Senate Committee Releases Massive Trove Of Peter Strzok’s Text Messages
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I'm not surprised that they think like that.
I like how they lament Detroit and Camden yet clearly lean towards the people that have been running it in to the ground for decades.
They are scared of investigation into McAuliffe's donations to McCabe's wife's campaign.
You missed the best part.
King Nigger wanted to "know everything" about the FBI's investigation into Hillary's email server and the FBI apparently cooperated
Anyway, direct links to the relevant PDFs:
Yeah, we need 50 more of those.
Can't wait till they publish lyin lynches tarmac meeting orders directly from Obama.
this amounts to open collusion to affect an election in my mind, kill em all.
What I find shocking is how utterly dumb these two sound, and how effeminate the dude is. This is not what I'd expect from people engaged in sedition at the highest level on the planet.
Reported for complaining about stickies, fag.
They're leftists. The fuck did you expect?
Outbox: OMG the Cheetoh in Chief is so dumb!
Inbox: Yeah and he is awful, too!
lol kill yourself
reported for cyber bullying
This isn't just about the new Strzok-Page texts. The interim report is pretty fucking spicy too and well worth a read. Pic related.
This level of butthurt can only come from Shareblue. Double reported. Also, this thread is getting stickied so stay mad.
Commit suicide, kike.
It's interesting that they waited until just now to drip evidence on Onigger's role. This is a big step for the whole "control the public fury" VERY slow drip PR strategy for information release. (Still barely touches the tip of the iceberg of just the coverup, let alone the underlying decades long conspiracy to sell nukes and intel to enemies.)
People on our side need to pay attention right now. There's no more time to fuck around with not knowing what is happening. Make sure your friends/relatives/neighbors/anybody else who's a friendly knows about this.
Note also a big military parade coming up…hopefully this is a prelude to martial law. It's time.
Serious question: does anyone know if Obongo has lawyered up yet? I know that these types always have lawyers on tap but does anyone know if he has been seen with any known attorneys or in and out among anyone’s office?
Also what would the fallout if they began to pursue charges against Comey, Clinton or Onogo? Is this why the stock market is all over the place?
Looks like the fucking FBI used non-official, non-secure email accounts to conduct official business. Pretty much exactly what Hillcunt did.
Have fun in the oven, Shareblue.
Corruption of this magnitude can't be unearthed overnight and all the obstruction of justice from the FBI et. al. just slows down the process even further.
what WSJ article are they arguing about on pages 129-132?
Who was it that recently said the (((deep state))) will protect King Nigger at all costs but throw Hillary under the bus if they really have to? They might have to go get the bus pretty soon.
The texts are on page 356.
Welp. Obama lied. Again.
The left is fucked, they went all in with troll bait and didn't quit, now they're all caught up in lies. They have one card left and it's a bullshit card, Mueller interviewing Trump, he'll probably act like the sociopath sick weasel he is and spin something Trump says to the media as something its not to create confusion and chaos. These dems are dangerous sick fucks, but if Trump comes out of the Mueller interview on top, it's swamp drain time, they're all going down hardcore, Comey, Hillary, Obama and all the rest.
The people are called "public officials" for a reason.
They don't even have that. Mueller is /ourguy/. The interview with Trey Gowdy last night confirmed it. Mueller meeting with President Trump will be to go over the findings and to strategize arrests and prosecution.
Military parade on arrest day.
It's already swamp drain time! Have you seen the interviews he does with law enforcement, the space commision being re opened? He is already re structuring vital parts of law enforcement, as well as the justice system. Slowly but surely, we will win against these vile traitors. In a way it reminds me of how putin re built Russia after the chechnya conflict. Putin always films any talks with heads of industry, banks, and other big enterprises/government, so that the Russian citizens and the world can see for themselves.
Soon my user friend, in our times.
Homeland Security's report on the Cunton server investigation is out.
Seems pretty damning.
Not sure the board can handle another sitcky tbh.
sudoku if I mess up the link
So what's in the messages?
Anyway to put this in a format to distribute without leading back to here?
is the url where it was released.
Thanks, bud
I can appreciate those batnz.
NONE. The proper response is NO CONTACT. If you need to make any contact with someone "lawyered up" you do it THROUGH the lawyer else you get your shit pushed in and cases thrown out.
Someone mentioned him hiring seven lawyers a few weeks back.
Stay mad moshe.
Yeah if everything was dumped on the table at once the country would implode. We need to maintain at least some order considering we got nukes and don't need (((accidents))) happening when everything is lost in the shuffle.
Charges on the scale required to cover everything these corrupt fucks have been pulling would be so overwhelming for any jury they would never manage to keep it all straight or get through the case. Even more so when you consider the kikes that will be representing the filth.
Slow and steady buildup, solid charges, get the chains on first.
Considering he has a law degree I'm sure he has a lawyer or two on retainer at the very least.
Words and shit you lazy nigger.
You realize he wasn't a full nigger right? He's had just enough of an IQ bump to be dangerous.
Regardless of whether or not he earned it, the fact remains he has one and presumably knows how to swing it around.
ohhhhh burn!
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha!@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I will not talk about pending investigations" equals "I will do whatever I want when the investigations are underway."
Do you suppose it's a ruse? I cannot imagine Condi and Dick Cheney speaking this way…nor any of their ilk.
These aren't bants. What they are saying is that France had 127 killed because they said mean things to Muslims. It's pathological leftism.
It's like the bitch was MK Ultra'd. These idiots probably got MK Ultra'd too, it happens when you sign up to work for the (((government))) on a grunt level. Why do you think the government investigates you? Certainly isn't a criminal record or regular background check.
No. These two didn't spend years sending 50 texts/hour back and forth for misdirection.
Rather, I've simply overestimated many of our enemies. I forget these people aren't on top because they are brilliant, it's because they are connected and ruthless.
Mueller has to know the enormity of the fuck-up better than most. Unless he's being blackmailed hard, he's just going through the motions of the charade (arguably better than being outright flipped.)
Hillary would have been our Yeltsin moment (which the US/Nato heavily shilled to swing it with the oligarchs.) Russia might even have wanted her to win, if she weren't representing elements that desired its destruction.
Non-regional accent is already a kind of alter-ego already; enough Hollywood examples of Monarch-looking behavioral anomalies documented. Could be.
Look at the utter state of the soygoy gynocentric FBI.
what an absolute faggot
Friendly reminder these guys are MLP autists.
Oh so the FBI can banter between each other but we get nothing here?
Fuck them
The word "corruption" minimizes what this actually is: massive, unprecedented treason across the board
Yes, but their intentions was good hearted…
It was her turn after all eh?
Some were smart and some weren't.
The modus operandi, in general, among FBI/CIA spy ring, was use dropboxes. There was an internal FBI/CIA spy ring during the treasonous activities and the cover up, and they used various degrees of tradecraft, but the dumbest thing they probably did was use drop boxes (see, eg, Awan/CIA taking classified info from and blackmailing Congress/oversight for over a decade–the Awans are Pakistani ISI and acted as a plausible deniability cover for CIA, but they were all in on it).
It's clear that military investigators had all relevant and damning information for a while, but if the dropbox strategy is consistent, Page/Strzok are probably taken from one of those (one used by the internal FBI/CIA spy ring). Maybe the reason they picked Page and Strzok texts to release is that it seems plausible–the idea is easy for the public to understand that "lovers" were sloppy and texted about this and that when they shouldn't, so choosing to release this is a method that helps get some of the issues out there to make sense to the public, versus "the military has been investigating massive treason for several years now of epic proportions and yes the whole govt is treasonous and holy shit holy fuck what the fuck." That's probably not a good PR program for stability.
Strzok and Page, therefore, may not necessarily be idiots–Strzok and Page may just be the particular means that DoD is using to release this information to the public without causing an instant civil war/uprising. It seems to be all about strategic DoD information release strategy, I think, more than anything else, because it's clear they were looking into this shit for a while. The classified info sales would have been apparent, at the very, very latest, around the time the Benghazi-era Clinton materials were seized, but (obviously I don't know for sure) it's possible the military was looking at this well before then, even, due to the issue of lots of nuke sales and classified info sales putting us in danger.
Just got to get the info out to the people. It's clear the system is completely broken, and it's hard to make people get to that realization.
Who the fuck puts shit in writing, texts, emails? Idiots. I'm sure the top nigger jews dont.
You can see the name of the article, that's why so many words were capitalized:
Thanks doc
These people talk like some office email you find in a video game. I've never seen real humans talk like that.
This. Too much information at once would not help. The pacing of the release of the memos and now this? Seems kind of deliberate. They are building the case in the background and in the court of public opinion. The timing allows the facts to saturate into the public conscious. Makes you think what is around the corner.
One or both being undercover (for military counter intelligence) to this end would be more interesting; wouldn't likely to be disclosed in the end in any case (or most of the heroes, if there are any, and this all goes well.)
The fact of this whole cabal going back to then (and even Star's investigation with Comey) is lurid. Just be curious to know how long the military's actively been tracking/countering this, because it went too far a long time ago.
Is anything really going to happen with the whole memo scandal and off shoot scandals such as this, or is it theater like the whole Clinton email server?
It can play one of two ways, Mueller sits down with Trump, comes back empty handed, can't find anything Trump said to spin into something for the news or knowing them, find something ridiculous and stir up chaos making it seem like there was some type of Russian collusion, basically imply it somehow, the never Trump mouth breathers will eat it up of course. My thinking is they release something laughable and imply collusion, again with no evidence or proof, just to keep this going and it'll be harder for Trump and crew to drain the swamp and take them down one by one. Knowing Trump though, he'll almost guaranteed outsmart them and send Mueller running in horror crying in a corner and just drain the swamp anyway.
user, the Clinton email investigation theater is unravelling specifically because it was only theater. These texts, the Nunes memo, all of this is a result of it falling apart.
This. Brush up on your tl;dr and talk about it with friends and family. For the resistant start off by asking if they think a sitting president should be able to use the full force of the US's spying apparatus and supposedly impartial justice dept. to influence who becomes president next, instead of letting the people decide. It's a normalfag tier argument but most people will say it's bad and be more receptive afterward.
Well what is next?
The fact that there has been layer after layer of misdirection lathered onto this proves that there is still a level of fear of consequence in the organs responsible for this treason.
So what form of consequence can we reasonably (and also hypothetically of course) expect? I don't think trusting the higher tiers of justice is an option; we would be served the excuse that justice takes a long time, and the "community service one day a week" sentence would be whispered five years later.
At this point there needs to (hypothetically) be some large scale organization from the people, and communication through uncompromised channels. If this slides, anything will. But if you look around you, do you see anyone ready to leave their day-to-day comfort to face the music?
There needs to be real fucking (hypothetical) concrete targets and a plan of action. Is it possible or are we too servile to face a system so big it's beyond human comprehension? I'm thinking it should start locally, but what even is the (hypothetical) target?
tl;dr what fucking do?
7th floor refers to the floor Comey worked on.
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That's because this isn't a conversation between humans. It's a conversation between Communists.
The memo releases are boiling the lobsters alive. If Dems take the DACA/Wall deal, you can be sure they've blown their load entirely (even if they don't, they look shit, win:win)
Piezcenik alleges Petraeus wasn't all-in during Benghazi, later threatened King Nog in a meeting over it as leverage (sentencing for his GF emailing on his computer was in 2015, May.)
Who is D (David Petraeus?)
The Defense Department? Or is that the surname initial given?
>… D said . . . After his speech, it went . . .
>At least 5 police are dead
Recall "people have already died over [the Steele dossier.]" – believe that was Schiff a month or two back.
roped his own neck with that one
This vid is WWTLS for Obama and gives some interesting evidence that he might be elsewhere. Hopefully Guantanamo
Do u kno de wai 2 de clensin fleme
The worst thing Trump could do is sit down with Mueller. It is all risk and zero to be gained.
A good prosecutor never asks you questions he already doesn't know the answer to.
They don't have shit on Trump and now are just fishing to get him in a process crime like they got Flynn, manafort, and that greek faggot.
Deus Ex is always right.
Jesus fucking christ.
Normies :^)
Right, Mueller is a known sociopath, these are evil and dangerous people, he wouldn't think twice about taking something Trump says during the meeting way out of context and spinning it for public release. Questions whose answers can easily be taken out of context, ask him to clarify answers to railroad him, could go many ways, but it's a given, Mueller has nothing and needs to make up something to run to the public with. They need to control the narrative, give the mouth breathers even the hint Trump did collude with Russia somehow, that's all the CNN crowd needs, no real proof or evidence, just HEY BUT DRUMPF ANSWERED THIS WAY WHEN MUELLER ASKED HIM THIS QUESTION, PROOF POSITIVE COLLUSION
The president serves at the pleasure of Congress. It used to not be so, but the kike SCOTUS changed America into a more UK-style "democracy" by ruling that there is no judicial review of impeachment.
This is of course an impossibility - they have ruled that final authority on questions of the meaning of a passage of the Constitution are to be decided not by the authority designate, the supreme Court, but rather by Congress, in the area of impeachment.
So the kike SCOTUS abdicated on this matter.
Now, shall we not consider their authority only a conventional one, that they have abdicated in part? Surely there is no final authority which is also not a final authority on a matter. It is or is not.
Therefore, we merely observe that, without good cause, there is the practice of obedience to a law, and the practice of brutality, simulation of a system of laws, of order. But such can be readily recognized as a scam, since it rests upon an authority which has invalidated its own authority.
That's terror.
That said, when you work in their industry for quite some time your responses do start to become robot or militant like.
A curiously deleted Forbes article
Biased FBI and DOJ Officials Broke The Law And Tried To Decide The Election - an Annotated Timeline
There can be no question, at this point, that certain higher ups in the FBI and the DOJ did not want Hillary to be indicted and did not want Donald Trump to become President. Those efforts were not entirely independent of each other.
Below is a timeline of events – abbreviated though it is – that makes it rather plain that the FBI and DOJ were not investigating potential crimes objectively.
Indeed, they were committing crimes during the process in aid of their preferred outcomes.
What's the reason though? Why are they covering for her?
Is it because they're dirty?
Or is it because the real truth is that they consider Trump subversion? For whom?
Why do shills always say this when they get caught?
I think that would be a past tense at this point. I personally believe that, at this point, they likely only care about their own survival, and anything that points the finger at her will cause the whole system to come crumbling down on top of them.
Let's be realistic. There is absolutely no way that Clinton would be able to do any of this alone. Even normalfags can see how blatantly obvious this is getting; even as an inside job, this is getting ridiculous to the point where there is legitimate PROOF of the need to conduct a real investigation.
How long is it going to be until people stop being apathetic and start TRULY getting angry?
Post more.
People are already angry. They need to know they are not alone, and that this is what the majority thinks.
Maybe the article was too strongly worded for Forbes
I checked the author's twitter and he doesn't answer questions as to why it was deleted
He has mirrored the article here
This article is tits.
It's a tactic to keep you engaged and derailed. It's to produce noise and dilute the topic.
This is probably your worst attempt yet.
Are you illiterate?
Do you know what the number 7 is, idiot? There’s no fucking correlation here.
Can’t view the file, but given the file name I’m going to guess that your post has fuck all to do with the topic and isn’t in any way a refutation to anything I said.
When he talked about social media privacy in that text, was he referring to his cell phone texts or his social media accounts on the internet, like facebook and twitter? When I see the words "social media" I assume the latter, but maybe I'm mistaken here. They were also communicating of non-governmental channels, like encrypted messaging apps, after all.
D is director DD is deputy Director
What he is talking here is "don't post dumb shit on the net so notorious Russian hacker from the 4chan can find it. We can't undo that." (but we can delete things that can be subpoenaed)"
I'm not.
This is comedy gold.
Interesting user thanks. Now I wonder if the author accidentally'd 17 barbells to the back of the head yet?
Clinton–Obama Emails: The Key to Understanding Why Hillary Wasn’t Indicted
Holyshit, these people are fucking vile and disgusting.
Can't these fuckers be tried for treason? They're working actively against the interests of the American public here.
A trial or tribunal would cause too many problems. It's better instead if they're all killed.
In the last two images it is clear that Lisa Page leaked info to the WSJ for an article that came out on "2016-10-24 00:00:15, Mon". And she was mad at Peter for sending out the article to co-workers so soon after it came out that they may be suspicious of how he know about it so soon. Anybody know how to find out what article that was?
Anyone know how to access the entire article without a subscription?
not thread related, but words to live by
Google the title of the article and a link to the full version will come up. This is the full title:
"The FBI’s Political Meddling
Mueller is the wrong sleuth when his ex-agency is so tangled up with Russia."
So Russia Trump collusion is a big'ol nothing burger, ain't that crazy or what. Mueller sitting down with Trump will be a go in and railroad Trump into answering something a little vague and then spin spin spin and raise doubt to spread to the public mouth breathers that want so hard to believe there was collusion between Trump and Russia. Amazing shit.
hmm, that is an opinion piece, not a news article and I cannot see anywhere in there where any info would be sourced from a government person. Also the writer seems anti clinton and anti comey and meuler so I can not see Page working with them. I think I may have been wrong to assume she knew about the article so soon because she leaked info in it. Maybe she learned about it from another source. Maybe she had a friendly reporter warn her it was about to drop.
Thought-provoking post, however:
Are you suggesting they were deep cover agents for the "good guys" whose mission was to create a trail of fukboi texts that could be released? Was the affair part of the cover? Was he not actually fucking her and destroying his family?
I believe there is a controlled release of information softening the public Mind. However, Occam's Razor is screaming that these two are what they appear: two communist-lite traitors engaged in sedition.
As an aside, I found it telling that before Trump had ascended these two were worrying about Cruz vs. Rubio, as if there is any difference between them, or Clinton.
Well, there's always this.
A few more titles that might be relevant:
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didn't even realize that was the wrong year before. These titles are from 2016.
Oddly enough 2 different Pennsylvania AGs were sentenced 1 year apart.
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I have a feeling that page 1861 is going to land Peter Strzok in some hot water.
Too bad this isn't real. The kvetching would be ungodly funny.
Putin did it tbh!!
Something fucky in that 4th image. The third message from the bottom ("Huh?") is in the wrong order given the timestamp and does not make sense in the conversation flow. Did some dumb fbi flunky put this together by hand or something… that would leave a lot of room for "mistakes".
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That looks like the right one since Peter suggests telling Andy, and that article is about Andy's possible corruption. Here is an archive:
Maybe this part of the article came from Page:
"The FBI said in a statement that none of this is an issue because Mr. McCabe wasn’t promoted to the No. 2 position until February 2016, months after his wife lost her race, and only then did he assume “for the first time, an oversight role in the investigation into Secretary Clinton’s emails.”"
But that seems like it might have been an official on the record type of statement.
Spiders can’t keep their under control. Makes you not want to even consider them. Snakes are bad enough.
pair that with this article from business insider and that we know that McCabe sat on the Clinton emails found on the Weiner's laptop for 3 weeks.
Emails released by the FBI shed new light on deputy director's recusal from Clinton probe
Outbox: "God I hate Congress. So utterly worthless."
Inbox: "Less than worthless. Contemptible."
This guy, Marshall Smith, editor of the Brother Jonathan Gazette (formerly at, now defunct) was either a crackpot or a brilliant scientist and historian. Or both. Worth reading.
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Is this a bot?
I was thinking the same. His texts come off like they are high school girl gossip.
that u263a comment reminds me that u236 is an isotope of uranium. Not one of the best, and particularly a nuisance with radioactive waste…
Can I get a download of the PDF without kiked scribd?
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There's a workaround for downloading pdfs from scribd, but I forgot what it was. Maybe some other helpful user knows.
I found a direct link to all of it. It's massive
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This is seriously some Twilight Zone shit. The people at the top of the chain are this incompetent, this stupid, and this effeminate. It seriously reads like some invading alien force. I guess it's true that communists aren't fully human.
The memo releases are boiling the lobsters alive. If Dems take the DACA/Wall deal, you can be sure they've blown their load entirely (even if they don't, they look shit, win:win)
Piezcenik alleges Petraeus wasn't all-in during Benghazi, later threatened King Nog in a meeting over it as leverage (sentencing for his GF emailing on his computer was in 2015, May.)
Who is D (David Petraeus?)
The Defense Department? Or is that the surname initial given?
>… D said . . . After his speech, it went . . .
>At least 5 police are dead
Recall "people have already died over [the Steele dossier.]" – believe that was Schiff a month or two back.
May not entirely be beyond the realm of possibility; same with Sessions' recusal, or Flynn's perjury nothingburger. Same timeline as Italian Flatbreadgate. Anthing's possible.
Assuming D = Director Comey?
Did they really believe this would work as an alibi of seditious transfer of confidential material? They're talking about it like they have foreknowledge (News [is] breaking rather than 'Breaking News'.)
>[3rd img] 08-13-2016 – "Indication Guccifer 2.0 claiming massive hack . . . [redacted] was there all week
in Second Image, second text, "Helps that Dd had a terrible time with his phone. . ."
Who the fuck is Dd
famous last words
>[3rd img] . . . there are VERY inflammatory things in the 302s . . . that are going to come out in the FOIA and absolutely inflame Congress . . . Trish and Dave and Mike
302s which McCabe directed agents to change (FBI doesn't tape interviews, but takes notes on 302 forms.) Need to know who those last three named are.
>-[4th img. Why didn't we search the laptops] Because they had classified on them . . . we already had in our possession'
Weiner sexting (and subsequent seizure of his/Huma's laptop) was in the same month (September). Comey announcing the 600k new emails (presumably from the Abedin-Weiner back up to the latter's former Congressional site, and back to their laptop) came at the end of October. These texts are the beginning of September. They either didn't look (or until late) or deliberately sat on it (like we know McCabe did elsewhere.) Maybe the NYPD backups compelled them.
>Although [DD] is in Hawaii with [Director of National Intelligence James Clapper]
Perhaps Mike refers to Clappers brother? Here's Jim Clapper's Hawaii posts in the military, in light of the 'fake missle news' scare recently:
Who is Hardy
They're goblins, and they have to go back.
DD = Deputy Director = Andrew McCabe = Andy
The 5 police dead was a reference to the 5 in Dallas, TX killed by the BLM sniper. It happened the same day as Comey's testimony.
Trisha Anderson - FBI Deputy General Counsel
David Bowdich - the associate deputy director
Michael P. Kortan - assistant director of the Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
David Hardy - Section Chief, FBI Record/Information Dissemination Section
thanks for the caps user
beta peter doesn't even have the balls to write 'dick' in a text to his gf
virtue signaling on a new level: attack men who brag about how big their dicks are to demonstrate how 'safe' an ally you are. Pay attention lads - this is the way to a girl like Lisa's heart.
her approval is just as important as the mission. his pandering is vom-it vomit in the mouth - not hard to see who would squeal first when it comes time to play these two beauties off against eachother.
so Page was the media interface, managing the 'spin' + adding content in the comments section of published works? pretty clever if true
be interesting to see if Okie Doke continues to smack talk Trump in the coming months. Good cop/bad cop routine with Sessions is outstanding
quick drop
if this was a poker match…
check'd and kek'd
That broad is so fucking gross. Why would anyone want to fuck this slimey haired kike pig? Oh that's right, doky kike gets into position of power (slightly) and thinks with his dick like a true African. Just nasty
Gives a better impression of the mid-management meetings alleged to have been made by McCabe during the election "First we fuck Flynn, then we fuck Trump." Thanks user
Torture conclusion on Bush/Obongo same day as Sandy Hook[nose]
Just like (((they))) can't write G-D, Freud was right, psychoanalysis only describes the Jewish psyche …
Women tyrants demand complete submission (Religion of Cuck™'s success addresses this, and the related issue of female sexual jealousy.)
These people are caught with their dicks in the goat, it's hard to know when or if they'll stop doubling down with all the potential blackmailing angles at play. Best case, he sees the jig is up and only goes through the motions. Trump laying out something that dictates the media cycle and galvanizes the public under oath would be choice; no hiding it on record, indelibly. The question of Sessions is tough as as well – their first act swearing him in, the triple-annual tally of Italian flatbread fuckers inside of Trumps first 3 months, the 10k+ sealed indictments, – all are promising, and Trump's displeasure at the recusal perhaps part of the unbiased pantomime, even so, Mueller and the rest have roped themselves-in sufficiently; the special prosecutor to smash this vipers nest needs to happen expeditiously (there are only so many escalations beyond a Charlottesville, Vegas, Russian airmen shot down, or Hawaii …)
only one who fucked her was Hillary.
Weiner's wiener was chasing jail-bate and probably diddling kids at your friendly neighborhood pizza parlor.
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Jesus that last text in the last image.
Sauce is Q-larp, spread widely. Not going to archive this shit.
American Spies Gave $100,000 to Russian Who Wanted to Sell Material on Trump
These faggots lean on HUMINT from client state security agencies in the American Raj, putting their glowing stamp on it, and call it a good days work. No wonder they were taken on a ride.
If that was still on there would be more investigative journalism
Damn Lisa Page kinda looks hot af in OPs pic, but then i googled her and well, not so good.
She's a real life mole person, she must be able to suck a golf ball through a garden hose with that face - one which only a soyboy could love.
You heard it here first, folks.
No, only soyboys could love a face like hers, unless she can blow better than one of these.
Reading comprehension, learn to in2 it.
Who's the cat?
hopefully theres still enough to convict the guilty parties. i'm not saying this is a qwinkydink but …
Reminder that this piece of shit ban evades and spams hundreds of off-topic images in every thread on the board without ever contributing to any topic.
Reminder that it came here right after shareblue was banned on reddit.
Also, this page took 15 fucking minutes to load. Jim is purposely slowing down Tor.
You mad bro?
Thanks for outing yourself for the scum of the Earth redditor you are.
You blind? Do you know what thread you're in?
Keep the salt coming, little bitch
Reported for brain damage.
On topic:
Srtzok's wife
Complicated delays induced between the clearnet assets even though there's an onion site allow TOR posters to be ID'd by IP.
White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a Controlled Opposition Jewish psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
Oh ffs gas yourself kike, or did you forget he was hired specifically to cover up Mossad's 911 falseflag psyop?
masonic dubdub check
(((Shillary))) began tapping Huma when Huma was 19. They have been gay lovers ever since.
dig that adam's apple
fuck off torspammerfag
It's possible Mueller was flipped by Trump early on. Doesn't mean he's /ourguy/ by any stretch, but he may be fearing a nice dance on a rope and is complying.
Rubber meets the road with that connection. McAuliffe is a major piece of shit.