Secretly Filmed SPLC Meeting- 'Why The Rise In Hate Groups' 'It's The Rise In The Demographic Dispossession Of White People In America' 'You Can't Stop It' 'It's Been Planned For A While'
Secretly Filmed SPLC Meeting-
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Kike free first post.
what does twitter have to do with anything? link a vid or fuck off
They are correct. It can't be stopped because it already happened.
Let me screw your digits up.
that is a link you stupid nigger
they will cry that they are wrongly accused why simultaneously saying 'give up goyim you can not win' even after you have slammed the oven door closed.
I can not wait to just fucking destroy these "people" good lord this is the personification of malignancy
Takes 2 seconds to post the video without having to direct link to a tweet.
If-if-if-if-if those goyim thin-thin-thin-think they can st-st-st-st-st-stop us th-th-they've got an-an-an-another thing c-c-c-coming.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Here's hooktube links so they can't be taken down don't forget to download them too
But white genocide don't real.
Just like there’s only 11 million illegals and they are natural conservatives user.
Love that pic. Saved.
The kikes are trying to slide shit hard now that shabbat is over.
Remember these word when (((when))) they are going to beg for mercy, or even worse try once again the victim card.
To be fair twitter deliberately makes it non-obvious how to save videos, to encourage people to RT instead of sharing elsewhere. (Maybe it's different if you're logged in, I don't have an account.) Without using extensions the easiest workaround is to edit the URL to to get the mobile site, then click the video to get a regular embed you can right-click and save.
voice goeS UP!!!! and sounds realLY GAY!!! every siX SYLLABLES!!!!
dead splc members can't meet
Oh FUCK the goyim know our plan now! What ever will we do now, those dirty bastids!
Thanks, I'll remember this
Transcript? Can't watch right now.
Keep in mind, to these "people" a hate-group is any white that opposes his extermination.
If you don't willingly lay down and go extinct for the Jew, he calls you a "hate-group."
Like pottery. The Holocaust will happen this time.
Hitler tried to be nice about it, just wanted to deport them, and look what happened to him.
I'd really like to talk to these Jews to ask them a question.
So, all this anti-white and diversity shit has lead to huge instability in places like California, as it progresses it only gets worse.
So Jews actually think this will ever stop? They're going to have to live in the same world as us, you know. What happens when there are no more whites around to protect Israel?
Have they thought any of this out?
Better to ask the other non-Jewish races…after the whites are gone, who will they target next?
Because there is such a thing as a "World Cartel." All the greedy sick minded criminal scum got together with secret societies to ensure power. Supposedly there is a rumor that The…"Illuminati" are seeking revenge upon The Jewish Cabal.
Sure thing
I wouldn't be so certain of that. They have Israel now with estimates of 400-700 nuclear weapons ready to deploy their Samson option. During the Yom Kippur war when the arabs were going to stomp the kikes, they threatened Nixon with the Samson option unless he dropped in immediate aid. Jews are much more entrenched now.
They don’t care for a variety of reasons. The biggest is that they are a parasite race and will either just find a new place to locate to in the West, or retreat to their nation-state of Israel. They have no ties to or respect for the region and host people’s they come from like whites do. And lastly, even if they did have some sort of care, it’s irrelevant. Their genetic disposition is to always destroy the host country. They can’t help it; it’s hard wired into their brains. There is a reason they been kicked out of nearly every fucking country in history. They are a scourge.
But what happens if they succeed and they have no more western nations to retreat to?
Nobody will be there to defend Israel from all its neighbors it made angry over the past 70 years, Israel can't defend itself.
Make the world great again, bomb pissreal
Nigger, you don't understand. All the technological advancements we hold so dear mean nothing to them. They don't want to achieve anything beyond being on top, even if it's a dung heap. They will literally revert the world back to the technology of ancient Egypt if that's what it takes to rule until the death of our sun.
Excactly this
How is it possible to address people without the slightest charisma and still get them to go along with your plan?
These fucking kikes
The only way to counter an all out nuclear war would be to create Anti-Nuke EMP-Nukes and detonate them in the atmosphere. Create these weapons first, push Israel to the launch point, then a combination of algorithms and human analytics to ensure that all nukes are destroyed BEFORE they come out of orbit. MIRVs could be mitigated with smaller faster anti-nukes and modified Patriot Missiles that fly well above super-sonic speeds. A success rate of 80% or better.
The resulting counter-attack would already be setup and ready–a taskforce of long range howitzers would already be shelling Israel (missiles and planes can be easily shot down…) while super-sonic fighters outfitted with thermobaric bunker-busters that would slam into all the ratnests underground.
This would clear the way for land based forces to blitz into Israel, with support from AEGIS cruisers countering any fire from them while providing satellite direct mortar and missile strikes as needed. The entire operation could be handled in less than a week if done correctly.
But you're missing my point. They wouldn't be the rulers of anything, they'd be wiping themselves out and letting all the African'ts, Muzzies and Chinks lead the world instead. Surely they must see this?
They don't care. Considering how much Auschwitz fanfiction they churn out it wouldn't surprise me if they secretly want to get dominated and only lash out against whites because we didn't punish them hard enough.
I pity them. They don't know who they are messing with.
I've been thinking about a poster campaing called "If America were like Israel" where each poster says "If America were like Israel" at that top and on the bottom is a one or two line redpill about how nationalistic and racist the kikes actually are.
That sort of thing. I don't think it should actually mention jews or use the word jew at all even, if you want to show that they exclude foreigners use white in a comparison to America instead of jew so it's hard to make it read countersemetic.
It's slightly off topic but I figured I'd bring it up in another thread first before I made one for it in case people hate the idea.
I hear stuff like that and I wonder things:
I'm pretty sure you could nigger rig a short range missile that could be launched from a boomer in the med that would take out their second strike capabilities before they were able to launch but that makes the assumption that their nukes aren't already hidden in population centers and also requires you to disable their submarine fleet first.
The subs you can take a bit of time with since they aren't in constant contact with anyone ashore or in the air and won't be immediately noted to be missing, but that's dicey as fuck no matter how you slice it. You'd need incredible intelligence and since jews only betray non-jews and the kikes won't let any goy near any military intelligence that would be a feat, especially when your own intelligence agencies are thoroughly compromised.
I wonder if you could earn their trust by being president good goy for a while and getting into a war with Iran and then you launch a barrage of Tomahawks from an SSGN in the med, unbeknownst to anyone except maybe ten people who meet in secret half are nuclear tipped TLAM-A's and half are duds aimed at a particularly empty patch of Iranian desert. At a certain point the nukes veer off from the pack and make a beeline to Isreal and airburst.
But that still leaves that submarines. The submarines are really a bitch and a half.
While the Chinks would pose a threat, the muzzies are in power on borrowed time and borrowed technology, and the nogs would manage to run their very existence into the ground within a matter of months.
They can be as many as they wish, neither will amount to much when the international handouts end. Israel, at least, can sustain itself.
I suppose they have other plans to deal with the slopes.
Better to burn the world to a cinder than let them continue to rule.
Just black pill my shit up.
Are you literally that stupid?
Fuck you kike
OP, this video is horrifying. Everybody knows the stats and knows these people want to destroy whites, but to have them lay it out like this is astonishing.
These fuckers want to kill us.
Hey gents, this is Dillon. I'm the CO of Vanguard America. I was the guy who recorded that video. I drove over to Lexington, KY on a Wednesday night to attend that forum on the 31st of January. I didn't know how insightful this video would be. I honestly just thought it was going to be a lot of nonsense schlock. Apparently my little video, which I was openly filming, was a lot more powerful than I had imagined. I encourage everyone to do what I did. Track these seminars and forums and record every single one of them. My only regret is not recording it in its absolute entirety, to include the conflicts afterwords which my accomplice and I had with the staff and several audience members after video 3 ended.
No, YOU are missing the point. Stop anthropomorphising the Jew.
Reminds me of a game I used to play when I was a bit younger. So if even MilTec was backdoored to hell by COINTELPRO scum…what do? A "certain person in the know" once told me that when shit was going to go down WW3 style…Israel and China would make a non-aggression pact against with each other.
Both of these nations have their technology integrated into all of our shit, thus they would know exactly how to strike us (I once recall hearing about The US conducting Naval Wargames in an undisclosed location when a Chinese sub popped up right in the middle of their fleet.) Coincidence? Sure…
That leaves only conventional tactics available and electronics that are analogue in nature. Of course, the option to use Mercenaries, citizen strike forces, and other's who have a grudge in a pure ground battle becomes a necessity.
The advantage is that the USA and Israel have become complacent and reliant on Air Superiority on land.
Thanks for filming and posting the clip online. Those people are insane.
You have no fucking idea. I came to the conclusion after everything was over, that these people are absolutely lost. This is a disease of the mind and spirit. These people believe that in 50 years racism will end because we will all be shit skinned and they are clamouring and racing towards that goal to "end hate" by making us all the same. That is their goal, to end true diversity. I was rather distraught and disturbed for several days afterwords and I still am a little shaken that every white person in that auditorium was welcoming the destruction of their race with open arms, like how an old man welcomes death in his final days.
They are the true zombies. This is the apocalypse. They are the walking dead and the only cure, as you know, is to remove the head or destroy the brain. That is….thats it. That's all.
could you use a spycam in a pen or glasses to record the discussion after the conference while you ostensibly stow away the camera?
Well, yeah of course, but I didn't have one of those so…It's not a big deal, really.
decent idea, needs refining, its a little wordy but i like it
this is a board of peace. shoo shoo, you glow in the dark cianigger.
I'm not condoning violence in any way. I'm just saying there is no cure for the disease of liberalism and communism. The venom from the bite of the Jewish parasite has no anti-venom. There is no kind of radiation therapy or chemo for this cancer in those people. They are infected and there is no help for them. No salvation.
Certainly we have a major problem on our hands with traitors in the government loyal to Israel, traitors loyal to the Vatican, traitors loyal to Mexico, as well as all the Deep State - CIA-NSA-DHS evildoers all out there destroying the White Race everyday. The FEMA Camps are waiting for us should a suitable national security event happen!
I think the way whites may have a shot at surviving is form a new government (or some form of autonomous territory like the Basques in Spain). I say use the current, and otherwise highly effective and brilliant constitution as a framework for a new constitution, but strike the key elements that caused kike/shitskin filth to seize power and begin the current genocide of whites. We have to structure the document so it is 100% clear, with no doubt, that ONLY non-Jews of European heritage are allowed. This is important because the founders did not even consider non-whites to be people and simply assumed they were not covered in the Constitution, but we have to make this explicit in a new document.
This means, strike amendments past 10th (with a few exceptions, obviously). Add in strict definition of "person" and "citizen" etc. defined by European racial heritage. This can definitely be done, but it takes commitment. It's a long haul effort.
The reason whites got fucked is because of loser, cowardly, and disgusting worms like you.
Go ahead and try to round us up. Let's get this going.
Is a bloody revolution the only solution? Or to redpill and convert enemies into friends? Should revolution be the only solution to the plague on our hands, be sure to study the downloads here on this thread now:
Conflict Readiness for Whites
user, I should think you already know in both heart and mind what the answer to your question is. Those that came before us were quite clear and any deep thought on the matter will lead to the same conclusion.
We shall remove The False Pope from power.
Dismantling The Cartels that control the people with fear.
Castrating Zionism and restoring Jews to a highly religious role in the quarantine zone known as Israel.
With God on our side…they shall be Illuminated and destroyed.
Have you ever heard of The Aryan Ascendancy Project?
If you look at the history of the Jews, the only races that have ever defeated them in battle have been white (Egypt, Greece, Rome, Philistia, etc.) They know, rightly, that they can never defeat whites nor ever truly rule over them, because they are superior in every way that counts. They believe if they can trick whites into killing themselves, they will be left with a planet of darkies they believe they can easily defeat, and thus take their "rightful" place as rulers.
These videos represent how
Feels overcome Reals
Jews think that they can survive without white people like they aren't a race of parasites. White people have a built in racial sampson option, if we even did die out, the world and the Jews would collapse and die in the ultimate clusterfuck of global wars, famines, and epidemics
I agree with the point you're making but with most people this is actually not true. I parroted tons of liberal ideas when I was in my early 20s and I came to my senses. Conditioning works well, but people can change and/or be conditioned in other ways. This fight for the mind is part of the human condition and what you're saying is dangerous because it's kind of like giving up because it's hard and you can't figure out how to do it yet
I'm not saying everyone will be redpilled, but people can and will change what they believe in and they will do this easily if they think it's what they're supposed to do, meaning it comes from somewhere they view as a greater authority than themselves, even if it's just the authority of their immediate peer group.
I'm in no way implying that changing a mind is the path of least resistance.
Bullshit. These people's minds cannot be changed. I've been among them too long to be as naive as you. You are a fool. These people are an enemy. Maybe you are a shill.
History shows that the only solution in a situation like this is independence. We've tried hard enough to change minds. Time is a factor–no more time for people like you.
Whites need to form their own country. Pussies like you get treated the same as every other enemy.
And fuck you again.
People need to immediately stop listening to anyone like deliberately trying to waste time when "discussion" has been taking place over 50 years while whites have been destroyed. It is precisely due to people like >>11245551–weak pathetic faggots who want to talk endlessly to "change minds" when anyone with a room temp IQ can see where this is going from a mile away.
Coward asshole fuckhead pieces of shit like endlessly debating and claiming that wasting time is actually "changing minds" caused this situation.
Fuck him and fuck anyone who thinks like him. They are just the same as any other enemy. It is clear that drastic, historic change must take place. Serious bloodshed is going to be very hard to avert, but that is quite literally the only chance whites have at surviving. Otherwise, there is no future.
Fuck you again
And fuck you again
Time is a factor you fuck
You are the problem
I cannot say fuck you enough to everyone who thinks like you. YOU caused this. Fuck you
You need to relax, reddit poster. There are people out there that want to create White Enclaves that can be used as both "homes" and "bases" alike.
There are no "good" jews. jews will never change, it is not just that they are jews but how their religion and ethnic solidarity operates, they will never change, they will never behave differently.
there are no "good" jews
they either leave on their own accord or they must be forced out, like they jews love to say about fascists, ==->"by any means necessary"
Literally what hitler did and said to do.
Gotta pull our people away from judaism, not just let the jews have them and use them as they please like with the russians.
Good job user!
This time they're getting the oven, every last one
CERTAINLY Leftist-Liberals' minds CAN BE CHANGED!!!
It happens quite often, by the way!!!
It occurs by the liberal application of…
1) Reality– coming out of the university fairy land had having to work to earn a living
2) Good old fashioned pain and suffering, such as comes from war injuries, chronic pain from some illness as fibromialgia, cancer surgery etc.
3) An encounter with the Truth, or God Himself.
Not good enough. We are still being systematically destroyed. Every last white person on the face of this earth is in jeopardy. What we are doing now is simply the tip-top of the iceberg. We have a lot of work to do and I ask all of you to help us accomplish our own salvation. If you and the means and the will and the way to track these SPLC whores, wherever they may roam, we can have someone there video taping them every single time and exposing them every single time. That's what needs to happen with this kind of deplorable shit.
TRSodomite Identified.
That's the Dicky Spencer approach and all it gets him is laughed at.
Get used to it faggot, reality isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Your fear will get you killed.
Dude, Norway explicitly excluded kikes from their country in their refounding document back in the medieval period and they still wormed their way in. The only solution is to actually do what Hitler was falsely accused of.
Let non survive
I am highly concerned about the existence of problematic misonordic hate groups with intelligence-gathering and social engineering agendas like the SPLC and I think we Holla Forumsacks should start our own group, the Northern Wealth Outlaw Center.
If Israel believes they'll be given support to take over the middle East, they absolutely will sacrifice kikes around the world.
Once we've rid ourselves of kikery in our own nations, then we will be much more ready to destroy them if needed. But I don't think that will happen, because a Jew is a creature without a home. Their actions stem from the very fact they are nationless. Jews in Israel are nothing like the kikes abroad, they don't care about what Europeans are doing only that they aren't getting slaughtered by mudslimes.
The time will come and they will be given a choice, side with us or mutually assured destruction. The kike is a coward. We are not. They will bend the knee.
Whoa, slow down a second. We're not unthinking monsters. Putting Jews in ovens is NOT the answer, user. It would take forever to burn that many Jews – check the math! Just bulldoze them into a pit like so many unsold copies of E.T. 2600 and pile on some dirt. Killing them beforehand is optional.
This pic would be a lot cooler if the guy didn't have such a niggerish bone structure and nose for supposedly being Aryan. It's like they took a negro and and whited him up complete with blonde highlights.
Real edgy, bro. Nice dubs
This option buys us needed time to track down their submarines, track down the nukes, et cetera.
Once they've been found, the public will be informed of their treachery, and no amount of plastic surgery will be able to save them.
And if the kikes refuse? We burn the world and its' inhabitants. Not a soul shall be spared, and they will hide in their bunkers, their caves, hoping to rule over the ruins of society, but we will seek them all out and destroy them. It is better to destroy all -even the good than to let their evil persist. Not just for the human race, but for any living creature in the universe, we cannot suffer the Jew to live. If there's even a small chance of life on another planet, we owe it to that life form to prevent the kike from perverting them too.
1. No one is ever going to fucking rise up against jews.
2. By siding with jews, you admit you’re a traitor.
Fear is the mind killer. If there's one thing you should have learned from Holla Forums it is to be fearless. Fear is what gives us cuckservatives who act no different than kikes, selling us all out. Fear is why you've tolerated society going to shit for so long, fear no more. Trust that good will prevail and act accordingly
Where did I say this?
I said if they think they will be saved they will take any out possible, including ousting every other kike for us.
And to your first remark, kill yourself faggot
1. Ideologically, there is no choice. The jew must be destroyed.
2. It won’t be. You lash out like a spoiled liberal toddler when faced with truth.
I'm not speaking ideologically. I'm telling you what needs to be done to destroy them. Make then think there's an out. Like a rat being guided to a trap
That you can't understand that speaks volumes about your intelligence.
No, I'm merely saying you're either a demoralization shill, a kike, or a fucking moron
You do realize who I am, correct? Seeing that kind of disgusting display first hand and seeing 95% of the crowd be white people and have them eat this fucking shit up is scary. It is disturbing. That doesn't mean I'm going to roll the fuck over and show my belly.
You do realize that this is an ANONYMOUS image board right?
Talking shit about doing shit while you bang away on a keyboard in your moms basement. You may as well be virtue signalling.>>11245582
Ahahahahahaha kys faggot
He's the one who took the video dipshit. At least he's out there doing something and bringing OC to this slow fucking board.
Talk about impotent retardation.
Try harder, moishe.
You need to go home >>>/reddit/
Take your nigger shit posting back to Holla Forums
it's comedy fam
Fucking newfags need to leave your egos at the fucking door. I don't care of you're the POTUS you say stupid shit we're going to laugh at you
Don't let the door hit your nose on the way out.
Only the whites are smart enough to see through their lies and actually do something about it. Think about the muslims or the chinese for instance. They are able to see how jews operate, but muslims are ok with collaborating with them to the detriment of their own kin (Saudis) and the muslim untermensch hordes are too stupid to fight with the jews efficiently, like they may be able to kill a few random kikes in the street but at the same time they are so easily provoked to attack enemies of the jews on their behalf and are very open to d&c from the jews.
The cinese see jews as their role-models and will learn from them but they fail to see them as the nation-wreckers they are and even now are letting themselves get subverted just as we did. They underestimate the kikes and their ways and when they'll be able to see it, it will be too late.
So, the jews play the 1st strongest race (white) against the 2nd strongest(muslim). When 1st will be gone they will play the 2nd against the 3rd (chinese), the 3rd aginst 4th, and so on. But with every step down, they will encounter much less resistance, since the lesser races are less intelligent and capable. So, when we fall, it will be only a matter of time since they exterminate everyone. In a sense, the white race is protecting everyone below them.
Even if he's larping about being the one who took it he's contributing more to the conversation than you have, which is pure sliding.
The SPLC needs to be infiltrated like this more often. These people have become so brash and have gotten away with this shit for so long they have really overstepped themselves. Whenever I hear blatant insulting anti-white shit in the media I don't cringe as much because I realize that the more they push, the more they push people our way.
It amazes me how the chinks somehow incorporate capitalism, communism, and a dash of natsoc and manage to get them all wrong but still manage to survive.
user, I… what?
Yeah, he doesn't know :(
>>>Holla Forums
Lies are funny now?
Hooktube automatically saves a video on their own server when a video get a view through them. Where hooktube to be taken offline then they'd still have all the back upped videos.
You're right, forgot it was a sticky since I was lingering in here too long. Bask in your derailing victory Shlomo.
I'll try to but I'll be very busy drop kicking kike children out of windows.
Always the eternal victims, even as they plunge the knife in.
sup >>>/reddit/
You've really shit the bed this time.
SPLC Plots Against White People
SPLC Plots Against White People Part 1
SPLC Plots Against White People Part 2
SPLC Plots Against White People Part 3–a4i8IrtE
Really? I was under the impression hooktube just embeds YouTube's videos into their own "wrapper".
Keep up the good work! And time will have to tell how many how many minds have been irrefutably poisoned and how many will reconsider.
No FUCK YOU Buddy. And sometime when you're not to busy shouting at people ask about conservatives conversion stories. A lot of them have one.
No, I'm not larping. Look gents, I know it's all "anonymous" and bullshit but I'm the mother fucker who posted those videos. Anyway! I'm glad to see the videos making the rounds on POL and Cantwell's show and everywhere else. People need to really see this fucking trash for what it is and understand that these mother fuckers want us gone.
The fuck's a SPLC?
Someone Pretending to Look Caucasian
According to your logic, muslims are smarter than whites. You say only the whites are smart enough to see through their lies, if you think being jew aware correlates to being smart, You should know that muslims are generally more redpilled about the jew than whites, also some of them are actually fighting them or are against them, while in white countries it's just the opposite.
I know I'm gonna get accused of being a mudlim or whatever, but I'm just pointing out that you're wrong.
Bumping with Kiwifarms assistance, just casually introduce slurs and faggots will drop it, while normalfaggots will still pick it up.
Wew, more like r/The_Donaltistic_Right.
Well done. (((They're))) making more and more mistakes and unraveling faster each day.
they deserve no pity, they deserve retribution
People should film these types of meetings and events more often. Why hasn’t this been done before?
I'll leave this here:
Susan Diane Wojcicki
825 Tolman Dr
Stanford CA 94305-1025
(650) 493-6691
SPLC strikes again with this new bullshit report calling people "alt right" who we have already proven had no connection with the right and were Sanders supports. Look at this shit:
Note: No idea why but SPLC sites won't allow archive at
Nice trips.
Contrary to what the kikes have told people, high tech does not mean better. A fighting force of idealists can easily destroy a force of superior numbers, tech, and supplies.
In reality, what determines victory is logistics. So Jewish tricks would only achieve a short term victory, but in the long term they lack the supply chains to survive a long term conflict. The kikes have become drunk with victory, and have not realized this yet. They would not survive a conflict in which we disregarded humanitarian rules of engagement.
The Alt-Right is Killing People -
did a search for antifa on soundcloud and this faggot came up. did a search and his public crap is so retarded. the guy was on a fucking school board it looks like too. these fucks can't be allowed to be near kids.
Gas all the kikes
Morris Seligman Dees Jr.
SPLC Founder
400 Washington Ave
Montgomery AL 36104-4344
(334) 956-8200
(334) 491-0101
In the meantime, how about some Life Ruin tactics here to these obscene people?!!!
Morris Dees
SPLC Founder, Chief Trial Attorney
2465 E Cloverdale Park
Montgomery, Alabama 36106-1903
(334) 263-5576
Naomi Tsu
SPLC Deputy Legal Director, Immigrant Justice Project
302 Murray Hill Ave NE,
Atlanta, GA, 30317
Richard Cohen (aka Jack Richard Cohen)
SPLC President
702 Cloverdale Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36106-1808
(334) 265-2656
Dear lord, the resolution of the videos are so fucking small. splc can't into HD.
Try freezepage, it is a pain in the ass but it tends to work.
Well excuse the fuck out of me! I didn't have a lot of charge on my phone so I had to lower the resolution to be sure the battery didn't die and so I could record longer segments.
What lies fam?
Why are you so mad?
Hang on, are you Jewish?
Jews aren't White!
Typical tricks there mer- … SCHLOMO!
How to find the raw video file on twatter for nubs
The kikes already have men on the inside in the Chinese government. They'll deal with them the same way they are dealing with us. They'll probably just invade Japan, maybe through Nork proxies.
After that, the muds will make good slave stock
No idea. I l know there's an unwritten "no meetups" due to CIAniggers but if it's just one user, then it could work. Just don't post about it until it's done otherwise (((they))) have a larger chance of stopping it / catching whoever.
Of course we should always pretend to give enemies an out. That's how White genocide has been implemented.
This is why we all need to rally behind NumbersUSA, they are by far the most influential anti-immigration group in the US. They have people embedded in Washington and a HUGE base that can be mobilized on a moments notice. Donate, read their site, follow their tweets, etc. They are totally PC too so there is zero risk with being associated with them publicly.
It hasn’t worked though, White birthrates are increasing.
found this poignant meme on the twitter feed of the video
This is why we all need to rally behind NumbersUSA, they are by far the most influential anti-immigration group in the US. They have people embedded in Washington and a HUGE base that can be mobilized on a moments notice. Donate, read their site, follow their tweets, etc. They are totally PC too so there is zero risk with being associated with them publicly.
I think America's best defense is still that it can not be invaded and occupied by an army of less than half a billion of so people. All the fucky shit the chinks are doing with our hardware and all the double agents and moles both them and the kikes have in our government can't really do shit about that.
China in general is not scary to me at all. The Chinese are notoriously bad at war. they fight like kikes, subversion and money-war, but in a total war they stand no chance. They've never even fought in a modern war, and back in Korea they were still using human wave tactics which don't really work against the auto-targeting machine gun turrets Samsung is building for the DMZ.
If the US wanted to, we could take Beijing with less than 1,000 casualties but if we did that anywhere from 300 million to a billion chinks would probably starve to death and it would be expensive and hurt our economy which is dependent on chinese manufacturing.
The way forward with Israel might be to learn to fight like a kike. Establish fake synagogues in the US and train fake kike infiltrators to go to Israel and declare citizenship and get positions in the military and the government while at the same time funneling black money and arms to hezbollah in some scheme where on paper the goods are going to (((moderate rebels))) in Syria while at the same time funding NGO projects in Israel that promote gay stuff, open borders, basically just basic Open Society Foundation talking points.
They don't see it that way user. They simply have a massive chip on their shoulder and hate what they call "Roman-Catholic culture," which to them means anything remotely associated with white people or classical European culture of antiquity. They likewise hate middle easterners, though not as much. But basically they are convinced that they have these ancient scores to settle with white people and to a lesser degree middle easterners, and would gladly destroy the world to see it done. They aren't even as far-thinking as you're implying, and just think they will be able to continue on business as usual once they've destroyed the western world and middle east.
This is true. For too long our ancestors have thought it sufficient to simply exclude these people from society or exile them. Every time their descendants paid the price.
We cannot be weak in the face of the Jewish menace. The jew is the greatest enemy mankind has ever faced and it is our duty to our children and our children's children to kill every single one.
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?
Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?
Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking
And let's add Gay and Women networking.
White Networking
Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.
There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.
White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"
Some WN turd posted a Hitler pic on the Twitter link.
Always helping the Jews 24/7.
How did you get that video? I couldn't grab it? are you on Linux, by any chance?
checked that military meme.
t. military man
fuck off leftypol this lazy strawman shit won't work
That's Spengler.
Underchecked quads wew
why even add the kippah look at the nose and hair the original author knew what was up
Get this to Tucker
It is so bad that it gave fat Mark Potok diarrhea at 2 minutes in
From the twitter comments:
It's so Jewish.
He was wrong about that. Should have 187'ed them where he found them.
They fear white people, our ability to see their lies.
Can you imagine the type of tech. they are withholding?
Someone do a DNA analyst on Jew blood, find a virus that will kill it that can be released in the air, spread it, then we are free. Easier than trying to reason or out smart these fucks.
We're doing one better than a virus. We're using weaponized information.
It's very evident that there's a lot of empty seats in this auditorium. Also, this spic lady is a very dull speaker.
wtf does this have to do with the thread?
Though that's susceptible to censorship.
Implying Nuclear weapons even exist and not just a bullshit card to prevent massive overthrows of world power.
Reported. Fuck off.
Decoys have been part of warfare for millennia.
i keep hearing this
Repeal CELLER-hart or perish.
If you don't know about the hart-CELLER act of 1965 you are not aware of the mechanism of replacement in the US. Repealing this one act is the most important thing we can do, everything else is just crying in the wind.
Show that Page is NOT UCE-1. I don't see any evidence to rule him out as UCE-1 and plenty of evidence to suggest he is. e.g. If they flipped Male-1 EVERYTHING adds up.
Glad to have you aboard newfriend! You should really try to lurk more for a while though.
Oh, is that so?
You're a USSOCOM intelligence agent. I know all about you.
Hey, everybody, we have here a USSOCOM intelligence spook posting on yogapig/pol/ in real time.
No, they don't know who you are. But I do.
Leader Of Charlottesville White Nationalist Group Was A Marine Corps Recruiter
Leader of White Nationalist Group Linked to Charlottesville Attacker Was a Recruiter for the U.S. Marines
The leader of a white nationalist group associated with accused Charlottesville killer James Alex Fields Jr. served in the Marines until this year, including three years spent as a recruiter, Splinter has learned. Dillon Ulysses Hopper, the self-described “CEO” of Vanguard America, a hate group whose members were photographed alongside Fields on Saturday, worked as a Marine recruiter between 2011 and 2014. He was discharged in January, according to military records.
Vanguard America received a round of headlines Saturday after Fields was accused of driving into a crowd and killing Heather Heyer, a counter-protester demonstrating against the neo-Nazi #UniteTheRight rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Earlier that day, Fields was photographed with members of Vanguard America, dressed in their uniform of a white polo shirt and khaki pants and carrying a shield bearing the group’s emblem.
I met members of Vanguard America, including Hopper—he introduced himself to me as “Commander Dillon”—at a white supremacist rally in Pikeville, Kentucky earlier this year. Hopper is active in racist causes under his birth name, Dillon Irizarry. Court records show he changed his name from “Dillon Ramone Irizarry” to “Dillon Ulysses Hopper” in 2006. After the Charlottesville killing, I contacted Hopper through Facebook (where he uses the name “Dillon Hopper”) and asked if he was the Vanguard leader. He responded that he was, but claimed that he wasn’t present in Charlottesville due to the recent death of his mother.
According to the Marines Corps’ Manpower and Reserve Affairs Department, Hopper enlisted in the Marines in July 2006, in Albuquerque, N.M. He deployed twice, serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom in January 2008 for about a year, and in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan for seven months beginning in July 2010. Records and public documents show that he became a USMC recruiter in Columbus, Ohio in 2012. A 2013 publication from the guidance department of Dublin Jerome High School in Dublin, Ohio lists him as a USMC recruiter.
In other words, Vanguard looks a lot like a militia or a paramilitary organization.
According to the Marines, Hopper was an active-duty member until January 30, 2017.
In my conversations with Hopper, he attempted to deny that Hopper is his legal last name. When I told him I knew that he’d changed it from “Irizarry” in 2006, he abruptly ended the conversation. (Records show that Hopper filed for divorce from his wife on August 11 in Indiana; there, too, he uses the legal name Dillon Hopper.)
A short while later, Marty Goldrich threatened to sue me if I revealed any personal information about Hopper, claiming that publication of “personally identifiable information” would be “damaging and incriminatory.”
What is with that? Is it some numale faggot way of speaking?
parasitic race… I like the ring of that. That could stick with normies.
A voice inflection is the same sound as a question. A speaker who continually does this is tends to do this in an effort to look for acceptance by his peers. It is a sign of insecurity.
With metadata
That's the funny thing, Hitler really tried to be diplomatic on a number of occasions (though he also demonstrated much swift brutality), but is still defamed as a monster. This enemy requires ruthlessness.
They without doubt are bluffing the capacity, and even so that's a last defense FOR ISRAEL being invaded
Not for diaspora Jews kvetching
The group Lehi which founded the IDF even offered Hitler an alliance during ww2 in exchange for him transferring the Jews to them
this deserved webm
==White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a 100+
year Jewish psych-op whose==
sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
bump for a fucking perfect idea
I used to be a Marxist.
Mussolini also used to at least have an interest in Marxism.
People can change over time–it happens.
Also, we're all indoctrinated by the Jewish system from a young age.
That being said, even though this definitely benefits us, I can't say whether I fully trust this 'Dillon Hopper' character who could easily be a federal spy.
Counter-Semite is something that Christopher Cantwell started using a while back; not sure that he got it from TRS; it could be the other way around.
He knows de wae
i quite like these in terms of content impact, however they seem a bit cluttered with text. The first could be streamlined with half as many headlines, perhaps divided between two posters, so as to be more easily digested? just a thought.
Consider streamlining the text on the 2nd poster. Otherwise content is decent quality
The way you get videos off of twitter is go to and click play. Then pause the video, right click, and you can save it. That or youtube-dl
Same here, when communism was about economics instead of wiping out the White race. I've seen quite a few anons with the same background, it may be the most common after people who got into politics due to gamergate.
That's kind of a requirement when you join the socialist party. He was kicked out though for being a nationalist (more specifically, supporting Italy in WW1). He also borrowed a lot from syndicalism for fascism.
Well. Even Hitler said it was easier to convince the Commies than it was to convince other people like just Nationalists. Would be harder today thanks to the massive amount of basically 24/7 indoctrination but still.
Works only if they don't fuck around with hidden functions and weird js. Another option is to wizardry with devtools or
I mean SS, why can't pol remember the site…
Use this to download Twatter videos:
The jews are a parasite race. They latch on to successful societies and sap them of resources and eventually the host society reacts to their behavior and removes them from society. They move on to the next society with a sob story about how they were persecuted AND THEY BELIEVE IT. Because jews don't even realize they're doing anything wrong. From their perspective they are behaving normally and doing what they believe and are taught is right, and all of a sudden, people started mocking them in public and refusing to do business with them and then one day their neighborhood was burnt or they were all ran out town or whatever.
I think at some point in the past two centuries, as society became interconnected on a global level, they developed some self-awareness with the realization that eventually, they would be left with nowhere to run as the entire world was now capable of communicating information very quickly and effectively and generally growing smaller and smaller. They knew that one day the entire world would rise up against them and exterminate them and that this was the driving force behind zionism well before Hitler. They needed a fortress they can retreat to and defend against their enemies and a military and defense industry to protect themselves.
I had to run to the store and I lost my train of thought here but fuck the fucking yids man.
and another user recently posted from within an ADL meeting causing such a saltmine it registered on seismic meters. The goyim know, kikes.
Nice work!
There will always be an increase in hate group activity when you start labeling every group you don't like a "hate group" like SPLC does.
They have no credibility at all.
user, where did you get this pic. I literally made this photoshop edit when I was 16 years old!!! and posted it only on one website. LMAO this is awesome i lost it since and im glad it resurfaced!!! WTF HELL YEAH.
What does "revive the natural hierarchies" look like practically speaking?
Commies are people with nothing to lose. They care about what they get out of a social revolution, nothing more. But they are more than ready for a revolution.
Other folks, not so much.
I used to be addicted to Methamphetamine and play the happy slap game. I was never arrested in Washington DC because the police ignore the rampant drug problem. Now I live in a small town and have been arrested multiple times for speaking my fucking mind. Keep in mind. I live in the SouthWest now (where I was born), but being only 100 whites in a town of 20,000+ mestizos…I am hated as soon as anyone lays eyes on me. I don't give a fuck how many times they put me in handcuffs because I will never forget what The Legendary Hero Adolf Hitler said. Simply put.
February 4th to 9th and now another 3 day
He sounds like the soyboy in a dress that he is.
Can someone please post the transcript to this?
That voice is incredibly grating. pic unrelated.
a lot of us don't know how to use twitter for reasons like not being a faggot
thanks user.
what is the big scoop?
Asia. Most of south asia is already parasitic like for example China, after racemixing their existence won't be really noticable there as it is here. Anyways, kikes have tried to destroy western civilization for 2000+ years and always failed, they only still live because they've been just expelled the entire time and never completely genocided. They're about to fail once again, we just need to make sure the holocaust happens for real this time.
Fuck ok
Can't wait for the race war to crack this kikes skull open
Thank you user.
What a confused individual.
Implying that you aren't working directly with the SPLC and that's why they allowed you to record their meeting undisturbed.
- The SPLC is an intelligence front for the CIA and DoD.
- All WN groups are intelligence fronts for the CIA and DoD.
Which means that the SPLC and all WN groups are TRAITORS worthy of the ROPE!!!!!!!
wtf are you talking about?
White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a Controlled Opposition Jewish psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
oy vey! stop organizing and talking and raising awareness, goy! stop pushing that overton window! stop pointing out jewish crimes! JUST STOP BAD GOYIM!!!
Good thing Holla Forums isn't affiliated with the Alt-Kike and TRSodomites. You know it's bad when your torpedo spam didn't work the first time so you now resort into saying White nationalism is supposedly the cause of White genocide, therefore it's Jewish to love and respect your own culture.
Because they know the real threat is the white man waking up. Four hundred shitskins mowing down a few hundred citizens they can live with. Woke white men are scary as fuck.
How the fuck is my video still on the front page of POL!?
Fucking kill yourself. It’s my video.
ur trippin, man.
Fuck you bitches!
Well congratulations, you got yourself caught.
And the next step of my master plan is crashing this plane…obviously, with no survivors.
Can't wait until I'm living next to some fucking freak poc who's language I don't understand, then at work I'm gonna have to deal with some Kenya was bigger who only speak fuck Ebonics. I'll live my live alone as I try and find one white person who can actually speak English and isn't brainwashed. By 2050 it's be like finding a needle in a haystack
Good luck with that one. Has no meaning to rape victims. Enjoy Mexico.
Brother, you can't even speak English yourself.
You fucking maniac. Blatant attempt to disarm your enemy through lies. I suppose the next thing you'll tell us is if we KILL our enemies they win.
Sorry got ahead of my typing and butchered the whole thing.
White nationalism is Jewish?
You poor bastard.
Kike confirmed illiterate.
As though it isn’t right now? But don’t worry! Some liberals have compiled a global map of where all us evil nazis live so that we can find each other.
So what's going on Holla Forums?
kike paranoia must be going into overdrive now
How else will they feed their ponzi economy without flooding the country with scum?
It's definitely exaggerated. 200 is the number I most commonly see, and some estimates are as low as 80 (pic related). 400 is the complete upper bound. Not to mention, they don't have the ballistic launcher capability to shoot that many, and most of its launchers are German-built submarines. hopefully they've got some backdoors
Israel's big trump card is its' diaspora and ability to corrupt just about anything. They almost certainly have some of their nukes hidden away in guarded warehouses in the capitals or major cities of various nations, so that if the time comes they just turn a key, no launch needed. The Sampson Option almost certainly doesn't use actual launchers.
That said, most major cities are cancer anyways and would likely need to be cleared out, so if they start this shit off their main targets will be ours as well. They're still in a lose lose situation.
The first kike intentionally lumped white nationalism in with the alt kike in order to discredit white nationalism, typical tricks which you're pretending didn't happen.
Nope, not pretending anything. Try again.
You mean they will. It's happening.
When was that? Communism operates under dogma that all races are equal that inevitably leads to the white race discrimination.
It was never not about (((whipping the White race))), we just did not know better back then due to lack of internet when (((the capital))) seemed as the sole big boss of the world.
Pretty fucking obvious, Holla Forums.
So literally fucking never, got it. Kill yourself, you stupid fucking yid.
Anyone got a clearer understanding of this? It looks like smoking gun evidence but we need to be clearer for sound bites.
Inaccurate or misleading sound bites hurts our pilling campaign.
A lot of the movement was rooted in a kind of post-racial post-nationalist proletarian solidarity, but, we're always dealing with biological imperatives here and masked agendas. What we face may not so much be an old or ancient conspiracy, but more a persistent multi-generational compulsion to destroy that which is better than you or fundamentally threatening to you.
Whites are trapped in a delicate situation right now. They are under attack but still have a strong sense of being at the top of their game and are mostly going about "reaping" the rewards of their own and past generational efforts.
What's a greater mystery are the Whites that are voluntarily trying to turn against their own race. I always think that it's no surprise that it's a bunch of virtue signalling narcissists and bitter misfits that lead the charge. One group consider themselves to be the supreme individuals par excellence and thus are so confident in their worth and dominance that they are prepared to toy with the prospect of their race being wiped out.
Another group probably just want revenge for a sense of rejection. Deserved or otherwise. In both there seems to be a messianic fantasy that involves them leading the brown masses to victory, and as reward, they get to rule them forever.
Whatever the case, the traitors are our most brutal enemy, because they are truly us.
The lack of the development of a international proletarian movement should've been enough to sink communism forever, but the communists re-arranged their metaphysics. This indicates what I am suggesting: biological imperative.
So, has it always been about getting rid of Whites? In a manner of speaking, quite possibly, but not necessarily as a rationalised plot.
That's pretty bad news.
The good news is that these idiots, in their frustration, and openly gone into anti-White mode. This means that it's a question of advertising this fact to our flock, and using this declaration of war upon our people to begin defending ourselves on every single level.
I'd encourage people to explore legal and economic means first and in failing this, then openly advocate alternative means on the basis that the enemy gave you "no choice".
"I had no choice" is perhaps one of the most powerful rhetorical tools you can use when converting others over to your side. This is because it is true.
We have no fucking choice but to defend ourselves.
Slash and burn is the name of the game
Jews would rule a pile of rat shit if it meant they were the ones in charge
youtube-dl https'':''//
You want to make it postable?
youtube-dl --recode-video webm https'':''//
You think much too highly of yourself Dillon. Eventually they'll use your trigger code and you'll an hero. I just hope you livestream it so we can enjoy it forever.
Dillon, I warned you about the ego. We all did. It's absolutely imperative you rid yourself of ego, first and foremost for knowledge. Once you kill your ego, you stop giving a shit about your 'image', you can focus on important shit like finding the truth, and not blinding yourself to knowledge just because a kike shill calls you names. Think of Holla Forums as a prep school for life.
The next reason not to be a namefag is if nobody knows who you are, (((they))) can't kill you. You think they won't? They tried to kill me multiple times after I took the heat off of some /baph/oles who were fucking with the kikes. Almost succeeded too.
Do whatever you want though fam, you'll learn; or you'll die. One of the two.
>How the fuck did you faggots let this bread get (((slid)))?
>>How the fuck did you faggots let this bread get (((slid)))?
bump for splc being btfo
Yeah, that's not true at all. Three years ago (in college) I was the worst possible degenerate imaginable, and now I'm here. In my case, it was getting an actual job that beat it into my head that life's not fair.