Russians get serious over shot down aircraft

So recently a Russian SU-25 air support jet was shot down over Syria by an Religion of Cuck™ic militia/rebels using a MANPAD.
Now the Russians are getting serious.

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Yids are really going to get their shit pushed in this time.

Also forgot to say. Didn't we have proof the USA had sent MANPADs to militias it was backing in Libya?

Yup. This is really bad timing for the democrats :^)

Considering we called in an airstrike from the Russian airforce shouldnt we now be getting that information in the hands of members of the Duma?

Weren't the launchers Igla's?
Russian made. But so is 3/4 of middle eastern weaponry.

Russian launchers would be a flop, NATO launchers could be something but would probably flop due to how many of them are laying around the ME already, Chinese launchers could be really really interesting.

If they had any common sense, they'd use arms dealers or whatever means they use to acquire some old soviet equipment to at least try and be inconspicuous.
Then again the CIA was outright giving the muhajadeen STINGERS.

I think I remember reading that the MANPADS the kikes were gonna supply to the head choppers were Soviet-made.

Kikes love this type of thing.


That depends on what the kikes want to do with this. Shooting down one plane wasn't really the end goal here, it was done to spark an incident. But with who, and to what end?

inb4 "wtf clearly Drümpf's fault!" from Russian Imperialists."including MANPADS"

But I recall the USA explicitly providing US made MANPADs to militias in Libya.
Was this real or have I shifted timelines again?

Shouldn't it be ManPADS?
Polite sage for semi-offtopic.

But the norm is MANPADS or MPADS

That makes more sense. Thanks.

Wasn’t this part of the Clinton emails? Something about US arms sent to Libyans being trafficked into Syria by AQI.

Vasn't us g-goy!

Military has a phobia against lowercase letters.

(((they))) will do absolutely anything to keep the war going

wasn't the embassy attacked because of missiles in the basement?

They already know who attacked their base with UAVs earlier. What have they done about it?


Highly specific allegations that make a lot of sense, explain otherwise inexplicable things about Benghazi and which I tend to believe, but AFAIK we've yet to see hard proof.

Possibly due to PADS having a different meaning in US military jargon (Position Azimuth Determining System.)

bengahzi ring a bell?

Russia should be pissed, aren't they Syria's "ally"? I wouldn't be surprised if they go full bore up Syria's ass for this one.

It wasn't the Syrian military who did it.
And its Syrian military forces who are rushing in at Russias behest to seize potential evidence.

thats le 56% faces for you…


Putin has a good track record of killing kikes. Every journalist he has killed has been a kike.


This smells PMC's and deniable contracts. Why the fuck else would you do something like this?

Could you imagine if Russia simply pops a city killer over Israel from a sub or truck or something?

quads & it's so. trips & maybe. dubs and quite possibly

Not really. That means you and me getting drafted into a big ass war with other white people.

Who is that?

In Libya they would have been used against NATO air support, so doubt it. Anti-armor more likely.

My Jew-dar is tingling



Lol, has all the hallmarks of "Let's do this" propaganda bullshit.

Aaaand, potatocam's law of psyop footage is invoked.
But the most glaring problem:


Well its feasible. With any aircraft you have to hit the right section.
And while many aircraft can continue flying with sections damaged or missing in ideal conditions, we don't know what exactly happened after he was hit.


Sometimes I forget just how powerful we are

Dear God


Chinkroach ATGMs and manpads have been used in Syria for years now and there are videos of both.

Where's the sound you faggot?
The original has sound, why take it out like some liveleak horseshit?

Russians weren't born yesterday and everyone knows that the MANPAD is American. Now whether the rebels got it from Saudi Arabia, Israel or Alphabet is the question.

Unless captured by "rebels" if the embassy was overrun, which was the idea


Feel the wrath of Momma Bear



“Noi siamo d' un'altra Patria e crediamo negli Eroi"
(We are from another Country and we do believe in heroes)
G. D'Annunzio

I'd like a happening but that's most likely the case, or at least what the ZOG will officially claim. It's not that hard to find iglas in the middle east, especially not when shitloads of Iraqis were surrendering bases to ISIS like there was no tomorrow.

Froogfoots are sturdy enough to take a MANPAD in the ass were it will most likely ruin only one engine.

If the missile hit the Frogfoot heads on, then the shrapnel would get into the air intakes ruining both engines. In the video shown there seems to be a flash that's either the missile or the engines exploding.

That's probably to avoid confusion with pads for grown males.



Shoulder held. Man-Operated. I hope the gender neutral brainwashing in whichever country you're from is not getting to you user. I heard they're letting females join SF these days? Kek'd at the joke

polite shitpost