Apparently Arthur Rudolph, one of the chief designers of the Saturn V, the rocket which took men to the moon, was deported from the US for being a war criminal (he allegedly made kikes do honest work). From Wikipedia:
I have never been able to understand how we could go from Sputnik to Apollo 11 in a mere 12 years, and then achieve fuck all after that. Do Jews hate space for some reason? Or do they just hate that Nazis were so successful in this field?
Have the Jews been sabotaging the space program?
Other urls found in this thread:
They have been sabotaging Physics itself.
Learn about the Electric Universe.
I highly doubt it considering the fact that NASA is mason central, what's more likely is that NASA faked the moon landing because 1. Kennedy already said, foolishly enough, that America would "get the man to the moon" by 1970s, and 2. because the Soviet Union already reached space (or more accurately, low earth orbit), that made America look weak.
This website content on Holla Forums and other boards are so conflicting. One moment it is "space is fake". The next is praise for von Braun and complaint over his death plate with biblical quotation of the fermerment. One time it was host to promoting TGSNT, the next, it's reference is allied with the term cuck. "The winner will never be asked if he told the truth". Well which is it?
One moment it's NASA is for "humankind", the previous being one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
One moment it is video clips of Hillary Clinton abord a plane on a media feed showing a short breakdown and showing her face as a digitalized reptile. The next it's of "frog" good.
One moment it's digital drawings of "Egyptians" as "dick washers". The next is the deeper meaning showing circumcision transferring power to the darker race by enslaving and then mutilating the lighter male race's penis.
One moment it's a cut tree stump with a smaller tree growing from it "the best is yet to come". The next it's a huge slab quarreyed and electric rail launched headed to earth and missing from lack of antenna from said tree.
Then it's, hequet killing God's crossroads which were mearly "dogs". The next it's "liberty and justice for all".
Then it is "not communist", but then pro gun rights, even followed with memes of Marx saying the people's should each have guns.
Mixed bag?
This. Go back to the source. All advanced forms of science keep getting infiltrated by jews and either neutralized or developed but only for the sake of kike control. When it came to physics they neutralized it. When it came to computers it's for control.
The goal is to keep overall development limited as much as possible, stagnate growth so they don't have to spend time and effort subverting something new. Kikes would be okay as long as they have full control. They would be okay blowing it all back down to the stone age as long as they can still freely kike.
The real problem is that you feel the need to bring up what other boards think when you're on Holla Forums.
Holla Forums blew up and is now mostly retarded kiddies here for muh memes, no surprise. NASA are masons, that's what you need to know the most anyway.
I've always believed that science had been compromised (even before I knew about the kike control) the kind of shit they come up with, and/or neglect to, is fucking ridiculous.
"Lyers", hm interdasting.
You aren't from around here are you.
I think it's useful. For example, if you know what other boards think on a particular topic and voice it in a public forum, then we can thinktank and figure out the best way to shape opinion on those boards until it suits us.
The orange juice leakage "within" the suit supposedly made the helmet "impossible" to remove, yet an identical orange juice like stain can be spotted on every picture taken from then on. Because its indentical it must also mean the spillage must've leaked out of the helmet, and onto the camera lense, which the astronauts were working on at time…
Pyramid worship? Never seen't this before.
Kill yourself, redditor.
lol wut
Logic doesn't involve hallucinating the provenance of stains in order to twist reality into your narrative, I'm afraid.
Hm? They're right there for you to see on the pictures I posted. Can you explain to me how this identical imperfection could be replicated on developing film? It had to be spilled on the lens.
I think that recent 4chan migration is to blame for these recent conflicting posts. If you look at the wording of some bait or shills posts there you'll see some similarities
Didn't we see the"language crystal" promoted on here though? In it if you read it, it certainly doesn't say NASA is Hebrew for "to decieve"
I see some sort of smear.
Now please demonstrate that the smear comes from orange juice. After you've demonstrated this, you still need to show that the smear appeared during a leakage event, not after or before, when the suit was being put on or removed.
Also, why did NASA bother with a real "juice leakage" event if it's all just supposed to be a hoax?
Beyond the orange juice observation, why hasn't anyone a real explaination for the "moon"? Ask yourself, why is one large and round and frosty without impact craters?
Why is another a small hologram like light?
Perhaps why do some call the moon they see a pole or an opening?
Better yet, why do some call the stars drones?
From 1:09 on.
What do you mean by bother, though? They obviously installed them in because fucking around in a big heat prone suit would tire you out.
If we get away from them, they no longer have tax cattle.
I don't know, care to elaborate?
Which celestial body are you talking about?
How is the moon "hologram like"? What would it look like if it was "not hologram like" instead?
Because they're fucking retarded.
Confirmation bias at its best (or worst?).
I'm not talking about just carrying juice in the suit. I'm talking about the spillage event, and how it made the helmet practically impossible to remove. If it's all an act, why even mention it? Why design your suits so spilled juice will prevent removal?
To add, I doubt liquid was actually dropped on the lens, as the spill would have most likely looked out of focus (and not crisp as those pictures show).
the space program IS sabotage, fucking ban me for flat earth shit again faggot mods, but please let anyone else with cool really deep theories post them without issues. why is it that flat earth gets censored? posting RELATED CONTENT IN RELATED THREAD. fucking Long Live Holla Forums!s.
>the earth is flat and hollow
hilarious thread full of shills, but with some good posters. the shills arguments get destroyed and they fail miserably so it's extra fun.
think about why the ocean looks blue when the sun shines through it. think about how the sky is also blue, and how very ancient antarctic ice is also a strange blue color. makes sense? and troll science bro's with big fancy pieces of paper from the establishment claim "its rayleigh scattering, and the sky isn't actually blue it just looks blue but it isn't because it's just reyliegh scattering just trust us"
every single image of earth from space release by nasa has always been a composite image. they will never release a true non-edited picture of earth from space.
if there are as many infinite stars and galaxies as they say there are, the entire sky wouldn't have any visible individual stars because in terms of pixels on a tv screen the stars in the sky would take up every pixel of space that there is in the sky. the entire sky would always glow white and there wouldn't be a place in the sky to look at that was empty. at any distance you would eventually run in to another star so no matter how far away from the perspective of earth there wouldn't be any black sky at night.
go back and watch any video of a rocket takeoff. why do ALL the rockets always go upwards for a moment and then start to veer off course and curve off the side? they can't keep going straight up because they will hit the water and if they go much deeper they will crash right into the firmament. they always curve to avoid it. ALWAYS. the rockets always land somewhere else out of sight or people are told it's just a retrieval of parts, but you know what the truth is.
they only thing that every country on earth ever agreed on and never broke their promise, as they all promised together, was to leave antarctica alone. the north pole is the center of the landmass and the south pole (antarctica) is actually a giant ring around the outer edges of the earth. it's illegal to fly there without permission (almost nobody ever gets that permission) and so it is conveniently incredibly difficult to prove or disprove this once and for all. what a coincidence.
anyone who has ever gone to a tall skyscraper that allows an all around window view with protective railing (so people dont just fall off) and looked 360 degrees all around the horizon will notice that it is always flat and never curved even at that hight, when it should be. almost all the weather balloons and homemade gopros they ever use that make it to the higher atmosphere use an added fisheye lense to add a fake curve to the horizion.
since you are very little, one of the first things you are expected to learn is that you live on the earth and the earth is a globe, and you are repeatedly shown this big spinning toy and you have a few childish thoughts like "how does everyone on the bottom not fall off?" and everyone tells you its because "gravity" holds everyone on the sphere, but remember centrifugal force is very powerful and can keep water in a bucket even though its spinning around a certain point, but it makes the bucket of water feel much more heavy, like it wants to fly off it's handle with tremendous force. now imagine that all the things on the surface of the earth including its gigantic oceans are all that "bucket of water". what do you think would or rather should have already happened to us all and our cats and dogs and houses and cars if the earth was really spinning around as fast as they want us to believe that it is?
the earth presumably being as massive as we think it is (even though it's flat) is so heavy and so big that spinning at that speed would tear it apart. forces created by the spin would be greater than the force of gravity, but that's another deeper rabbit hole.
going by the rules of globalist approved science, if you actually do the proper calculations you discover that the force of gravity is not enough to overcome the spinning force of the planet (the globe spinning on its own, not the "spin around the sun") and that we should have been catastrophically flung off of the earth in a cataclysm along with the earth spinning itself apart to pieces by now.
go back and watch any video of a rocket takeoff. why do ALL the rockets always go upwards for a moment and then start to veer off course and curve off the side? they can't keep going straight up because they will hit the water and if they go much deeper they will crash right into the sky water. they always curve to avoid it. ALWAYS. the rockets always land somewhere else out of sight or people are told it's just a retrieval of parts, but you know what the truth is.
it's literally something they made up and popularized in movies, books, video games, and t.v. to brainwash you and create cognitive dissonance should you ever hear anything but their kosher version of the truth.
all rockets do this. except for this one. you can even hear the splash.
youtube. com/watch?v=IAcp3BFBYw4
the truth is out there. question everything until you are told what you are not allowed to question.
Reposting flat earth repellant
I think you're autistic but at the same time you are one of the few people who says Holla Forums instead of pol these days. Proceed.
Think for yourself instead of having people here think for you.
it's amazing how fast you shills show up to attack flat earth.
>the earth is flat and hollow
Now this is the type of dumb shitposting I miss from pre-2017 Holla Forums.
(((you))) seem to be upset.
Because you wouldn't be able to hide it from normal people doing their job like developing the film. Don't look at the psychology, look at the evidence.
On the topic of OPs actual question.
NASA is extremely inefficient while being underfunded and slowly plagued more and more with the Marxism and subversion all federal organizations are facing.
Also please mods, ban the flat earth fags, they may mislead the new born babes of Hitler among us, and they will never contribute anything meaningful to any discussion beyond parroting.
So close, yet so far away, sweaty.
you fucking soreass loser bitch shill, hitler knew about the flat earth. what a subversive (((cunt))) you faggots are running around in any thread about space and shitting all over flat earthers. NO fucking theory gets censored more than flat earth because (((you faggots))) don't want anyone to know about it.
snowball theory is another anti flat earth globalist psyop
NO. get the fuck out with your globe worshipping false religion you fucking globalist (((shithead)))
thread greatly improved tbh
Nigger, the sun is tiny. There was a massive dust cloud here a while back and it looked like a little red dot in the sky without all the glow. Its obviously a government prop.
that sounds stupid, are you trying topic dilution on top of disapproval tactics?
Excuse me, I don't believe in jewish psychology.
I don't know if it's the jews sabotaging our space capabilities, but I'm fairly confident the the Germans from Operation Paperclip where a deliberate attempt to handicap both the U.S. and Russia via another program for decades while the remnants of the Third Reich maintained total air superiority. There's a lot of people who've claimed the German scientists have been in contact the entire time with "those" Germans from the start and served as somewhat ambassadors, especially for the U.S.
You're on a fucking image board, its not like you have a time limit.
Instead of deflecting, answer his questions or refute his facts and you might have more people believe you.
what exactly are you saying?
thread archive
Watch the video it unkikes the New Age bullshit. UFO's are GERMAN. They found the ancients they were looking for and they were in complete contact with those above ground since the end of the war. The only ones that posses the technology are them and those ancient aryans they "found". The coverup on the UFO topic exists not because the U.S. has some secret mongrel space program, but because they DON'T and they KNOW it. This bizarre bullshit game the U.S. has played on the topic is actually recently (since early 90's) making Russia paranoid that America is working with the actual Third Reich.
No bullshit. Russians are taking that seriously.
lol. When the spill inside the suit was happening, the astronauts actually mentioned it explicitly. I guess they just knew that that some would spill outside onto the lens, and therefore just knew they had to mention what had happened so they could fool the people developing the film. And of course, they knew this, but they couldn't think of "accidentally losing" the film. Or replace the dirty pictures with clean pictures taken after the fact.
FYI if you think it sounds crazy watch Steven Greer's interview with Carol Rosin who retells a story of her working with Werher Von Braun at the end of his life and having to fill in on him for a speech which she knew nothing about the topic. She could, "hear him crystal clear" from his bed hundreds of miles away while filling in for him at a conference repeating exactly what he was saying.
He says "how's my lens?" and the other guy says "its okay, won't even see that" acknowledging the taint, because what else could it be? Don't be so butthurt goyim.
You’re actually retarded. Maybe mentally ill. Or there’s a good chance you’re just here to derail threads.
Must be tiring drinking oj on the shoot all day. :^)
This thread sure got shit up fast.
To answer your question – yes, Jews hate space. More accurately, they hate and fear all of the noble emotions space exploration and colonization stir up. Everything about the space program was pure kike antimatter from the start. Ask yourself, if you were a heeb bloodsucker, how would this make you feel:
+Space flight conceived and executed by exclusively fucking white males. Zero input from the mud people or women. This is because. . .
+The programs necessarily operated at the extreme edges of what's possible. At that level, when you're doing Delta-V calculations on a slide rule, sparing the slightest thought toward the intersectionality of it all is fatal. Jews hate meritocracy more than anything.
+The promise of escaping the torture chamber they've tried to turn the Earth into. By god, could you imagine a generation of whites raised in a Dyson swarm? They probably wouldn't even bother spending a year in primary school teaching children about the Holocaust!
+Every penny spent on advancing the white/Japanese destiny of conquering space is a penny not spent on buying greasy fat fried shit for niggers to eat. Given a choice, a Jew will always invest in farming nigger flesh over building a Moon base.
Maybe most of all, Jews like to be clever, but their cleverness is of a very mingy sort. They're good with words. They're witty when making a poop joke. You can count on the Jew to slay them at the Poconos, or to bring them all to tears on the violin, or to really impress the law professor with a unique interpretation of Kikenstein v. Rothkidfuckerbergerwitz (1954).
What they can't do is create. The very thought of building a 60-story skyscraper, filling it with high explosives, and then blasting it to another fucking world makes Jews – who are accustomed to being the very smartest people in the room – feel dumb. Jews have lived by their wits since the Babylonian captivity, and making them feel stupid is akin to yanking the fangs out of a cobra – they lose their one survival trick. This is why the goyim's ambitions must be broken and their souls anchored to earth: It scares the Jew worse than Samurai.
And this is yet one more reason we must gas the kikes, kids. No exceptions.
I literally have no idea how to read these 4chan Holla Forums message boards! so confusing! Please help
The fuck if I know? Maybe something happened with the lens before this was shot?
Also, had juice splashed onto the lens and the astronaut wearing the camera somehow noticed it, how dumb would it have been to bring attention to it (considering you're trying to fool people)? Hmmm, it's almost as if it's not a conspiracy or a lie.
Also, see
Well if you don't know and you're not attempting to guess why are you replying to me? Butthurt? Empty "AMERICA AMERICA" chest pumping?
He also says "won't see it on video", knowing idiots like you would defend it anyway.
Lurk two years. You'll either kill yourself from grief or emerge dehumanized and stronger than ever.
Yeah, here comes the expert pulling shit out of his ass thought right, because you totally know the composition and texture of the lense to know how it'd react with liquid. I'm done listing facts, prove me otherwise with anything that isn't "BUT IT COULDN'T HAVE BEEN A CAUNSPEERACYY" or fuck off.
>react with liquid
It's about optics, you dumb shit. When you take a picture, you need to focus at some distance. Did it focus on the background? If it did, why isn't the stain much blurrier? Or did it focus on the stain? If it did, why isn't the background much blurrier?
Face it, you're extremely gullible. You've been fooled into believing in a false conspiracy.
Not necessarily sabotaging, but their way of thinking is based on trickery and weaseling around laws. "Modern physics" is pretty much the same as alchemy, but instead of looking for the philosopher's stone they want to marry cosmology and quantum physics.
Have the Jews ever not sabotage anything ?
From a Spenglerian view point, flat-earth, moonlanding denial, hollow earth, these are all attempts ro reject the infinite cosmos and to return back to the closed and knowable.
In the vast cosmos it doesn't matter how much you learn or study or try to understand, the universe is always to vast to comprehend. Even if all the universe is just death matter and the earth is an oasis of life and we can interfer all the rules and possibilities from what floats nearby, even then, there is always the possibility of there being intelligent life out there, somewhere.
That's the problem with a vast and unknowable universe, it destroys any possibility of certainty.
The universe is not a small bubble, with the stars being holes in the sheet covering heaven, with behind that layers of angels and finally God.
The universe is vast, amazingly big, unknowable and no man can grasp it, therefor the divine must be incarnated in this world, instaid of being outside it, leaving man no hope to truly understand his world.
Whatcha sliding moshe?
Exactly. Don't look for answers, assemble them from all the information you have.
And, keypoint, argue with someone about it.
I do. Like this. Why would you launch a rocket into "space" to achieve payloads? You would use a massive flat plate of magnet and then apply electricity to it. Then as you send up gradual increments of distance of the construction phase for payload traffic "routes", you set the guides or boundry lines. These are held stationary by the giant flat launching magnetic discs outer ring section. Each phase of determined distace achives a magnetic reluctor ring held aloft by the original massive magnetic driver pushing energy upwards to force it out, yet it stays as the boundry for the phased distance by means of roatation magnetic spheres incapsulated by the boundry ring or secondary, third, fourth and so on guide ring. By these spheres half one polarity have the other incapsulated by the secondary boundry ring (aloft) and from,1. The base driver ring polarity driving a massive electronic magnect energy upwards and passing by the spheres as they rotate the upwards energy held them aloft and with cables attached which are none functionary except to act as stringers. The base magnetic secondary ring which is separated from the main base plate by poly insulation is driving an oppositional polarity and is although much smaller is using the Earth for opposite polarity. This would generate enormous heat but would be disapated with more thought should it be taken seriously I could easily determine to solve this. You drive payload by magnetic energy and control it in a tube like roadway. This roadway as stated earlier has the boundry spheres spinning in the boundry rings which are aloft. Payload delivery vechicle design is up to you young subcontractors to think about….. They would naturally be spherical of course. Or would they?
I could've said, gee cool questions, now go look them up to construct your argument instead of relying on me to prove my self wrong for some fucking reason, but that would be too logical and I didn't expect you to take my silence as some sort of acceptance of your autistic internet "victory". If you'd like to express your asshurt without having to post a comment, why not fuck off back to reddit where you can upboat and downboat freely?
This post is worded in a completely fucked way. I don’t mind people posting flat earth but at least present yourself decently for fucks sake.
This is the only good post in this shit thread.
Sage in all fields.
The manned space exploration difficulty curve before the moon is steep, but after the moon it becomes fucking vertical and with zero danger of the USSR one-upping us there wasn't much incentive to keep spending all of that money when there were voters of all shades of brown clamoring loudly for gibs.
Maybe if you weren't all obnoxious faggots posting the same abovetopsecret-tier images, wild accusations and half-assed stale copypasta all the time you'd engender less ill-will.
Investing in private space agencies is the solution.
I guess it's part of the coming second religiosity, just like the worship of Kek and all the superstitions we see, like checking dubs.
no comment
That truck doesn't have airless tire. That truck does not have the woven ballistic shell all tanks and trucks have in a White force. That truck is not equipped with the air sheild made from ballistic woven fiber sitting on compressed coil post stands. That truck is not equipped with the 2 shot anti tank anti air defense 305mm pod. Not sufficient
My favorite "conspiracy theory" is that the CIA sends out flat earth propagandists to discredit people looking for actual truth.
What do you think of that one?
It's almost as if they had to represent a 3D object on a 2D surface and decided that version of Earth doesn't put any nation in the middle.
Seriously? Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude, for optimum efficiency rockets want to get out of the denser atmosphere as soon as possible and then curve to circularise the orbit.
If the questions are so bullshit, please invalidate them.
Here are a couple of more arguments for you to add:
How can it be both night and day at the same time in different parts of the world?
Why does day length vary at higher latitudes?
How do people in the North Pole experience week long days and nights and everyone else doesn't?
What drives ocean currents?
What are seasons?
How do you explain different climates at different latitudes?
If everybody living near the equator observes the sun rising in the east, where exactly does the sun rise? In pic related, Brazil, South Africa and Australia will see the sun rise in general area of the red lines.
How do satellite phones work?
Why does it take longer to fly from London to Santiago than Sydney to Santiago?
Honestly, this holds some weight, based on my observations. It's pretty easy to see they don't come from Holla Forums. Firstly, you never see this idea discussed among 2 different flat earthers or a flat earther only partially redpilled. Flat earthers seem to already know everything about their conspiracy (as opposed to here where their are still normies and bluepilled who have to be redpilled) and you never see anybody become a flat earther, so they aren't being created on this board.
Whats that map with the additional land masses in the outer circle? Post a picture of it that isn't for ants pls.
They are here to mine salt and laugh at the misfortune of others. They will all be left behind during the next exodus.
Their conspiracy is connected to literally nothing. They believe there is some omnipotent shadow organisation that controls all nations, but all it seems to care about is plane GPS. What else has this organisation done? How does it connect to other Holla Forums beliefs? Is this organisation the Jews? They name no individuals, no specifics, they haven't identified anything except vague descriptions. Conspiracies on this board are all connected. They are organic, in a way. Hard details like names, locations and dates are present and they all fit together like some massive jigsaw puzzle slowly giving us true insight into the real way the world is run. This flat earth nonsense has nothing to do with anything that is discussed on this board.
Also, their purpose on this board is pretty clear. Just look at how this guy expertly misdirects and is intentionally vague. Classic example of how to derail a thread. Also observe how they jump at any opportunity to spread their lies, I once had to argue with a guy (a (1) mind you) who started a flat earth argument in response to a guy using the word "globalisation".
It's fine dude. Most flat earth lads also know about the holohoax and that Hitler did nothing wrong, you're good in my book even though I might not agree with you.
if you are genuine
you are here for ever
the ride never ends
The most egregious example of this is Apophis, an asteroid that's scheduled to impact Northern Europe, most likely in Northern Germany, in 2036. The determination of Apophis's trajectory was initially determined by many observatories around the world, and they raised the alarm. But then a single (((office))) at NASA overroad them all and determined that Apophis won't strike Earth, and the world's observatories deferred to the determination because, hey, it's NASA, right?
Since then, NASA has doubled-down, tripled, quadrupled, quintupled. They have an agenda, a timetable, to bring about world domination, and Apophis forms an integral step in their plans.
Additionally, they have minimized the expected impacts from this kilometer-sized asteroid. Apophis could easily enough be knocked into another orbit, but they want this to happen. Fucking Jews knowingly are doing this.
Have you ever tried, ya know, thinking for yourself?
And Apophis will wipe out Germany, unless we deflect it.
i wonder how much resources we tie up
Of course. Of fucking course they name it after Apophis. Those hack occultist faggots. They probably hold secret rituals to worship the fucking thing.
It sure would be a shame if this wacky timeline shuffled the upcoming chain of events around and the thing ends up smashing into Tel Aviv. :^)
Even if you think modern physics is kiked up basic rocketry is good old European newtonian physics. Theres overwhelming evidence that in Gravity as we know it things tend to move elliptically, ref: any pendulum bob experiment a 6 year old can preform.
on top of that even if we were surrounded by a global ice sheet wtf keeps the “hollow earth” together. Gravity? If thats the case rockets would still curve even to establish an exteemly low orbit. don’t you think it would be easier just to lie about space travel being possible at all that way people all over the world wouldn’t be looking into telescopes in their backyard or doing their own high-altitude rocket tests as hobbyists. that if Jews really wanted to stall spaceflight they just would’ve trounced Galileo‘s theories all throughout history then they wouldn’t have to spend precious shekels on a giant moon projection to fool the goym.
or spend billions of dollars year informing the public about a digital scale map that seems to scale the entire viewable spectrum since I can go to any number of websites right now find the coordinates of a celestial body posted to the public, and find myself my god what a hoax.
you’re either a crypto, shill, or moron inadvertently serving the kikes by assisting the narrative that if one group of conspiracy therapist is crazy all conspiracy theorist must be crazy.
Don't bother. Flat Earth BS is some cointelpro garbage intended to discredit anyone questioning the (((narrative))). Like Project Bluebook. These people are untermench or shills. Not worth your trouble either way.
Newtonian physics, like all theoretical physics models is a euphemism for lies. Get your head out of the globe.
Thank you for trying, but the shills and blockheads will never admit that they are wrong about the ball earth.
Nope. Just shit posting.
Our eyes are not perfect: there are a few things you can easily look up - columns of the Greek temples are not straight, they are barrel shaped to look straight if you look at them from a few kilometers. They started with perfectly straight pillars but then they did notice that the straight pillars looked like that )(. Almost the same optics principle applies to the horizon line - have you ever been to Holland? The polders are really flat because they are man made land. There you can notice you have never actually seen anything else that is truly flat. BTW, it seems to me that a lot of people never trow a rock in his whole life…
You're right, just stealing inventions from goyim and killing those who figured out too much. It's all for a very esoteric reason too.. They really dont want us to remember what happened.
You newfaggots have me almost ready to make a thread on it but they I realize its not like you faggots lurk anyway
That's been my thinking as well. Were Apophis to threaten NYC, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, or the City of London, it would have had it course altered long ago.
It still may.
Think in terms of helix instead, you are working against electric forces using disconnected systems based upon physical norms and lies rather than following the logic of how the universe actually works.
What's the issue? Depends on how they define flat. I doubt they are speaking of a 2d plane. It is a disc like a CD. Inside the CD is hollow. There is a "thin" volume between both sides of the flat.
In 2008, the B612 Foundation made estimates of Apophis's path if a 2036 Earth impact were to occur, as part of an effort to develop viable deflection strategies.[49] The result was a narrow corridor a few kilometres wide, called the "path of risk", extending across southern Russia, across the north Pacific (relatively close to the coastlines of California and Mexico), then right between Nicaragua and Costa Rica, crossing northern Colombia and Venezuela, ending in the Atlantic, just before reaching Africa.
The B612 org was infiltrated over this single issue. I know, 'cause I watched it happen first-hand.
Nope, a denial of it.
Thats because gravity is fucking horse shit, its all magnetics.
This. Intelligence agencies have been trying to push people down non-productive rabbit holes or destroy any meaningful conversations on topics that could lead to uncomfortable conclusions for decades.
"Red Mercury" was another false idea they pushed to get people hunting for nuclear secrets to out themselves and look down the wrong paths.
Judging by the basic Photoshop clouds+threshold+brush amateur fantasy cartography technique they used to make the "other landmasses" I'm gonna go with no, you fucking retard. They didn't have Photoshop in the eleventh century.
Ive been pondering the possibility that the incredible shitstorm that has befallen the commies and the cia/fbi could possibly be the work of ultra deep cover /ourguys/. I mean.. they are fucking up too well for their fucking up to be entirely accidental.
if the germans found some kind of wonder tech, why did they let half of europe fall to communism? how did they lose the war in the first place? it makes no sense
This times 1000, we could've been all over the universe by now, and we have the technologies.
The kikes have been expanding the space program behind closed doors and on black budgets for decades
What was that?
I'm asking the user who said that ayys are just german craft. it makes no sense
Because that would make the technology a toy for kikes. They can't let it get into their hands. Roswell was enough already. If it went to the battlefield, the kikes would have back-engineered it and destroy everything.
Remember that only Germany lost, but nationalsocialism won because Pandora's box is open. Hitler made a big mark and the concept stayed intact. We haven't seen nationalsocialism infiltrated, mistreated and ruined by infectious slimy jews. That's why they decided to win in the long term and suffer instead short term. As Nikola Tesla said after he got financially shoah'd : "The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." ruth never fears investigation and they knew… WE know that the truth is on our side. We cannot lose.
The real question should be:
Have the Jews been sabotaging truth movements by associating them with easily disprovable conspiracies?
The answer is yes, and all flat earth and now that that lost steam, electric universe theorists either are jews or are simply helping them, knowingly or through inability to comprehend basic physics or change their mind based on experiments that counter their fantasy.
Yeah, because don't believing in dark matter is the same as saying that we live in a flat disc, right, Schlomo?
I keenly await your evidence for the aether (still). And in that respect yes exactly like it. A lie.
Flat Earthers get removed because the theory can be disproven by simply boarding an airplane. It's a theory invented, possibly as a joke, by a rapper, think about it for a fucking second.
It's fucking retarded, and if I were a betting boy, I'd say that Flat Earth as a theory was created as a way to trap idiots like you into believing bullshit.
It's funny how you just appeared there all of a sudden. As for aether: do you honestly believe that electric force just manipulates matter through its sheer force of will? Aether is a field of neutrinos with negligible mass that transmit waves of electromagnetic radiation. Meanwhile all the evidence for dark matter is that the standard model can't even explain the movement of galaxies and so they had to invent it as a theoretical tool. Scientists then promptly wasted huge amounts of time and money to explain what dark matter could be, and they still don't have a clue.
Actually it kind of is, we have many many sources, where as you have a single collection of youtube videos that "disprove" physics.
I have a degree in electrical engineering. I know what I'm talking about. I'm not gonna bother arguing, Jew, but your stupid shilling isn't going to catch hold here.
Holy shit take your pills and fuck off back to godlikeproductions
And you have a great collection of useless theories full of holes. Truth is all about quality, not quantity.
And I was the head of NASA in the 70s, but I was forced out of my position by the Mossad. I could prove it to you, but I'm not gonna bother arguing, jew, but your stupid shilling isn't going to catch hold here.
Oh so you're a schizo, there we go that makes sense.
Here, I'll respond for you
Whenever I see a thread on this I always ask that question, but you're the first to actually answer. thanks user. I still don't know what to think of it, but it could be a long con I suppose. I guess sometimes it's hard to think big picture when the world looks like it's collapsing around you.
Please provide any shred of evidence for this.
Evidence is for Jews, don't let jews get in the way of believing the totally brand new and not at all made up theory.
Only after you give me a sample of dark matter.
White Space Flight, kek
Doesn't even matter, either way it works elliptically.
Almost as if there is more than one person with different opinions.
In the free internet, you are allowed to express any opinion you would like to share. Any idea can become something great, because there is no fear of repercussion.
This is what makes Holla Forums so powerful.
Don't be afraid, new friend.
You will grow and become stronger, as your assumptions from the outer world are lowered. You will learn what is false and what is true.
Will you reveal yourself as a kitten or a lion?
Lurk moar.
Half the shit you said I've never heard of.
It sounds like you shitpost these things and are now self promoting. Lmfao
What we call "Aryans" were originally a spacefaring race. The Jews are afraid the Aryan will return to his natural habitat and become too powerful to control.
Image boards are made up of people with different opinions, unlike MSM that is all show and shill.
Thats why you are confused, you compare chans with a TV (propaganda)channels.
And that all leads straight back to events that happened immediately after the fall of the Third Reich, in Europe, and the beginning of the UFO phenomenon. Events start to make amazing sense once you look that the circumstantial evidence that confirm every single survival theory. What do conspiracy theorists, bible thumping evangelical alternative media types (Steve Quayle, Doug Hagmann), and x-pol have in common? The Third Reich survived and at least some of those are their vehicles. The evidence is overwhelming and its how governments tell the truth while lying. They give you the pieces to build a circumstantial only picture while never confirming it.
A multitude of reasons user. Put yourself in their shoes for one second and try to piece together the situation in Europe at the time along with a newly discovered technology, that was Not perfected fully, and all during the stresses of war. Even the common conspiracy theorist can explain this very well agreeing with Serrano while not knowing of him or his esoteric preachings at the same time.
Hitler and the Third Reich did lose the war, in Europe, and only in Europe. The technology and build up in South America and Antarctica was established before the war even began. Joseph P. Farrell will give you more than enough documented evidence to verify this. They lost the war on the continent because as Savitri Devi said, "Hitler was the Man Against Time." Now do you think Hitler did not know that from the very start when he waged a war against the jews knowing everything he knew? Do you think the technology started development only in the mid-30's or 40's? It was actually started in the 20's with semi-working prototypes. Did you realize the Thule Society is responsible for the creation for what became the NSDAP and the biggest pushers behind Hitler? Members already stated they were simply "waiting for the man to come" before he ever was discovered. The Thule Society created also the Vril Society. The GermanOrden created the Thule.
To get back to your question. He lost the war because there wasn't enough time, materials, or manpower to save the continent, but as he mentioned in Mein Kampf a little something about having a forward operating colony in which one day could be the pride and benefit of the entire nation. The worst thing that could have happened as swarms of people all over the continent from all sides were enveloping you is to lose that very important technology. To safe guard your assets aboard. To build them, grow them, and perfect the technology. Long enough that in 1947 when discovered they were operating there in Operation Highjump it was protected so thoroughly they got their ass handed to them.
Look at the dates of the official starting of the Cold War and see it from a new angle. Look into the 1952 Washington D.C. UFO fly over in German formation. Look into the 3 nuclear tests and where at over Antarctica. Cold War was America coerced into legitimately fighting Communism instead of play acting their role against it? Factor in Germans being held hostage from start to finish before the war was lost in Europe and after regarding actions taken on all sides. Berlin wall? Troop pullouts from German territory? NATO SS building? Former SS general in the 50's? NATO expansion?
I'm not saying this is fact or that is fact or whose jewing who. I'm just here to say that it's clear there are more than two powers at play (jews and the nation-states/superpowers). Everything points to an actual Third Power.
Back to /x/ with you.
It's not even /x/ as everything mentioned has a factual background retard unless you're just one of those retards that actually pretend UFO's don't exist because you haven't personally seen one and are jealous.
Then again can't expect much from someone whose added nothing to the thread himself and adds his useless input into a response to someone else.
To answer the question - in addition to technical ability, the space program requires extensive social order and co-operation, as well as lots of real physical wealth (as opposed to manipulated currency). The kikes have been destroying and/or stealing both of these things.
how can the earth be (((flat))) if we have mountains and valleys?
I see no reason why to trust (((them))), what could go wrong if they're a little off about Aphopis (spirit of evil, darkness and destruction) ?
I thought the same too, at times.
Tesla called out (((Hertz-Maxwell))) equations multiple times as have other prominent quantum physicists of more modern times.
Even turbo-kike Einstein said the theory of relativity is impossible without an 'Ether'.
Quantum physics is what has been kept from us for so long. Tesla is 50-100 years ahead of us today.
Check out Thomas Henry Moray, T.T. Brown, T.Gaelen Hieronymus and read Fer De Lance by Thomas Bearden. Tesla patents and some of the assorted Tesla books are great - colorado springs diary (look for the djvu file) and other books by the Belgrade Tesla museum staff are great too.
Have some OC to celebrate the thing the kikes are most terrified of. Not the holohoax, not red pilling, not mass awakenings but quantum physics and other black tech related to this field. Their entire power system (literally and figuratively) relies on this being suppressed.
And this.
They would have likely worked with Tesla or inspiration from his work. He already had working quantum energy gating systems to power anything. He said he would demonstrate his weapon a few days prior to Tunguska for fucks sake. Which has been yet to be proven conclusively as a (((meteorite))) Practically no one knows about that for some strange reason.
Anyone from /sudpol/ knows much of this;
etc etc
Not shit.
Daily reminder that if we get off this planet the jew will never be able to control us again.
The space is endless.
Well yeah, Holla Forums isn't a hive mind. People have different thoughts and opinions about stuff.
So what you are saying is high IQ whites going into science who are redpilled are the most dangerous individuals in the world?
Ultra bleeding edge technology is only made possible by pushing the industrial base of a nation to its absolute limit. Just look at how large the Oak Ridge enrichment facility was and then realize the Us' nuclear bomb production was measured in single digits until 1948. America's nuclear stockpile only reached a strategically decisive level in 1950, far too late to save Western Europe from the Soviet's consolidation of power and military strength right at their doorstep.
The Third Reich couldn't have saved itself even if were handed complete documentation of every facet of the Manhattan Project at the moment Operation Barbarossa stalled out in the outskirts of Moscow. They had neither the industrial capacity to spare on such a project, nor the time to build more than a handful of bombs, too few to turn back the Communist horde.
Best post of this thread.
Spot on, the thought of people not under control scares the hell out of them.
Sure they did, they gave all the money to Isaac, Jose, Pajeet and Samboliciousonica III's ten kids. No complex plan about it. Cutting off foreign aid to Israel alone could get Americans back to the moon.
The whole conception of the modern space muh science shit is based on jewish mysticism and the kabbalah, Carl Sagan BS.
2/10 shitpost
this pic is bullshit
it's clearly visible that the background matches because it's the same mountain, but not exactly because the pics have not been taken from the same spot
just compare the landscape further away in the small valley with the slopes on both sides, the proportions change because of perspective
space deniers are morons
I've heard that the tiny hole in airplane windows allows cabin pressure to turn the middle pane into a curved lens.
While none of this flat earth stuff is enough to assert that the earth is flat, I agree much of the points used are fishy, and that the kikes are definitely hiding something about the nature of space, Antarctica, and /or things visible only from space. I know for 100% certainty that the exact numbers and details of the globe model were made up by kikes, because the numbers 6, 666, and other variations come up way too much to be coincidental. They also knew about the hexagon on Saturn since at least 1743, even though it wasn't officially first discovered until the voyager reached it in 1981. That doesn't mean that we aren't still on round planets orbiting each other in some medium we can fly to. Just that the sizes and distances are bullshit. Which means other details are likely bullshit too. Again, this does not prove the earth flat any more than it proves bananas are blue. It's an absurd assumption.
You all know how the kikes like to hide hints at the truth in plain sight? There's a word for it, but basically their logic is that if they leave clues for the goyim and we don't figure it out, they are innocent because they warned us, it's not their fault us goyim were too stupid. They're always alluding to flat earth, a dome, a hollow earth, or some great evil power in Antarctica. I think the whole flat+dome may be more metaphorical, maybe to imply we really are somehow trapped here. It could be as simple as alluding to our being trapped to a limited perspective, our lack of awareness and understanding of dimensions beyond time and space. On another note, Antarctica really could have super secret high tech Nazi bases. Or it could just have warm land thanks to volcanic vents the kikes want for themselves. It could be full of well preserved ancient ruins they dont want us to see from land or from space. There are a lot of possible explanations worth exploring, many much more realistic and plausible than flat earth, all drawn from the same evidence they use. Everyone needs to stop getting caught up on being 100% focused on flat vs round earth. There is so much weird shit related to the subject that it is worth looking into. Just ignore the retards who get caught up in the flat/round argument. It's like arguing with children. Do not stoop to their level.
The whole thing reminds me of ancient aliens. "Well our history is clearly a lie, we had much more advanced civilizations and technology then we were lead to believe, and there is a concentrated effort to cover it all up." Okay, I'm with them so far. "Therefore, COULD IT BE!??! ALIENS!!! " Uh, no. Possible, sure, but none of the evidence is remotely conclusive in supporting such a theory. It's designed to associate any serious discussion with the jewish-crafted controlled opposition theory that looks completely retarded. Think, people. There is something to all this shit, just ignore the assumptions flat earth faggots make and you will see there definitely is something off about all of this stuff.
Modern Europe is not ran by fucking nazis, you moron. Holy shit.
Does anyone believe that space-x shit where the rocket lands in reverse is real? I think the earth is flat but I mostly keep those thoughts to myself. It's like if you believe in creation instead of evolution. People just assume you're retarded because of their education.
No m9, people assume you're retarded because of your blatant ignoral of simple truths and universal laws
The Space Program is just a giant embezzlement and wealth redistribution scheme. Do you honestly think we NEED to go to Space? No it is a nonsensical CIA nigger scheme to take billions off of Joe Schmoe who the closest to outerspace any of them will come is Starcraft.
So white people evolved from apes?
Pay attention fucktard. That was never mentioned at all. Only that a third power is clearly at play. Also NATO != EU/UN jesus fucking christ.
I didn't bother reading the shit you spewed after seeing it associated with that kike nonsense. Also, I fucking know that the EU =/= NATO. There's no denying that NATO, which is an arm of the United States, exerts tremendous influence over Europe.
Neal Adams
Science: 01 - Conspiracy: Earth is Growing!
Science: 03 - Conspiracy: Mars is Growing!
Science: 04 - Conspiracy: Proof Mars grows!
Neal Adams proves the moon is growing.
Science: 05 - Conspiracy: Europa is Growing!
Science: 06 - Conspiracy: Ganymede Grows!
Okay there buddy and if you read what I'd said you'd realize the U.S. is the only superpower deeply connected to Antarctica and the ONLY one covering up the UFO phenomenon from a top to bottom approach.
I guess I'm going to discount the Protocols of Elders of Zion and the whole JQ because it's largely circumstantial with only handfuls of people making statements that represent the "conspiracy". After all we know NAXALT, right?
It is the white man's destiny to achieve Galactic Lebensraum. Of course the kike wants to stop the white man from meeting this goal.
This is why you see anti-humanity fuck yeah threads pop up, because it's whiny leftists who hate themselves and by extension, humanity. Whiny cunts like you. Enjoy living and dying on Terra thinking that it's all there is in the universe. Fucking self-hating cuck, never talk to me again.
Yes, as that is all they ever do with subjects that don't benefit them directly. I would image it pissed them off a great deal seeing all the money going to NASA and not being able to get a slice of it.
Now I have all kinds of question, but at least tell me this much: who is Chorianon?
Why does anything involving space flood with flat earthers, moon landing deniers, and people reeeing that it's corporate welfare? Why the fuck does this happen? What makes this such a hot button issue? It's literal space exploration, this shouldn't be more hotly contested than abortion or open borders.
I honestly think it's to prevent people from asking the hard questions that another user proposed.
"What changed in our society, where we went from a nation that dreamed about the stars and even walked on the moon, to not even having the ability to launch a resupply mission to the ISS in low earth orbit". What happened to us? Where did we go wrong?
Do I need to say it, or was that meant to be rhetorical?
Don't worry, brother.
Rhetorical but also not friend, rhetorical but not.
I don't see how a "Diverse" society couldn't still reach for the moon and stars. Look at India and China trying for their moon shot. What specifically ruined America? I honestly don't get it. Not everything is the jews, but it seems like … we gave up, we saw it as missile technology and just … gave up dreaming as a nation.
Flat earth is demonstrably bollocks it's deliberately associated to anything they need to ridicule.
Did they really go to the moon though, every time a success? Interesting that picture you show there, the flag, one of the doubters talking points. On this mission the flag is hanging down, on the first one the flag is out because they say it had a horizontal stick to keep it out, but then they just stopped doing that? Also there's the times when the astronauts seem to move strangely, and when there seems to be an atmosphere that they disturb causing the flag to move. That shouldn't be possible. Also the missing telemetry, from the most important journey man has ever undertaken? Yeah sure. It's fishy, I want to believe they did go, but it's very possible they didn't.
fucking lol
lol no
Not their space program.
Get the fuck off our website.
Soviet proxies had arranged a deal for 'Death Ray' tech through his (likely Communist) ambassador Cousin from Serbia. Found dead: safe open and documents purloined. Depending on who knew, any side in the war might have offed him just to prevent a strategic gap caused thereby.
There were almost certainly SS tests of dirty bombs in Poland in '44; – between that, jets and/or ICBMs, Japan holds out and the American public remembers the value of isolationism as the eastern seaboard is going full Fallout (arguably more efficient/effective use, it's actually suprising the Allies didn't see it that way, firebombing as they were anyhow.)
It was a joke you idiot. They're "Diverse" because they're not white.
And everything is not the fucking jews. Come on man!
Like poetry, anti moon landers to the rescue! Recovering the motors was just a conspiracy as well? Don't you think that if the USSR had any inkling of a conspiracy, they would have called out the USA and humiliated them on the world stage?
Don't the characters on that statue actually translate to another member of the Ogdoad and not Kek?
Does recovering the motors prove that the motors went to the moon and back?
I don't think they had the technology to go to the moon back then. Cars still had 8 track players.
Even North Korea can fling shit into the ocean
I'm going to be honest with you friend. I understand why you people think we never went to the moon; you can't comprehend that our society has fallen that far, and instead of realizing that and working with it, you need to create a conspiracy theory to make it so that society doesn't regress that far.
What sort of proof would convince you? Not even direct proof about the moon landing (because there's billions of pages of documentation on it) but other engineering triumphs of the time?
Because don't forget, we only landed on the moon 6 times, had one attempted moon landing explode and barely bring the astronuts home alive, and had 4 manned dry runs for the moon, and four unmanned testing missions.
We regressed as a society, that is all.
Errrrr, seven unmanned testing missions even.
It's more likely than you think.
Keep spreading the good word, user. EU theory is a wonderful first red pill for normalfags who appear ready.
It is. Get the fuck off our website.
Literally everything is not the fucking jews.
The reason I just burned myself was not the fucking jews.
The reason peru got fucked out of their gold was not the fucking jews.
The reason why we stopped dreaming as a nation WAS the jews.
The reason that whites hate ourselves IS the jews.
The reason why the media is REEING about Nazis is because of the jews.
The reason why the small truck went away WAS because of the jews.
You need to learn to pick your battles and know when to make jew jokes and when not to. It works much better on the normies.
BTW, great job blackpilling people on this place by only being able to go REEEE JEWS REEEEE JEWS.
Okay, run along. No one cares what you have to say.
Got anything relevant to ad to the conversation?
Yes. You are a faggot and should kill yourself.
SO no. Your entire purpose here is to divide and conquer and to derail the thread away from why the USA no longer explores space. SAD!
Learning more about the mahabone faggots (without joining their stupid club) convinced me more than any "debunking" that the entire moon program was a money laundering (M.L. = masonic lodge) fraud.
Whatever happened to all the plus signs? Every space photo I was shown growing up had calibration markings on them. About 20 years ago they disappeared. (Not Mandela effect or Berenfaggotry, like they were remastered due to increased power of consumer optics spotting errors.)
The whole muh door and muh pure oxygen thing never settled with me right.
This was a human sacrifice. (Probably the same with Challenger and Columbia too.)
You can't put spacemen into debt, thry simply just dont want to lose control of their cattle
They're still looking for the real killers.
Intelligence Agency
It's right there in the fucking name.
Don't you have a lodge brother to suck off?
KYS kike, or faggot, or retard, or all the above.
Point remains, KILL YOURSELF!
There was no profit in it. Fuck ideas, moneyyyyy.
Ajnd watch as a shill tries to destroy a conversation. Like I said, they never want the white man to question what happened in society. Why did we never go back? Why could we never commit the same amount of RESOURCES (not dollars) to space exploration? Why did our country stop dreaming?
Reported, then. You had your chance.
And the shills sing do do do.
I just watched an automobile drift in space today. Who cares what you kikes whinge about. I'm sure that will sink in for anyone not an irredeemable faggot.
You're like 50 years too late, cuck.
You won't even come back to defend your cross pasting faggotry?
inb4 a VPN and only pretending to be retarded.
ChoriAnon was participating in the OG /sudpol/ threads before the /sudpol/ board was made (e.g. discussions taking place here). They were Argentinian and from a smaller town/village which is used for Antarctic resupply by a few nations, they also had great info to contribute and contacts.
Because they always come when it's a quantum/space/Antarctica thread to shit it up and derail it, they don't like Holla Forums achieving goals in this area. Always happens.
I'm right here, and you are the dense irredeemable faggot. Wouldn't even care to understand what you're kvetching about.
Why are you here replying to yourself and me multiple times? I'm sure you don't even understand the significance of today. Probably another of those Musk deniers or whatever. Did you not get on the crew? Passed over for a diversity hire?
Like I said, I made a similar thread on halfchan, and the same posters are here and there. It's just sad. Why do they hate people asking this question to themselves?
Like it legitimately creeps me out, that a simple question of "What regressed in our society where we went from walking on the moon to debating about genders" is so heavily shilled. It almost screams Correct The Record or similar groups trying to hide the fact that they purposefully divide and conquer the nation. I mean fuck, NASA was researching muslim outreach for a few years back.
Like I said:
And your proof is? Besides calling me a jewish shill for lamenting about how far our nation has fallen, do you have ANY points?
14 years before walking on the moon we had the U2.
Five years before walking on the moon we had the SR72
Where's the modern day cool shit?
Hardly surprising if you read Kruschevs' comments when USA were in the nuke testing phase. He basically said they have something far more effective.
Nukes are like firecrackers compared to quantum weapons and it is understood the Ruskies were much further ahead on this endeavour in the 50s than the burgers were.
Is this from the ~1gb antarctica dump file on the /sudpol/ threads?
What, you mean government specific works? Who the fuck cares, fuck that bureaucracy. I think I recall you from other threads now and I get it but today was significant and you're just here pissing and moaning.
Interesting that they are on halfchan also. It's always to derail the thread. Ignore the flat earth CIAniggers. Moon faggots have good intentions but the wrong idea. It's not that we got to the moon, it's what was there. Far side/Dark side orbiter module tapes say enough, but hardly anyone listens to them. The fact the place is hollow and
Should be enough of a fucking wakeup call. Seems that the wordfilter doesn't like 'thelivingmoon' (pic related sourced) but if you search Aristarcus + thelivingmoon you'll see lots of good info.
Aldrin also mentions pyramids on moons.
Then you have Phobos and the rest.
There is plenty out there to figure out and it's why we have not gone any further to space - to go further with any productivity and people onboard, requires quantum tech to fold space time. It's as simple as that.
Even weirder is that the halfchan catalog is starting to fill up with space related bullshit. Maybe it's topic dilution? I've never understood this faggotry. Even ignoring the whole esoteric nature of space exploration, why can't we simply reminisce about having the capability to land men on the moon? Why is that so haram?
Like, even hollow earth threads aren't this shitted up? That sorta weirds me out. Do (they) think that hollow earth people seem utterly insane and that's perfectly okay, but talking about the Apollo program is too much? What the fuck changed?
What do they fear coming out? That the welfare state killed space exploration permanently? That some of us here would rather see governmental working welfare over a welfare state? That I'd rather employ niggers to weld rockets together then to pay them to shoot eachother in chicago?
What is it that makes them hate so much?
There's now:
This thread from the same user cross posting with me:
And this:
And this:
And this:
Maybe they see me as an anti american shill? It's just fucking weird that I start posting a thread on half chan (because they're way more active and visible) and the same person is in both threads. And that can be excused by someone using the internet like I do. Whatever.
But to suddenly have a ton of space / pro musk threads? What the fuck?
Goddamn, why do you care so much about the government even touching any of this. From a "cool shit" standpoint today, just had a spacecraft coast for 5-6 hours in space, manage to ignite engines and get on a trajectory through the asteroid belt. On a potential ride that may last millions of years or more. All with an arc with The Foundation Trilogy and one day relics of our past aboard. This has qualified it for multiple military and civilian programs, which means future funding.
The Zionists must first hook up and control everything on Earth through internet AI routed to Israel. Humans will be connected to the internet in our lifetime. Everything will first be controlled to a micro level. This is to be expected of whatever government rules though it will be much more welcomed with National Socialists back in rule and Jews eradicated. There can be no good expected from a literal terrorist state (Israel) terrorizing everything and everyone who wants to go a way independent of them. Space represents a path of semi-decentralization and a divergence of kike control. The kike will become more insignificant no matter how many niggers they send to their colonies. The Fourth Reich arises when we are a space faring civilization. Believe.
You've repeatedly used this incorrect spelling. Are you even American? I suspect not.
You're honestly celebrating launching a spacecraft coasting in space and reigniting it's engines to get a specific trajectory? THAT'S WHAT YOUR CELEBRATING? WE MASTERED THAT BACK IN THE 60'S FOR FUCKS SAKE!
WE ALREADY DID THAT IN 19 FUCKING 58 with THOR! That motherfucker was still in service in 2014!
We've objectively regressed and it triggers the fuck out of me that faggots like you refuse to even pretend that it's a possibility.
But, once again
FUCK YOU, you're not even American. Go piss up a rope you British cuck.
Where the fuck is my Ford Nucleon? Where is my X200? When did we stop dreaming?
I think they all could be explained as electric activity, if planets and moons are really electrically charged.
EU also has an explanation for that. Vid related.
You can make accusations all day but you'll still be here crying over relics. Have to restart the space race somewhere. You think there were Saturn V's and whatnot just in dry dock? Considering cuckchan even thought you were a faggot you need to reflect for a bit.
So this is the real reason immigration started into Europe. Continue to build up middle east 2.0 and then when it's about to hit, evacuate everyone to North America. Clever long term trick kikes. Too bad the white man will finally finish what it started so many years ago and kill you slimey creatures off once and for all before then.
Considering only you and I used the word faggot, . . .
Also, if your dipshit british ass knew anything, you'd know that we have three surviving saturn V rockets. Dumbass. I bet you've never even touched one.
There's literally one in FL that's been stored inside since made. I'm sure it could be refurbed and flown again to make another skylab.
But you don't care about that loss of capability either.
You're a pathetic shill, you cuck.
Oh boy. Along with the rest of your faggotry, you must be female. I dare you to strap that thing on and hit it.
Attack the argument, not the person you cuck. You aren't even American, go fuck yourself.
I bet you haven't even deployed.
Anyhow, like I said, wake me up when we've got a man on the moon and are setting new speed records on it.
What argument? That I haven't touched a Saturn V? Loss of negligible payload. Shit weighs less now. Next.
Because we reached the limits of primitive fucking rocket horsehit as you already pointed out. This triggers the muh burger_stronk faggots and the spacex nut-riders. Sure, Elon is up to cool shit but it's nothing amazing compared to an antigravity craft that will do right angle turns at re-entry speed, or fold space time to cover 10,000ly in a split second.
Same with jet tech.
>A 1970s Soviet Jet aka a modified Mig25RB holds the world absolute jet record. An even older yank jet aka SR71 holds the sustained cruise altitude record.
The only way forward from here (bar small incremental bullshit with material tech/CFD/computer analysis etc), is quantum tech.
End of story. /thread etc
That's why they hate you pointing it out, because it becomes so obvious how regressed and dampened any further expansion in this area has been. We literally wuz 1950s tech today for rockets and jets/planes. We still use dino juice and developments of 40s and 50's jet tech today for our planes. Only better tech we have is camera sensors, cpus/electronics and batteries. The rest is same old primitive rocket horseshit. For fucks sake, they have been using Russian cold war era-rocket motors from a stockpile to launch most US space missions for the last few decades.
The sooner (((Hertz-Maxwell))) is widely known for being a way to (((shut it down))) and keep whites here on prison planet, the better. If only (((Alex Joneski))) knew how appropriate that slogan is.
This is how I know you're a faggot. This doesn't work with boosters. Half of it attempts to freeze, other half tries to evaporate. This isn't a satellite, it is a craft fit for elongated space travel This isn't some Apollo bullshit. I'll wake you up when I Moon you from Mars.
Time Cube proves a 1 face god impossible, due to 4 corner face metamorphic human - baby, child, parent and grandparent faces.
Religious education is mindless declaration of ignorance, still maintained from its ancient origin by dumb and evil humans.
If you believe the academic erroneous word god, you will die stupid and evil - for you have not the mental freedom to comprehend Nature's Higher Order Wisdom of the Harmonic Simultaneous 4-Day Time Cube Creation Principle within 1Earth Rotation. Until word is cornered, educators are liars. by Gene Ray, the wisest human
Any dumb ass should know that a prime meridian does not just pass through the Greenwich point, but it also passes as a great circle through both poles, crossing the equator at 2 opposite points, dividing Earth into 2 halves of light and darkness, with each its own 24 hour rotation - in a single rotation of Earth. You should know that harmonic symmetry demands a second great circle meridian to create sunup and sundown corner quadrants? There are 4 simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of the Earth. You may be too damn evil to accept it.
Since I have informed you of Nature's Harmonic Time Cube 4-Day Creation Principle, your stupidity is no longer the issue. For now, the issue is just how evil you are for ignoring Life's Highest Order, and just how long the Time Cube will allow you to plunder Earth before inflicting hell upon you.
Your god may be a fish. You evolved from an egg laid in water, fertilized by a sperm fish swimming upstream - just as salmon swim up birth canal. Maybe, you should worship a fish god.
There is nothing so dumb, stupid and evil as a cubeless educator, except for their evil dumb stupid ass students. Evil educators teach dumb students how to profit from plunder of Earth and to create deadly nuclear waste that will poison the children's water and destroy humanity. Both educator and stupid student must be eradicated. Tis Time to kill any educator who does not teach Cubicism above cubelessness. To save humanity from extinction, like prior civilizations perished, youth must redirect self teachers, or destroy them. Stupid Educators know of the Truth I speak and know that it will indict them as the most evil bastards on the Earth. Dumb ass educators fear Gene Ray and his Time Cube Creation - and they run from any mention of Time Cube Debate. Only a dumb student can be educated - as in brainwashed and indoctrinated. Time Cube debate denial is educator evil. It is not immoral for students to kill all educators who ignore Nature's Harmonic Time Cube or suppress free speech rights to debate Time Cube Creation Principle. Ignorance of Time Cube is Greatest Evil.
Subject: TIME CUBE IS PROVEN BY TEACHER Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 17:54:04 EST From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Dear Mr. Ray- For a year now I have studied your Time Cube truths but have not been able to convince others of its reality (dumbasses). My mother is a teacher, and she said it was "nutty" and "stupid." But guess what- I cornered her, literally, in the living room one evening, and forced her to admit it. IN ORDER TO GET HER TEACHING CERTIFICATE, SHE HAD TO SIGN AN AFFIDAVIT STATING THAT SHE WOULD UPHOLD THE GREENWICH MYTH UNTIL DEATH. I shit you not. It has been revealed. American teachers are sworn to fight against the truth of Time Cube. Sincerely, A Devout Student of Time Cube
Time Cube has the answer for nuclear waste problem. Scientists are stupid asses, and ignore the Time Cube.
Time Cube discovery makes me wiser than human/gods. YOU were educated EVIL, & too damn dumb to know about Time Cube Creation.
My Cubic wisdom is above 1 - day Gods and Scientists. Ignoring Time Cube is Evil.
Educators are"damn liars", and most evil of all animals. They do not deny the charge of being evil word bastards.
There is no teacher on Earth qualified to teach Nature's Harmonic Simultaneous 4- Day Rotating Time Cube Creation Principle, and therefore, there is no teacher on Earth worthy of being called a certified teacher.
There is no human entity, as there are but human Cubics, via 4-corner metamorphosis.
Educator ban of Time Cube free speech is Nazi like evil. Professors are evil bastards for suppressing Time Cube, and deserve 'tar & feathers' from the betrayed students.
I will give $10,000.00 to 1st education institution or to the 1st professor who can disprove 4-Day Time Cube. Evil professors ignore this.
The 4 corner quadrant Earth has 4-24 hour simultaneous Days within a single rotation of Earth - as if 4 different Worlds with 4 separate Days.
Bible's and science's 1-day Earth rotation are evil scams. Not 1 educator on Earth has objected to being called a stupid and evil bastard for not teaching Time Cube. They know that it is Truth and would expose them evil.
Students have no Truth to think with, they accept any crap they are told to think. You are enslaved by word, as if domesticated animal. A school or educator who does not teach students the Harmonic Simultaneous 4 Day Time Cube Principle, is a death threat to youth, therefore stupid and evil - begetting stupid students. How can you trust stupid professors who lie to you? Can't lose the $10,000.00, they cowardly ignore me. Stupid professors threaten civilization with word lies. I think Cubic, I am wisest. You think self, you are evil. Your Professors are Liars, and fear Time Cube Truth. Cubicism bans monodeity. Integration is a racial slop, destroying all of the races. What is more racist than NAACP? Can there be a NAAWP, NAAAP and a NAAIP for the white, the asian and indian people? Why not integrate NAACP? What is racist and unracist? Linear Time is an 'evil lie'. How long will it take the educatedto destroy Nature? Destroying Nature equates destroying future children, for Nature constitutes the reservoir for human spirit. Ever notice how Nature returns when humans leave? One day, vines will cover New York like Aztec ruins. Academic scientists created over 77,000 tons of atomic waste and more everyday - for your children's future. You educated stupid bastards are unworthy of Earth. Invented word god and the stupid scientists recognize only a 1-day Earth rotation. I demonstrated an absolute unrefutable proof of 4 days simultaneously in a single rotation of the Cubic Earth. Linear Time vs Time Cube. RPI incurrs a Cubic curse, evil for ignoringTime Cube. RPI professors will eat shit before they allow students to debate Time Cube Life, as free speech suppression. Students must stop such evil. NO Time Cube research!!! by evil academic bastards. Students taught stupidity - denying free speech rights to debate the Truth Cube. Is your university so evil - as to suppress Time Cube? Students are really stupid, without Cubic life wisdom, and yellow belly cowards. Only MIT was courageous. Time Cube is TOE theory. Time is CUBIC, not linear as stupid educators teach. See MIT Time Cube Video.
Academia is mind control and a perfect enslavement for the masses of humans. Word is evil empowerment, separating man from nature.
Humans are not godly, their 4 corner stage metamorphic seasons proves them Cubic. They're just educated stupid.
Man isn't a steward of life's nature, the bastard plunders it like killing future children, for they die without nature.
Educators are actually evil for refusing to teach students Nature's 4 World Time Cube, each with own separate day - all in only 1 rotation of Earth.
It is up to the youth to force educators teach Time Cube, or inherit the barren Earth.
Children having babies is evil & welfare for such evil is evil. Overpopulation is TimeBomb.
Word is not Real nor Truth, but deadly virus of humanity, transmitted through language. Teach Time Cube, You Fools.
So you ARE a Brit cuck that doesn't understand what launch costs per lb is?
And you're an idiot too! Fucking jews.
No it doesn't. And neither does the Sr-71. An experimental Nasa craft owns both of those records.
Jesus Christ, you guys ARE cucked. MUH BLEEDING EDGE TECHNOLOGY when what you're celebrating is literally 60 years old at this point. Don't you wake up and realize how pathetic and WRONG you are?
Yep, because the jews ruined atoms for peace, dipshit.
And yet, that was exactly what I was complaining about. If you'd sit down and shut up, you'd realize we're on the same side, juden.
Nigger what? How do you think we did an injection burn to get to the moon? What the actual fuck is wrong with your kosher logic?
I already explained this not the same animal. If you want the damned specific look it up your faggot self. A bigger thing is space meant for bigger sites mean bigger assault and different fuel. This is far different than if you think this is like parking a nuclear device in orbit.
Educators Teach Their Students To Act Evil, but the students are really too dumb to know. MIT students depict great courage to debate the Time Cube where academia fears to tread. Are all other schools too evil to follow MIT?
Time Cube Debate at MIT. Time Cube Disproves Gods. Ignoring Time Cube is Evil. Educators ignore Cube Life and they create evil students. Even though it is unlawful, it is not immoral to kill the educators, the students and others ignorant of Nature's Harmonic Cubic Creation - acting as queer as 1-corner, corrupting family villages & plundering Earth's Nature. Humans are the only educated stupid animal and too dumb to even know it. Interracial marriage is stupid and evil for it creates a child not of either race, betraying the child and both the races. Educators don't know black from white. YOU are the lowest form. YOU can't procreate alone. YOU destroyed the village. YOU destroyed the family. YOU destroyed childhood. YOU destroyed naturalism. YOU don't know the Truth. YOU pitiful mindless fools, YOU are educated stupid. YOU worship cubeless word. YOU are your own poison. YOU create your own hell. YOU must seek Time Cube.
1 day god vs 4 day Genius. I know 4 different Worlds, the ingredients existed, but I created a 4-World recipe. 1 god day belief is stupidity. I am the wisest human and offer $1,000.00 to the 1st to disprove my wisdom claim above the educated stupid. I lectured/debated at MIT & have 2 hour video proof. You are but mindless asses. Media suppresses the Truth and are evil lying bastards, fit for profits, not morality. Adults who believe in a fictitious Santa god have the mentality level of a child who believes in Santa Claus, brainwashed and indoctrinated from birth to death. No media dares debate me. Media people are evil liars. Time Cube ads not allowed. Media will not deny this as denial would force debate - and they would be exposed. Media power is by ignoring Truth presented against it. The public must attack the evil media or perish by lies. Evil media erroneous linear Time deadly to family Cube. Media will eat shit before a Time Cube ad is allowed to be published to inform the public of a Cubic creation. The media scams the public because the public is stupid via academic brainwashing. All media is evil as they will not inform the public of the 'Cubic principle of creation', norallow a Time Cube ad. Media bastards betray life on Earth & ravages childhood. Chase media liars from town.
I demonstrate absolute proof Time is Cubic and not linear. Stupid educators ignore this, and teach students stupidity.
Time Cube empowers wisdom above all gods and educators. I am the wisest human of all, for I have absolute proof of 4 simultaneous 24 hour days in a single rotation of the Earth. God is 1-day, Science is 1 day. My 4 days disproves 1 day god and evil lying 1-day educators. Students are dumb and stupid for ignorance of Time Cube. Cubeless word allows the evil to rule and the liars to teach. You've ignored the Time Cube and you shall suffer its curse, as did all the past civilizations. Prepare for a hell you created. The 4 quadrant corners of the Earth sphere rotate as a quad spiraling helix - thus creating 4 simultaneous days per each rotation and 4 simultaneous years per 1 orbit around Sun. Greenwich day is of stupidity. Academia and religion are as entities which transgress upon the Cubic values of life unity. Human god has quarter value as 1 human has 1-corner face. Educators are teaching doom. I charge academia, religion, media and government with a criminal act of collusion and conspiracy against children. USA on a path to cannibalism. I plan to sue academic institutions for multi- millions of dollars for their endangering the lives of children through brainwashing and indoctrination stupidity. I am seeking sharp attorney interested in a case that transcends the excitement of the Scopes Monkey Trial. Academia empowers stupidity, indicting educators criminal. Students must free their brain and organize as a power force to stop the plunder of Nature byword corrupted professors. Just as the clock face has 4 quarter corners, an Earth hemisphere has 4 quadrant corners. Those 4 different corners equate to 4 different Worlds, with each having its own separate day, own separate year and a separate human race. If only the dead people who god did not save, could return and give their opinion of a god. Every academic professor and teacher ignorant of the Time Cube Principle, is stupid, evil and unworthy of life on Earth, for they lead humanity down a path ending with cannibalism. Don't accept cubeless education that leads to apocalyptic doom, as it has led all past civilizations. Good news about the MIT lecture and the debate with Harvard and MIT representatives. The packed house of 500 could not have been better and they treated me as though I was Einstein. But we all know that Einstein was ignorant about the Time Cube. Stay tuned for coming video of the lecture and debate. God never appeared nor did any professors. Good thing, for if they had acknowledge the Time Cube and collected the $500.00 offer, they would have been fired. Students should demand that the Time Cube principle be taught, for humans are unworthy of life on Earth without its power of ineffable Truth. Word evil is fiction worship. Revelations for Omnific and Infinite Time Cube Creation, that equates ineffable Truth and the 'lost principle' of life. Cube unity voids 1 god entity. 4-corners void 1-corner god. I bet you can't handle Truth. MIT is a religious institution. Only word makes you godly. Without word what are you? Without bible, where is god? Words are counterfeit values and languages mere fiction - destroying every civilization. Earth composed of 4 Worlds. 1 corner human knows but 1. Self is below the family form of 4-corner metamorphosis. 1 human equates 1 corner. Family is the creation body. Village is the perpetual body. Humans bartered their mind to the SELF in their likeness.
$1,000.00 to one disproving the Time Cube. $100.00 for 1 MIT student explaining Time Cube. $500.00 for 1 MIT professor explain- ing Time Cube. To be awarded at lecture.
Theoretical physic's Superstring Theory of the 4 fundamental forces exists within Time Cube. Time Cube is T.O.E. or Theory of Everything. It is the Theory of the Universe. It is the Holy Grail of Physics. It is the Ultimate Theory. It is the Unified Field Theory. It is the Theory to End all Theories - and is a totally different principle from theoretical physicists thinking. Academic ignorance of Time Cube dooms life.
Time Cube lecture at MIT on January 30, 2002, from 3 pm to 5 pm in Lecture Hall 10-250. Lecture for MIT people only. See at
A 'Big Bang' for Academia. A 1 day Earth = 1 leg horse. A 4 day Earth = 4 leg horse. 4 quadrants resemble circle, but doesn't constitute circle. Earth more Cubic than orb.
I am wiser than all gods and scientists, for I have created 4 simultaneous Worlds with 4 simultaneous days within a single rotation of Earth and have created 4 simultaneous years in a single orbit of the Earth around the Sun and I have created 4 corner stages of 'human metamorphosis'. Humans are educated stupid because they are really dumb and cannot even comprehend the Time Cube creation code when it is explained to them. Word enslaves human mind more efficiently than shackle. Word is unnatural and must be taught to enslave dummies. Languages have deadly virus that will destroy the educated. Time Cube's ineffable Truth. 'Cubeless Word' is not Truth. Word justifies all human evil. Time Cube is a test for Truth. Circle measure is slop bucket. God belief 50% god disbelief. Truth is 100%, belief is 50%. Time Cube is Truth creation. There is 'absolute proof' that You are personified pyramid. Creation is a Cubic Princple, & you are too dumb to know. To ignore it, indicts you evil. God lets little children starve, so no adults are worth saving. School is Church is School. Think of the Time Cube as a 4-corner class- room representing the 4-corners of Earth, wherein, stupid educators teach erroneous 1-corner self aggrandizing singularity - that equates a deadly poison to Cubic humanity. Academia buildsword bomb, kinda like old Trojan Horse filled with deadly deception.
4 corner quadrants compose Earth sphere, as 4corner room with 4corner dimensions, with 4corner perspectives and the 4seasons. Earth's 4corners rotate 4corners of TIME, creating 4simultaneous day Earth rotation, as if 4 different Worlds with their own day, for 4separate races with 4corner life stages, with outer limits of 4x4 great-grandparents. Human is 1 corner character of a 4-corner metamorphosis. Cubic Power contradicts god. Earth life is heaven and hell. Self is lowest humanity form. Humans born of 2 opposites, > Transfer interrupted! >femininity and masculinity, to a 4-corner metamorphosis: baby, child, parent, gd.parent. God concept is human doom. Family Cube is creation body. Village equates highest order. Teach god singularity & you teach evil to Cubic humanity. Evil people ignore TimeCube. Word is fraught with evil, as in a virus among languages. Time Cube corners word god. Cubic Time transcends gods. Cowards fear the Time Cube. Compare plan 'A' god with a plan 'B' Time Cube creation and discover plan 'A' is a lie. You've been educated stupid and are too dumb to know it, or maybe just too evil to care. Ignorance of the Time Cube is a "curse" upon humanity. Minds must see a Time Cube, that eyes cannot comprehend.
Word is counterfeit & fiction. People can live without word, and cubeless word is a poison that destroys all civilizations. Truth in Word is Cubic math. No 'Truth in Word' is taught. Read about "Easter Island End".
There are 4 different Worlds on Earth. Yours is 1 of them. You're ignorant of 3 of them. Such ignorance is damnable.
You are educated stupid and can't compute a Time Cube. You are unworthy of Earth life and deserve banishment to a barren planet - more fit for your antiNature life style. Are you aware that the MIT Educators were as criminals for banning student right to debate Nature's Time Cube?
Ignoring Time Cube is evil. Time Cube is highest order of life, a "Cubic Creation".
MIT has become the first academic institution on the Earth to sponsor Harmonic Time Cube lecture / debate.
I am wiser than any god or scientist, for I have squared the circle and cubed Earth's sphere, thus I have created 4 simultaneous separate 24 hour days within a 4-corner (as in a 4-corner classroom) rotation of Earth. See for yourself the absolute proof.
Wise people call me a genius. Stupid and evil people call me crazy. My character is really determined by the mentality of the viewer. I would be more inclined to think that a jackass would kick me than to understand the wisdom of the Time Cube. Same with educated. Think Cubic Creation or Life on Earth will perish from it. Education stupefies humans. Cubelessness is a human evil, negating human right to live. WARNING: Education corrupts your rationale to know. Students suspended for viewing Time Cube. Test free speech right to debate Time Cube. This site may be hazardous to your stupidity. The Time Cube is not a theory, but is a Cubic Creation Principle by which flora, fauna and even humanity exists right before your eyes. Think of Nature's Harmonic 4x4 rotation Time Cube as a 4-corner rationalism classroom, in which the stupid revelationist educators brainwash and indoctrinate stupid irrational students with only 1-corner empirical self destructive fictitious knowledge singularity.
MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology has invited me as a guest lecturer to inform them about Nature's Time Cube, in January.
A rocket/booster meant for interplanetary flight has a different mixture. This is about escaping Earth orbit for one thing, and how space works on that amount of fuel is much different.
No student on Earth is al- lowed to know Time Cube - which disproves god scams. That is criminal academia. Christianity based upon evil 1-corner self aggrandizing which dooms 4-corner life. Challenge stupid teachers and their 'Obscurantism' (deliberately withheld knowledge). Cube proves you are Stupid. Academic Word is Cubeless. Cubeless Word Dooms USA. Time Cube is Omnific Order. Cowards ignore Time Cube. There is no entity on Earth, for all of creation is Cubic - with a top and bottom with front and back and 2 sides. ———————————————————————————————————— YOU KNOW WHAT!!! You are educated stupid as teachers lack intelligence. Truth is Cubic. Time is Cubic.
Life is Cubic
Form is Cubic
Family is Cubic
Village is Cubic
—————————————————— Evil is cubeless. Self is cubeless. God is cubeless. Language is a human invention of an evil cubeless singularity. —————————————————– You only know what you know from your mental brainwashing and word indoctrination since your birth. It is imperative that that you know what you don't know, but what you know, will not allow you to know what you don't know. The God words you know, will not allow you to know TIME CUBE's Highest Life Order. Gene Ray ————————————————————————————————————— Ignoring Time Cube is Evil. Earth rotates within a Time Cube. Demand educators debate Time Cube. You are not allowed to know truth - that in one rotation of Earth, there are: 24 hours in midnight to midnight. 24 hours in sunup to sunup
24 hours in midday to midday
24 hours in sundown to sundown. 4 days in only 1 Earth rotation.
4 simultaneous years of the seasons. No infinite days within 96 hours. 4 different directions in clockwise. 3 days lost to academic stupidity. There are 4 simultaneous days (dumb fools claim infinite days) created within a single rotation of Earth. Teaching that Earth has only 1 day in 1 rotation, is adult poison forced on their children, as in the Jonestown mass murder. Cubeless academia = armageddon and a barren Earth for children. Ignoring Time Cube is Evil. It is best to be uneducated and Wise, than educated with Lies. You are an educated stupid ass. Word is counterfeit & fictitious representations of true values, as in form, substance and deed. Adult word god is a counterfeit and fictitious evil upon children. ———- Teachers are hired evil word pedants who enslave childish minds to a lifetime stupidity. ————— The common stupidity and evil of humanity, is their "ignorance" of Nature's Time Cube. A school is a church and church is a school. I am writing a "Time Cube " book that will contradict and condemn every religious and scientific book written and why not, for I am the Greatest Thinker and the Wisest Human. ————— Dumb academicians cannot comprehend their slavery to counterfeit word and its evil. Word enslaves mind. Talking dog could enslave humanity. Teachers enslave you stupid. Demand your teachers teach Time Cube and encourage debate or you are mentally enslaved as stupid and evil ass unfit for life on Earth.
Can majority sue minority - or is it but a one-way court? Are Indians minorities, and why are they incarcerated? Is Indian segregation legal? Can an Indian be president? Where are Indian newscasters? Isn't integration racial slop? Will US become black nation?
Education equates stupidity and educators ban Life Cube. Truth Cube debunks 1 corner word god in a Cubic creation.
Academia is Big Brother's Ministry of Obscurantism, as in deliberately withholding knowledge from the mass of human blockhead androids. Academic denial of student right to debate Time Cube exposes an evil conspiracy.
Cubes are varied and imperfect as are their human composites.
Humans are educated stupid - and revel within their stupidity. Humans are enslaved by word, the most efficient mind control. Shackles & whips are obsolete.
Warning To Word Worshipers.
Just as Word viruses are destructive in human
made computers, there is a deadly Word virus
spreading within the English Language. Unless
isolated and eradicated by your knowledge of
Nature's Harmonic Time Cube, the deadly Word
virus will inflict total self-destruction upon all humanity.Your ignorance of Time Cube is evil.
Time Cube is above academic comprehension.
Universities equate doomed Towers of Babble.
Time Cube debate will expose academic scams,
so academia must "ignore" debate at all costs.
Students denied the right to debate Time Cube.
Educators are evil to deny Time Cube debate.
Academic ignoring of Time Cube equates evil.
Word worship educators beget stupid students.
Students are brainwashed and do not know it.
Students are taught to be stupid and don't care.
Word is the most effective tool of enslavement.
Stupid students believe any crap they're taught.
Stupid students unable to evaluate Time Cube.
Students ignore Time Cube, attack messenger.
Gene Ray has created 4 simultaneous 24 hour
Days within a single 24 hour Earth rotation.
$1,000.00 to 1st person to disprove Time Cube.
Scientists and gods created evil 1 corner Day.
Education corrupts your mentality to know this.
Evil educators outlaw student Time Cube debate.
Gene is The Greatest Thinker and Wisest Human.
Earth has perfect vertical axis:
The Earth axis tilt represents an inperfection
upon which life is based. If the Earth axis was perfectly vertical, there would be no divisions
of life as in seasons and therefore no life. Earth
rotates 4 simultaneous seasons simultaneously
as it revolves around the Sun, thus creating 4
simultaneous years as in a separate year for
each season. The spinning of Earth while
creating the 4 simultaneous years causes the
Earth to travel 4 Times the distance of a non-
rotating planet circling the Sun. Sum-up the
axis tilt of those 4 simultaneous years and
divide by 4 to discover a perfectly vertical
Earth axis which represents the perfection of
death. Though you only see the Earth tilt,
mentally, you should recognize that Earth
has a perfectly vertical axis over all. The
straight line on the heart monitor equates
to the perfectionof death. The oscillation or
imperfection of that straight line, represents
the imperfection of all created life on Earth -
depicted in Nature's Harmonic Time Cube.
Without Time Cube, your life right is voided.
You were educated stupid
and evil by evil educators.
Do you enjoy being stupid?
Time Cube ignorance is evil.
Demand Time Cube debate
in all academic institutions.
You do not have the "guts"
to seek Time Cube "Truth".
Academia is a religious cult
empowerment of self word.
Academic word 'rots'brain.
Can you explain Time Cube?
If not, your brain has rotted.
Educators are evil bastards
who fear Time Cube debate.
Evil men ignoreTime Cube.
Teachers ignore Time Cube.
Teachers deserve a hanging.
My name is Gene Ray. Not
even a god can deny that I
have squared the circle of a
static Earth and cubed the
Earth sphere by rotating it
once to a dynamic Time or
Life Cube. Only a false god
or academically brainwashed
indoctrinated mindless moron
would deny that the Earth
lacks the top and bottom, the
front and back, and 2-sides
physical dimensions of a Cube
that spirals a 4-season quad
helix around the Sun - creating
a swirling of 4 simultaneous
years as in a separately created
year for each of 4 seasons.
Man is the only evil animal.
Man is the only word animal.
Word equates instituted evil.
Word adultism is anti-child.
A 'word god'can be erased.
Word brings a Babel curse.
Get ready for armageddon.
Beliefs equate pornography,
for they coexist on the web.
There is no damn word god.
Truth is physical, word a lie.
It is what you do, not utter.
Without deed, word starves.
Word god lends not a hand.
When you come to a way of keeping it inside the craft, either coasting or geostationary, is much different than the fuel in other craft. If you can coast to a certain point and sling from there with safety and the harshes of space on the way to another planet. It is significant. Interplanetary flight and the managing of fuel just not pushing is a major inconvenience. The farther from Sol and the the colder and hotter extremes. It plays absolute Hell on a craft.
The Greatest Thinker
Adults are EVILto children.
God is a word masturbation.
A fart has more "substance"
than a human emitted word.
Word and god are unnatural,
counterfeit, fictitious and do
not exist in Nature's realm.
Cubeless WORD - is an evil
'adult scam' against children
and is destroying humanity.
Schools are evil institutions -
staffed by religious cowards
who fear Time Cube debate.
TimeCube proves god is evil.
TimeCube debunks evil bible.
Burn bible to save humanity.
You're a TimeCube traveler,
but you are educated stupid.
Your Character is cornered,
4-corner head, 1-corner face,
4-corner life metamorphosis.
Family is a 4-corner rotation,
mother, father, son, daughter.
Life rotation debunks Trinity.
Academic cubelessness is evil.
Schools are actually churches.
Education is but mind control,
no whips or shackles required.
Education 'plunders' Nature.
Prequisite to comprehending
Nature's Harmonic TimeCube
is tearing & burning the bible
to purge your mind of its lies.
For true freedom, burn bible
to contradict academic gods.
Academia & religion are one.
Teachers & believers are one.
Word educator is "your god".
Educators teach fake beliefs.
God is an academic deception.
God is like hate for children.
God is but a killer of children.
Bible causes an armageddon.
I am wiser than a word god.
Adult word god is but an evil
scam that crucifies children.
Bring forth your god - and I
will chase him off the Earth.
Humans glorify word as god.
In the beginning - was word.
Word is counterfeit and evil.
Evil word became your god.
4-corner Truth - is ineffable.
Educators teach stupidity &
evil. You learned both well.
You are evil word worshiper.
Humans are 1-corner beings
(1-corner face 4-corner head)
who rotate 4-corner lifetimes:
baby, child, parent, g-parent.
Time Cube debunks god lies.
Evil people deny Time Cube.
Educators are flat-out liars.
Evil media hides Time Cube.
-1 x -1=+1 is stupid and evil.
Word worship equates to evil.
Bible induces a barren Earth.
Evil 1 day Biblekills children.
I have found 3 more 24 hour
days on Earth that educators
refuse to let you know about.
Brainwashed & indoctrinated,
you were educated stupid and
evil. A pity about your mind.
Time Cube = Highest Order.
Time Cube = 'godless Truth'.
Time Cube damns academia
by rotating 4-corners of life.
The 'only subject' on Earth
banned from debate by evil
and stupid educators is that
of Nature's Harmonic Time
Cube ineffable Truth. Any
educator who allows Time
Cube debate will most likely
be fired or killed by religious
zealot brethren who staff and
control all academic schools.
Name 1 Time Cube debating
school on all of the Earth.
Educators are evil hirelings.
Mother&baby are same age.
No mother until baby born.
Your ancestory limit is 16 .
That's not how any of this works though. You're talking about hypogloic fuels (fuels that don't need O2 to burn).
Also, I thought you were a shill, especially because you followed me between chans. Are you? Marine Honors here, I kept 4 British Army pukes alive in a fire mission before, and I promise to keep them alive next time if you answer me a question. Are you purposefully trying to derail this thread?
Because I think you were, but suddenly timecube faggot shows up and I realize that you're either a paid volunteer or a fellow ticked off autist.
Every god damn time.
Gene ray is the hero this thread deserves.
your 16 great-grandparents.
Divide past,present,future by 4.
Rotate 4-corner scribes to
create 4 squared circles.
Education is 1 stupid corner.
4 is the supreme number of
the universe. There is no 1
in 4-corner metamorphosis.
Educators are evil people -
for they teach cubelessness.
All word is 'fictitious evil' -
not a substance nor a deed.
Life is based upon a perfect
math or your arm would be
too short to wipe your butt.
Humans are fictitious word
worshipers & math stupid.
Human exist as personified
4-corner pyramid but with
only a 1-corner perspective
during a 4-corner rotation,
or 4- stage metamorphosis.
Truth squares Life Circle
and Cubes Earth sphere.
Life rotates via 4-corners.
Mensa is Truth ignorant.
Adults evolve from child,
for adults are never born.
Word worship is evil scam.
God desecrates childhood.
You were educated stupid
about 4-season Life Cube.
4-corners are simultaneous,
there is no 1, 2, or 3-corner.
4 is both macro and micro.
God can't occupy 4-corners.
Time Cube disproves God.
God is an evil adult "word
scam" against children that
justifies adult plunder of all
natural resources on Earth.
Educators are evil bastards.
You have a 4-corner head -
with only a 1-corner face.
You are 1/4 of the person you
were taught to think you are.
Academic and religious
teachings equate mental
retardation - as a 2x4x4
Cube creation principle
reduced to a 1/4 (corner).
You are educated retarded,
too stupid for Time Cube.
'Takes village to raise child'.
Educators are evil people;
words corrupt principles,
'takes child out of family'&
'takes village out of child' -
'empowerment of self-evil'.
There is no God in 2 x 4x4
femininity and masculinity
2 sex Cube hemispheres, as
life is a 2-Cube crap-game.
All words equal not 1 deed.
Try words to stop tornado.
Truth of Cube is ineffable.
Nature outlaws word gods.
Cubeless word is adult evil.
Word enslaves the children.
You were educated 'stupid'
by evil religious teachers,
and can't know Time Cube.
'Cube Spirit' is Almighty.
Educators are too damn
stupid to know 4/16 Cube.
There is no Cubic teacher.
Educators are the primary
cause of evil mathematics.
God is but a single corner
face on a 4-corner head.
Fire Religious Teachers
too stupid for 4/16 Life.
You're 1-corner educated
and cannot comprehend
4/16 corner rotating Life.
You were taught stupidity.
Time Cube exposes evil.
Cubelessness is an Evil.
Educators are teaching
you Evil Cubelessness.
Educators cannot allow
Time Cube to be known.
Academia is '1 corner'.
Religion but '1 corner'.
1 self is only '1 corner'.
Family has '4-corners'
and 4/16 cube rotation.
God is a '1 corner' evil.
Self-god is 1 cornerism
adult scam upon child.
Teach 3 equators for a
4 quadrant hemisphere
which rotates to a 4/16
principle life creativity
as in Family Life Cube.
God = Hate of Children.
God denies a childhood.
Worship of Word is Evil,
for it 'counterfeits' Deed
and teaches Liar is God.
You're Educated Stupid.
1 Corner Academic 'self'
is "lowest" human form. It
"degradates"4/16 family life
and destroys all villages.
1-human is but 1-corner
life in 4-corner lifetimes:
baby, child, parent and
grandparent corners .
a rotating 4/16 creation.
Corner god nonexistent.
Academia is a religion
with religious teachers
controlled by believers,
who forbid 4/16 Cube
as "Forbidden Truth".
Adults evolve from their
ungodly image children.
Fake god eats Child life.
Educators teach cubeless
babble, ignoring Highest
Order Creation- a Cube.
Fire Religious Teachers
ignorant of Time Cube.
I don't fucking go anywhere but to work and here, you dullard. Derail what thread? Your fantasies of how rocketry works? I've put it down layman as possible. Are you just a /sp/ poster that got lonely after the superb owl?
Believers are 'evil liars'.
'Self-god' is lowest form
of behavior, below both
family and village Cube.
You are educated stupid.
Man-god academic scam
equals 1-corner Pyramid.
Rotating 4-corners prove
1-human is only 1-corner
of a Higher Order Life. There is no 1-
corner god in 4-corner lifetime stages
of human evolution metamorphosis .
wherein born baby dies to child, child
dies to parent & parent dies to grand-
parent corner. Adults evolve, not born.
Singularity equates sex with the baby.
Adult word worship is an
evil adult scam. Burn the
bible, honor Childhood
via which adults evolve.
Babble Power is suicidal.
Ignorance of "Time Cube"
indicts you stupid and evil.
Explain the "Time Cube".
Do you like being Stupid?
"Our Cube" corners Liars.
I am a'Cubic Thinker' and
far wiser than any god, any scientist
and any educator who preaches the
evil singularity of a single 1st corner.
Gene Ray
So you are a retarded shill. I guess I'm going to have to think twice about ensuring brits have fire support when they need it. Maintenance issues come up all the time. . .
FAI doesn't agree with you and they determine the records.
Still stands today
It's absolute jet altitude record for class C, aka takes off under its own power.
So fuck off with your bullshit. Even your meme plane muh_stronk_F99 doesn't couldn't take this record.
Point is, tech has barely improved. We should be mining asteroids off god damn Sirius by now and using quantum tech that puts us among the stars. Not this space-x horseshit and certainly not mainstream military meme planes.
Fucking nuclear rockets, still have the same issues as the charades of today. Sub light propulsion (gunpowder-tier thinking), fallout and crew lives expiring during transit.
Quantum FTL/folding tech is the only way forward and it seems people don't like chans to talk about that.
Every time, when the flat earth shit gets ignored, the fucking timecube faggotposting CIAniggers come out.
fuck off timecube faggot
I absolutely know you're female when you start crying rape.
Truth about Santa Claus debunks
Santa God. God evolves from Santa.
Educated people are stupid cowards.
Not a single university has accepted my challenge
for a public debate of Nature's Time Cube. They
are actually brainwashed stupid and decline any
public debate for fear of public embarrassment.
Physicists forbidden to acknowledge Time Cube.
Stupid educators always beget stupid graduates.
Not one knows of their 4-corner metamorphosis.
Gene Ray
Educators teach erroneous Mathematics.
3-Dimensional math as in length, width and height
are erroneous when applied within a Cube like room
for they do not account for the 4-corner perspective
dimensions of difference as in '4-dimensional space'.
Solar system, Earth sphere and human body all have
a front, back and 2 sides which rotate between the 2
top and bottom poles - ceiling and floor parameters.
No single corner human can occupy or experience
more than a single corner at the same time during a
4-corner rotation within the 4/16 creation principle.
Earth sphere rotates within an invisible Time Cube.
Unseen, humans have not the education or rationale
to comprehend Nature's Simultaneous 4-Day Cube.
You are a personified pyramid corner.
Educated people are the evil empower-
ment of the self - the lowest form of
humanity. Humans are brainwashed
stupid and indoctrinated evil. A human
will rotate around 4-corner lifetime
stages within a family metamorphosis -
baby, child, parent and grandparent.
Name your 4/16 greatgrandparents.
Your own people will kill
you to prevent this
'Forbidden Truth Cube'
from ever being known.
Socrates was killed to
hide Truth from public.
1-corner god is a fraud.
Are you afraid to know? All Educated are Stupid from
brainwashing and indoctrination.
Pedant teachers cannot comprehend
that there are 4 simultaneousYears
within a single rotation of Earth
about the Sun. Each season has its
own separate corner Year.
You are probably brainwashed, indoctrinated, educated stupid and cannot comprehend
Nature's Harmonic Simultaneous 4-Day
Perpetual Time Cube Creation.
When the Sun shines upon Earth,
2 - major Time points are created
on opposite sides of Earth - known
as Midday and Midnight. Where
the 2 major Time forces join, synergy
creates 2 new minorTime points we
recognize as Sunup and Sundown.
The 4-equidistant Time points can be
considered as Time Square imprinted
upon the circle of Earth. In a single
rotation of the Earth sphere, each
Time corner point rotates through
the other 3-corner Time points, thus
creating 16 corners, 96 hours and
4-simultaneous 24 hour Days within
a single rotation of Earth - equated
to a Higher Order of Life Time Cube.
Ignorance of the Time Cube is evil.
Education induces Stupidity. Explain
4 life human metamorphosis.
Creation Origin Found
Life is a "Crapshoot" -
with a femininity cube
and a masculinity cube.
God is an Evil Invention.
Word is a Trojan Horse.
Singularity debunked by Time Cube.
Self is the lowest form of humanity.
Self-god is lowest human behavior.
Family is source of human creation.
Community is perpetual family/self.
'Evil' educators brainwash children.
Earth has 4 simultaneous Days
within only 1 rotation. Losing 3
Days in each Earth rotation has
retarded your mentality to stupid
and an education of Evil. You do
not have the mind or education
to envision Nature's Time Cube.
Proving Human Stupidity
Revelations 7.1 recognizes 4 Earth Corners.
You Word-Murder Your Children.
Human metamorphosis has 4-corner
lifetime stages known as baby,child,
parent and grandparent. Bible-god
equates 1-corner and bare Earth for
children. 4-corner Truth is ineffable
and no self or god can speak Truth.
Only baby is born.Adult is not born.
Without metamorphosis - no adults.
If Earth stood still, it would have mid-day, mid-night, sun-up and sun-down as 4 corners. Each rotation of earth has 4 mid-days, 4 mid-nights, 4 sun-ups and 4 sun-downs.
The sixteen(16) space times demonstrates cube proof of 4 full days simultaneously on earth within one (1) rotation. The academia created 1 day greenwich time is bastardly queer and dooms future youth and nature to a hell.
Ignorance of 4 day harmonic cubic nature indicts humans as unfit to live on earth.
Gene Ray, Cubic
The Wisest Human
I will give $1,000.00 to any person who can
disprove 4 days in each earth rotation. It's
a pity that religious and academic word is a
crime against Nature and enslaves Children.
4-cornered Truth is ineffable by man or god.
Until Word is Cornered, all Math is Fiction.
Socrates has a mid-day
Clinton's have a sun-down
Einstein has a mid-night
Jesus has a sun-up
(Harmonic Cube)
1 - 24HR Earth Day
Rotate Earth 1/4 turn
Socrates has a sun-down
Clinton's hve a mid-night
Einstein has a sun-up
Jesus has a mid-day
1 - 24HR Earth Day
Rotate Earth 1/4 turn
Socrates has a mid-night
Clinton's have a sun-up
Einstein has a mid–day
Jesus has a sun-down
1 - 24HR Earth Day
Rotate Earth 1/4 turn
Socrates has a sun-up
Clinton's have a mid-day
Einstein has a sun-down
Jesus has a mid-night
1 - 24HR Earth Day
Rotate Earth 1/4 turn
Greenwich Time is a Lie
Your midday is someone else's midnight, someone else's sundown and even someone else's sunup. Do you know that time is a simultaneous 4 corner square that rotates to a 4 day time cube within 1 - 24 hour rotation of Earth? You are educated stupid and unable to know Nature's 4-Day Time Cube Creation.
Nigger I'll have whatever you're smoking.
Attack the argument, not the person. I'm not a roastie faggot.
Turns out britfags don't know how to read! Must be too much sharia law in their country!
You stated:
And yet that commie piece of shit doesn't hold the absolute jet record for speed? You forgot a key word their, brit cuck.
You never stated altitude so I presumed it was speed, disphit. What the fuck is wrong with you.
Fuck you jewish shill. You're trying to prevent people from realizing the potential of free and limitless energy.
And this thread has been successfully derailed.
Every. God. Damn. Time.
How dare the white man dare to dream about what could be accomplished today with 60 year old technology.
Rule of tens, rule of tens.
Ask yourselves, why is it every time the white man dares to dream, it gets shut down by the jews?
You know why, I know why, the jewish shills know why.
Goodnight. The shills won.
The british don't deserve air support. Fuck them for this week. All of my airplanes are deadlined because I'm about to lose a tool.
This is the kike. Tried to give them the benefit of the doubt. Always the problem.
You're not getting a reaction by calling a space individual what they are not in hopes they claim their national pride here. You certainly are not going to be pushed up in the process this way, attempting to coax anons into outing themselves. Oh yes, you're never going anywhere.
Wouldn't care for this faggot as anything but a radiation shield.
I didn't say speed record you faggot.
I said world absolute jet altitude record.
The Ye-266m was derived from a Mig25M, which is derived from.. drum roll.. A Mig25RB
It's basically an RB with better engines.
I'm well aware of Nuclear rockets you faggot
So what the fuck do you think quantum technology is capable of? You keep ignoring quantum tech and trying to steer this thread back to primitive shit that DOESN'T FUCKING WORK FOR MANNED LONG DISTANCE SPACE TRAVEL.
You are literally a 1800s-tier brainlet.
The reason we don't care about space-x and current bullshit is it's not a solution.
Anything not quantum tech is NOT A SOLUTION. Chemical primitive horse shit has been done, and finished. It can bring us to mars at the most. Maybe further with bases. It's not going to get us out of the damn solar system and certainly not to Sirius or another star system.
What part of '50s rocket tech' not being capable of travelling to the stars do you not understand?
Quantum is suppressed because it's the only way to do it.
Good luck for the IRS enforcing tax gibs or kike rules when you're 100k LY away.
Quite certain the faggot wants to live in a video game world or something made up by Popular Science. I don't hate normalfags that just want to ask questions but hysterical women like this need to be disappeared. This sot of hysterical cunt is why there are fewer long term military wives.
Also, fuck you. The more done with rocketry the better. You may as well be the same user having it back and forth. If you don't want it. Why are are you not there now?
Don't tell me the kikes, don't tell me funding. What is the answer, right fucking now. With your gay comfy starship. Like you don't think this won't be like crossing the oceans blindly. Certainty is only up to the craft, not the voyage.
It's about time to shove off soon, and if you're too old or unwilling , too bad. It's only about a year's travel. Same as setting out for the new world, only this is sadly more directed. All that is necessary is better shielding and individuals that will not kill eachother. That puts most of you out of the running. Not all. Most.
Do you mean, why are we not there now? Because of (((Hertz-Maxwell))) and educational institutions blinding generations of electrical engineers into avoiding the quantum path which others have tread. Indirectly the kikes but ignorance and (((credentialism))).
Where do you want to travel to?
If it takes more than a few seconds, you're doing it wrong.
Saving and making into top level copypasta.
Thanks user.
Just leaving this here so people can remember the prophecy.
This is kike psychology. I'm traveling to find new lands. If you can live there, it only takes a few.
There is no want. This is what is going. Same as from every land ever. Only enemy is how to survive.
Of course they have, but i already know this will derail into flat earth.
Called it:
I never thought CIA could produce even worse /x/ garbage in the world than Reptiles. Flat cucks proved me wrong.
Looks legit…
I think 3-4 could get to Mars with some basic living quarters and farming. Maybe 1-2 if you you don't quicken the process. I could stare at one of you assholes for a year, long as we didn't talk too much.
It's going to be a hell of a lot like being in a submarine. Probably the best outfitted for being wanting to be alone naturally.
Oyyyyyy vey, they're going to coast off the edge of the world.
The first moon landing was obviously a failure and they had to fall back on Kubrick's fake footage to safe face. I'm not sure about the other 5 landings.
Watch the Apollo 11 astronauts at the press conference: it's obvious from their body language alone. No wonder Armstrong avoided the media his whole life, and Aldrin became an alcohol.
If you're still impressed with obvious CGI photography, then you'll probably believe that Elon Musk's SpaceX is legit too
you fucking retard. if you had a lot of time and money you could just fucking GO there on a boat. it's not as if there's anything there to stop you.
Just an international guard of warships surrounding it
The last nation to freely visit Antarctica was Germany when Hitler was in power.
It's the very existence of the Antarctic Treaty and the strong military presence preventing people from freely visiting it, that has brought rise to people questioning just why we aren't allowed to go there.
Why would you attempt to be gaslighting other anons if you would care for them in your service?
Crashing this asterdoid with no survivors
Nigger, I've sent them video games.
I prefer the original footage
So, you are a kike then. Thought so. Either a woman coming to age or a filthy IDF kike.
The next one sent out the other land will be The Greast Story Never Told. The Fuhrer exists not with you only.
Honestly one day we will have you kikes routed out, even if not from Holla Forums
NASA in Hebrew means to "deceive", yet you are the one championing and cheering NASA here
Should be pointed to this retard promoting jewish fiction
The correct answer is neither. Circumcision was practiced by the priesthood of ancient Egypt. This was stolen by the Hebrews as a part of their whole "priesthood of all nations" shtick. In later periods, circumcision seems to have been practiced for "hygiene" purposes among the Egyptians (remember, these are people who shaved every part of their body of hair and wore wigs, etc in the name of "hygiene" which was probably just as much ritual as it was practical). There are records of this in Greek and roman text, iirc, stating that it is a peculiar habit among the Egyptians to circumcise for the sake of cleanliness.
CIrcumcision is practiced by a wide range of societies, many of which practiced before any contact with the Jews. The practice is usually a religious practice, and is in itself neither here nor there. Anti-circumcision posting is an attempt at demoralization aimed at making circumcised males feel deficient.
Sage for off-topic.
I'm just gonna say yes, they have
it's probably the jews without even looking for evidence
did you even look at the pic before you posted it?
those are clearly red army soldiers and that's the remains of Vladimir Komarov
When the lost live above.
Do you have any evidence that suggests it was fake?
Seems pretty wise tbh. What is this stuff? user who writes like a schizo.
Was meant for you.
This. Thule Rising.
Privatization is glowniggers building their own parallel infrastructure, Vault7 in space.
Fucking black cubes man
gabai's meaning similarly was amusing
Phimosis - even in an hunter gatherer society - is 100% preventable without infant torture (hint: infant mortality of cock-cutting societies wasn't lower.) The Egyptian bit is likely accurate.
I agree with you on that bit, but I do not think phimosis was ever the basis for circumcision in any society other than our own. At least none come to mind. Also, 99% of circumcision is not infant circumcision, but rather a rite of passage into adulthood or into a group..
That's because difference people post here you stupid fuck.
Sage because I am waiting for some more proof concerning the thread.
Like that it was knocked off of the Earth in a huge impact with another planet-sized body in the early solar system when orbits were less stable, and that analyzing the soil samples for similarity confirmed this? Like that being how the Earth got it's axial tilt and had it's rotation speed reduced (and wobble stabilized) to create more stable weather patterns favorable to the formation of life (particularly complex)?
Like that it's one of the reasons you're fucking alive?
Apologies for doublepost, but holy shit, there is some retardation going on. Also,
You're correct, space exploration and colonization scares the shit out of the kikes.
Space is a meritocracy; only the best of the best can go. NASA went to shit when they became an affirmative action agency forced to make niggers feel good about themselves. It's like the Navy SEALS: when you require men who are intelligent, creative enough to think outside the box, physically superior, courageous, and able to swim, you end up with a group consisting almost entirely of white men. When Obama and his political appointees tried to force them to lower their standards so niggers and women could join, they refused, as being an all-inclusive club anyone could join was anathema to being an elite group of the best. Which is exactly why NASA has been pozzed to hell and back.
So space is almost exclusively the dominion of white men. Which scares kikes. We got to the moon on the backs of Nazi scientists, which only scared them even further. The Jews burned millions of German books after WW2, and specifically targeted books on physical fitness and science. They were scared shitless by the prospect of Aryan supermen with advanced technology nobody else could counter. Now think of some of the insane projects we developed as a result of the space program: Project Orion (and a BATTLESHIP version of the same armed with 16" guns from the Iowa firing nuclear shells, and space shuttles as fighters), the O'Neill Island 3 colony (technologically viable in the 70's, total cost for building one is less than what we spent on welfare in 2011, and the cost of welfare has gone up every year), NERVA (we had working nuclear rocket engines before we even landed on the moon, but we never used them… why not?), BEAR (Beam Experiment Aboard Rocket), SUSTAIN (Small Unit Space Transportation And Insertion), Project Thor, Brilliant Pebbles, fractional orbit strike ICBM's, etc.
Any country that actually invested in space would be fucking unstoppable.The military advantage would be overwhelming, able to bomb anywhere on the planet within minutes (and with almost no possibility of shooting down the incoming projectiles), land troops, etc. and nobody else could get into space or launch missiles without being shot down immediately. The resources available to a country heavily invested in space (the smallest near-Earth asteroid contains an estimated $500 billion worth of iron, plus more platinum than the entire planet mines in a year; there are literally millions of asteroids, and some of them are the size of countries), nearly free energy (everything in space can be solar powered, satellites can beam solar energy down to receiving stations on Earth, the moon has H3 for nuclear fusion, etc.), and limitless living space means the first nation to get a foothold in space and decide to keep everyone else out WINS THE GAME FOREVER.
The only way for yids to profit from space is if they own or invest in companies developing rockets, satellites, asteroid mining ventures, etc. In which case they'd simply be paying to send white men into space with the most advanced technology available.
You begin to see why kikes hate space.
jews are trying to find the secret to eternal life. once they do then they can keep their stranglehold on humanity for a very long time. until that happens they are restricting anything that allows goyim to gain any sort of ability to break the binds that tie.
Who needs space exploration when you can have D I V E R S I T Y
I'd like to say that Electric Universe theory is Physics controlled opposition, closer to the truth than Feynman for sure, plasma cosmology is great, but the quantum level is key.
The charge field, maxwells displacement field, D. Photons.
What’s your thoughts on Biology and the kikery involved?
It's simple, technology is so advanced now that it is used in black projects. There really isn't any benefit to a government revealing military secrets about the extremely advanced nature of the black projects.
I guarantee a lot of Tesla's vibrational resonance shit went into U.S. military black projects. Fucking black projects are abound in every major country, nigger.
Nigger, they're at least 30 years ahead of the game from a military technology standpoint.
fake quote.
Ignore all false information on the internet.
Nice try, Yuri. He said it. Kill yourself asap, faggot.
The public has niggertech, real tech is in black projects. Plebs don't deserve real tech. Imagine niggers with teleporters… some shit isn't meant for plebs.
The Soviets knew about and covered up Jimmy Savile and his merry band of kidfuckers. Blackmail and counter-blackmail is used all the time as a prime component of statecraft and espionage. There's no reason to think the moon landing couldn't be one more bit of blackmail. I still think the landings happened.
The absolute state of this thread.
Space colonization can happen without leaving the solar system, aka with 1970s tech. A single Dyson Swarm would have more living area than every habitable planet in our galaxy. The asteroids and outer moons can be the building materials for our future homes.
its actually (((nasha))) that means to deceive
but its still a (((cohencidence))) if you ask me
I find it always rustles the kikes/sjws/etc. jimmies when you bring up the well-established fact that NASA's success is build on a foundation established by a Nazi Wernher von Braun.
The USA have landed people on the moon twice.
None of them made it back.
Your nicely written text implicitly assumes the existence of an infinite universe - which is what has to be proven in the first place. In other words, you're comitting a very wordy begging-the-question.
Incorrect. The burden of proof is on those claiming that the alleged landings did, in fact, took place.
>Don't bother. Flat Earth BS is some cointelpro garbage intended to discredit anyone questioning the (((narrative))). Like Project Bluebook.
You blew your load too soon, kiddo. By trying to downplay PB (one of the best-documented conspiracies in existence) via linking it to the oh-so "ridiculous" FE, it's very clear where you are coming from. Your handler should be ashamed.
Incorrect. After more than 40 plane trips in my life, about a third of them intercontinentally, I'm positive that no curvature can be seen from commercially used altitudes. A bit of googling will show you that even Concorde pilots (!) could not unequivocally confirm curvature.
In other words, stop making shit up.
Kek, good one.
you do know that Holla Forums does brag about using flat earth shilling to shit up Holla Forums. but you can keep spamming it like a retard boomer cuck.
Regarding Einsteinbergbaum's theories of special + general relativity (aka, Jewish mysticism):
No, there isn't. I sure don't have to tell you that all the original footage went missing - all of it, about 700 boxes. You are a very bad liar, anyone can google this stuff.
Holla Forums is always right, and yes it is always the jew. It may be 6 degrees of separation, but their fingerprints are always found on the plans for degrading society.
A broken clock is right twice a day, so some malignant force unwittingly pushing scepticism regarding the globe earth hypothesis doesn't faze me in the slightest.
Go to an area with low light pollution, bring a telescope, and point it at a dark area (if you can find one.)
Raleigh scattering can be demonstrated with cigarette smoke and a spotlight, or countless other easily set up experiments.
Rockets curve to the side because orbit requires angular velocity, not vertical velocity. Hell, the only reason we launch them straight is to get above the most dense part of the atmosphere so we don't burn unnecessary fuel.Most space missions are to orbit, and even those that leave orbit start out in orbit because it is far easier to change your velocity from orbit than in atmosphere.
It's trivial to calculate the apparent radius of curvature of the earth from a given height. If you bother to do the calculation, you'll find that it's far below the human threshold of detection on the top of a skyscraper, or from a commercial plane. High altitude military flights are at the point where they can detect a slight curvature.
Incidentally, celestial navigation requires adjustments for the height of the observer, something which is necessary using spherical trigonometry but not necessary for planar trigonometry. It's one of the few areas where we actually need to treat the earth as being non-flat because it introduces an appreciable margin of error. It's also very easy to verify for yourself with a $50 sextant and a couple books on celestial navigation.
Literally only a thing because Newtonian equations of motion don't play well with polar coordinate systems, so we need to introduce a "fictitious force" to account for the accelerations required to keep the object on a curved path. Hamiltonian or Lagrangian dynamics don't require this.
The required radial acceleration to keep an object moving on a curved path is a=(v^2)/r. The earth's radius is about 6,353km or 6353000m. Earth's tangential velocity is about 461 m/s. Plugging this in, you get a=(461^2)(m/s^2)/6353000(m) = .0335 (m/s^2) Earth's acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 (m/s^2) or 292 times more than is required to keep us on earth.
You people get shut down for the same reason the holocaust faithful do around here - it's trivial to disprove you using back of the envelope tier calculations.
This was almost impossible to decipher in terms of what you're actually proposing, so I can't really address what I suspect to be a poor understanding of magnets. If you're talking about essentially a maglev space elevator, or some variant on a giant coil gun, you would still need electricity to propel your spacecraft upwards, and when it got up it would lack the angular velocity to keep it in orbit. There have been proposals for the use of a long coil gun to "shoot" satellites into space, but the amount of magnetic flux, the forces involved, and the issues with heat and magnetic reluctance make it currently non-feasible - though that may well change going forwards and it's something I personally think has a lot of potential.
No reason for your vehicle to be spherical unless you were trying to minimize the ratio of surface area to volume (which is why spheres occur so often in nature.)
Well, shit. That's worrysome - though there's no way we could know where it will hit on the planet (if it does) that far out (I think- this one I'm less sure on.) NASA is kiked to hell and back so I could see them wanting a "small" asteroid strike "to bring us all together goy!"
Newton's laws of motion are used to design pretty damned much everything you use. They are in a sense "lies" because they are a mathematical model and neglect quantum effects, but they're a close enough approximation to reliably use in the real world.
You wouldn't be able to see earth's curvature from an airplane. They're not high enough.
Antarctica is sketchy as shit though and there's definitely something down there.
I respect you for replying in a rational manner instead of relying on the usual namecalling and ad-homs.
Two very good possible explanations for the observations mentioned by the other user. The hard part now is the verification without relying on reporting by space agencies - their reliability is what we want to establish in the first place, after all. That's what makes "citizen's experiments" (e.g. with home-made rockets, or replication of Rowbotham-style tests) so interesting and valuable.
In other words, how can we, as more-or-less everyday people, find out where rockets launched by space agencies really go, without relying on their word? And in the same vein, how can we verify that the darkness of night is, indeed, due to Raleigh scattering working on an almost infinite multitude of suns?
wew, it's sure /x/ around here
Well they never will, and them having longer lives will not secure them a position above anyone, because nature does work that way. Longer lives will mean lower fertility for them. Which is a death knell for them.
Different issue, I'm quite sure that there are many military applications of space that we're not privy to. The gravity turn of rocket trajectories fits exactly what we would expect to happen, so it's evidence of the spherical model. NASA has been pozzed to such a degree that I'd be surprised if there was anything nefarious going on there at this point because there's hardly anything going on there anymore other than whining about climate change and wymyn in STEM. That said, my arguments aren't about NASA's trustworthiness - simply the easily verified science behind the spherical model. We need anons going into engineering and the natural sciences if we want half a chance of pulling ourselves out of this nightmare. (And no, climate change isn't science - any field that has to add "science" to its name is not science.)
Raleigh scattering has nothing to do with why night is dark - that's instead related to the dissipation of light over distance. Light emitted by a distant star can be modeled as a point source. Light from a point source dissipates at a rate of I/(4/3(pi)r^3) (I being intensity, pi being 3.14, and r being the radius or distance from the source to the observer) due to spreading out over a spherical wavefront as it emanates from the source. This is experimentally verified and mathematically makes sense - energy travels out from the source in an ever growing sphere. Infinity is a weird concept - you can say that there are infinitely many such light sources, and therefore there must be infinite light at a distant object - but those objects are spaced at a significant distance from us as well. To reach an infinitely large number of stars, you also have to travel an infinite distance. So in effect, your equation becomes infinity/(4/3(pi)(infinity^3)). In this kind of situation you'd look at which of the two is growing faster which will tell you whether the received power goes to infinity or zero. Infinity cubed grows faster than infinity, so we see what we expect with a few stars locally being visible to the naked eye, but the amount of light energy reaching earth decreasing rapidly as one looks at stars further away. In other words, the models we have accurately fit what we observe in the real world.
There's practically no point of the sky you can point a telescope at and see nothing - if you are somewhere that light pollution isn't bad enough to blot out the signal. The stars you see are (relatively) close to us so they appear brighter than the stars distant from us.
As I mentioned in the last post, you can verify the spherical model independently using a sextant and a tall building with a distant horizon (an oceanfront hotel is ideal for this.) Celestial navigation requires an adjustment for the height of the observer - this adjustment is only required for a spherical earth and not for a flat earth. If you take the same measurement at the foot of the building and at the top of the building and get (measurably) different numbers, this validates the spherical model and disproves the flat earth model.
The reason for this is that the difference in observed distance to the horizon changes negligibly for a planar model with small changes in height, but changes significantly for a spherical model with small changes in height.
The flat earthers I have talked to have always asked for a trust-free experiment they can perform to validate the spherical earth model - there it is. A sextant with sufficient accuracy can be had for $50, and most people will take a vacation at some point in their lives, As long as you believe that mathematics and geometry are valid, it's a kike-proof way to verify the spherical model.
As an aside, the sciences and engineering are fucking hard, making them the near exclusive domain of the white man. They're also extremely powerful in the real world. Serbs fucked up NATO's "radar seeking missiles" with a microwave, a generator, and an understanding of electromagnetism. Studying these things is a force multiplier in whatever future we face.
Quantum theory and Quantum Cosmology both state that the Universe is both infinite and absolutely timeless, as in we can’t measure it’s age. This was accepted until the late 90’s with (((Brian Greene))) creating a bridge theory to eliminate that position by linking QM with GR through brane/string theory.
Because my autism is triggered - I used the wrong formula for the power dissipation. It should be I/4*pi*r^2.
Unproven assumption. "We" (as in "myself and other everyday people") do NOT know what the real trajectories are - that is precisely the issue here. All we have and see are CGIs and more or less doctored videos from notoriously unreliable agencies (and I don't even single out NASA here - I don't trust the Russians and Chinese, either).
Perhaps. I wouldn't know how to verify that.
Both are intimately related. Of course we can speculate about how certain phenomena could be explained within this or that theoretical model - but it is precisely the actual, real-world verification I'm after! This is by no means "easily verified" without relying on the words of some government agency.
You implied RS in . But let's go on.
Or the other way around: a point source of light can be modeled as a distant sun. This is the crux of the matter. We can talk about models all day long and even mathematize to our heart's content. But all this is mere mental masturbation until we know what those lights in the night-sky actually are!
Again, theorizing based on an a-priori model. I'm not that much interested in thinking about what could be the case if there were an infinite universe - I want to know if it is infinite in the first place.
Model fitness isn't the issue here - even the most outrageous and ridiculous model can be made to fit if you introduce enough variables and intermediating concepts (e.g. "dark matter"). The issue, instead, is empirical verification of the basic questions and assumptions, e.g. what are stars in the first place? And this, as stated in the beginning, crucially depends on if we can trust the space agencies.
But that's simply not true, at least from the perspective of the citizen astronomer with his telescope. Of course you can mention Hubble now, but this brings us back to the trust issue.
Disagree with the premise. The "standard FE model" presupposes the stars being very close to Earth, embedded into what they call the firmament, so observer height and distance very definitely influence measurements in the planar model as well. In fact, this is the basis for the so-called "polestar conundrum" which is sometimes used against FE.
Measurement of what exactly? Honest question, your mentioning celestial navigation above made me think you referred to stellar distace/angles.
Based on what empirical evidence? I'm specifically asking about the cosmological aspect, not about QM in general. I'm asking because mainstream physics/standard model still assumes the "Big Bang", i.e. a definite starting point.
>This was accepted until the late 90’s with (((Brian Greene))) creating a bridge theory to eliminate that position by linking QM with GR through brane/string theory.
ST is neither more nor less kiked than Big Bang cosmogony (creation ex nihilo) itself.
The physics that got us to the moon was set out by Newton almost 300 years before. The rockets that got us there worked on the same principles as the ones invented in 13th century China. It's not a matter of high tech, it's heavy engineering, and that is expensive. When we were in a dick-waving contest with Russia, that provided a motivation to expend the necessary resources. After that, economic considerations came to the fore, and there just wasn't much of a cost/benefit argument for going any further.
This. The 9/11 truth movement is a classic example. All the "controlled demolition" theories are utter nonsense that anyone with a moderate understanding of structural engineering can easily debunk. They serve to obfuscate and distract attention from more important questions, like why was there a Mossad team watching jubilantly from across the bay, and who exactly benefited from the "War on Terror"?
Your implied premise - that the US did, indeed, go to the Moon - has to be proven first before going into speculations about why they don't do it anymore.
Literally hundreds of actual architects, civil engineers, chemists, material scientists, demolition experts and firefighters - i.e. people with actual knowledge on the topic - disagree. What are you, some crazy conspiracy theorist who believes that a group of goat-herders learned to fly maneuvers even professional pilots find difficult and penetrated the most heavily defended airspace in the world?
Those are, obviously, excellent questions as well. Saying that the modus operandi doesn't matter - as you did above - reeks of disinfo, though.
If you want to claim structural engineering, I'd hope you would have a basic understanding of the laws of thermodynamics, before trying to sound smart about 9/11.
Allah works in mysterious ways.
A lot of flat earth theories come from fucking ledditors making bullshit up as a joke to troll people. And then these schizophrenic idiots take the bait and believe it all, flat earth is a "WE WUZ KANGS"-level retarded theory.
Goddamn your fucking retarded.
Like all the other "debunkers" and pseudo-sceptics, all you have is insults and ad-homs. At least TRY to engage in rational debate, e.g. like . Doesn't have to be here, either. Just come to /flathorizon/ and see if you have the chops.
A very fascinating subject. What is your specific point or claim?
His approach (by his own admission) does not differ from numerical and statistical explanations that are employed today. For example MOND which is yet another set of equations without any physical underpinning but it seems to work following or predicting galaxy movements - it did not go the way Newton laws would let it so they had to invent dark matter. Dark energy is for expansion of universe which is misinterpretation of redshift data - consult Halton Arp.
So Feyneman took some lsd or shrooms, hit the drums for a while and came up with some tablets that predict photon behaviour if I am correct - and he's completely hones about it.
Plasma cosmology is with accordance to the EU (specifically Wallace Thornhill and Donald Scott), the only problem is they don't go far enough. They do not acknowledge pervasive electric currents that power said plasma, our sun, move galaxies and sustain huge galactic jets that span lightyears. And we have news every week about it:
Amount of data pointing to electricity presence and dominating influence in space is staggering.
It all started with Velikovsky btw, mond is jewish too. But Velikovsky got his book burnt, literally. Guess it's not okay to reveal secret knowledge. Did you know both Velikovsky and Thornhill had some interesting predictions that came true? Like what would Venus be like or how the deep impact and IBEX missions would turn out. Now they have probes at Saturn and Jupiter - suprises all the way, non of the models work, everything we thought we knew goes to garbage. EU still stands, and it will preveil.
Better not talk about niggers or nigger on white crime either. Don't forget about how kikes run gaslighting operations using their media outlets.
If it were truly demoralization, there wouldn't be a solution, but we have one: forgen.
flat-earth tier bullshit.
t. Shmuel Rosensaft
With Raleigh scattering, I was explaining that it could be easily, experimentally, verified at home, not that it is responsible for the difference in day and night.
I live near an area that rockets get shot off. You can see the path it takes more or less if you drive down and watch the launch, which anyone can do.
I've explained how to verify everything I've claimed, experimentally at home, with materials under your control, on a limited budget.
Simplifying assumptions (taking a light source sufficiently far away with respect to its size) are used in physics because the mathematics to precisely calculate things in the real world are brutally hard to do and the introduced error of certain simplifying assumptions is small. These are the same techniques used to design most of the things you use every day.
No, you're backwards. I'm explaining that the things you believe are contradictions (I.E. they don't work in the real world the way physics say they should) are actually consistent with the physics we're aware of. You claim a contradiction exists, I explain that it is not a contradiction, but that you misunderstood the physics at play, you shift the goalposts.
Sometimes, the lack of self-awareness is astounding. Flat earth requires so many ridiculous "intermediating concepts"… Models are preserved or eliminated based on their predictive value in the real world. The "Standard Model" of physics is indeed an approximation - but an approximation that works exceedingly well until you get to the nanoscale. Quantum physics is a much closer approximation, but is also much harder to deal with, so we generally use the standard model to make things you can see. The reason flat earth disappeared was that it didn't fit what we see in the real world anywhere near as well as what is now called the standard model. The same calculation I used above can be used to determine the luminosity of a lightbulb from a sufficient distance here on earth, or the intensity of sound at a distance from a speaker. These models are used because they are predictive of the phenomena we see in the real world, reliably and repeatably.
You live in an area with light pollution. If you're American, you live within driving distance of a National Forest - take your telescope out there and try to find dark in the sky. I've not mentioned anything that relies on anything other than your own eyes and equipment under your control.
If your stars are sufficiently close to earth that they change apparent angle with small (skyscraper level) changes in height, they are also close enough to earth that they change apparent angle with small changes in horizontal position. The apparent angle of the stars varies much more with respect to vertical displacement than it does with respect to horizontal displacement. A 2 meter change in vertical position can result in a one mile change in calculated horizontal position. This error is present for stars at high angles, which would be insensitive to changes in the vertical position of the observer. They also can be prevented by using a "bubble sextant", which uses a level gauge to find the true horizon and makes dip correction unnecessary.
Yes, that is what I was referring to. As explained above, it is easy to experimentally verify yourself and it absolutely disproves flat earth for anyone who "believes" in trigonometry. The only possible change that would allow flat earth to survive that is if you are going to posit that the stars watch you personally and change their position just to fuck with you.
Miles Mathis claims that pi = 4. Anything else he claims is probably wrong, too.
Why is he on about dark matter, anyway? It sounds like his argument is: You can't show me dark matter therefore the Earth is flat.
lolwut? that doesn't follow
What is a Sextant and other devices used to find the latitude and longitude in a Spherical Trigonometry. It was the Basis for a fuckload of Nautical Navigation and how we got here in the first place.
Let me stop you right there as whatever answer you are going to say afterword is basically yes.
Category error. Of course Raleigh scattering exists, that was never the question. If this phenomenon can be validly applied to cosmology and if it supports the hypothesis of their being space, and the stars being billions of far-away suns, that is the question. Two very different things.
It's not the going-up that's the problem - that's where you coincide with the FE user who started the discussion, after all. It's the cruise trajectory and the landing that's not verifiable without recurring to some government agency.
Strawman. I don't criticize simplified theoretical models (which is indeed the normal modus operandi in science) - I criticize your very assumption that stars are far-away suns. That is what you have to provid evidence for.
Strawman. I claimed no contradictions - I asked you for justification for your assertion that an infinite space exists "out there".
That's simply not true. FE, especially the explicitly theistic forms, only presupposes creationism (i.e. the idea that God created Earth ex nihilo) while mainstream/Big Bang cosmology presupposes a whole chain of unverified and unverifiable stages (indirect/apersonal creation ex nihilo) leading from the beginning of time and space to our current universe. That per se doesn't make one hypothesis more true than the other, of course, but it's simply not correct to say that a planar Earth with a firmament presupposes more theoretical constructs.
Agree. This gets very important when talking about stellar and maritime navigation, which - as is well-known in nautical circles - gets weirder the closer you get to Antarctica (= what a flat-earther would call the ice wall surrounding Earth).
Agree. For most everyday applications the SM is sufficient. It's only when considering Earth in its totality, or matters of "space" come up, that the model's foundations shows cracks.
Disagree. For 99.9% of human everyday experience, there's no discernible difference between the SM and the FEM. That's why from some point onward it becomes crucially important to define who exactly you're referring to by "we".
Of course. No disagreement here at all. As written above, I don't doubt the physics of light propagation at all.
Non-sequitur. Your original assertion was "There's practically no point of the sky you can point a telescope at and see nothing", which is simply untrue. The very existence of that time-period called "night" implies the widespread absence of light-emitting/reflecting objects.
This whole argument rests on the faulty premise that the term "horizon" means the same on a spherical vs. a planar Earth. In the spherical model, the horizon is the virtual edge of visual perception where the line of sight gets broken by the supposed curvature, while on a planar Earth the horizon is the virtual edge of visual perception caused by the vanishing point and atmospheric conditions. Two very different things.
Exactly - trigonometry doesn't lie. Is it planar or spherical trig, though - that is the question here, and you still haven't provided evidence for your assertion that the spherical system applies.
Faulty reading comprehension. I mentioned "dark matter" to contradict the assertion that the sphere model somehow requires less hypotheticized contructs than the planar model.
Yeah, I'm done. You're either legitimately retarded, (which I doubt from your posting style) or deliberately misconstruing everything I've said and arguing in bad faith.
Bubble sextant double nigger. Google it.
No, this is not true. I'm arguing in good faith, I just disagree with many (not all) of your assertions.
In your statement in -
- you referenced the visual horizon (i.e. not the artificial one as with a bubble sextant), so the exact meaning of the term "horizon" becomes crucial. I answered that this term has different meanings depending on the frame of reference used (i.e. planar vs. spherical Earth) - which is a true statement-, and that you have to establish first which of the two you are using, and why. This is a legitimate issue, not something I'm pulling out of my ass.
Kys concern troll faggot.
Then why don't you faggots start memeing it into NOT hitting earth like what that stick asteroid tried to do when no ones looking.
are there any more of that, missed the time when those were posted.
Nope, misreading.
back to your lodge you mongrel