Let's Piss Off Reddit

Alright Holla Forums, we know the main source of shareblue kikes comes from plebbit, I purpose we do something that reddit will never be able to recover from
There is one simple way to ruin the image or at least anger reddit in a way that it won't matter how many shills continue to come here, they will just lose by giving us more attention
If we turn Snoo into a hate symbol the cucked people at Reddit will try to change the symbol and piss off many redditfags, this will reward us with many a good kek and will show more normies that are scared to join us just how lame and cowardly the opposing is side is
More always come here, the majority of the bored at this point is filled with faggots from reddit, it really does not make a difference, it is time we counter shill these assholes.
typical redditfag question, if the plan really does get to that point and snoo becomes like pepe, moonman and the other various mascots/memes turned into symbols for our movement than rince and repeat, take snoo 2.0 and do the same thing, when lefties tried to meme epep the anti-racist toad into existence he ended up becoming redpilled and joining our side, and the nujacks didn't even last a day. If we do this, hijack peoples symbols we can destroy the oppositions way of getting messages to the masses, the NAZBOl gang has already turn the sickle and hammer into a white power symbol, why not make this main stream and piss off commies and redditfags everywhere

Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=lolmonger megrimlock4&t=ffab&ia=web

Interesting idea..
Your art skills are fucked though OP
I propose you apply gas to yourself as recompence for your incompetence.

Its a shit forced meme that wont go anywhere because they already make the mascot change depending on certain subreddits, it will be mentally written off as just one weird variant. A thread died for this.

Not your personal army.

Only if it directs them to halfpol.

I propose you kill yourself.

This is a stupid idea. They will see though it like swiss cheese and will fail miserably. A better way to take down reddit is to make a bunch of accounts and shitpost a ton and spread redpills. It will force them to keep having to hire moderators and keep them on their toes trying to ban us all. I tried doing this for a while, but I can't stand reddit and stopped.

So basically shill tactics. Wouldn't that prompt a mass counter shitpost from the plebbitors? that is, if we were to do it enough to cause a fuss.

Fuck off

You know what, I was gunna sage your shit and tell you to go back to Reddit but the thought of seeing that weird alien mow die a pack of niggers with a 40cal made me chuckle.
8ch sucks for OC though tbh. Better to ask halfchan. Polite sage.

Oh look the 12 year old came up with a completely original idea. Well done lad.

Here’s a good idea, do it yourself.

No. You have gone insane.

Saged and reported for crazy


Epic pepe puts his benis into snoos bagina XDD


Shills are having a meltdown.

For the epic winz amirite?

why don't you do some fucking work and dox u/lolmonger (and explore circumstantial connection to Seth Rich on reddit) and show that the_donald is an alt-kike shitshow.

>duckduckgo.com/?q=lolmonger megrimlock4&t=ffab&ia=web

I purpose you hang yourself


Things are not going good for OP in the shillshed today.



Now you are thinking with butterflies


Maybe instigate so they attack us and kill them off?

Fuck off kike.