police scanners report one dead, a 4 year old missing and that niggers are climbing and tearing down street lights holy fuck.
Niggers destroy philly
Other urls found in this thread:
fucking handegg rioters
first chimpout of 2018 so far so good
Some stuff to get you started:
thank you man man.
Pretty big crowd. They're just screaming "fuck tom brady" though.
update 3 dead kek niggers gonna nig.
Aww shit nigger, are we getting a winter chimpout?!
Checking those digits, and hoping we can get even more (while still hopefully ending well for the innocent of course…but with niggers…ehhh)
a 12 year old has gone missing now, cop got hit with a quad another with a pole.
What the fuck set them off this time?
Their team won the superb owl.
A handegg.
reddit/10, user
They're niggers. They just needed enough other niggers ready to nig so they could loot under cover of nigfall.
It’s not super and it’s not a bowl.
Their team won the superbowl, now they're going to destroy their city and blame it on whitey.
Think we'll get an update vid with this riot?
You disgust me.
Here's a secondary (((youtube))) link in case you want it.
Ty user.
op here join our discord and disscuss the chimpout. discord.app
It's reddit humor, whether it started on /sp/ or not
Jesus Christ, I had just watched a bit of that stream, shit's getting good. Chimpout 2018
Its too cold for groids to loot and riot.
Anonymous poster here. Go fuck yourself.
Get fucked, kike. And plebbit steals image board jokes, what else is new?
Jesus Christ, that roof.
Fucking stupid apes.
Nothing wrong with /sp/ergs
i completely agree; reddit appropriates reddit tier humor
Don't start with this shit nigga.
I've never seen niggers go this far.
Is this a nigger or a wigger standing on train tracks for the amusement of niggers?
from twatter:
- Man fell off light pole and has died.
- Woman bleeding out
- State police being called in
He didn't fly so good.
What color was the man?
We need to train and arm all public servants.
Never mind, Philly is a fucking shithole. Call in the fucking Marines to kill everything in sight
He fell off a lamp post he was chimping on. Do you even need to ask about his color? It's either light-black or dark-black.
Niggers are retarded.
Let this be only the beginning of a long night.
I'm not on twatter and I see a couple whites in the crowds on the streams. Good to know that he's black.
I've got drinks ready.
Welp, I was hoping for a false flag happening, but I guess I can settle for a good ol' chimpout.
we dont know yet, anyway he asked for it
Here's the vid.
mounted police ready to push. kek niggers are looting macy's too.
Again, the vid.
Did the retard take any roasties with him?
lol, thanks
Barrel bombs too.
Fucking kek. Tonight is going to be a good night.
We can only hope so
We're doing god's work, user.
They didn't even say free. Just that they'd like to be open for business.
Should have done a barrel roll
Looks like he fell into people waiting to catch him, so I'm sure he's fine.
Pic from another angle.
Anyone listening to the scanner?
Is it just me or do the Philly cops sound extra retarded?
update the missing 4 year old is a white girl. fuck
Aah, well I guess they're going to get burnt to the ground.
just heard that too.
I only like the one comic pls no bully.
Team wins: burn everything down
Team loses: burn everything down
Sports is serious business.
t. President Donald Trump
loud explosion reported.
NICE meme callback, user
so, you're saying were all reddit tier?
While encompassing a broad range of ideas, the Spagooner/Spagunker meme is typically defined by imagery of snakes and meat, the death of sarcasm, a rejection of ridiculous narratives, overt racism, and varous tenets of classical hierarchies, including objective notions of science, human nature, so called "social progress" alongside moral decay, and the merging of natural and artificial reality.
break in at city hall!! kek
Not the happening I was expecting but this will do.
They need some nigger-resistant lighting
Why do people do this?
That alone should be a crime against humanity.
dat amy schumer looking bitch on the left
epic. just epic
I think I was going through HAPPENING withdrawal. I didn't realize how bad I needed this.
Video of an Eagles fan literally eating horseshit. WTF Philly?
They never stop.
missing child has apparently been found
What condition?
Now they're going to sacrifice it to the #######.
health or race?
meant for
Four year white girl. No word on her condition.
at least they found her.
More random rioting.
God damn those pics kill me, user. Do you have a set of them by chance?
heard child with parent come in a few ago
Never thought I would see a gif of the worm Jim Norton on here but here I am.
Mad man did it.
Thought they said she's with her mother, but I may have heard wrong.
hope he died.
look up bertstrips on fb or leddit
police report break in at high school.
I am definitely hearing gunshots on the stream.
mad trips bro
He's going to get the worms in his tummy.
Dey is lookin to steal some textbooks to help them get into college
prob the fireworks.
Well we know it ain't the blacks.
Already paying off. Thanks m8.
are you watching this fucking pole climber?
Niggers are gathering on dumptrucks like flies to shit.
yeah is he pissing on people?
…Somebody just screamed fucking "leave Brittany alone".
nah, he went down safely. ppl where throwing stuff and asking him to jump
any livestreams?
It just occurred to me that this would be a prime opportunity for CIAniggers to false flag Vegas style.
in 45 mins the bars close.
You aren't the only one thinking like this.
Yet more pole climbing
Not philly man. That video is from a failed Russia coup
delete this
Are the cops not capable of breaking this shit up and dispersing everyone?
That's racist.
you can hear his leg snap.
They are probably clustering them together for the CIAniggers. Easier to kill 800+ if they are close together.
The cops don't give a shit.
I hope so
More diversity fires being set.
Old and gay.
This is the real show.
Just like my grandpa's dick.
This here is some Rise of the Planet of the Apes shit right here.
More random distruction
Suddenly I have theme of 'Fresh prince of bel air' theme ringing in my head.
I can't be the only one who thinks (((they))) are behind this shit.
I live in a city that has won a few championships. Generally the cops let the drunks celebrate for a few hours as long as they aren't violent or causing too much property damage.
That was fake news.
Damm it now i am imagining the theme aswell.
you're not
Seriously is there anything they do that is a benefit to a society that endures them? Honestly can anyone name one thing?
Well that's nice to know. here have a meme from a folder on my computer.
To be fair to him noone's tearing things down around him. Only thing happening is people running in the roads but they already have the roads closed down anyways.
Have you been keep track of the nostrils?
on a roll here
This happens every single time Philly wins anything.
Delete this. Race war now.
Dunno. You can never tell with niggers.
But they already are.
ZOGbots gonna ZOG
Too much is generally defined as burning down buildings. A few cars and trash cans always get caught up in these things.
Bombs tend to be out of reach of niggers, so unless some snack bar decided to do us a favor for once, it's probably the result of nigger incompetence and not a terror attack.
You wanna waloping?
Koko is problematic.
Unacceptable. A nigger gets on my car. He is going for his last ride.
I gotta say there has to be a black purging.
Prepare the cotton my dudes.
I'd just stand out front menacingly with a shotgun. Anybody who puts a Adidas on my property gets double-aught buck.
Right Wing Death Cars will make niggers REST…..IN…..PEACE.
>mfw i can finally let off the (((Diversity support))) attitude to make way for nigger despising.
Either way works. As long as a coon is dead.
Hey, that's their job!
Niggers smashing a Macy's window.
I wish his face wasn't covered, so I could look at his honker.
Food fight and looting at Wawa:
its 2 2 late
Looks a little pale to me
No better time than now to post this.
Wonder if they were antifa with masks that the police scanner was talking about earlier…
That's amazing.
I laugh every time I see this video with the music
Looks like the shit eater
How will the lugenpresse make this Trump's fault?
Niggers hate windows, because they're the whitest thing in existence.
It will be his fault because the people in Philadelphia were letting out their frustrations against him tonight.
I thought it was because they reflect white people but not darkies. Dey raysis
Hey, wtf user. Whats your problem with our Slav bros?
The media ignores black shootings though so it wouldn't be a pretty useless false flag. If the media reported blacks shooting eachother all the time it would completely fill their time slots and it wouldn't fit the narrative regardless
Rioters stealing yet another light pole.
Once again, it's not niggers. What the fuck is going on? Is this the false flag?
Niggers gawking at more light pole shenanigans.
no, its just Philadelphia.
They're hand-egg cucks, they're not that far off.
White people are warlike. Sports emulate warfare. This is the pillaging instinct. there's so much potential here, it's BEAUTIFUL.
It could be antifa plants put there to make whites look bad. People on (((Twitter))) are already pointing out the inaccuracy in the population compared to the diversity of the crowd.
Sportsball celebration bring drunks of ALL colors to vandalize and act like niggers. Remember, Sportsball teams are in major cities, full of degeneracy and retardation.
This is your brain on niggerball
*nig does push up*
RSBTV they're blocking a fucking ambulance and climbing on the roof.
I'm glad someone got what I was hinting at. There were reports of antifa being in the crowds and the window breaker wore a mask.
TLA was a pretty good show tbh.
Daily Reminder
Niggers now climbing onto passing cars and breaking down more street lights.
Irish wiggers
Sports fans really are a bunch of niggers.
The Hibernian plague has a body count now.
How in the world was he getting that close to nigs without it getting snatched?
Need a new stream, this ones all bitch now.
/sp/ hard at work I see.
sides deleted
Cops on the scene.
did we win?
That is the most human cop I've ever seen.
>(((discord))) changed its link to circumvent the wordfilter
Everyone involved regardless of race needs to die of retardation-induced seizures. How fucking stupid do you have to be, doing shit like this because some niggers won a sportsball game.
There was a post last year and TWO shoah'd threads predicting just that.
People only get stuck in debt for over a decade for their vehicle, no big deal, let the niggers and honorary niggers break shit because niggers won a game.
All you need to do is start it, and monkey see monkey do. Even lynching niggers. It's in the blood.
Jesus Christ.
Is this chinmpout something about that Superbowl thing?
how long till some idiots fuck with something carry some serious voltage and die from it, surprised some of the stop lights and streetlamps haven't shocked anyone yet
This isn't a happening
Most people will not get this. Sad!
This is disappointing so far. When do we see traitors hang?
Is– is this what it means to be a graceful loser in CY+3?
That comic is fucking painful.
How soon until the mainstream admit the riots are happening?
Preview of black panther opening night
As soon as they can spin this to look like whitey's fault.
Dubs it will happen
Blame Tom Brady?
When they have gathered enough footage of white drunken sportsball fans being drunken sportsball fans acting like niggers typically act.
fuck man
It's easier than facing facts.
wtf is wrong with these subhumans?
Its less painful than the original that had the cuck going on about how happy he was that his bike got stolen.
Is this stream delayed or in real time?
Explains things.
what a shithole
I don't know. I guess they are drunk or retard or drunk retard.
Remember that stunts like this are largely instigated to facilitate human trafficking.
Wow, we've got a genius level sheboon over here.
Sportball fans need to get round up and shot, this guy is eating fucking horse turds off the ground because his favorite sportball niggers won a game of throw, what good does he possibly serve society?
Checked for truth.
Whats the odds she a Rapefugees welcome feminist slut that will get what what coming to her?
maybe the gorilla channel is for barron
I don't know, user. Are you saying you wouldn't eat the turd of a zogbot's horse if the SuperB owl masters happened to choose (you)r team to win?
that's one angry dyke
Anyone can tell what watch dr paul is wearing… want to buy
happy ending edit:
Eagles fan eats police horse shit!
Liberal women are disgusting.
My God, what liquor and a crowd can do to people.
I'd put my money on that being used for noise in case anybody is eavesdropping
That first girl just makes me sad.
In another time she could have very well been pregnant by now, harboring a beautiful baby inside her beautiful body; instead, she's out there alone at night looking for dick.
Is that the one that killed somebody? Or was the person killed by falling off of one?
my bad.
nigger proof lighting? Pitchforks and torches
Tipping cars over. twitter.com
made an 'inquisitive' reaction image from her/
Look at those noses.
bony hand. I call bullshit.
lel, probably said 17 because she's 1) drunk @) wants to seem younger than she is 3) on camera 4) looking for dick
Couldn't possibly be:
In English:
In Sheboon:
she needs to be tamed by You user, don't tell me you wouldn't try to change her to make babies with her
There is an absurd level of irony that this scene takes place in a bathroom.
i jsut notice she next to the guy wearing "jesus saves from hell" shirt. so that could be something to do with it. shes a succubuss i think.
I wouldn't. I'm MGTOW.
What did I miss that instigated this? Usually when one of Obama's sons gets gooded, there's already been a thread.
Neat contrast
Trump still hasn't made waifus real.
>Journalists are already spinning the riots express.co.uk
Don't remind me.
How is that spin?
begone, cocksucker
It's times like these that I hold my head high and mock the normies :^)
haha, just leave
both of you shut the fuck up and post more nigger hijinx
And you, you have a 2D personality.
Eagles won, so phillynigs are burning philly
CIA agent:
Reported for ban evasion. Kill yourself, redditor.
[insert excuse here]
Another CIA agent:
Reported. Kill yourself, redditor.
So anything more to come from the Philly riots? Videos? twitter posts? Is it still ongoing or is it left with an aftermath?
You blew it
They probably all went home to drink malt liquor.
The plebeian masses will never fail to turn primitive when congregating in large groups, like a herd of wild animals riled up by a snake in the grass.
That video of Terry Davis's Ultimatum comes to mind.
Welcome to Philly, user.
t. Philanon
Never happened
niggers destory philly? Is this a new thing?
PHILADELPHIA Eagles fans are rioting around the city amid reports right-wing group Antifa has infiltrated celebrations and an explosion has been heard.
Fucking britbongs can't get that right. Unless it's a ploy to paint anyone who destroys shit as right wing. Still, I wonder what Holla Forums will think being called right wing.
The dirty black cunts have gone too far this time. Never again will i enjoy your delicious creamy goodness. RIP Philli, to know you was to love you.
More proof Antifa is involved with the Philly riots. This was planned.
Mike Isaacson Twitter: burn a police station for me philly (January 21, 2018).
Daily Caller article about him: archive.fo
MSN article: archive.fo
Current Twitter page archive where he retweets a ton of rioting pics.
This guy has to be involved.
Forgot to post the archived tweet where he asks philly to burn down a police station. More proof that this riot was planned.
Antifa are nigger lovers, user.
Dumb spastic, it's both
When will we get the ethnostate for ourselves?
Can we get a class action suit going for dangerously false advertising?
Whatever happened to chimpout.com?
It got taken down for some reason and was replaced with Shitskin Plantation. Then the same thing happened to that website and now it's Dindu Plantation. Last time I went there there were only a handful of active posters.
Here's an old map from the good ole days after the election when we were a bit more active.
We'll always have chimpmania.
Niggermania does still appear to be active. Though not as much as it used to.
I've never been to chimpmania, I heard it was a shit site. What is it like?
It's pretty much just a forum compiling noted black crimes and compiling a list of nigger loving non-blacks. It's usually passed over nowadays for you fly-by-night nigger hate threads on imageboards, but it was really jumpin back in the day. Still worth checking out if you want some good ol fashion nigger bashin.
Even babies know how to spot niggers and are biologically more connected to their own race:
it was started by stephen colbert like 10 years ago in a segment about the NFL suing sports bars who used the words "super bowl" in advertisements.
Ever heard of Linux for Niggers or #GROPECREW? Funny shit.
Vid related. It's a tribute someone made for Deandre Harris on jewtube.
Scratch that. Video wasn't able to upload.
S H I T T E D . C O M
that highscore at 1:00
Get oout! I am disgusted by you!
He's a closet Rick Flair fans.
inb4 the football lads guy defending white people rioting like niggers
Could be worth a thread of it's own, if only to put him away.
Mind you, while finding what criminal charges we can get slapped on him for instigating a riot, we should also file this little tidbit away for future use.
Save as much as you can so we can estimate the % white and % black. I have a feeling this is going to turn into one of those "well white people riot too" moments.
These fucking kikes lie as easily as they breathe
Sports fans are subhuman and need the rope.
That glorious motherfucker is still on the run. Kek speed to him
100% Jude
That is a new one.
Looks like they're going to lengths to make it seem like something was going to happen.
Can't archive right now.
Obligatory reading, if you haven't seen it already. Riots might be piece of the puzzle.
Changed it to left wing group now but the damage is done.
Yes they are.
In fairness there is zero context given. For all we know that could have been 5 minutes after the game ended and no rioting had started yet. Don’t be a nigger.
user please.
That's up on Temple's campus north of center city immediately after the game. Any time Philly wins the entire school walks down Broad to city hall, where the rioting takes place.
Why do they woow?
is archive.fo acting up for anyone else?
I wasn't able to load any archives earlier and it displayed the putnam site trying to load a javascript in umatrix
now loading the same archive again works and that putnam site isn't shown in umatrix
Great work.
i would very much like to .. inquisitive her reaction
Don't worry, anons, it was only white niggers, and things just got a little
The mosques I assume? I don't see anything else.
Is there a context?
All those jobs and revenue they claim their niggerball teams bring in for the city doesn't do much to counteract the 20-30 point decrease in IQ caused by watching sports, does it?
It links Somali central (little mogadishu) to the US Bank Stadium. They can quickly move in and out from their base of operation to an area which will be densly packed with people.
Daily Reminder
Football doesn't matter in life. You get nothing from watching other people bash their own heads in, but it means the world to niggers.
Any deaths, injuries, and collateral totals come up yet?
I am getting the feeling this was planned in two cities and ready to go in whichever of the two cities the team won to mask the issue and blame it on "alt right". There was apparently a huge explosion in Philly and they are already blaming "alt right". This feels very flash mob false flag to me.
Liberals tend to worry about others and what they think rather than just minding their own fucking business.
Where? Neither of those articles do so.
BBC article says "left wing group antifa" though.
Express, not BBC, sorry.
Yeah both sites changed it. Had to archive but they do this purposely since they know most people will read the title and move on/tell their contact and it will spread without them looking like they did it:
Good thumbnail I learned a lot
All blacks are niggers, but not all niggers are blacks
nicknames list http: //www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/02/05/trumps-nicknames-for-rivals-from-rocket-man-to-pocahontas.html
antifa confirmed shiteater saved for posterity
Wasn't an antifa from the inauguration also a shit eater?
don't remember
post vid?
Yes, all niggers are black. White Jews go around suggesting whites can be niggers, but there are no actual white niggers, only white Jews.
What about the ones that have a IQ lower then the average and have it close to the nog IQ peak?
t. long time single user who thinks MGTOW is for cowardly males lacking confidence in themselves.
And thanks to you user, i'm going back into the dating pool. Better than being associated with your yellow bellied ilk.
Nah just angry. Watching one of our oldest cities being destroyed really activates my almonds.
It was destroyed in the 70s, Rendell just put a shiny glass cover over the shit piles.
The smart ones will be stripping copper and cameras
At least it's from a grazing animal, still, #justweimericathings
This is the best outcome. Normie see this and appreciate the 3rd world shithole they're living in. "Was there a soccer match or something there? Wait…."
That sheep-shagging mic didn't even capitalize the acronym
We are making legislation so de sportsball never sees de light of legality in dis part of Africa. I did a little research on what sportsball fans do in de privacy of de middle of da street.
One of de thing dey do is called horsing. Dey drink da everclear and den dey wait for popo horse for take poo poo. Da poo poo comes out of the horses anus and den dey eat da poo poo.
Why do people like football? I seriously dont understand the perspective of it. I was at my sisters and she had the halftime on. It was nothing more than a shit fest of advertisements and a retard in a camo suit (like a 3 piece suit, with a camo pattern) singing with an orchestra in that background that wasnt even playing their instruments.
Is this what normies consider entertainment? Constant advertisements and people throwing a ball?
It's just an excuse to be load and obnoxious. I really doubt even a quarter of the people who watch this shit actually give a shit about the sport itself.
My own mother was calling this man hot. Im just about to disown my family.
If you know the rules of the game, it helps. It also helps to bet $100 bucks. Pizza and beer, and you have yourself an afternoon.
But people take it way too seriously. I had a roommate who would get violent if his team didn't win, punching walls and yelling. It was like being an abused housewife, all the roommates would pray his team would win so we could have a nice day.
simply it was the only bread and circus left playing in the 90's, Jordan faded, the MLB had a lockout in 1990 then a strike in 1994, NHL went in strike in 1992 then lockout in 1994
tl;dr sportsfags will move to a differnet bread and circus if push comes to shove
Can confirm the niggers also raped a horse
Couldn't a case be made against the NFL due to things like this that force them to be shut down by the Federal government, or heavily fined? Inciting riots or something maybe. It's not like this is the first time.
At least he's white. Calm down.
Organized sports in general are really just an excuse to get shitfaced. Normalfags hate their lives and they don't know (((why))) and they dull the pain with booze.
And people wonder why nigger countries are such shitholes. It is because they are fundamentally self-destructive as a people.
Cognitive dissonance. Technically this is a very fundamental action leads to reaction event. People X move to Place Y and Place Y is then affected by People X, predictabilly in the same manner as all the places People X are staying in or have stayed in before. You don't need to be sherlock holmes to make the neccessary observation and connections, yet they simply don't want to acknowledge it and ignore the obvious elephant in the room.
The only way to remove this behaviour is by breaking the conditioning and make the affected person stop consuming all the indoctrination causing media on their own.
Sports are a very simple, easy to grasp dopamine rush. Football is very easy dopamine. Niggers line up, people get excited something will happen, thing happens, either they get a big dopamine rush because something they wanted to see happened, or they wait for the next dopamine rush.
Americans are addicted to shitty, low effort dopamine rushes. It's why handegg is so popular in the US.
Is that suit a take on rauchtarnmuster?
Well technically no, but he may as well be…(pic related)
gahhh I meant yes not no
That's all irrelevant. His mom was physically attracted to him. He's white. So it's okay. His politics are completely irrelevant in this matter. She's not looking to him for life advice or anything, she just sees an attractive white man and likes him. That's okay.
Chimpout was cool until I found out you still have to be a good goy and NEVER EVER mention anything about the JQ, or instaban.
Your dubs confirm. Kikes and their good goyim will use this as an example of how whites are just as savage as niggers, so we should let niggers do whatever they please.
Fuck I hate kikes so much!
It was that altright powerhouse of antifa user
Can we somehow work this fuck up into a meme? Anyone manage to get a screenshot before they corrected the fuck up?
Burn it down.
Why would you want to associate antifa with right-wing in any regard? Them being strongly associated with left-wing has worked to our advantage since they gained notoriety. People hate them, and their hate pushes them further right. If this were common, then the meme could be used to blur what is right-wing to undermine their propaganda, but it's not. It was one news source, and it has been updated.
That's good modern advertising right there tbh
The good ones are trans White.
I like how this is also a very subtle political compass
Err… might make more sense in context.
I was thinking along the lines of causing a massive spergout by antifa while ruining the kike controlled OP of the altright in one swoop.
Also, heiled.
Nigger you’re new aren’t you?
What is it about sports that drives people insane?
The newfag cries out in pain as he implicates you. You obviously haven’t been here for very long.
So what's going to happen to Philadelphia after this?
Not enough wars.
holy shit, this is a whole new level of degeneracy
is this what the Weimar Republic was like in its final years?
Why would anything happen? More niggers will move in, more whites will move out.
We’re not to the point where you can openly order children to fuck over the phone, so not quite.
no cop is human
The shit eater's jersey's number is 12. The Antifa guy's jersey's number is 83. Unless he changed jersies it's two different guys.
He doesn't even look white
Fucked that up
They actually got a keg over that.
Anyway I'm a Phillyfag I witnessed and pretty much for the most part a part of the culture here or understand it. Feel free to ask question if you have any.
Wtf is this from?
How cucked are the Whites you know?
In the city I'd easily say 99% of the woman are cucked due to group think. Unless they are a public defendant but that's another story. The men are probably like 65% to 75% cucked. Skinnyfags are almost always cucked. If they are college students take off 10% from both stats.
You have to eat shit, or do this, which do you pick? No third option
Any rapes?
Are they still chimping?
I will say this again, they also licked a horse's asshole. So they technically molested a police officer
Im not even sure where to look, they were talking about it in the livestream i was watching.
May not have happened or he may not have been caught but i distinctly remember that part last night
Gronk's house got robbed
Mind control
You guys gotta stop using Nigger so much. My favorite term is basketball-American.
Should be I dindu nuffin!.
It belongs in a woodchipper set on slow.
< He who shall not be named…
Holy s***!
Holy shit, they actually date and label their piss bottles… When OCD meets autism this is the result.