#What's happening?
You know that Russia investigation that's been going on in Washington?
Well, this is some of the stuff that they found when they went to go do that investigation.
It's so shocking that Congress itself has spent months making an exception to the secrecy in order to let you in on what they found.
#What did they find?
There is a large segment of the bureaucracy that hates our President and has weaponized the FBI and Department of Justice against him. They've worked there for longer than the President, and most of these people know each other. And they know how to press the right buttons and turn the right knobs to work the machine against their boss.
#What do you mean, what did they find?
There's this guy Chris Steele, he's British, and he looooves Hillary Clinton. And he hates Trump. He's a friend of the FBI, he's a source for them and they pay him.
The Clinton campaign and the official Democrat party *also* pay him. They pay him to put together a mean story about Trump. That was the Pee Dossier.
Chris Steele passes that story to his friends in the FBI.
His friends in the FBI *know* that it's fake. But it doesn't matter, they want to spy on Trump. So they make a Spy Application to the Secret Spy Court, "Can we spy on the Trump campaign?" The court says, "why would you spy on them?"
The FBI needs an excuse to spy, so they use the Pee Dossier that Chris Steele passed them.
Just in case the court doesn't buy it, they include a Yahoo! News article where Chris Steele was the source who said the Pee Dossier was totally real.
FBI *knew* it was fake. They didn't tell the court. They knew Chris Steele hates Trump. They didn't tell the court. They knew Chris Steele was paid by Clinton campaign to make that story. They didn't tell the court.
The court grants the request, and lets the FBI spy on the Trump campaign.
#Who are the FBI friends? Who's in on this?
Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosenstein, Strzok, Ohr and more.
This isn't run of the mill stuff. That Spy Application has to be signed by the big fish. Your boss' boss' boss reads and signs this application, saying that it's true on their honor. What's the word for lying to the government?
They're all in this together. They all meet and talk and have the same opinions. That's why the memo also tells us that FBI Director McCabe and FBI Agent Strzok and FBI lawyer Page (Strzok's mistress) all met to talk about an "insurance policy" against Trump winning the election.
#What happens to this Steele guy?
He's been referred for criminal prosecution. You can't do what he did. And he knew that. It was just a matter of not being caught long enough to take Trump out of office. Then FBI friends could get him out of trouble.
In fact, the FBI stopped being friends with him when they found out he broke the rules on talking to reporters and was a bad source.
But even after they fired him for being a bad source, they kept signing the Spy Application based on his stuff. A Spy Application has to be redone every 90 days.
FBI friends signed it total FOUR times.
FBI friends admitted under oath to Congress that they knew it was fake.
#What did they find when they spied on Trump?
Nothing. Which is not what they wanted to find, so they kept using the original Spy Application to make more and more investigations, which is why we have a million investigations now. They all came from this.