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>The poaching problem in Africa is being exacerbated by that continents’ explosive population growth, STE has also admitted. “Human population growth is a reality that conservationists must reckon with. Africa’s human population is expected to nearly double by the year 2050,” STE said in a Facebook post on June 8, 2017. This African population growth is caused primarily by Western “foreign aid” which lowers the infant mortality rate in Africa but which is incapable to getting the larger African population to provide work or even continue to feed itself.
Here's a good screencap for when leftists try to argue that Africa needs more Western aid.
Niggers nigged. In other news, the sun rose this morning. The only things worth saving in Africa, the wildlife, can only be saved by a mass genocide of the things in Africa not worth saving, the niggers.
Has there ever been a study concerning empathy in Chinese / Africans?
Das rayciss.
Didn't china also fuck with the poachers by flooding the market with fake ivory that's almost indeterminable from the real thing thus driving prices down the toilet?
Yes, Africans do have considerably lower levels of empathy than whites.
Seems like an unintentional side effect of ripping people off, but good for China with this one
Whenever you hear a leftist talk about poaching, they literally always assume its whites doing it, why?
Ausfag here, not sure what its like for you yanks, but generally over here we always blame the japanese and chinese for poaching
Africans are however never blamed
40:31, for how an overpopulated Africa will genocide entire populations of wildlife.
African conservationists 'shoot to kill poachers'
If you ever get tired of your life…
i really really want a hunk of ivory in the shape of an ingot
Because of legal big game hunting I imagine. Remember the one dentist that had to shut down his practice because he legally got a lion on safari?
I am torn here. First of all I don't want the elephants fucked with outside of hunting because they just look cool. However, at the same time I love hearing about these activists or morons who go to these countries being buried (remember the lady who thought she could hitch hike in the Middle East?) so I don't know how to think about this damnit.
What do you mean by that? Why should Elephants be hunted at all? Want them for another potion you gook mongoloid?
Guy on the left is pretty obviously Jewish blooded btw.
Iktf. Who knew elephants and white peoe would have such a thing in common?
Rogue males are particular dangerous to eco-systems. Also that's enough meat to feed a person for a few years, or do you prefer your meat bought from a store?
A) china does that for profits, correct
B) always chink washed with the "they do it for certain medicinal purposes". They think horn = boner magic. They could just make a media campaign to say "no, that's Bs, here's generic Viagra for cheap", but then they (chink govt) would have to account for all other bullshit traditional chinese medicine, which was always a smokescreen to distract from being too poor for Western medicine. It's bedded in after seventy years of commie brainwashing and is still cheap overall, so the chinks sweep all this under the rug.
TLDR chinks want to murder the last megafauna on any continent because it's cheaper than admitting they lied and buying their citizens real medical infrastructure.
Going to africa to protect anything from nogs is stupid. Only way to protect anything from nogs is by removing the nogs.
sage for slide thread.
Not very eloquent, but 100% accurate.
Clearly not a slide thread. It's in white interests to preserve world biodiversity (non human diversity ofc). And we are much more likely to save elephants in the next ten years than remove nog, so it's a viable discussion you kike. Bump for counter sage nature hater.
Thanks for the diet advice, Turboteats. You and PJW are so masculine and based.
==V E G A N S== have the highest.
Thanks for the diet advice, Turboteats. You and PJW are so masculine and based.
You forgot to tag him, but have a check anyway.
Wew. I'll never understand why it is so hard to follow the money. As long as that is there, there will always be someone to take the poachers' place.
You absolute fucking retard. You don't hunt an endangered species for meat, especially not when there are plenty of viable alternatives in the region. Honestly it should be legal to hunt people like you, idiocy doesn't seem to be endangered and I'm sure your biomass could feed pigs for several weeks.
Because there is no other alternative than meat…
It's the fucking chinese organizing these hits. Them and rich yanks who want to come in. Since when has the nog said no to free cash in order to sell out a white? They may as well be retarded jews who doubly retarded because they're black.
Save the elephants, PURGE THW NIGGERS!
No shithead, your reading comprehension is lacking. The chinks are raping the wildlife for ivory. The PH (professional hunter) yanks have the cash. Both groups have $$$. Pay a nog $$$ and he doesn't give a flying fuck what you do. Don't make me report you for jewposting.
if we cut the gibs, the nigger will wither and render obsolete.
The best you'll see is some idiot from the EU say: Save the elephants by bringing in more "migrants" from africa.
destroying the environment to save face is the main crime of the chinks and why they need to be wiped out eventually
These faggots are more worried about animals than their own people. Fuck them. It's like the environmentalist faggots who are so worried about polar bears and grizzlies mixing, but hey, it's okay if whites and niggers mix. Think about that. Mulattoes are some of the weirdest looking freaks.
I see this sick obsession with animals in our society. These freaks keep passing animal abuse laws, meanwhile child services puts kids in the hands of freaks and the children get murdered. The government is more worried about collecting revenue and protecting trees and critters than humans. Fucking degenerate.
Whites will risk their lives for elephants of an alien continent while caring little for the plight of their own kind. Sad.
Only Ecofascism will save the environment. Sadly at the moment those most concerned with environment are for the most part deluded or in denial as to the reality of nature herself. Nature is fascist therefore to ally with nature one must first become a fascist.
Probably. Also realize that the value of ivory is artificially inflated by the nature of the ban and international laws that even restrict fucking antler, which is shed yearly.
You're right that none of these (((environmentalists))) give a shit about the White race, obviously. Take a look at (((Tim Wise))) for example. Caring and not torturing animals is always a good thing but it's a damn shame people who advocate for animal rights are cucked leftfag soyboys who still want us dead via turd world "diversity". They would rather save lazy, stupid niggers who can't even feed themselves without Whites, free gibs and welfare. It's not like the
niggers wouldn't start raping and murdering all of the said soyboys, anyways.
Food aid is devastating for Africa. Half of the money goes towards funding local warlords. The free food drives farmers out of business and creates dependence on the aid. Increases in population make it impossible to reach a point of sustainability. The resulting instability leads to wars and the killing of Whites. It also leads to the extinction of many species.
But user, niggers are african wildlife.
I can't say they deserved it but what were they thinking?
We should probably just accept at this point that; elephants, lions, tigers and rhinos are all going to be extinct in the wild in the next twenty to thirty years. There's really not a whole lot we can do to stop these niggers and chinks from destroying them besides some kind of massive population cull. Which is honestly not going to happen within the next thirty years. If anything said animals going extinct in the wild would be a warning sign that the cull is about to happen. They'll still be in zoos. They'll just become things that are reminders of what happens when whites lose control.
If Stalin did anything right, it was save Siberian tiger populations
Holy fuck, thats a lot of starving niggers.
yeah and if people start to realize how fucked up that is, you will see the following articles popping up with such titles as:
Elephants need to go and here's why:
The rise of racism in the animal kingdom
Alt-Right's share the republican taste for animals
Elephants may go extinct and here's why its a good thing.
Rejoice, White pride's new symbol is fading away for good!
(((((Scientists))))) reveals that elephants can be carriers of many deadly diseases
(((((Experts))))) shows that the extinction of the elephant is a good thing, here's why.
white genocide
It's anti-semetic to criticize those who fund the corruption of the Earth and every living thing on it.
Let it happen. It will just prove animal rights activists and other leftists are mentally ill.