Looks like if the Dims don't agree now it'll be pushed back till after the election when we have greater control and we'll get more in return for amnesty. A win-win situation. The latino vote for Republicans in 2020 is looking MASSIVE, lads.
Trump: Immigration Reform To Possibly Be Pushed Back Till After The Election To Avoid Amnesty Blowba
Can we fucking stop with this, either deport them or give them amnesty.
I hate how the only thing saving us from falling to cuckservatives cucking out on immigration is the dems refuse even the most generous offers that would be way more beneficial for them than any white americans.
That's not what that is. It confirms he is 100% civic nationalist. You idiot OP, if getting republicans was so easy to do, it would have already happened.
Mass murder of Trumpniggers when?
Get bullied, dems.
Fuck off you, simpleton. He's playing the long con.
We’ll get more, and no amnesty.
Even better.
I guess all that matters is that look h'white to you, right?
You know would even be more reanimating for blue caller workers? Actually doing things you promised during your campaign, then promise that you'll do even better.
What would the party run on the next time? Starting to understand why multiparty systems are cancer? NSDAP is the only way to go.
Yeah I am well aware of it now, I don't know why I keep following the stuff. I guess I want to know for sure that there isn't any use left through the political system. I already know, but that little bit of hope is poisoning me.
And you notice that while all of this is going on and Trump moves the discussion to the left in cooperation with the over-the-top democratic party, nobody in the supposed "opposition party" or the "anti-Trump media" has a fucking thing to say about another 1,000 ZOGbots shitting up Afghanistan in a been-lost effort or his administration's cancerous anti-White threats towards German-Russian cooperation on Nordstream II.
So these are the new shill marching orders?
Trump is a master at making deals. That's been his bread and butter for decades. He wrote the friggin book on it.
He made this four-part immigration deal to benefit himself, not the Democrats. If you think about it rationally, it makes complete sense:
-Either the Democrats accept it (meaning they concede to a wall, ending chain migration, and visa lottery - all poison pill items which would infuriate their pro-immigrant base against them)
-Of the Democrats REFUSE it, stick a wrench in the immigration bill, and it goes on record as the Democrats REFUSING DACA. Thus poisoning their Mexican base against them for future elections. It makes the Republicans look like the reasonable party just looking for IMMIGRATION REFORM, while the Democrats become the very devil that they made the Republicans into.
Do you get it?
No matter what, Trump wins and the Democrats lose. He even gave a third option: elect more Republicans to create an even harder deal.
Never doubt his genius.
The funniest part is how 95% of their posted content is just trying to fit in desperately. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the shills has a mental break and just goes full 14/88 in the office and guns down half the shareblue staff.
12 year path to citizenship for a demographic prone to crime. Literally 0 will make it through DACA.
His most vociferous defenders are almost exclusively ultra-zionists.
Why does Holla Forums keep fucking trying to justify any sort of deal on DACA. No fucking deals, it's not goddamn acceptable to politic over the thing that got you elected.
It's not as bad as Reagan sure, but it's still cucking, and none of the things the GOP supposedly "gets" are in any way guarantied to stay if Dems get power again, which judging by how Trump's moving away from his populist appeal, might just happen sooner rather than fucking later.
Nonsense and the exact same bullshit arguments that were trotted out with the last amnesty. It's just another layer of agitprop to push it throw. Anything to injure White America for its isolationism and burgeoning anti-zionist consciousness. If they wanted them deported, they would be deported.
It's not Holla Forums. It's paid shills from the administration and the RNC.
One can only hope so hard user.
Dwight D. Eisenhower didn't sit around for 2 years going on about muh pr muh elections before putting operation Wetback into effect. Trump promised deportations, we shouldn't even be sitting here disusing any possibility of amnesty. We should've been busing them back day 1, not waiting until halfway into the presidency because muh pr.
This would delay stuff another year, then we get to post midterms and he might start saying, we will have to wait until after 2020 because it could hurt the turnout then.
What is a single actual noticeable thing that Trump has done for whites in this nation asides from not being Hillary?
If law enforcement was doing their job to begin with, these illegals wouldn't even be here, what makes you think they'll suddenly start catching millions illegals committing crimes now?
They are already criminals from just physically being here.
lol don't you idiots get it yet? Only Nixon can go to China; only drumpf can shove 1.8 million more beaners up white america's ass. You all have those red hats and so you can't stop sucking his circumcised cock no matter what he does to you. 1,800,000 chess goy, eat up and like it, what else are you going to do? drumpf was never anything more than a kikey release valve so white americans could let off some steam and imagine they were doing something useful.
TORfag gets it.
To be fair, that's already pretty damned big as is. But you're mostly right yes.
IF the Democrats accept his deal (they won't for the reasons I listed) it gives the Republicans room to define "a path to citizenship" into something which benefits the country. Broadly speaking this can mean that few "dreamers" will ever even make the cut. It could even mean things like giving incentive to take in Whites from South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Stop looking at this emotionally, instead look at it rationally. The way a machiavellian type would see it.
He pretend-bombed Syria and pardoned rebbe meth-slaghterhouse. Not really what you were hoping for? Build an empire with your child tax credit.
We are looking at it rationally – from the point of view that what Trump and his zionist donors see as the "country" and its "interests" are wildly different than what you trying to make us believe.
No. Trump said he'd be hardline on immigration. He isn't being hardline. Hence, it is a lie
Fuck the politicking reasons, it's still an outright lie.
But more importantly, it'll be seen as a compromise, when the country has made it painfully clear they're done with that. Heck, on both sides. Libtards aren't any more interested in compromise than real Americans are.
You should also be aware that this particular topic is a very easy D&C effort. Our (((enemies))) know that immigration is one of the big reasons, perhaps THE reason we supported Trump, so they will do everything in their power to blackpill us against Trump for the coming midterms and second election.
These are blackpillers. They are either shills wanting to divide us against Trump, or they are legit blackpilled and we should simply avoid them.
No, you looked at it like a blackpiller. As in, all routes lead to defeat and so we should never trust anything or look deeper into anything.
Trump is a black swan president. He is a supreme strategist who got where no-one would have believed. Have faith in the man and let's see how this plays out. He is certainly smarter than you.
William Pierce predicted his exact landing spot years before.
The only reasonable justification for offering amnesty is that he knew they wouldn't take the deal. He gets to make the enemy look bad for not accepting the reasonable deal (reasonable to the left anyway) and he buys more time to get more seats. If he gets more seats and still goes for total amnesty we'll have some ropework to do though.
The easiest way to stop the amnesty madness is to not push hard to deport them, but to deport the polticians who've been supporting illegals to behind bars.
Once you jail 50+ senators and a bunch of congress members & other politicians small fry, it would be a walk in the park to deport 25+ million wetbacks.
Criticizing the man isn't the same as turning away from him, or surrendering, you goddamn fucking faggot! Trump is not above criticism. No one is. Furthermore, if he is a leader worth his salt, he doesn't fear it. And I think he's better than any POTUS since Teddy.
The fact this even has to be said shows that those defending Trump are just weak of mind and can only view the fight in two modes, blackpilled, and full on "TRUMP CAN DO NO WRONG". There is no goddamn middle ground because the board's going the way of 4/pol/, infested with normalfags.
Supporting Trump should be bannable, tbh.
You can't divide what was never united. When did drumpf ever claim to be in favor of a white state?
Wow, that's embarrassing.
How'd that work out for Reagan?
But he still appears to have cucked. For fucks sake, most hardline Trump supporters are concerned about PR and yet they don't see this for the PR blunder it is.
Dems will NEVER vote for Trump. No one that, at this point, still considers voting Dem would even flip on it. We're down to lefties demagogues vs everyone else. And cucking only weakens him with his already established base (people with a shred of decency left)
There are no more arguments to be had. He should have pushed for everything he promised. Once the GOP cucks fail to pass it in Congress and Senate (not that it even needed to pass there), they'd be removed by 2018, and if a judge blocks it, let him enforce it.
Reagan was a liberal. He destroyed marriage in CA to get elected.
And the kike shills tried so hard to convince us it was actually happening
What point are you trying to make?
Well, I'm not American, so I can't help burgers in that. But it's true, all avenues should be existed.
There are no if's. He offered the deal already. Even the dems didn't take it, he still made the goddamn offer. In the eyes of Americans, it's still a compromise.
Lol transparent kike.
Its not about flipping votes, anyone who thinks illegals will vote republican are retarded. Its about suppression and demoralization. No amount of shilling could make a right winger vote for Clinton for example, its always about getting you to give up. DACA hasn't passed, Amnesty hasn't passed, you need to stop acting like it has before it has. Keep an appropriate level of outrage for if things come to pass you'll need all the anger you can muster.
Are you retarded or just a non-white? Either way, you do not belong here.
Checking my own dubs. Kikes GTFO.
Again with the Amnesty rhetoric. Did you really have to mention the word seven times, OP?
Trump made it harder for illegals to claim citizenship, They have to show good moral character and meet strict education and work requirements. This is a move straight out of the art of the deal: Make your enemies believe that they're getting something for free that they already had.
A 12 year path to citizenship in exchange for the great wall, an end to runaway chain migration and the closing of loopholes is a bargain.
Blackpilling against him when his plan hasn't even played out is what a blackpiller would do. In fact i would hardly be surprised if there were a hidden discussion somewhere going on between some reddit goons or shills going on to the effect of, "Hey it looks like Trump is offering amnesty as bait! I bet the alt-right is totally pissed at this, let's take advantage of it and really get some salt going!"
They know that Holla Forumsacks are a strong backbone of his base, and so they want to shill in our boards to break our support of him. That's all there is to it.
We even see "drumpf" as a slip of the tongue. The goons are here now laughing at us, trying to break our support of him.
Woah, friendly fire there user. I was mocking the goons here shilling.
Wait scratch that I didn't see which post you were trying to
Who are you quoting?
Yes, I agree. And Trump offering is demoralizing, at least it should be if you're not a faggot.
I don't quite understand what part of
Do you not understand? And again, how am I blackpilled when I have not given a single indication of "give up" or "don't vote Trump again". It's still the best fucking thing you can do as far as elections go, but for fucks sake, stop acting like every criticism of the guy is a shill.
Why would you ever support drumpf? Does he support the white race unconditionally?
Oh I understand it. You're either legit retarded for not being able to see a political play right in front of you, or you're a blackpiller/shill trying to divide support away from the man.
Shill alert.
Americans don't give a shit about chess they want these fucking leeches out the country NOT MORE.
Oh look, another gullible moron who thinks he's a grand strategist.
And to me you're either retarded, or a straight up lemming/normalfag who can only view things in black and white (and not even important thing, like good and evil, but shitty things like politics).
There is no excuse, no argument, no realpolitik move, that justifies lying on the biggest reason he got elected. If you disagree fine, but I still say this will end up fucking him.
But it isn't even about the damned amnesty crap anymore. The tactic could work fine and I'd STILL call you a faggot for the simple fact we've reached a point where disagreement is shilling.
Kikes ITT
Bad idea to turn November into a "referendum on amnesty" because no matter what the mid term elections were going to be "about", Dems are going to either take control or come real close thanks to how fucking rabid the media has their voters (look at Virginia and Alabama for evidence before crying demoralization). So they'll win those elections and then go "see? everyone wants amnesty!"
Fuck this. 2016 was the referendum on this, and we were loud and clear. Stop with this "we'll get so many latino votes in 2020 if we give them citizenship, guys!" shit. Reagan did that in 86 and that's why California has been blue ever since. Learn your fucking lesson. No amnesty for anyone, and ramp up the deportations. You have to get rid of as many of them and fix as many problems in the immigration system as you can BEFORE the midterms when Dems get some power back.
I can't locate any such sentences in the post you were replying to, or really in the thread in general. Are you sure you replied to the right thread?
Virginia is blue because of DC and Alabama got shafted over MUH CHILDREN (falsely, but still).
They can't really repeat it.
It's fucking nothing. Remember when he agreed with sanctions on Russia then let them fall through from his own inaction? This is the exact same.
You mean election fraud.
t. AlabamaAnon
Planning attacks
Dropping Jews
Gas every Jew at AIPAC
pipe bombs, ARs, on
I missed where it got overturned. If there were no negative consequences, it functionally wasn't fraud. Getting away with it is functionally the same as doing it legitimately.
People who think Roy Moore being a bad candidate is the reason we lost that election should be fucking gassed.
The man stood for constitutional rights, and God. And he wanted to overturn the supreme courts' love of gays. Alabama loved him.
Even worse, now that you remind me. Several states including Florida have legalized voting for felons since 2016 AND several key states like North Carolina and PA have had rulings that their district maps have to be redrawn to favor Democrats in time for November, so it's even more fucked.
In the unlikely event that you truly are just this retarded, then see:
However your rush to portray this bill as having already passed makes you appear more like a shill.
Alabama was a case of voter fraud. I'd be really interested in seeing how the investigation is currently going. It sort of went away out of focus.
I know the argument. I specifically said that politicking is not an excuse, even if he's pretending. In fact, it's similar to another iron rule.
Ironic shitposting is STILL shitposting. Same shit.
I wish he wouldn't pardon any of them, god damn it. At least the strategy sounds okay, which I expect from Trump.
If we're lucky, and Trump gets his Senate super majority, he might just drop amnesty altogether, although there's no way to be sure until it happens.
don't bother arguing with shills, user
Wew, now that is some serious jew logic right there. Consider suicide.
Indeed they should. Alabama deeply loved him and there is no way he legitimately lost.
Well that just reinforces my opinion on elections. user's should concentrate on running for local and state elections. A truly pro-White and anti-kike candidate wouldn't be allowed by them to take national office. Roy Moore was pro-White and still loved "muh chosen people" and they destroyed him. If you don't want to do that. Recruit local people you know. Prepare for struggle.
The concept's the same, but I suppose it is a bit reduction to absurdity.
That said
As if you need that for Dems. Just go full Wetback and it's done.
Yes dummy, we see what the alleged move is, in fact we probably understood it much earlier than you did. My point is that it's an incredibly stupid move, because trying to get spics, niggers and politically apathetic whites to "like" the republican party has been a losing strategy for whites in this country for the last 70 odd years. We don't care if the recuckilcans look reasonable, because the definition of reasonable has evidently been altered to mean "unlimited third world immigration."
Trump rode to power on the basis of a no-compromise immigration policy. Shitskins will not vote for the republicans, and Trump's mere presence in office is enough to galvanize them as we've seen in Virginia and Alabama. Cucking to them on DACA is yet another nail in the republican's coffin, because the kike and liberal control over the government bureaucracy means there are hundreds of ways for them to subvert meaningless shit like stricter visa requirements.
Gotta think like them to beat 'em.
This so much. Should be burned into our hive mind.
We need to perform our own march through the institutions. Out-kike the kikes and make it normal for pro-fash professors in blue states.
The world-class part is making the Democrats eat shit no matter what they do. Trump is very good at this.
This is why you're a retard.
And to add on top, if the goal is rather to demoralize the other side, it won't work because the other side will STILL march in lockstep with the commie Dems.
Trump won by being a good candidate, something that the GOP didn't have in a long time.
The Dems wont eat shit. Demoralization doesn't work on ideologues like libtards, only on honest folk like people that vote republicans.
What works on libtards is memes and hardline policies.
No one cares about your kike God, Roy Moore never talked about immigration, he was shit and deserved to lose.
Brock had a heart attack we stressed him out so much. A shill having a mental break isn't a stretch of the imagination.
Most likely the Democrats will reject it. Play right into his hand. If they accept it, they give him a silver victory because he can still redefine the concept of path to citizenship. The dems are forced to deal with their rabid spic base either way.
Trump just gave us extremely good meme material. Use it.
I can accept it's a deal made to be rejected. But if you consider it a victory in ANY way, that's just fucking compromise. So decide.
Trump is a traitor, not even a single illegal should be allowed amnesty, break the chain of decadence and rise up against the mods and BO for being bought traitors as well!(Astroturf)
Once you stop looking at it through the lens of what benefits the theoretical entity of the Republican party and what benefits the zionist interests who use the republican party as a front and kike family ties that bind them, Trump's positions make a lot more sense.
That's not what he said. He 7 in 10 want a reform that includes a permanent solution to DACA…he didn't state what that solution is. Heck he turns around and says DREAMers aren't DREAMers. Honestly that label is fucking cancerous libtard speak.
Look at all these (1)s
I'm not a (1)
Literally the same wording as all those fake liberal polls saying Americans want a permanent solution to DACA spics.
Didnt mean to click you.
It doesn't matter what Trump says.
The Democrats will never, ever agree to Pres Trump's terms so DACA will never happen.
He knows this. DACA will be forever a tool he can use to trigger "dreamers" and D&C the Democrats with.
Why is this so hard to understand?
I do, and explained why it's stupid. You're welcome to demonstrate to me why this impotent faffing around regarding DACA is actually more beneficial than immediately ending it, and offering nothing in exchange.
In which case the Democrats get to say the President didn't offer anything good enough, and their spic base will blame…. guess who? Nope, TRUMP. They may be frustrated with Schumer and Feinstein, but they'll blame evil whitey like they always fucking do, because non-whites vote mostly based on RACE NOT IDEAS. And if they accept it, we've got 2+ million more spics to deal with.
Because the shills are paid to not understand.
Good job, Trump. Please bring this great system to every country on the planet.
Except the spics saw the terms of the deal that the dems rejected, and plenty of the spics would have been happy with it.
This. I realize the man was facing the highest level of (((opposition))) any new POTUS has ever faced in history as he came into the office. But he should have started fulfilling this single most important promise that led to his successful campaign against all odds regardless. Conditions across the country would have immediately begun to improve, his popularity among the people who actually got him elected would have skyrocketed, the dems would have had the reality of the improvements shut their lying traps, and by this point 1 year into his term everyone would be talking about "I wonder what he'll do for his second term? What kind of legacy will he leave?" instead of no one really thinking he will make it past one term.
1488d chess
6.1 million spics (DACA + fam)
libtards btfo
Watching the cuckolds and admin shells trying to damage control and misdirect on this amnesty shit is truly disgusting.
Yeah we know, that's why we voted for him.
Fuck you cuck, traitor get the first bullet.
You might be right, when republicans lose seats he might understand people don’t like spics.
I suggest you read pic attached.
There is no bill that will pass.There is no amnesty. The Democrats rejected the deal and will never go for it.
LOL look here folks, we have ourselves a blackpill shill.
There is absolutely no mechanism via which to meaningfully end chain migration/visa lottery into perpetuity via legislatiom - these can be reversed as soon as Trump is out of power.
A wall is only useful so long as someone who can and will defend it is in power.
There is no justification for any form of amnesty, of any quantity. Period.
Do not pass go, do not gain $200, fuck you.
This argument has been fucking destroyed so many times at this point, and this admin shill would like you to forget as much, and to believe these hollow claims. Here's the reality:
-Either the Democrats accept it (meaning they get a HUUUUUUUGE increase to their voterbase in exchange for some short-term "poison pill" items which would infuriate their pro-immigrant base against them… to absolutely no effect, as their pro-immigrant base will either vote Blue or not vote)
-Or the Democrats REFUSE it, stick a wrench in the immigration bill, and it goes on record as the Democrats REFUSING DACA. Thus poisoning their Mexican base against them for future elections… To absolutely no effect, because Mexicans vote BLue or not at all.
Jesus Fuckign Christ you are FUCKING RETARDED.
_Men: 21.42% of Trump vote - 34% of Total Vote
_Women: 19.61% of Trump vote - 37% of Total Vote
TOTAL: 41.03% of Trump vote - 71% of Total Vote
_Men: 00.65% of Trump vote - 5% of Total Vote
_Women: 00.28% of Trump vote - 7% of Total Vote
TOTAL: 00.93% of Trump vote - 12% of Total Vote
_Men: 01.65% of Trump vote - 5% of Total Vote
_Women: 01.56% of Trump vote - 6% of Total Vote
TOTAL: 03.21% of Trump vote - 11% of Total Vote
_Both: 01.92% of Trump vote - 6% of Total Vote
The Republican party losing seats is irrelevant to Donald Trump. What he cares about is preserving the system where White America is perennially under threat and simultaneously herded into hivemind support for the jewish defense complex. He only cares about immigration of the wrong kinds of people who might interrupt that hold on White America.
He doesn't like White America if it isn't dying for israel and he will look to add onto the near-irreversible damage already done as punishment for their isolationist leanings and growing anti-zionist consciousness.
Look, another blackpill shill.
No, he's the reality pill.
He's saying the exact opposite of "give up". He's screaming "dig in".
Nah, use your supreme chessmaster logic to convince me and refute my points.
I said basically the same thing in this thread, but not as well. There's no refutation for it, because their argument rests entirely on the presumption that we give a shit about momentary, fleeting PR wins for the recucklican party.
A final solution even.
We get a wall.
We get to end the Democrats' 3rd world voting machine.
That is a victory.
The next front is in using the anger the spics will have towards the dems in our favor, meaning that we create a deep rift. In other words, we turn the golem upon its master.
Dems are so arrogant that they thought they could import voters and guarantee permanent power. We just need to use the spic's anger to remind them of that, and that there is another way. Let the Democrats' power unravel before them.
That is assuming the Dems ACCEPT Trump's offer, which they won't.
Been over this a hundred times now, so you must have only the ability to see one step ahead.
Here's how it plays out:
Trump compromises in his deal, by giving the dems a bit of whipped cream with a cherry on it. He KNOWS they won't accept it but it makes him look reasonable to observers. It undermines the dems propaganda against him.
The Dems REFUSE the deal. It doesn't matter what they say, because they had what they wanted: DACA+ and they REFUSED it.
Trump gets to shit all over them and show everyone what jokes they are.
We get a wall.
We get to end the Democrats' 3rd world voting machine.
That is a victory.
The next front is in using the anger the spics will have towards the dems in our favor, meaning that we create a deep rift. In other words, we turn the golem upon its master.
Dems are so arrogant that they thought they could import voters and guarantee permanent power. We just need to use the spic's anger to remind them of that, and that there is another way. Let the Democrats' power unravel before them.
That is assuming the Dems ACCEPT Trump's offer, which they won't.
Been over this a hundred times now, so you must have only the ability to see one step ahead.
Here's how it plays out:
Trump compromises in his deal, by giving the dems a bit of whipped cream with a cherry on it. He KNOWS they won't accept it but it makes him look reasonable to observers. It undermines the dems propaganda against him.
The Dems REFUSE the deal. It doesn't matter what they say, because they had what they wanted: DACA+ and they REFUSED it.
Trump gets to shit all over them and show everyone what jokes they are.
That's some delicious math right there.
Wow how fucking organic.
I never said that you fucking admin stooge, and you know it.
Says the Torfag moving in lock-step with the adminsitration shill? Go fuck yourself you worthless cuckolded bitch.
You have no fucking arguments and you fucking well know it.
- You cannot end chain migration via legislation into perpetuity
- You cannot end visa lottery via legislation into perpetuity
- A wall is only useful so long as it is defended
- An amnesty of any nature sets precedent and will drastically increased the Democratic voter-base
Quite frankly, the Dems would have to be fools to turn down this deal, and I whole-heartedly believe we are being rused. I think they're pretending, this is all political theater so that when the Dems DO accept a DACA amnesty deal, you faggots will think you've won somehow.
Fuck the Republican party!
This deal is like a man with a dog saying he'll shoot his dog (resistance to daca amnesty) if his neighbor will dig up his garden and salt the earth (visa lottery/chain migration).
Problem is, after its done?
The guy with the garden can just bring in new dirt and replant his garden/
The guy with the dog can't do shit because his fucking dog is dead.
Thus, if the guy with the garden really wants that fucking dog dead, hed be a fool to not accept that deal - because he can get his garden back, but once that dog is dead, its dead.
And I think at this point, this is all a fucking ruse to get us to think that the dog getting shot is worth it, will be a 'win', because we get the garden gone too… Except the garden will be back, wherein the dog will not.
Which is worthless as soon as someone is in power who doesn't defend it.
Which this WILL NOT DO, certainly not into perpetuity!
Bullshit. You're just an admin shill trying to maintain the narrative.
We are going to have a new Trail of Tears. We will. Kek beaner kids kicking and screaming to the wall where they get lined up and shot
That you don't need Congressional approval or horsetrading to get. Use the Army Corps of Engineers.
Why can't you do that now with a Republican majority everything? What does that do with the overwhelmingly non-White children demographics in this country?
It sounds like a huge victory for people who aren't White who already have the demographic advantage. You give them ~1-2 million new citizens free and in the clear, jobs building the wall and at all the new companies you're importing with hindustani and chink capital, and all they have to do is wait 10 years and reverse everything you ever did.
It's enough to make you wonder if the Democratic party really still is the party of the KKK.
Checked for 90% of Trumps base is White but we never hear anything about White people - but we keep getting reminded that muds (basically nothing in voter base terms) are working more. Wonderful.
A wall is worthless when you open the gates
How exactly? By giving at least 1.8M of them voting rights?
Again, if you wanna argue it's politics and manipulation that's fine. I think it's a shit move, but at least then there's an argument. Let me state this again. Let me use redtext for emphasis.
Cuckold faggot, you can’t ban the truth, america will Balkanize because of the spics and by hitlers will the whites will cleanse them with holy righteous fire!
The post.
Dude all you've done is blackpill based on a NARROW POSSIBILITY of what MIGHT happen. That makes you a stooge or a blackpiller.
Trump's getting two terms, fag. Deal with it.
Shill logic:
wow, that narrative doesn't glow in the dark at all.
Not if he gives amnesty, not allahs will imkikey.(mudslime)
The shills are really dumb tonight.
Fuck off kike, whites only.
Dems use war tactics to negotiate.
It's very simple. They demand a proposition from the other side. Then they reject it, and force another proposition. They do this until they're given everything they want with no strings attached.
Well, I say Dem, but it's a kike tactic really.
Perhaps they overreached here and wont get anything better. I hope Trump doesn't try at least. Ultimately that's the right thing to do.
You can NOT megotiate with democrats, just like you can't negotiate with commies, libtards, and most importantly, kikes. You don't play politics, you don't pretend. You wetback it, you Fall Gelb it, you fucking put a bullet, either metaphorically, or preferably literally, in their goddamn heads.
That's the only language these people have EVER understood since the time of Marx. It's the language they speak in every instance. It's how they act, how they think, and how they fucking function.
No, nobody is saying not to do anything. That's a straw man and an outright lie that you paid administration shills keep making.
We keep saying do all those adjustments after deporting everyone. It makes no sense to do it your way unless you want millions of amnestied mexicans – which you do because you hate White people in America for their growing anti-zionist consciousness.
No, you are just refusing to understand his posts. Minorities will ALWAYS vote democrat. I don't give a shit about trying to convert them into based republicans. I dont even like the republican party. Lately Holla Forums has been acting like republicans are our guys. They are not. It would be retarded to accept any plan that involves converting DACA shitters to our side. We don't want them. They have no legal right to be here. ANY agreement is a compromise that HELPS communists and subversives and does nothing but make European Americans FEEL like they won something. We should not celebrate until we see something that is actually worth celebrating.
Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?
Nothing about what I said suggested anyone was going to die. You have no argument and now you're just making shit up.
Its gross.
That's not an argument you admin shill, and if he's not careful, he fucking well won't.
t. Trump supporter
Admin shilling as fuck m8.
Narrow possibility? What, specifically, are you suggesting has a narrow possibility of happening?
Be specific.
The Donald reddit fags have come in mass, of course they are trying to manipulate discussion for le based black guy or le based undocumented worker.
Bro, its not 'redditors' - its the fucking admin.
If you think shilling doesn't come from both sides, you're a fool, and this place is getting shilled by both sides hard.
Bluepill the post. Top kek you think politics is how America is saved. You think a wall stops anything when the next Lib president makes sure to over turn anything stopping chain migration, VISA overstay, etc and zionist Trump NEVER deports anyone like the massive user of goys he is. Trump cucked you! LOl
I believe better luck will be had in withdrawing from Jewry. Jew Politics is like watching porn just jacking off and edging for that perfect durr chess moove? We will keep pushing for openly anti-Semitic politicians or no votes at all. We will form our own boots on ground in the Nw Pacific, CASCADIA, new white ethnostate. I will see a white ethnostate formed.
How is it a narrow possibility? You admitted yourself that the White House is free to dictate the terms of the "path to citizenship"
Do you really think the Dems will stay out of the WH forever? Do you really think the cuckservatives can be trusted to hold that sort of power? Even if you like Trump, and I do by the way, he's practically alone with both sides out for his head both openly and under shadows.
I'll say it again. I might start saying this every goddamn post I make on this issue.
Haven't you seen the drastic decline in the shills? The skinwalkers don't even bother trying to do anything but blackpill and consensus crack against Trump. I don't think I've seen them attack a single other point in weeks now.
Absolutely. Trump may or may not be /ourguy/, but the shills on his side are certainly playing a part in turning people against him. By SHUTTING DOWN any criticism of Trump, they reveal themselves and their goal: to ultimately shut down discussion full stop. We all know about the anti-Trump shills.
I don't want amnesty, I just want them deported already, either shit or get off the pot. I don't like being dragged around for another year.
It's fucking neither, most of us are in full sunk costs mode. Also closing the wagons out of fear (rightfully so) of the other side, which to be fair, there is no debate. Between Trump and the Dems, I'd take Trump any day.
But to put him above criticism out of fear of "D&C" is ridiculous.
I really just have to reiterate the point this faggot tried to unironically make:
I mean, what the fuck is going on here?
What world do these faggots live in that they think this narrative will fly on h8/pol/ of all places?
I mean, fucking kek dude, this is the narrative you've got your assets running with?
Trump is useful for now. That's about it.
your impatience is no excuse for a compromise user, especially a mistake of this magnitude.
Maybe because, god forbid, they aren't shills but just other Holla Forumsacks that disagree with Trump offering amnesty.
I know, it's a shocking idea, but if you remove the cock from your mouth for five minutes I believe you can understand, you galactic thunder nigger.
That tactic kept the TPP from being fastracked December of 2016 CIAnigger.
Holla Forumsacks aren't low time preference niggers and understand political games, which leaves the alternatives of you either being a shill, nigger or underageb& fag.
None of those reflect well on you, but go ahead, by all means, keep up the histrionics over hypotheticals. Your "genius" kike plans haven't been failing for four years straight or anything like that.
Now run along to endchan where you belong, faggot.
Why should I bother entertaining something that will never happen? That's how you spot shills. They take the slightest possibility of something and blow it completely out of proportion to create a deep fatalism in the board. They're the same types who would look at the investigations into Trump and Russia as proof that he is corrupt and going to be impeached.
Same strategy, different day: take a random impossibility and blow it out of proportion to try and divide and conquer the board.
You did what I already elucidated. You took a narrow possibility of defeat (conceding DACA) and amplified it to the exclusion of a likely victory. That makes you either a retard or a shill.
Blackpill sperg.
Autistic blackpill.
We're not seeing criticism. We're seeing D&C. Save the "criticism" for when he signs DACA into law.
It's called hypothetical thinking, also known as taking a possibility and exploring what you would do under said hypothesis. It is the basis of higher thinking and strategy, and is what separates a blackpilled shutin like you from the rest of us who are motivated to burn the Democrats down and ultimately restore the country.
No, they're shills. Or blackpillers. They just have a different strategy. You can see them by their fatalism. Any time Trump does something controversial or the media attacks him, they act like chicken little that the world is going to end.
We are already a year in, delaying another year for midterms makes it worse, then after mid terms, we start getting into the election drum beating again. This should've been started day 1, all we have at this point is a voter base unsatisfied with what has happened.
I am sick of sitting here while all that happens is hot air getting blown up my ass, either deport them or not, either give them amnesty or not. I am sick of sitting here every day having to read news of
It shouldn't even be happening. By the time if anything actually meaningful happens, it'll be less than 2 years to actually do anything.
The TPP had a lot of reddit manpower behind it, because honestly it's such a shit bill even normalfags can be convinced to rally against it.
Amnesty ain't getting that. But you should still call your reps anyway, because it's literally a zero effort thing that either does nothing or helps.
Are you always this gay, or is today SanFran special where you live?
then get the fuck off the pot. get off the computer, turn off the tv and go to the mountains for 3 months. let go of your frustration and move on.
Again, your impatience is no excuse for compromise, especially a mistake of this magnitude which would ruin this nation in short order.
I'm not the one proposing compromise, its Trump and the republicans. It shouldn't even be mentioned by them, yet here we are walking the tightrope for months.
We need a strict minimum IQ limit for people posting here. You would fall far below it.
Sounds like he is writing fiction novels m8, better suited for Hollywood. I think someone needs a red pill shoved down his mouth
> • reps are stupid and won't heed the two points above, hence people like (((Mitt Romney))) browning himself and rallying for BASED spics
Bluepills are all commies to a degree. Boomers voted for BASED civil rights and blacking of whites so anti-communist, anti-kikes like George Lincoln Rockwell could get killed by (((his own party member))) to make way for BASED MLK. Before them, Greatest Generation brainwashed into loving BASED WW2 and they did support it.
Bluepills are communist. 1bce05 is communist.
American National Socialist Party needs fresh blood.
I want all non-whites like you exterminated. Violently. Your aggressive stupidity deeply sickens me and I want subhumans like you removed from the Earth.
I'm not voting for Trump.
I'm sorry, when did Holla Forums stand united with a human (besides, say, Hitler)? I'm pretty sure Holla Forums stood by actions & beliefs, not people. E.g., the action of deporting all illegals, building the wall (supposedly underway?), draining the swamp (a lot of political shit is going on, but since it's the murky government, it's hard to tell what's "drained" vs "exchanged" for a different group's people), the belief that things should be done in the interest of the whites of the U.S. (notice, I didn't say U.S. citizens, that would encompass Paco who was born to Jose, an illegal), the belief that things to remove hollywood/modern media (which pushes degenerate + anti-white propaganda) should be removed (maybe uses the pretext of being communist/anti-american), etc.
Here's the thing though with that statement, unless you personally know the man (i.e. you've seen his true colors), you do not know for whom the strategy works for. What one can derive at minimum though is that, in the best case, he is a CIVIC nationalist. In that case, his base must push for him to keep as many of his nationalist policies as possible "Oh no, D&C, don't dare push for Trump to not allow any amnesty at all, it's a deal, they wont accept X or Y". Regardless of the deal, why the fuck shouldn't white nationalist types (or even the civic nationalist trash which is t_D), push for no amnesty? Just because it goes against the Trumps/the gov.'s deal? Who cares. A politician is meant to be forcefully steered by the people who promoted him into doing their bidding. If the people do not force their politician (read high-class con artist) to do their bidding, the politician will listen to the ideas of those nearest to him, or that give him immediate backing (in the way of deals, money, partnerships, etc.)
Sorry, I didn't know I joined a church.
What a passive point of view. As I've stated above, you should push for your views to become the dominant one. Being passive and thinking "Trump will fix it all up with his deal. Master strategist you know?" leaves everything in the hands of someone else, consequently leading the a high chance of your dream/desires not coming to pass. Push for no amnesty at all, push for all illegals getting out because they are committing the crime of being illegal. Pray tell, what is lost by pushing for this? Nothing. You might say "it causes a rift in the group (read cult), D&C", to which I say: it shouldn't be fucking D&C because everyone should just agree to not have amnesty. Once everyone agrees to that, there is NO D&C. If everyone believes this, and pushes for it ferverently, it might give Trump the perceived backing to do what he wants (should he align with us at all), and, should he not align with us, it'd show him that we mean business when we don't want illegals present.
tl;dr passively waiting = weak, no amnesty =/= D&C, pushing for the President to do something (whose power is derived from the consent of the governed) is not "bad", nor does it, due to some chess/stategy, miraculously go against your interest somehow (i.e. pushing for your interest =/= going against your interest).
Also, if you're just a gaurenteed replies post, kys.
If we were physically removing their voter base from the country, we wouldn't need to be tricking them into 'plans', they'd be losing their voter base.
No democrats are suddenly start voting for Trump or whites in general, the best we can do is remove as many non whites via deportations and put plans in place to promote birth control and abortions among non whites.
Fine, let me correct
Non-whites cannot comprehend complex plans and ideas.
The kikes' current plan of attack is to focus on "DRUMPF SAID HE WANTS AMNESTY" while leaving out the part where he said we'd only get it if the Democrats agree to something they would never agree to.
Did you not hear the booing from the Dems when Trump said he'd get rid of Chain Migration as part of the deal? The Dems aren't voting for shit. DACA is expiring in a few days. Everything the shills are pushing is complete, baseless bullshit.
They think we're as stupid as they are and that's why their shilling is so easy to spot, and why it has never worked in the year they've been pushing the same shit.
I want to kill them all for insulting the white race by doing their anti-white job so poorly.
So are you just ignoring the part where Trump, and everyone with a functioning IQ, knows the Dems will never agree to any deal if it includes an end to Chain Migration, or was that not in your ShareBlue training manual?
You didn't answer me at all.
I asked you, what narrow possibility are you referring to?
Be specific.
No its not you worthless faggot, you dodged the question I laid to you and then you said your cuckservative rhetoric is 'hypothetical thinking'?
Get the fuck outta here.
And answer the question.
The actual Anons in here have patiently explained numerous times that Trump most likely isn't going to offer amnesty at all because he's better at deals than the dumb kike opposition. I am inclined to agree with them. ICE has been busily deporting any spics they can get their hands on, DACA gets revoked when they commit crimes or haven't renewed, and Trump looks like he's about to run out the clock on DACA and all the spics are going to get deported.
Regarding the wall, the wall has to be built because we have a huge fucking porous border, it was a campaign promise, Trump keeps his promises, it's an infrastructure project that will employ whites, and Mexico is a failed fucking state so it'll serve multiple strategic goals beyond simple illegals crossing. Not to mention although we COULD simply patrol the border with electronics and quick reaction teams to shoot illegals dead, there's no political will for it, so a physical barrier makes police work easier rather than having an effectively militarized border which the American public doesn't have the stomach for.
That said, I personally don't care too much about beaners being in the country, because if America actually had rule of law, they'd be naturally selected out of the population just like the niggers, and we'd be back to a white population within a decade, because non-whites are incapable of not being fucking felonious criminals. With proper gun ownership and self defense laws, we'd have local ongoing culling of non-white populations in an entirely legal way. The "30 million" illegals would quickly be wiped out.
Trump's plan is very clever and it very much looks like they're going to be deported, so I'm patiently waiting to see what happens, making my opinion heard in the public sphere with phone calls and letter writing, as well as voting, and seeing where all this shit takes us.
What I'm not doing is freaking out like a complete spaz telling everyone to "Drump DRUMPPFFF TWOO SCOOOPSSS" because I'm not a fucking shill like you.
Then you say that your childlike impatience is the result of how the "democrats" are suddenly going to seize power back by mid-terms, even though the Democrat-leaning FBI is currently being culled, almost all of the democrat machinery is leaking people (DNC CEO quitting, congressmen stepping down, etc), and what will probably be the biggest political scandal in our generation is going to start breaking tomorrow.
What I'm saying is that I understand you're a panicked kike, and you should really just kill yourself and save us Holla Forumsacks the trouble.
Ok, so how do you propose we do that without it getting blocked and shut down by the kike courts? Even though they have no power or authority and (((people))) listen to them anyways? The only way to do this and not give them a loophole or a crack to slip through is to do it by the book.
I know you're anxious. I know you're tired of waiting when we're as close as we've ever been to taking back our country, but we have to do this right where it can't be easily undone as soon as Trump is out of office or JFK'd.
FTFY user.
I already said that even offering is a bad move because it only hurts him with his base, and wont cause any rift in the Dems base because the shitskins always vote for gibs.
Also the simple fact that being hardline is what got him elected. Even if he's only pretending to flip flop, it'll still look bad to his voters.
At worst he's going Reagan (which for the record I don't think he is), at best, he's sullying his image as the no compromise guy. Either way, it's a bad move.
But hey, never read Art of the Deal, guess I'm not qualified to talk about it.
The issue for me isn't even intention. I've already stated, regardless of intention, even offering it is a shit move.
Also again
There is NO WAY to maintain rule of law if you allow them to remain in any form because the dems and cuckservatives will keep using them to kike. You'll revert back to shit in 8 years, maybe a bit more assuming Trump manages to mine the agencies responsible for spic processing (courts included). But then the question is finding people for those positions that aren't compromised cucks.
Trump is alone. He should have used executive power and wetback them. That's all that should have happened. If the courts object, let them enforce it. And if he gets impeached he becomes a martyr. and kicks off the DOTR. THAT was the right move, and THAT was a win-win scenario.
When DACA expires "because Democrats failed to agree on the generous deal" it's not Trump who's going to lose voters.
He still made the offering.
I'm not the one that cares about playing politics over votes. I'm saying Trump should just deport them using executive power. How is that caring about PR, you fucking nigger?
if he's such a master at making deals, why has he failed on so many? both in his business life, and presidency? and why does he always go with the "i'm taking my ball and going home" gambit?
Supreme court picks are lifetime appointments, and in all likelihood Trump will get to choose four.
As far as "executive power," when you have a fifth column in the agencies then it's effectively impossible to order them to do anything, especially when you have lower circuit court judges issuing stays and injunctions and other bullshit the second Trump does anything. The reason Andrew Jackson was able to say "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!" was because the people with authority had the balls to ignore court bullshit. They don't have that right now, because the entire US government at federal, state, county and local levels is pozzed to fuck with kikes, pedos and other commies. So Trump has to play all these gay little political games so Joe Q. Public can understand that most of the people they've been taught to trust their entire fucking lives are actually not that great. This is a massive anti-mob operation against MILLIONS of people (I use the term people loosely when referencing them, and I do mean millions when you consider all the governmental workers in the USA and their party and 'club' allegiances) in the United States who have conspired in treason and sedition, and they are all working together, so Trump has to cull each one very carefully playing these bullshit games, because that's how the public (the millions of americans who haven't been inducted into the kike/commie organized crime machine) has been conditioned.
At one end, if Trump isn't careful, they will try to assassinate him. At the other end, we will devolve into civil war. Civil war / FEMA camps / ongoing guerrilla action would have been an inevitable result of a Hillary win, very worst case is that they would have had full Holla Forumsack dox and they actually would have come after every single dissenter Seth Rich style. Best case in a Hillary win scenario is that we would have had a brutal, damaging civil war that would have led to a massive power vacuum and USA civilizational collapse while kikes relocated to Israel/China/New Zealand.
Trump's trying his way which is a peaceful excising of the cancer. They may try to assassinate him, they may try to false flag some event (like they did with Paddock in Vegas, but look how that fizzled), they will LIKELY start another Weathermen-type campaign of terrorism, and there's still the possibility we'll have a full on civil war as different branches of the government pick sides because the kike/commie side is simply entrenched too deeply with the pizzagate shit, so entire divisions of federal agencies pick up arms against the citizens as they reveal their true kike nature communist revolution style.
Trump's still working, he will say many things before he's done, and I'll continue to calmly judge him by his actions, not by the smallest details of what he says or offers to the opposition who would rather see the entire country burn than lose their grip on power.
we've had trump shoved down our throats on Holla Forums for the last 2 years and the clown has accomplished absolutely dick. Stop wasting time here. InfinityPol is now up and running.
No Turks. Just Right.
>suggests he might do something
The white turnout was abysmally low maybe their votes were destroyed, and the black (((turnout))) was incredibly high. It reeks of stolen election. Moore was really a great candidate, the main victory would have been the left salt after the 'pedo' smear campaign. Instead, it was our salt, although there was much left salt before the result became clear since they thought they were going to lose and they're just saltier than we are in general.
Trump doesn't need to play politics on the deportation. He can enforce it regardless of what kikes in the courts do. As far as placements within the executive, honestly, just fucking fine the lot and place your guys in.
Fun fact, the executive is entirely under the president's control. The president IS the executive.
As far as public conditioning, his supporters would gladly welcome him going full purge openly. His detractors will hate regardless.
As far as assassination goes…well again, he'd be a martyr.
Also his actions have been good in some ways, bad in others. Hence, I'm judging him by the actions.
And the action of offering amnesty is objectively bad.
Interesting ideas user.
Good advice. I'll try to be more patient myself as well.
eat a niggerdick, /nu-leftypol/
Normally I don't even bother responding to those faggots because they aren't posting in good faith, but occasionally I write it all down because it can help me more clearly delineate my thought processes. Nothing I've written should be really that new to any Holla Forumsack here, but I suppose it's just probably the first time any of us have bothered to try to summarize the past year or so in a post, more or less because most people here just get it and it feels like preaching to the choir.
Trump is literally just waiting for DACA to finish dying on it's own in the next few months. He doesn't have to do a thing, it's already dead and it's just the grace period expiring.
This is some delicious salt. Your narrative is clearly failing and you know it.
One things for absolute certain in my mind regardless, and it's a point you touched on: If Donald Trump is in fact acting honestly in good faith, then he is literally facing the single most difficult Presidential tenure in American history. Every force of (((evil))) in the second heaven and earth are arrayed trying to frustrate him. I have a lot of respect for the man simply because he's facing that with a rather vigorous and upbeat attitude.
and also, he may literally be the single greatest shitposter of our time. at 70+ years old haha :^)
They haven't done shit for consensus cracking here for all their wasted shekels. Let them keep wasting their coffers.
Still here, although I fucked up the reply
That's for
You faggot.
He's the most masterful shitposter I've ever seen, and I've seen some pixels and shitposts in my time.
You might be actually retarded, user.
Trump absolutely still needs to play politics. Like it or not, Joe Q. Public still thinks there's rule of law in the country (there isn't), and there are "duly" elected democrats, appointed kike judges, and FBI shills who Joe Q. Public still believes are in charge (although less and less each day thanks to Trump's maneuvering and our efforts).
Trump can disobey the courts, but the fifth column in the bureaucracy is in such senior positions and has so much fucking blackmail, the whole mess is so interconnected, that he absolutely can't force it or the pushback will simply freeze him out entirely.
You seriously do not understand the extent of the corruption. It's not a few individuals here and there, it's MILLIONS of these kikes, cucks, faggots, pedos, masons and commies who have infiltrated every level of our society over the past two hundred years.
If you can't understand how fucking bad it is in the USA, then there's no hope of educating you at all.
He might be referring to the bankrupted casinos Trump had to be bailed out by Rothschild Co. over.
Nigger, he will never get latino vote, latinos and niggers vote for benifits and nothing else, which is why they will always vote Dem. He doesn't do this to get latino vote, amnesty or a deal will never happen, he simply uses this situation to weaken the relations between dems, lefties and latinos while getting undecided normies on his side by acting reasonable. In the elections he got the conservatives on his side, and now within the presidency he is slowly getting normies on his side and completely isolates lefties and their pets.
Which is why shooting Soros buses is the only way to go. Stay in the crib on election day, bitches.
Kill yourself, Paco.
4Dchess cancer aside this user is actually right, it puts the Democrats in a bind they can't win. But on the flipside it also shows Trump is playing politics, only for his benefit, and only looking to booster his standing.
Is it worth it? No matter what, Trump (and by extension Republicans) win out here. But America itself might not win out. Not sure if it's worth it, even if it makes sense politically.
Probably go south,
and make it great.
what kind of cuck that can't even interpret text are you? There will be no amnesty if they postpone. That's what it means to make a "no-compromise immigration rewrite"
you just outed yourself you kike. Go suck zionist dick on /r/the_zionald.
More like "lol sorry I don't want to piss off my supporters and lose big in the midterms :^)".
And then they all go back once Republicans have more control.
what would that help?
Do you seriously believe this? When have the recucklicans ever acted in the interest of White America?
hey retard, he said what the goons and shills were discussing, alt-right is the label they call us, he never classified himself as alt-right
learn to read
Oh look, the kikebart poster has showed up to help to help out Munro to get clicks.
Holy fucking shit, imagine being THIS new.
OP has to a be a shill
no one is this retarded
What the fuck are you talking about???
We'll be shooting you in the streets…whole families, before that ever comes to pass beaner.
trump isnt even on his second term yet. he's barely even been president for a year so he's still in the development stage of the game despite being far ahead in tempo than his opponents. only a nigger would be surprised at him still maintaining a prophylactic mindset
OP is probably talking about the legal latino vote; legal immigrants almost unequivocally hate illegals for bypassing the system that they had to go through without any punishment. Legals see illegals as worse than bottomfeeders.
Depends who you talk to. Some think:
Oh, mi pobre hermano nadamas necesicita un poco de dinero. Nadamas estan tomando los trabajos que nadie quiere, que es el problema? Mexicanos trabajan mu duro.
Pardon anyone who actually knows Spanish (mine is pretty trash tier).
That's a fair enough point, I can definitely see that; there's no denying that a lot of them are definitely fully and completely aware of their race.
top tier spastic logic. You aut-kikers will do anything to defend your zionist flavored ideology.
Also, never have the left mixed up NatSoc and alt-right. If you're so kiked that your actions are being confused with alt-right then you need to go back to /r/the_zionald.
all of those animals are already here, they have already multiplied, and they will only continue to do so.
Removal is the only form of progress.
He sends white men to die for the jews' profit.
He is an enemy, he has expanded the conflicts in the lands the jews are trying to incorporate into israel.
Good threads are locked and deleted, good posters are banned for making good posts. Any thread leading people to chat live or meet in real life is censored. No philosophical discussion is allowed.
The clickbait identity politics narratives are enforced, anything else is attacked.
The site is patrolled by bots that spam and troll and disrupt all conversation. These bots are clearly run by the owner of the site. Their targets are ridiculed with bot spam and then banned.
Most of the work of running this site seems to be done by bots.
This is all a trap, a government experiment of how to disrupt communities with AI tools.
Stable genius, user.
fuck nazi germans this is an american board and we support the greatest generation. republican until death.
Spoken like somebody that rarely has contact with any spics. Stop this shit, and stop this fucking meme. It isn't true and banking on beaners to do ANYTHING for you, especially voting anything right of pol fucking pot, is just setting yourself up for failure. We need a better goddamn plan than relying on spics. Fucking trust me, I've lived around these dipshits my whole life, this isn't how they work and isn't how they think. They all vote left and will continue voting left because their peers tell them that doing otherwise is racist. They barely know what that word means of course, but it doesn't matter, that's what they're told and the first law of dealing with spics is as follows: If their family and it will be their entire family, these fuckos get real antsy when they're away from everyone they've ever met for more than ten seconds tells them something is a certain way, it may as well be that way, because you will NEVER change their minds, no matter how hard you try. They're a lot like Pajeet in that respect.
Unfortunately, this is true. And even if you convince a few to vote for dignity over gibs, the rest will all be bussed around to vote for gibs multiple times. A perilous situation. Somehow the real Americans must be convinced to actually go and fucking vote in a midterm, and overwhelm the surely large number of fake ballots they already have filled out with Ds across the board.
you are totally overlooking the problems
the entire problem we have is retards like you making hyperspace jumps in your thought process
you have absolutely no ability to prioritize issues according to objective importance, you just want to throw a word in anywhere you think you can get away with it
if they were real americans they wouldn't need to be woken up to begin with
here's the reason you can't prioritize or think straight: you are obsessed with fitting in. You seem to think that this movement is going to need to be popular. You seem to think we need to conquer the whole west in one stroke. You seem to need everyone on your side in the end.
This country is lost. It's been compromised in every way.
If you are still betting everything on solutions "inside the system" you are a coward and not a man at all.
Then take your rifle and kill one of the big nine! If iys really lost then why post on this board to complain about it and do something productive!
No? Then you are either a coward, a dumbass or a shill.
All true. I do see a quite a few users questioning the whole structure of politics in US on this board lately, which is refreshing to see among the constant spam of GAHD EMPERAH shit since the beginning of 2016.
No one's betting everything. You're just looking for excuses to be a dick head.
Cry harder, you absolute fucking failure.
Trump can't just undo the last 50 years of bullshit in 12 months. Not even the President has that much power, and even the President isn't supposed to - this is why there's Congress and he's a President not a King.
So those insisting that he can't offer to 'negotiate' on DACA / DREAMers are either retarded, shills or both. But of course we already knew that.
The Dems and the Deep State will take years to dismantle, and Trump knows it. He's playing the long game, and offering to 'negotiate' strengthens his position, not the Dems. He hasn't promised them ANYTHING. But he hasn't ruled out anything individually as a small concession, to give the Dems an incentive to come to the negotiating table.
During the 'negotiations', Trump will place the Dems in an impossible situation - for any individual thing they say they want, he'll say "OK, sure, you can have a.) - on the condition that we scrap b.)"
The genius here is that the Dems need both a.) and b.) to be effective and keep their base, and Trump is going to make them choose one or the other, and alienate part of their base… Assuming he doesn't just string the 'negotiations' out indefinitely and run down the clock until there's no need to 'negotiate' at all. (Which is what he's talking about doing when he says 'let's just elect more Republicans instead').
So again, Trump is playing 4D Chess while the Dems are playing patty-cake.
Nice try still but Trump is going to make the Dems go to the election defending illegals
3 years from now
trump didn't do anything
trump is not undoing shit, he's slamming on the accelerator. More commitment than in 10 years to the jewish war of expansion in the middle east
Why do you yids keep pushing the same stale memes?
Holla Forums doesn't. His post reeks of Reddit. Just look at the reaction image. White Impact font text on top and bottom of the image is so 2011 over here, but it's still very common on sites like Imgur or Reddit. No one ever writes "my reaction to x" on a reaction image on a chan. It looks very out of place. Also notice the spacing.
>r*ddit spacing
That's just fucking pathetic. Put some effort into your shilling.
Who cares whether the kikes or the mudslimes win at destroying each other? Unless you have a horse in that race…?
I only care about getting BOTH of them out of White countries.
Because they are desperate
(Profesional shills)
And retarded
(Communists that do it for free)
how much is jared kushner paying you?
he's technically breaking the law by letting illegals stay. fuck off anytime.
Trump is doing way better than I could ever dream. This is political porn tbh.
I kind of feel sorry for our opposition NOT
We are running a train on them
I do it for free, so there's no point trying to make a better offer. I don't need shekels, I have an actual job.
And no one ever said they were going to get to stay. Only a Dumbocrat could be so retarded as to read it that way when Trump has promised them NOTHING.
And that's the point. Dumbocrats will see it as an opportunity to save the shitskins. That's their incentive to come to the table. There is no reason to believe they're actually going to get it.
Do you realize Trump is the only thing keeping you safe right now?
I don't suppose you do.
What you are doing equates to drilling holes/blowing up the dam. Lake is filled..
Murder is contained.
At the moment.
Can I ask you an honest question?
Do you want to die?
Except a deal on DACA.
hello, CIA Nigger. trump is putting me in more danger by letting a crime prone demographic that already is breaking the law by simply being in the country illegally stay in the country. fuck off any time.
How can Trump have promised them a deal when no agreement on a possible deal has been reached yet? Promising to negotiate is not the same as promising that the negotiation will be successful.
Step up your shill game or take the rest of the shift off.
I don't really think you understand the implications of you endeavours.
At all
Like other people have said, past presidents haven't waited to start deportations. This could all be undone with an executive order, he's either intentionally stalling to get more ziocuck republicans elected under the false promise of deportations or he's just pretending he isn't going the full amnesty route so people vote for him in 2020
and i don't think you understand the implications of 11 million + illegals getting to stay.
Can I be clear?
If you do anything to Trump, we will murder you all.
You are going to get murdered.
Like what? Not electing him again? He's not going to get impeached or anything because he serves the zionist agenda well and they have no reason to mess with his presidency.
You are going to die a very painful death.
Coming here was a mistake.
been here way longer than you, election / second exodus nigger.
Soyboy, we are.not.playing games.
What's your alternative? Dems? You're on the wrong fucking board, this isn't leftypol.
I'm getting sick and tired of this nonsense. Democrats and Republicans are the same people really. They all bow down to the Jews. Every single one of them, Trump included. He was nothing more than a release valve for White America to feel content for a while. Dr. Pierce warned us about it years ago. Whites in the US started waking up. After Reagan, Clinton, Obama and Bush Whites lost faith in the system. They begun to think outside the box. They were slowly getting tried of democracy and wanted real change. Trump put an end to all of that. He gaslighted us all throughout the election phase and in the end delivered nothing but more poz. White electorate went back to sleep. Their faith in the establishment restored. Next time Whites wake up it may be very much too late. This is what winning feels like.
Kill yourself before I expedite it.
Care to provide any counter-arguments?
who's we? all the kushner shills on this board?
pic related btw
There are several. One is simply not vote and take the vargpill. One is to vote for lolbergs who want to audit the fed if any such options present themselves, another one is to encourage white americans to become self-reliant by advocating for and implementing uncompromising pro-white communities instead of aut-right activist faggotry.
shit aesthetics/10
You seem to think your shill job is all fun and games. It isn't. You are going to get murdered.
nice argument
HAve a last.you
You are.going.to die
this isn't reddit kid
What for? Kushner isn't running for anything. Are you sure you don't want to accuse us of being Russians instead?
How do you even find your piss bottles in that mess?
Instead of being a tough guy on the internet you could be forming a serious rebuttal and defending your position. Why aren't you doing that lowering yourself to mere posturing?
Nigger, pls. You're going to have to try much harder than that.
look into what cadre is you stupid faggot.
You're right, he already has what he wants which is idiots like you thinking that supporting trump will help white people.
he's reagan 2.0 cuck
So Kushner owns a tech company that makes investing in real estate easier and forgot to list it on a form. What's your point, and how in the fuck would that prove anyone is shilling for him?
remember this:
conclusion: trump's campaign bought the Holla Forums board and Jim and his lackeys gave the vol + BO accounts to pro-trump shills.
Literally anyone can buy ads on 8ch. That includes you and me. You're butthurt because someone pro-Trump put their money where their mouth is?
Frankly, criticism of Trump should still be banned on sight, it'd spare us your pointless, impotent anti-Trump ravings.
It doesn't matter if Trump isn't perfect. He's the best option we have. Instead of trying to undermine him or work against him, if you're not happy with the progress he's making, go run for office yourself, Hillary.
If only you could feel..
How much I'd like
To wrap
My hands
Around your throat
I would also like to point out, that even after Trump leaves office closing in on two scooped terms, it does not follow that dems will be back in power just because that has been the case in the past.
I honestly don't even know what their 'reliable' base is any more, are spics, niggers and faggots really going to be enough to vote a new dem as president?
Don't forget how they burned they own voterbase firstly with obongo fucking up in everything but appearances and secondly with them scamming Bernie 'muh grassroots' Sanders. I mean almost 2 years in and we still have not the faintest clue who these faggots want to prep up as their candidate. They have limited themselves to an insane degree to the point where they have to chose between:
>magical spic kek
>another magical nigger topkek
>another stronk womyn third times the charm
>a fucking hwyte male toppest of all keks
I can somewhat see where all these blackpilles anons are coming from but at the same time I cannot remember the democucks ever eating so much fucking shit without any sign it will stop soon either.
Point is, Trump has a plan and the dems get to choose how they like to get fucked and nothing more.
If only you could feel..
How much I'd like
To wrap
My hands
Around your throat
Everything you hold dear will die.
You are responsible for it.
stay mad zogbot
I'm ok though.
Question is are you comfortable with watching everything you love around you die?
at this point anyone who's pro-trump is either a shill or a civnat cuck from t_d, which are you?
nice argument, cadrecuck
Your family will die of horrific death
Yes. I'm yet to see a single example otherwise. You're no exception.
Everyone report.this faggot
Enough is enough
I was not.fucking.around.
Everything you hold dear will.die around you,
Remember this post
keep shitposting.
If you hate 8ch so much, why are you still here?
stop that, user, this shill is more than likely a faggot and will only get turned on by your threats on the internet
Filter the cocksucker and move on.
i dont hate 8ch i hate kektards and trumpcucks. go back to reddit / israel
The dog literally shitted on you
not jewish at all, fuck off kike
run out of images, moshe?
back to reddit cuck
worse than amnesty? are you a retard?
jew mad, bro?
go back to reddit cuck
I want reddit to go and stay go
On which page of your shill playbook does it say "When everything else fails, just keep saying 'reddit'"?
on the page called "when the obvious ziocuck you're talking to starts spamming images from t_d"
your ZOG emperor wouldn't approve of that anti-semitic imagery.
You stupid stupid motherfucker,
I can see this is your work folder.
Are you too incompetent to scramble filenames?
at least im pro-white
they're saved directly from 8ch
specifically >>>/trs/
get fucked moshe
Shoot yourself before I murder you.
Well, I suppose this explains why your anus is still aching.
>doesn't know >>>/trs/ is the anti-TRS board that mounted those raids along with /baph/
No they aren't
How fucking dumb are you
lol you cant do shit soy boy. suck a dick faggot. im looking forward to shooting at and torturing non-white degenerates like you.
You started scrambling filenames
Big improvement!
Let's face it. You are dead.
I murdered you. Sweet sorosmonieburnin
soros funds cadre as well you retard, do you even know who you work for?
Underrated post
Don't forget amnesty deal that torpedoed our demographics.
Are the jews in USA ilegal?
Can we deport them?
he's never come out as fully 1488 in favor of a purely white nation, but actions speak louder than words goon-kun, and his actions quite clearly show he wants a return to original America, circa Andrew Jackson's time. he just knows you can only boil the frog so quickly, so he's taking his time to make sure it's done right.
you're looking at it too narrowly. by essentially giving the dems exactly what they want x2, but attaching it to a wall-first chain-migration ending etc. bill, complete with a long-term "path to citizenship" that would ensure a solid 70% of the Nightmares are deported before they qualify, he gives them an untenable situation. they either agree to gut their ability to bring in cheap labor/easy votes for a short-term, negligible increase in voter count that won't even occur for another 3 presidential cycles, or they put the brakes on DACA, losing support from the libtard left for having "betrayed" the Nightmares.
this gives us the choice views of a bunch of shitskins outside kike jewmer's home in new yawrk, protesting that he let them down. now, we all know jewmer and the other dems don't actually give a fuck about these people outside of votes, so now jewmer (and pelosi and others) are left with how to restore order to all these protesting shitskins without looking like they're "cracking down." probably a speech that further shows fence-sitters in America that the dems have no love for actual Americans.
so nothing gets done, because the dems don't want to choose, because they know they *can't* choose and come out on top. but they can't delay forever, due to the midterms coming up, and trump knows this. so he kicks the can down the road to a point in time where things will get even harder for not only the dems, but the recucklican establishment as well.
any R that isn't supportive of trump's agenda will be deposed, as trump will throw his weight behind those who agree with his views.
served it's purpose of draining dem coffers with more money spent in a single race than are spent on entire states during midterm elections. trump doesn't need every one of his supporters to win in 2018, he just needs enough to overwhelm dem opposition and pass his own stuff. and he'll be able to do it with plenty of cover, since he not only gave the dems time to come to a deal on DACA, but he gave them even more than they could have asked for, and then added even more time on top of it. the chaimstream media will spin it against him as always, but even the most retarded beaner will have seen the dems pass up one great deal after another and then ultimately lose in the end.
and no, that beaner won't vote for trump. but he also won't vote for the dems who "betrayed" him. it's a masterstroke that will crush enemy resistance while also providing necessary cover to trump to let him get away with his entire immigration agenda.
Sounds like we should gear up for more deepstate salt, looks like he's about to do it again
Holy fucking shit, Holla Forums is fucking stupid. The president isn't all powerful, he can't just do what he wants, despite the previous administrations outright abuse of executive orders. The game right now is all about one thing, political capital. Trump wants things, but he cannot get them without political capital, period. Any immigration deal, even one that grants some amnesty but provides a long term solution to the problem, gains him massive political capital.
During the State of the Union address, I was watching MSNBCs follow up to mine some salt and even the MSNBC pundits commented, 'Trumps immigration deal is fair. Democrats cannot take it though, because if they do, Trump becomes 'The President that solved immigration'.' That's from fucking MSNBC, the most lefty of the left media bullshitters.
Why do they not want Trump to be 'The President who solved Immigration'? Because doing so grants him massive political capital. He's solved a problem that's plagued the country for decades. He can basically write his own ticket from that point, no matter how many tantrums the Democrats have.
That's why Trump is offering 'reasonable' deals. It's all an investment to gather more political capital for future policy. It's that fucking simple.
(Illiteracy? On my Holla Forums? It's more likely than you think!)
Mmm… nah.
that reading comprehension
This strategy has really screwed with the Dems. By not approving the deal Trump offered, the illegal aliens see the Democratic party as standing in their way to citizenship. This may not prompt the Latino to vote R but they may not be fired up to vote D- and may not vote at all. I remember the conservative media saying Trump was going against his base by offering the deal,( + double the number of reported dreamers) but I bet my last shekel that that he was 99% sure the Dems would reject. The narrative needs to be pushed that the Democratic party does not want a pathway to citizenship as they refused the offer. Understand that the wetbacks in question and latino community are supporting the Left only because they were promised gibs and a stay. Next month when the illegal dreamer act runs out and deportation starts Trump can say he tried to keep them in the country but Pelosi and her bunch said NO. Trump is The Orange Wizard.
Ebin dog emperor.
Turkroaches? On my Holla Forums? It's more likely than you think!
Trump was pretty blunt about it during his speech at that republican vacation place. He basically said "Get us more congressmen or else we have to compromise." The media probably failed to put two and two together because it's such an important narrative. Anyone know the best way to send this message to drumpfkins? I've heard Holla Forumsacks say that /r/the_donald is where Holla Forums goes to tell normalfags shit, but I'm scared of seeing what that board looks like. Especially considering that both Holla Forumss have degenerated so much.
Felons can't vote in Florida, yet. A judge ruled the process we do (where the governor and some other people decide whether or not to restore a felon's rights) is unconstitutional, but it still hasn't been replaced. There will be a vote during the 2018 election determining whether or not we will let all 1.5 million felons vote. That, combined with all the Puerto Ricans, should be enough to flip the state blue' considering most elections are decided by 100k votes, or under. Hopefully we'll reject that amendment, but the attempted gerrymandering in PA and NC is much more concerning.
No, the reason there is so much one or another is because at this point most are deciding if it is time to unleash war or wait just a little bit more to see if something can be salvaged. If Trump fails it showcases for all to see that politics has failed. And politics is the art of waging war peacefully. The alternative is well over one hundred million dead in this nation alone, likely half an billion across the world.
That is what you area hearing. Its not blackpilling. It is an subtle call out asking for people to prove why an man shouldn't drop all pretense and accept the harsh reality of what stands before us. Trump was never for men like us, not matter how much we wanted him to be. Trump was for the others, the average faggots of the world whom don't want to have to deal with cold hard truth from the end point of steel and the brutal pain of starvation and disease which always rides next to such actions.
Trump either grasps the reigns which have been given and guides this shitshow or god help us all. The blackpill is the thought that any politicking is what matters. Above 80 million spics in this nation, looks like 40 million shitskinns in the euro homeland at least. The choice has come, and we all know it, either them or us, and EVERYONE knows it even if they don't want to speak the truth even in their own mind. Trump for better or worse is the cornerstone of how the future unfolds. But he doesn't get to do anything but be the one whom chooses the path, he doesn't get to be the one leading us down it either way.
Dreamers or Killers? Manhunt Underway for DACA Recipient Charged with Murder in Texas
But that's not "no effect". If they don't vote at all, Trump wins again.
Thanks, I' m a Hillary voter now.
Im with her
JEB! 2020
If by a miracle the dems win out in the midterms then his entire long con falls flat. Get them deported the fuck NOW when you still have a majority to guarantee their removal.
ay dios.mio,
Dreamers or Killers? Manhunt Underway for DACA Recipient Charged with Murder in Texas
Trump is a disgrace, just more of the same.
What a waste of a get, go back to r/the_cuckold and tell me all about how your BASED SPICS IN MAGA HATS are gonna vote for not free gibs and not deported from the Jew.S.A.
I thought he was supposed to be a silly reality TV star that din no nuffin bout dem politics?