the 88 characters requirement seems like a little much but okay famalam
the 88 characters requirement seems like a little much but okay famalam
Other urls found in this thread:
Yid free first post.
I'm waiting for all the ads that are gonna shit on Trump but become great meme material
Kike free first post
I predict that the super bowl will be interrupted by a massive swarm of helicockters.
Give it a rest.
I predict that OP will suck massive dick
This is kinda interesting. Would a (((terrorist attack))) really benefit them this time? If Trump releases the memo tomorrow this gives them the remainder of primetime friday to try and play it down. Then Saturday no one gives a shit. Then Sunday when the "attack" happens they will cover that and Trump moves ahead with his next move.
Did Trump plan it like this so their own distraction works against them?
I thought it was the globalist cabal of nahtzee's led by Herr Soros. It's the catholics now?
There was a G4S van near the Ecuador embassy the morning after the supposed Julian Assange abduction, back in 2016. We spotted it when one guy went to the embassy to get some info on Assange and was streaming via Periscope.
The superbowl has turned into to yearly september economic collapse meme. Will it happen? Magic 8-ball says no, but if I shake it enough times eventually.
t. sinead
i dont see where that claim is in OP's post
if there is an attack though, it means that the NFL is gonna take another massive hit where it hurts; their wallets
LARP or not, a fun thought experiment. Trump fucked them hard without lube, so a false flag is back on the menu.
From cuckchan:
Somebody says this every fucking year.
Honestly if ever there was a venue where it would be most plausible it is Minnesota where it is being played and the Super Bowl, which it is. Muzzles in that area must be chomping at the bit with the opportunity.
Checking those quads. It's in the screencap.
I have some experience related to Minnesota.
Lots of alphabet soup fuckery, pedowood fuckery, and antifa fuckery going on there and it hurt me in a big way.
I'd sooner believe that Half Life 3 is gonna be released as a shitty pay to win CoD clone than this ever happening.
Knight's of Malta is a Roman Catholic order so guaranteed to be kike controlled.
ah, okay; didn't know
I'll point out, though that a great percentage Catholics including myself don't trust the argentinian man
Kill yourself. Immediately.
He ain't wrong.
You kidding? Pulling a 9/11 on the Superbowl would give the NFL and whatever city it's happening at a lifetime supply of pity dollars and federally provided security detail.
I'm hoping that something like this will happen here. It's silly to think that all the years that minnesota has had the second highest number of somali immigrants that nothing major has happened. We're all just waiting for when the inevitable fuck up happens here.
I'm guessing that somali's gang-raping white women is both routine and not considered "major", right?
The attack is gonna happen right after a set of commercials so that its a double-whammy of "kill yourself whitey"
That's part and parcel at this point. How much outrage do you see over it?
hm, i was thinking that people would be afraid to go to the superbowl, but that seems plausible too
About as much as I expected, I guess.
That's the usual wherever Somali's are, even the Somali cop that shot a White woman from the his cop car was completely memory-holed.
Checked under the rune gebo.
Granted, I don't see them pulling something like that off until anti-NFL/football in general sentiment is in the a majority of the white conscious, which doesn't seem to be the case yet. They wouldn't want some of the best goyim around to be caught up in collateral damage after all.
Oh fuck I remember that now… Even using it as a counter-meme to dindus like Trayvon "Obama's Spiritual Son" Martin it still got holed.
Cryptic, no?
>implying it's just the current pope
Well if an attack were to come I would suspect it wouldn't have to do with inside the stadium but outside and before the game when everyone is headed to the stadium. Knowing how those fucks operate that would be their typical window of opportunity that they like and what we have seen them do many times over across the globe.
Given the amount of people which will be high volume and given the amount of Somali hiding spots/apartments in the city this is the one city I have been concerned about for the SB since so much shit has happened in MN but the major media never reports it because it's always Somali's.
G4S is the largest police force in the world. They operate in the biggest shitholes like South Africa, Afghanistan, and London. They employ 585,000 people are are far from a scam.
Bets on how long it takes Jamal to flood in to call this a "LARP" and screech about "MUH Q"?
OP is a lazy faggot but superb owl sounds like a very likely time and place for something to happen, especially shortly after the attempted hit on the GOP after the SOTU.
I think the biggest take away here is the fact they had to spend two years to plan for the security at an event in the US. That speaks massive volume about Minnesota. Two fucking years!?
Well that assuages my fears, after if we can't trust the good hardworking people of the (((FBI))) who can we trust?
Water nigs (Somalis) that don't know how to pirate properly couldn't succeed in trying to rape somebody if they tried here.
Glanced at some statistics in the last few years for minnesota and barely any reported rapes. It's mostly thefts and property damage, if unreported, no wonder why the police shooting was scrubbed. Race traitors.
Of course they don't but if all they wanted to do was kill whites then they'd have pulled this shit off sooner, not later.
I don't mind their skin color, it's very rare you see organized, disciplined niggers. Or I guess if they're chimping they'd be niggers, now they just look like regular people.
Although, does Gambia need a big police force? I wouldn't leave NA if I didn't have to
The Super Bowl False Flag Attack
Terrorist plot: Attack the Super Bowl
Complicit parties: FBI rogues (op castaway, op fast & furious, criminal gun running > ms-13 > isis), Bush/Clinton/Obama (Corrupt Criminal families)
Setting: "Little Somalia"
Vulnerability: Exposure of racial/cultural/immigration degeneration (mall of america) in that area of the US before attack, when attack is attempted it confirms the racial/cultural/immigration point and opens the door to rapid and serious action. (muds out ree)
Detroit had a super bowl a few years back the place swarmed with HS and their big target was nigs bootlegging super bowl t-shirts and shit.
NFL trade mark was be infringed swat deployed.
Black muslims bomb niggerball theater, time to crack down on "neo-nazis" and "hate".
Hey they share the same skin color with some pajeets.
What about the flared nostrils? The monkey lips?
Also you need to learn more about niggers before you start thinking they can ever be truly human.
Detroit is nothing like MN in terms of the Muslim issue. I don't think people quite grasp the Religion of Cuck™ spread there and how many issues have occurred.
Can we hope for something interesting to happen during the football for once?
Read through the last line of that prediction:
I disagree with the premise, but given all that is happening with the memo, train 'accidental' crash after Trump's team 'leaked' false info that people were on the train (who weren't), and so on - there is a possibility just because they are so wicked.
If this happens, Trump will somehow be blamed, people will be distracted from the memo and many white voters will die. The word should be spread about this, they need a false flag more now than ever and they have everything to gain.
The g4s company obviously facilitates false flag attacks.. next big thing in the states is the sportsbowl so stands to reason it may very well be compromised
Guess I'm going to watch the Superb owl after all.
Look up Dearborn the largest collection of arabs in the world outside of the ME.
It's the one game I watch a year but that's mostly for family reasons. Hopefully it will be as hilarious as last year if nothing else.
MN also hosts one of the largest population of swedes outside of the caliphate.
Where the swede goes, he must also cuck.
Oh Dearborn hell yes, but not Detroit. Detroit is BAMN country and heavily nigged.
Another way of looking at it is wherever the most attractive whites go, the nigger must follow out of jealousy and desire to rape.
I am not trying to steak the MN somali thunder for the souper bole am just saying is all
The thing is there is all city for a long way in all directions so detroit and dearborn are really just lines on a map one full of nigs one full of shit skins
Terror attacks are predicted for the super bowl every year so I'll hold my breath, but the reasons listed in OP's pic are pretty damning. Ratings are at an all-time low. For the first time in maybe ever, the NFL is probably expecting a lower broadcast count than ever before. Stadiums don't sell as many tickets anymore what with everyone having 4K HD OLED Smart™ TVs now. The NFL needs a good reason to shame the kneelcucks and get boomers watching again. If selling $12 boxes of promotional freedom fries with free Xbox Live codes to help fund our boys, girls, and non-binaries fighting against the ISIS stadium bombers and for some reason Assad's Hitlerific regime is what it's gonna take to boost ticket sales, broadcasts, and ratings, then so God damn be it.
I get the distinct feeling it's a result of something being bred into us. The kikes have been domesticating whites for some time now, even look at the generational gap, look at pictures of 18-19 years in the 1940s, and compare them to the chubby round faced overgrown children of the same age today. That's straight up neoteny at work, not to mention the instilled mental conditioning. When you look at this in perspective with the fact western Euros have been breeding out aggression for centuries it spells out a bleak fate. A proper people wouldn't have allowed things to reach this point, while the niggers doubtlessly need gassed as well, we're going to have some serious work in repairing on own genetic legacy.
Re-engineering ourselves with CRISPR to reintegrate our now lost more warlike nature might be the only hope we've got to turn this whole thing around. Even if we gassed the kikes tomorrow, a lot of damage has already been done as we're no longer the proud race we once were and that has to reversed.
Yeah no doubt they have a presence there, absolutely no doubt. But in MN they are literally everywhere and shit happens every single day which nobody ever hears about.
Example the Minnehaha Academy which looked like it was hit with a Patriot missile, the explosion at the train yard a few years ago:
.. the Australian lady killed by a cop and him disappearing and many others not to mention Bloomington Mosque which, literally, maintained over twenty people who were arrested for being members of ISIS.
Jake Bhram didn't you learn not to mess with football
By your timeline, a terrorist attack works for (((them))). In fact, it’s a prime reason to suspect they’ll try it.
Sure, tell everyone about the security preparations. Just like they did for the GOP baseball game.
It's concerning from a intelligence/security standpoint for another reason as well and that is such announcement never take place. Seriously, they never do. Check previous FBI, CIA, OSI, HLS, whatever, any of them, they never make public announcements like this.
I don't like it, doesn't sit right. Doesn't feel right and from a security standpoint has no point.
Imagine my subrise.
Not so negro, the solution is to regain what we lost not try to sneak the fruits of merit in through the backdoor. Jesus, and not Denomination LLC d/b/a Jesus Inc., is the way.
I predict I don't give a fuck about the superbowl and anyone who still does is a fat fuck leftist cuck.
Fuck the NFL.
< Q user thread
LII has a 911 ring to it
Kinda flipped upside down though so maybe this memo will be like an upside down 911.
Don't care
Terrorists are going to come build towers for us?
if dubs, Israeli nuke goes off and the Kali Yuga ends in cleansing fire
They already tried crashing this train with no survivors!!!! Fucking seething liberal scum deepstate!!!
Hasn't this prediction been made every year since Isreal first made ISIS?
i recall there was some suspicious security firm also responsible for the security of some major property next to that english apartment building that was burned last year and i think the same cunts had to do with the security of that african mall that was hit by terrorists. It seems like a repeating theme, really makes you think.
Our evolution comes with winter and war. Always has. Strongest and smartest survive and breed. Nature will correct our foolish trust of the Jew.
They're gonna fly a building out of a plane?
Sounds like a good name for a WN movement to me, maybe in Greece or Italy perhaps.
Kinda off topic, but no thread was made on it.
Vince McMahon announce last week that the XFl will make a return. He plans on "re-imagining" the game. Faster plays, shorter game and plans to play during the NFL off season. But what has got me interested is that he stated that the XFL will only be recruiting players with no criminal record, specifically violent crime. I see a whiter football league in the future and with McMahons timing of this, he may have a chance with this. A terror attack on the NFL will only increase his chances tbh.
The XFL was very close last time and, back then, there were no issues like there are today. I would not at all be surprised if the XFL gave the NFL a serious run and at the very least forced them to cease the PC shit.
Nothing stops PC quicker than the loss of money.
Very thoughtful to only hire non-criminals. That will help the nfl so the cost of their players doesn’t get bid up.
Here's the presser. Was a bitch to find the full version and couldn't locate it on hooktube.
Too late, owls are already a kike symbol.
I will say it's worth a watch just to hear the sniveling kikes questions from Buzzfeed and The NYT.
Will watch video highlights, maybe.
Depends if it's mainly players or crowd getting shot.
It follows the pattern of taking false flag attacks ideas from Tom Clancy novels. 9/11 was from a Clancy novel. Bombing the Superbowl is also in one of them.
Hmmm, alot of the players (I'm looking at you kneeler-nogs!) have it coming, but dead players may inspire an outpouring of support for hand-egg, which would prop up the NFL when I want it to fucking die. The crow on the other hand? While I definitely think anybody who pays >$100 to sit and freeze for hours to watch sportsball is a detriment to our gene-pool, I cannot in any way justify the deaths of innocent (i.e. white) Americans.
That's one way to get sympathy for traitor monkeys and insurance money to bail out a stadium not making as much as expected.
He's already making two good decisions in starting his season later than the NFL and keeping the team number much smaller.
The Owl represents Minerva (Athena) the Goddess of Wisdom and Strategy. Like many of the symbols they utilize, they've perverted an ancient indo-european goddess symbol and twisted it for their own purposes.
Is this the DC Police Chief who was succeeded by pic related, the pedophile?
an attack could also serve as a convenient "out" for why attendance numbers will almost certainly plummet again next year
cleverly gave himself a 2 year window, ie, right around when Brady (likely) retires and the league has absolutely nothing left
An actual evangelist wouldn't be against denomination.
Considering that I interviewed for them and had nothing but niggers running the operation, I'd say that they are a shit hole company.
Stop trying to get me to tune in to the nigger worship event that is "the super bowl", chaim. We know you preemptively realized ratings would plummet when the slaves began stomping on the flag and you wanted to make a reason to get more viewership in the hopes of seeing (((something))) happen. Bye bye moshe!
Anti-American NFL dying by dead ratings good, Super Bowl terrorist attack bad.
This. Combine an attack on the Superbowl with blaming it on white supremacists and you have a multi-billion dollar money maker for the (((NFL))). The do love their synergies of mission and profit.
So…he's literally planning on making a White-only handegg league? Count me in if he holds true to the promis.
hey remenber how 9/11 happened after audits reported missing trillions of dollars,and how the airplane hit the records room of the Pentagon?
Remember how the IRS's basement caught on fire during the Tea party scandal?
Ya, especially if the leauge kicks out people for committing a serious crime, or too many.
Why was Michal Vicks allowed to play once more after the whole dog fighting?
Do I smell a LARP? Better start 17 new boards about it. Q-ueer
That's nothing, Baltimore wants to put up a fucking statue of Rapist Lewis.
Baltimore is lost to the nigger hordes. If there's still a statue or anything public in memory of Edgar Allen Poe, I hope someone buys it and moves it out of the city before the nogs go on another ratmpage and decide that more statues of rayciss Whitey need to come down.
I'm going to predict it's something in or near CA.
last weapons crate disappeared 9/28 along with four fat Armenians in a new light gold bentley. San Francisco Bentley plate holder. Chrome marque plate. Swift.
Now two crates in side yard covered by black tarp on trailer. Hwy 62. Why there? Going where? Lv. Ordinance this time. Bigger. Heavier. Bigly plans!
Paddock thread a few threads back. Hello SBSD niggers. Be more observant. Wake up.
It would genuinely make sense for them to try something with the super bowl, ZOG control is weakening dramatically, and it would serve to distract completely from this FISA investigation document/make patriots stop questioning things and fight more wars for Israel.
I member
newfag / jew detected
Packers fans would still hate the Vikings, even if they were nuked.
Attacking CA would be a major strategic mistake for them considering CA is the one state that currently is so welcoming to them. If they attack it that will give the feds the major green light to show up in force which is the last thing they would want.
No, no I don't think west coast as they would be cutting off their own nose.
If the memo is as good as it's been hyped up to be, and from the way the lügenpresse has already been in ultimate damage control it seems likely then I could see some kind of Superbowl false flag being the last card they have. Kikes will never stop doubling down until they get shoahed.
Here's the thing. If the issue was mainly/only spying I highly doubt we would be seeing this massive of panic going on. There has to be something in there that we haven't considered yet and is very bad in my opinion.
Maybe somebody forgot to use their pedo-codespeak when using official gov't channels to order cheese-pizza with extra walnut sauce?
If it's that bad I have my doubts of them letting it get released. They're definitely on damage control though. The train derailment was the most desperate and obvious attempt they've made in decades.
They can keep that down. They can't keep down something major happening at the superbowl.
If the memo comes out tomorrow… maybe, but such predictions NEVER happen and with the level of security, I don't see how they could get away with it. Every year the biggest and best gear is brought in. Maybe something, somewhere else though.
I doubt Trump holds it up. I think their only option would be to force their media to hide it in results as much as possible I guess.
No, nothing will happen, but you're an idiot for not considering this.
It's actually a good point that they can keep it down. Look what happened to the cop who murdered that woman and then wouldn't speak to investigators. Notice how that shit just fluttered away…
Safe as a congressional train ride!
Been an interesting few days though of under reported news. Helicopter crash at hotel in LA that had rumors swirling around it for years about it being a drop point for trafficking, NYPD SWAT cop who was on the team that raided Weiner's house commits suicide, and the Hamas leader accidentally shoots himself in the face and dies.
Not to mention the train "accident" of course.
The public should be assured that if we can't secure the tracks of a train that contains half of one body of Congress, two years is plenty of time to assure YOUR security. Thank you.
Do "we" have confirmation on this , can US citizens get info that the stadium changed security contractors?
For normalfags it's one thing reading the truth on Holla Forums and other thing reading it on "official" documents with all the media coverage
Anyone who was like "Those nazis can't be right" will see that Holla Forums is always right
I could have made a better point there
Maybe someone will think:
"If they are right about this what else are they right about"
Also ,non Holla Forumsacks don't even believe that the governments spy on everybody all the time,Which for "us" is just a fact of life
There have been autistic superbowl false flag predictions since at least 2009, this isn't any different. Nothing's going to happen.
I don't know what mall attack you're talking about. Hard to find anything other than the one in Nairobi.
All the Grenfell Tower talk seemed to be about the fire alarm company and the construction. Don't see where security matters - the place was designated living quarters for terrorists.
Something about this post smelled like a shill to me, and I get what angle he's playing now.
What this chaim would like us to do is not have a hundred anons making backup recordings of every angle we can get on the game so as to autistically investigate the aftermath.
Reported for intl. Blow your fucking brains out, KIKE.
Part of me wants this to happen simply because that’s the end of niggerball.
As long as the jews lose control of this and it ends with their and the rest of the communist's and traitor's heads on pikes.
It would be funny if they accidentally issued an alert and nobody showed up.
I don't think they'll have the balls to do anything at the Super Bowl, because it would be too obvious with so many now anticipating it. But here's an interesting little known (by the public) piece of history the prospect of trouble at the stadium reminds me of.
just fucking die
Why in the fuck would they set up a false flag attack that makes them lose control? That's not how it works.
Holy fucking shit you obviously know nothing about the (((british))) company securicor that became g4s. They get all the government contracts even though they perform poorly.
They "run" the prisons where feral packs of negroes smoke drugs and use mobile phones to conduct their criminal life as though they were free on the streets. That and the muslim gangs that do what they want.
Not only that but they we're the security that were defeated in the two biggest heists in the last 10 years.
If you are a bong, G4S are a big joke and evidence of the utter corruption gripping our country.
Not a scam? You cunt.
Chaim - if you were an actual poster you would know that television footage means absolutely nothing during events like this. It is the fan footage - snapchats, instagram posts, twitter, etc, from the attendants THEMSELVES that we pay attention to. Do you actually think they are going to show anything of quality on whatever channel is hosting this nigger event? Get out of here, moshe.
How recent is this?
pic related
full of info
yes, drone strike using real world cars similar to the Trash truck that was used to "attempt" to derail the train. This image was deleted from a 4chan post shortly after the incident. It isnt often that posts are individually pruned but this one was
well….. not the traditional "drone strike" but just think about this movie for a bit and you may get some ideas. Passenger plane crashed into bowl remotely?
Big if true
Group 4 Security has nothing but a bad rep in britain but keeps getting those fancy gubment contracts. Bit odd.
They did this with Mandalay Bay, they planted their own security firm months before someone towed 30+ guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition to the 31st floor of the hotel.
The security firm had just unionized and the president had a history of racketeering charges that he somehow never served time for. If they control the management level of all security personnel, they control eyes and ears. Superbowl is certainly a coveted target, especially with all the cameras. Plus its such an "American" thing as well.
It would be a mistake to attack Superbowl though, they fuck around and unite us again and all bets are off. We already know that CNN will falsely report on whichever "flag" is to blame. I'd be more willing to accept Q's answer to the attack than MSM
there's as many reasons not to do it as there is not to…. idk, i put nothing past deep state swamp creatures js
Minerva is hungry for a happening
Actually no, every time to try to really wipe out an entire gene it resists by pushing back. Openly killing whites would be almost impossible. The only way to make a species go extinct is to change conditions in the environment such that the species cannot survive. So things like INTRODUCING a new competitor, eliminating sources of food (jobs, manufacturing, etc), and destroying any beneficial social behaviors (family unit, tribal unity).
Some "i hope someone blows up the superbowl' memes woudl be good
This is not an attack on you ID:f9e26d
But if I wanted to spread disinfo for some gain , that pic is exactly what I would try
is this the next phase of baneposting? first the plane, now, now this?
Don't dial Mulder, but Justin Timberlake is performing this half time show, his first time back since the arguably occult Nipplegate half time scandal. Any significance in this? I was pretty shocked this Jew was allowed back after that. Maybe it's sending a message: we desecrated the tradition, now we're destroying it.
Honestly, my bet would be on a 9/11 during the Super Bowl, but in another city.
What year did
That was spooky, and seemed intentional. It was after TDKR too, because I tweeted Bane? and racked up hearts from qts.
I could also see an "alt righter" capping a take-a-knee nigger using a 3D printed gun. Or something off-stadium being blamed on Palestinians since they're all in the (((news))) this month.
Also the XFL's return was just announced, and Vince is public pals with Trump. A terrorist attack at the SB totally cancels an XFL revival, it will seem in bad form to compete with NFL after a tragedy.
Also, the concussion lawsuits for the NFL aren't going away. Ever. And Rupert Murdoch just purchased Thursday Night Footfall broadcast rights for 5 years in a ludicruous deal, if there's any insurance scams to be ran from a tragedy on his or NFL's end