppose tariffs at all costs and to whine about deaths in war right up until they do it. Or did you forget that obongo and clinton did the same shit. Hell Clinton went into the Balkans under the pretense that the ebil Christian slavs were(righteously) killing mudslimes even though it later came out that they were not the libshits still love that war.

Liberals are just Neocons who like fags. Also niggers already abort their kids like crazy and if we cut off their gibs they'd simply starve to death.

Okay so you are just retarded. Evangelicals by which I assume you mean then TV baptists are already liberals they will all be slaughtered because unlike the rest of rural America they don't want to kill niggers. Also the unions are utter shit and have been since they were infiltrated by kikes and commies in the 40s. Hell you don't even really need unions anyway as proven by the fact that rural whites in those "free to work" ie no-union states have more disposable income than urbanite whites.

Frankly unions aren't important if you have a nationalist government, they can exist or not with little impact. But if you have a bunch of libshits and kikes they will infiltrate any organization or institution in which they don't have to work for a living, including unions, education, civil service, ect.

Until we control the government, fuck 99% of the unions most of them are pro-beaner immigration which defeats the entire purpose of a labor union unless of course the real purpose has become "to fuck with whites" just like every other institution that kikes have infiltrated.

And on a final note, fuck liberal whites. Their traitorous empathetic bullshit is why we are in these dire straights. If everybody was a heartless bastard who laughed as he stomped the heads of kike children into jelly and bone shards we would have fixed this shit a century ago.

Says the guy who doesn't seem to know that Wallyworld is run in part by the fucking Clintons whom the libshit whites worshiped for decades.

Most women get impregnated by wang, though.

How to circumvent archive blocking?

had to look this up, never heard of it. What's the significance of clintons being part of a regional amusement park?

Is what Wall Street tells them it is. I'm talking about actual average liberal White people. You know, some of the people who flipped over in the last election when Trump pretended to have a different foreign policy than he actually does.
The evangelical track record in this country is the evangelical track record. You can't just assign the word "liberal" to every little thing you don't like. I get it, it's not you. You're not that person. You don't need to give me the hard sell. The truth is, these people make up huge swaths of the nominal conservative party's voting base and along with jewish money/media, are the primary "street muscle" for the israel-first nature of our country. I'm sorry if you don't like it and don't want to own that.
Starting to think it's you who is retarded.
I can't imagine that is the case. I'd be interested in seeing your sourced numbers, though.

That's not relevant to the point I was making about Wal-mart. It's only you looking to reinforce your own assertions that you are the sole arbiter of social labels and the nature in which they are applied.

"Wallyworld" is a colloquialism for Wal-mart.

I figured it out. 1. Screenshot entire article. 2. Upload image to imgur. 3. Archive the image that is stored on imgur. 4. Now people can go to the archived screenshot of the article and click on it to see the article.

WaPo trash gets no further clicks. Imgur cucks get no further clicks either. It's a convoluted method but it works. Downside is that anyone can claim a screenshot is edited. At least the screenshot exists somewhere in an archive and can be linked to within a smaller and more sharable image.

Forgot image.

"Liberal whites" run all the fucking service and retail shit while conservative whites take care of essentially all resource extraction, manufacturing(US still has 2.7 times the total industrial output of China), and agriculture.

Liberal whites run the corporations that push diversity, immigration, and fag shit in coordination with the libshits in the government. They are in cohoots. Only the stupid libtard on the ground is "anti-corporation" in some idiotic general way and they are manipulated in such a way that they oppose the corporations run by and employing right wing whites. Liberals will demand labor laws which are circumvented by the commercial and financial sectors with ease but ruthlessly applied to the businesses that employ and enrich right wing whites. They will push for useless regulations that don't actually do anything to reduce pollution or prevent accidents just to fuck with productive industry.

The average liberal white is utter trash, a race traitor, faggot lover, and social signaler who only cares about regurgitating whatever opinion was handed to him in order to gain perceived approval by his peers. They don't even really care about solving problems they care about the appearance which they project to others. Hence why they bitch endlessly while hypocritically supporting things that they claim to oppose. It isn't even hypocrisy it is duplicitousness, they are just liars.

It doesn't matter that some dumb libshit on the street "hates corporation" as he buys his food from a chain store, buys clothes from GAP, buys media from kikes, and listens to music performed by other libshits who claim to be in opposition of political power while doing exactly what kikes and libshits in positions of power tell them. The liberal doesn't care if he actually harms the foe he claims to despise, he just wants to feel like a rebel. That is what modern liberalism always has been, spitting in the face of nearly powerless local authority while know-toeing to distant powers whether federal , collegiate, or foreign. Its about doing exactly what those with real authority tell them while pretending to be a counter culture. It's fucking disgusting.

They've been covertly pro-immigration since 1955 and supported the Hart Celler act in 1965 and since the 90s have been actively pushing shitskin immigration. Unions ceased being about the bar ginning power of white labor in the 50s when the kikes completely took them over.

So they are basically Republicans?

I noticed but I didn't think it was Reddit faggotry. Some people do just use "GD" just like they'll use "BS".

The real take-away here is that Trump's immigration plan won't halt the browning of America.

Given his voter-base, one has to ask: Why?

_Men: 34% of Total Vote
- 21.42% (of Total Vote) to Trump
- 10.54% (of Total Vote) to Hillary
_Women: 37% of Total Vote
- 19.61% to Trump
- 15.91% to Hillary
TOTAL: 71% of Total Vote
- 41.03% to Trump
- 26.45% to Hillary

_Men: 5% of Total Vote - 00.65% (of Total Vote) to Trump
- 0.65% to (of Total Vote) Trump
- 4.00% to (of Total Vote) Hillary
_Women: 7% of Total Vote
- 0.28% to Trump
- 6.58% to Hillary
TOTAL: 12% of Total Vote
- 0.93% to Trump
- 10.58% to Hillary

_Men: 5% of Total Vote
- 1.65% (of Total Vote) to Trump
- 3.10% (of Total Vote) to Hillary
_Women: 6% of Total Vote
- 1.56% to Trump
- 4.08% to Hillary
TOTAL: 11% of Total Vote
- 3.21% to Trump
- 7.18% to Hillary

_Both: 6% of Total Vote
- 1.92% (of Total Vote) to Trump
- 3.66% (of Total Vote) to Hillary



Two points.

We don't like the Republicans around here since the party is full of kikes, cucks, and neocons.

And if you are talking about the man on the street. No they honestly don't fucking care what others think unless they are a boomer. They don't socially signal, it just doesn't seem to appeal to them. And they certainly don't support pet causes, because they perhaps naively don't support government intervention in the first place, because over the last century all intervention has been on behalf of libshits and has fucked them square in the ass.

That browning trend is based on an extrapolation which assumes that the white birthrates remain low. Even while the liberal whites who don't have kids die of and are replaced by whites who have 2.7 kids each, more than any other demographic in any industrialized nation, indeed the only demographic in any industrialized nation with above replacement fertility.

Trumps plan doesn't go nearly far enough, we need to deport 30+ million illegal shitskins now. Send back 3 million refugees we've taken in over the last 50 years along with their 5 million children. And halt all immigration.

If you do that or even just freeze immigration you'll have bred a population of cold blooded murderers within half a century willing and eager to kill half the world for the sake of their own interests. Or at least that is my contention.

I'm not a newfag and I'm not the one who got bent out of shape when evangelicals got shit on. Thanks.

The most effective plan I've ever heard suggested that might actually get some traction legally by sounding humane is to offer repeat felons a one-time $10,000 payout in exchange for getting permanently sterilized. Nigs have fuck-all long-term foresight, an immediate desire for gibs, and prodigal crime rates. You'll end up catching a few Whites and other minorities in the crossfire, but they'll all be repeat felons, making this a sort of soft eugenics for us as well.

I concur, and offer up a vid on the founding of the neoconservative movement by the Jew Leon Trotsky

Those very same evangelicals are part of the lobbying for more hall of cost reparations and payments to Israel, and will gladly donate to the antichrist to force a second coming of Jesus, they are traitors pure and simple. Hell, the very first mass evangelist, Marjoe(Combo of MARy and JOEseph) Gortner was an abused kid of an evangelical family who trained him for this and he used it for profit, pure and simple, and it was only later in life he repented of it and exposed those others copying him like Benny Hinn. He would do parlor tricks like make a cross in a kind of oil on his forehead so that when he was speaking for an hour under the hot lights it'd show up for a few minutes and people would be pointing and whispering and he'd not take notice.
He used hypnosis to put people into a trance state with music and his voice and then he'd drain them of their money, and the entire crowd would dump bills and coins into that box he set up, thousands of dollars a night; you really have to see it to believe it. And then in the next segment you see him at a meal with others explaining how he does it and the parlor tricks and how he cheats old ladies out of their last $10 bucks. Total, common Megachurch Evangelical:

That wouldn't do it. A tailored bio weapon would though.

The most effective plan I've ever heard suggested that might actually get some traction legally by sounding humane

lmao I don't care. I'm a straight, white man and the demographics shifting one way or the other won't really affect me much.


I'm not a lib,I just don't care what race the masses are. I'll still be set, I have a decent education and job, who cares about most other people.

You must not expect to live that long.

I'll just move to somewhere whiter if it becomes a bigger problem. I don't think it will be though.

You have to be larping.



lmao I'm a millenial, but we're getting fucking old, I'm being realistic.

Evangelicals are libshits and will hopefully be exterminated with all liberals when the time comes. I only get pissed when people think they can or should be saved when what we recognize as liberal whites are a major contributing factor to this mess. If they all die out half the problem is solved and we will be free to solve the other half with bullets.

Daily reminder that the only solution is the final solution

Mandatory sterilization, like they do with niggers in Assrael.

This is why I'll continue to support the abortion industry. Regardless of the morality of it, it disproportionally affects niggers to such an extent that it's handicapping them from exploding their percentage of the population. The results justify the means.

The tailored bioweapon already exists. It's called AIDS and africans love it to death. We even give them drugs to treat the disease. This looks human, and it allows them to live longer, spreading the disease among their own populations even more. The Clintons and the Gates are largely responsible for this plan.

Fuck off Chaim. You'll never overrun us.

Only your inbred tribe do it, kike



Five more years to learn Mandarin and find a Chinese wife. Thanks, Trump. (article archive)

Wtf I love abortion now

==N O RaCeMiXiNg

where are all these newfriends coming from?
or is this some kind of mild mannered shilling being attempted?
I'm seeing a lot of reddit tier posts lately, like the demographic here has changed quite drastically
are all the oldfags dead, or did they go somewhere else?


That is only half true as there are now reports of less spics trying to cross the border again and many others getting out of the country before ICE gets to them first and they get kicked out on top of losing their precious gibs.

An actual Black pill would be watching Holla Forums hijacked by kikes openly fellating ZOG daily

>“By greatly slashing the number of Hispanic and black African immigrants entering America, this proposal would reshape the future United States. Decades ahead, many fewer of us would be nonwhite or have nonwhite people in our families,” said Michael Clemens, an economist at the Center for Global Development, a think tank that has been critical of the proposal. “Selectively blocking immigrant groups changes who America is. This is the biggest attempt in a century to do that.”
These kikes are reaching levels of chutzpah that shouldn't even be possible.

Not anymore. Niggers kill and spawn each other in near equilibrium, 1st generation spics spawn at the same rate as white conservatives, but second generation spics and chinks don't produce that many kids. Liberals spawn nearly none. Immigration itself is the only single reason why foreigners percentage is quickly rising. With lottery and illegal immigration getting removed, demographics will stay around the same level. Then, once you kill welfare benifits, non-whites lose the finances and reason to have kids, super nigger and spic spawners also won't spawn 5 kids if there is no monetary benifit. From then on it would be rules of nature and white conservatives would be the highest baby spawners.
Immigration and welfare is the foundation of minority policies
Without importing new voting pets from outside and without keeping the pets that are here fed, kike policy plans are fucked. They hoped to stay in power and keep white people asleep and flood U.S. until whites weren't majority anymore, but whites are waking up much earlier than expected, which got Trump elected.

Yeah, there it is. African-Americans are becoming increasingly homosexual, have massive abortion rates, have hugely high murder rates, and are secularizing, as are Mexicans. Also, Hispanic immigration is almost exclusively responsible for Hispanic population growth in contemporary times. Meanwhile, almost all high birth rate religious groups in the US are white. Mormons of all stripes are generally white. Amish are white, and white people are increasingly falling into conservative and reactionary thought, while other races are signing a deal with the devil by falling into leftist thought. Demographics are destiny, but projections are always shaky.

If you're white, have children, and lots of em. I intend to.

NATURE can't fight HUMAN Nature they can throw as many wrenchs as they have into the gears but in the end we our

its also fucking wrong
kids under 5 are already a minority, and the boomers are already dying off
there's no way we have that long

If we were exclusively the latter, we'd be just as non-functional as the muslims. We'd never get off this rock. The liberals aren't truly "empathic" in the white people sense; they simply hate their own race and want to socially signal their moral superiority. White empathy ties in with white superiority, and despite it being taken advantage of right now, we're still gonna win big and get off this rock.

You know, people have been bitching about the 200k number, but what about that side effect of them self-deporting? I haven't heard anything about that since the election. Do we have any way of knowing how many are actually still here?

They tend to get impregnated by Wang's dong, not Dong's wang.


A lot of retarded Christians do it as well. Goes with that whole taking his "name" in vain crap. Even though "god" isn't his fucking name, it's a god damn description.

I forgot to add, the GD usually stands for God Damn when christians do it rather than what the kikes do with g_d in eliminating a letter to "make it not his name."

February 1488

That fact that these assholes see nothing inherently wrong in the idea that whites will become a minority in America is all you need to know.

At no other point in history have nations and cultures voluntarily suicided themselves and pretended like the replacement of the population that built the nation by retarded black and brown savages was a great fucking thing and shouldn't be systematically prevented.

Someone needs to change that barrel into a butt crapping into the bowl.

ding ding ding
Daily Reminder that jews are working both on computers that will flag and identify you for hatespeech and Jews are working on genetic editing.

The genetic editing will be used to upgrade the inner circle. Genetic editing will be used to literally lower iq and aggressiveness in everyone else.


The boers were a minority. As long as there is a single white alive, they will not rest.

But short-term just cut off welfare.

Go ask how the Afrikaners are doing with that I'm pretty sure you're just some faggot young adult that still lives with his parents in a nice mostly white neighborhood and uses the exceptional nonwhites as an excuse to justify what's happening. Why not go live in Detroit and keep your door unlocked at night and see what happens?

You know, it took me a long time to actually start to hate foreigners. I was only pro-white and managed not to hate them for a long time.

I am learning to hate them most of all for how they think they have the right to just take anything away from anyone else. They are 100% okay with colonialism if they think they will get a piece. I hope one of you foreign bastards reads this comment. You are pieces of shit.

Many of you will be purged in the future for your abominable behavior and siding with the kikes to genocide disarmed and ignorant Europeans worldwide. I hope I lived to see the day and do it myself. If you keep this shit up, none of you will be spared.

1) Don't believe kikes.
2) We may very well have to be a minority before stupid sleeping Whites wake the fuck up.

Indeed. I said a long time ago that Rothschilds were only breeding up Aryans who will exterminate them with their actions. The best part about it is that commie types are shit in general. We will wipe them the fuck out at some point because all they do is cause problems.

We need to harden the fuck up militarily, too. Trying to commit crimes against us should be a death sentence.

Double dubs checked. They do look about that horrifying.

This. I will fucking glass Pissrael in due time.

And faggots like this will hang.

Gee, it's almost like it's an unnatural, unsustainable, bullshit system.

No, we really don't. The safest course of action is to assume that it is a lot and have a lot of kids. Everyone who can and doesn't is a failure.
