♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
Build Jerusalem in Denmark Street Edition
♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
Build Jerusalem in Denmark Street Edition
That's totally gonna get you e-laid.
new business idea: voodoo build-a-bear
That's all on my legs though.
I'm civil to everyone. We can start as pretend friends and see where things go from there.
thats from tha
Same difference.
Tummy poke
You're right.
I will never understand your desperation.
did he say that
holy shit what a fucking idiot lmao
Did you ever get your new fingie magnets?
u will never understand true love
im masculine so i cant/dont want to play this trash weeb game rin
I wasn't complaining.
I'm interested in this now.
It can be the second date.
Also, don't worry about late or anything, it's fine, it's fine~
Sounds like a plan. How's your day been?
It's not any worse than what he does over Limes.
Because falling in love with a 30 year old dude that's pretending to be an underage surgeon is totally true love and will definitely last passed the time it takes you to find a new object of infatuation.
I just had the old one removed this morning.
New ones are back ordered with no ETA, so it looks like I'll have to settle for 5 senses again. At least for a while.
Busy. I got three hours of sleep, had surgery at 800, then class at 1100 until 1530, and now I'm home and thinking of going to bed.
Where do you even go for that sort of thing anyway?
You always had five sense.
A magnet in your finger does not bestow an extra sense. It's entirely related to the sense of touch.
you like that one, huh? well there are plenty more where that came from.
you've just havent met your soulmate
omg yes!
I wonder if we can keep topping dates.
Yeah, because you meet your "soulmate" on an anime shitposting community where you draw swastikas on your forehead.
Can you feel a microwave oven I wonder?
Significantly less eventful.
I woke up grabbed a drink, and started playing this fucking game.
And I haven't stopped yet.
Only one way to find out.
...it was brilliant. youd stand to make dozens
What game is it?
For implants, usually body mod artists or you do it yourself. On the other hand, if you can find a surgeon who is willing, go that route. They're pretty rare though.
So 5.5 senses is what I had, now down to five. My point stands.
What game?
yes, all true
i know! though i wonder how much money it would take to stock the shelves with dna samples from celebrities, which would of course be an absolute necessity.
Can you feel the Zyklon-b
What's wrong with liking Blood-chan?
The little holes in the screen on a microwave cause them to bounce endless inside them instead of leaving.
You had five.
You gained nothing from having a magnet in your finger, just felt it being attracted/repelled by iron and EMs.
I see. I probably have friends that went on to be doctors or something ;3c
At least nurses so I could have them oversee something relatively safely *le shruggu*
...why thousands of course, but why stop there
Are you sure you would feel it before you died to it?
i could also pander to liberals and have a whole section for donald trump.
i can think of nothing
I'm sure you could still sense other electric waves though. Like that goddam high pitched tv-still-being-on sound would probably be a problem if you could feel it.
And I highly doubt that "little holes in the screen" deflect 100% of microwaves.
My inner jew says "yes".
People seem to really hate her for no reason.
Which is something that you can't do with the typical 5 senses. Even if it's just built off the sense of touch, it is expanded.
None of this is safe. If you want to be safe don't start getting into biohacking/grinding. Bad idea.
tell me where exactly we'd get hair samples from trump?
Do you hate Blood-chan too?
they just dont understand
who said anything about hair?
the need is great.
Time to scheme harder in high end jobs.
What don't they understand?
I meant the procedure itself regarding sterility and such. I'm not dumb enough to think implanting magnets or anything for that matter is safe.
I'm almost offended you'd think that.
Microwaves have a huge wavelength.
They physically cannot leave the microwave due to the mesh making basically a Faraday cage for them.
her sense of humor, mostly
I'm neutral towards her. We've spoken on occasion.
Don't believe much of what she says though.
It's just my due diligence, don't think too much into it.
blood chan is a useless student sometimes
i just envisioned you running around like a maniac with some scissors clipping hair
It'd be no different than a magnet ring that people wore as a fad in the 90s.
Just implanted, it's your deep sense of touch, rather than your more precise superficial sense of touch.
She throws jokes?
What are some of the things you don't believe about her?
or just stalking around barber shops or wherever it is trump g ets hi s h a ir d i d
The pinhole mesh still lets you get a decent view of your food since visible light has a short wavelength that can pass through the holes unobstructed.
What makes you say that?
I'm overreacting to your need to always be right.
its a falsie tho...toupee
A magnet ring would not respond at all to EM stuff. Sure you could check if something is ferrous, or find magnets, but that's all.
The implant places it right in the bundle of nerves, so any little movement is acutely felt. The brain also changes to begin to accommodate the new data.
I'd rather not get into gossip. Just a personal principle.
For science, we must determine the perfect date.
It'll be a lot of trial and error.
But we must try.
So good they made it twice xD
that was proven to be a lie!
How about just one example?
I watched someone stream that game for a while. Didn't seem all that fun.
how do you know... could come to find out its from some rare extinct small rodent
Jokes on the commentary team because I was rooting for the French.
mei was so severely uninteresting she put a piece of metal in her finger and hooked it up to her nerves for a conversation topic
I like this project.
I think I can come soon, just making sure.
some girl tugged on it live during a rally
You asked a question and I answered it. Would you rather I just link a tl;dr explanation of it?
It's still the same nerves responsive for touch, which would have the same sort of reaction as any over-stimulation of a specific set of nerves: your body progressively dulls its response to that specific nerve so it's not always having to deal with the constant sensations.
It's not like prosthetics where your brain simply accommodates the space meant for the missing limb into reflexes and motion of the prosthetic.
Different strokes, aye?
I've been enjoying it.
Then, I like metroidvania and bullet hells,
and the controls are tight enough, and attacks designed well enough, that they can work together.
Let me know.
but not very hard and dude can afford plugs thatll keep in in there... probably made from the bones of an endangered tiger from siberia
Listen to Gil, he's a real doctor and not totally copying and pasting things from Wikipedia
if it's attached to his head then i think it's fair to say it's his.
tldr version: it may or may not be, based on the uncertainty not alot would buy a build a bear trump voodoo doll
no, im sure plenty would buy it. but in the case that it really isnt his then whoever that guy is that donated hair is in a lot of black magical trouble.
Hillary read "*sigh*" off her teleprompter during a rally lol
If it was fake, you'd think he'd get something that at least looks decent.
It just looks like a bad balding coverup with whatever's left of his hair.
Just like you're a real surgeon.
And a real 15 year old girl despite posting here all day, everyday and have for years now.
...poor guy. what he'd get for contributing to the conspiracy
shes not very bright thattun
wow, you too? cant just let me enjoy things... nooo
He was 15 four years ago so how the hell is he 17 now?
I've been in Manhattan all day bc
I'm just gonna give it a go, I really wanna play
I was 12 for 9
wait no. im actually 12
*czechs em
more like how the hell was she 15 four years ago
I found a dollar ^~^
women lie about their age... problem solved
I lie about my age
I'll play with you.
I'm 14.
dumb bc birthers
I watched someone stream that game for a while. Didn't seem all that fun.
You would have had a point, except desensitization only occurs if stimulus is constant. It's the same set of nerves used constantly in your fingertips. You don't lose all sensation in them just from everyday activity, do you? Same thing applies. The magnet is not always moving, only in the presence of magnetic flux.
Fair enough. Most of my time has been sunk into Overwatch lately lol.
You are legitimately retarded.
I don't think I can have ketchup anymore :(
yeah 'women'
I wish I wasn't so paranoid.
I can't handle footsteps.
Good ^ ^
and members of the lgbt community...mr bond
men, kids...everybody lies
It go down in the DM, it go down
Because of grims nipples?
No. It makes my tongue-holes hurt. Too acidic or something.
It's just me.
I'm a girl.
It's an implant, same as any subcutaneous or subdermal implant: your body's deep sense of touch would constantly be triggered, saying that something is there and "touching" those nerves. Your body then dulls out any sensation it's perpetually triggering because it's pointless sensory information at that point.
When it vibrates in relation to iron or an EM, it's triggering nerves further away than the ones directly touching it and your body then "averages" it, centralizing the location between all of the nerves further out that get triggered.
How big is your tongue hole? That sounds painful
eyy girl...
..you're in my house?
Fair enough. Most of my time has been sunk into Overwatch lately lol.
Just my 2 barbells... I can't really go all-out on spicy food anymore either.
tsuchi did nothing wrong 2016
I plead the fifth?
I have played exactly 0 hours 0 minutes and 0 seconds of Overwatch. Lol
time for my leisure impairing activity... bai ppl
Perhaps that's true, I can't claim to know for sure; however, it is the most acute sense one will be able to obtain. Using the same principle on the outside of the fingertip yeilds nearly no result. You can check that yourself. Tape a small magnet to your finger, and bring it close to a laptop transformer, or a microwave. You will either feel nothing, or very little.
seeya round sama
I might get some kind of piercing on my bottom lip.
I hope that doesn't stop me from eating spice food and stuff.
Piercings are pretty cool
Noice. It doesn't really stop you from eating it, it just makes those areas more sensitive.
I'm prolly getting sharkbites next but it's gonna be a pain in the ass for work so I'm not sure. Also kinda leaning more towards my tattoo for my birthday anyway but only time will tell ;3
What exactly is the point of putting magnets on your fingertips?
I think it might even be more useless and stupid than those ear stretchers
that is so not true
copious amounts of autism
..I'll get a camera
i swear they're not as cool as you think
Sharkbites are probably one of the cuter ones yo can get.
What tattoo are you thinking of?
Why? I'm EMO AF
Piercings and tattoos are SO cool.
who honestly cares whether some bitch puts a piece of metal in her or not
not a big deal all around
Because it expands your sense of touch to the magnetic fields. It's a whole new layer of sensory data about the world around you. Doesn't that make you curious at all?
sharkbites will make you look really dorky though lmao
people will specifically avoid you with those warning signs in your lips
Neither is being bald *shrugs*
Baphomet cause I'm an edgy fuck.
you're gonna look really silly
im gonna go eat bye
yeah but shaving is at least convenient
As if they don't already.
have a good meal
Yeah I don't think you could get anymore edgy than that.
i dont know what you mean by this but if its true why even add to it
i know a ton of people me included who wouldnt touch a girl with that trash in their mouth lmao
Not really into the price tag though *shrugs*
Maybe that's the point.
would it help you go south for the winter??
Must be hard living with autism
Yeah, it make me curious
Curious as to why you'd do something so fucking dumb lmao
What the fuck do you need sensory data for anyways? You're not even a computer
Oh hey you're that one trap that was starting shit the other day in thread
Do it again pls
I love drama
She is so bad, but I still want her to be president
You're not lying are you?
I didn't actually know those things cost a lot until this morning.
My friends getting one for his 27th birthday.
yes im sure this is all just to get people to not like you more
a very technical and advanced strategy far too big for my little brain
I love the wind outside so much
drama is for fags
fuck da wind
You can get cheap tattoos but they will be shit.
I'm looking at like $700 if I decide to get it but iunno. For me it's more for the getting stuck with needles part.
No, it's for me. If that's a consequence then so be it.
fuck da wind>>1122063
fuck da wind
Hay Alison~
I love the wind here, I would hate wind in AZ because all that sand gets in your eyes...
hi friend
in arizona you have to squint basically the whole day
dinosaur is stuck nn wai 2 git down
Wow you friendzoned me already? Shit...
It gives you the perfect excuse to wear biker goggles all day
theres a conclusion you can make here using basic math
you gotta work for that shit man
Where is my Shiro?
I love your choice in avatar. What can I do to get out of your friendzone?
wowzers im super excited to hear about your sexuality
im also super glad your girlfriend is forcing you to come here
You're not a very curious person then. The first time I heard of it I immediately wanted to know what it felt like.
It was also useful for electrical work.
I dunno
my knowledge of quantum physics is a little shaky
That's like saying someone isn't curious for not buying snake oil.
more like never
C'mon, a sweet girl like you shouldn't keep secrets~
Do you think you can post here more often?
He's probably "kissed" a few krill thousand krill today.
What's with your name BC?
Close enough.
False equivalency. Snake oil is sold as being able to do X, yet it does not do X. Implants are sold to be able to do Y, and does do Y.
I saw denmark street in title
It's the name I used when I first started posting here
It's basically my password to all of my accounts
An ode
signs point to yes
ali came back!
How many krill would you think a whale that size eats a day?
i need to buy a chest freezer, and fill it full of lamb
i fucking love lamb
Fucking pleb.
Oh alright
Post more lewd.
Do you like it here? It's full of sociopaths
lamb is the meat of the gods
tender, fatty, juicy, and meaty
ali is dead to me tbh
finding it in myself to forgive scarlet since she was actually very helpful I just didn't see the effects directly.
My dogs attack me when they hear me opening the can ._.
I told youuuu I'm not into girls like that... I don't save lewds
why dont u just take responsibility
Stockholm victim is a fucktard
Because that means he'd have to do something other than just live off welfare while feeling sorry for himself.
You lie again, you have some really lewd pictures of Minatsuki and Kurumi
My four lil' chihuahuas all circle around me v.v
They want all the tuna...
Oh yeah you're right... I have those just in case people ask me to post lewds lol
hey manana
slap a bitch
how much krill would it take to get this big
Hey, brother, what you thinking?
it makes me really sad ;_ ;
manaka! youre still posting that creepy girl...
Just think what he's done to his poor pancreas.
One time the littlest one jumped on the sofa while my mom was eating dinner and she try to shove the dog off but my dog bite her hand and attacked her food
the lawlz we had...
it's time
i will show the world that Rumia is not creepy!
I'm thinking about why people keep calling you passive aggressive, you seem like the nicest person here
okay... please dont hurt me
any fucking dog that had the balls to do that to me would wind up going through the nearest window
hows things?
so is my apartment tho?
just think what he's done to whatever ecosystem he feeds on
lol we spoiler her rotten, she has the biggest bed and all the stuffed animals lol
Why do you choose to live there then? :/
one person misunderstood something, another person jumps in supporting it.
and now the person blinded by what they want to believe
it's the wonder of thread!
nobody is going to hurt you!
things are in order, except my desk
it's in total mess
my fuckbuddy lives in texas I'd rather there not be a border between here and there
I dont know why I find these fire goose memes so funny
How did none of the other people at Ui's failtrap house not get eaten by him?
Couldn't sleep?
Do you think it could be because of your lack of the English language?
cunt needs a fucking slap
i have 3 beer bottles, 2 bowls, one mug, and a pot of yohgurt on my desk
its always messy tho
i just get that feeling when i see rumia
because im one too :)
pls be nice to manaka his english is great
all we need is someone to lean on
i'm a light sleeper
and something woke me up, i dont have much time to sleep, but i have a little bit too much time to stay awake
it is because of i dont know, if i knew this would not happen
those bowls better be clean bowl..
what is the matter, big boy? scared of a little blood?
night scoob
She'll bite you...
-steps away- v.v
that's scary... you should see a therapist...
I wasn't being mean at all
one tomato soup bowl, and one blueberry jam porridge bowl
shell get my fucking boot up her cunt flaps
Finally found my fucking camera.
Getting pretty hype for AX now that all my shit is organized.
bye, love
YES. im one of those people who passes out when they ahve to get a shot and stuff. and seeing blood makes me lightheaded and bad things like that
We trained her to be a little killer... she's afraid of houseflies though
Not even going to try to nap some extra?
*kills the therapist*
shes a tiny little dog, she stands about as much chance as a housecat
dirty dishes be gone!
i wish their mind is that simple, but who knows, maybe i do mean harm!
rumia wont bite you ..well.. not likely
and risk being late.. i dont think so
But isn't it like in 4 more hours?
Lol /end blog
im gonna cry just thinking about it
im lazy tho, ill do them tomorrow when i clean the house in prep for bfs return from work
W-well... now you have to hide the body...
She likes to go after the neck
she wont be strong enough to do any real damage, especially not with my thumbs in her eyes
No worries, people here are very simple minded
less than two
unhygienic! unhygienic!
maybe a bit, but she wont be using her sharp teeth
Why would you attack a lil chihuahua? She's so cute and stuff
(i do kinda like the idea of someone nibbling on my earlobs a lil bit but if they break skin it's all over)
for what purpose?
Oh, well then.
I don't really know what I'd do with that time.
im a lazy guy, and ive lived with far worse.2 years ago i was living in a house where no fucker cleaned the kitchen at all, and the kitchen sink was permanently full of dirty dishes and dirtier dish water.
i like a well behaved dog, i dont tolerate misbehaving animals
Can I take the bait?
i dunno lol
if u want
dude relax
yea i'll just stay away from them
just dont move around or make any sudden move!
Ill just make it looked like he hanged himself
She only behaves when there's no food around lol....oh I should feed her now, bbl
im scared
clean it now before they go bad and ewwwwwwww!
But there's nothing to post about to no-one.
take care of yourself
have fun
they havent been there long, and its not so warm here so they wont sprout fur quite that quickly
I wont bother
good bye!
well okay, i dont know how to fix that
think harder!
i know how
But there's really nothing, I'm way too boring nowadays.
How can people say god doesn't exist
If I can show them the devil
im officially a #bebopspecop for this upcoming discord drama
He isn't a mod
swedish btw i replied with
'i think people who cant hold down a job at taco bell should be euthanized'
it was kind of stated like a blankpost so i'll blankpost here as well
Grim, quit being cool and active with snapchat.
Tokai and I are playing.
maybe i'll just play a game
Not anymore
did u #frythesci
That's a solid plan too.
I feel like I've been putting posting off a lot more lately due to that.
post anyone besides rumia cuz she is creepy as hell
(but u dont have to of course darlin)
What's good test
sometimes i wonder
oh, SD is playing with his friends again
Alice is creepier, with her dolls, and it feels like she can end your life anytime
That's not very nice, Grim. :
Discord "drama". It's not really in full swing at the moment, but I have a feeling it's going to pick up. See
no, alice is adorable and doesnt seem dangerous at all!
I only ever play 2 hours of CSGO at most during your bedtime with my friends and past that possibly HotS with a few friends.
Otherwise just playing solo if Subtle hasn't asked me for Overwatch.
I bring the rule in my double metal Fist-us
If I ain't there then I'm out extorting businesses
When I get on the mic you know i never leave no witnesses
Drama is over rated
Got better tings to do with my time
Back to 100% yet?
are you UNDERMINING me
I will KICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and BAN you
Yeah I'm fine now
Hi ally
you sure?
i swear that game has like, great charm. i was surprised when jack said he's busy playing that
whats that one flash that tells you your destiny or whatever?
I don't really feel it that much, because I only ever play if somebody else is playing.
Glad to hear ^^
Any plans for the 4th?
Do you like big hands or small hands more?
Small party with buds, went to Indiana and got a good bag of fireworks.
wonderful, thank you
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic Violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence.
Other terms for domestic violence include intimate partner violence, battering, relationship abuse, spousal abuse, or family violence.
Who is Most Likely to Suffer from Domestic Abuse or Become a Victim of Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, income, or other factors.
Women and men can be victims of domestic violence.
How Many Men are Domestic Violence Victims?
Men are victims of nearly 3 million physical assaults in the USA.
How Often Does Domestic Violence Occur?
1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence during her lifetime.
Why Does Domestic Abuse Happen?
No victim is to blame for any occurrence of domestic abuse or violence.
While there is no direct cause or explanation why domestic violence happens, it is caused by the abuser or perpetrator.
When and Where Does Domestic Violence Occur?
Domestic violence is most likely to take place between 6 pm and 6 am.
More than 60% of domestic violence incidents happen at home.
What Happens to Victims of Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is the third leading cause of homelessness among families, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
At least 1/3 of the families using New York City’s family shelter system are homeless due to domestic violence.
Domestic Violence in America: General Statistics and Facts
Women ages 18 to 34 are at greatest risk of becoming victims of domestic violence.
More than 4 million women experience physical assault and rape by their partners.
In 2 out of 3 female homicide cases, females are killed by a family member or intimate partner.
What are the Effects of Domestic Violence on Children?
More than 3 million children witness domestic violence in their homes every year.
Children who live in homes where there is domestic violence also suffer abuse or neglect at high rates (30% to 60%).
Children exposed to domestic violence at home are more likely to have health problems, including becoming sick more often, having frequent headaches or stomachaches, and being more tired and lethargic.
Children are more likely to intervene when they witness severe violence against a parent – which can place a child at great risk for injury or even death.
What are the Effects of Domestic Violence on Mental Health?
Domestic violence victims face high rates of depression, sleep disturbances, anxiety, flashbacks, and other emotional distress.
Domestic violence contributes to poor health for many survivors including chronic conditions such as heart disease or gastrointestinal disorders.
Most women brought to emergency rooms due to domestic violence were socially isolated and had few social and financial resources.
What is the Economic Cost of Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence costs more than $37 billion a year in law enforcement involvement, legal work, medical and mental health treatment, and lost productivity at companies.
What Happens if Domestic Violence Victims Do Not Receive Help?
Without help, girls who witness domestic violence are more vulnerable to abuse as teens and adults.
Without help, boys who witness domestic violence are far more likely to become abusers of their partners and/or children as adults, thus continuing the cycle of violence in the next generation.
#1 FACT: Most domestic violence incidents are never reported.
Help change the facts. Speak up, speak out, and make a difference for victims of domestic violence.
Why did you beat your gf?
Nono, we're making Scarlet memes, pay attention
Don't think I'll do anything extra special for the actual 4th
I'll be flying back to AZ then anyways
Enjoy qt
What's going on?
This isn't funposting
I wish it wasn't so true.
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic Violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence.
Other terms for domestic violence include intimate partner violence, battering, relationship abuse, spousal abuse, or family violence.
Who is Most Likely to Suffer from Domestic Abuse or Become a Victim of Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, income, or other factors.
Women and men can be victims of domestic violence.
How Many Men are Domestic Violence Victims?
Men are victims of nearly 3 million physical assaults in the USA.
How Often Does Domestic Violence Occur?
1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence during her lifetime.
Why Does Domestic Abuse Happen?
No victim is to blame for any occurrence of domestic abuse or violence.
While there is no direct cause or explanation why domestic violence happens, it is caused by the abuser or perpetrator.
When and Where Does Domestic Violence Occur?
Domestic violence is most likely to take place between 6 pm and 6 am.
More than 60% of domestic violence incidents happen at home.
What Happens to Victims of Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is the third leading cause of homelessness among families, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
At least 1/3 of the families using New York City’s family shelter system are homeless due to domestic violence.
Domestic Violence in America: General Statistics and Facts
Women ages 18 to 34 are at greatest risk of becoming victims of domestic violence.
More than 4 million women experience physical assault and rape by their partners.
In 2 out of 3 female homicide cases, females are killed by a family member or intimate partner.
What are the Effects of Domestic Violence on Children?
More than 3 million children witness domestic violence in their homes every year.
Children who live in homes where there is domestic violence also suffer abuse or neglect at high rates (30% to 60%).
Children exposed to domestic violence at home are more likely to have health problems, including becoming sick more often, having frequent headaches or stomachaches, and being more tired and lethargic.
Children are more likely to intervene when they witness severe violence against a parent – which can place a child at great risk for injury or even death.
What are the Effects of Domestic Violence on Mental Health?
Domestic violence victims face high rates of depression, sleep disturbances, anxiety, flashbacks, and other emotional distress.
Domestic violence contributes to poor health for many survivors including chronic conditions such as heart disease or gastrointestinal disorders.
Most women brought to emergency rooms due to domestic violence were socially isolated and had few social and financial resources.
What is the Economic Cost of Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence costs more than $37 billion a year in law enforcement involvement, legal work, medical and mental health treatment, and lost productivity at companies.
What Happens if Domestic Violence Victims Do Not Receive Help?
Without help, girls who witness domestic violence are more vulnerable to abuse as teens and adults.
Without help, boys who witness domestic violence are far more likely to become abusers of their partners and/or children as adults, thus continuing the cycle of violence in the next generation.
#1 FACT: Most domestic violence incidents are never reported.
Help change the facts. Speak up, speak out, and make a difference for victims of domestic violence.
dad is that u?
I had the fun sucked out of my COCK by a succubus
Pics or it did not happen
ehh.. size doesnt matter
I am a hollow and bitter empty shell racked constantly with anxiety depression and insomnia god won
t somebody put me out of my misery
Anytime ^^
Really? Kinda surprising
Well then what is the most important variable to you?
why are you using that ugly theme tho
You went from very excited from getting sucked off by a succubus to a void. What the fuck bro.
I have no mouth
And I must scream
well it matters but not that much, softness and fairness
is more important
because its late, and i dont like LCD white eyestrain
These abstract shitposts kids use now adays