Here is the sauce
I do not know what to say anons. Is there hope left for The UK ?
Here is the sauce
I do not know what to say anons. Is there hope left for The UK ?
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Thank G-d. The UK will finally be Muslim.
Well, Its time to nuke the UK
These are our lands, this is our future. We need to arrest and hang all the traitors. The sooner the better.
No user it's not coming, it's already here and only being legalized by a bunch of cucks.
Fuck |slam
Isn't this a bit Religion of Cuck™ophobic for modern, progressive and tolerant Britain? I think you need to put the shahada on there.
Having just read the document, I don't know why the fuck they chose to use to term "application", it's just thoroughly misleading. It's a review on whether their little get together groups to see if they can get divorces and not upset their prophet are compatible with UK law, and the conclusion in the document is "as far as we know, yes".
It's almost like they used the term "application" to incite concern to anyone who saw the title.
I remember when my British family members were getting mad at my Dad and I for posting Britain First content. And they said that we were being hyperbolic about Sharia law being implemented. Pfft who's laughing now you faggot ass Limeys?
Yeah well talk is cheap faggot.
You /r/the_zionald posters out yourself so easily. Front page yesterday on that cancerous sub and now posted on here.
See as to why this is a non-story. As well as having a serious discussion about sharia law maybe you zionald slaves should also start talking about the countless beth din (kike courts) across the US and creeping into the UK that are totally protected from any form of attention and critique.
>Independent review by Professor Mona Siddiqui and a review panel of experts into the application of sharia law in England and Wales by sharia councils.
And how would you know that, faggot…?
It's not too late, UK. You can still round them up and shove stakes up their asses. The government can't ban and regulate pointy sticks.
i hate to be the one to break it to you…
The evidence heard by this review and the evidence more widely available indicates that the
vast majority (over 90%) of people using sharia councils are women seeking an Religion of Cuck™ic divorce.
Men do contact the councils but this is rare, mainly because of the way divorces are currently
obtained under sharia law.
Men seeking an Religion of Cuck™ic divorce have the option of ‘talaq’, a form of unilateral divorce that
they can issue themselves. Women do not have this option, unless inserted as a term in the
marriage contract (which varies from school to school) and therefore have to seek a ‘khula’
or ‘faskh’ from a sharia council.
While this paper itself is a whole load of nothing, I'm sure it's just a component of some greater push that's being pushed.
That probably means they realize they have to be subversive instead of brazen. Stay on your toes, limelads.
Its a typical demoralisation thread. They want people to feel bad or to focus there attention on idiotic stuff like this instead of actually doing something of value.
It is time to purge the skitskins, kikes and traitors though.
The leafs went through this.
The fact that this is even being considered, that politicians are actually using tax money to look into this, means we are already too far gone. The only hope of "fixing" Europe is to push the overton window by force, since we are at that Weimar Republic stage where people are incredibly angry. This has been said before, but bears repeating: we will not win through voting, or democracy. There will be a time when white UK citizens must storm political HQs, police stations and other defense measures, and take back control.
Just think about this. Would the UK in 1945 consider this? 1955? 1965? The Jews have sped up decay, perfected it, into a ~30 year smoothie they force down our throat. It would be genius if it wasn't for the fact that they use brute force strategies over, and over, and over again. It's also said that out people may not be here 100 years from now, no matter what we do.
With what? Even tea spoons require a ID to buy
Had a quick scan through this shit (Welshfag here) and well… This is an independent review into how Sharia Law has been applied in courts…
To cut to the chase, this should only affect Mudslimes. But the very fact Sharia is in our courts is damming.
Basically, this is making the argument that a Sharia Council is technically not 'the state' and therefor in some insane display of mental gymnastics, doesn't need to adhere to the same regulations of domestic laws that the rest of the country needs to adhere to.
Also this made me chuckle.
You must understand that in Britain, our own downfall isn't going to be slowed by a 'democratic vote'. They're going all out and the traitors in the media are laughably diverse. My eyes caught the sight of a negress, a disabled pink haired woman in a wheelchair, a shitfaced Muslim girl and a scrawney Jewess on BBC today to mark the 100th anniversary for 'wymyns sofforage and the roight tew vote'. Pathetic…
Meanwhile, muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker Al'sharia and his band of 40 cousins are going to continue to rape white girls in organized rape circles and we're literally breaking the law in wanting to stop them under Sharia court.
Are the people who push for this genuinely think they can make Religion of Cuck™ 'work' with Britain by turning Britain into a feminist cunt nannystate and making half arsed 'laws' to turn Religion of Cuck™ into 'totally feminist'? Is Amber Rudd seriously of the mentality that if they make the definition of 'extremism' basically anyone who doesn't like the way the government is running then we won't get raped by 'not actually Muslim' Muslims?
We're living in clown world and I want out. I just want to live in my mountains without this shit creeping at my doorstep.
But remember. Sharia Councils (at the moment) are basically only for Muslims wanting a divorce from their abusive husbands.
But remember, this is a slippery slope, we only need someone like Saddiq Khan as the actual Prime Minister and we're officially an Religion of Cuck™ic caliphate in all but name. The only thing keeping this from happening is time. The rather predictable rise in nationalism has bought us some very precious time.
No, I do not think we'll be violently taken over by an Religion of Cuck™ic sleeper cell army. We're being violently attacked through Muslims just randomly exploding… But what I think will happen if current demographics persist is that no where will be safe from this nonwhite invasion, we'll be pushed out of our cities through simply being a minority in our own country, we'll be harassed, attacked and made unwelcome in our own lands and if we dare move to defend ourselves we will be overwhelmed with unquestionable and unrelenting state force. You can be fined, arrested and put on an extremist watch list for simply saying the wrong things or offending someone online. We do not have any rights to freedom of speech. Our own government is not only allowing but also doing everything in their power to destroy whites.
Call me the king of blackpills but I would not be surprised if Europe becomes an entire Religion of Cuck™ic caliphate by the year 2040… If not sooner.
TFW the police pick up literal garbage and claim it is a weapon
Holy shit it is like they are prison guards sweeping a cell for contaband. The UK is now the prison colony, and the executioners are being alowed to operate by their own rule book. It is just being made official with all this. Wtf?!
Shit, apologies for the redditspacing. I typed this out on a word processor before I posted.
I want to also add this… To reply to
The Jews have had no choice but to speed up our decay and degeneration. I genuinely believe all of this was planned to happen more gradually so that almost no one becomes aware. Now they're going all out, it's only too easy to become awakened to their tricks.
This makes things all the more dangerous to us though, they're pushing everything they can to destroy us and yet some countries are so cucked that even if they wanted to fight back, they can't. It's become almost impossible now.
It's best to just assume that the moment you pay taxes, it goes into the hands of either some Religion of Cuck™ic organization, a literal man hating feminist in some seat of power or some nonwhite who scrounges on our fundamentally flawed benefit system where it's more comfortable to live on benefits and do fuck all for all your life than actually get a job and get buttfucked by rabid 'reverse discrimination' (Britain's version of affirmative action but probably worse) and have all your hard earnings taken from you because we need to feed all the niggers.
give the mp's the jo cox treatment
t. burger FBI
Funny that… The police's unrelenting disarming campaigns and ever evolving 'prevent' agenda sees officers carrying rubber bullet guns, tazers and pepperspray against angry Mudslimes armed with dangerously pointed chair legs.
Oh and let's not beat around the bush here. All the guns that are used by criminals are bought illegally because they're much harder to track than the oppressive way gun licenses work. If I wanted to get my hands on a shotgun for say gamekeeping, I'll have to agree for the police to come and randomly check up on the gun cabinet and arms in question any time they please without me ever knowing when they may come.
Also it costs a lot of shekels.
But of course, save a life, bin that knife! :^)
man I'm tired tonight…
Meant for
This rustles my burger jimmies in the worst kind of way
Yeah, I bet the kikes were jumping for joy when that happened, the media rushed in to shill for every single 'anti extremist' (read anything more right wing than Theresa May's left foot) law you could make up under the sun. And the sad thing is that they get away with it.
When Grenfell tower got burned to a cinder because of dumb niggers, what ended up happening is the usual response for any bad thing that happens in the current year. Think 'pray for paris' except people are allowed to be angry at something as long as the people who are angry are Muslims.
When Jo Cox got murdered by some madman who was allegedly right wing or some shit everyone was quick to push their political Agendas. But of course, UKIP couldn't because that would be using a crisis for political gain (regardless of the fact that literally everyone done this).
When a terrorist attack happens, and they happen a lot, the (((usual suspects))) are quick to use it to push their agendas and push us further down the rabbit hole of destruction… But only the right sort of crises can be used for this. Jo Cox's murder was just the ticket these scrawny bastards needed to push for even more measures to prevent any hope for us to speak our minds ever again.
But #prayfor(insert city here) is going to keep happening, Muslims will still rape white girls, they will still come in, the poz will still keep going. There is no end to this. Buckle up.
Ah my good burger. That's not half of it.
If you want to shoot on any land for pest control, you need to be assessed in order to make sure it's safe, literally everything is regulated. Ammunition is taxed out the arse. I can get myself a pissy little air rifle up to a .22 but I have to be fucking careful go anywhere to shoot it because if some busybody sees me with a rifle even on land I have permission to shoot, they will call the police and next thing I know I'll be face first in the dirt with a gun pointed to my head for carrying an offensive weapon.
1984 is one hell of a world.
Germans solved their problem by voting in Hitler and National Socialists at the height of degeneracy. There may come a time where this won't be a choice anymore, but right now voting is still an option. Prepare for the worst, but meanwhile keep redpilling and recruiting people en masse through every possible way. If there is a chance to solve this without spilling the blood of whites, then that's always the first option.
By ballot or bullet we will take back our country!
Are airshit guns taxed and fall into that tax category and jurisdiction?
this vagina talk is how and why you're letting the muzzies and the kikes destroy you
and it's not even your fault right now, the war was lost around 1970, it's a birth rates issue, == all wars are waged by excesses of young men ==
anyway no amount of "we need to" is gonna protect you
Can we meme this? If we can get this into the open and it does pass (or even if it doesn't) we can follow up with recorded sharia law cases since they always feel like videoing their beheading.
Maybe the UK can be the catalyst to convert some fence sitters
that's terrible to hear, m8. If my neighbor sees me on my property with a gun, he usually just asks what I'm shooting today and asks if he can test it out some time. The only time I've had cops ask to check out one of my guns, it was a handgun I was open-carrying - and they asked just because it's a cool gun and they wanted to play with it. As we like to say in the states, the answer to 1984 is 1776
Are they giving out free gin to the proles at least?
Victory Gin, of course
Shut it down.
this is so feudal it's mesmerizing
meanwhile pic related is probably all over western yurp waiting for the day of the beheading of the white pigs or whatever they call us, right, kaffirs
this is what you get when you let the jews into positions of power
do you even snipercraft??
I don't think so. No.
But I heard that a lot of gangs in cities such as Manchester have been somehow converting airsoft guns to be able to fire proper ammunition. Of course they could only shoot one round at a time… But one round is all you need if you need to take care of someone quickly
Those triple sevens say 'no.
i fucked it up
and i got dubs
Crumpetkikes getting what they deserve.
Why not Scotland or Northern Ireland?
If the military just said "fuck it" one day, and started nailing all these pieces of shit, I'd enlist in a heartbeat.
Probably worth reading the document you stupid faggit
Sharia councils have no legal status and no legal binding authority under civil law. Whilst sharia
is a source of guidance for many Muslims, sharia councils have no legal jurisdiction in England
and Wales. Thus if any decisions or recommendations are made by a sharia council that
are inconsistent with domestic law (including equality policies such as the Equality Act 2010)
domestic law will prevail. Sharia councils will be acting illegally should they seek to exclude
domestic law and although they claim no binding legal authority they do in fact act in a decision
making capacity when dealing with Religion of Cuck™ic divorce.
nice rifle
No reason to be concerned:
Theresa May hails ‘benefits’ of Sharia as inquiry set up into ‘misuse’ of Religion of Cuck™ic law
Sharia marriage should be recognised in British law, review commissioned by Theresa May concludes
Theresa May forced to defend views on Sharia Law as she prepares to enter No 10
INCOMING Prime Minister Theresa May has defended her position on Sharia Law on the eve of taking over as the leader of the Conservative party.
Interdasting, but May's track record is sketchy-as-fuck-shabbos-goyim on the best days
Fucking (((BASED)))! Sure hope God Empra Trump will take a look - maybe we can get some of that sweet Sharia for our goyim too!
She's a traitorous globalist like the rest.
Seems like they are stepping up the conversion before WW3. We do not have a big "axis" vrs "allies" yet so something has to change fast. Sand niggers do not have a good army this is proven by the middle east wars so they need to adopt a stronger one. Europe must start to fight back soon or be but a pawn in the coming war.
Now hang on. Sharia also means the police can go chopping the heads off the fuckers too. What will happen when whites start stoning "infidel" darkies?
This could be fun.
Hitler wasn't elected, he was appointed as Chancellor by Paul von Hindenburg. The NSDAP never gained a majority in the 1932 elections
May's retarded and no one likes her. What's your point?
How fucking delusional can you be britkike? They don't call it CREEPING sharia for nothing you fucking subhuman paki
Ah, the Marxist Paradox. A classic.
May is the fucking government
The PM outlined a package of measures to 'secure our democracy' including a crack down on social media abuse today.
Speaking in Manchester to mark 100 years since women secured the vote, the PM said: 'Social media – which can and should be a force for good in our democracy – are being exploited and abused, often anonymously.
'British democracy has always been robust and oppositional. But a line is crossed when disagreement mutates into intimidation.'
Katie Price urges MPs to introduce a 'Harvey's Law' to make online trolling a crime
Katie Price today vowed to be the 'voice' for her son Harvey and protect him from abuse - as she took her fight for a new criminal offence of online trolling to be created to Parliament.
The mother-of-five wants a new criminal offence - which she has dubbed 'Harvey's Law' - to be created to make online trolling a specific crime.
Katie, you slut, where is the father of your retarded nigger bastard son?
Sharia's been active in the UK for years, with official connivance from the courts and legislature. There are provisions in British law allowing people to reach privately arbitrated settlements among themselves without recourse to the crown courts. Originally this was intended as an exception to allow (surprise!) the Jews to handle matters among themselves according to Jewish law. It's since been extended to the other semitic tribal cult.
Nobody ever gets a majority in a parliamentary system. He won the election and was only denied the Chancellorship initially because muh Nazi's.
Time to rip apart the Treaty of Windsor, we Portuguese don't want to participate in your Jihads.
Jo Cox might still be alive if the police weren't corrupt and actually did their job properly and arrested traitors like her and every other politician who has committed the extremely serious crime of treason by actively supporting, working with and, in the case of Prime Ministers, giving power over the UK to a foreign organisation such as the EU. She should have been rotting in jail at the time of her undocumented execution.
As for the Grenfell Tower, did you know it was full of illegal immigrants? They're using the fire as an excuse as to why they shouldn't be deported. Which makes no sense at all. "You can't deport me, the flat that I was illegally living in got burnt!" WTF??
Dafuq am I reading?
This whore shat out a handicapped baby because she was doing drugs while pregnant - and she wants to remove freedom of speech because of her feelings?!
She is a "mother-of-five" husband of none who should have been sterilized & Harvey aborted.
The British have no guns. They are unarmed slaves and subjects begging from their knees for the royal bloodline, crown and throne to protect them with the states monopoly on force.
These cucks are more concerned about the royal wedding, then their own peoples blood and soil.
They have already dug their own graves and are laying in them. Just let the muzzies kick the dirt over them and shove the "Refugees Welcome" sign into the ground as the tombstone to British cultural suicide.
Checked and kekked
Entirely false, Hindenburg obtained a plurality of votes.
Once again muds are trying to place religious law above secular law and the fucking Brits are helping them.
The legality of a marriage is a matter for the state, not the church or some random dune coon elder. If they want a pisslamic divorce, they should go to the Middle East.
Hold them to a higher standard than they hold themselves. Start lopping off hands for the crime of shoplifting and shit. Yeah, this could be a lot of fun.
God this shit is depressing.
I got bad news op…
When you look deeper into it, Sharia is no law at all because you just need a random priest to say something is allowed or not. So it's not like Muslims will go "oh no I was foiled by my own laws!" but rather "Fucking unbelievers misused Sharia to fuck me over! Death to the infidels!"