"US jets bomb 'pro-regime' forces in Syria"

American jets bombed Syrian "pro-regime forces" Wednesday, the Pentagon said, after what it described as an "unprovoked attack" against U.S.-backed rebel fighters east of the Euphrates River.

No U.S. special operations troops were hurt in the attack, officials told Fox News. One official added that Russian contractors may have been involved in the initial attack.

The U.S. coalition said in a statement that the pro-regime forces attacked a headquarters of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), and the U.S. launched the airstrike in self-defense.

The Euphrates, which flows through northeastern Syria, functions as a demarcation line separating the American-backed SDF and forces of the Bashar Assad regime backed by Russia and Iran who are active around the city of Deir el-Zour.
Lt. Col. Michael Waltz says the U.S. needs to remain engaged.

The SDF are led mainly by a Syrian Kurdish militia, known as the People's Protection Units or YPG, whose presence has caused increased tension between the U.S. and Turkey, which considers the YPG to be "terrorists."

U.S.-backed forces retook the Religion of Cuck™ic State terror group's de facto capital, Raqqa, last October. The defeat marked a major blow to ISIS and was followed by a string of swift territorial victories in Syria that retook nearly all the territory the extremists once held. Pockets of ISIS fighters, however, remain between the Euphrates and the Iraq border.

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Inb4 ShareBlue

"WTF, you can't just attack the rebels we're funding and supplying inside your country's borders the fight to depose your government and install an israeli client state!"
absolute talmudic logic

< Is it possible, user? Israel not a friend?!

We need to burn this Jewish circus down honk

Check out this 40 second video, seemingly unrelated, but from a related video embed:

Bump, in case anyone cares the US is bombing stuff.

Surprised this hasn't been anchored.

That guy was smooth

Maybe don't attack first, unprovoked.

Too smooth, I say. Hope he's alright, after saying something like that on air.

The US needs to talk about this to family and sutch, anons spread the word to family and friends. Get that danm noggin joggin!

He's gonna get suicided ?

What would happen if Russia were to shoot a jet down?

The eternal burger strikes again

Every kike, neo-con, and neo-liberal in America would descend upon Trump demanding world war 3. ANd every (((news media outlet))) would be showing images of the pilot and his family and demanding that Trump make widows of millions and millions of Russian pilots in retaliation… or better yet, kill them all men, women, and children alike.

And what would Trump do?

It depends. If we back down, Trump looks like a punk bitch. If we shoot back, the Jews get WWIII.

Say that the CIA armed ISIS?


posted wrong link for the israeli provocation:

The SDF are a proxy army armed and funded by ZOG on Syrian land faggot. That's all the provocation Assad needed. Assad is more of an ally to you than your kike loving president. Lurk fucking moar.


with USrael the world loses

Hello, yid.

You're so easy to manipulate dear zogbot. It's pathetic.

This latest effort of yours to destabilize another foreign country has been on-going since 2011 and you're sitting on your fat ass claiming they were unprovoked? How about you just go fuck yourself and get back to reddit?

You created, financed, trained & equipped all the terrorist groups in the region.
You run fake chemical weapons stories in the media on a daily basis despite the fact Syria doesn't have any such weapons and is a member of the OPCW.
Ironically, the biggest stockpile of chemical weapons is owned by the US military. Both Syria and Russia destroyed their stock and the US is 10 years behind on its pledge to destroy its own stockpile due to (((unspecified reasons))).

Do you feel disappointed you haven't been able to make up any WMD bullshit this time? No easy UNSC vote to back up another illegal military invasion? What a fucking shame. You could have been sent back home in a box for Israel but instead your sitting at home watching TV all thanks to Russia.


So stupid shit, win stupid prizes.

I didn't so shit nigger. I work hard labor. Don't attack people unprovoked and maybe you won't get your shit pushed in.

wew , that guy's got some balls of steel

You know what? Fuck it. Lets go full on war in Syria. Let's do it. Time to rid the ZOGbot gene from the country. While their offspring are being mangled in the desert we can purge the boomer menace.

Seriously, fuck these people. The boomer and their ilk must be purged.

his thought bubble: "fuck this job. i hate this job anyway. fuck you, CIAniggercunt anchor"

keek. I left the commentsphere. I'll be back for 2020, but meanwhile it's a lafff. Consider this: since they call FUCKING EVERYONE A ROOOYAIN & HITLER, you can pretty much say/do as you please. It's a badge applied to literally Hannity and Pence. They're literally Hitler, so I can say whatever the fuck I want :^) What I mean is the lynch mob can't get ramped up, when the labels are used so broadly.
It's surreal. I never thought they would waste their most powerful weapon.

Do stupid shit like not letting the ZOG colonize your country for Israel you mean? Where do you think you are?

You're one stupid fucking nigger.



I like how this story is page 3. Oh, btw, the US is fucking bombing people in a foreign country, where we have no declaration of war.

Shouldn't have attacked.

Stupid? I didn't get air bombed.

Another day in the life.

My day gets a little better every time I see that.

Fucking kek.

Maybe those Religion of Cuck™ist American-backed 'rebels' shouldn't be in Syria fighting a civil war in the first place if they don't want to be attacked 'without provocation'.

I mean what do you Israeli stooges in the USA think, that you can just indirectly annex a foreign country and be justified for it?

< it's not news that the US is bombing a country against which there has been no declaration of war, which constitutes a violation therefore of the Constitution (who the fuck gives a shit about the Constitution? RACISTS, that's who!)

It's like a nigger breaking into your home and shooting you when you try to make him leave.

You really do have the IQ of a nigger, don't you?


It's like the international version of home invaders suing for damages when they get shot.

Also, I can't stand how they say "pro-regime forces". It's the fucking Syrian military. Imagine seeing the US National Guard referred to as "pro-regime forces" in a story about them fighting Religion of Cuck™ic insurgents on US soil.

Gotta kill all regime officials :^) You've seen the programming. Castle Wallenstein, you know the drill. Comply with your training.

It's like pottery, except the rebels in this story actually were the good guys…

:^( the rebels were the good guys trips confirm


Can we just gas the place already? They give us a bad name.

just stfu faggot
Holla Forums is pro-assad and has been since 2012

AFAIK USAF doesn't use Boeing 777 for bombing runs.

Being accused of being shareblue for thinking critically is the easiest tell for cadreniggers. The zio-trump shills are by far the most active here.

I dare say even GW wasn't as zionist as Trump. He had 9/11 to cover up: Trump just does it for free.

muh ukraine

you're not fitting in well

Trump is a guy who was employed to run because the Adelsons, the Streisands, the Pritzkers, were dissatisfied and worried about Obama not being enough of an arch-zionist or at least not willing to really own any kind of large scale military operation overseas.

Another 6 gorillion sanctions and increased NATO activity around Russia's borders.

Do you have life threaten allergy to Ukraine? Ok. Boeing 747.

Here is a joke to trigger all you shariablue mudshit: why do they call him Bashar al-ASSad? Because he's man of shit.

You do realize that you aren't White, right kike?

Arabs are not white?

Holla Forums has been pro-assad since Wikileaks posted the Stratfor emails (showing collusion to overthrow Assad) which makes sense with the Yinon Plan

Shareblue wasn't even around back in 2011-2012

Eat shit Ahmad. All true patriots know Bashit al ASSad is enemy of USA.


Really activates the almonds.

Fucking Based. Absolutely (((Presidential)))

8/pol/ isn't far behind at this point
fully expect the thread to get anchored

Ironic boomerposting is still boomerposting.

Literally the one thing the zional zump shills on here bring up to defend their zog lord from correct accusation that he's a jewish puppet is that he "defeated" isis.
Lmao. US has been slowly pulling ISIS support since obama, trump just hastened it. They've basically stopped backing a dead horse and have instead found more effective measure. greater israel is still a wet dream for trump.

The US attacked everyone that wasn't a kike in the whole fucking region for decades. You should have kept your mouth shut after your first comment. I thought that "unprovoked" referred to the Syrians, who are, you know, being fucking invaded.


Checked for sanity.

That would be a GREAT line if it were used here.

Trips confirm Dixie.

What a fucking nigger.

You have to go back.

muh (((patriots)))

In the end it's very simple, Tump's foreign policy is still very conventional. Not as bad as Hilldawg might have been since she would've probably gone hot on Syria and Ukraine pretty quick to rule as a war president.

Unprovoked my ass.

What does the RT say?

Most likely because you are mentally incapable of anything else, you stupid nigger.

Where do you neocuck faggots keep sprouting from?

Absolutely cucktastic!

Someone throw some redpills in that cuckshed.

Russian MOD statement is;
Syrian army was hunting bandits (terrorists) that were conducting ambushes in the area of El Isba refinery and shelling villages (they give a list of villages), they came under heavy fire from mortars and rockets, then US attack helicopters showed up and mowed down the Syrian platoon (militia not SAA).

Basically in between the lines: the kurds are shelling the villages around the oil plants they seized to prevent people from going back, which is their typical genocidal MO and the local Syrian militia got pissed off and tried to chase them out and uncle Sam quickly came to the rescue of it's pet war criminals…

shit forgot the link
archive.is/cgm6h (vodka runes)

Thanks, Ivanon.


Trump meant to punish every white European country that embarrassed him after he decided to give Israel more justification to continue their holocaust in Palestine. Who keeps taking things out of context to make Trump look like he's not an Israel Firster?

A liberal too smart for his own good.

Nice redpill.

I've had just about enough of this bullshit.

ahaha you can see the moment he realizes he might be in trouble

We all have. It will be a great day when we finally end it and make all the shills, censors, and kikes pay for their crimes.

Rex Tillerson is one bad hombre

It seems that these dumb fucks don't even know who they bombed.



is not needed anymore. World war has been on since 1917.

So who gave the order to do this? Some pizza loving general?

Is it just a "'cause fuck you" or is it meant to imply ZOG putting its foot down regarding balkanizing Syria?

got to keep the war going somehow

It's like a secret war at this point.

The_Donald got taken over months ago. Holla Forums has never had anything to do with them. If anyone actually gives a shit they should be trying to redpill people on the shift in posting that was there last year to this year. Archive, cap, and link to threads that were the norm a year ago and compare them to boomer-tier zionistcuck posts that are the norm now. Start threads and post them there, get banned, and repeat.

Ideally have a backup board to move people too. I don't know how Voat is these days but that's worth a look. Only ones who would do this would be people who care about plebbitors.

What were you expecting again? The only thing that surprises me is the lack of "trump is a kike" posters. A thread like this is usually a signal for them to jump in and post more scripts.

< if you criticize the US you're anti-Trump

U fucking wot m8. We practically built that place during the election, worst mistake ever.

Trump is a kike.


Didn't Assad say he would destroy Ben Gurion airport if the US bombed him again?

No, if Israel did… tbh though…

Well Israel is part of the reason why the US is bombing Syria

Hopefully Russia/Syria retaliate.

< part

do you know we dont like israeli patriots here?

Sounds like this was basically a massacre of lightly-armed militia with no air cover/SAM/MANPADS. I wonder if it wasn't a probing attack to see how the Americans would respond.
Ifwhen Assad decides to put the Kurds to the sword, it will be a different story. SAA probably has enough modern Russian SAM systems to protect against USAF strikes. The big question is whether Russia will allow Assad to fight the Kurds, as it could risk a Russian-US confrontation in the air.

When you get attacked, do you really care who it was before you send a reply back along the same line? I think we learned from the Liberty the best response is an immediate one.
If you were cleaning a mosque of vermin, you would do a walk-through and make sure no white christians were caught up as collateral damage? If you don't want to take a hit for someone else, be a little more careful with who you are hitting or don't be anywhere around when the inevitable retaliation comes.
It's common sense.

Is it true the only difference between you kikes and other semites is the horns? I mean on the four legged animals you fuck. It seems to be you kike fucks prefer sheep over goats and that is the only difference I can see.






US-led coalition strikes kill pro-regime forces in Syria

By Barbara Starr and Ryan Browne, CNN
Updated 1826 GMT (0226 HKT) February 8, 2018

Washington (CNN)The US-led coalition fighting ISIS in Syria conducted air and artillery strikes against pro-regime forces in Syria on Wednesday, killing an estimated 100 pro-regime fighters, according to a coalition statement.

The coalition described its action – which if confirmed could represent the largest number of pro-regime casualties inflicted by the US-led coalition – as carried out in "self defense."

Syrian state news agency SANA described the action as an "aggression" by the coalition against "popular forces" who were fighting ISIS and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces. The attack had left "scores of persons dead and others injured" and caused "huge damage" to the area, SANA added.

According to a coalition statement, its strikes were carried out after forces allied with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad "initiated an unprovoked attack" against a well-established Syrian Democratic Forces headquarters where coalition advisers were working with US-backed Syrian fighters.

Some 500 pro-regime troops carried out the attack using artillery, mortar fire and Russian-made tanks "in what appears to be a coordinated attack on Syrian Democratic Forces," US Army Col. Thomas Veale, a spokesman for the US-led coalition told CNN.

Veale said that about "20 to 30 artillery and tank rounds landed within 500 meters" of the Syrian Democratic Forces headquarters before the US-backed fighters and coalition forces "targeted the aggressors with a combination of air and artillery strikes."

The US strikes were carried out by manned and unmanned aircraft as well as a US High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), two US military officials told CNN.

US F-22 stealth jets, F-15 fighters, and MQ-9 drones were involved in the counterattack according to US Air Forces Central Command.

"Along with ground based fire support, these aircraft released multiple precision fire munitions and conducted strafing runs against the aggressor force, stopping their advance and destroying multiple artillery pieces and tanks," Lt. Col. Damien Pickart told CNN.

"We estimate more than 100 Syrian pro-regime forces were killed while engaging (Syrian Democratic Forces) and Coalition forces," a US military official told CNN.

"This action was taken in self-defense," Veale said, adding that pro-regime forces that returned across the river had not been targeted.

Veale said no coalition or US personnel had been killed or wounded in the engagement but that one member of the Syrian Democratic Forces was wounded.

The coalition said the attack took place in Khusham in the Middle Euphrates River Valley, five miles east of the agreed-on "de-confliction" line designed to separate Russian-backed regime troops and US-backed forces in Syria.

Veale said the coalition suspected that pro-regime forces were attempting to seize territory, including lucrative oil fields, that the Syrian Democratic Forces had liberated from ISIS in September.

They "were likely seeking to seize oilfields in Khusham that had been a major source of revenue for Daesh from 2014 to 2017," he said, using the Arabic acronym for ISIS.

U.S. dismisses fears of wider war after deadly Syria clashes

Phil Stewart, Lisa Barrington

WASHINGTON/BEIRUT (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis dismissed concerns on Thursday that the United States was being dragged into a broader conflict in Syria, after a major clash with pro-Syrian government forces overnight that may have left 100 or more of them dead.

The U.S.-led coalition said it repelled an unprovoked attack near the Euphrates River by hundreds of troops aligned with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who were backed by artillery, tanks, multiple-launch rocket systems and mortars.

The incident underscored the potential for further conflict in Syria’s oil-rich east, where the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance of Kurdish and Arab militias holds swathes of land after its offensive against Religion of Cuck™ic State.

Assad, who is supported by Russia and by Shi‘ite militias backed by Iran, has said he wants to take back every inch of Syria.

The pro-government forces were “likely seeking to seize oilfields in Khusham” east of the Euphrates in Deir al-Zor province, said a U.S. official on condition of anonymity.

U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, who sits on Senate foreign relations and military oversight committees, said the episode raised serious concerns about the open-ended U.S. military presence in Syria.

“I am gravely concerned that the Trump administration is purposefully stumbling into a broader conflict, without a vote of Congress or clear objectives,” Kaine said.

Mattis described the attack on the U.S.-backed fighters, who were accompanied by U.S. special operations forces, as “perplexing.” But he described the retaliatory U.S.-led coalition strikes as defensive and limited in nature.

Asked whether the U.S. military was stumbling into Syria’s broader conflict, Mattis said: “No. This is self-defense.”

“If we were getting involved in a broader conflict, then it would have had an initiative on our part,” Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon.

No U.S. or U.S.-backed forces died but the U.S. official who spoke anonymously estimated that more than 100 pro-Syrian government forces were killed in the counter-attack.

Syrian state television reported that the coalition had caused “dozens of dead and wounded” by bombing pro-government forces. But a commander in the military alliance supporting Assad disputed the death toll, saying seven members of the pro-government forces were killed and 27 injured.

In a letter to the United Nations, Syria’s foreign ministry described the strike as a “war crime” and called for the coalition to be dismantled, Syrian state news agency SANA said. “We demand (that the international community) condemn this massacre and hold the coalition responsible for it.”


The U.S.-led coalition was set up in 2014 to battle Religion of Cuck™ic State fighters in both Syria and Iraq, who were largely defeated last year. Some 2,000 U.S. forces remain on the ground in Syria, allied to the Kurdish-led SDF alliance, which holds the largest swathe of territory still outside the control of the government.

The Syrian civil war, now entering its eighth year, has killed hundreds of thousands of people and driven more than 11 million from their homes, while drawing in regional countries and global powers supporting client factions on the ground.

U.S. forces in Syria have already faced direct threats from Syrian and Iranian-backed forces, leading to the shoot-down of Iranian drones and a Syrian jet last year, as well as to tensions with Russia. But this may have been the largest single assault on a U.S.-accompanied position to date.

Still, these episodes have been sporadic. U.S.-backed SDF and the pro-Syrian forces had largely avoided direct confrontation while both were fighting the common Religion of Cuck™ic State enemy. Moscow and Washington maintain contacts in eastern Syria to prevent unexpected confrontation between forces they support.

Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White told a news briefing that Washington was not “looking for a conflict with the regime.”

Still, the incident underscored growing tensions in Syria amid reports of Syrian chemical weapons use elsewhere in the country.

The U.S. State Department on Thursday deplored the alleged use of chemical weapons and backed a call from the United Nations to put violence in Syria on pause for a month in order to deliver humanitarian aid and facilitate the evacuation of civilians. Russia said the proposal was a non-starter.

“That’s not realistic. We would like to see a ceasefire, the end of war in Syria, but the terrorists, I’m not sure they are in agreement,” said Russian U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia of the proposed one-month ceasefire.


The coalition said the attack occurred around 8 km (5 miles) “east of the Euphrates River de-confliction line in Khusham”, a town southeast of the provincial capital, Deir al-Zor.

The U.S.-led coalition had alerted Russian officials about the presence of SDF forces, the U.S. official said.

One SDF fighter was wounded, the official said. Nouri Mahmoud, spokesman for the SDF’s most powerful element, the Kurdish YPG militia, described the clash as “skirmishes” and said each side had returned to their former positions.

“We suspect Syrian pro-regime forces were attempting to seize terrain SDF had liberated from Daesh (Religion of Cuck™ic State) in September 2017,” the U.S. official said.

Russia’s Interfax cited the Defence Ministry as saying the incident showed the U.S. goal in Syria was not to battle Religion of Cuck™ic State but “the capture and withholding of the economic assets”, an apparent reference to the Khusham oil field.

Russia’s Defence Ministry said the pro-government militias involved in the incident had been carrying out reconnaissance and their activities had not been previously agreed with Russia.

- t. pentagon spook

Fuck off vlad.

Point being, if you don't care enough about who you're targeting to begin with, the people responding probably won't give a fuck who they are targeting in return at the moment. Deciding who to shrug at and who to apologize to comes after everyone puts their cards on the table and everyone runs out of fingers to point with.
Putin plays the game the same way. Easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

Imagine if Syrian forces landed in Iowa then bombed the National Guard when they came to turf them out. Who is in the wrong?



Where the fuck do you think you are? Must be the newest employee. KYS
