Huge Meme Battle tomorrow Fri


The Memo.

From what we've gathered the memo will detail how Dems paid for fake opposition research, then injected that fake oppo using their connections in various intelligence agencies into the intelligence community to fabricate a case against their political opposition in order to spy on their political opposition thereby rigging the election using the powers of the incumbent party. Implied will be that Obongo at least knew about half of that, and many of his agency heads will be directly implicated.

We've been saying all of that for over a year. The memo will be mostly boring to us.

Leftists will disregard the memo.
The Right will find it boring.
The public will be shocked. This will be a battle for the public mind.

The sheep in the public will be herded with the most aggressive tactics the media can deploy. The thinking public will be lost as to what to do.

We therefore have 3 jobs.
1) Interfere with the media's plays
2) Support every claim this memo makes
3) Escalate any thinking people who already buy the memo further into right-wing thinking

The Memo will be historic.
After tomorrow, the American public will be irreversibly bifurcated into believers and non-believers of the Memo.
We have to make sure we come out on top or it spells trouble.

Everyone grab a piece of work.

Other urls found in this thread:

Remember! In all cases, the targets are NOT leftists, the targets are random members of the public.
Deploy tactics for #1 on sheep who are following media.
Deploy tactics for #2 on people who show any ability to think for themselves.
Deploy tactics for #3 on people who were already inclined to believe the memo.
If the person does not fall in any of these three categories or you are not reaching any people of those categories, MOVE ON. Do not waste your time talking to leftists tomorrow.

1) Interfering with media plays
Look at what they're already doing:
They are puffing up the reputations of those accused.
They are calling it misleading.
They are calling it an escape attempt from the investigation.
And more. This is not exhaustive. Someone go look, and come back and complete this list.
Pick some of these things and come back here with what you plan to do about it. If they call it misleading, I would proceed to ask, how can facts be misleading? Which facts are missing? Which facts do you really think are irrelevant?
Contribute to the thread with the conversational tactics you plan to employ to interfere with media maneuvers.

2) Supporting the document.
What points have we already heard are in there? What do we have that already supports that?
Contribute to the thread by finding points likely to be in the memo.
Contribute to the thread with the pieces of evidence that substantiate suspected points of the memo.

3) Escalate on people who quickly grasp the memo.
Be ready with pieces of evidence that show even more Democratic evildoing. Doesn't matter how old they are, doesn't matter what type, article, video, infograph, meme.
Overall, we should be showing these people that this memo is not a one-time thing. This is how the left has always operated. This isn't an oopsie-daisy, this is a look behind the curtain.
Contribute to the thread with good escalation points.
Contribute to the thread with packs of prepared escalation materials.

Be prepared for a loss or a flop tomorrow, too. The memo is not entirely unprecedented. McCarthy comes to mind. What happened when a congressman revealed one fiftieth of the extent of the infiltration of our government by soviets and communists? The media destroyed him! People still have the history wrong to this day. No one believed him.
But still, the highest levels of government producing a short document detailing the misdeeds of a political party and presenting it as fact! Move your asses!

The 2016 election was the final battle between good and evil. Having won that battle doesn't mean we can go home. IT JUST MEANS WE GET TO FIGHT MORE


I'm hoping there'll be enough new information to energize us enough to spend our time redpilling normalfags.

Waiting on the memo drop, then it's on like donkey kong. Yeehaw, pass the memes and gas the kikes!

Mods, please let the free market weigh your memes for at least a few minutes before pinning.

Why is this a fucking sticky at this point? Also
Why the fuck would you use that HRC shell property as the OP of all things?

Can the mods possibly be any more fucking retarded?



The memo is nothing. It will amount to nothing. You are all paranoid.(ironic shitposting is still shitposting)

When I see posts like this, I can't tell if it's a desperate shill, actually one of us trying to get everyone else hyped and riled about there being shills, or an actual shill pretending to be the aforementioned actual user riling us all up.

It's shills all the way down.

F5, user.

Yeah… whatever, report and ban him anyway

Where is the memo? I can't sleep until i read it.




Its pretty late over here

Kill yourself





Memeo it.

When this is all over, I just wanna see HRC BHO and the rest of the traitors executed. Not asking for much here

The memo has got me thinking about how hilariously overconfident Obama was during the campaign. Our scrutiny free scandal free president was using the FBI to spy on Trump since at least he won the nomination and was feeding info to Hillary's campaign. He was confident enough to appear on talk shows and news programs proclaiming Trump would never be president, because he knew the fix was in. I'm looking for more cases of King Nigger celebrating his victory prematurely. I think they're going to be very useful in persuading normalfags that Obama knew what was going on.

I don't have any of what you're looking for but I do have this.

See, I really want people to stop with this "muh shill" stuff and I really want to believe that we don't matter, that it's a small site with a couple thousand people and there's no reason for shills to come here.
I'm serious, I'd really like for this stupid paranoia to stop.
But then people like you post shit like that and I gotta look at the other posters and say "Okay, maybe you guys are right, there's shills around here".

Can't you subvert, lie and bullshit in a more subtle manner? Be a bit more discrete, lurk for two years like we've told you thousands of times.
Stop being so fucking stupid and sticking out like a chinese guy in a basketball tournament.(Lurk two years before posting.)

It's a shill! Ban him!


He "wants to believe" things. What Holla Forumsack would deceive himself on purpose?

I think that's the point anonarinos, things are so fucked that the onion is more accurate than MSM. Living in this timeline is a privilege, I wonder how many subhumans I eliminated in the bad end timelines to earn this.

In the space of 301 seconds, four (((unique posters))) all show up with the same objection to this thread getting the attention it must have. Experienced shill-spotters know this pattern.

Good thread, OP. Thanks for not being a complete faggot.

His one fatal flaw was acting like a gigantic faggot. So young, so naive..

This is how mentally defective you actually are.

This is going to be about betrayal of the trust in American democracy and of the American people by political extremism. The middle dislikes extremism, and they need to know that it is the action of extremists on the Left.


Whatever it is, there is something dangerous in it. The Left has far too much to lose right now by overreacting if the memo is worthless. Either they have become completely unhinged and undisciplined or this is going to burn the hell out of them.


Oops. Wrong one.

Look out boys, the shill is going into overdrive

D&C effort to split Burgers
I take it back. There are no shills in this thread.


hory SHIT, SOMEONE REWIND THE STREAM. THEY JUST SHUT DOWN TRUMP'S SPEECH AS HE WAS GIVING IT. someone download & webm this before it"s gone

Hey user… in your video the sound cuts out at 120 seconds in, leaving 22 seconds of silence at the end of the video. Might want to fix that.




Meme war 2018 begins!


best I could do, apparently the addons I have are unable to copy and I suck with computers

Holy shit, they actually said the words, "Shut it down. Shut it down."

Very smart. Good thinking. I knew something was wrong with that smug fucking face when I first saw that clip. . .

You can hear them saying "shut it down"

Should I dump my entire "Democrats" folder?

Good point the onion is HRC propaganda arm

Oh thank god. I don't have anything that can capture a stream. Someone make a backup using a desktop capture program or something just on the video. This needs to be archives & spread



Slept through the greenbrier speech, anyone have a link to the full thing?



yt-dl is working, I'll have a copy encoded within a half hour.


It was part of a project I was doing last year. My memes folder is badly organized.


That's good, I just rushed and went for the quickest quality, this will be safe enough now until the actual rip. Keep workin user!



It's back up, now that he's done talking.

Fucking kikes.

What we know about the memo:
Here's an article that's from 3 business days before it was voted on, probably as late as we want it

• DOJ, FBI, and Obongo are the subjects.
• This all came about because they wanted to investigate Russiarussiarussia

• We always held FISA courts to be a rubber stamp–now they actually went and abused them for sure.
• Pee dossier was funded by Clinton & DNC
• Pee dossier was the reason they obtained a warrant to spy on Trump campaign member

• Not only was Pee dossier how they obtained the spy warrant, it's ALSO what FBI used to launch its investigation and therefore the basis of Mueller.

• Chris Steele is a motherfucker
• Chris Steele is a real person
• Graham was genuinely taken in by Steele but now Steele's probably under investigation or will be

Of that, here are the important points
DOJ & FBI are under fire. Obongo is only implied because he was prez.
They went to investigate russiarussiarussia and this is what they found.
DNC and Clinton paid for opposition research, did they intend it to be fake?
Oppo was fabricated.
Somehow that oppo was passed from Clinton & DNC to their friendlies in government agencies?
They used that info to spy on one candidate and not another based on information that came from enemy candidate.
Trump won? Use same garbage to obtain more warrants.

That's at a bare minimum what's in those 4 pages.

You continue spamming this. I am against the kike mod too, but every complaint you place is nonsensical. You're like the person claiming that GLR was the original shill.

My belief is that you are some kind of shill yourself, attempting to strawman complaints against the board owner. Stop this, you're transparent and stupid.

Something is fishy with the yt-dl temp files.
Will update after the audio track finishes downloading.

Here's the video, complete with "Shut it Down!"

Archive this fast!!!!!

Shut it down at 42:00

Forgot fucking link:


take it to a different thread, I already downloaded the video

Yup, they fucked with the stream during my download.

Oh, well. As long as you have a copy, I guess no one else needs the link. Glad you're on the job, user.

God's work user.

OP, we know Dems will (and have already started to) sideline the memo as bipartisan Republican interference in the Russian investigation. If we show people the memo is not Republican (or muh-Russia-bot) but of the people, by the people, for the people we should make headway, the attached meme is to do this as simply as possible.

Your help to make this go viral is appreciated

We need stuff that already showed DNC & Clinton tied to the pee dossier
We need all the points that showed how shitty and fake the pee dossier was
We need all the stuff that shows that that dossier is one of the few things that actually give the Mueller thing any clearance


Media maneuvers:

"conspiracy theory"
What's the best retort we have for that? Surely we have a standardized one by now?

"republican memo", "partisan memo"
If republicans were willing to do what you're proposing, wouldn't they have already gone nuclear in senate? Wouldn't they already have done this multiple times? Wouldn't they have done what they're accusing dems of themselves if they were that cutthroat?

"You haven't seen the underlying documents"
That's the whole point of a summary.
But hey, there's an article that shows that Republicans like Nunes are saying "Ok sure, release the underlying documents, too" Watch how hard Dems would resist that.

i got an idea. use zappa memes. lots of zappa fans are already vehemently pro free speech. many dont associate him with the "altright", so it will seem like it is coming from some other zappa fan. other zappa fans will see this, feel left out, and maybe dive deeper into it.

he has some great quotes in regards to corrupt government and politicians and socialists being retarded/scum, and it will show to these people that more than just the "altright" is interested in seeing this memo. a lot of people who might otherwise be fence sitters are turned off by the whole damn thing because of how excited channers (and boomers, basically one in the same now thanks to Q) are to see this. we should make it seem like a more diverse demographic than just NEETs and autists are interested in it. even if it is artificial at first, as people begin to see it coming from all angles, and from all different types of people, they will be more inclined to look at it and not just disregard it because the MSM says so.

so zappa is one example of a person we could use to attack from a different angle. can anyone think of any other musicians/celebrities/personalities that could be used in this manner?

also i apologize for the shitty low quality memes, but i feel that will make it more authentic if normie tier memes are used. obviously feel free to make your own as well if you feel like you can come up with something better.

i dont know about you guys but im really excited for tomorrow. it could be a huge letdown, or it could be the beginning of an era of vindication. we have all worked hard to try and help uproot these freaks at the swamp. lets make tomorrow what it should be.

Here's a webm for future use.

Good work

Project more, kiddo.

Infographic of the 4chan Hotel pissing troll they pulled.
(Pulling this off must be one of the all time great trolls tbh)

You make it too easy to spot the newfag. Mods are such shit here

If there is anything that I have learned over the past decade it is that when ever I think I know everything a couple months later I find myself saying "wow I thought I knew everything then but wew I only knew a fraction of what I know now." With that in mind I feel it is imperative to take a step to the side and examine everything and see if there is an angle which we hadn't considered.

What we know:

This isn't a complete breakdown list of the situation but just getting this far made a couple questions pop into my head. That peepeepoopoo dossier was extremely fucking weak even by cia standards. Are they really that incompetent that they thought that would work? Or could it be that getting caught was part of the plan?

If that could be the case and for all we know it could be what would the goal for that be? How could their cointel operation blowing up in their faces be used to serve their interests? Could it be used as a sort of 'fake justice'? >oops you got us >oops some guys that were ready to retire did all this >oops we can only give them slaps on the wrist because x >ok everyone the problem has been fixed we are the good guys again!

I'm absolutely not trying to blackpill or say "all is lost" in any way at all but we MUST examine all angles lest we leave ourselves blind to an attack. Gowdy announcing he will not run for reelection needs to be considered. This comes just days after anons started being more vocal about the fact that he has had all the facts for years but never acted on them, of course in that regard it doesnt really show that he was controlled because how could he act on them when the rest of congress is controlled… but it needs to be considered.

What is really going on? The past several months have definitely felt like there is a very high stakes psyop war going on and for the first time ever, because of all that q shit, its not just Holla Forums but now fucking boomers who are aware of it… In fact every fucking pleb that I know is aware that there is some super secret spy thriller tier shit going on.

So, what does that mean..? Seems they want us aware of this 'shadow war'. Why? What does that accomplish for them? Could it be a form of mutually assured destruction? No matter which side wins the population will feel like the bad guys won and be demoralized? Maybe.. I analyzing this I am applying what I have learned works as far as the path of light and the red pill.. Question everything and find the information that has the strongest legs to stand on.. But lately it feels like asking such questions only leads to more questions and few answers.





Still archiving the raw footage, but that is gold.

seems like the stream didn't last very long at all. Most of it was just showing of the event until someone announced Trump to the podium. I'm recording from the start of the announcement to Trumps rude cut off by (((WP))).


There's a lot of commenting on ZH that Gowdy's controlled opposition, and he recently received a payout. All bark and no bite etc etc.
There's a cleanup going on and I think it is affecting all of the establishment, even the ones who pretend to not be establishment. It's a good time to just stand back and watch.

Cosmic justice.

Nice post user

Thanks for organizing your thoughts and laying out a clear plan of action instead of making a cancerous "do my thinking for me" underage thread.


$${ \small REEEEEEEEEEEE}$$
$${ \tiny REEEEEEEEEEEE}$$

Release the memo! Keep your aim true minutemen!

Pic related - names in this texting story are all real, even if the story itself is plausible fiction.

10th man thinking is good user.


It would probably be a good idea to get out a pen and paper and just brainstorm what directions you think they may go with it. Key buzzwords, key narratives, etc. And from there prepackage some OC so that if any of your best assumptions are correct you have dankness already made to send out as soon as it is released so that the well is already poisoned while anons are still reading through the memo. Imagine if we already had their hashtags fully under our control before they even have a chance?

We have pulled off far greater feats, if we pool our autism we can fucking do this.

Why are they shutting it down though? Nothing Trump was saying wasn't stuff that he hasn't already said before. Was something else going on?

>WaPo kike literally says "Shut it down" as they shut off the camera mid-speech
They truly are a living parody.

I wish they would've waited a few weeks.
I think the right could've gotten more mileage out of the shutdown if they did.
On the other hand, despite the screeching from the left I think SOTU was positively received by the middle.
Therefore good timing.
If I was an autist, I would try meming with some football themes.
Relevancy has a lot to do with stories people share with their friends.

this thread is actually opposition research

This board is a controlled op. Go to InfinityPol.


No Turks. Just Right.

Thanks for the info dump user, added to my collection for posterity. Seth Rich is just one name in many that the cunt needs to be charged with treason and executed for.

Holy shit its just like in the memes.

Says fucking who? I'd love to believe that we're getting the memo tomorrow but I haven't heard anything about a confirmed release date.

The saddest fact is, the left doesn't care if government is corrupt as long as they are skewed to the left.
I would probably larp as a leftist making memes to support DOJ and Mueller.
Something to the effect, "We're cheats and liars, but we do it out of principle."
"Trump so evil, we fight him with dirty tactics because, muh, moral righteousness."


The point isn't to target the left. You're targeting the people.

What anime is this from? In fact, do you have suggestions for any nazi-themed anime? I wouldn't mind checking it out, instead of following the ritual weeb bashing for a change.

If you listen closely you can hear a women say "somethings down" before they say shut it down. Not sure what the issue is though.



checked but so what? its not like Holla Forumsacks leave here with a strict set of orders that can then be countered. everyone is just going to do whatever and it will either work, it wont, or the whole memo thing will be a flop and it wont matter. i fail to see how any of this stuff in this thread could really be used against anyone. its not even remotely illegal to try and bring sheeples attention to a political event.

great idea. i think multiple angles should be used as well.think of it like voting demographics. all people should be upset about our government being hopelessly corrupt, but some will reject the truth due to programming. people are more likely to agree if their own types of people are looking into it as well (hipsters, black people, alt woke or whatever all that silly bullshit is, hispanics etc etc…). they will feel left out of their herd and want to look into it too, and if the memo is damning enough, it will cause them to lose all faith in the MSM narrative and we might be able to rid the government of its corruption, or at least get the party started.

but it might be advantageous. if people DO read the memo and start putting the pieces together, and then they see a bunch of commie LARPers flaunting the corruption, saying its ok because theyre "moral/the good guys", then it will push the normies away from them and MSM narrative even further.

It's like when Snape killed Dumbledore, or when Katniss wiped her server so Supreme Leader Snoke couldn't read her email

Where do I sign up holy shit!

There will be damage done by the memo but the real damage will come if prosecutions occur. If they don't occur normies will just look at it as political theater but if arrests are made than they will take it seriously. It really will come down to that in my eyes.

what if Trump was shut down because he was about to read the memo live, so they couldn't censor him? What if they caught on to him just in time?

When he said that on Kimmel, I thought it seemed like a strange lapse in judgment. If the election went for Trump, then that clip might gain historical currency as an emblem of Current Year era, which people may well associate thereto for generations ‒ after which, other, seemingly significant aspects of the Obama legacy, would have long fallen out of common understanding of the time. Here you have the nation's first black president toward the end of his cycle, on a late night talk show, awkwardly delivering a scripted, uninspired skit as he sassily banters his side's chief oppositional candidate. Now, to the best of my knowledge, George Bush didn't comment hardly on the 2008 election, let alone publicly banter Obama.

The judgment appeared so sloppy that I found it odd. Of course, Dems were telling the public that Drumpf had no chance of winning ‒ but I always assumed that the picture from inside was somewhat bleaker. Why would he make such a dumb pronouncement so publicly, at such significant risk of future ridicule? I mean I know we don't credit highly K.N.'s intelligence quota, but it's not as though a planned, scripted reading for public television won't go under review by political strategists.

But it makes sense when, as you suggest, they knew something that we didn't know, at the time, which appears to have been some kind of assurance that monitoring operations of DJT and his campaign staff would result in the discovery of criminal activity. Not sure what went wrong for them along the way. Maybe the fact that they were running Hillary Clinton.

I think we need to work out who that was that said "shut it down". We get the name and expose them and the internet will come down on them like a ton of bricks.

I know twitter fakes their trends, but it's funny how the memo isn't among them. Just do a search for "memo" on twitter and look how many tweets there are about it just in the past 5 minutes. We had better get our happening tomorrow.

the memes are real, when will you newfaggots get it?

It's the party you were born into user.

Gaetz is qanon he has been trying to drain the swamp more than anybody. He has taken charge when it comes to the DNC investigation.


checked for a prophetic message


Democrat Strategy Document from April 2015 mentioning dossiers

I had saved this because it talked about the "pied piper candidates" (Trump, Cruz, Carson), but the 2nd part about "dossiers" and "muddying the waters" seems more appropriate to what they are doing now.

Hear Truth ROAR!

I know I'm a fool for hoping, but fuck it. There's just too much pointing towards at least SOMETHING happening


Or maybe that neither he nor his family were doing anything illegal, wrong, immoral, or unethical. The best they came up with was a tape from his days in the Apprentice, engaging in locker room banter near an active microphone.

It was the most solid thing they had, and the public largely dismissed it as unimportant.

Its one of many battles in a seemingly endless war.




I don't have anything else to contribute either. I think we're all just waiting for the happening tomorrow.

Does anyone have any good normie-sphere memes debunking the Russian collusion narrative? The average lefty has so much bullshit about Russia crammed inbetween their ears that I don't even know how best to try to break through.

You have to instill in their mind that all Legacy News is controlled by one company. It's a long process to make the term "fake news" seem completely literal & sincere.

You can never convince the lefty of anything. Don't argue, just make fun of how stupid the idea is.

I mean, seriously. He's a real estate mogul with an ego on par with the empire he's built. The fact that the ego is justified goes without saying, but why would such a person ever collaborate with Russians and fail to put his name on every aspect of it?

Here's my downsage and my dubs. If trips the memo distracts so much attention from even the Supernigbowl3000 that the NFL goes bankrupt.


How you do?
Intoxicated, apologies.
Arriving safely, further thoughts.
Avoid demographics at all costs.
Not about groups.
Someone was talking Obongo.
Stick to the "system. "
The code is corrupt.
No left, right bull.
Untangle the "republican" part of the memo.
The direct line of fire is, 1. Republican 2. Edited 3. New
Counter: 1. Just a memo of original Leaked FISA released and known for X number of months 2. Reinforce 1, plebs are late to the game (this move disenfranchises msm) 3. If the memo blows your mind you're a pleb.

Read them words, know fuck what it's about. G, luck either way.


If you have a hope.. If there exists an ounce of gestalt.. an ounce of faith that it will happen.. You must amplify it. It seems like all of the anons who have arrived during the campaign thought the high energy memes were just a form of advanced propaganda.

No.. It is actual fucking magic, or the closest thing to actual fucking magic that exists. It is explained by every quantum physics experiment.. the observer effect. The existence of a belief of an outcome "somehow" affects that chances of that outcome to happen.

archive is returning network error

There is no such thing as a coincidence. SHADILAY!

Check them Benny Hill digits!

It's a cult mentality, so I wouldn't say it's impossible, but you have to slowly deprogram them. when I say long process, that could potentially take YEARS. New connections & neurons in the brain have to grow for that to happen. It's not something that's possible overnight.


Is this what that Q shitposter was talking about last year?

I've been having a good day today. This memo release will brighten my year.

many of them are beyond salvation


Reminds me of this

As an aside, every time I see the camp crematoria I chuckle. Kikes really expect us to believe these little ovens could handle several bodies stacked on top of each other, fuel themselves, run around the clock, and dispose of thousands of bodies a day.

Last year Tdiddyy tweeted, Obongo been tapping the phones.
Everybody, man trump crazy yall.
AJones has some FISA docs.
4ch fanfiction in the affadavit.
Omg FISA illegit.
Omg Mueller a witch.


These people are going down tomorrow, they betrayed public trust and it's going to be a betrayal that started from the highest office of the land all the way to top ranks in other departments. Orchestrated partisan politics in our institutions, manipulating elections and information, they are the ones that colluded to steal the election, they're using jew tactic of crying out in pain as they commit crimes, make it seem like they're the victim, when they are the guilty party.

Hurt feelings are the biggest issue. The cognitive dissonance cause by an opinion like "sandy hook was fake" is so shocking & foreign it quite literally bounces off a wall of pain in the person's mind. If you were to say something like "man that train that crashed with all those democrats on it crashed in the same town as that sandy hook shooting", it's introducing something they can digest. Opinions are a virus, & leftism is their compromised immune system attacking the truth. You aren't going to get any redpills past their brain's anti virus shield unless they're candy coated. Do it slow, do it gently, it can be done.

The shut it down voice sounds so fucking jewish… it's literally the voice you hear in your head when you see a shut it down meme

There is definitely a massive psy-op going on not only on normies, but on us as well. Holla Forums is debating what is smart tactics and necessary sacrifices vs. what is capitulation, and d&c shills are taking advantage of that. The two biggest things I've noticed other than immigration themed shit is the 'Zog will not arrest Zog' followed by calls for violence, and a 'blame Britain and hate the Anglo' tier stuff. Both of these memes started popping up big time literally just in the last week since the memo stuff has started blowing up really big.

I don't think getting caught was part of the plan. It's possible they are that adept but everything we've seen from them thus far indicates they are just a bunch of dirty old men who can't even into technology at the top, and below them a bunch of incompetent furries and mlp fags sending Star Wars and Harry Potter shit to each other while bungling every task they're given and being outwitted by imageboard autists. They are definitely up to something and have more resources than we do,

Bottom line is some weird shit is going on, but don't panic and carry on as always. Debate is good but don't let our house become divided like the Roman senate of old. This memo shit is legitimately big but only time will tell if anything palpable comes from it. They may play it off and give slaps on the wrist, or those who should get nailed to a cross may instead just be fired or forced to resign. But if that's the case, we just have to soldier on and use that new injustice for material and process it into our ever growing pharmacology of red pills. Regardless, I still believe it is in our best interest to promote this memo shit and make it big. If you're taking flak it means you're over the target, and this ride just got reeeaal bumpy.

"man that train that crashed with all those democrats republicans on it crashed in the same town as that sandy hook shooting. What an unlucky town!"

It's worth fighting. Have faith in the numbers and things will be alright

If only I was a cult
Where the harem
Otherwise sage

It is easy to detect shills.

The user is fluid in his responses to current events yet solid in his duty to the NS ethnostate. The shill is loudly opinioned about current events and personalities, but hates and knows nothing of NS.

Thr shill promotes a rigid opinion on celebrity politics and speculative events. The user is fluid, he can condemn that which is not conducive towards our end, and praise what is helpful without getting bogged down in fixed ideas.

The shill attacks the tenants of NS. The user understands NS to be the only natural and healthy way of life and the only hope for our people.

Might be stickied but fk it Bump'a'dump with energy!

We've been waiting WAY too long for this.

This is a good post, but

Do you mean that we should talk to normalfags and get their responses to this, and then discuss it here to form a plan?

I cant wait to sperg out on people tomorrow who dont care that there are people in govt positions who need to be hung.

When the particle is being observed, it doesn't literally mean someone is looking at it. A more standard English way to say observed would be close to the word "measured." When you are at such a small scale, the act of measuring is going to effect the results.

Just a couple years ago, this kind of King Nigger shit was going on…. a LOT less fake shootings going on since King nigger left office

It seems obvious that Trump is being backed by an intelligence group of some sort. But who? And why?

I wouldn't be surprised if a rogue group in the US intelligence apparatus was significantly helping Trump. The fighting is SO obvious. The psychological warfare is literally non-stop.

I'd be real interested in seeing the movements of Marines over the next few weeks. Trump has surrounded himself with former Marine Generals. I wouldn't be surprised to see some around DC, just in case.

A war against bolsheviks is always worth fighting.


There was a post on cuckchan concerning this, explaining how Trump was taken away, sat down and told the situation (mentioned Uranium1 stuff). But the besic gist was that the services are fractured and there are true loyalists that want to help and see Trump as the beacon of hope that now is the time to move.

Just a theory but its probably got some grain of truth to it.

Secret society that partisan hack in the fbi mentioned in the text msg? I dunno, seems far fetched, hopefully he has some loyal people around him. We all know Comey was a partisan hack, bought and paid for, he had to go.


Alan Dershowitz already explained the same thing was said about the Pentagon papers. When they were released it, nothing happened. The FISA memo is old news already. Only old people are interested in. Enjoy the game, folks.

Trump is backed by the military and most likely the NSA. Against the CIA and the NGO/think-tank/academia block.

Oh and also against the FBI, obviously

Obviously; they back any president.
Are you insane.
In what capacity?

NSA is against the CIA, which is against Trump.

Definitely no one in any alphabet soup Intelligence agencies back Trump, but it does seem there is a rogue contingent in the lower and mid levels of the FBI, though the ones at the top are still corrupt cronies. There are also some loyalists in high levels of military leadership as well.

Why on Earth would you think kikes fall for their own puppeteering? "Enemy of my enemy" doesn't apply when your bosses are the same people.

Does this mean we're in for another meme war?

The biggest issue is the cognitive dissonance for sure, but for very esoteric reasons. Its not just about "oh I believed in this and I dont want to believe I was wrong" sort of mental gymnastics as many have come to think of it, they have fully subscribed to a sphere of thought and logic perspective that is fundamentally removed from reality in every measure. Everything comes down to perspective of patterns and when if they are able to one day pick up the right pattern that will nullify their current thought and logic perspective they are going to have a spiritual and mental break the likes of which few of them have the will power, fortitude or character to be able to navigate without going absolutely fucking insane.

Especially with the esoteric stuff that is going on right now, there is some really fuckin nifty shit happening to the magnetic field that is causing a transition of sorts. the Holla Forumsar fields are shifting as the pendulum swings :^) The effects of that alone are going to cause the weak minded to go insane, add to that them being confronted with the fact that everything they ever held as important was a filthy fucking lie..

You know what the day of the rope is? Its not the day that we all march out of the streets for vengeance.. its the day they all hang themselves.


Trump has been backed by the DIA/Centcom from the very beginning. They probably were the people who "begged" him to run because they were fed up with the blatant treason. There are also patriotic rogues in NSA and various other intelligence agencies, not to mention Trump's own personal espionage web he built from his business mogul days made up of former IC agents and business associates planted in big corporations and major military contractors.

Most importantly Trump is backed by the autism of imageboards and Holla Forumsack meme magick

all of the fear mongering about the nsa over the past decade was pushed by the kikes. I agree with you but most likely there are some hidden twists which arent readily visible.

Trump must have major backers or he would be dead by now.


Already loading keks.
BUUUT Trump can have my happy onion anyway to protect him from (((heartattacks))).

Often forgotten fact: Operation Abel Danger was an intelligence gathering operation during the late 90's that tried to prevent the 9/11 plot but were told lol no. Flynn was part of that operation.

Yeah, it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that the NSA has unconstitutionally recorded every single digital transmission in the last TWENTY YEARS, MINIMUM, as well as looked over physical ones or anything. Oh, no, that couldn't POSSIBLY be the reason the organization has been soured to the public.

And what exactly has he done to upset jews? Ever? In his life? For fuck's sake, man.

holly shit user, the memes write themselves

Fucking frog fags fail at portmanteau, even.

For the uninitiated, could you please explain who and what this is and why, if they're so powerful, they haven't stopped the kikes from destroying western civilization?

If the memo drops tomorrow, I'm going to literally shout "nigger" and quit. I will walk out to my truck and go home and pour myself a tall cup of milk and kick back and let the day wash over me like an uncontrollable orgasm. I will pee myself on purpose. I do not care. I will face to bloodshed. Please. Please.


there can be no survivors

As long as the kikes exist shit like that is necessary. It may have started with the intentions of using it against us but all that recorded data contains ever kike illicit digital transaction. And no amount of lolberg argumentation is going to change the fact that in the end that data center is going to be a real big nail in their coffin.


And what gives you that impression? They created the shit. Do you honestly believe they used it to catalog their own actions?

Flynn is the key to understanding it. Flynn was responsible for fucking up the CIA-ISIS war in Syria. Flynn and the DIA went behind Obama's back to prevent Assad from being toppled. Flynn backed Trump and that is why he was the first to be targeted by those against Trump.


This is also the explanation behind the "muh Russia" narrative. Because Flynn was sharing intel with Russia to prevent the CIA war. By hoaxing the Russian narrative that Trump is directly controlled by the Kremlin, then any further cooperation with Russia in Syria would be seen as evidence of that collusion and proof that Trump is a Russian puppet.

This is my understanding of the situation at least.

no shit, what I was talking about is not limited to that. There have been several studies where they included people as test subjects and they accidentally proved that the less people who know what the test is and what the outcome as a ratio of how many people are involved total i.e. how blind you can make a test the more the test subjects will be able to accurately predict the outcome of the test.

keep doubting the memes though, see how far that will get ya.

what gives you the impression the kikes are competent enough to ensure their own shit wasnt ensnared by the same system that they 'created'? the kikes cant create shit, it was made by goy hands and minds

As a Gen-X Judeo Christian Republican, I can confirm that it took about 2 years for me to fully deprogram after learning who the kikes really are. Now I have to climb the uphill battle of physical and mental fitness, building new habits, and further educating myself. What I can promise is this, the wrath of someone who has lived their entire life believing a lie, is something that should keep those kikes awake at night. Now that my eyes are open, never will my vigilance slip again. Whatever tomorrow holds, whether it's red pilling anyone and everyone I can get to listen, or preparing mentally and physically for the (oh please let it happen) race war, it meets the standard set forth in the 88 words.

To the kids in generation Zyklon, you give me hope for the future. I know that modern women are skanks, but have faith that I, and others like me, are raising our girls the right way, and the best and brightest of your generation will not save us from the sins of the boomers without the comfort of good wives. One of my daughters regularly asks me to listen to Dr. Pierce. Hopefully when the day of the rope comes, I won't be too old to participate, but if I am, you can be damn sure you'll have a safe space to rest and refill your bags with rope and ammo.

Not sure if Jewish, but he loves Jews
Appears that some new Hillary emails dropped yesterday??

On a side note, anons

What do you guice think about this fella?

He’s White, a White Male, rich, Christian-ish and, well, just look at him. Another thing, I heard him talk and he always says ALL the right things. He understands us little people. The road people, the meadow folk, the underpass dwellers and T-gatter’s alike. It’s like he’s really spent some time down in the gritty grit grit of life. And it’s easy to tell he’s secretly more redpilllered than shit. But he’s too polite, too Christian, tooo -you know- White to break the real truth of the matter to the unfortunate brownies. I see him as sort of a Ned Flanders-type WN. You know the kind. Always mild on the outside, no visible signs, but just stewing with the indignant, unrepentant White-hot pride of one-thousand four-hundred and eighty-eight Aryan suns on the inside. Usually not the one for open confrontation, but the type that like to sneak around the “back side” if you know what I mean brothers. Wink wink.

Hell Hitler!

Assad still stands while the Jew-backed jihadist groups are dwindling. And this is largely because of Trump. Israel is in the worst geopolitical position they have been in for decades. They are at real risk of an Iranian power block developing through Iraq and all of Syria now, giving them a clear path to the Mediterranean.

Now this is not to say that Trump is anti-israel, just that he has not been good for them by practical measures and I don't believe there is evidence that he is a full-on Israel shill. If he were, then he would have increased arms to jihadists and so on.

Fking amen. First thing I began on was the cardio and drinking: More and less. Fast foward and I'm trim, fit and sober. Keep improving mate its gonna be a fun ride.

You forgot about how he loves walls user. I dont know why this hasn't come up more. The Kennedy Compound.

Defense Intelligence Agency, i.e. military intelligence. They hate the CIA because the CIA's intel record is one of gross incompetence getting Americans killed and embarrassing the military. Their record for joint operations with the military is laughably bad to the point where the military was completely ignoring the CIA during Desert Storm. I said Centcom but I meant really meant SOCOM, United States Special Operations Command. I'm sure he has allies in Centcom too though. SOCOM runs ops for Navy SEALs, Delta Force, 106st Airborne, etc… They have to clean up the messes that CIAniggers make over seas. DIA have been fighting CIAniggers (and other alphabet-soupniggers) for decades for control over intel. It's not surprising that the military likes to run it's own intel and operations without bumbling civilians interfering, and neo-cohens forcing them to fight wars for Israel. Most DIA are still good goy pro-Israel shills but they view American interests first


Yet another unfortunate accident.

If you haven't seen it, read the article I linked here:

It seems to be a pretty big piece of the puzzle of what exactly is going on in America right now, but it is largely overlooked in most talk I see. Flynn and the DIA do not get a lot of attention.


That is actually just a demon of Slaanesh.

Remember when they caught Trump with Pot & they nearly hung themselves?

Scared he was about to release the memo.

Not drinking out a gallon milk container, how new are you? Just kidding, enjoy the glass.

The goyim, they can't keep listening to this dangerous man, they can't like understand what he's saying! Tt's for your own good and what not goyim.


there is no such thing as judeo christian, there are christians and there are jews. judeo christian was clever wordplay to pull wool over the eyes of the western christian world.


I just swallowed a nice-sized redpill with this. wow.
Holla Forums is always right…


He is not /ourguy/ at all.
he is a shill and a hired gun for kikes and a distraction and I hope he gets shot (but he never will because he's a jew puppet.

They would want to keep with tradition..

So now you guys are flat out pulling the msm tactics and telling us what to think. I mean, you are saying that we should blindly support something without reading it and judging the info for ourselves?


So What You're Saying is…



Needed a break from sorting my folder anyway.

why sort? make new ones.

just make new folders every year or so my man

short. simple. to the point.

Where is the rest of the stream, is the president okay?


I also like the subtle hint that Watergate was Nixon being set up. Good on you.


Hardly hoarding. It like a bookshelf that you occasionally read through again, refreshing things that you may have forgotten or seeing something you already read in a knew light. Then organising it into a new pattern/system.
Theres nothing wrong with wanting to read something again, far better than "been there done that" mentality.


TBQH, I was hoping that you would have KEK'ed at that remark.

where can I find the MP4 of that? I can't edit webm's

being a jew is a sad existence



Does this work?

The Lugenpress are scared & already framing this on their late night shows

I've never seen them so frazzled. It hasn't even been leaked yet.


Yes, that was indeed the point, thanks for noticing. Christianity has been subverted and perverted by kikes almost from the beginning. American Christianity in particular has been under tremendous kikening since at least the late 1800s. Scoffield is only part of the problem. While Christianity itself, as taught by Jesus, is truly anti-kike, to actually get the original teachings is a monumental overtaking. Obviously you must take the scripture back to it's original language, but that's just the beginning. You must also understand the context, both within the scripture, and in the area/time period that it was written. The clever kikes have used seemingly minute translation errors, combined with overt logical fallacies, to construct the christian wing of judaism. Were you raised in a private school, with Bible lessons every day? Weekly church? Awanas, youth group, et al? Do you know just how much of all of that is corrupted by kikefiltration? I sure do.

Anyone want to help me build an oven the size of greater israel in orbit, you know, for science?

Wow they're really hitting the bottom of the barrel hard

The desperation is becoming so palpable. Claiming victory on the eve of getting btfo is about as Jewish as it gets. Enjoy some mental gymnastics from (((Tim Weiner))).

That blatant damage control before the memo being released Topkek.

Our story must continue.

Though he might actually get in trouble for pointing out that Rupert Murdoch owns both Wall Street Journal and Fox News.

Engineered verneshot shen?!


Desperation it seems.

Mein kamerad.

thank you

How can non-burgers help?


Another suicide just happened:

Guilty of what again?

Last two days we have had

- Castro's son - suicide

- Hamas leader - suicide ("accidental")

- NYPD Swat officer who was on team that raided Weiner's place - suicide

All in a day.

There isn't anything the OP said that anyone outside burger land couldn't do really.

Racism, obvs. Get with the program, user!

I'm stocking up on Tide pods to much on for the memo reveal party. According to source, they include this powerful molecule. And they have a nice kick too!


can I get some delicious sources on those?


Castro son:

Hamas leader:

Clicked wrong NYPD suicide, the one I meant to link is here from yesterday:

Coincidentally all articles about the cop are seemingly disappearing. They were once all over the search engines and now very few being replaced with that woman's link.

I don't think I was following this.
what is the significance of this, if I may ask?
all the articles I just looked at said single shot to the head.
Is this the one where it previously stated that there were three shots to the head (which now changed to a single shot to the head) and was also ruled a suicide?

Democrats are scrambling deepstate will make a move to save itself … they are afraid and cornered 
Sotu,Memo and the Rothschild murder plot train crash 

Terry Davis time special 

Unite my brothers !!!! Like fucking rome!!! 

Prepare for happening of a lifetime !!!!

This is an NYPD SWAT officer who was, allegedly, on the team who entered Weiner's place during the arrest due to his recent issue. I am not in the know so can't confirm that but wanted to add it in the case it does turn out accurate after digging and especially so given how there were so many articles on it a few hours ago and now it's a bitch to even find his death article.


I just type in his name and a shitload of articles come up, but I didn't notice the weiner thing

I'm ready for war. But I've done this for too long. I'm too blackpilled to believe the Memo will actually be published. Some extra fearmongering in the very last second will serve as a pretext to keep it classified after all.




Why not? Besides the fact that the title is funny, consider this:
For the first time in history, an Onion Article has a title that is LESS absurd than the reality it's paroding.

You clowns, why are you all sleeping? It's going down!!!!
Hillary is done most likely with this FISA memo!

I agree , it will make useful propaganda when spliced with future broadcasts dismissing the memo by the commie fags in the MSM

Burgers are resting right now, user.
It's us Yuros keeping the nightwatch for them.




Thank you based user, I will sleep swiftly knowing your eyes are on this.


Has anyone ever had faith in any government agencies?

Fight one in the open, fight a whole different one when everyone's distracted.

I'm not vid-master, but I made a recording using a …thing…

Wait, does that mean tide pods are annuda shoah?


Dawn of the final day, lads.

Nice embed, you silly nigger. Seems like a good video tho.



Seemingly endless, yet you see how our societies are trembling and convulsing like the lines of war itself.

Notice and realize my friend, notice and realize.

Here's my real war face.



Kill yourself

Most people have.
Or rather, most people trust the government agencies to fuck with others before fucking them as long as others are bigger problems.
That's the way I've always seen "Secret Services". As long as they have other threats and you keep your head down, your protected by obfuscation.
That's why this internet-surveillance crap is so horrifying. You lose the protection you get from blending in when they can single you out with a couple keystrokes.

Someone is going to jail any minute now I can feel it.

no they're really not you delusional faggots, at least not anyone you've ever heard of

You're right. Noone's going to jail.
A trial will be deemed a waste of time due to the damning evidence and they'll just be executed where found.





That you, Sam?


Kek smiles upon us on the eve of battle.
Don't let your memes be dreams, boys
Damn I couldn't find HitlerTippingOverBoat.jpg

That man never ceases to amaze me.
God bless Trump.


It's Happening!


Oh wow, those poor people fleeing from the Pakistani war with…
Wait a second!

Loadout: TACTICOOLOperator: Stay Frosty

Gentlemen, my angus is peppered. Let's do this.



Any news on when the memo is coming out?

Certainly not in 8:30 pm

am i mean

Probably not 8:30 am EST, yes, but 9:00 would certainly be a time to do it. I haven't heard a thing since it was delayed from yesterday.

I know right? There are people who aren't having tea while waiting to turn the gutters into rivers of commie blood.


Trump should release it at 9:11

pic related.

that would be beautiful.


Although this could be over-hyped and results with blue balls. But there's an undeniable fact, democrats, liberals, MSM, FBI and DOJ are kvetching and sweating over this really hard.

I don't buy that.
This is kvetching in unprecedented magnitude.
We've seen them "oy vey'ing" before, but never like this. It was never a concentrated effort, just one or two Jew's claiming it's anothah shoah and things died down quickly.

They were in control.

I'm going to be really fucking pissed if the FBI manages to redact all the important stuff before it releases

True, I haven't seen kvetching like this since the Seth Rich stuff blew open last June.

Today is a good day.

Any bets on when and where it drops?

dubs or trips decide
Rolling for 13:00 for the MOAB memo to drop

in 5min

10 AM


Right now.

Re rollan for 12pm EST. But only after an hour or two of intense drumpfposting

It wont be today unfortunately.


If digits he'll do it on Valentine's day.


That's a blast from the past.

Le 300% WAR FACE

god I'm old.

I know, bros. I feel old, too.


I feel old. But wise.
It's hilarious. I feel wise from watching that dumb pic. The internet will never lose it's magic to us.


Not everyone may agree with the friends idea … but the visa isn't hilarous, I don't know what is.

Today the dems, tomorrow the rest.

Any good normfag suitable infographics on CIA crimes? People should realize that siding with spoons and corrupt feds over a businessman president who just made their checks better should be a one way ticket to hell.

ah, typo missed an "if" … that was very funny, but hey here's the trick for those that think it's a satire throw, he's going to russia for real, it's not a joke.

I know how you feel. Thinking about posting this pic, I sort of lose some of my disdain for newfags they should of course still be bullied to the fullest extent. We were all new once and things like that really were enjoyable for ages. I envy their fresh eyes.

We were lucky to have oldfags bullying us to show us the right way.
As long as we make sure the current newfags can count on us to tell those faggots to shut the fuck up and lurk moar they'll be alright.

Checkin em.

Great post user and as a syriafag since it started, Flynn checks out.

wasted trips

The Onion is a news parody


Since I got trips, I can decide then.
It's gonna be released at 5PM GMT, in time for my tea break. So, 2 hours from now.
That way I can enjoy a nice calming bong-o-tea while Big Ben outside rings and signals Ragnarok.

is flynn bigboss?


It fits the context.

The onion first went online back in 1996.
And 22 years later, we can still find people that feel the need to point out it's satire.
Protip: if someone doesn't know about the Onion by now, don't tell them. It's funnier when they find out on their own.

enjoy your tea, fellow bonger! I'm gonna brew a cup of some nice, fermented Pu'er

For posterity's sake

I wasn't at work, I'd shoop that and the other cat with Mike Pence between them as an advertising for gay treatment.


G U Y ' S !

When are they releasing it?

Excited for DOTR :-) Thanks Yuros for keeping night watch.


Noon soon, fellow anons.

To be an oldfag is a sacred trust.
We sacrificed so much that we might provide this to others.

Maybe there is no memo

Feels good man.

I want to fuck this elf.

It's not rape if its an elf.

The kikes can smell the rope and are pre-kvetching with maximum futility.
Nice to see oldfags in here.

They probably will. They always do.

Tyrone pls

I really hope that there is a good reason they are making everyone wait so long.


Hey, you know something people?
I'm not black
But there's a whole lots a times
I wish I could say I'm not white" –Frank Zappa, Trouble Everyday. Zappa wasn't the alt-right hero you are looking for, user.

They never stop projecting.


The longer I wait the more damming I I think it's going to be actually.

They'll have it out soon, as soon as the shooting they are planning is all in order.

Way to craft that narrative, totally real goy.

I suspect that Trump is extremely clean. Filing for bankruptcy means being investigated by the bankruptcy court to make sure that you are not dicking over you creditors. The democrats, in their own cuck stupidity did not understand this, and did not understand that "filing for bankruptcy multiple times" means that all his money is CLEAN.

He has been sued a bunch of times. If he was doing something illegal, then it would have come out in discovery. There is most likely no dirt on trump.

That is why they fear him. They can't control him. He has the capability to destroy the political establishment, and what they do not understand, is that whoever can destroy a thing, controls that thing. This is ironic in that they use pedophilia black mail to control people via threats of social destruction. their own tools are being used against them.



Agreed, pre-memory holing is a more reserved tactic for these scenarios.

I'm memeing this kike's death. Painful blood disease (dubz) or liver failure (trips)

zappa predicting some of the points that led to the success of donald trump


He was told early on in his life that they use blackmail and corruption. He plays accordingly. Just goes to show that one can win on a level playing field. The Jews dont like playing fair. They are cheaters and they killed Jesus.

Interesting that you posted a St. George icon. Someone just gave my son a St. George icon. Cheers.

Yes, you "got" trips and wasted them you do not "have" trips -or dubs.
No, dubs or trips decide, not (you).
But your wish is duly noted for 12PM EST.

Re roll for 13:00 EST (18:00 GMT)


Id love to know how this is going to drop and where

The reason why cheating was not tolerated in western society, is because it weakens you in the long term. Short term gains vs long term losses. The kikes, being inbred and cursed do not understand this, and will cheat their way however they can. They even tried very hard to change the social norms to make their actions acceptable.

Only now the short term is up, and they are in the process of reaping what they have sown. It might be time to invest in rope and synthetic line

This. Trump is clean in his business dealings, it's a known fact, bought everything on credit and has been audited several times. He takes write offs himself, has a private llc or scorp, that's why Buffet looked like a fool when he said he doesn't take write offs, yea his c corp takes them, that's how it works.

3 sets of trips and dubs wasted.

Mini Hitler delivers.
Heiled for memo out once glow nigger FF is setup

I was too late anyway

We have a winner.

The kikes being inbred are also fuckin degenerates for the most part, they think short term and don't care about consequences, that's why so many of them are involved in scams. I've personally never had a bad business dealing with kikes myself, they were actually pretty good to do business with, but I know people who have been screwed over dealing with them. They take things to such excess, it all has to do with the crying out in pain as they strike you saying, they'll literally play the victim when they are the aggressor. When you come to think about it, they push for all these rights and try to come off as open minded, but it's all a cover up to hide their crooked ways. A good number of them are a menace to any society they take hold in.



The Pentagon Papers contained secret info about the methods and motivations for the US involvement in Vietnam. They made controversial and embarrassing revelations, but nothing treasonous against the US itself.

Secret cabals in government agencies conspiring against the duly elected President is in a different league. This won't just blow over.

Memo has been declassified according to fox. They covered the highlights.

Memo has left the WH

at last

Looking foreward to it.

The suspense is killin me.

Happening tiem.

Does anyone know where it will be released? I really don't want to spend the day refreshing an MSM web page, ad blocker or no.

Just stay here then.


im on the intelligence committee website hitting f5 in hopes of getting lucky

Thanks. I'll keep a tab open. When I hear the autistic screeching, I'll know it's time.

Nah it's just pic related. Shills are more common here, true, but it is still a part of the internet.

Tfw user crashes the intelligence commitees webpage pinging it for the release, so we can have the dankest oc

requesting salt when available.

If this source is correct, it means that they ran with evidence that they knew was false to spy on Trump.

b-beaver user is that you?

He got the blessed dubs. It is a sign. The beaver poster has returned



thanks, forgot the link in my autistic excitement



The Umman Manda aint no joke.

Mate we literally wrote that dossier.
Shits epic


Since we're already blasting from the past.


Why not use this chance to redpill some faggots?
I'll probably be sleeping when the memo comes out, so good luck memeing lads



One user was responsible.
But he did it for us, for the lulz.
God bless you user, you've made my year.

Let this be the year of piss posting!

Optimistic dubs.


Is this it? Getting a 503 right now.

Page wont load, post pics user.

I think the server couldn't take it.

It looks like it. This is what happens when you hire diversity over quality. Want to get into the fbi? Fuck you if you are a cis white male.

Want to get into the NSA? fuck you unless your a Mormon or a nigger.

They played stupid political games, because they assumed that there are no enemies capable of destroying us. Looks like this has bitten them in the ass. I look forward to Trump's power games in the near future. He now owns the DNC and the Neocons, and they know it.


Oh cool a frizzy-haired mulatto buzzfeed writer tells an ironic joke with no capitalization. Next level comedy.
You're not getting out of this one with twitter snark, nigger.


Smart man.


Do y'all not see how the Onion works?
It makes a valid satirical point in this headline, the effect of which is to reinforce the normalfag viewpoint:


It's past 3pm and I just woke up like the good unemployed piece of shit that I am. Lost the memo released and shit

What was on it? Is the world over already?



fbi started russia investigation on false premises


How poetic.





rosenstein finished!

Right wing power armour band squads?

Is this the whole thing?


We're back

Yes, 6 pages

We did that, really? Ain't that something, wow. A. PISS. LARP.

Top fucking kek

I'm a huge faggot, please rape my face

They have no case anymore. Literally everyone involved in this "investigation" illegally obtained the "evidence"

Well time to read! Lets hope its juicy

Yes and no. The game has changed from 4d chess, and is now 4d Warhammer 40k. Trumps opening move is let the dnc know that he will no declassify all damning secrets that can be used against them. This is why everyone is quitting, getting fired, or people suicided.

It is not quite over, we are at the stage where the enemy has been captured, and the ritualistic torture and humiliation has begun.

It's jewcie, alright!

Check'd and correk'd.

It's just stuff we already knew.

but now it has the seal of approval from your government

Checked. If they knew it wasn't bullshit and lied to get the warrent…

Don't get ahead of your self newfiend.
The reality is that this is the opening salvo wiping away some of the basic screening units, to continue your 40k comparison.

We're a long way from killing any of the non-troops units. Heavy support is still in play along with the HQ.

yeah, what did you expect? We already knew they were committing a crime, this is their public trial.


Fucking phoneposter

BYE BYE MOSHE! It isn't about what "we already knew goys" - it is about the public being notified with a (((real))) document and not just "more crazy alt right meme posters". This is validation on a scale that most normies will accept…this is a huge deal…stop trying to chaimpill in this thread.

Read the entire thing. It doesn't really tell us anything we didn't know before, but it should give the Trump legal team good ammo to dismiss the RussiaGate investigation.

As for (((Rosenstein))), I expect him to be shored imminently.


It proves muh Russia investigation was started not just on false, but illegal premises. Also why is Schiff so scared? He was not directly implicated in the memo like I'd thought he'd be. I guess the trail will lead to him eventually, probably through the firms Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie, who the memo implicates committed a litany of crimes.


Indeed. We need to make our next move during the meme phase. Sooo many meme opportunities with this.

What the fuck wouldn't we know? We've had a good idea of the shit going on for years now with the primary pieces missing being names. Fuck we even have those as well.

I know, right? Pelosi promised us a fake memo full of lies, not things that are true and which condemn the DNC.

>As for (((Rosenstein))), I expect him to be shored imminently.
"It's anuddah shore!" cried the jews as they were bulldozed en masse into the sea.

Holy shit it actually mentions the Clinton campaign
Also no redacted names, this is great

I think because the logical next step is hauling those Obama officials before congress, and making sure people like Comey go to jail. He said it was ridiculous that Trump was spied on

yea but what we know dosent matter untiull we go full rwds.
what it is is viable evidence that can be used in court and to prove to the normies that these things are really happening.
shit is iran contra tier.


This is not for us, it is for the normies, this is proof we were right all along and the media was lying


The conclusion is: The FBI knew they had nothing, but pushed the investigation anyways, because they are anti-Trump.
This is irrefutable proof that there is a 'deep-state' organization that is willing to do anything to remain in power, and that Hillary was part of it

What we can also win by this is how we use this. if Holla Forums was right about this, what else is Holla Forums right about?


>Steele should have been terminated for his previous undisclosed contact with Yahoo and other outlets in September - before the Page application was submitted to the FISC in October
holy shit.

we did it reddit!

This. Remember Holla Forums is always on the bleeding edge, but to build a solid case for the courts, you have to build a case and gather material evidence. This is a massive salvo against the Obama admin.

That's only if he knew that they were lying about it. The way i read it is that the FBI and DOJ purposely withheld info from rosenstein in order to get him to sign it.

OC en route contrasting this headline with portions of the memo. All hands on decks m88s!

right about everything always and eternally!



This is so hard to believe right now, glorious bastards doing this.

it's a good enough reason to kick him out

Hello cia

Cheers. Here is the source article:

It's by Jenn Williams twitter: (((@jenn_ruth)))


Oh the intent argument Comey used to clear Hillary? Yea, that'll work this time.


Let the MEMES begin!!
OC delivered fresh to you

How? If he was lied to, (which I dont know if this is the case, he may have know about it at the time as well), then its not like he did anything wrong, its the people who lied on the FISA application who are in the wrong.

Knowing and having solid proofz for the idiotic normies are two entirely different things.

oh boy. So now they can reopen every single investigation into every single scandal from the last decade? Then, when they fight trump, he just declassifies evidence of their wrong doing, during a midterm election year.

the beautiful part of it all, is it appears pelosi is the only one who gets it on the dem side. Trump can now legally use the same dirty tricks on them, while beating his chest screaming "I WAS WRONGED".

He warned them about this too, back when he dumped the Kennedy files. That was the only warning that they got.

When they learned that Steele had leaked the information to the Yahoo News article, being used to corroborate the dossier which was the source of FISA warrant, they did not inform the courts that their evidence was built on a shaky foundation.

Even if Rosenstein was lied to, why didn't they retract the wiretap? Why was it approved three times. He's finished.

The memo could have have been ritual child torture that we would already know about it nigger. That's the toll for being a tinfoil

I hope I get dubs for this.

Say it with me, everyone:

You don’t beg for dubs. Dubs are granted to you.



You don't need some dubs to prove that a universal truth is true and always right.

m8 dubs only require counting out


Trips of truth


I want to know who this "named U.S. person" is. John McCain?

Well, the trips proved the folly of my ways.
Kek will grant us dubs when he damn well pleases.
Holla Forums is still always right though.

In any case:

This was not released for us. We already knew all of it.
This was not released for the left. They will never acept it.

It's time to go out like the Disciples of Christ, like the followers of the old Gods, like the Uskarls of Odin, like whoever the fuck you believe in and SPREAD THIS SHIT AROUND.

The world needs to hear it! Make sure no corner is left untouched by this memeo.


Gets trips.

Universal irony, right here.



The investigation into Poppadoppa was already underway before the Steele dossier.

Glenn Simpson

it was underway before the election you idiot, poppadoppa was a trap

I think this is the smoking gun for Rosenstein. It explicitly states that the Obama DOJ maintained contacts after he had been terminated. Further, that they were aware of his bias, they even recorded it, but they did not make this known to the FISA court.

No it's not him. It says it does not name Simpson or Fusion GPS.

The paragraph says that ultimately he is working for the DNC and Clinton campaign, but that clever wording hides that the person he initially worked for is not necessary the same as the end result.

so they knowingly withheld information to get the FISA warrant for Carter Page. What we need next is to figure out how the FISA warrant against Carter Page was used to monitor other people in the trump campaign. We need the details on how the unmasking went down and how that unmasked information was later spread throughout the King Nigger's administration and ultimately leaked to the press.

yup thats a charge of criminal conspiricy and falsification of evidence of not fullblown treason


It drops when the time is right.


It’s already out and posted in this thread you fucking mong.

Im not a legal fag, but what’s the legal repercussions of what appears to be “deliberate omission of material facts”? Usb there one? Seems like just about anyone can go “lol forgot” and get a clean pass.

sweet base line, what's the original?

from a non-legal-fag perspective this has the potential to cast doubt on ANY evidence they might have about Trump or any of his associates.
This has poisoned the well…

In the US post-1940? Zero repercussions.

oh absolutely. The left is going to hold on to the Popadopoulos was the originator of the investigation Spin, so it doesn't matter. Next step is to discredit that story line, which is easy enough because the Aussie who tipped off the FBI was Alexander Downer who also coincidentally arranged for 100 million aussie bucks to be donated to the Clinton Foundation.

Anecdotes matter not to the jewdicial system fucktard.

So essentially anything they got from the surveillance of Trump and his associates is now inadmissable in court?
As it was gathered illegally?

Could this also shut down the Mueller investigation since the whole thing was instigated by the Steele dossier?

OC piping hot fresh.

Yes. But now the normies know too. And they can't deny it or call us (((Conspiracy Theorists))) anymore.

Plebbit is literally calling it a nothingburger kek

Imagine being that user. When he clicked that post button, did he know that click would be heard through the halls of history forever???

I read that in Pewdiepie's voice.

You are not allowed to call it plebbit if you browse it faggot


None of you niggers understand. The MOAB drops once Trump declares himself god emperor

I was mining for salt, nigger


>Experienced schizos who no doubt actually have been hit by shills know this pattern, yet have been so badly gaslight by them they now take news articles from satire websites as fact

Image has double dubs for time stamp.


Your post made me want to see sufficiently woke Kangz forcefully LARP an authentic reenactment(from their point of view) of the biblical Exodus on American shores.

salt thread for your sodium needs

What's happening?
You know that Russia investigation that's been going on in Washington?
Well, this is some of the stuff that they found when they went to go do that investigation.
It's so shocking that Congress itself has spent months making an exception to the secrecy in order to let you in on what they found.

What did they find?
There is a large segment of the bureaucracy that hates our President and has weaponized the FBI and Department of Justice against him. They've worked there for longer than the President, and most of these people know each other. And they know how to press the right buttons and turn the right knobs to work the machine against their boss.

What do you mean, what did they find?
There's this guy Chris Steele, he's British, and he looooves Hillary Clinton. He's a friend of the FBI, he's a source for them and they pay him.
The Clinton campaign and the official Democrat party also pay him. They pay him to put together a mean story about Trump. That was the Pee Dossier.
Chris Steele passes that story to his friends in the FBI.
His friends in the FBI know that it's fake. But it doesn't matter, they want to spy on Trump. So they make a Spy Application to the Secret Spy Court, "Can we spy on the Trump campaign?" The court says, "why would you spy on them?"
The FBI needs an excuse to spy, so they use the Pee Dossier that Chris Steele passed them.
Just in case the court doesn't buy it, they include a Yahoo! News article where Chris Steele was the source who said the Pee Dossier was totally real.
FBI knew it was fake. They didn't tell the court. They knew Chris Steele hates Trump. They didn't tell the court. They knew Chris Steele was paid by Clinton campaign to make that story. They didn't tell the court.
The court grants the request, and lets the FBI spy on the Trump campaign.

Who are the FBI friends? Who's in on this?
Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosenstein, Strzok, Ohr and more.
This isn't run of the mill stuff. That Spy Application has to be signed by the big fish. Your boss' boss' boss reads and signs this application, saying that it's true on their honor. What's the word for lying to the government?
They're all in this together. They all meet and talk and have the same opinions. That's why the memo also tells us that FBI Director McCabe and FBI Agent Strzok and FBI lawyer Page (Strzok's mistress) all met to talk about an "insurance policy" against Trump winning the election.

What happens to this Steele guy?
He's been referred for criminal prosecution. You can't do what he did. And he knew that. It was just a matter of not being caught long enough to take Trump out of office.
In fact, the FBI stopped being friends with him when they found out he broke the rules on talking to reporters and was a bad source.
But even after they fired him for being a bad source, they kept signing the Spy Application based on his stuff. A Spy Application has to be redone every 90 days. FBI friends signed it total FOUR times.

What did they find when they spied on Trump?
Nothing. Which is not what they wanted to find, so they kept using the original Spy Application to make more and more investigations, which is why we have a million investigations now. They all came from this.

Watergate was when a President lost his job because he tried to cover up when members of his party tried and failed to spy on a political opponent.

Did I miss anything?

The fall will be merciless and unforgiving.

It is amazing how during the Trump era that most of these comedians gave up any pretense of comedy and just monologue about their political views.

#What's happening?

You know that Russia investigation that's been going on in Washington?

Well, this is some of the stuff that they found when they went to go do that investigation.

It's so shocking that Congress itself has spent months making an exception to the secrecy in order to let you in on what they found.

#What did they find?

There is a large segment of the bureaucracy that hates our President and has weaponized the FBI and Department of Justice against him. They've worked there for longer than the President, and most of these people know each other. And they know how to press the right buttons and turn the right knobs to work the machine against their boss.

#What do you mean, what did they find?

There's this guy Chris Steele, he's British, and he looooves Hillary Clinton. And he hates Trump. He's a friend of the FBI, he's a source for them and they pay him.

The Clinton campaign and the official Democrat party *also* pay him. They pay him to put together a mean story about Trump. That was the Pee Dossier.

Chris Steele passes that story to his friends in the FBI.

His friends in the FBI *know* that it's fake. But it doesn't matter, they want to spy on Trump. So they make a Spy Application to the Secret Spy Court, "Can we spy on the Trump campaign?" The court says, "why would you spy on them?"

The FBI needs an excuse to spy, so they use the Pee Dossier that Chris Steele passed them.

Just in case the court doesn't buy it, they include a Yahoo! News article where Chris Steele was the source who said the Pee Dossier was totally real.

FBI *knew* it was fake. They didn't tell the court. They knew Chris Steele hates Trump. They didn't tell the court. They knew Chris Steele was paid by Clinton campaign to make that story. They didn't tell the court.

The court grants the request, and lets the FBI spy on the Trump campaign.

#Who are the FBI friends? Who's in on this?

Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosenstein, Strzok, Ohr and more.

This isn't run of the mill stuff. That Spy Application has to be signed by the big fish. Your boss' boss' boss reads and signs this application, saying that it's true on their honor. What's the word for lying to the government?

They're all in this together. They all meet and talk and have the same opinions. That's why the memo also tells us that FBI Director McCabe and FBI Agent Strzok and FBI lawyer Page (Strzok's mistress) all met to talk about an "insurance policy" against Trump winning the election.

#What happens to this Steele guy?

He's been referred for criminal prosecution. You can't do what he did. And he knew that. It was just a matter of not being caught long enough to take Trump out of office. Then FBI friends could get him out of trouble.

In fact, the FBI stopped being friends with him when they found out he broke the rules on talking to reporters and was a bad source.

But even after they fired him for being a bad source, they kept signing the Spy Application based on his stuff. A Spy Application has to be redone every 90 days.

FBI friends signed it total FOUR times.

FBI friends admitted under oath to Congress that they knew it was fake.

#What did they find when they spied on Trump?

Nothing. Which is not what they wanted to find, so they kept using the original Spy Application to make more and more investigations, which is why we have a million investigations now. They all came from this.


There's your reddit formatted version

Umman Manda strikes again

never has this reaction image been more fitting

Lesson learned: do not seek the digits, for if your message is true, they will seek you.

Tbh I never thought that I would actually hear those words. The expulsions of air from my sides, was fast enough to break the sound barrier. I also scared the neighbors dog.

Just stopping by to recognize your pattern postin'

not to mention.. the fucks that guys name.. the greek billionaire that they have labelled as a backer of terrorism when the entirety of his crimes begin and end with not doing what the kikes wanted him to do concerning an oil pipeline.


as always rank and file are good people
theres specific individuals who pushed this to happen


this is way to fresh to be popping up but thanks user? Want some more?

You will lrn

Im guessing its going to be mccain.. maybe wilson



Fuck I wish I could do decent video editing. Someone needs to make a real dank video that shows how this whole thing was Holla Forums fucking with the commies





Ok dont bother trying to argue with leftists about why the memo matters.

Just roll over the opposition big league and piggy back on the energy of #releasethememo.

Push this over the weekend:

Truly, Kek mit uns.

Remeber lads, we are fighting for the minds, and the souls of the general public! Take this seriously!


This one user

(((MSM))) Yesterday: Memo is too dangerous for your eyes goy
(((MSM))) Today: Memo is nothing burger goy


No. He's on assignment.

Lord Acton, Treason quotes:
Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity.

Cato, Treason quotes:
…I know not what treason is, if sapping and betraying the liberties of a people be not treason…

Cato, Treason quotes:
I must own, I know not what Treason is, if sapping and betraying the liberties of a people be not treason, in the eternal and original Nature of Things.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Treason quotes:
It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged.

Marcus Tullius Cicero, Treason quotes:
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.

Bill Clinton, Treason quotes:
We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans…

Bill Clinton, Treason quotes:
When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans … And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it. That's what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing projects, about how we're going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities.

George Eliot, Treason quotes:
There is a mercy which is weakness, and even treason against the common good.

Buckminster Fuller, Treason quotes:
To expose a 4.2 Trillion dollar ripoff of the American people by the stockholders of the 1000 largest corporations over the last one-hundred years will be a tall order of business.

Daryl Gates, Treason quotes:
We're in a war. People who blast some pot on a casual basis are guilty of treason.

Alexander Hamilton, Treason quotes:
The President of the United States would be liable to be impeached, tried, and upon conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors, removed from office; and would afterwards be liable to prosecution and punishment in the ordinary course of law. The person of the King of Great Britain is sacred and inviolable: There is no constitutional tribunal to which he is amenable, no punishment to which he can be subjected without involving the crisis of a national revolution.

Sir John Harrington, Treason quotes:
Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason.

Sir John Harrington, Treason quotes:
Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason.

Patrick Henry, Treason quotes:
It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings. … Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things, which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it. Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. … Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

John F. Hylan, Treason quotes:
The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers.' This little coterie… run our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen…[and] seizes…our executive officers… legislative bodies… schools… courts… newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.

Thomas Jefferson, Treason quotes:
Why suspend the habeas corpus in insurrections and rebellions? Examine the history of England. See how few of the cases of the suspension of the habeas corpus law have been worthy of that suspension. They have been either real treasons, wherein the parties might as well have been charged at once, or sham plots, where it was shameful they should ever have been suspected. Yet for the few cases wherein the suspension of the habeas corpus has done real good, that operation is now become habitual and the minds of the nation almost prepared to live under its constant suspension.

Thomas Jefferson, Treason quotes:
Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction.

Major George Racey Jordan, Treason quotes:
There seemed to be no lengths to which some American officials would not go in aiding Russia to master the secret of nuclear fission.

General Douglas MacArthur, Treason quotes:
I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.
more General Douglas MacArthur quotes

Jonathan Mayhew, Treason quotes:
To say that subjects in general are not proper judges (of the law) when their governors oppress them and play the tyrant, and when they defend their rights …is as great a treason as ever a man uttered… (more)

Jonathan Mayhew, Treason quotes:
No taxation without representation.

Sarah Gertrude Millin, Treason quotes:
The government of the world was [Cecil] Rhodes' simple desire.

Lyn Nofziger, Treason quotes:
These things I believe: That government should butt out. That freedom is our most precious commodity and if we are not eternally vigilant, government will take it all away. That individual freedom demands individual responsibility. That government is not a necessary good but an unavoidable evil. That the executive branch has grown too strong, the judicial branch too arrogant and the legislative branch too stupid. That political parties have become close to meaningless. That government should work to insure the rights of the individual, not plot to take them away. That government should provide for the national defense and work to insure domestic tranquillity. That foreign trade should be fair rather than free. That America should be wary of foreign entanglements. That the tree of liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. That guns do more than protect us from criminals; more importantly, they protect us from the ongoing threat of government. That states are the bulwark of our freedom. That states should have the right to secede from the Union. That once a year we should hang someone in government as an example to his fellows.

Thomas Paine, Treason quotes:
But if you say, you can still pass the violations over, then I ask, hath your house been burnt? Hath your property been destroyed before your face? Are your wife and children destitute of a bed to lie on, or bread to live on? Have you lost a parent or a child by their hands, and yourself the ruined and wretched survivor? If you have not, then you are not a judge of those who have. But if you have, and can still shake hands with the murderers, then you are unworthy of the name of husband, father, friend, or lover, and whatever may be your rank or title in life, you have the heart of a coward and the spirit of a sycophant.

Ezra Pound, Treason quotes:
Sovereignty inheres in the right to issue money. And the American sovereignty belongs by right to the people, and their representatives in Congress have the right to issue money and to determine the value thereof. And 120 million, 120 million suckers have lamentably failed to insist on the observation of this quite decided law. … Now the point at which embezzlement of the nation's funds on the part of her officers becomes treason can probably be decided only by jurists, and not by hand-picked judges who support illegality.

Theodore Roosevelt, Treason quotes:
To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.

Lysander Spooner, Treason quotes:
In truth, in the case of individuals, their actual voting is not to be taken as proof of consent, even for the time being. On the contrary, it is to be considered that, without his consent having ever been asked, a man finds himself environed by a government that he cannot resist; a government that forces him to pay money, render service, and forego the exercise of many of his natural rights, under peril of weighty punishments. He sees, too, that other men practise this tyranny over him by the use of the ballot. He sees further that, if he will but use the ballot himself, he has some chance of relieving himself from this tyranny of others, by subjecting them to his own. In short, he finds himself, without his consent, so situated that, if he use the ballot, he may become a master; if he does not use it, he must become a slave. And he has no other alternative than these two. In self-defence, he attempts the former. His case is analogous to that of a man who has been forced into battle, where he must either kill others, or be killed himself. Because, to save his own life in battle, a man attempts to take the lives of his opponents, it is not to be inferred that the battle is one of his own choosing. Neither in contests with the ballot – which is a mere substitute for a bullet – because, as his only chance of self-preservation, a man uses a ballot, is it to be inferred that the contest is one into which he voluntarily entered; that he voluntarily set up all his own natural rights, as a stake against those of others, to be lost or won by the mere power of numbers. On the contrary, it is to be considered that, in an exigency, into which he had been forced by others, and in which no other means of self-defence offered, he, as a matter of necessity, used the only one that was left to him.

Lysander Spooner, Treason quotes:
The principle that the majority have a right to rule the minority, practically resolves all government into a mere contest between two bodies of men, as to which of them shall be masters, and which of them slaves; a contest, that – however bloody – can, in the nature of things, never be finally closed, so long as man refuses to be a slave.

Lysander Spooner, Treason quotes:
A government that can at pleasure accuse, shoot, and hang men, as traitors, for the one general offence of refusing to surrender themselves and their property unreservedly to its arbitrary will, can practice any and all special and particular oppressions it pleases. The result – and a natural one – has been that we have had governments, State and national, devoted to nearly every grade and species of crime that governments have ever practised upon their victims; and these crimes have culminated in a war that has cost a million of lives; a war carried on, upon one side, for chattel slavery, and on the other for political slavery; upon neither for liberty, justice, or truth. And these crimes have been committed, and this war waged, by men, and the descendants of men, who, less than a hundred years ago, said that all men were equal, and could owe neither service to individuals, nor allegiance to governments, except with their own consent.

Lysander Spooner, Treason quotes:
If our fathers, in 1776, had acknowledged the principle that a majority had the right to rule the minority, we should never have become a nation; for they were in a small minority, as compared with those who claimed the right to rule over them.

Lysander Spooner, Treason quotes:
No attempt or pretence, that was ever carried into practical operation amongst civilized men – unless possibly the pretence of a “Divine Right,” on the part of some, to govern and enslave others – embodied so much of shameless absurdity, falsehood, impudence, robbery, usurpation, tyranny, and villany of every kind, as the attempt or pretence of establishing a government by consent, and getting the actual consent of only so many as may be necessary to keep the rest in subjection by force. Such a government is a mere conspiracy of the strong against the weak. It no more rests on consent than does the worst government on earth.

Lysander Spooner, Treason quotes:
The strong are always free by virtue of their superior strength. So long as government is a mere contest as to which of two parties shall rule the other, the weaker must always succumb. And whether the contest be carried on with ballots or bullets, the principle is the same; for under the theory of government now prevailing, the ballot either signifies a bullet, or it signifies nothing. And no one can consistently use a ballot, unless he intends to use a bullet, if the latter should be needed to insure submission to the former.

Lysander Spooner, Treason quotes:
The ostensible supporters of the Constitution, like the ostensible supporters of most other governments, are made up of three classes, viz.: 1. Knaves, a numerous and active class, who see in the government an instrument which they can use for their own aggrandizement or wealth. 2. Dupes—a large class, no doubt—each of whom, because he is allowed one voice out of millions in deciding what he may do with his own person and his own property, and because he is permitted to have the same voice in robbing, enslaving, and murdering others, that others have in robbing, enslaving, and murdering himself, is stupid enough to imagine that he is a “free man,” a “sovereign”; that this is “a free government”; “a government of equal rights,” “the best government on earth,” and such like absurdities. 3. A class who have some appreciation of the evils of government, but either do not see how to get rid of them, or do not choose to so far sacrifice their private interests as to give themselves seriously and earnestly to the work of making a change.

Lysander Spooner, Treason quotes:
In truth, in the case of individuals, their actual voting is not to be taken as proof of consent, even for the time being. On the contrary, it is to be considered that, without his consent having ever been asked, a man finds himself environed by a government that he cannot resist; a government that forces him to pay money, render service, and forego the exercise of many of his natural rights, under peril of weighty punishments. He sees, too, that other men practise this tyranny over him by the use of the ballot. He sees further that, if he will but use the ballot himself, he has some chance of relieving himself from this tyranny of others, by subjecting them to his own. In short, he finds himself, without his consent, so situated that, if he use the ballot, he may become a master; if he does not use it, he must become a slave. And he has no other alternative than these two. In self-defence, he attempts the former. His case is analogous to that of a man who has been forced into battle, where he must either kill others, or be killed himself. Because, to save his own life in battle, a man attempts to take the lives of his opponents, it is not to be inferred that the battle is one of his own choosing. Neither in contests with the ballot – which is a mere substitute for a bullet – because, as his only chance of self-preservation, a man uses a ballot, is it to be inferred that the contest is one into which he voluntarily entered; that he voluntarily set up all his own natural rights, as a stake against those of others, to be lost or won by the mere power of numbers. On the contrary, it is to be considered that, in an exigency, into which he had been forced by others, and in which no other means of self-defence offered, he, as a matter of necessity, used the only one that was left to him.

J. A. Stormer, Treason quotes:
The pretence is made that to do away with right and wrong would produce uncivilized people, immorality, lawlessness, and social chaos. The fact is that most psychiatrists and psychologists and other respected people have escaped from moral chains and are able to think freely.

Treason Clause, Treason quotes:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.


The war never stopped user and never will. Did you think many anons halted the cyber insurgency when the cucks and cuckservatives were pushing the nonsense Russia narrative? I didn't stop and from the looks of twitter, many others continued on as well. It wouldn't be right of me to call you a shill, because you don't act like one, so just take this as a friendly reminder that we're not done yet.
random rhodie pics to keep our spirits afloat
keep the memory alive

[Hails in Endtime]