Trey Gowdy: "Nunes memo does not discredit Mueller probe in any way."
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Paid off kike.
Isn't the public rationale behind the Mueller investigation the things that were happening with Flynn and his contacts with Russian officials on orders from Kushner because the Lubavitchers were throwing a hissy fit over the UN resolution abstention? This memo is about actions taken during the campaign and using made up "intelligence" to shop around to connected officials to justify domestic surveillance.
It might be disingenuous, but it seems like he's technically right.
Rosenstein who appointed Mueller to this witch hunt signed the bogus FISA application.
Right, but publicly the justification for the Mueller probe is the Flynn/Kushner/Russia contact tree. Disingenuous, but appears to be close enough for government work.
Did I read the same document as him?
Must be pure coincidence that he decided no to run for re-election, I'm sure.
He's a compromised empire shill, fuck him.
Is this the first time we've had explicit confirmation that fusion was using the ohrs to shovel their shit to the fbi?
I know meetings were reported, but I don't remember if him handing stuff off for her was.
Glad this fucking nigger is getting out of politics. All he can do is talk. Gowdy is the fucking EMBODIMENT of "all talk no action."
I think just about everything in the memo was already detailed by some websites and then reposted here. It's just put together in an congressional document and released to the public.
11222222 GET soon
Better make it count
There's really nothing new in the memo; it just lays it all out officially.
which makes the kikes in congress reaction to the memo even more confusion. All this shit has been laid out for months. Fuck all they had to do watch watch Hannity anytime over the last month and thats basically exactly whats in the memo.
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yes, and you've cucked, you fucking shill. Don't think we don't see right the hell through you, asshole.
"We're going to treat cyber attacks just like we are going to treat any other attack." HRC
1.) Private email servers (Awan bros.precedent) expressly to 'share' classified DOS comms
2.) While neither Obongo nor HRC were to be found, Comey, McCabe, Mueller et. al. countermand relief of the US Embassy in Libya, McCabe in particular conspicuously furnishing the 'youtube video' bs well in advance during internal meetings (facilitating ISIS, and the deaths of embassy and what few relief personnel actually deployed.)
3. Libya regime changed to destroy the evidence and to the benefit of militants at war with the US
4. Material aid to the selfsame elements in Syria, yet again
The text of a recent Executive Order has language suggesting enforcement of laws against economic terrorism, with some dozens of names listed as violators hehe
You read one of the two documents he's read. The other one was a check with Bernie Rothbergerstein's name on the signature line. It seems it made a good case.
Its all just "baseless conspiracy theories" until the government actually comes out and confirms it, at which point they're then shocked - shocked, I tell you! - at the "new" information and run their usual damage control.
Got a link, or E.O number user? I want to believe.
because his "investigation" is without scope or limits, OR because the DNCstate has a video of Gowdy (and Sessions) fucking children? Maybe both?
Translation : "Don't worry Kikes, we'll let you keep up this Mueller charade because nothing will ever come of it and it keeps you from JFK-ing Trump"
The part about mccabe testifying that fisa never would have happened without steele was definitely new.
For the ohrs, as far as i can remember, confirmed events only went as far as meetings between bruce and fusion/steele, not bruce passing along their shit too.
/r/ing the House Intelligence Committee Report in PDF plz
Yeah, exact specifics of who precisely did what I don't really know. I know there was one zionist blog that gets reposted here from time to time that was detailing the situation. Treehouse something.
you guys are quick to jump on the "fuck gowdy he's a shill now" bandwagon, this statement allows them to stand back and watch as mueller implodes his own investigation when they repeatedly find nothing
this takes ammo away from the deepstate talking points about how the russian investigatation got derailed,,
federal government efficiency in action
>whitehouse. gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
lol this is the shini star exec order if there ever was one and nobody even knows
thanks user
And this is somehow better than exposing and arresting the traitors immediately why?
Remember to upload the dossier to firedrop.com and share there as it wont get taken down. Saw someone put it on scribd, idiots
The Australian press was recently reporting about how the FBI showed up in Australia to ask about the Clinton Foundation and uranium, under the authority of Mueller.
If Mueller was going after Trump why in the fuck would that have happened?
You’re a shill.
You're the shill faggot. Name a single thing Gowdy has ever actually accomplished as a member of the house Intel committee. Go on I'll wait. Just one single thing. And remember, a stern talking to doesn't count as an accomplishment.
He doesn't have one. He's making up stories to change the minds of retarded people who don't care about sources.
so close
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are simply retarded rather than malicious, so where is your source?
Here ya go!
Filtered, shillbot. You can suck my cock later, through your prison bars.
Oh (((You)))
you are filtered you fucking kike faggot, get the fuck off this board
Not a half bad get.
Wow, who saw that coming.
Bump, remember Mueller is investigating election related corruption fraud and the Clinton Kramer Kabal, not Trump.
Don’t let the shills mislead you. The FBI wouldn’t be in Australia asking about the Clintons if Mueller was digging on Trump.
Look how angry these facts make the shills. Just look at those pathetic niggers scramble.
i will go ahead and check those dub trips
basically from all the evidence that has been posted on Holla Forums and with the memo detailing obvious malicious FISA abuse, if Mueller is able to ignore all of that evidence, and still manages to try and bring Trump up on Obstruction Charges for impeachment, he should become very concerned for his own personal well being because anons would be justified in taking him out with vigilante justice.
This is about the FBI. It's not about Mueller and says nothing about them showing up in Australia.
I don't think is this arena things are done quickly. Ass tons of angles to be playing all at once with lives hanging in the balance. Care must be taken with a strategy against the deepstate
OK, sure, the FBI is in Australia asking about Chillary just because.
Here you fucking queer. It isn't hard and you only make yourself look suspect by not doing it and sperging out instead.
Are you just illiterate or what?
It's a reprint of an AP story about the clinton foundation investigation by an australian paper. There's nothing in there about fbi agents doing anything productive, let alone being in australia asking questions.
Nothing to do with mueller, and isn't related to the fisa abuse memo aside from clintons being the culprit.
It should be pointed out that it isn't treason if you win.
Right but a bias (signed one of the fake fisa warrants knowing it was fake and paid for by clinton and the dnc) Rosenstein did not and does not want Trump to be or remain president and appointed Muller.
Yeah the FBI just hangs around in Australia doing whatever, completely unrelated to other things.
Nice. Anyway I’ve wasted enough time arguing with kikes for one day, filtered.
Well he wasn't wrong.
The counsel will just have to investigate Hillary and Obumber.
user knee jerking ITT should go back to >>>/4cuck/
also the part about Steels admiring to Ohrs that he was desperate that Trump dose not get elected in September of 2016.
I'm not disputing that. I'm just pointing out that the public reasoning for the Mueller investigation is Jared Kushner ordering Gen. Flynn to make contact with Russian officials specifically because he was butthurt about the Obama administration abstaining from a UN resolution condemning israeli settlements.
The memo is focused on the apparently false dossier being created with campaign opposition research money and then shopped around to friendly contacts who would rubberstamp the surveillance warrants. It's disingenuous what Gowdy is saying, but you can massage it for a political statement.
I think it is fair to ask if there is no intervention because of israeli settlement butthurt from the incoming administration, where do they get their continued justification from?
Yeah, that was new. The part about a fucking yahoo news article being meaningful evidence for the FISA application was too.
Greetings, MAGApede neophyte student of politics. Welcome to pol. You may be surprised to learn that many anons have been following these affairs for some time. Here's some insight into Gowdy: he's a fucking distraction. I'd say he's a "bone" meant to be thrown to Tea Party and Conservative faggots of yesterday, but bones are stiff and this faggot is impotent as fuck.
He literally exists to sit in front of TV cameras and "totally fucking shred" whichever unlucky, previously-unknown upper-middle level bureaucrat that is being thrown under the bus to take the fall for the Satanic, Deep State creatures deemed Too Big to Fail.
I follow a lot of "establishment" commentary both left and right and his name comes up on occasion and none have ever had a disparaging thing to say about him. They're not the least bit threatened. He's always been The King's Headsman and it'll never be their heads and they know it. And even if that wasn't the case, the best you could say is that he's yet another of America's impotent Conservative losers who couldn't get the job done, so we called-in pic related. No wonder he's after a media career now. 99% of America is incredibly gullible.
i really like trey gowdy =(
Just ignore our shills then, Gowdy is clean and the shills are dirty. They also try way too hard. It’s that famous Jewish verbal IQ.
Anyone who doesn't see what's going on here hasn't been around for very long. He's clearly being threatened.
I wonder (((who))) could possibly get under his skin like that pic related.
same as jeff sessions
Someone please archive I have a date with my wife.
To be fair, it contains scanned images of the original document. It's the only legit way to provide such a document.
The memo contents don't discredit the investigation.
The memo contents discredit the basis for the investigation. As long as the investigation concludes before the midterms it should be allowed to persist because then after finding nothing it will be discredited.
Started on false pretenses, sustained on rumor and speculation, and still coming to a disappointing result. Ultimate victory for Trump unless they find something.
Yep, I gave up on him a long time ago with that conclusion.
"Mueller is setting up his own Justice Department… Shut it down" - Tom Fitton, 19 Sep 2017
Why might he be doing that?
Not just Flynn, but the contacts made with Russians by Papadopolous and Manafort, both of whom are indeed corrupt and incompetent. I'm not saying it's right, but there is indeed objective reason (from the incorrect paradigm of American politics) to investigate the possibility of corruption based on their actions. Of course that's all literally nothing compared to the slime that Clinton is wrapped up in, including accepting millions of dollars from the world's biggest sponsor of terrorism, but hey, that's ZOG for you.
He does sound great when he calls out people but you are correct user, he is as someone said earlier in the thread the "embodiement of all talk no action". Such a shame because I feel like he could actually do something but my stance is that the only thing left for anyone in Congress or senate is a nice long rope.
How about no case after over a year? Does that discredit Mueller? After 2 years? After 10 years?
Both maxed out, is there any advantage a bio android has over a majin when the android has an alt for science?
Speaking of Awan brothers, where the fuck is that trial at? I’d say they’re not too far down the list on the day of the rope.
Yep. He's quitting, kikes buy him ocean front property in 3 2 1…
noice me me
Maybe just the conspiracy theorist in me, but when in 2015, Gowdy recommended people read the Melian Dialogue, I got a feeling that maybe he struck a pragmatic deal with the devil.
Vid related.
I personally think Rowdy Gowdy here is trying to salvage the ENTIRE DOJ and FBI not because he's corrupt or anything, but he thinks he can still fix a broken system, and trying to save whatever institution he thinks it could be while trying to make sure the fallout doesn't rattle the entire system, but too fucking bad that it all needs to burn down and people need to hang.
The reason he is saying this is probably because Mueller isn't going to bring any sort of formal charges or indictment against Trump.
I'm surprised I actually found something. He researched and wrote a lot of The Memo.
Why did Rowdy step down, and especially with the timing?
You aren't real good at this yet are you?
He's the new Rod Rosenstein.
My apologies OP, you were correct. Have a bump.
How so? Clarify please.
It doesn't undermine a damned thing. Every last bit of investigatory work is still just as useful as it was prior to this memo being released. All of the work that Mueller did will be used to hang several of these fucks. This shill tactic is twisting the words of a man who has obviously had his children threatened in order to attempt to cast an illusion on it all.
What I don't quite yet understand is.. WHY? I mean I understand the ones that would hang doing everything they can to further the treason but Hillary didnt make this thread. It isnt Soros himself shilling the board. No its some fucking nobody some real fucking loser. And all these fucking retards are diving at the opportunity to incriminate themselves. I just don't get it. Why do you do it joot? What are ya some kinda shill junkie?
I mean I understand that things have changed shadow equations and all that but it just seems so strange that so many would so willingly put the noose around their neck.
Jew loving faggot. I fucking knew it
Everyone ITT should remember this man has a family.
It's a fair point. So do many others user.
Strategic deception.
The left doesn't have a clue what's coming.
Obama and Clinton will on trial for treason, with Judge Gowdy presiding.
So I did some research on the claim Gowdy's net worth increased from $167k to $4.5m…it's bunk. The source comes from link below, which cites a story from The McClatchy DC Bureau (second link). The McClatchy article states his net worth was $167k in 2015, nothing more.
Which begs the question, who wants us to THINK Gowdy has been compromised? Has he actually been compromised?
Either he is being appointed special prosecutor to clean house at DoJ and the FBI, or he is coming home to SC to escape the swamp.
Or they've got dirt on him and he's being blackmailed into resignation.
Go delude yourself on another website.
I was just going through that theory actually - that he may have been tapped for the special council to investigate (((them)))
Perhaps could explain why he's saying he has full confidence in Mueller and why he suddenly resigned, but…I don't know. Something just doesn't smell right.
Gowdy is the ONLY republican to have seen the information the memo was based on. That worries me.
If they were blackmailing him, I'd think they would use that to keep him where he's at. Doesn't make sense that they'd blackmail him and force him to resign.
His comments on "I think history will look kindly on James Comey [and that he did the best he could with the information he had, or something like that.]" – have grown even more peculiar. The latter's representation of multi-billion gov. contract fraud settlements with Boeing, astroturfing Kenneth Star probe from going in a Vince Foster direction, among other things since then. He'd better have come to Jesus seeing the writing on the wall damn good and early if that's the case.