Soygoy of Akkad: Caption This edition

Been working on this for the last few hours.
Is it missing anything?
Give me your best captions Anons

Fuck it, no bites. All good. Here's the template if anyone wants to mess with it and give it their own captions

Does it even need a caption?
You pretty much spelled out everything in the picture with the ton of crap you included.
Pictures like these should be simple and to the point, not overloaded with crap.

Also: making Sargon look repulsive as fuck (covered in Cum, collar and ballgag) works against you. It makes him into a victim, as someone being abused. And I'm gonna go out on a guess here and assume that's not what you intended to do.
If you want to attack someone like this, he needs to appear "clean" but surrounded by shit, shit he causes to everyone else around him, but not himself (for now).

Also, the Undocumented Migrant in the back doesn't fit. Sargon IS against uncontrollable immigration. The rest is meh/passable.

I'm not even sure why I'm telling you any of this, I actually appreciate Sargon's moderate views to balance out general extremism and hysteria that you see in Holla Forums a lot.


Hold still I'm taking a picture of a faggot.



you have no idea how much of an extreme centrist he is


Agree on the no need for caption and face additions, but disagree with extremism.
Extremism in smart hands leads towards positive extremes, like the guys digging info and trying to destroy the degenerative left and their kike bankers, but i agree Holla Forums these days has loaded up in dumb extremists, the kind of tattoo bald skinhead ones and stupid underage retards probably from cuckchan.

Pictures like these should be simple and to the point, not overloaded with crap.

Never read a political cartoon?

No it makes him look like tha cuck he is taking the abuse of his masters

Took me 3 seconds to take in this cartoon and clearly the "migrant" with white babies strapped to his chest represents the consequences to Sorecunts political views and his fight against whites having a collective voice.

You're either a shill or a dimwitted schmuk that fancys themselves as an intellectual, much like Carl the cuck. Not surprising that you would identify with him.


Hi Holla Forums

Ben's cartoons are a thing, but he loads up too many words, symbols work just as well if not better, using symbols and words is like repeating the same word two times, it sounds bad.

We shouldn't be speaking about this topic, we should know already by user instinct, it's always been like this

nice meme

Bye Holla Forums

at least sage if you have nothing to add to the conversation, calling names won't make you right.

You're mistaken. I don't need to call names in an attempt to "make myself right". I'm already right.

And tell me what makes you think what i said is wrong?
How long have you been lurking 8/pol/?
Are you aware that the classic tattooed skinhead guy is just an hollywoodian degradation of the natsoc thought, and whoever applies to it in its style is either dumb or very edgy? Isn't it wrong that Holla Forums quality has plummeted since its inception to horribly low levels? How am i wrong suggesting its due to the influx of cancer from cuckchan?

How am i wrong with these statements?

Where are you seeing skinheads Shillanon?
I agree with what you've just stated. Put I don't see any skinheads around. Just plenty of shills implying that Holla Forums is a skinhead board and the New Right is in lock step.
Nicely done. Your shilling is top notch.
But your stink is inescapable

pretty good but I would add in more symbols than words

You don't see them, but i give them the fault of the quality plummeting, as this place may attract them.
Also i give fault to people like you that started accusing everyone of shilling, not aware that shills themselves started doing the same noticing how effective it was. hoping you're not one of those

He's not a shill, just thinks that extremism in general is bad which shows he is either too used to being around moderates or is new to here. There will always be dumb people in any mouvement but thankfully they usually flock towards more degenerate or moderate places and people. Unfortunately this isn't that good for us since potentiel recruits see the degenerates and moderates and think that is the extent of the mouvement. This is why there has been so much support towards shuting down and shitting on guys like kraut, akkad or even peterson since they are either liars (knowingly or unknowingly), do actions that go directly against what they proclaim or even worse just have the same core ideology as marxists and leftists yet cover it up to appear as they are part of the moderate right to fool guys like

as for degenerates, well you and I both know how many right-wing terrorists and skin-heads there are: Next to none.

Took advice and cut back some text.
In retrospect maybe the moneyshot and the ball gag is a bit much. :D

Here's a fixed version.

sargon calling the altright a bunch of niggers

Same user from before. That's great. The nigger lips work a lot better and convey miscegenation. 10/10
Personally, I'd go for a set of pictures with few things each that broke down what you posted, but if you're going for the "crowded image riddled with symbolism" then it works too.
Minor sugestion for a next attempt: balance out the sexual themes/symbols with non-sexual one's otherwise the viewer associates YOU with sexual perversion.

My stance on extremism is that it works like autism on Holla Forums.
Tempered, directed and focused, it becomes a great tool and drives people to acomplish great things.
Wild, misguided and unfocused eats the person fron the inside out and destroys you.
It's always a good idea to watch moderate points of view, by virtue of being moderates, they usually have a broad view on things.
But they only achieve that because moderates are spectators.
If you want something done, you need extremism anyway.

Good examples of unfocused, wild extremism:

Proper extremism:

This board could use more of the second and less of the first.

Respect is something you work for, you dont hand it to everyone like a given, Soygon.

You missed killing yourself. We don't give a fuck about your eceleb faggotry.

I don't understand why you're so obsessed with turning Sargon into a lolcow, he's repeatedly shown to have no milk. Ever since kraut's autism overload you've been going "hurrr durrr ballpits, hurrr soygoy".
Are you seriously that mad because he didn't take Spencer seriously?
Some day you will have to get over the fact that Sargon is not only right, he is the hero who will save the west. Sargon has the most massive IQ the Internet has ever seen. I am sorry that he humiliated your leader and kang Richard Spencer, but one day Sargon will rule over all of us, so it's better if you get on his good side now while you still have the chance, apologize to him and his wife's son before it's too late, I say this for your own good.

The teeth should look rotten.

Hello Soygon

This is like the Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs of political art. It's inflammatory garbage, and it's way too much. Holla Forums needs tasteful, high quality stuff that won't immediately disgust normies.

And you're a downie if that took "a few hours" to make

There is no such thing as "extremism." Like -isms in general, it is a bullshit subjective unscientific concept that relies on the assumption of a given from of reference.

In our kiked world, that is the kikes' frame of reference. So, get fucked.

Checked, Hail Victory. Also, shitskin in background behind Pettiwhore. Just…

Is this some cuckchan pasta or what are you trying to do here?

