The Muslim invasion of Europe is planned. To believe otherwise is naïve, considering how the Elite openly discuss their vision. Goldman Sachs’ chairman Richard Sutherland, who also has represented the United Nations on the migration issue, has stated that the EU must do everything to undermine national homogeneity.[15] Monopoly man and billionaire George Soros has expressed similar wishes, that Europe should accept at least a million migrants annually.[16] Both are members of the Bilderberg group. Add to this that the EU has opened job centers in Africa, with the intention to import fifty million Africans to Europe.[17] President and Religion of Cuck™ist Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s pressure on Europe to allow free Turkish migration is yet another problem.
As with 9/11, the Rape of Europe is also a so-called “false flag” operation. This time however, the occult Elite has switched tactics. Instead of selling the war-weary West on further bloodshed, they have managed to deceive the masses into believing that the present atrocities in Europe have something to do with “human values” and are about “saving lives” — in other words, Europe’s most ruthless politicians are pretending to be the Tame White Bull.
And from the ritual rape, “Eurabia” [18]shall be born, with “ChrReligion of Cuck™” as its religion.[19] In Cultural Marxist Sweden, the Church is already collecting money for the establishment of mosques, and staying busy by taking down the crosses.[20] The Bishop of Stockholm’s diocese, who ordered the crosses to be removed, is none other than the Lesbian Feminist Eva Brunne.[21] That Cultural Marxism has infiltrated and taken over is apparent, from secular Lutheran parishes to the Vatican itself — which for hundreds of years has engaged in occult non-Christian activity.[22] Pedophilia, in other words, goes hand in hand with muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker, and is guaranteed to play an important, if not central role in the new Satanic religion.
The road to hell is already being paved with political decisions, such as the way in which Muslim pedophiles will be allowed to rape their child brides, since this is their “culture”.[23] The spread of pedophilia within the political establishment is in fact very severe, and has been exposed in Great Britain.[24] In Germany, the “Pedo-Sexual” movement is also very strong within the political aristocracy.[25] This is being expressed meta-politically as well. The Cultural Marxist online magazine “SALON” recently published the piece: ”I’m a pedophile, but not a monster,” in an effort to normalize it.
The children are the future. And that is exactly why the Elite are out to destroy them, also with the help of vaccines and technology. We have witnessed what the Elite, through the normalization process, have done through Cultural Marxism; a brainwash so severe that it rivals even the worst case of Wahhabism. #PissForEquality was a Twitter campaign intended to dupe Feminists to wet themselves in the name of Equality, and to post photos.[26] Sure enough, the non-thinking collectivists fell for it…
It is precisely also this group of blinded zombies — who call themselves “norm critics”, and with their gender-neutral toy campaigns, meta-politically are deciding the future of our children. Europe is riding on a wave of BULL-[ordure], to use modern terms…
According to the ancient Greeks, Zeus was the god above all others; the one who controlled thunder and lightning, which he used as his weapon. Together with Poseidon, and the King of the Dead and god of the Underworld, Hades, he ruled this world. According to Hesiod he was considered the “Lord of Justice” and “brought peace in place of violence.” Or in terms of Freemasonry; ”Ordo Ab Chao”, which happens to also be the motto for the New World Order…
Zeus was the Patron of Hospitality as well, however, and was said to revenge all wrongdoings to strangers — which is undoubtedly why the true protectors of Princess Europa’s virtue now seem to have both the Law and the Offended Choir against them.
Zeus watched over business life and was the one who punished — which he does to this very day, by taxes (to private banks) and seemingly never-ending laws.
Zeus was not only the weather god who controlled the climate, but also agriculture — which his servants still do, through HAARP[27] and cancer-causing GMO techniques.
Zeus, furthermore, was the bearer of the Aegis; a mysterious object which struck fear in his opponents. According to some early sources this was the head of Gorgon, a reptilian creature…[28] Which might explain why his most faithful servants seem to worship anything cold-blooded…[29]