Israel Claims George Soros Is Funding Protests, Demands African Migrants Leave

>zerohedge. com/news/2018-02-06/israel-claims-george-soros-funding-protests-demands-african-migrants-leave
>archive. fo/3gX8s

Netanyahu Says George Soros Funding Campaign Against Israeli Plan to Deport Asylum Seekers
>haaretz. com/israel-news/netanyahu-soros-behind-asylum-seekers-anti-deportation-campaign-1.5787643
>archive. fo/Mv1el

"Obama deported two million infiltrators and they didn't say anything"

Soros and Reptilians Controlling the World: Yair Netanyahu Posts Meme Rife With anti-Semitic Themes

Ex-KKK leader David Duke comes to the defense of Prime Minister Netanyahu's son after he posts a meme that suggests a conspiracy is behind his family's growing legal problems

>haaretz. com/israel-news/yair-netanyahu-posts-meme-rife-with-anti-semitic-themes-1.5449468
>archive. fo/ae6FR

Following Outcry, Netanyahu's Son Removes anti-Semitic Meme

(But leaves evidence of David Duke's support)

>haaretz. com/israel-news/following-outcry-netanyahu-s-son-removes-anti-semitic-meme-1.5449714
>archive. fo/Pl6YT

Recording of Sara Netanyahu Screaming Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

*With this kind of helpmate, what sleepless nights must the prime minister be subjected to amid the corruption investigations against him and other ills?*
>haaretz. com/israel-news/recording-of-sara-netanyahu-screaming-is-just-the-tip-of-the-iceberg-1.5769985
>archive. fo/tFyN4

All the Scandals Involving Netanyahu, and Where They Stand
>haaretz. com/israel-news/all-scandals-involving-netanyahu-where-they-stand-1.5448174
>archive. fo/DSPRg

Police Recommendations on Netanyahu Charges Expected Next Week
>haaretz. com/israel-news/police-recommendations-on-netanyahu-charges-expected-next-week-1.5793105
>archive. fo/nWbCv

Other urls found in this thread:

WTF I love jews now

Wtf I love kike first responders now.

Friendly reminder that Soros is merely one of the many faces of Jewish subversion and your ability talk about this guy openly without being censored should make you think.

This is a rare instance of two jew subgroups having conflicting interests, the zionist jew vs the globalist jew.

Who will win?

wtf I love 2nd replies now.

Case 1000
Case 2000
>SHELDON ALDELSON (Vegas Connection) owns/founded the newspaper Israel Hayom (pro-Bibi btw) that would suffer for the increased positive coverage in its competitor Yediot Ahronot in exchange
'Chosen-German Submarine Deal 1+ Billion
Bezeq Affair

Police recommendation to charge doesn't entail the requirement to resign apparently, but seeing Merchants out-Merchant themselves is pure joy


The world. And everyone in it.

Whoever wins we lose.

It's not rare. It'll be even more common if they gain power.

Yair /ourjew/

The supposed split between zionists and globalists doesn't exist. Zionism has always been internationalism masquerading as nationalism.

this isn't rare, we have seen this happen for years between netanyahu and soros and the answer is either A. nothing since jews never actually get into real conflict and the farthest they go is use others to fight for them and once they realized they have been used the jews from both sides just unite against the goyim and either win or lose. B. Its just fake opposition made by the two to confuse anyone who is dumb enough to think that soros and the big nine haven't spend billion on Israel and that Israel hasn't repaid them in kind and just try and apply a divide and conquer strategy on a massive scale.

So the best thing to do is either provoke on or the other to use something in our favor like soros unleasing migrant hordes on Israel or something like that or just stand by and learn what we can to take both of them down.


I wonder why libshit won't raise hell about this? I wonder.

There is no difference. The zionists are the globalists because they believe the world is theirs. The richest jews see Israel as nothing more than home base, something that needs to be enriched eventually. The poorest jews are zionist in the lesser sense, taking the talmud at its word and are just used as fodder by their richer uncles.

The first person a jew learns to jew is their fellow jew. Remember that.

Yair is upsetting them alot
I'm growin to like the little fella


A leftist sjw jew fighting for open borders 4 israel

What the fuck is the difference?

Sometimes I wonder if the kikes are all playing in the same team. I am not implying there are good kikes, just that there might be "team kike" and "team more kike" to take into account.

Soros is to Rothschilde (?) as North Korea is to China, as US is to Merchantland.

Zionist Jews. Global Jews are made up of fags and Soyboys. Zionist Jews are at least good at least good at killing. With that said. Globalist Jews probably did more long term damage to Israel and the Jewish race than Holla Forums wish they done themselves. So could be win win for us. Jews are the real 54% face.

From what I can understand, the Marxist Jews like George Soros are willing to "enrich" a nation, and not just the West, but any other nation that isn't a black/brown nation which is why they))) want Japan to be "enriched" by the nigger hoards and in some cases like George Soros, they want their own nation to be "enriched" as well. Zionist Jews seem to love celebrating the idea of Western nations and their native populations being replaced by Third Worlders while their own Chosen Land™ stays the same for all eternity, that is until we start to gas all of them, it's a promise. I've seen some Israeli on Faceberg talking about how good it is that these Western nations are being torn down to pieces by Third World immigration while Israel stays Jewish.

The idea of a Jewish ethnostate is just complete bullshit in the first place considering that they are literal gene vampires. They can't live on their own.

Meanwhile on a Jew run website…

Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking

And let's add Gay and Women networking.


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.


There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"

You waste too much grey matter for a false dilemma, man.

True. As with everything else, the jew just takes the most successful idea and attempts it himself. In this case, an ethnostate, the idea stolen from Hitler. But like most things that are cheap ripoffs of the original, Israel will not last. It has been doomed to fail since it's start.

Probably true. Israel is as degenerate as they come, and they can't blame it on waves of invading niggers. Younger generations of Jews took the atheism bait that the older Yids were pushing and don't have any idea why they're a race of self-worshiping psychopaths, just that they are and can get away with it. Jews push atheism and the kosher version of Satanism at every chance they get because they revile Christianity so much.

It seems more like fear than hatred to me, considering they're more than willing to pretend to be Christians and retranslate the bible every other fucking week to add shit like "we must protect Israel" and whatnot. One man with a whip made their yarmulkes flip so imagine what a whole army of them could do.

Incentivizing 'Law of Return' for the 10 Lost Tribes (and Judite diaspora) for their end times scenario (that isn't even textually supported.)

Seems legit.

What's he doing about this? Is he going to save Benji or does he consider him disposable enough to not risk his hide? Is Soros' baby blood going to get spiked?

Dude, feck off.


Come on, man, this is beginners stuff. Jews need anti-semitism or they'll fall apart as a people and assimilite into their host countries. Thus they need Israel as moral support, someone who has their back. They live in constant contradictions and act in dissimulated ways. They know that Soros has a diversity fetish, so they support him even though they know that Muslims will kill them in their host countries. But they give Soros a pass because he's a fellow kike and also targets goyim. But somehow they also realize deep down that they're in deep shit also, so they compartmentalize it by having Israel stand up to Soros. They are not rational.

So it isn't possible that different types of Jews have different motives?
Have you heard of the Haavara Agreement?
Are you going to take this oppurtunity to explain this away again claiming
despite also being able to claim at the same time

Maybe I'm antagonizing you too much here. I'd be okay with learning that, but at least try to have a rational conversation about this.
Am I not redpilled enough? Is there more I need to know? Is there a charade you need to keep up? Would I even notice anyway?

Surprised this hasn't been posted yet.

Yeah, that was my first thought. Why is Soros all the sudden willing to put money into toppling Israel? Does this mean mortal kombat between the liberal and Zionist jews? I'm rooting for both sides to take each other out.

I'll explain for the embarrassingly new brainlets in this thread-
This is merely part of the shifting narrative in which the kikes have recognized and facilitated the rise of white nationalist sentiment, and are now bit by bit playing the card that we can be fairly united with them in their desire for a homogeneous heebie homeland.
To think that Soros and the others have been completely naïve in regards to the effects that their increasingly transparent anti-white narratives and movements would have is to underestimate your ever-scheming companions.
There's always more than two sides and they always have and always will hit from every possible angle.
until they are stopped by force and extreme prejudice



I'm not sure that screenshot is more than a meme. I've searched but haven't found evidence of that being an actual post, just that picture being used in right-wing alternative media coverage, but if somebody does have the evidence, I would appreciate knowing it's not just a "PUTIN KICKS ROTHSCHILDS OUT OF RUSSIA" type scenario.

They're going to need a lot more than Absolutely Superbad Yair Netanyahu posting a few Hebrew memes, then.

If you haven't been keeping up, alt-right puppets and outlets have from day one been speaking in favor of Israel's nationalism and more western and Israeli everyday kikes have been recently speaking empathetically about alt-right talking points in relation to Israel's own stance on the matters. As I said, Bibi Junior's shitposting is just a continuation of that angle.

We have been playing some aspects of the game better than them, but it seems many here have lost focus after the advent of discovering meme magic, and have begun a bit too blindly to follow a "believe to receive" narrative.
I fully encourage believing in victory of course, but we must stay vigilant against their wiles and take increasing tangible actions in meatspace.
As a former christfag, I'll use this bit of the bible to illustrate the point:
Translate that analogy to our goals, replace demons with kikes (no big transition) and replace belief in god with belief in the cause of our people.
This is for remoralization and refocusing purposes that I say this.

What timeline is this? Did a rift open up at some point?

Yeah, at least since the start of Gamergate when the neocon American Enterprise Institute got involved. Then the "Israel is an ethnostate too" Depeche Mode-Right. I still don't think it's going to work for them in the end. They're too obviously a bloodthirsty nation that wants to absorb all its neighbors and jew everyone else.

With the administering of shrewd and cunning tactics, we can lead them on into a false sense of leading us on that distracts them with their own staged internal conflict.
Not enough anons seem to value the importance of truly out-jewing the jew.

aren't they sort of showing their hand here?

So, you're doing the
Are you going to go all the way and say we need to just kill them all? You don't seem to be for containing them, as they would do to us

I would be more inclined to believe this if the current crop of zionist kikes running the US was not founded by a bunch of Trotskyites.

More than likely this is either Soros being a senile old fart, or a deliberate squabble to confuse the goyim. You think they don't know about the rising tide of anti-semitism? They've been kvetching for years now, they understand what's going on perfectly well. Now they're adapting. Don't fall for it faggots.

Any figures that identify or are identified with what is called the "alt-right" a phrase coined by Dicky Spencer's kike mentor Paul Gottfried reveal their own kikery from the get go.
If you think the alt-right being a psyop no actual white nationalist should fall for is my "opinion" and not their own admissions, actions, and connections, then I don't know what to tell you.
Git gud?
by the way, not sure what you mean by "containing them", as their only purpose is to subvert and declaw us

Do you understand the gravity of this situation, Holla Forums?
Few bored autists with nothing better to do forced the currently most powerful and evil force on earth to pay tribute to us
If Holla Forums taught me anything, is that you can truly do anything if you put your mind to it.

user, you seem more anti-jew than you do patriotic.
Fetishizing the jew is a favorite trick of theirs - it's born of narcissism
Thanks for playing along.




They're more than subversive, they're a god damn menace. Anyone following Spencer or TRS needs to be reminded of Charlottesville, when they lead a bunch of Terry McAuliffe's political rivals straight onto his turf. There's no way they didn't expect things to get out of hand. I remember them planning to repeat the same thing in another liberal state, but with guns. Then it didn't happen because not even Fag Anglin would support the idea. Even without taking the weird philosemitism into consideration, they are stupid, malicious, or both.

Say something of relevant value if you reply to my posts. thanks for fucking around and wasting my time kike you had me playing along

I can not believe how many people here think there's some /ouraltright/ to belong to, as if people who address JQ are automatically saints and therefore distinguished from "alt-kike" or "alt-lite" in intent. I'm really wondering where the oldfags are migrating to because this board has been rapidly turning into a pedestrian farce.

Yes, you are not redpilled enough because this phenomenon is very well explained in Mein Kampf, in the section where Hitler talks about how he became redpilled in Vienna. If you still haven't read it, then you lack critical knowledge. There's literally no excuse now with the NEW and honest translation that came out last year by Thomas Dalton, who also wrote the article "Rethinking Mein Kampf".

Is it suggested Hitler planned to remove the zionist jews he worked with, after helping to facilitate the migration of german jews to palestine?
I don't know that the version I read from was by him. I don't want to buy that kindle copy from amazon, is there a pdf you can point me to? I wanted to address this part in the book, as I recall Hitler being quite young (late teens, right?) when moving to Vienna to paint and do whatever job he had and wanted to go reread that part.
I was admittedly pushing buttons so I could get good explanations out of you guys (autists are squishy, and they squirm when you upset them), but I'm frankly just rather curious as to where some anons are at here.
It doesn't upset me that you'd call me a kike and antagonize me, but I don't care about you that much.

The Globalist Virgin vs the Chad of Zion

Meanwhile Israel is trying to guilt-trip Poland with Polish Death Camps
Don't trust a jew

What are you even talking about? I never called you any names. I simply wrote that this is beginner's stuff. This thread's topic, i.e. a false dichotomy is well explained in Mein Kampf. The Haavara agreement is another topic and it's also overrated, 60k jews is not that many, that's 10k per year. I don't think it was Hitler's idea, he simply signed it off and was like whatever, who cares.

Wait, you missed the part that was for you but responded to the part that wasn't?

Sorry, I didn't see that at the end. But my answer doesn't change.

So you can't point me towards Thomas Dalton's version in a pdf or you just don't want to?
I don't see the Haavara agreement as being overrated.
Frankly, I'd rather admit that jews aren't the only people in power that don't precisely align with our interests, and when you water it down and say things like,
it makes me think you're fucking with me, or just genuinely cucked to them and their propaganda has worked
What does the jew want more than anything else? us sitting around thinking about them all the time as they marvel in all the attention they get

I do prefer what I've stated, but I have no problem with being wrong.

Overton parameter zeroing-in on "You owe us for the Holohoax, Crusade for Us after the race war in your countries (that we manufactured to make you see reason) leaving us with Greater Israel."

Bibi's corruption charges (and the Hollywood/Vegas aggrieved parties in Case 1000) seem to indicate a policy direction change from the 9/11 to present path, along with that, – seeing as the jig is up as their 'Greatest Ally' is coming to know their perfidy in the failure of the Russian collusion narrative (and the Vegas/subsequent Saudi restructuring.)


The Zionist dyad recapitulates into the Loxist one, which still allows bad actors to hide.

Ends justify the memes.

Die Juden shlagt aus als er erHEEBst du.

Especially with an Occupy Wallstreet glownog organizing it

Realpolitik exceptions prove the rule. The Zionist congress boycott had measurable impact on the German economy that required all handbrakes removed to stabilize the country.
Diplomacy is war by other means.

Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just genuinely trying to understand the perspective.

I guess the next thing I need explained to me is this:
Would you pol hate jews less (or I guess just the people responding) if whites had a fair chance and weren't stuck in this position ie:
if a white ethnostate were established and conducted itself similarly as the jews, subverting them, and were allowed by tpbp to attempt to do so on an even playing field, would your distaste for the jews diminish?
I can see a logical response being,

I was just thinking that the EU was too probably ripped off from Hitlers plan for a united Europe but with its power instead diverted to destroying its native population.

As for this thread, don’t try to morally categorize the semites. There are no good ones. They’re all out for you. I was redpilled on neocohens before communists, so I am always concerned now with real right wing thought being subverted and steered towards their ends. They are the communists and the ‘solution.’ Only study potential differences between so called ‘different’ groups of them if you can trick them into fucking each other over, as they’ve done to us many times.


I pretty late from the party, but are there somekind of a big clash between the jewish ruling parties? Like mutt-jews (Soros) vs. nosferatu-jews (Israel)?

But, isn't tribalistic views what's caused jews to target whites? Isn't it a competitive tribal thing?
Is there another way to explain this?
Does it make more sense to adopt similar mindset to the jews that seems to have caused their angst and malevolence? Will that not expose us to similar degeneracy?

friendly reminder Soros is just the fall guy so Israel can stay on top. Zionism is cancer.


Are you trying to say that you fear that adopting a "similar mindset to the jews" aka nationalism, we will become degenerate?

Which is ridiculous on its own.

They are flying those niggers to Sweden.
Just kidding, wouldn't be the first time they do it though…

Short answer: This is CIAnigger tier white phishing to future-proof the jew.
Long answer: Jews subvert and vampyre whites because jews don't create. Whites create and don't need to subvert jews to establish an ethnostate. But whites have, can, and will subvert jews to destroy them. Believe me.

I'm trying to work out the rationale at play here

This is what I figured a genuine answer would look like. I happen to enjoy it the most.
While I'm not certain I agree with the concept that all jews are similarly aligned, I like what you boys have proposed to me. I'll run with this. Thanks

Somebody make that…

That said, Soros is most certainly not trying to "enrich" Israel, and this is all PR. Jews will jew.

I learned German, so no, I have no intention of searching for a pdf. Btw, I also recommend you "Riddle of the Jew's Success" by 55 Club.

Why do you care so much about the history of 60k people? Millions moved from the Soviet Union to Israel.

I never said that. I simply point out that zionist vs globalist jews is a false dichotomy, which is explained in Mein Kampf.


They don't want any attention. Do you think they want another pogrom? They are successfully switching all attention to muslims and niggers.

Wow, even Israel. Is there anything Soros won't short for sheckels?

The biggest takeaway from the Yair Netanyahu incident is that the aut-kikes Pinochet memes are so kosher that they've been adopted by Likudniks.

It was fake and Hegelian to provoke a reaction (Morgenthau-type contingencies were already attempted after WWI – such that starvation blockade was enforced well after the end of hostilities (affected large parts of France/central Europe – young J Edgar Hoover brought attention to it and stopped it.) – Increasing the pressure on Jews in Germany was accelerationist: get more bodies to Palestine. Even Haredi (anti-Zionist half of international Jewry), secular, and mixed would be compelled to leave.

Rock and hard place for Germany with the boycott and economy. It had the desired effect in (((their))) terms either way (willingness to throw their own in harms way gifted them the Holohoax narrative, which was an even bigger boon.)

It's a very limited set, but they exist.
>They have to be non-loxist (goyim hating phyletists-of-Judah over other 12 tribes/nations.)
>and/or the Talmud < Torah,
Phyletist heresy in early Christianty was provoked by the problem of apostate Jews claiming higher/separate status within the faith over 'gentile' converts; and it's back again in Neo-Cohen Conservationism in the US (Scofield bible had its desired long-con hermeneutic effect.) Some of the loxist hate of America is its past Manifest Destiny claims as the New Israel (how dare those Mason proxies go off-reservation) – the language of the 3 Oathes includes "if ye had risen like a Wall from Babylon from exile . . ." – So not only was the "drain the Swamp" a 'anti-semitic canard' from a Russian thinker no less, but the call to Build The Wall and Make America Great Again is taken to mean by (((them))) rebuild the 3rd temple (of the true [Christian] Israel), our Manifest Destiny.


Netanyahu recommended to trial unanimously by Israeli Police
>archive. fo/8DuSV
>timesofisrael. com/liveblog_entry/police-chiefs-in-unanimous-agreement-to-recommend-indictment-against-netanyahu/

"If police reccommend charging me, so what?" – Netanyahu
>archive. fo/fV7XM
>haaretz. com/israel-news/netanyahu-if-police-recommend-charging-me-so-what-1.5629148

There is a civil war between the Liberal Globalists and the Conservative Zionists.

Based conservative jews. We'll BTFO those libtards together.

this is a psyop like the bibi charges to get you to think israel is cool.

unless you really are dumb enough to fall for this timing. lmao.

just deception.

What did Soros mean when he did this?


>(((Soros))) vs (((Israel)))


I wonder if it's possible that Soros' saw the Open Borders for Israel memes and thought "wow why didn't I think of that before?"

The zionist kikes and globalist kikes both want total world domination. However, the agenda of the globalist kikes may involve involve (((diversifying))) Pissrael which the zionist kikes absolutely do not fucking want.

In other words, the zionists want everywhere except for Pissrael to be enriched, while the globalists want everywhere including Pissrael to be enriched. Both sides are the eternal enemies of the white race and must be exterminated from existence in absolute finality, but seeing them fight is funny

Proof that Netanyehu is done is all this is. The kike overlords have decided he must go. Once he is removed Soros will get back to subverting the U.S.

No. There are no "jew factions". It's every kike for itself. That's the way it's always been, and that's the way it always will be.

That isn't entirely true. It's every kike for itself but also every kike against the goyim.


They unite against Goyim but turn on each-other after that.

Is A Wyatt Mann the most influential cartoonist in history?

Didn't this whole "corruption" investigation start right after his son started being worse than a goy? Seems like Soros is actually higher than Bibi in the hierarchy and is just punishing him for his son's behavior.

And? Lenin and Trotsky murdered countless Jews in Russia and Europe. The Concentration Camps were part of a deal between the Nazis and Zionist bankers to smuggle Jews into the British Mandate of Palestine after the Brits reneged on Balfor. The entirety of Jewish Culture is rooted in a Rabbinical Mafia hierarchy. Soros is just a modern version of the Pharisees.

Jews destroying their own people is nothing new, its why they can't be allowed into positions of power over any civilization, even their own. So no, I don't feel kinship with "based Zionist Jews" just because Soros is Jewing them.





This whole thread is really activating my almonds, Holla Forums and I thank most of you all greatly for this.

What a supremely lazy meddler you are. You already used that same tired kvetch word-for-word in another thread. Seriously, if you're that insincere and uncommitted, why even bother, Shillberg?

This. Hegel.jpg

So it's one person.
Even more suspicious behavior…

Even more suspicious behavior…

Yeeees, but we've also established that you're one person, too. Only difference is you write the same useless off-topic griping, while I post fresh, pertinent material each time. What's so suspicious about that, you incredibly silly douchenozzle?


We lose less if netanyahu disappears soros.

Like anyone's gonna take advice from a meddlesome, neurotic pansy. You obviously never got to be hall monitor in grammar school, so now you figure you'll just lord over this board and give everyone cheap orders. Go have your pissy panic attacks elsewhere, Nervous Nell. What a hoot - a space-wasting nimrod like yourself accusing others of "shitting up" the forum.

Wow, we got a live one over here.
Listen pal, I think cuckchan is a better place for you to spam your ebin may mays.
Here at Holla Forums we try to hold some sort of quality control. Have some respect, not only for the site, but for yourself. But above all,
lurkmoar fgt.

Amazing. You still honestly believe anyone cares what you think? As for "Quality Control", what does a naggering, squirmy little poof like you know about quality? Why you can't even spell "example", you sloppy oaf.
Maybe you should "lurkmoar" in a frickin' dictionary, chief.

You're a persistent one aren't you? Are you sure you're not from cuckchan? Last time I was there it was flooded with your types, part of the reason why it collapsed. Edgy newfriends with total disregard for how imageboards work and don't take the time to lurk before contribooting.
sage because off topic, of course you have no clue what that means and why it should apply as you are clearly demonstrating.

Heh, heh … What a prissy, self-important little twat you are. Your whole miserable existence seems to hinge on some fetishistic obsession with "imageboard purity". Yet you're somehow not embarrassed in the least to crap up the page with post after post of whiny, off-topic splattering about "what you think" and "what you feel". What's worse, I've now seen evidence that you routinely engage in this sick behavior in thread after thread, screeching like a banshee anytime you imagine that some unthinking brute has pissed all over your pretty little party dress. Best get used to it, cookie. Otherwise, there are sure to be innumerable meltdowns in your fetid future. Holla Forums is no place for overwrought geldings like you who incessantly blubber about their feelings and, no doubt, squat to pee.

uwot, you're the one who admitted to spamming in threads, I'm just one user you schizo.


Do not stop or thwart a leftist who is attacking israel. Let them go on their way.

Israel should be the example of why muslim immigration is a mistake not Europa.