Illegal Allien Gets Liver Transplant

Silvia Lesama-Santos, who is a 46 year old, mother of 4 lives in Portland, Oregon and is an illegal immigrant. I think she originates from Portugal, but I'm not sure She has apparently been living in Portland for 30 years. [1]
Silvia is suffering from a medical condition in which she needs a liver transplant. Upon requesting one from OHSU, she was denied because she does not have paper work proving she has a "lawful presence" in the US. [2]
The ACLU released a statement about this describing "OHSU’s policy of denying life-saving medical care based on immigration status is cruel and inhumane." [3] On the same day as this statement OHSU reversed there stance on the subject and removed the restriction that you needed to have proof that you are an American citizen. [1]
Additionally, Silvia's son set up a gofundme to raise money for the operation. 10 hours ago he posted that she was going to be "start[ing] the transplant process tomorrow." [4] This sounds pretty fast considering figures I see online are ranging somewhere between 60 to 150 days.


I am surprised about how much information she gave out about herself. She seems to either be very confident that she will remain in the States or just plain dumb.

Don't expect anything to come of this, OP. The bitch will get organs she doesn't deserve from a person who had probably been paying taxes his entire life. It's a shame, I love my state but all these Californian shit eaters are pouring up here en mass because they ruined their own state.

With all the money you'd save in federal taxes you should be able to pay cash for that liver

And it says she was now approved, but did she actually get the transplant?

Surprised they didn't just cut it out of a white and leave them in a tub.

And who got bumped from their place in line so she could be put back in?

Fuck the (((ACLU)))

Nah, she looks like a total fucking mud, Central/South American

Sometimes people forget some of those shitholes speak Puertugese.

Just found out my first love that I lived with between 19-23 years old passed away last Thursday. She got diagnosed with liver hepatitis last summer but couldn't afford Obamacare so went without treatments. I knew she drank a lot back when we were young and together, but to die right after turning 30 is still harsh.
And I have to see illegals get better medical treatment because muh feels.
Fuck all liberals

Probably some old guy who got old waiting for his new liver. The guy should buy one from the Clinton foundation.

Won't the body reject the organ if it wasn't from another spic?

Portuguese people have no need to become illegals in the US.
She probably comes from Brazil.

Livers are very rare in terms of transplants so some American will undoubtedly die so this illegal lives.

who is a 46 year old, mother of 4 anchor babies

Is she going to be like that nigger who had a mile long rap sheet, had two past heart transplants that failed because he refused to take his transplant drugs, and then get a 3rd transplant?

This. She looks purebred Amerindian/Mestizo.

This shit is why I'd never be a organ donnar, hell if some nigger is gonna get my body parts.

The donor is probably some from the family
you can cut away a piece and it grows back.

These spics are getting arrogant. They protest in the street openly, proclaiming that they're illegal immigrants. They believe that they won't be arrested because their beliefs are proven correct every time they do this. Dreamers go on television and announce that they live here illegally, then DEMAND free education and healthcare. They do this because they will get what they demand, and a pat on the ass for being a strong minority who disregards the laws of the country they claim to love.


This is why you pay as little into the system as possible. They spend your money on illegal shitskins.

Considering how rare compatible transplants are this illegal spic basically killed an American citizen that was on the list. Reminder the (((ACLU))) had a shit fit about Trump saying America so much in his SOTU I'm less then surprised they backed this spic up.

The wall is coming commies.

Take your coy narrative and shove it up your ass.

No, don't you see that they're doing our work for us? Let them protest! Let them go out into the street, hell, let them tell us their names!

If anything, and hear me out here, if anything, we should be memeing a sort of social media campaign where we convince these spics to post pictures of themselves with the text; "I am [spic name], I'm an illegal immigrant, and I'm proud to be in America", or something along those lines.

Then we report the wetbacks to ICE.

from the looks of that pic a liver isn't going to help her and she will die anyway.Too much tequila and burritos and generally just shit genetics like all other spics
