How will Trump deal with this? North Korea is supplying the greatest enemies of Israel with weapons and is supplying Myanmar weapons while it is the middle of genociding its Muslim population?
How can the evil of Kim Jong Un be contained?
How will Trump deal with this? North Korea is supplying the greatest enemies of Israel with weapons and is supplying Myanmar weapons while it is the middle of genociding its Muslim population?
How can the evil of Kim Jong Un be contained?
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I'm sorry, I must have missed something. Myanmar is in the axis of evil now too?
A place that can't keep the lights on is supplying Assad with weapons?
Yes, since they were caught committing genocide against Muslims.
Ah well you see, when a woman is held captive for political reasons by men she is a darling of the brainwashed left.
But when she gets out if she doesn't spout the same brainwash her country is racist and probably needs "true democracy" by immediate diversification.
It is actually a bit more than that, North Korea reportedly has two military units there fighting for Assad. In 2007 the North Koreans were also trying to help the Syrians build a nuclear reactor, which Israel bombed and destroyed.
North Korea does not actually recognise Israel as a country.
How can he keep up with the TLA-operated proxy state? Great question. Let's directly ask Kim that and gauge his interest amidst this nuclear snafu. Is it possible that Trump was briefed on this momentarily before the memo discussion?
keep sniffing paint you zionist faggot.
This, they loved this woman when she was imprisoned by the junta. But that was the 90s and East Asia is passé for liberals now. It's been 20 years since I heard a peep out of anyone about Tibet. Muslims are the new hotness.
oyyyyy vvveeeeyyy everyone knows that both iran and north korea are controlled by israel
wtf I love North Korea now
Imagine being this much of an imperialist neoconservative.
No need to imagine when the Cuck in Chief has laid out the new narrative of Norks holocausting Christians and the Iranian regime oppressing muh freedoms.
Caught or (((caught)))?
Little bit of Jewish Freedom
Best Korea! Are they the chosen race that will wipe out the kikes?
I hope an anthropologist is studying this shit because we don't often get to see the evolutionary leap of a species in it's reasoning and communications skills as it happens.
Someone's a salty gook. Run out of kimchee?
How's the weather in Tel-Washington J.E.W. ?
Both iran and north korea are the perfect covers for the majority of their highly illegal activities
Did people forget that we are not conservautists? We're third position. Get the fuck out zionist.
yeah, nice try kike
anyone even remotley criticising this is either a hippie or JIDF
You salty fucking gooks don't belong here. It has nothing to do with zog. A post was made by OP stating what is happening. A defensive bug-eater cried zion out of the blue. He got scolded for it.
This is Holla Forums, not the faggotry you cunts bring.
Not being able to see the difference and attempting to conflate the two as support for jews proves you are the cancerous invaders we've been warning others of for years.
Is this a new shill narrative? It’s low effort as fuck.
jesus christ these kikes are fucking desperate for a narrative.
how many dimensions of chess is fat kimmy playing in?
Well they continue to say both Russia and the USA are, how is it such a stretch?
do you even know how dumbfuck? with central banks that loaned money to fund wars
iran and NK dont have those banks and cannot be pressed into debt slavery even when in a war. neither did iraq before 2003. thats why (((you))) fags had to demolsih iraq to the ground, then have halliburton and other cancers rebuild it an charge the iraqi people for it
got proofs?
You are the outsider here, neocon.
Theres the proof user. You're just a minority goy, don't question the narrative goy.
That ones almost too good to be true, sounds like propaganda bullshit designed to generate ammunition against the ACTUAL religion of peace removing the muslim rapist fucks.
Also it looks like they tried to copy the merchant image for all those people in the OP image. They all have their hands crossed, the Religion of Cuck™ic guy is like.. the exact same thing. Every one of them is almost copied off the "merchant man" Jew meme.
Utterly pathetic piece of baloney.
Oceania has always been at war with Aung San Suu Kyi.
The kikes have been using both iran and north korea as controlled opposition enemies. "north korea" not recognizing israel as a country holds as much merit as obama saying he was opposed to israel in any way.
You misspelled "pest control".
We are not talking about usunniful idiot roaches or "muh crypro-bolshevic Jewtin" here; we are talking about countries not controlled by Rothchild banks that Israel and the ZOG are vocally hellbent on glassing.
You're all shitskin cave people.
>(((they)))re just pretending to want to install their power in those countries
i said post sauce you dumbfuck faggot. and ive been here longer than you you redditcuck.
just because (((america))) is cucked and beyond saving doesent mean everyone else should be too.
OH NO ,the starving nigh isolated genocidal monster with millions of soldiers and futuristic weapons for our current year of 1967 is struggling to launch missiles off launchpads but sending their fearsome fleet of f-300s to fight with that dangerous democratically elected and nationally loved murderous dictator against the terrorist militant Religion of Cuck™ic fundamentalist insurgent freedom fighters thousands of miles away and the deadly and bloodthirsty buddhist warmongers committing genocide on the oppressed freedom fighting terrorists!
Thank You, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un!
this has been my strategy for years now
I feel like I can stop pretending
I knew something was coming when we got word of another (((gas attack))) in Syria. That darn Assad, he just won't learn, I guess.
InB4 it comes out that Assad's huge gas arsenal was made in North Korea, shipped to Burma on a Russian vessel, smuggled overland by Pushtun into Iran, and thence airlifted to Hezbollah by white nationalists.
And to think, just yesterday, we had Henry Kissinger come out to say that preemptive strikes against North Korea might be a good idea. And now this. What an amazing coincidence, such foresight.
Kampfy is a Fag™ rapist fucks are the new Peace Corps. Globalism needs its shock troops, after all, and who hates the nation state more than people who think we all live in a caliphate?
As I type that, I realize the likes of Clinton and Soros do believe it's a global caliphate. They're just ambitious and stupid enough to imagine they'd survive the Kampfy is a Fag™ic purge.
I don't know if it was yesterday or a few days before, but fag Mattis was running his mouth about another bullshit "gas attack" from Assad.
Were they actually trying to hide it at all?
It's unfortunate you found your way here, honestly.
Good. Our only realistic chance to make America white again is a civil war after the jews order a full-scale war against China and Russia.
Thanks, RP™
Yeah, the narrative of the Axis of Evil really doesn't seem to change.
Probably fake news. But good if true.
you do realise that most of the white middle class would be mobilised by the DoD against a civiluprising?
it would be the same shit as it was in manhattan when people rejected the lincoln mobilisation and rioted, and the union, in the middle of the war, sent troops to slaughter half of new york
The moment when Religion of Cuck™ is such a fucking shit heap, BHUDDISTS TAKE UP ARMS AGAINST THEM
Myanmar and the Philippines are both in the Greater Eash Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, apparently.
I sure hope some Jew named Oppenheimer won't have us bomb the two cities with the largest Christian population in their country…
Seriously, though, history repeats itself, so we must learn from it.
hi Holla Forums
In some ways, it makes sense.
Juche and the SSNP are two of the only National Socialist-like parties in power currently worldwide, as far as I know.
This map doesn't say what you want it to say.
No way is that an accurate map. Sahara is habitable but Perth isn't? Europe has less brain size than Siberians and the American South is stupid?
I think this supposed to be native populations … of what year who knows… but yea even in that case is still shit
That's just a great opportunity for that orange ZOG puppet. He can take out one of the last remaining countries not under a Rothschild Central Bank and he can deal a blow to Israel's enemies.