ITT: we look for the tastiest salt and damage control from various sources.

I have a few from reddit, but we need to hit all the major lefty locations (Faceberg, Twitter, etc.)

Other urls found in this thread:


kike free first post

This salt is going to go well with the pepper once prosecutions start going through.




shut it down!


Needs more salt, BRB going to get my shaker.

Blacks and democrats got shit on.


I've been drowning in salt since 2016, I'm starting to worry about my health. It just never ends.

nothing is going to happen

"that's it" seems to be the majority response from the redditards

Imagine my shock brings up a good point here. If people ask what the big deal is show them this

It's like a murderer on trial hearing the prosecution's closing arguments and saying, "That's it? We've been hearing I killed that guy for months!"

Members of the intelligence community should be publicly hanged.


A stock market crash is almost a certainty now. They'll do it to harm Trump, and the Republicans in 2018, because the R's hold the White House and both houses of Congress, so they'll be held responsible for the hardship of the common people.

You could call for Batman with this level of projection.

I love that the poster tried to use a faggot word to make themselves appear smart and couldn't even spell it correctly: It's spelled hearken.

"But Trump dah Nazi so it would be different"

Never waste time pointing out their hypocrisy. They either don't care or have convinced themselves that they really are holier than thou.


Can someone give me a quick rundown on what the memo reveals? Or even just a link to it?


the first image gives a general rundown but in the opposite way. good to use


t. FusionGPS


ShariaBlue is here I see
Reported. Lurk and learn faggot.


i-its nothing has been their only narrative all week, even the shills here.

Of all the things that could be behind Trump they think it's Fox fucking News?

I actually missed the origin of this Proofs business. Why the flag and chicken?

Shows how detached from reality they are.

I've seen leftists unironically believe the sorts of statements we make all the time, but credit the cause of such ills to fox instead of the jews. It's kind of staggering how disillusional and disconnected they are.

Fuckin’ Reddit.

This is a crucial moment. (((They))) aren't in control right now, and they have no idea where the narrative will be in the next few days. They're trying to craft a (((yawn))) narrative right now.

This is likely to work on normies, who haven't spent the last year or so ass-deep in this scandal. To them, none of these names or accusations make any sense at all. When they hear "it's nothing, goyim" from their friendly newskikes, they'll assume Drumphytards are just making things up or whatever – hey, the Super Bowl is on!

Our job in this sacred hour is twofold:
1) Explain what it all means in normie terms, with nice, sharable graphics
2) Hold the initiative by demanding some action. Suggestions include:
a) Fire Mueller
b) Arrest Comey
c) Special prosecutor for Democrats
d) Lock her up

It actually doesn't matter whether any of that is reasonable or warranted by this memo. The important thing is to keep the kikes on the back foot by pushing hard on something else before they can regain their balance. Really make it look like we have an actionable case – it's for damn sure the fucking normies won't know whether we do or we don't. Right now, poorly paid operatives are working to shill the idea that we don't.

Are they going to succeed?

I think that middle one there is actually in support of the memo by the sounds of it

Ding ding ding! Bingo.



You are so close to sentience, I'm actually worried for you. Try not to kill yourself when you learn the truth of what you just said, RidersGuide.

Of all the liberal's cries and fear-mongering about Trump the one that almost always shows up regardless of context or situation is that he's an idiot, a fool, an imbecile, and a stooge for corporations and big money that control him. In the liberal mind Trump is an incompetent clumsy show-dog being led around on a leash by "the powers that be" (oh irony) because they literally cannot fathom any other possible reason for his success. Trump not being dumb and actually knowing what he was doing this whole time is going to be the hardest pill for many of them to swallow, and most probably won't because it would require them to admit they were wrong about something they've deeply, sincerely believed for years now.

Those faggots might actually manage to blow their own heads off before we can hang them.


That’s absolutely ideal. It works out in Trump’s favor if his enemies all think he’s dumb. As more and more things happen their beliefs will clash more and more with reality, and they will be driven even further into madness.

I would like to see every leftist on brain pills. Strong brain pills with massive side effects.

Trump may be a lot of things but dumb isn't one of them. I fucking hated Bill Clinton with a passion when he was in office but I could set that aside and recognize that he was an intelligent man.

Emphasis on "was" considering I think the AIDS has been getting to him lately.

ooga booga where the salt at?


That would become the largest purge of mormons in US history. The intel community is infested with them.

When the arrests start and the rest of the memos come out proving Trump was right all along…
because they can't stand to be wrong….ever

Not just that, but also should have added

Honestly by their logic, any time tyrone gets investigated for anything, hes automatically guilty and should be sent to jail.. I mean, hey, hes being investigated right? obviously hes done something wrong or else there wouldnt be an investigation.. right?

Here's the run down
The birb is the current russian national coat of arms


the (((liberator))) memes were way better tbh

Delicious salt in the comments, Woods knows how to rile up the lefties.

Yeah, I know. They're playing games, everyone is. You just have to keep bending them back and fourth until they break like a paperclip.

Wouldn't it be creepy though, if after Trump's people get on top of things, CNN were to turn 180% and start kissing Holla Forumss ass all day? What a bunch of twats. And liberals can stomach this shit. I can hardly even watch Fox. News it worthless now without analysis.

If Comey had a heart behind that enormous chest of his he'd realise that there's no way for him to be remembered as anything but an incompetent traitor. If he does the right thing now, he betrays the other side that he already committed treason to bat for in the first place. Cicero said it best, never accept a traitor into your ranks, even if they give you information enough for victory.


this. how is he losing?

I don't think I've laughed more than I ever have in my entire life since Trump became president. His presidency is like one long Bugs Bunny cartoon with himself as Bugs and his detractors as Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam.

Yo-semite sam?


Why just suits?

< calling it rope
< not calling it

Democrats relied on THEIR OWN LEAKED INTELLIGENCE to Yahoo News as justification.
Now they're upset about the fisa memo leaking the fact of their leaking intel to yahoo to get permission to leak intel on Trump, and threatening to leak more intel memos as retaliation.

In a way that would be worse. They should have the courtesy to die in the way they wanted us to die, or to acknowledge their wrongdoing and to just go on with their lives and get a regular job or some shit. But of course these people are impolite indecent assholes. If they weren't we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.
Also it would be kinda disgusting to accept these sort of rats into our midst because we beat them. They're not going to change.

They paid foreign spy, "UK, so he's OK", to spy on their political adversary.

It would be creepier than fuck. What kind of whack job would want it. Who needs a bunch of cucksucking backstabbers hanging around, still dangerous. They were ready fuck us. Public shaming and apologies could be just the start.

Holla Forums's complete victory is a bittersweet story. I don't think I need to go into it except to say that, in the best case, the people here now fighting for this cause will leave and eventually be replaced here by faggot kikes.


once a Holla Forumsack always a Holla Forumsack

Do they honestly believe that if Steele gathered any 'evidence' of genuine wrongdoing by Trump, that this probe would drag on for about a year now with no formal charges recommended against Trump?

I love Woods. He was excellent as HR Haldeman, incidentally.

That scene was truly one of the great moments in animation.

That is a rusemaster in action right there folks.


The number of communists in this communist cell is growing and growing, because nobody's this fucking stupid. The communists control the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, and the DNC. They control CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, and how many others?


The whole intention has always been getting as many statements under oath and as many documents/emails/texts as possible, specifically to get Trump under oath and have him misremember some inconsequential detail, leading to a perjury charge

Trey "Rowdy" Gowdy is not the man I thought he was. i wonder if he's complicit in all this?

He's always been a kike sucker.

it's like watching toddlers punch themselves in the face then claim their fist is a russian hacker.

It's funny that they'll recognize that there's something larger at play here but will stop any investigation once their handlers tell them to. Literally golems of the jew at it's highest point.

hot damn am I comfy

I'm convinced now that he's just the other side of the jewish sandwich.

Though I guess it's telling that he's now switched from "make the right noises but do nothing" to being a cheerleader for team white genocide. Desperation, maybe?

Mueller's investigating Hillary and Obama dumbass.

We meme'd the first nignog president to jail.

How does this make you feel?

Think so? :/ the fuck is taking so long, then?

He isn't investigating Hilldog and Obongo.

He's been pissing away his time doing the "fake russia" song and dance.


Actually, if it goes that way you can be sure the Kenyan did that himself. We may have in fact memed the instrument of his doom into office however. Feels pretty good tbh.

I still want him to run to Kenya and get necklaced by other niggers.
But this will do.

Christopher Steele wishes he was Pierce Brosnan

Every time


They couldn't even get Bill Clinton on perjury

His recent actions are WAY beyond what you could consider PR or chess. Either they paid him a fortune or they got him by the balls with some blackmail shit from the very start. This nigger made a faster U-turn than fucking sonic.

Actually they did, he was found guilty. The Congress simply cucked on the Presidential impeachment for the (((greater good))).

Any user in a salt thread that posts reddit screenshots is outing himself as a faggot from /r/the_zionald.


I love it how brain dead plebbitors keep repeating same Russian collusion bullshit without any sort of proof.

this is the state of Holla Forums now.

I think this guy was there and talks about it a bit

Account only plebbitor makes you not


Additionally I keep hearing about ICE doing one big raid after another, even in commiefornia.

The fire rises.

Stop the faggotry.

Interesting. But how do we know he's a reliable source user? For instance, at this point do we even know for sure what his personal definition of "is" is?

I don’t belong to you niggers

Faggotry is faggotry. Doesn’t matter what your definition is if the other persons says it’s faggotry

Honestly, do you really think you're ready for all this yet friend? Personally I think you could do with a little more training tbh. -1 demerit, report back to your supervisor.

Lay off the crack retard.

As far as I can discern he's as solid as Newt Gingrich in his new role (bit of a redemption arc?). His analysis is well educated -he was often actually there-, fact based and he seems to have a conscience. The worst I can find in his material is a lack of entertaining off-the wall theories and conjecture which I normally enjoy. And maybe his choice of decor.


He's on of a few old hat's who's survived Killary and the fam. B*ll St*ll and Larry N*coles are two more. Bill also seems solid. I know less about N*coles but he has some of the wilder claims.


I was assuming my choice of clip would make it plain I was shitposting. Bill Clinton not only lied under oath repeatedly as the POTUS, he's probably complicit at the very least to multiple murders along with his wife.

Ofc he was guilty. :^)

Just because you learned how to turn a computer on doesn’t mean you should be setting up the next generation for failure. It’s irresponsible

Tfw depressed (but not surprised) that a full-scale Russian military campaign against the "ukraine" did not happen. Solution to the Hohol problem.


I can't fucking believe there are people who think Disney is or ever was better than classic Looney Tunes.

I meant in terms of impeachment. As far as his guilty plea is concerned, all that happened to him was he surrendered his law licence. He was getting paid to do 'speeches' by that point anyway

Lies, user. Nobody thinks Disney is better than classic Looney Tunes

I thought it was because rooster in Russian is the word for faggot and it meant that you were a faggot if you didn't provide proof.

Don't worry, the get went to a noble cause.

For what?

Chuck Jones was an amazing talent.

Ehh, don't be too harsh user. Disney's 'Nine Old Men', and particularly Frank & Ollie were true innovators. Even today The Illusion of Life stands apart as a fundamental classic in animation.

He has a family.


A god among men, James Woods with his giant hog

Aug 2014 and onward for me, I fall asleep laughing to myself still. Too much memes, too much salt, too much smug.

Beautiful Heavenly Sevens. 4th pic made me a lil sad

The last star fighter. Zrrrpppp "We die"..


weewwwwww lad I can't wait for their minds to break once it's in the open

Disney shorts had a few things going for them.

Yeah but I'm talking about the short cartoons. Mickey, Donald Duck, all them.