reminder that anime is not an artform.
japan can't create art, only the west can make true art, fake art is shit, just like the chinese gene pool called japan.
I disagree.
Drawing is an art form, which anime is a style of. A shit style, granted, but de facto not an art form in and of itself.
If this isn't art, then I don't need art.
Remember to report slide threads!
oy vey goyim,
nippon isnt our friend goyim, they are same degenerates like niggers
they dont know true art goyim, only you know goyim,
divide yourself goyim, yes exactly, also only germanics are white goyim
Where are the anti kike missiles when we need them?
Asians being soulless robot people is a staple opinion on Holla Forums. Not everything that you disagree with is a Jewish plot, Cleetus.
It's pretty sad when schoolgirls getting tentacle raped by an octopus monster is the hallmark of your culture.
Literally, the japs stole their big eye concept from Disney, Anime as an art form is inferior. The mouth flaps all the time and doesn’t talk like a real human would, there’s more still images, cheap animation cuts and angles, lesser animation and more attention to detail and drawing. Sure, it’s a superior ART FORM, but not much else can be said about it.
Even Avatar: The Last Airbender and the Legend of Kora (both AMERICAN MADE) had better animation than any japanese animu. So not only are Americans better at making cartoons, we also make better anime than Japan does. That’s pretty sad when you get beat at your own sport. Plus a majority of shit you find in Japanese culture today is basically things that have been stolen from American culture. FUN FACT Japan is the only country besides the US where Baseball and Football (no not soccer yuropoor) are recognized sports. ANOTHER FUN FACT Japanese girls like to tan their skin so they look like white bimbos! YET ANOTHER FUN FACT Japan has a gun culture. But unlike America, we play with real guns. The Japanese simply LARP with $800 airsoft replicas. Pretty pathetic actually. And most Japanese men are soy boys who eat a steady diet of soy based foods.
Both were animated by korean anime houses.
The aesthetics of cute is on the rise and there is nothing you can do about it.
t. shitskin fat folds.
this is elaborate trolling
anime = animation = technically not an artform
animation is a way to convey an artform(pictures and stories) - ie a medium rather than a form of art itself.
it's like saying 'paint is not an artform' or 'ink is not an artform'
therefore anime is not art. op posts these to be provocative and is probably animepro or one of the other /int*/ niggers that is a weeb himself but likes pissing off other weebs.
also someone tell japan to stop exporting animus to the fucking vietnamese, i want to get back into it again but can't with all the pure garbage floating around.
new devilman was good thou
>reminder that anime is not an (((artform))).
Gee, I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?
The memo is going to get stickied, I don't know why you guys are bothering to make slide threads. Your bosses will be exposed. Today is only the first step.
I agree. Anime is shit.
Bump. Anime is the demented scratchings of talentless hacks seeking mostly to showcase their perversions. Exceptions can be made for Miyazaki and takahata.
Reminder that Jews are not human and sage goes in all fields
It always fascinates me how the Jews find anything aesthetically pleasing to be repugnant and perhaps even frightening. They are repulsed by vibrant color, beauty and excellence, and drawn to drab, gray ugliness. With that said, sage.
Serious post: What gets me the most about nip culture is hottest HAVE to filter everything through the Manga lens first. You can't show them foreign or even their own history with first manga-ing the shit of it. Manga Shakespeare, Manga der Testament…
How butthurt are you that Kurt Ecchiwald stole your spotlight?
here is some critically acclaimed (((modern art))) disgusting
thats not correct at all, manga and anime are still relatively small parts of japanese culture, you've spent to much time on image boards.
Meh, Holla Forums's post rate isn't high enough for the odd off-topic thread to be a problem given that we have like 10 stickies for current news.
Polite sage anyway though.
It's basically equivalent to "are videogames art?" By definition the answer is yes in that they're a collection of art assets, but what the question is really asking is if any are GOOD art. That's obviously subjective, and all chinese cartoons are meant to be entertainment rather than make profound statements. However there are plenty of examples of manga in particular which is at least technically impressive and induces feels in the reader, which is more than can be said for most "modern art." (Unless you count "holy shit what jew commissioned this degeneracy" anger as a feel.)
This is a halfchan tier thread. OP, you need to go the fuck back there and not shit up our board.
im not a huge fan of anime (akira was pretty cool) but lets not forget, if it wasn't for anime we prob wouldn't have image boards. seems like OP is a kike that is upset about Japans rich culture and nationalist attitudes. OP is a bitter globalist kike hahaha suck my white dick you caucasian snow nigger.
they have much better examples from that year alone (1794) even japan makes fun of that picture.
Go back to halfchan op.
lel, I posted that mostly in lieu of being able to find a decent animu art pic in my meme folder. Have some beautiful white architecture instead.
your argument is a shit, op.
Yes i know Japan and anime are not perfect, but Goons suck.
like pottery, no shit you fucking kike.
(((Modern art))) takes takes no skill and almost no time or money to make. There is also stuff like money laundering too.