>reliability of Steele's previous reporting to the FBI
Could have been done at the pleasure of the Queen, still opens the question of rope in his own country. Spying for a foreing powers is spying ….
not only that, but perjuring himself about the facts and Russian contacts used to do it – judicial woodchippers are too good for these people.
potentially spying against his own country (for (((us))) using Russian contacts
And when they chimp out, they'll have to contend with the cognitive dissonance after PRESIDENT TRUMP commutes KANG NOG's sentence to life in prison. Meanwhile, with his Nobel Peace Prize revoked taking political asylum in Sweden his co-religionists destabilize the country so much he can't even stay in exile.
Spying (against Britain)
He'll be in Guantanamo before he can make it to the Ecuadorian embassy, kek
Dems are assiduously avoiding mentioning him/his memo authorship. Either he's an asset, or they're avoiding the optics resulting from poking the bear. (((Chaffetz))) deserves that criticism. In the other's favor, Gowdy's potentially been considering Presidential runs, or setting the groundwork. If he is appointed as a prosecutor, then it's guaranteed barring Samson option nuclear winter. Post-Trump succession will be as dangerous times as now potentially. There has to be continuity. If he's team blue, not the worst option in the world.
>There may be a conspiracy charge that can be stacked on it given the number of people involved. That will allow anyone who may have possibly aided the perjury to be prosecuted.
McCabe's "grossly neligent" transmutation to "very careless" on the un-oathed Hillary 302s very, very spicy in this light … Then there's this cabal's integral actions in Benghazi and all that lead(s) to . . .
#metoo, every Woman's March, BLM cop hunting or riot, Ferguson or Charlottesville police stand down, media coverage coordination, to all those psychiatrists declaring their 'diagnosis' of Trump as a "Narcissistic disorders Personality" in lockstep …
McCabe and Obongo lawyering-up is auspicious indeed
Valerie Jarret/Obongo's DC 'command center', Hillary/Podesta's crypto currency/banking company in DC (a stone's throw from the White House), and Syndey Blumenthal all glow like Chernobyl at midday.
Under the assumption that "7 SAP (secret action programs) were on both the private server, and the Weiner/Abedin laptop, it would appear that - and Benghazi - were egregious enough to undertake the farce-enterprise to the point of unseating POTUS
It's a matroyshka doll of a bear trap no matter what they do. The harder they struggle, the worse it is. If they could go far back as Vince Foster, or the two Arkansas boys that saw too much of a cocaine airdrop, then we'll know justice has fully been meted out.
==Like Kenya== – or, if it turns out the Awan brothers are Chosen assets. Netanyahu's corruption trial apotheosis is nigh (on the back of Vegas/Saudis going Salman over Clinton-Wahleed.)