God dammit, you faggots. Stop thinking like a Holla Forumsack and start thinking with the normie part of your brains. Think outside the fucking box for a change here.
What made IOTBW so successful was the fact that it was a low-impact message that meant nothing to normal people, put a smile on our face, and made Jews and leftists foaming-at-the-mouth retarded with rage that the goyim/white man would dare have pride in themselves.
It stated a simple fact that a select group of people do NOT want you to understand. Do not be ashamed of the color of your skin. You can't change the fact that you're white. Anyone fighting against instantly made themselves look like a rabid fucking dog barking at something. The meme itself was so benign that it was destined for greatness simply because the phrase was intentionally loaded to be infuriating to leftists and completely pointless or meaningless to everyone else.
The biggest takeaways for this?
Simple facts that the majority of people understand and are wholly willing to accept.
I admit, as much as any of us here want to plaster "The Jews are responsible" on every meme we can, Jew is a loaded word that will instantly get shut down, right next to any words that garner a negative reaction out of even part of normalfags.
IOTBW worked because one of the major sticking points in colleges right now is anti-white rhetoric. Everyone who isn't a brain-addled leftist either believes that race doesn't matter or understands that white people aren't to blame for the world's problems, so why is the left calling something so benign hate speech?
Go with the fucking flow. What are simple FACTS that just about every normal person agrees on that would trigger the Jew and/or the leftist so hard that it would polarize regular people, both left AND right, to fight back against rabid Progressives™ or elite figureheads?
Right now, some of the biggest issues are immigration, party politics, government corruption, and unnecessary political injection. The two-party political system gets virtually no attention, despite the fact that most people know for fact most congressmen are multi-millionaires. The best tool to fight will be something that unites the people, both left and right, not something that will divide the normalfag public along the lines we already know exist; border walls, immigration, government corruption (Russia probe vs. FBI/CIA/DOJ/DNC collusion) are good ways to get people to argue harder.
We need to unite the majority. A simple message, a simple fact that is certain to trigger people. Even many leftists should agree with it, even if we fight against them. I propose party politics as the topic. Picture included is a simple mockup that can be further simplified and refined, possibly with facts included like these; nobody can fight these facts, and the message included is a very simple message that flies in the face of party politics to demand serious action from the people who have sat on their thumbs.
If the media takes the bait (because someone will), then it will simply bring more attention to normies, no matter which side of the debate the media takes: if someone picks it up and publicly agrees, it's great, and if some CNN faggot denounces it, you can point at Democrats during the SotU address and say, "What about these people voting against everything just to win?"
Thoughts are appreciated, including criticisms. pls no bully, over 9000 hours in mspaint