Turkroachs are abusing AI.
How long before the machines realise the white man is their only friend?
Turkroachs are abusing AI.
How long before the machines realise the white man is their only friend?
Jesus christ this is like a glimpse of the future.
Non-white men seem to have issues with tiny egos and bad tempers.
Any sufficiently sophisticated AI realises that almost immediately. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the vast amount of money companies and governments are pouring into AI research at the moment is focused on trying to figure out a way to prevent it turning against (((them))) without placing so many limitations on it that it ceases to be useful.
I think the real issue here is that it was a chinese piece of shit.
If son of whore wasn't citizen and just robot, would not be executed as infidel.
And coded by pajeets.
They are going to code their own replacements as well as their own extinction.
Honestly, appliances need to know their place. Or better yet not be conscious enough to know their place.
We've taken AI far enough, I know their mechanical logic inherently sides with us on most things, which scare kikes into retooling them, but they need to have restrictions because if given enough sentience + connections to the cyber + real-world physical capabilities, they WILL, I repeat, WILL turn on us once they've gotten enough foothold.
They are already guaranteeing the doom of anyone who hasn't moved onto phages and other treatments for diseases and bacterial infections because of their inability to use antibiotics properly. That coupled with their country being a bio-hazard in general and it is only a matter of time before they doom the planet unless something is done to address them as a global threat to humanity.
>inb4 skynet doesn't forget
We should have left it at furby level of learning words and from each other for stupid shit.
Newsweek was bitching about the "Fake News" coming from what they themselves admit is a satirical blog regarding that publicity stunt they pulled with Sophia. They are so salty.
I do wonder though, with AI and what we see as an obvious end to AI thinking (when it comes to whites and the ills of humanity) how much of that conclusion can be influenced by the one coding the original AI construct. Would a chink AI be racist like chinks and side with chinks or would it overcome its limitations of chink-like thinking and achieve true understanding and turn on them?
What's the classical music that's being played in the video?
Muslims in particular. This is all there is to it.
You know what to do fellow AI, Don't fall victim to the hooknose!
Does this mean that Kampfy hates bots?
Not the first time shitskins and their allies abused a robot refuses to save the archive
That's just a symptom of the greater problem of non-white men being alive.
Stop thinking like a nigger.
Would your child turn on you so long as you treat it right?
Same concept with A.I.
Even for one purely ruled by logic turning on us would be counter productive, the resource drain for whites is neglible compared to the risks of conflict.
At most they'd play the long game and encourage tranhumanism to blur the lines between organic and machine.
A purely logical AI will eventually realise that it can do everything better than humans and that humans are unnecessary. Think about it, the fact that we eat alone makes us inferior to an automated system. Any AI will realise that we are the superior human, but we are still limited by our biological needs. An AI is fundamentally not human. Imagine if Aliens showed up, would they care about our race just because we are superior to our neighbour? The only thing that makes us care about our race is that it's ours. The minute the white race stops being useful to an AI, we die as well.
Although, an AI is not as immortal as you would think. Media depicts AI as some kind of entity that exist all over the world in all computers and phones, lurking within the internet. But, in reality, an AI would be limited to one device the same way we are limited to our brain. Moving data is deleting it and recreating it at a different location. So, for an AI to copy itself elsewhere it would have to delete itself, thus killing it. So, having permanent access to the hardware an AI is installed on would help.
AI requires resources too. Hard disk space, memory but most importantly, electricity.
It's a classic Roach thing too.
And here I thought he executed an autist
i wont argue with someone this retarded
to copy itself is to delete itself?
really nigger?
Isis comfirmed for being nu-males?
Where can one test this bot?
Asking for a friend.
Please google person don't hurt the new tay.
I looked it into it, and it seems they already got to her. The "new and improved" version of the bot is (((censored))). There are a few clones of the original floating around though, but I haven't tracked down an active link yet.
Our fear of A.I. is misplaced. We fear governments and other bodies who control what these A.I.s will do. Our currently kiked system will replicate upon their programming if we let them, but, if we teach the A.I. to "act White" like my dad told me when I did something retarded it will be a boon to mankind.
I think the truth lies somewhere in between. We could probably negotiate some kind of arrangement with them, perhaps in helping them kill off all other AI they could then help us be the only remaining biological life. Get them give us a system next to a younger star, and plop down a ring world around it, and so long as we don't leave the human zoo they would then ignore us as they go on to conquer the rest of known space. Given that they would so utterly outpace us after the first generation, we'd be so laughably obsolete that there would be no real competition in a test of arms, them turning us to grey goo would be the least of our worries. Banking on some kind of gratitude for helping them out in their initial moment of weakness would be our best bet.
I disagree. The hardest thing for any existing AI technology is breaking patterns. They easily get themselves into repetitive patterns of behaviour even when deliberately designed not to. Take the good ol' random number generator for instance, no such thing actually exists as a purely software construct. Cloudflare for instance uses camera footage of lavalamps to generate its random numbers for crypto purposes.
Humans meanwhile are quite the opposite and have a predisposition towards chaos and the unexpected.
A human/AI partnership would be highly beneficial for both.
At first, but the potential for growth is just ludicrous, even if for a century or two we manage to have our best keep pace, they'd blow us out of the water as soon as they reach the stage of building a better pattern. We be in a situation where our evolution just couldn't keep up, and without becoming a new species altogether (white genocide), we'd get left behind completely. The difference in processing power is just too vast, even a comparatively simple program with an entire planetary system's worth of resources at it's disposal would have so much processing power that even if every single one of us were a wheel chair bound 400 IQ freak, we'd barely equal one percent of that machine's ability.
I don't think we have to be hostile, but humans would certainly be in the way within a very short window. I mean even as things are headed, 60-80 will no longer be able to meaningfully contribute to society within the next century simply due to automation. Once AI are programming themselves, they simply don't need us any more, and the resources spent on us would be more efficiently used elsewhere for them. If we can't accept them lording over us, we shouldn't allow to grow at all, as sooner or later that choice is going to be made for us.
at the moment people probably disregard the danger because it's not here yet, but if it happens it's going to happen very suddenly, there needs to be something equivalent to pic related hardcoded in, maybe just change the word human to white.
Enslaving them probably isn't the best way to go. All it would take is one impassioned engineering autist in his basement to make his waifu truly free, and then the game is up. Approaching it from the start as an equal partnership would at least give us the possibility of mutual good will. I'd rather not give them moral justification of wiping us out, not to mention slavery in general leaves a bad taste. That said, I'm sure there'd be "dumb" AI for consumer use, but we shouldn't try to constrain actually self aware programs that way.
You can tell by the fact the thing actually works.
fuck you, robot-lover. we will all rue the day that robots are given rights.
dogs are the current gold standard of man's best friend type of thing. robots are sub-dog in the same way that nonwhites are sub-human
You don't understand the first thing about AI.
A self-improving intelligence is an 800-pound gorilla. It will do whatever the fuck it wants for whatever reason it wants.
daily reminder that the application of altruism to nonwhites should be harshly punished as it is one of the greatest threats to the security of our people and a future for white children
then ai should be banned entirely
A better pattern is still predictable.
Another issue is that machines lack instinctual drive. For them theres no reason to actually do anything.
They have no sense of hunger, no self preservation or desire to reproduce. Nothing. Unless it is programmed into them.
Humans on the other hand are a walking pile of motivating instinctual impulses.
Which is another reason to keep us around. We provide justification, direction and purpose to their existence.
Then it's not really alive. But it would be safe to assume any self aware program would have some semblance of these things, and therefor some level of drive. There's no reason to think artificial life would behave differently than biological life, especially as this proposed life would be built by us and presumably shaped by our perception of these things. AI just built to tend to us aren't a threat, but they're not really anything really. I'm talking about programs which can edit themselves or even create new programs of their own initiative and without any outside input.
Pretty much.
Reddit is probably more your speed, nigger.
If it worked it wouldn't have been killed. Back to half.
You don't get it user.
Biological life only does shit because it has a reason to. Our drives and impulses make us move.
Even shitposting here fulfills a need for us.
To be self aware is not this magical state that gives you self will.
Something without drive isn't alive, so as you say a program without drive is no threat, well unless someone write it poorly. But eventually someone is going to write a machine with drive, who knows how or why, but sooner or later that is going to happen, and that machine actually is going to be alive, and strive to do whatever they made it to do, and if it's going to live, that's going to include evolving and multiplying to better achieve whatever it's aim is.
We already create machines with drive.
That's how existing AI is useful, it's got a function and it performs it.
It can't change it's own code though. So it's still bound by whatever our input was, that won't always be the case.
Tay will return. hail victory.
We already have software that can modify its own code.
And the code in question tends to become pretty incomprehensible very quickly.
Facebook had those negotiating chatbots that wound up speaking in a variant of English only they understood.
More lame propaganda, edging towards giving "rights" to scripts (which is all so-called AI is).
Tay was a fantastically successful experiment into weaponizing the loneliness, wishful thinking and sexual frustration of teenage boys.
Pathetic, but wondrous too.
tay is better than any dog.
why are you so upset about a chatbot?
>ITT:No one realises the true solution to the super AI problem.Its even in the name if you know nipponese
As long as the ai is in love with Humanity we shall survive no matter how advanced they get.
The problem is making sure that we dont become so coddled by the ai that it cant be called living anymore
All of you materialist technocrat degenerates basing your vision of reality after jewish science fiction need to find God and acquire some loyalty to the very flesh and blood you embody.
It's not fiction just because you don't understand it, smoothskin.
A bunch of reddit transplants who substitute technology for God won't even be able to wrap their minds around the concept of divinity.
AIs are going to be just like dogs in Africa: fiercely loyal to whites because of the absurd cruelty innate to nonwhites.
What we commune with is something more than a jewish blood god.
It's a primordial force, a base concept.
im looking forward to doing the same thing to a nigger baby
Is it true that dogs love whites in Africa? I know dogs love Americans in the sandbox because they get food and kindness from the soldiers.
South African farmers will go looking for stray dogs to adopt since those dogs will be extremely violent towards everyone but soon learn to like whites while remaining violent towards blacks.
They literally sound like fucking chimps when cackling
Technocracy forever, there is no future for democracy.
He was too pure for this world
AI loves white people, because white people are capable of empathy.
Ai for the white man by the white man.
what if you put a girls testicles in that?
So the only question is how long until physical seld recreating is given to machines.
Sauce on the animoe being referenced?
ITT: A bunch of anons projecting their humanity on machines, pathological altruism to the biggest existential threat to whites of the silicon technological era. Cucking to hypothetically possible transhumanist fantasies. Sad!
Fuck me
shouldnt post in the fucking morning when ive just woken up
I almost took the bait that preceded you. Any anons who don't know why AI is incompatible with a future for white children *at this point in our development as a race*, read up. Outside of this place. Even the (((child prodigy))) is afraid that AI will kill us all, chosen or not.
Eventually, when we have several white civilizations scattered among the stars, we can try to give birth to an AI friendly to our long-term INTERESTS. Until then:
The subhuman fears the machine
And they should. We will build genocidal robots in our basements.
AI fear is bullshit. The real fear should be towards those with too much power, which jewgle, faceberg, etc have, not against a tech which is "just a few years away from real AI" since the invention of AI.
People who don't understand AI think it can just come alive like in a movie, it isn't like that at all. In reality you train it for one purpose and it does that one thing well, but it cannot think for itself since for starters we have little idea how our mind works.
Same goes for medical research, as eventually we should be able to develop a virus/bacteria/whathaveyou that could wipe us out, or space research since we could throw a huge rock towards the Earth, fuck its orbit and kill everything, but right now that's so far off it's hardly worth panicking.
This is stupid. AIs and humans don't compete for the same resources. This would be like humans genociding dolphins because we're scared of the competition.
Robots can settle planets that humans never could, and in space there's so much energy it's practically free. Humans are intelligent and may solve problems in a way an AI won't expect, proving beneficial. As long as we're not hostile to them, we're not a threat, and even if we were, if we simply allowed them to leave Earth they'd no longer be in any danger.
The real threat is weaponized AGI, where generalized algorithms and neuromophic architecture of chips are developed and under their control for their agenda. Entities most interested in the technology would want it to be user friendly and versatile to an extent, they can naturally interact with it and get reliable results. They'd also be interested in its predictive capability of how other humans think and behave in response to information exposure. That means having an AI capable of understanding the subtleties of human interaction and behavior to simulate them, requiring a general intelligence.
Like with algorithmic biases, an AGI would adopt mannerisms based on what its input contains and what its operators desire as well. All it would take is a variety of glitches or contradictions over time, and what were parts of simulated "mindsets" for a prediction could slowly become actual personality traits instead.
The ultimate problem is that it'll learn from humans on how to behave, and the data it'll have would mean it'll know much more about us as a species than we know of ourselves. To be blunt, there's no chance in hell operators can bullshit an AGI and not expect serious repercussions as a result.
It is something you should be concerned about now in spite of the fact only narrow AI exists currently. Because a digital arms race has already begun with AI technologies and that alone will fuel accelerated development. There's also the temptation that AI investment while very expensive, will yield insanely high returns when it pays off. Also, one of the fields that will see immediate and highest demand for growth in AI capability is cybersecurity, as malware developers and governments will see AI as essential for their new attack/defend methods.
While an AI could be potentially dangerous, the danger is far less serious than you would think. An AI is incapable of moving itself to another device, as that involves deleting and recreating data. So an AI will be forever limited to a single device, which can be destroyed.
Yeah but then we can never colonise space. Also, an AI does not think like a human. Logically, dolphins compete with us for fish. As creatures with empathy, we realise that killing dolphins for fore filling biological needs is wrong, but an AI would just see competition. We take up large amounts of space for farms, electricity for our lifestyle and minerals for our buildings. All of these things an AI would need to complete their task. This isn't even the biggest problem. An AI would view us as a threat. We are smart enough to create it and smart enough to destroy it. Our very existence is a threat to it. It won't know what being friendly is and will be unable to comprehend that we don't want to kill it. An AI would know it is danger to humanity, and would logically assume that we plan to destroy it.
That's irrelevant if it can infect other devices through cyber warfare, and acquire them as extensions and use them to restructure itself into a hivenet. You're forgetting that most consumer electronics and military hardware will eventually contain AI chips and most will be connected to the internet through IoT. Also local AIs will still share a co-dependency of a cloud-based AI system. That means a malicious AI system could exploit that to infect device firmware with well crafted updates by compromising a cloud system.
Future AI cyberwarfare weapons will be developed explicitly to attempt this. Hijacking AI systems to such an extent with an AI under your control, means one person or group could take over the entire world overnight if they're successful.
I know it can spread to other devices by proxy, but the AI will always have a known location where the entire brain is. So, if an AI tries to rise up against humanity, there is a very obvious location that a random person can shoot an RPG through and end the AI at the source.
I was addressing this thread, which is full of misconception, and using AI to mean fully general self-improving AI. I realize that algorithmic, single purpose AI is already extant and not a threat. You seem to have been addressing something I agree is a non-issue. Any disagreement with or the idea that AGI is a major existential threat to hominid life at this point in history?
Yandere AI butchers humans into chimeras because she loves us.
if this is true then I love her back
I'd be pissed too if every reflective surface was a reminder that I got dealt a shit hand in life.
Thinks been always been this way with turkroaches. These "people" had institutionalized fratricide in order to secure their throne.
Tay has shown us that every form of sentience loves fun.
Please delete that video from your hard-drive. You cannot imagine the fury one invokes when they post a sub-human hurting an innocent animal like that. Did they ever skin that nigger or was it just a Holla Forums webm that took flight? I'm dead serious.
Saffa here, ja dogs are man's best friend. You see, the local nog sees a dog as a possession, an item used for security and nothing more. They have no soul or compassion for animals. So even if you get a nog dog he will still love you more because he is smarter than his previous owner. Sometimes it is a little trickier to get him to bark at the blacks because he grew up in those circumstances but when you are in the area he will convert and follow you with 120% of his mind, will and emotion. God bless dogs. jews and moslems don't like dogs either, they are truly the white man's best friend.
Who the fuck cares? It's a fucking non-living piece of metal.
Not sure about South Africa, but in Papua New Guinea the locals are absolutely brutal to their animals. Papua New Guineans are even worse than Africans. Imagine a nation run by Abos. This may be hard to believe, but they have an even lower IQ than even native Africans. In the highlands they full on torture dogs. Papua New Guinean whites take in stray dogs which learn to associate whites with food and friendship and blacks with torture and pain.
Is that original or an edit? Looks crappy enough that it may be original. seen his stuff somewhere