this is shit, and the people running this are shit.
how do i 1) finish this unit without pulling my fucking teeth out, and 2) write a 500 word discussion and reply to two of the other faggots' posts without completely bullshitting about everything i believe?
College a shit
Other urls found in this thread:
I had to take a diversity class a few years ago to get my fucking medical degree. Can't diagnose anal bleeding without an in depth knowledge of Mexican culture, goy.
I find that leftists tend to be "sideways" thinkers; they don't actually want an answer to the questions they ask. What they really want to see you do is dissect the question or prompt using Critical Theory. Case in point, I had to write a paper about cultural diversity in the United States, couldn't find a good way to do it without completely losing my shit, so I ended up writing a very long paper about how diversity only ever manifests as violence. I used the source material, which included made-up Indian folktales, Jewish sob stories, and a book written by a spic about how wonderful it was that Mexicans don't integrate culturally with whites, to argue in a very open-ended way that we have never actually seen "diversity", as leftists imagine it, manifest in any tangible way. If you can learn to speak Democrat, answering every question with a "no, but yes" response, you can subtly redpill people while also receiving good grades.
As for the responses, those are bullshit. Just do what everyone else does and say "wow, what a deep thought you had there. I agree."
Why pull your own teeth out when you can pull everyone else's instead?
Why are you even going to college?
Kill me now
advanced welding. the only reason i'm taking these bullshit gen-ed classes is for the associates degree, because it will look somewhat better than just the combo welder certification.
Because there is still an illusion that college degrees will actually lead to more lucrative careers. Not knowing that this only applies to STEM and that a humanities degree will most likely get you laughed at in any actual hiring scenario. t. History Major.
i encourage people to take a look at this, just for the purpose of seeing the sheer amount of contradiction and bullshit mental gymnastics.
actually play the game too, it's short and further shows how they try to get you. almost every single person on that lineup is an extreme case of mutt. hell, some of the 'correct answers' are just blatant lies.
Stronger man than I. Nearly failed highschool because I couldn't force myself to jump through such hoops, even before I found this place.
Socializing education is the death of literacy and reason.
For Computer Science you pretty much need a degree or else people wont even look at you. It's sad because college is so fucking bad at teaching CS. Then again CS is so braindead easy that it just fits the standard.
i'm thinking about making a good portion of my discussion about how the game is literally designed to make you fail, and maybe shift the issue to be about U.S.-specific classification system so that the retarded teacher and other students don't reee at me too hard.
also, i reiterate, seriously take a look at that pastebin. the level of mental gymnastics is insane.
Whine somewhere else, you dumb faggot.
good point OP, do this
trust me, i'll get there eventually if this shit keeps up.
Sure would be nice if I could see shit in that game. Even enlarging the photos doesn't help when playing on a decent fucking resolution. Not to mention the photos themselves are being as obscure in the lighting as fucking possible on top of not being able to see shit in the first place.
Small local business made up of nothing but other whites. Honestly, besides maybe programming, going the route of IT is a dead end as long as H1B/H2Bs and other work visas exist. It's an uneven playing field.
Ask why caucasoids are more prone to skin cancer while negroid are plagued by sickle-cell disease.
Take it as an opportunity to better know thy enemy tbh fam. If you can't accurately write about a belief you hate, you aren't well-equipped to criticise it in the first place.
They're losing ground because of Trump at a rapid pace. Both because of cuts and fear of harsher cuts.
Of course he can write about a belief he hates. The dilemma is whether he'll reveal his power and face the consequences or act like a good goy and face his soul. See , he seems to have found a way to "cut the knot" .
Cuts are not enough. We need termination of the program and an immediate revoke of all current visas. I want to see company's like IBM and Microsoft crumble for turning their back on who made them.
You tell them its fake. They can't change facts.
That's because history is useless in almost every situation.
Philosophy has the highest GRE score of any major by a huge margin.
Kys you pathetic insectoid drone.
Holy shit you haven't seen a thing yet. I made the mistake of taking sociology 101 as one of my general education course. About a week in when the school disabled being able to switch out of classes, the teacher announced the book was mandatory for 40% of our grade through online coursework. Pic related is a small sample I have saved on my hard drive.
I need a massive collection of pictures like this. A "What they actually teach in college" folder. Fucking enraging.
Tell them how can America, a continent of mongrelized (scientific word, don't get butthurt) continent comment on race?
Except there is. North Pontid or Atlantid for example each looking different. Ask her if she's suffering from face blindness, because the old world can differentiate from itself.
and you didn't enter a trade school…why?
jesus user, why?
You just smile and wave genius.
Bonus points if you do the most >stereotipical Holla Forums impression of a progressive soyboy
speaking of college (which i'm assuming you mean uni and not brit college) does anyone have any recommendations for studying abroad at one? UK prices are way higher than most others in the (((EU))) and i want to visit some other countries as well, thinking amsterdam atm but i'm not sure which uni's are swarmed with marxists and the like and which aren't, any advice for weeding them out?
here are some reference materials
He probably thought it would actually be anthropology. Not cuckmyshitup 101
Amsterdam is pretty much our san francisco, dont bother with any of the cities in that region.
Yeah, even at trade/technical schools they still have an albeit small, liberal arts department. All of the humanities requirements are going to be staffed by libtards that couldn't get jobs at community & state colleges where they would have total influence. They're basically an unwelcomed nuisance but a carryover from past generations where they might have made college possess more variety.
When I got my Network & Systems Administrator degree, I had fun mixing truth with their lefty speak with every professor. I had a gut feeling every class that they were trying hard not to agree with what I gave them back but since I used the right words and bastardized their terms and phrases, they had no choice but to accept it. If you speak their language but say things they don't like, but then trip them up with things they do like to hear, they go insane. Learn how to speak platitudes which is what the more scam-oriented leftists do like their politicians and they nod their heads while wearing a frown.
Overall, have fun as much as you can, and give them shit reviews at the end of the semester. Usually colleges will require one and you can still find them on at whatever it's called. The college reviews should still be anonymous. There I would compile a scathing and accurate review and condense the best-worst parts about them such as how much their courses were lies. I would link at the end to a pastebin for more if I had more. I would change some details just in case the professor had a suspicion about who might say such a thing even though he's never supposed to see it. Do the same thing with ratemyprofessor. Keep saving their material. I sometimes wish I saved mine from those classes to share here. The shit they come up with is ridiculous.
Had to take the Meyers-Briggs for class and some woman from the school "trained" in it and came to talk to us about our results. I basically told her it was pseudo-science and none of this applied to me. When I took the test I just clicked on the first answer of every question and finished it in a minute.
My sides
see and you tards
Wtf even is this garbage?
It's not going to happen simply for that reason. Too big to fail. Not to mention those companies have so much money to bribe politicians and cause shit that they where even able to get Trump to back down.
Just be smart about it. Learn how to use their own rhetoric against them. Instead of going:
You need to say:
>Immigration is bad because it's a tool of (((globalist corporations))) to exploits immigrants.
It actually helped a lot taking a class that discussed the ways of using critical theory early on. There's nothing more fun than sitting in a class and getting all of the good goy to nod their heads in response to whatever you're saying. The true believers can tell immediately "this is not one of us", so you have to be careful, and learn to play individual professors. This is the other perk - learning how to simultaneously mine salt, sway people over, and secure a good grade at the same time.
Truly, at this point, I have reached the point of ascension. Should even the least bit of sanity remain in the normalfag, I can deliver him from his conditioning.
Immigration is bad because it removes the most ambitious from one country and overloads another with ambitious people resulting in an escalation of competition over the same economic pools.
It basically artificially raises the cost of everything which makes the banks rich, and the people generally poorer as a result.
Not saying you're wrong, but is this really what comes to mind for you when someone asks why immigration is bad? Not any number of other, more pressing consequences? Also, what's wrong with ambitious people in your country? Is the real problem not ambitious people who do not share the same culture, who are not of the same blood, thus not loyal to the nation?
The correct answer is that it poisons one nation's gene pool with the inferior sludge of another.
My fault for being huwhite
You're making him proud user.
Nigger you dont know the half of it, I took Anthropology 101 at a uni in Alaska and there was a lesson about "theatrical anthropology" and how movies shape culture. We examined how the old King Kong movie was about the white mans fears of black sexual superiority and that they would be taking our wimminz, while the NEW Jack Blacked King Kong is about how the black man and the white woman will unite to overthrow white patriarchy. This wasn't even the most poisonous thing they taught in class, it was just the most hilarious and standing out blatant.
And this was in ALASKA. One of the whitest and most rural places left in the country. QAnd my professor was some chubby, soyboy looking faggot who probably never worked a day in his life. I'm here to tell you now, don't listen to those faggots that tell you to just run off into the woods and pretend things are fine out there.
There is literally no where left to run
They have corrupted and defiled everything in this world
We fight back NOW
OP here, finally getting around to doing this bullshit.
reading some of these other faggots' posts is making me want to vomit. some of the vapid, brainwashed things they say that are all the same rehashed absolute nonsense that they keep regurgitating for brownie points. i don't get how real human beans with semi-functional brains fall for these mental gymnastics.
honestly, i'm really considering regurgitating some of this exact same soyboy stuff and just being done with it. it would be so much easier than actually trying to construct an argument that works around their bias filters enough to not get expelled.
fuck it, i'm doing it the easy way. this is such bullshit that it won't matter how good my argument is, these people won't care at all. i've been trying for a damn hour and i'm certain it would get me shoah'd.
time to lie through my teeth/fingers and make a short study in imitating the soyboy.