Two sources now corroborate that Deputy Attorney General (((Rosenstein))) threatened Nunes during a closed door meeting on January 10th. Gateway Pundit broke this about 4 hours ago. This is fucking major.
Two sources now corroborate that Deputy Attorney General (((Rosenstein))) threatened Nunes during a closed door meeting on January 10th. Gateway Pundit broke this about 4 hours ago. This is fucking major.
Other urls found in this thread:
And RR's wife is up to no good
If this is true it is I'm wondering if McCabe and Rosenstein will be sent to the same execu-prison Gitmo or will they put their ideological issues aside and start singing like little birdies. Sessions better fucking start up the Grand Juries soon he won't
Jesus fucking Christ and no one thought that any of this was a conflict of interest. Oh… wait.
No way is her name Barsoomian.
Any source for this Q-LARP shit?
So if she's working with Mueller, Rosenstein appointed Mueller AND threatened the Chairmen of the Committee that's investigating him. That would explain why the Schiff is kvetching about him being fired by that meanie Trump and we are going to impeach him for it because it is obviously interfering with something importantlike their corruption. What's even more damning is if Rosenstein did actually threaten the Chair- Schiff was present for it- and he's still covering the cock-sucker.
Well according to (((Wikipedia))) yes her name is actually Barsoomian. Digging a little more into her if I have time tonight.
This deserves a bump.
Edgar Rice Burroughs walks amongst our spirits.
May my memetic soul mingle with my forefathers for all eternity.
Be prepared for the reddit larpjew to start sperging the fuck out. kek
Wait a minute, didn't Debbie "Does Pakistan" Wasserman-Schultz threaten the DC police chief in her official capacity as a congressman? Wouldn't this also constitute a crime under the same statute?
Really activates the almonds.
sure did, about a day before a federal prosecutor executed a search suicide in her district
Yes, even have it on tape. There is a slow hand of cards being played right now, the end is nearly certain, but spectators have to follow along to lessen the potential damage when the cards are laid out on the table.
You have no power here, CIAnigger
Reported for Q-LARP spam.
Should sell those at a bake sale on a college campus.
It's RP tho.
As an aside, has anyone else noticed Holla Forums had a fucking seizure and split? Their user counts are 100% cucked now.
I never paid any attention to them. Couldn't tell you.
Somebody has to put all these jews in their place!
typical rat kike
I was just looking at the board list. It's so weird how every single board took a hit to Active Users and PPH right after inauguration. We seem to be slowly recovering though.
I just checked because you mentioned. I'm surprised they still exist, they should bring back >>>/suicide/ and make it more active (for a while). They probably split for a disagreement of which size of dildo Marx would approve the most.
Also the SFW badge is truly the mark of a shit board.
Does the dildo have enough ends for everyone? How many jews are involved?
They split over Tankies or somedamnthing. I think it also had to do with one or the other supporting Rojava or not. Holla Forums's moderation is shit even by both our and their standards. I pop in occasionally to watch them eat their own.
I think the tranny BO sucking the Holla Forums BO's jewdick was the blowjob that broke the soyboy's back.
I digress. Is there any criminal action that can be taken against Rosenstein for threatening a Congressman?
Curious how much they care about Israeli interests… I wonder why?
Oh my, do they exist to make our mods look fucking stellar? What a clusterfuck!
Everything is roleplaying. When memes are real, and with the damage my oc has caused, who are you to say I am not a wizard?
You should roleplay a husband with children that goes to the gym and preps up for SHTF
Criminal coercion, extortion, blackmail, and I'm sure there are others that are separate charges tangentially related because this threat is about treason ultimately. OF course treason is a weird one to prove because his (((intent))) may have been to help (((America))) which by (((Law))) would get him off or at least reduce his punishment a great deal. Spirit of the law vs letter of the law vs (((interpretation of both))) It wasn't a physical threat so they can't pin anything like that on him unfortunately.
Dunno. But I just popped in and somebody's delivering some top-tier shitposting on the split.
>>>Holla Forums2379193
Omg these lastnames
When Holla Forums is right they are
which is also
That one is leading others to do bad shit rather than forcing them to.
fucking hell, it must be so miserable being a commie
It is an ideology that revolves around reducing everything to zero, so yea it must be miserable. They are really fun to fun with though, especially right now. Most oldfaggots know more about their 'great thinkers' and such than they do so when theres more than one of us trolling them its a fucking hoot.
This thread isn't about Holla Forums, you fucking niggers. Go make a thread specifically to laugh at them and stop derailing
Anyway, this shatters the damage control narrative that the memo isn't a big deal. (((Rosenstein))) tried to shut it down by obstructing justice because it's that fucking bad for the deep state. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. More memos are going to come out implicating more of these treasonous cunts. This is the beginning of the storm and thunder rides with us.
Pfft been lurking over there for like 10 minutes. The reason they are eating themselves this time is because of the kurds versus turks and because supporting the kurds is leading to calls for ethnic cleansing of the turks? This is too fucking rich.
yea, i know, but seriously.. is such revelry of salt and the implosion of the left really derailing?
Behold, the 6 gorillion-ended dildo.
Global report.
Trump won't fire Rosenstein so we need to make his job a living hell
Pretty big deal if we consider the odd train issue.
Excellent, can't hate kurds cos muh gommunist revolution but can't hate turkroach cos dey brown muzzies.
Wife who doesn't share his last name? Yeah that's a sham marriage.
Why would Trump fire rosenjew when you can just watch him go to jail.
To make up for my derailing.. I will derail with a new meme
You inspired me bruh
With this being said by Rosenstein, even in a closed door session, this is starting to get VERY sloppy on their part. Up until now the sedition of these fuckers it has been somewhat poorly hidden from plain sight. It almost seems that their controller is no longer giving them pointers and orders. Wonder who that could be. Wonder how far down or up the rabbit hole is going to go on this one.
No way.. this shit is just…
here we go, couldnt remember that nobodies name
Commies… Heh.
They even push games to kids as part of this bullshit brainwashing
LARP = Lawyer Assisted Redpilling Program
It's pretty incredible that time and time again these issues always show the same exact trends of odd marriages, always the same people involved, always the same connections. It's clockwork at this point, it really is.
I keep hoping that I'll find evidence that Holla Forums is wrong about the kikes, yet even the most superfluous probe proves our suspicions correct time and time again.
It's maddening. It's as if the world itself is blind.
> It's as if the world itself has been blinded.
Fixed that for ya user.
Kind of like
I think it’s just their brains shutting down because they can’t process the information about what is going on. They’re so unprepared for it their mind just completely blocks it out. It feels like there’s this insane lack of comprehension. Like everyone is just sitting around in a room while a shady guy with a silly little hat and a bayonet slowly and methodically makes his way around the room, puncturing the heart of each person in turn, and yet no one makes a sound. Their vacant eyes track him but don’t come to any realization about the danger right in front of their faces. Those that might think something is amiss look to the other people for confirmation, read their lack of reaction, and decide it’s probably just a problem with their own comprehension.
About a year or so ago I never even considered or cared about the kike issue as I just saw it as banter but as time went on and I looked into things on my own but were presented through many of these investigations here I noticed the pattern and it legitimately was embedded into every… single… issue. It really is. There really is no counter thought for it at this point as any and every facet of society you look into always ends the same and it always has the same earmarks on it.
Reminds me of that part in the movie Serenity. The PAX ((they)) put in the atmosphere to weed out aggression (and basic thought comprehension) but 10% became insanely aggressive and murderous.
The jews really got a grip on things, don't they? Got their hands into e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Can you imagine the goodhearted nature and intelligence America could have been without their influence? Could have been great.
there's a term for that
It's just patterns over and over again. Let me show you an example of the most recent one.
"Beginning in 1999, the FBI had conducted five disciplinary investigations of FBI agent Robert Wright and failed to find any wrongdoing. But within days of Wright‟s second press conference (see June 2, 2003), they launch yet another investigation about him, claiming his media appearances show he was insubordinate. [CHICAGO
TRIBUNE, 4/22/2005] Senators Charles Grassley (R-IA) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) quickly hear of this new investigation and co-author a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller on July 12."
Involved in the issue here which was a Flynn like attack fest on (in this case) an FBI agent who uncovered serious issues leading up to 9/11 including a man named Jamil Sarsour (yep!), an FBI agent named Royden Rice (yes!), mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker Awan (yep!) and the list goes on.
In anything we look at it the patterns just repeat. Not always exhibited in the same way but always involved if we look hard enough.
Few years ago this happened as well:
The details of that issue were fucking mind blowing. It's just a consistent repeating of these issues and all leading back to the same sources.
Grok. What about their false flag patterns? Something for Super Bowl?
My gut tells me it is the absolute perfect storm situation given all the factors but the patterns say if it is to happen it will be done outside the stadium and before the game. At the same time though, it also brings attention to the entire country will be focusing on that one event which means other venues will not be as closely looked at.
But in the end there really is no other situation I have ever seen where I actually expect something to occur more than I don't. The Super Bowl, given the city, the security change, the stadium "repairs", the situation politically, and several other factors just make it something I am concerned about greatly.
It would give the kikes a distraction from their dirty deeds that have recently been exposed, and esp. if they could implicate, say Korea or Russia as the culprits and start a nice long idiotic war..or maybe even a straight male white supremacist. Their hatred of us and their irrational need for power is vicious and endless.
I firmly believe the train issue was meant to kill those on board given several factors including one I discovered about the driver of the vehicle. His name is Dana Naylor (male) and he is from Charlottesville. There is another person by that name in Charlottesville but their name is Dana Wasserman Naylor (I am serious - check it if need be). Given the recent revelations about the threat made to them, given that the best chance to stop Trump is to take the Congress/Senate and given two other patterns I won't mention because I don't want to be suicided it just comes together and legitimately appears it was an effort and not an accident. Could be wrong of course but I do not believe I am.
My point is, if it was an actual attempt that would also mean that the train likely got a warning which slowed it down and prevented it from happening which then means those providing oversight are no longer in the hands of those attempting to cause these issues. If that is the case than I am happy but a trapped animal bites most vicious and there is simply no way, at all (none), that these people go down without fighting back which is why I am pretty much expecting something terrible shortly.
Interesting. Was the location of the train "accident" in a rural area in WV? I had a feeling, when the story broke, that the driver was already dead. I mean really, who the fuck gets stuck on train tracks and can't at least get out of the truck prior to getting hit by a train? I have not researched much of this incident. But, as always, it stinks of jew trickery.
There are plenty of stories that feature a community being preyed upon by monsters. They play out exactly as you describe.
Expect them to get even sloppier as their house of cards comes crashing down. The funny thing is, they were sloppy to begin with because they assumed that Hillary would win turn and they'd be allowed to get away with their treason. So why even bothering being clever and covering their tracks? They were going to get off scot free once Madame President was elected. Might as well use a fake dossier to obtain a FISA warrant and break the law left, right, and center. It's not like Trump would win or anything. It's not like anyone would investigate them.
But Trump did win. And they are being investigated. Now they find themselves in a nightmare scenario and there's no way out.
me real english good when sleepy
In regards to their insufferable assumption that HRC would know what they say about assuming.
Don't you hate that? Esp. in a place like 8 chan. I just don't want anyone to call me a faggot. Good night everyone! Tomorrow is a new day.
Rosenstein is the link the president will apparently will use to bring the public from the concept of FISA surveillance to the concept of nuke smuggling and highly classified information sales
These fuckers are intimidating and clipping people
If you are able to leak anything DoD doesn't know, make yourself known to DoD. You probably already know what to do, but just remember people in your own agency probably want to fuck you, so please be smart
Also, if you can do it safely, please use
Good luck gents. This is a fucking war.
Bureaucrats making threats to elected members of congress?? Who do these kikes think they are? If this is true and allowed to stand then things are really bad.
Trump should be able to fire them all now with Congress having his back. Muller and Rosenstein can not do SHIT to a sitting president.. All they can do is bring their findings to CONGRESS who has to impeach/remove.
This clearly proves DEEP STATE > Elected Officials now at least in (((their))) eyes. This has to be corrected.
Seems to me, at this point they are just doing whatever the Hell they want to, and letting the media completely make shit up to cover for them. White is black, up is down, and they expect the clueless American public to either go along with whatever logic the media gives, or not.
The end result is that there are two dueling police actions, two dueling threats of arrest, and those who watch the mainstream media are so confused they don't know who is being honest. Holla Forums does, only because we've been ironically shitposting about their lies for years.
So, with two dueling groups, both with guns and presumed authority to use them to placate the other side, what does that spell? If the corrupt crime cabals don't go quietly into the night they won't… , we have ourselves a real, live banana republic civil war on our hands. And it's been primarily given the space to occur by the obfuscating mainstream media.
Were I to target anyone, the first parties I would target would be the media, and those who own them. Not that I would ever do such a thing, mind you…
In the long term, the stakes are higher now than ever, higher than I ever expected when I started this. These bastards are getting put down, forever, or else Earth itself won't be worth living on anymore. The stakes are that high.
A game like that isn't a bad idea, it could have tons of the artificial problems of Communism and make you think "if this was Capitalism I wouldn't have to deal with any of this shit!"
Reminder that Monopoly (the game) was meant to show how terrible and un-fun Capitalism was, and people instead loved the game (even if it's shit as a game).
guy was very scared to say it
sage for off-topic. anybody notice cathy lanier, the washington dc police chief when seth rich got shot is head of nfl security? trump must have adjusted whatever surveillance/protocol already to account for her with nfl generally, but particularly something like BIG GAME. whatever fed/state/local security cooperation with nfl security. i assume trump adjusted fed aspect of that.
oops. saged sticky.
still curious if anybody knows if anything done to adjust for cathy lanier and BIG GAME in our post-memo release world
this little kike needs to get his shit pushed in, same with his family. these kikes need to go
it's a little off topic but i made up a version of monopoly where three players play on a team against a single central bank that owns every property with a few handicaps on the bank and bonuses for the players to start off. it's pretty fun.
To be honest communism does fuck literally everyone involved.
Thanks for the tips and wishes, Julian. I hope you are ok as well.
I guess you never went to an Antifa encampment just to see what it was when you were young and impressionable.
I think that's just a twist on an earlier game by the same company
Although kike narrative control of course remains powerful, you shouldn't allow yourself to be gaslit into thinking that we're alone or not gaining traction. Knowing goyim comments are increasingly common in normie MSM comment sections and places like T_D, at least until they get (((moderated))). For leddit you can see before/after SHUT IT DOWN diffs using tools like and
It's a retard echo chamber.
wreckage happened outside charlottesville va
Stop being a fucking tard.
do tell, please
Besides being a retired DC cheif of police, whatbisnsuspect about her?
This user gets it. Always nice to hear the fucked up run down on what these kikes have done to the world.
I've seen comments on Yahoo about the kikes. This pleases me.
I thought it was to show people that the end result of every single game of Monopoly is one player owning everything and every other player being bankrupt….
Most of these liberal retards and "just young and impressionable" college student with an urge to do something (brainwashed) quickly come to terms about whats what when they enter the adult world after college and get their first paycheck. Noticing ALL the fucking taxes. Some even become staunch conservatives.
Trump should fire them all and DOJ should make arrests during the Superb owl. Nobody would even care, especially if they stage a false flag.
That looks like dog shit
Haven't seen much Super Bowel hyping on the net. Strange.
The NFL job is largely a favor, it looks like, because Lanier got it in fall 2016 right after Seth Rich's death.
Lanier also has a lot of Clinton connections. Unclear how this person is in charge of nigger ball security other than as a payoff for silence. Obviously, since she hasn't induced any false flags yet, whatever they've done federally has been sufficient to stop her, but given the memo release, who knows what this cunt will do.
THAT SAID, given that nigger ball is a symbol of filthy niggers, I don't think it would serve their interests to attack the filthy nigger animal symbolic sport, UNLESS they tried to play it off as "nahtzees" or "white supremacists" did it.
I swear to god Holla Forums is secretly the board for people with FAS
I accidentally greened the first sentence. Just curious if, given that the memo is out, this situation is receiving appropriate scrutiny. Not that I care about nigger ball or think Trump's federal people haven't controlled for this lady running NFL security. I would have to assume they've accounted for her.
Any government high tier shit heads attending?
Stop with the fucking namefaggin you retarded cocksucker.
If that's name fagging, so is posting with the same ID multiple times in a thread m8.
No, you’re just an idiot.
(((Pure coincidence))) aka its the kikes.
i'm respectfully suggesting things as a casual observer, you shitskin lump of diarrhea
Lanier was chief during Seth Rich affair, DC cops didn't ever release police body cams or surveillance footage, and they just referred everybody to feds (who referred back to DC cops) for Rich's laptop…and then she resigns suddenly in sept 2016 two months after Rich's murder…to take a super high paid job at NFL
given memo release and related tensions, maybe this niggerbowl deserves extra scrutiny because this cunt was associated with clinton foundation and mccauliffe et al.
just saying stuff politely here, you diarrhea cockroach shitskin kike. may i respectfully suggest you put a round through the roof of your mouth immediately? take care.
The tree of your ancestors got a little healthier, user. The ancestors like it when people recognize and take care of them, even when it's just noticing little things.
Cap not about the superb owl is for you.
kek are you referring to the voice changer call where she didn't block her extension?
well, if history repeating means anything there's blackhawks circling over an area known as little Mogadishu in MN for it's Somali population. See pic related, cap appeared earlier in another thread, reposting for visibility
gooooood question
i just think lanier has to go. can't believe they paid off that bitch with nfl job
So (((Rosenstein))) is corrupt? Who would have ever guessed?
If the FBI refuses to be a servant to the Executive and Legislative branches, then dismantle and fire everyone. There is nothing in the Constitution that says the FBI has to exist. It has become corrupt and a defender of corruption. If its not working for the good of the American people, and we know it is not, then destroy it and replace it with something else that will.
You really just need to work in finance, law, or media, and preferably in New York or LA (or South Florida, I hear) to get it fully and completely. It's pretty terrifying what they've done.
Jews truly pull the strings, and they deliberately push complete genocide of whites. It's very real. They do this through massive, inordinate control over politicians through money, enormous influence on media, publishing, and academia (total information control), massive MASSIVE economic influence encouraging "tolerance" aka accept filth and crime, race mixing, degeneracy, faggotry, generally things that cause white self-destruction–they 100% push that hard. This doesn't mean all niggers, spics, and other shitskins do NOT have to be deported, or if they won't leave, slaughtered–this must happen if whites are to survive–but to stop white destruction from happening in the future, the root of the evil must be eliminated. The kikes MUST be slaughtered. Israel cannot even be allowed to exist. If you let one single kike live, that is like doing a cancer operation but leaving a couple bad cells here and there. The shit WILL metastasize.
So, kikes MUST all be killed–EVERY one of them with no exceptions whatsoever.
Shitskins can be given the option to leave or be killed, but that must be an absolute choice with no deviation and no exceptions.
Speaking of massive economic influence, your words, have you noticed how the niggers and transplanted muslim and african niggers, have nice SUVs, nice homes? We recently tried to move to an above middle class neighborhood, but it was filled with older black people. W T F? We didn't even qualify for a home loan. I bet if we had marked off the "african american" box we would have qualified WITH cash back.
It became corrupt because of the deviant jew and moral lacking greedy Americans that run it. Get the jew out and the unAmerican traitors.
Not quite. The point of monopoly was to ossify the game in an unpleasant and boring state and draw out the end of the game where the poor players just keep paying the rich player until they hate what's happening.
People only 'love' monopoly because they don't play by the fucking rules and instead make up nonsense rules like 'free parking yields rewards'
can confirm south florida, i grew up in the West Palm Beach area and went to (((university))) in boca raton, both the two highest concentrations of kikes in the states.SoFl is a kosher shithole the yids flock to in the winter months to escape the cold of NYC and harass the white folks with more mudshits, niggers, and spics who they sell property to/ship in. Also happened to live in the same area as ol ramen hair debbie does pakistan herself, and kept tabs on epstein's mansion. My home has been warped by these fucking jews so much i had to get out for a little bit, but when i go back there's gonna be some changes.
I don't understand what to do about that. Should we meme a happening somalis go boom so that normies begin to get redpilled without lube, or do we reveal all the shady shit so that the corrupt mozlems get reckt?
A Redpill a day keeps the libtards away
Extremely gay vid.
I'm surprised the mic didn't fuck him in his faggot face.
Even if you use house rules, the end result is the same. It's exactly as you say—the poor losers just get increasingly sick of the game until they want to flip the table.
The fact that the same names and (((names))) keep coming up time and time again is actually comforting to me. It leads me to think that maybe, just maybe, the list of our true enemies (at least the ones who are actually power players) isn't that long at all. The fight we're in starts to appear far more winnable if we only have to take down a few thousand goy/gentile individuals of significance in order to achieve our goal of exposing and seeking justice against the (((group)) responsible for all this.
Shut up, kike. The battle has only just begun.
Do you see it getting any better? I hear the larger ft. lauderdae area above the jewhole that is miami is nice. Then again I also read they've coerced puerto ricans into moving into the area so they can flip florida as a whole.
Put a bullet in your brain, (((land speculator))).
That's what I get for phoneposting. Believe wuat you want to believe but I don't think it makes sense for me to bepromoting whitepills if I'm supposedly a member of the tribe.
I simply believe the number of kike enablers with the power to actually enforce their will is far less than (((they))) would have you believe. The kikes only h9ld power because some of our people enable it and condition others to permit it. Remove the enablers and there's nothing standing in our way, a task made much easier if there aren't that many enablers to start with.
they used to call that "obstruction"
(((Rosenblattsteingold))) needs to be fired.
Every kike will hang, down to the child.
I addressed this in my first post.
(from some hazy recollection of a news report)
MSM: Are you firing Rosenstein?
Trump: You work it out.
Salt forecast looks good
You keep talking about 'our' rhetoric. You don't speak for 'us', and you are a kike.
Trump is a literal idiot for not firing Rosenstein on day 1. It was no secret he's a liberal kike and an Obama holdover.
This could work.
Code speak for CIAnigger
Trump laid a trap for the FBI you moron, and it worked. More memos are going to be coming out, each more damning than the last.
He gave them rope, they tied a noose and poked their own heads through looking for any way to depose the President.
This turbokike needs hung ASAP
Now I'm reading that Carter Page was an FBI agent, weird huh? And that he dealt with Russians.
Your link specifically stated he was just the opposite and he thought he was a mere contact to do business with while in fact the Russian was the spy and Page was already questioned about this by the FBI and he was dismissed…
Oh I see the CIA glowdarks are here.
The fact that Page is a glowdark asset is further bolstered by the fact that so many DNC morons are talking about how an operational asset was uncovered by the four page memo released on Friday.
Trust me, you'll find out, just give it time. Grassley's going to un-redact his memo, just wait and see.
They lie in hope that people don't actually read the link and will just take an user's word for it. Classic well poisoning.
kill all cops
Interview with Carter Page, new.
Obama's going to jail.
I don't have 40 mins right now, what time does it get interesting.