Don't get married in the US right now

Guy tries to ensure that his wife will put out via a pre nup, she calls off the marriage and gets him fired and evicted

50% of all marriages in the US end in divorce, most of them instigated by women directly and if started by the man its nearly always because of the woman's bullshit

Modern women have zero (0) requirements or obligations as a wife both socially or legally
etc etc
All of which decades ago they had to
Once upon a time rape didn't even exist in marriage as a legal concept
There is literally zero (0)
Incentive to get married, marriage is a contract between a man and woman that legally binds them together, why would any man want to tie himself to a woman that can refuse to do literally anything for him and at any point in time could start a divorce and will automatically get half of all of his shit and if they have any kids she will get them too?
And if she ends up being a bitch but doesn't start a divorce you are trapped unless you divorce her in which case the terms will be even harsher

Go ahead and have girlfriends, have kids or whatever, but don't make it "official"
All you are doing is handing over your freedom to her on a silver plate which effectively puts you at her mercy

Also "cheating" is an automatic divorce from nearly all women but what if she would't put out?
Kind of shit I'm talking about

I will not let any one girl control my dick's destiny

Why, one might almost think that the powers that be want to destroy the family.

In any country the anglos have had a hand in that doesn't matter, they've got you under common law, which is good enough as far as the kike lawyers and juedges are concerned.

So should we have kids outside marriage or what? Or just hope to pick a good girl?

Nah. Reported.

Just marry an asian girl and produce murderous hapas lol.

Imagine being so retarded that you can't even hide your samefaggotry. Shill elsewhere.

There was a time a man could divorce a woman and not pay her if she didn't fulfill her wifely duties. Almost like men understood what their wife's profession was and that a business deal means both parties have an obligation to fulfill. Bitches wanted all their benefits and none of the work, like real jobs.

Between vaginamoney and wellfare they don't really need to do anything, retards with guns with get them anything they need.


you need to find a girl who was so raised by hardcore christians that she literally believes she will burn in hell forever if she doesn't make it her life mission to be the perfect, faithful wife & mother.



Wrong in every respect
- 20% end within 5 years
- 32% end within 10 years.
- 40% end within 15 years.
- 48% end within 20 years.

The perecent of couples that stay married also has a lot to do with the education of the people in the marriage
On average, these are the chances a person will still be married in 20 years, based on education level:
Less than High School - Women: 39%, Men: 54%
High School - Women: 41%, Men: 47%
Some College - Women: 49%, Men: 54%
Bachelor’s Degree - Women: 78%, Men: 65%
the lesson? marry smart and don't fall for the mgtow meme


I absolutely would never risk a women who's been through the marxist indoctrination camp.

whatever floats your tugboat big guy

All yours, enjoy the honeymoon.

I already did but thanks

OP has a kike hand way up his ass working his mind….

the fuck? the 2nd one is an extention of the OP its info I forgot to add

You do realize that this is purely due to the mriding the cock carousel during their studies.
Those women married late when they were already used up, no shit they won't divorce

Would be a strange hardcore Christian who would hold believes so contrary to the bible when it comes to salvation.

Why would you get marries to someone if you don't think they will have sex with you… wtf hahaha this guy is an idiot.

This. College attendance by females is a significant indicator of whether the marriage will end in divorce in my own large, extended family. The women who went to college in our family ended up as failures in marriage, and the women who didn't attend are still married and typically have 3 or more children. I'm calling the previous user's numbers as outright libshit lies.

Do not fucking touch any thot contaminated by the modern marxist indoctrination system.
-t. user from 100+ member traditional white family

I don't think the numbers are "lies" but they may be quite misleading. Remember that most niggers and other shitskins don't go to college and they are much more likely to get divorced.

How about this

Find a decent white woman


Thot white women don't breed, abort their children


White women fixed

BBC makes this happen.