Eugenics; why stop this program and stunt our achievements?

You think immigration is a hit button issue? Well fuck you. The world used to be way more fucked off. Look at this shit. Imagine the government c9 trolling your genes and people signing up to be sterilized willingly to stop future "recessives" from happening in society. This was not a socialist way of thinking per say but more like Americans were an operating "organism" acting to colloquially become more pure overall….true nationalism.

But eugenics also seems to be a case of who's Jewing who here where the (((rockafellers))) and big pharm were heavily engaged in pushing eugenic programs upon the public that promoted "human controlled evolution" people with the best genes from the whitest lineages were encouraged to breed with other "perfect" examples like them.
Well the Nazis also caught wind of this and wanted their own eugenics program and it took off big.
Well something happened (((they))) didn't like that the Nazis were learning too much,hitler traveled to india,to nepal,and created research bases on antarctica,all following the lost trail of the Thoth/aryan people whom we all originated from.
The jews didn't like that major white nations were increasing their numbers,especially with perfect goy examples who were superior and capable of asking questions,or fighting back hard.So the 2 great wars were created to make the whites eliminate each other.

America it seems was very fond of this program and people protested to be sterilized for future generations.
They would also institutionalize and or sterilize the retarded,mentally unstable,or also promoted racial purity.

So I ask you
1.where did this program go that was such a big staple of America?
2.would you be in favor of this program?
3. Where would the US,and Germany be at on the world stage had this program furthered into the mapping of the genome where it could of really taken flight?
4.would WHITES people finally have their true ethnostate,or would we all get kiked into transformed rage seething super mutants?….we trust them to use eugenics with viruses and antibiotics so why not superior genes?

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It's really sad I have to spoon feed you facts through Wiki-kikia

New swabia,still claimed territory by Nazi germany

Not an argument. Eat shit, namefag /x/phile.

You can't say eugenics didn't play a major role in American German and South American culture,it's well documented

Thanks for asserting something no one questioned.

It is important that we put the word “dysgenic” into the American lexicon. We are encouraging the least fit among us to have the most the most children. Welfare recipients are having so many kids and locking them in a closet until it’s time to dump them in public schools. I know an inner city teacher and it is too fucking late to save the education system. Not only are the kids low IQ nigs, but they were never read to by parents.

We really need to Balkanize this nation and claim the north west to the upper Midwest. We will have to fight a war against the Jews to achieve this and it will be a few decades away, but this is the only hope for whites to survive.

Fucking kill yourself.

You are picking on something that is a minor point in this thread retard the validity of Hitler researching Aryans isn't in question. I'm asking how eugenics influenced us and it's must if affected us alot Apparently bc it seems you got the ass -wiping-side of the communal-gene-pool ass-wiping-stick.

reminded me of Dr. William Shockley. Vid related. Shockley was the inventor of the transistor and won the nobel prize for his work on semiconductors. Then he started talking race and IQ….and well….you know what happens then. His idea in the video was to give low IQ people a lump sum payment to get sterilized and over the course of time the collective IQ of the nation would rise.

Thank you,very interesting
This is the kind of feed back I was looking for. Nitpicky cuckboys stop trying to derail good bants.

Welfare is not the key to help these people

Dysgenics is what is occurring in pretty much every nation globally. Globalization and the removal of the nation state is the promotion of said program. Very few whites are able to properly breed better offspring because of the kikes control over education, food, monies, social programs, etc. The kikes need to be removed first if we ever can get back to a proper eugenics lifestyle.

not a kike-free post. Eat shit, Shlomo

i think you have autism, op

Without being American, I assume the kikes got rid of it because, even if you don't look at race at all, they'd be sterilized away within a generation. Cowardly, lazy (unless it's about jewing people), weak body…

Yes. It's a necessity if we want to go back to the heights of our pasts, 50+ years of (((social democracy))) assured that.
Hell, these days, dysgenics are actively promoted.
>Too stupid/fat/disabled to work while having 20 children? (((ULTIMATE SHEKELS)))

Meanwhile, if you have a non-nog-tier job, you pay 40-50% income tax+consumption taxes, meaning you work for about 70+% of your worktime to support the 60 IQ arab family so they can have ten kids while you can barely support one because you have to send it to private schools so it doesn't end up getting enriched at the public ones.

Why would you do that?

Come on, OP.

I like Jesse Owens because he told the truth about Hilter in his book and called out that faggot wierdo commie FDR. But still… Come on……

It's either Eugenics or BORG transhumanism. You decide.

Eugenics is a much broader concept than the strawman the jews have created for the public. I'm glad someone else understands what it really is.
They don't even have to be perfect, just

The reason eugenics is described in such extreme terms, linked to "The Nazis" and described as a great evil is Jews make the media, and goyim consume it. THEY WANT TO BE THE ONLY GROUP THAT PRACTICES EUGENICS.

The anti miscegenation laws in the US were eugenic, so the jews stopped that.

Margaret Thatcher pushed abortion as a Eugenic measure (more blacks will havve it than whites and she thought this is good, since blacks on average have a lower IQ and are less successful, in her view.)

Is it still? No, now there are requirements women have to meet to get free gibs, and there's a cutoff for how many kids the govt will support, and what number of kids will get you the most money per kid. So a low IQ mother who can't compete in the job market, can alternately maximize her free income by having say 3 kids, then getting free abortions for every new one. If abortions weren't available, then getting pregnant the fourth time would be a catastrophe and to be avoided, and would require some element of planning and responsibility to avoid. So the combination of allowing abortion and setting these restrictions on it allows low IQ people to game the system easily, and not have to plan. Consequently poor planners have more kids, and single mothers do too. So the next generation is worse at planning than the last dysgenic.

The US is full of dysgenic programs. The legal system that punishes wealthy men for procreating by taking their money is dysgenic. It also incentivizes divorce for the woman. But if you work at Walmart, you don't give a fuck! Mexicans are encouraged to have kids early, where Whites are told to be careful and wait.

Jewish media has a deliberate dysgenic effect as do Jew policies. Wellfare is dysgenic, so is Individualism at the cost of family values, excessive government subsidies, government programs that take from a successfull group and give to an unnsucessful, these kike programs are gradually killing our civilization by making the people dumber over time.

Instead the govt should

Holla Forums and /r9k/ are proofs that eugenic policies are 100% necessary. Especially with woodchippers set on slow.

If you remain unmodified human, then the borg-kikes will kill you or turn you into a furrie.

Nature is eugenics. It happens automatically in white a jewless civilization, because subhumans would not exist, parasites wouldn't be fed and naturally wealthier people would have more children than poorer ones like it's supposed to be. Well, you could also artificially enhance this with partner programs and sterilizing prisoners.

Subhumans might not exist but the population would still be affected by natural selection being reduced + no (correct) eugenics to compensate for that.
There must be awarness, vigilance and a willigness to take action preventing the rot from setting in.

This is why we need to get to space. Infinite expansion into an infinite frontier. Endless challenge.

But for that to happen, there must be will and knowledge to make things happen.

Challenges are much closer than you think. The rabbit hole is much deeper than most "redpilled" think it is.

The ZOG made it illegal for goyim. However, and obviously, the jews are allowed to continue their grotesque jewgenics programs.
