Other urls found in this thread:
Emotions are subjective
I feel happy so I am
Hurry up and add me on steam geez
lol no
good luck
I don't sell memes no more
Hail lord Satan
I dunno, Luka. You could sit it in with a fan blowin' on ya. Maybe get a little toy boat to play with. Let's not be too quick to dismiss the kiddie pool scenario.
The migration to Steam over MSN was in 2012 and she always would purposefully cap her entire screen to try and brag about how many people she's talking to for some reason so it's not like it was just the same image edited.
I lament that I didn't save caps like everyone else just to post now, since any and all things you'll just say "that's a lie and/or twisting the truth".
I asked if there was an archive, I have no clue whose even exists anymore.
Even something less than hour ago is now being "twisted".
There's a neenee drought.
4 days, Luka.
Post pics mang
Fill your brain with something!
mostly all of this
Careful drama is still being dragged out
How much was your plane ticket?
You're going to Smithers?
I was at my friends and he kept "mecka" with is bike and shit, but i had a red pen with me and this happened
for three and a half hours
For what?
how creamy
I wish my skin were darker,
so you could turn me into one.
Will you add me on battlenet ?
tokai could have had casper but he settled for this
Seems like a bad idea.
Easy there, Casper.
You'd just burn.
Casper as in the ghost.
Not the poster named Casper who's equally pale.
It's raining...
Dank stuff mang.
Did you stop doing graffiti?
Certainly not
Nonsense, what could go wrong?
Whiter then Casper, but i'm not that friendly
i think the shower will be good enough~
cosplays of samus
drunk stuff
soto and freinds
grim hugs for them
league booth
anime souvenirs
I don't even know what to make of this.
Then how will you know !?
Na, it still happens, but i mainly do bombing shit because i suck at spraycans and also paint is expensive
Also did you get fucked at midsommar?
Thank god, i was worried noone would make a thing out of that
Maybe late 2012, at best. The Haikus shit was late 2011/early 2012. And I didn't even use Steam for a long time after most of you started using it. I distinctly remember the final time I deleted her, after I was over her, being from MSN. I only ever sent her one invite on Steam, for the sake of catching up, and she accepted.
You love disingenuously using the word "everyone." If "everyone else" saved caps, then just get them from them, you idiot. But I think you know there are no such caps, because the things you are claiming happened simply did not happen.
About the next reply, I thought you were saying the poster "Who" has an archive. Nevermind the archive thing, then. You can just go ahead get those caps that you say "everyone" has.
Ok, ok.
Just don't turn into dried Luka jerky, alright?
That ava is too much. My heart is going to pop in my chest x.x
Can't wait to work out tomorrow morning
Did I show you any of the pictures I drew on my tablet?
You're white.
Super white.
Because you're a hikikomori.
And because you're Canadian.
I also wear sleeves literally all the time.
So basically, to summarize:
a.) Tsuchi continually makes shit up and twists the facts, and I counter him repeatedly.
b.) He tries for a while to use the fact that I keep calling him out as an insult somehow, as if it's not just him getting his nose grinded in the dirt.
c.) Tsuchi continues asserting bullshit, talking about "caps" that "everyone" has, yet fails to provide anything.
Has anyone ever really taken this guy seriously?
What's with that pic?
Do you just like it?
Are you creamy on the inside?
I don't know
Nah but I celebrated passing my bachelor recently which more than makes up for that
I was home at like 6 am
She shrugged so much her shoulders got locked in a permanent shrugging posture.
Maybe? Do you want to be jerky?!
Mhm. Is it annoying?
I die?
This. I can't help but shrug at most of the things I read here.
tuck me in, ban
Do you shrug at me too?
I'll find out
I think you're overreacting.
i wouldn't mind having some~
I thought we were friends.
Are you sure?
I tried to push Tokai out of an air lock at least three times.
The great nini drought of 2016
It was prophesied
Luka, are you saying you're willing to become jerky just so you can eat yourself and have a tasty snack? That's...I don't even know. You're dark, Luka.
We are! We're shrug buddies!
I'm saying everyone caps most things they think will somehow be damning. I have no clue what people cap, just that they do.
The entire point of this is that you specifically require some form of evidence to any claim of the past that isn't your own because only your words can be taken at their face value otherwise you just throw around meaningless phrases about how anything without proof, barring whatever you claim without proof, is "twisting facts".
What do you want me to do, interview whomever, cap it, and then post it to show how people's memories are very different from yours?
Or for that matter, the most firsthand person about this whole ordeal who isn't even around. But then you'd just claim like you did with the "leaving forever" shit that anyone else that isn't the same recollection as yours, even that's not mine, is somehow some agenda against you.
You did this constantly throughout your time: any and all talk of you that wasn't glowing praise was whoever pulling strings of people against you.
I can get behind this.
Hail Satan
I was home at 10 midsommer day
Friend of a friend hosted a big party, about 50ppls there, i got there pretty late, but i had been drinking all day
then ecstacy, then grafitti then home lol
Yeah, I can believe that.
No, just wonderin'.
oh good it's still going. i was afraid the thread had regressed to endless image reply flirting
You like her? She's 16, dude
and nope :p
You sure have a lot of energy.
For some reason Tsuchi has mistaken me for Names and says I've been pretending to be 15 years old since '09 when he start... too much meth
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It would be an incredibly Sabs thing to do.
I didn't say anything lewd about her!
Do you want me to share them here?
Now, normally I'd have more shoulder action going on, but I wore those muscles out so I'm all about elbows now. You can still do shoulders if you want, but I was thinking we could match, you know?
I'm just trying to stay awake a little longer for reasons. What about you, Cookie? How's your night going? Up to fun stuff?
nom nom nom ~
brb i think now that the sun in behind some clouds and goin over the mountain, i came come out of hiding.
after i take a shower.
Yes, with me you don't have to worry.
Niceu. At his place? Didnt it get trashed?
Just wait.
Tokai and Rin will take over.
I can take that
I do but I've had a long day and I'm about to go to bed in 15 mins... I've been up since 3am...and I want to fully appreciate your art
so my sources tell me that this is a picture of rin some 8ish years ago or so
i posted it to him and he completely ignored it
Sorta, but it was mainly friend
we acted scary towards people who weren't behaving
No grafitti at his place tho
it's more like 3 years old
Even according to her.
Not for much longer. Gotta fix my sleeping.
I'm not at all tired though...
Can't do an all-nighter because I have to look sharp at 17:00
It's him from like 2012.
And the infamous washing machine.
I may have actually forgotten how to shrug.
Teach me again?
he is gross isnt he?
why did tokai chose this thing?
"The United Kingdom: a place whose very name, after this week's events, is beginning to sound a bit sarcastic."
John Oliver is the true heir to The Daily Show.
Heh I'll be honest, it's not super good at all
But I will share it with you tomorrow ^^
What are you doing up that early!? That's went I go work out >.>
Also go to bed baka
I mean how much meth does one have to do to mistake me for Names of all people
HI Names.
you have lied about being 15 for four years though
There. Sorry for missing it.
Will there be Biblical floods of "ninis" for forty days and forty nights?
Really, the only thing I can do when you continually post bullshit at me is point out that it's bullshit. The fact that I keep having to do that isn't a fault on my part. It's a fault on yours. You're trying to twist that into saying that I say people are bullshitting all the time, but no, idiot, just you. :3
The only exception was TP with the "quitting forever" thing, and he's kind of known for throwing a lot of bullshit around about people in general.
Feel free to try whatever you want.
Actually, moron, no, I didn't. I used to call out bandwagons against other people, and you've been trying for a long time to say that I was saying there was a "conspiracy" against me. But that's another thing that simply isn't true.
I think you are the biggest bullshitter here, and the fact that you keep throwing the word "everyone" around when literally no one is agreeing with you just reeks of desperation.
Well, he does pull things out of his ass about a lot of people, especially when it comes to people who say they're girls. For some reason, they really trigger him.
Dark, Luka. Dark!
You mountain folk scare me.
Oh yeah? What's goin' on? What'cha got, Cookie? What's on the schedule? What's the haps?
Like this. You just gotta awkwardly raise your arms up at your sides and bunch your shoulders toward your neck. You should also make a smooshy lip face to emphasize the shrugginess.
Not really.
John Stewart was actually funny.
To be honest, I'm getting kind of tired of this. The initial intensity is fading and I'm just starting to think Tsuchi's kind of cute.
You could if you played your cards right
Convo with my counselor and my dean about the future.
And I don't have a clue what's in store.
Like this?
I appreciate all works of art
quit throwing around bullshit lol
w0t, like calling people who didn't do x pussies?
Thanks for spoilering my image.
How's things today?
That's true, though. But either way, you talking about that one thing is pretty insignificant relative to Tsuchi trying to claim that I say a lot of people bullshit about me.
It does get adorable how try hard he can be
TP is way more adorable tho
Feel free to give constructive criticism
Congrats on graduating babe
Heavy stuff. Do you have any ideas about what you'd like to do?
What an unfortunate and yet hilarious swap. But yes, like that. The...the shrug thing, not...not the loli slut thing.
He's a cancer everywhere he goes, he once said he was trying to push all of his irl friends away, he wants to be lonely and miserable. But for some reason he tries to bring down others to his worthless lvl
Misery loves company
It's spoilered, bwaka.
I can say the exact same thing, with the exact same effect.
That's the entire part of this that's baffling to me: how many parallels have specifically just be drawn for the sake of proving the hypocrisy of it and yet, you still take the defense of "only what I say is true".
It's baffling, truly baffling.
Let my ninis go! Thus saith the Lord.
it's pretty pointless when everyone's too lazy or not autistic enough to find old caps to prove their claims
accept it~
I might be a bit better with smug.
I agree. It was a good swap.
kek af, I love taking imgs away
Things went pretty good today... all my friends were hugging and crying during graduation kek
I'd like to continue with the education, but illness and stress, among other things, made it hard.
I hope my dean/coach will allow it.
If he says no now, everything is over.
I don't filter because it's cute seeing people so desperate for attention that they opt to be dicks.
Bed time. Good night.
In furthering this Biblical allusion, how am I supposed to be the Pharaoh enslaving your dirty kikes?
Good they went good.
I actually didn't go to my grad, lol.
'night, Lewds.
Goodnight Loodz
It should be a rule that if you bring up something that happened 5 years ago to an internet argument you automatically lose
Are you really gonna go full Alice hugbox here and say that negativity in general is only for "attention"?
Shhh brat
Ahhh yeah being a shed is a lot harder than washing machine
Nah you got it woman ^^
Target actually likes to hire whites more I think
I had the same problem since I'm in AZ, but got hired.
Alright, I posted.
Night then.
Hm. Yeah, your shrug is more cynical, whereas mine is more about being at a loss for words. But hey, that means we have a shrug for every occasion!
Well, given your health issues, I imagine they've got to cut you a little slack. Did they say anything to make you worry, or is this a meeting everyone has?
Can I ask you something before you go?
he was more charming.
John Oliver is important tho.
swee dreams tb
I hope you're taking notes
jon stewart isn't funny at all
It went on for three hours almost and you still managed to miss almost the entirety of it.
You have bad timing.
Heading out to try new alcpaint refill out
I'll be back in anything between 15minutes to an hour or so
I accidently didn't post, my cat started following me and i felt uneasy, i'll go and try again now
We basically took them aside and told them to stop
My friends beat one dude up who would not stop smoking indoors, then we had someone drive him out to the road lol
I watch the show but I hate the "comedy" aspects of it and wish it would just focus more on delivering the pieces with minimal, painfully unfunny "jokes".
I mean, regardless, it's just pathetic to bring shit up 4 years later.
Sounds like fun.
Between us we can always shrug someone off!
Why not :c?
-sits on your lap- storytyme?
The bosses here are all black................
Actually my brother has been applying for 8 years now and he still can't land a job, he's thinking about moving in with my sister in NC for a few months until he can get an apartment
Just sell yourself on craigslist like every other "trap".
i wasnt aware it was even possible to spend that much money
Who are you?
What's up?
Oh, actual idiots. Alright
Spoopy cat
I feel a warm cozy feeling after this going on all this time. I had a fuckton of energy actually posted her tonight HOPING for an internet fight, and you delivered. You've been persistent; I'll give you that. Thank you, Tsuchi.
Pathetic to mention he's pretended to be 15 for five years now?
Or making fun of your pic?
Because you are oppressive and mean to me and my ninis
Whoa hi me.
No, but it caused me to mess up my exam. Which is the most important thing.
I dunno... I'm scared, to be honest. I have to fight for this.
It's just that I can't fight as hard as I want to.
tracer bullet
brb, heading out to Subway
Lol nothing -hugs- sweet dreams
but im not a trap
on useless shit like video games?
hah, it is, but only true idiots like me can do it
I will now look at this list and go "there is nothing to play"
*and actually posted here
But I guess the typo kind of makes sense in another way, because of my waifu.
I'm beginning to believe you don't actually go to Subway this much and are just feeding the meme.
Image thief
suck dick for money
stop playing video games
I'm going to delete all your smug pictures
Well fuck I forgot about that
AZ doesn't have many black, but they are starting to come over from Cali
I would suggest your brother looking into a hiring agency. They get paid to find him a job
If you work you die
Good night for reals now. Special shoutout to Scandi bro Casper
Silly Blood chan
I heard bible references
*feeds the meme, AND my appetite*
I wasn't interested, tbh.
But even if I were, I wasn't eligible for graduation until a month after grad, lol.
Au-US can probably look after herself.
At least enough so that I wouldn't feel the need to raise any passive aggression.
I'm not sorry.
Test can I hug you in a few years?
No one saw that okay?
in your head?
Hm, I guess both is possible
But I saw it.
Why in a few years?
where do i find penises to suck
choke me to death first
i agree
but work = money
and i like money
Tuschi is the oppressive pharaoh.
I don't think it was me this time. I screamed about the Son of Perdition in the OP of the last thread, though.
I'm the godly Pharaoh fucking Tsuchi's ass with my staff.
You're right, only he knows what goes on in his schizophrenic inbred mind. It's just a matter of time before he takes a shotgun and blows his brains out all over the walls, he'll be doing the world a favor
theres a reason you get tired of games so quickly and it's because video games are super boring and lame.
I would have agreed earlier, but idk. This was healthy. He served a purpose for once.
Love you
You just get money from one of your daddies though.
i've already had my fill of drama today.
i went back over the thing and read it.
Erio maintains an offensive position by asserting how insecure Gil is every in the last few lines of all her posts.
Erio clearly has the better taunts. Gil seems convinced he's remembering correctly. So does Erio.
There are no caps or logs. HOW WILL IT END?
I just wonder how long we can keep our egos in check and keep using this power for good, you know? Will absolutely shrug power corrupt us?
Fight as hard as you can. That's all you can do. I wish I could help.
Mmmhm. Sure. Because you totally didn't fill up on your own flesh!
aw. some are funny. don't hate SNL because some episodes are shit.
Idk why some people do that, really. I've never identified as a girl.
It's pretty much all you've ever done.
Anytime you've left, you'd come back with the line "my past doesn't matter" if presented with whatever caps of your autism, like the Haikus shit, or anything not directly collaborated by caps of you saying it is somehow a fabrication or smear campaign.
Yeah, because the one "butthurt" isn't the one that uses every post to add sophomoric insults like "moron", "idiot", "pathetic", etc because it totally helps your microdick feel like he's actually doing anything.
Your ninis are worthless.
No way.
He probably does just beg in the park for Subway money.
You're doing that thing where you try and be the bastion of pronouns again and it's really annoying.
Oh shit
The blacks took over that too. Blacks only hire their own kind. My brother is back in college getting his master's anyway...
I wish I lived in Nevada though........
Sabs, trust me on one thing.
You're helping more than I could ever tell ya.
Erio doesn't even PRETEND to be a girl.
It will end disappointingly and anticlimactically, it's an internet fight.
yeah, you are so restricted in them, it's balls
D&D is where it's at
but im also doing this to push me to get a job come september
i only have one dad
9:08 PM - Lexi: can you post test in a few years please
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Hmmm maybe someday we can move there then
I wonder how much better the weather is there than AZ
I've got one right here.
I think guero saw...
This is embarrassing
When did you save that from me hm?
Because you will be a qt in a few years
okay but i can't suck on it
dont be racist. thats wrong.
chess and monopoly are the only worthwhile games to my knowledge
that is wonderful! but then just keep the money and dont buy games
I actually just went through google for, like, 5 minutes, lol.
I mean, you did it constantly for noob, Mokou, @lice, etc and those were all fat dudes too.
I love Final Fantasy 10 but god is Blitzball such a stupid fucking minigame
Whoever designed it should be shot
Sorry, I got lost posting
Graduating on time is overrated, no worries. I barely passed anything this year... no motivation
Using people is bad...
Who is your dad?
It was fun for me though.
I'll have you know a lot of people like my ninis
Download FFRK for your phone.
There's an event right now to unlock TEEEEEEEEDUUUSS's dad.
High-school was boring for me.
The only, even slightly, engaging classes I had were Physics and Calculus, lol.
You're trying to make me hate you with that
Oi I will destroy you in some Blitzball
Download what now?
I don't believe in prayer or "putting stuff out into the universe", but if it helps any, you'll be in my thoughts. Just try to stay positive and not assume the worst.
Promise you'll kill me if I ever start abusing my power? I promise to kill you. How do you want me to do it? I have a two-by-four with some nails in it and a small cordless power drill.
one thing's for sure
this thread is being saved and capped
Erio is a girl's name.
that's because there really aren't any stakes in this fight.
except I didn't know Erio was this amusing, or at least I forgot.
Don't let anything stop you!
Failtranny logic is baffling.
yeah, that's the plan
i pretty much bought out all the shit i really want, so there won't be anything to buy
this was literally me going "i could play that" not even "i really want that" like how i usually buy games
a fat bald guy
can you buy me a plane ticket there and then pay me like 5 bucks to suck you and then fly me back out to minnesota
It's true that my past about being obsessed with Haikus or whatever doesn't really have any bearing on me now, other than as part of things I went through to become the glorious individual you see before you. You yourself have said you'd never let your past bother you.
That wasn't really even the issue here, though. You tried to tack things on to the past that simply didn't happen. And I really haven't had to say people were lying a lot. It's pretty much just you who bullshits so hard.
My cock is 6.5 inches erect. And I kind of do feel like I came in your ass.
It gives him value. Maybe he feels less worthless now that he's made me feel good.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
It's a shitty FF phone game that's fun to play while you wait on the train.
You just make a team of random FF heroes from the whole series.
I don't believe in that, it's not what I meant at all.
Post dad
Hate's a strong word.
But I am just being a huge brat.
Make it as quick and painless as possible.
How do you want to go?
We've gone over this.
Multiple times.
I don't care.
Ergo, see
Cute ^^
Still sad our convo dropped, but its whatever
Haha don't worry I know ^^
don't have any pics of him
if i did i wouldn't post em anyway
I know. I'm just saying that I'll be thinking about you and hoping it goes well, for whatever that's worth.
I want to go quick and painless too. But when I do, just throw me in the trash.
I feel a little dirty.. lets play more truth or dare
I'm tired... goodnight all
You know, I'm not going to do that
how about we just hang out instead?
And Test/Alchemist are gender neutral words, but I'm clearly a guy. Whatever, I know he's a guy, he knows he's a guy, think what you want.
It has some comedic value, but I don't think it's worth revisiting later.
we both know that plan isnt going to work
just quit games thats the only way to solve the problem
honey I'm hOME
Fuck you Square Enix
Thats pretty lame.
Go for it
im just u kno goodnight
It's even more baffling, because every time he seems to think I care.
Just in the trash?
I want to be cremated after.
Rest well, Au-US.
no wait
Male and two Females.
I miss posts sometimes. Sorry. ^^
I think medium cocks are best. They're what I'm most attracted when I feel gay-ish, and they fit in places better.
Sleep well~
Yeah I'm crazy
Kai is anything but oppressive. lol
What a rare occurrence
That's actually pretty funny
I find it mildly illuminating
Blah stayed up too late talking to you
Gotta wake up early
Fuck an industrial AC for our house sounds nice~
Sweet dreams my lover
lmao oops
He told me his name was Kal?
Yup. Just right down the garbage chute. And if you go first, I'll find wherever 8chins' servers are and toss your ashes at 'em.
That character isn't a drummer.
She's a guitarist.
Ironic how the one arguing for traditional usage of pronouns is the one who's triggered.
I'm just high energy. :3
How've you been?
bout 4 fiddy
yeah to turn luka from "lesbian" to "straight"
yasssssssss bitch yassssss
Thanks Sabs.
It's probably gona be fine. I get a lot of help/aid, so I won't be alone in there.
Most of the old Simpsons are.
Now go rest.
gnite pet
Personally illuminating, since I know these people.
Or at least follow their posts occasionally.
no point talking about it openly
don't want them to change~
Ah no worries I wanted you to focus on making fun of Tsuchi anyways
Hmmm I guess you think my cock isn't attractive then
You need more lol
Damn not bad at all
Sounds like a plan.
For now, though, let's use our powers for good.
Not quite the word I'd use for it.
helllooo tenshii
I have 26.
I posted, like, 5, if even, lol.
no u
but you still need to buy me a ticket to hang...
hi boo!
i can't quit dude
you're a lame duck
god that is so gross why
Pffft you've ran out in a previous thread
No i'm not
This is one of my all-time favorite scenes. I still threaten to kill people five times before they hit the ground to this day.
Good. I'm probably going to head to bed soon. I hope you get some rest!
Aww yeah!
I had 6 then.
I have over 4 times as many now.
true, my man
you wanna go half and half?
Good man.
you can do it easily
Anyone else experiencing posting difficulties?
Well, I'm not attracted to guys in general. Just traps and really feminine boys. I do like big cocks on them sometimes.
What word would you use? :3
-huggu- ♥
You're still doing it and it's utterly baffling that you don't have the gall to just flat out say it rather than beating around the bush: you will not simply admit that your views of whatever past you think it was is all you will ever believe.
I have no evidence; I capped nothing. The same applies for you.
But you will outright state that anything I say is a fabrication is because there's no caps when you present nothing to legitimize your own, but will still say everything is bullshit because I have no proof when you yourself have nothing.
Just admit that your head is so far up your own ass, without even pretense, and say that you will only ever believe whatever tenuous grasp you have that you yourself believed happened.
Anytime your past cyber logs were posted, you'd disappear for a time and claim a similar defense: that somehow the events were different
than how it was presented and your version of whatever you believed happened is the only credible source.
I will.
Even if I wake up at 15:00, it's fine.
Sleep well, Sabs.
Hit me up later, yea?
yeah or nah that's cool too.
how are you tonight
hey porky
if you're not lame then you'll suck my dick
i've got no money literally
what, trash my computer? nah
You could be more smug
Damn shame lol
No worries tho
Hey Cooki
Thats backwards
Wow, a Cooki.
Ain't that rare
I'mma build a giant slingshot.
Get on steam.
Alright going to sleep everyone
Have a good night/day
Hail Satan and all that good shit
Night, Shiro.
That's a real point.
Rest well, plebeian.
hiya cooki
Hot cybers.
no i mean just stop
after a month you wont even miss it
feelin antisocial
if I'm not lame then i'll suck your dick?
a slingshot to the moon?
finally. HI grim, how are yu!
I murdered someone just kidding. but actually guess what
yeah yeah.
oh yeah~
Shiro! goodnightt
yes user, yellow.
By "boys" I mean 18+ guys who look boyish.
Well, let's be honest though; it's natural to be attracted to "underaged" people as well. Not necessarily worth acting on the attraction, though!
I mean, the Haikus thing was pretty pathetic, yeah. I'm not denying that. I was really weak back then. You're trying to tack on things that wouldn't really make it much worse, if at all, that simply didn't happen, though.
Cyber logs? I never had a problem with my cybering logs. I was always rather open about my cybering, and even posted some cybering logs myself, with permission.
Stating that the things you're saying are fabrications is pretty much all I can do. I can't prove a negative. I can't show you caps of me NOT doing the things you said I did. Really, the burden of proof is on you, and in all your worthless bile, you've provided nothing.
Pretty good. Had some fun with Tsuchi-pie. You?
I'm also really dom these days, in general. You want to lewd me?
Yeah, that's a pretty accurate word to apply to him.
I only top and stuff.
youre stronger than you think
I've got a lot of these.
Oh, come on.
lol idunno'
im tired
had the first batch of kids
they are
a handful
but I have some really sharp ones
I keep getting posting errors.
how's cooki been? haven't seen you in a while
Are you talking about a game?
Are you willing to risk jail time for boy pussy?
show me them all
I took second place in teen Idol, and placed good enough at the JR Olympics thatI'm going to Regionals. and if I get 5th or higher over there, I go to nationals!
busy with life.
you mean like fucking a 17 year old as an 18 year old?
yes of course
Vaccine side effects suck
im going to play some video games
Just stop being a pussy
But its so many
Babysitting or something?
I think that might still be technically illegal, but courts are probably looser on it.
I think a 17-year-old can technically get charged with statutory rape for fucking another 17-year-old. Don't quote me on that, though. Maybe someone who knows laws more can clear it up.
you should get busy with me instead ;)
i'd stay to talk but i'm gonna go for a bit.
oh wait.
Dunno yo.
It's probably timezonestuff and me being really inactive.
Whaddup, how ya been?
All that stuff.
nah my teaching jobbu
I wonder what someone unfamiliar with those names sees in that.
id probably go for 14 the least
I don't think I've heard about this. At a school? Is it an internship or what?
be proud of me daddy Grim
lel, have fun wherever ur goin user, imma stick here and eat mah noodles.
I've done everything. I'm going places with singing, track, and now modeling!
it's sorta like tutoring
I teach kids how to code
woah there
At least in Ontario, 16 and 17 years of age has a 3 year difference for consent.
So an 18 year old can't be pinned with stat for a 17 year old.
Nor can a 17 year old for another 17 year old.
That is, unless the law's changed since it was impressed upon me.
Well, I'm not attracted to guys in general. Just traps and really feminine boys. I do like big cocks on them sometimes.
What word would you use? :3
-huggu- ♥
who this
lol hi latepost
I'm kidding, curry mouth :D
that's the best so far.
Oh what? Damn.
I knew you were doing good, but that's great!
just spongebob memes
D-daddy >/////
What the fuck is a bonge spob?
I saw blue and green on your name of a particular length and for a second thought this post was Grim.
That first response dropped my jaw.
you never cease to amaze me!
Aim for the stars, little one.
Now THAT's old news.
Enjoying it despite its drawbacks? ^^
Canada is a freer country than America in some ways, though.
But someone just informed me on Steam that at least their state has a similar rule about the three year thing.
I don't know how that happened. I've made other posts since that one. Also, there's no (You) in your reply.
boba esponja
first day is always super rough, gotta get everything (and everyone now) in line
my kids are a full day ahead of schedule tho so thats good
I do my best!
nahhh I like the thug ones better
Five bucks on Bebop
then what about this one, it's my favorite one
took the least amount of time tho
Sorry, had to get a shower real quick. I'll check on you, Cookie. Try to get some sleep. ♥
winding down my night with Maddow
raw, concentrated, brainwashed canadian autism
I thought you were trying to hit on Kanra these days?
One step forward two steps back.
predictable boo
Why did you unfriend me, Jacob? and yeah. MSNBC is not a liberal bias, it's a democratic establishment bias. pseudo, brainwashy liberalism.
he's cute but
he's just sooooo retarded i couldnt pressure through it
i dont mind a dumbass gf if they dont vocalize it
but constantly hearing how dumb he was because he spouts it all day was killing me
that's more accurate.
not something you'd expect from laboosh.
you hear that, laboosh?
because i got bored of fucking flirting clearly
it stopped being interesting to me
those nudes werent even mine, they were mikas
i know those weren't yours. and i didn't see you as someone i could flirt with you submissive weasel.
was animus really always this gay
i never used to think it was
I'll bite, who're you?
gee am i glad thats cleared up
maybe if you gave any evidence besides just placing your liberal stereotyping label on me i'd try to be serious with you
boo sounds like he might be a dick.
It has always, always been this gay.
It's probably straighter considering we've lost Moogs and Squash, but it was this gay before they got here, and it's always been at least this gay.
LOL im sorry
have i just been blind to it? on 4chan im pretty sure it wasnt this bad. but i dont know anymore.
Wait what, you tried to cyber Wallace?
It was this bad there too.
why blankpost me
so passive aggressive
im a nice guy anyway
Yeah he did. He wanted me to be the controlling, dominate type.
no, thats not it
Yes that's exactly it.
this is very distressing
do your parents know youre gay?
evidence that MSNBC is democratic biased?
the lack of coverage of Sanders, and how they portrayed him. also they sided with Debbie Wascherman Schultz.
Maddow was not as blatant about it as Chris Matthews (old white dude vs. Stanford lesbian), but over time she got more outspoken with her bias. Just in the language a media person uses, it's crafted to omit or focus on certain things, framing it in a way. It's intentional. Fox News isn't as subtle.
or did you mean evidence of Trump's lie?
I will gladly.
then he sent me fake nudes like "uuguu wallace tell me what to do".
i cant believe this drama is surfacing
its not even funny
i just used you to fap once then stopped talking to you and you wouldnt stop messaging me so i had to block you
but also fuck off wallace you creep
oh boo
Did he call you daddy and ask to eat your cummies?
yeah great relevant post kanra
i definitely want to talk about this
enjoy the 50 burnt calories typing this crap
This is not drama, boo. Stop getting your submissive panties in a twist.
could you stop.
sorry i penetrated your socially inept bubble.
i just realized that BOTH the traps and furries have their own houses together
i HATE girls with a firey passion who try to make it look like they have an ass. like, BITCH IF YOU DON'T HAVE ONE, STOP POPPIN YA DAMN HIP OUTTA PLACE TO GET DICK. The dude will slide into her fucin dm's and see she aint got tits or ass and be like, "fuckinouttie skiinny ninny."
Boris Johnson for PM.
i frankly have no idea what you're trying to claim credit for but you definitely dont deserve it and again fuck off you creep. you always seem to come out of nowhere in the most horrifying fashion
like venereal disease
i'll bring him up later.
jesus sci, how's that nice guy resolution coming along?
literally said part of your problem was you couldn't be trusted.
don't act surprised when I describe you.
Man, it's like high school in here at this point.
i deleted the sci saga where you shaved your head, cried, gained weight and resort to draw the nazi symbol on your head even though you're a slavic white nigger. I just hate to have your face planted into my hard drive.
there's no way there's no self awareness here
The way it's always been?
he's a sociopath. psychology 102.
Gonna play overwatch now. Got my fill in.
I'm not even Sci, fuck you
i was responding to you stereotyping me
its literally all u do
In this single moment worse, somehow.
but im not wrong wallace is a huge creep
how does this have anything to do with trustworthiness
but you can't delete the shaving head part of the chronology! very important element considering i kept it.
awesome you took psychology.
have fun.
Be nice sci! Don't be racist! don't be sexist! Remember, they're kicking out the polish as a result of Brexit.
dude im not racist or sexist
and i dont care whats happening in poland
Don't be your generic white pedophile too. :3. Japan just stopped trade with the UK.
stop changing your name.
Stop removing your name
But then how do I needle at people without consequences?
there are consequences to doing that with your name on???
im learning so much tonight
I can't even guess who any of the anons are.
Other than Willis.
there's no way there's no self awareness here
You're not a bad person. Maybe even a good friend to some people. My opinions are always changing, and I know for fuck that people can't be painted in one stroke. I am glad you exist, if that means anything.
If you need it that bad I can drive up for you
We could build a house out of tumors on Starbound and it would be less cancerous.
If you rack up enough bad boy points Bebop comes to your house and shoots you.
Also, most people actually prefer to not look like a socially inept retard, flailing his arms about wildly in an attempt to hit anybody and make them PAY ATTENTION TO US, so in the interest of NOT LOOKING LIKE INBRED SCUM, yes there are consequences to using your name and taking a dump on everyone.
Kanra why did you beat your Gf?
Its true.
There aren't any consequences for posting CP though.
you're being a flippant dick.
just. constant. ongoing. unsolicited. never requested.
i know everyone likes to think they're good, or more deep down, but at some point you've got to ask how much if it is a lie.
Apparently not.
this is just stereotyping a person based on his political belief
im very versed, baseless opinion
stereotyping Holla Forums when you've probably never been there and only heard about it on tumblr. biased since they contradict your political belief
ok???? are introverts just better people? that's another stereotype...
uhuh... what? because of that im dumb?
i rarely bully on tinychats, ive only been really mean to sci. i dont like being mean to people, i just like making people laugh
love it
this is the last time im reading through one of your dumb text walls kanra
they just make me depressed and hopeless in humanity and i dont like being sad
reminder desu posted a 17 year old and received 0 punishment. the picture wasnt even deleted
I too, wish to be psychosocialized by Kanra senpai
We should just make the CP bot post image a banner
and fully become a CP board
and also kill ourselves
Analyzed, Bard
so did you
i dont think thats what happened here tho
hahaaaaaaaa ;)
i'm only being a flippant dick towards people who suck tho so it's cool, right?
good people don't have to worry about it.
i received a day, i didnt know the cunt was 17, and the picture was deleted
great post hiding user
It was. I told you it was. You can go back and look for it if you want or just check through the logs.
Also you posted cp twice and you're still here. If you like I can just have all 3 permad.
wow, a daaaaaay
so harsh
How did you deal????
but i got voted back after the perma so i dont think i count anymore
im not complaining about it
stop giving in to peer pressure beebs
look at me
I post pictures of naked minors
Don't worry, no one will ban you for that
No no, only Desu is safe.
i still think if nobody makes money off of it theres no moral problem desu senpai
Autism .
I'll try.
but clearly the other two aren't banned
I want to die.
i mean isn't that kinda like being acquitted?
seeing a picture of a child being abused =/= abusing a child or incentivizing the abuse of children
You are obviously baiting
Sci got banned for months and Boo got a day.
To be honest I don't want consistency, just Desu gone.
I say we perma Sci again.
i dont bait. that's my genuine belief.
is it too much to ask for all three?
Then you're a menace to society and you need to be locked up
very stupid post
sci posted an actual little girl
i cant believe, you, test, my buddy, my future brother in law, would compare me to him :/
it's not just your political belief.
It's how you talk about it. How YOU talk about people who share differing opinions.
I attack Trump and his rhetoric, and you say that I'm just a brainwashed liberal.
That couldn't fucking get anymore Holla Forums.
I've run the gambit of Ring Wingism, laboosh. I have two friends that are pol cucks, and the more extreme one I've talked at length with about every facet of his political knowledge, plus my own reading and following of more Right Wing entertainers and comedians, who in turn influence and are influenced by the Internet.
I've looked at the Alt Right, the Far Right, and the younger generation of Right Wingers spurred up by recent politics (like yourself). Not without legitimate reason: some of your concerns are valid, and I share them.
Most of all, I hear how they talk about them.
What do they focus on?
Does that sound like a talking point?
Are they regurgitating something they heard?
Sometimes my suspicions are confirmed, when I hear the same wording of ideas repeated in a comment section of Youtube; a board; or someone else.
When I hear you on several occasions over time, I get a picture of you. As much in line with the occasions we've talked, how I've seen you entertain and talk on tinychat, and your topic preferences and wording here.
If there is anyone guilty of broad strokes here, it's you laboosh.
wanting to police thought is the most destructive belief of all.
Kanra should probably close his Psych 101 textbook.
wow, that tsuchi is both witty and hilarious
not gonna do this to myself again
What's up?
You're sweet sweet daughter of 14 years old has just started her fresh new term at school
She's so excited to make new friends!
Her first day couldn't have gone better, she had the time of her life, met a cute boy, and even goot to see hre old friends sfrom last year
On her way home, she's stopped
A bald neckbearded man ina rust red van calls her over
hey little girl
I've got something in this van get it : )
nd then she's never to be seen again
how would you feel if this happened to you?
Dont let sci near our children
stay safe
hey catto san
can i go first?
whatever. I guess you don't know him. the word flipplant implies random, off the cuff and uncareful with your words.
what were you trying to do?
were you just trying to be mean?
funny? because it certainly wasn't funny.
maybe you found it funny.
Hi, canadawolf
waat the heck si wrong with you
I put up the all 3 option out there to everyone. Don't say I didn't.
Please don't.
mostly i wish for him to go away and kill himself just like everyone whom i think has negative value.
well not that exactly but something along those lines. thats a little extreme
We want the all three option.
tl;dr you tend to act as I think you'd act.
and that's not a trump supporter;
or a cuckservative;
or a racist.
but as boo.
I think I know how boo acts.
You're blowing my fucking mind, dude. So if we just LET people look at pictures of kids getting fucked, THAT'S ACCEPTABLE, BECAUSE THAT ISN'T EVIDENCE THAT THEY'VE DONE OR WILL DO WRONG?
I cannot fucking comprehend this insanity. You're poisoning yourself. You will break, hurt a child, and end up in jail. I'm out of pity.
It's not that similar, you're 18 and posted a 17 year old. But I know you'd do worse given the opportunity.
Boo, I'm bored
try that and several books, lectures and papers.
and I'm pretty smart. yet I never let myself think that for too long.
no i wont because im not attracted to prepubescent girls thanks
I suddenly feel less bad when people tell you to kill yourself.
it's the thinking and understanding part that does it
im 18 dude
14 year olds are still within my NEED TO BREED
in what sense of worse?
that makes no sense test
i didnt even know she was 17, i wouldnt just post cp. if it was funny, i would, but the scenario isnt funny, just embarrassing
you came to the right place buddy
heres a video to start
what games do you play/how good is ur rig?
so if you know all about me then you must've figured out im one of life's heros already
so why leave me hanging
Was your relationship with Wallace just constantly asking him to tell you that you're totally the smartest?
Desu is legit a pedophile.
He has a external full of actual CP
Still doesn't matter unless you do something with it
I play a lot of EVE, but I am waning and thinking of playing less stressful and life-consuming games
and I play on a relatively decent laptop
i absolutely believe this
you know it's true because of the trips
do u hav money to spend on the steam sale?
I believe it wholeheartedly.
very true, user DID get trips...
no no i just want them out of my life. u know what i mean. it's just that since not everyone has the same value not everyone gets treated the same way. relationships with people of negative value must be eliminated and relationships with people of high value must be cultivated. everything in life is business and i intend to run my business as a meritocracy.
how are you doing americawolf
What about BC and the CP he's sent to whoever to totally prove he's an underage girl?
I never thought of this
maybe. I've been an idiot in the past. contrary to popular belief, I am aware how much or little pride I'm entitled to.
hallo :D
Actually yes.
I was going to build a new rig while I was down here, but I am too busy to actually make it worth the effort.
Pretty good, made pizzas and didn't even set off the fire alarm!
i can recommend some good games for a mid-tier rig?
subnautica and distance come off the top of my head.
what genres do you like?
thats better than me I almost lit the kitchen on fire at work last time I went X:
I like adventure and good stories.
Bastion is at the top of my list.
Going to play hyper light drifter next, but I expect that to be another short narrative game, so it'll just be a day or two
these misunderstood kings were a very civilized people until the whitey came and brought wedding dresses
I think that's from that one Warlord who fought naked and conscripted underaged boys into his army and made them fight naked or while crossdressing.
I mean, there's like two people that constantly tell him to get on Steam to send them more pics.
And he's posted like five or six random underage girls that he all claimed were him over the years.
So yeah, that's a given.
why couldn't this be me
adventure is the top tier genre
could you run ds3? it's really really good
metal gear rising: revengance also
hotline miami also, if you havent?
only one fire was started, though.
and it was while I was not watching
probably because you aren't the athletic nigger version of Sci
He probably doesn't even have DS1 or DS2 and both of those are on sale for like $5 and $10.
Better to just start with those.
you mean lenko?
i've used it to learn more stuff.
high value depends on what you value.
you sound like a very antisocial (not introverted; littered with traits that people are adverse to), flippant, randomly awful person, who thrives on unpredictability.
I can't think of anyone worth inherently less to a society, culture or people.
that ones the fire in your heart huh
Good evening everyone~
do u often picture me wearing a wedding dress?
You already did an entrance post. We saw it.
good evening nezi.
yes, but it didn't get any replies, and I'm rather persistent~
do I know you? How are you doing tonight?
me irl
that isn't entirely untrue
just learning stuff doesn't count!
I don't see why you need replies to start posting.
oh, you know me.
from a long time ago.
Stop being needlessly cryptic Tak
I don't.
I engage, or try to rather often. when a text wall is too big, instead of a thought out reply, you mention how big my sentences look together.
hey cutie~
how's your day been?
how does one post in a thread that's based entirely off of conversations without any replies and without looking like an attention whore?
spoiler: you don't
You're tak?
what's up?
I turn my radio on and One Dance is on
really feelin it right now
directly link somebody
then that person will talk to you
Tak = from a long time ago?
Has Tak been away?
are you feeling it?
the triple perma?
You start conversations instead of making repeated unlink posts until someone responds.
Oi, hows it hangin?
Don't ruin my fun, Colby.
oh my god you already did
I literally have no idea why I'm still here.
He was kind of the typical hyperactive, xD randumb, underage poster when he started.
I never resort to entrance posts.
I come to the thread, lurk until something happens or somebody mentions something, and then strike up conversation. I can't say I've ever waited long. Usually just reading a bit of the thread finds somebody you want to talk to or something you want to comment on. It seems less abrupt than walking in and greeting everyone.
not sure you know how learning works.
it's a continuous process. it requires applying stuff you know and building on concepts so you can win internet arguments.
who wasnt
yes, i decide what is valuable.
i don't see myself as acting randomly or unpredictably and certainly i wouldn't thrive on it. all i want is to increase value that is flowing to me at the smallest expense, and i do this by deciding how to act socially, whether that's cultivating profitable relationships, destroying costly ones, investing in new relationships that look promising etc. you could perfectly predict my actions if you knew exactly what i value, but of course nobody has access to the details of that information, not even me. therefore at best even i can only somewhat clumsily steer myself in the direction of those profitable social actions as well as i can.
i think everyone behaves like this but i have made myself in-tune with it (thinking of it as business is extremely efficient).
i'm not interested society. i'm interested in myself just like everyone else.
that's life
lurking is top tier posting
all lurking is quality non-shitposting
I am the fun ruiner.
The people that weren't underage or pretending to be underage when they started posting?
why the heck would someone pretend to be underage
back in my day
we had to pretend to not be underaged
I'm going to bed
fuck you if you're not on my steam
People STILL think I'm underage
Good night.
I know Tak, was just surprised to hear 'from a long time ago' like he had been gone
or you actually become a scientist and do something useful with that stuff you learned
hmm I suppose, I'll try to work on that
time for sleeps?
I'm jittery from coffee and feel weak, haven't eaten enough today :u
because talking to people is fun~
alrighty, I'll try that next time~
Fuck if I know.
You of all people have more firsthand experience with the people that pretended to be underage than I do.
How do you figure?
How ya been, buddy?
You're not?
True. What's going on with you?
I will be 19 in 3 months
Hi Tak
Then get yourself something, nerd! Seriously don't let yourself feel weak, I am doing great though myself thanks for asking! Up to anything fun today?
I don't really remember your early days other than confusing you for Loco and your moments where you'd go all "im so durnk off one beer teehee".
You know, a team of four bastions on defense should not be good. But it fucking works.
my goodness, I'm still not 18
Hey there!
I had much less of a presence than loco
and I didn't even drink
what the HECK do you mean by that
Fuck's up with that
I'm not used to thread people being younger than me
How are you Takistan
goodness me
Bastions, Reins, Torbs, all of them work stupidly well with multiples..... heck the 6 Rein idea most of the time demolishes teams, tbh though aside from Rein the other two are way too boring for me I will play them if to ensure a win but otherwise lol no
y-you guys w-wanna come back to my camper? : )
I think if I started with "this guy wants to be notice" then correlated that with your attempts to get noticed, I'd arrive at a model that sadly predicts maybe half of what you do here. take the unique lengths you've gone to get it, and suddenly the picture becomes clearer. take a convoluted moral system clearly a step removed from reality to justify calling someone a creep and wishing death, and you get a pretty good idea of who Sci might be. your moral system is as... peculiar (we'll go with peculiar) as you.
I may have to have you explain that to me in more detail someday.
I assumed this idea of you a while ago and I've been reading your posts when you didn't think I was.
I haven't seen much to shake my doubt. Maybe yesterday/today when you said you wanted to try to be better.
i just dont want to waste my time reading your crap honestly
i decided to try and go through one and legitimately argue it and it was an awful experience that didnt help you at all
If there's snacks and/or Netflix
I'm a dog chasing cars
but I really don't even know which cars I want to chase
you know? any snacks?
my god hakase is anational treasure
school, work, vidya
all the regular stuff
kinda tired tonight even though I drank coffee :x
I'll head downstairs in a minute and heat something up
just went to school and did tons of homework
I feel like I almost understand it
The definition of a classic
I wish I was better with Hanzo. I didn't play a lot of TF2, let alone huntsman, so the playstyle is weird to me. I can only get kills with the scatter arrow and the ult it seems.
Sweets are the key to a sweet hearts sweet heart?
Didn't you e-date a bunch of the people that pretended to be underage, mostly underage "girls" at that?
And then posted great images and made the day both lewder and better : ^) homework was the worst, too boring for my fleeting attention span
Scatter shot is the jam of Hanzo, his ult is 50/50 cause it's telegraphed af even with the quieter okami/wolf version, if you can not aim it amazingly just fire arrows in their direction rapidly cause the hitbox for projectiles is huuuuge so headshots come with ease from spam fire or just practice a bunch like i did lol
i don't consider that a moral system. i consider that the way humans operate socially.
i have no idea what idea you're assuming
and wanting to be nicer fits into the business model of social activity perfectly
school, eh?
What for?
tl;dr I'm lost in life, living entirely on impulse and instinct
there are many others
we've argued on several occasions, I've made several very consistent posts and assertions about Trump, and defended Liberalism and told you about the dangers of broad strokes and hasty generalizations. In addition I've accused you of not seeing the full picture. I assumed that because I argued very fervently at times about things I didn't know the complete picture of, and felt embarrassed afterwards. I try to keep myself and what I know (and how I know it) in check.
I have tried. And I will try again, because I get off to this stuff.
Hanzo is meant for picking off people at choke points.
Your team does a little bit of damage and you finish off anything short of a tank character.
no Way
I dated Dak who was a guy
mgd and wish who claimed to be girls
Kyoko who was a guy
all of them were pretty old i m sure
That's what I thought it meant
I'm less lost than I used to be
Are you going to college?
+what I do know, I have no problem asserting with confidence
which is why I try to make sure I know.
okay well i don't
You poor thing.
He was by far the worst creepy pedo we have ever had.
His only competition was Marisa.
it's not so bad if you're listening to music
business :3
I find business interesting
computers too, might do a major in a technology field after my business degree, something like network engineering maybe, we'll see
***that by your rhetoric and the information you've shared, that you have not done or perhaps attempted the same
unspoiler the spoiler. I wrote a weird ass sentence because I missed out a chunk, if you didn't notice.
I don't want to talk long for the sake of talking long. With you, I will be as short as possible.
you think i have some disdain for long text
i just dont like these arguments
theyre very boring/annoying to me
especially when i want to get to know you and you just wanna yell at me :/
feels like my very limited nice side is being abused
Bard was underaged himself at the time
It's not really weird for him to have been attracted to that, no?
i was very young and naive
this is why i get to plow 14 year olds and you pedophiles dont
luka irl
Gross, nigga. Gross.
Why would you even talk to Dak, let alone date him?
he alwys seemed so sad and miserable and i felt bad for him
you absolute fuck.
how can you think that's how the world works?
that people attempt to be logic and utilitarian about the relationships they form?
there's no way that's how you think the world works, or how non-sociopaths work. you're smarter than that.
if you're saying it's subconscious and innate, there's evidence against that too. sorry if I think so little of imagined social system. I just haven't seen any 'the way humans operate' truth to that.
Bard just likes trying to fix pathetic losers
Example 1: MGD
that's how i think social interaction works at its foundation
for most people it's subconscious and innate
genuinely, not as a rhetorical remark, i'd like to see the evidence against it
if I picked your brain about your thoughts on Liberalism, social justice, welfare, immigration, Liberals or Trump, would I be surprised?
I tend to value thoughts more than people. I tend to value thought patterns, right or wrong.
If you aren't the type to like to explain and enjoy expressing your knowledge, for fear of boredom, you're going to get a Kanra that treats you like he sees you as. Which I repeat: isn't bad, and it certainly doesn't sound that way, but maybe there's an ethic I've tried to work on for years that I see you lack and almost revel in, which is a turn off.
So if I can make it easier for you, I'm saying I would.
those seem like apt last words.
nini daddy
later my dude. pleasure speaking with you!
let me just ask you a question
would you rather have 18 year old cabbage?
10 year old cabbage?
or day old cabbage.
I know what I'd pick, because I don't eat rotten food.
If you are going to AX, please come to the /cgl/ gathering
Luka can't afford to go to AX you kidding me
This is worse than Freudian. one of the earliest attempts at understanding actions and thoughts as subconscious processes. were frequently wrong and projecting. psychoanalysts would frequently interpret actions of their clients to fit their models. it was there persistent mistakes that eventually called for a revolution in psychology, and to decouple the tainted psychology from philosophy, and more in line with science.
Take a sample of 1000 ongoing relationships by people in your area, and ask yourself how much internal calculation is driving them, and where it's reflected.
I assure you you're not going to end up with your theory.
If I go to AX next year and I'm still working my good paying job I will pay for Luka to come
This thread is too long and thick for my phone to take
Just spot him the money.
You know he's good for it.
Shit, I forgot to yell at Miku on stage for you... Next concert I guess.
Tell the hologram Revy loves her
I will but next concert.
I asked my dad who he's voting for and he said Trump. This is a reason to respect him a bit.
He voted for Obama because he thought Obama was going to win and also because Bruce Springsteen said to (he acknowledges both of these things).
Is that normal, by the way?
But if you wait for love it will pass you by
Yeah, Americans don't generally vote based on actual policy
Like, I've heard that people often simply vote for who they think will win, and are influenced heavily by celebrities.
But do they ADMIT to it?
Nah, not really
Most will try to rationalize
Vicious death metal monster for admin, by the way.
Miku Expo came and went bro, I'm sorry. Have a video from the concert from my ciew.
Almost blue
Almost doing things we used to do
Almost doing things we used to do. There's a girl here and she's almost you. Almost All the things that your eyes once promised. I see in hers, too
who else /crippling loneliness/ here?