Canada will change their Anthem to condone Cuckolding in your life time
Canada changes national anthem to be gender-neutral
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Step two will be to remove "God keep our land", mark my words.
tfw Cascadia isn't free yet
I'm sure they'll just get rid of the Canadian anthem all together for being a relic of their "white past."
Perhaps we start calling it the great yellow north too.
t. Bloodthirsty Leaf
The Canadian national anthem is pretty gay to be honest. They should simply get rid of it altogether.
I like how this hinges on a patently false narrative that Women have contributed, sacrificed and bled even one iota of the amount that Men have. Yet these lonely harpies are so indignant, ungrateful and malicious that they demand their fair share of this. Even though the fields of Europe would be littered with the bodies of over a million dead young Canadian Men - but because the Women stayed home, cheated on their husbands; worked in a field hospital warm and safe, made munitions in a factory thousands of miles away from the Front - they deserve an equal share of the glory and story. It's things like this that show the cruel unshakable narcissism latent in the average Woman when confronted with the "divine" power of the sisterhood. I will never sing my National anthem any different because I say sons to honour those Canadians who died in Korea, Italy, France, South Africa and even on our own soil - because those young Men are the one's who paid the ultimate sacrifice for King and Country.
At least remove the word "Canada" from it. It's so nationalistic and exclusionary, it's literally hate speech.
Canada itself shouldnt even be a country or have borders. Countries are soooo problematic and borders enforce exclusivity and segregation from the world.
O [Socialist Republic of Sector 12]!
Our [location where sleep is engaged] and [current location]!
[Relative] [party loyalty] [expressed undefined emotion] in all of us [obey].
With glowing [nondescript organ] we see thee [maintain],
The [Relative] [nondescript compass direction] strong and [existent]!
From far and [body positive],
O [Socialist Republic of Sector 12], we [toil] for thee.
[Dawkins] keep our [current location] glorious and [existent]!
O [Socialist Republic of Sector 12], we [toil] for thee.
O [Socialist Republic of Sector 12], we [toil] for thee.
but what will they play at the hockey games?
i like that one secondary dominant chord in the OHHHH CAAAAAAAA-NADA right before the repeat. its a nice bit of chromatic movement that you dont really hear too much in national anthems.
sage for double posting
And you can say goodbye to curling and figure skating, too.
Won't stop me from singing "in all thy sons command"
But fuck we really need to do something soon or Canada will be beyond recovery. We can't keep surrendering the few white nations we have left.
what in the flying fuck will you guys do during the winter then? just drink and stare at the wall for 8 months?
Apologizing to their nigger neighbors and offering their wives for impregnation. It'll be a national holiday to replace Canada Day. Maybe they'll celebrate the Chinese New Years too and switch to their calender.
Am I the only one who prefers the leaf flag to the old flag?
This here . Who has time to play sports when you have all those reparations to make to the poor and disenfranchised of the world?
Sounds like a lullaby for babies kek.
this outcome honestly wouldnt even surprise me
A beatbox rendition of the vagina monologues with an interpretive dance troupe made of underrepresented POC
I honestly thought that's what canadians do during the winter normally
The maple leaf is a British symbol, granted it's a leaf but still. It's not like it came from nowhere.
Heh! Saved.
Because half of China has moved to Canada, or because of all the piss from the streetshitters?
nice fetish ami
You helped just as much as them to ruin Europe though
That was never our national anthem anyways. This is our national anthem:
In Days of yore,
From Britain's shore
Wolfe the dauntless hero came
And planted firm Britannia's flag
On Canada's fair domain.
Here may it wave,
Our boast, our pride
And joined in love together,
The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
The Maple Leaf Forever.
The Maple Leaf
Our Emblem Dear,
The Maple Leaf Forever.
God save our Queen and heaven bless,
The Maple Leaf Forever.
At Queenston Heights and Lundy's Lane
Our brave fathers side by side
For freedom's home and loved ones dear,
Firmly stood and nobly died.
And so their rights which they maintained,
We swear to yeild them never.
Our watchword ever more shall be
The Maple Leaf Forever
The Maple Leaf
Our Emblem Dear,
The Maple Leaf Forever.
God save our Queen and heaven bless,
The Maple Leaf Forever.
Our fair Dominion now extends
From Cape Race to Nootka Sound
May peace forever be our lot
And plenty a store abound
And may those ties of love be ours
Which discord cannot sever
And flourish green for freedom's home
The Maple Leaf Forever
The Maple Leaf
Our Emblem Dear,
The Maple Leaf Forever.
God save our Queen and heaven bless,
The Maple Leaf Forever.
I went to a graduation ceremony at a Toronto University, the crowd was 75% non-white, they played the anthem, the words were up on the screen, not a single non-white sang the anthem, most of them didn't even stand.
That was the day I knew Canada was a dead country.
The fucking Saxe-Cobourg/Gothas are a bunch of usurpers anyway.
The true Canadian Anthem.
This pisses me off more than the OP
This. Gonna keep saying all thy sons and keep it true to what I was taught in both languages.
Found your problem. Even it being a university campus is secondary.
I was at a fast food restaurant in Calgary and a pair of young somali kids were trying to sell bottles of liquor they had shoplifted from the store around the corner to some older somalis. Not a single person in the restaurant said or did anything.
BC is littered with pedo hives, and most of the rest of the country isn't much better. The RCMP is in on it, generally, and Harper gutted CSIS after they cucked him on the potash, now CSIS is nothing but poo-in-loos and commies as far as I've been able to ascertain.
If you really want to rage, you should read up on how airport workers in Canada from third world countries pass security screenings without proper background checks because they're rapefugees and "the paperwork just doesn't exist."
Canada and much of western Europe, in about 20 years, will not longer be the same and will be completely overrun with issues and subhumans given these policies. I really don't see how it will be stopped at this point outside of actual war, I really don't, because these "leaders" are going to continue to spread it which will eventually turn the voter base over complete (see London) and then that is the end of the story.
Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal are the top three most nukable Canadian cities, nothing but immigrants and bullshit. The rest aren't AS bad on average, but any major city needs a good cleansing. They speak with an accent, get out the cement; if they're brown, shoot 'em down; anchor baby in a basket, send 'em home in a casket, etc.
Canada's a third world country and doesn't know it yet. Resource extraction can only get you so far, and Canada lost its manufacturing with scarcely a whimper. If Trump burns NAFTA to the ground, it will probably be the best thing to happen to Canada in decades.
The rural people are fine, just like in the USA. The poz always resides primarily in the cities. Canucks won't be able to vote their problems away, I'll tell you that much.
Rush or Neil Young or some shit.
The other Canadian anthem
You need to hear the full shitlord French version.
Official French lyrics to O Canada
O Canada! Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux.
Car ton bras sait porter l’épée,
Il sait porter la croix.
Ton histoire est une épopée,
Des plus brillants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
Sous l'œil de Dieu, près du fleuve géant,
Le Canadien grandit en espérant.
Il est né d'une race fière,
Béni fut son berceau.
Le ciel a marqué sa carrière
Dans ce monde nouveau.
Toujours guidé par sa lumière,
Il gardera l'honneur de son drapeau,
Il gardera l'honneur de son drapeau.
De son patron, précurseur du vrai Dieu,
Il porte au front l'auréole de feu.
Ennemi de la tyrannie
Mais plein de loyauté,
Il veut garder dans l'harmonie,
Sa fière liberté;
Et par l'effort de son génie,
Sur notre sol asseoir la vérité,
Sur notre sol asseoir la vérité.
Amour sacré du trône et de l'autel,
Remplis nos cœurs de ton souffle immortel!
Parmi les races étrangères,
Notre guide est la loi :
Sachons être un peuple de frères,
Sous le joug de la foi.
Et répétons, comme nos pères,
Le cri vainqueur : "Pour le Christ et le roi!"
Le cri vainqueur : "Pour le Christ et le roi!"
O Canada! Land of our ancestors.
Your brow is covered with glorious flower garlands.
Because your arm knows how to wield a sword
And knows how to carry a cross
Your history is an epic
Of brilliants exploits
And your valour is steeped in faith
Protect our homes and our rights
Protect our homes and our rights
Under the eye of God, near the giant river,
The Canadian grows hoping.
He was born of a proud race,
Blessed was his birthplace.
Heaven has noted his career
In this new world.
Always guided by its light,
He will keep the honour of his flag,
He will keep the honour of his flag.
From his patron, the precursor of the true God,
He wears the halo of fire on his brow.
Enemy of tyranny
But full of loyalty,
He wants to keep in harmony,
His proud freedom;
And by the effort of his genius,
Set on our ground the truth,
Set on our ground the truth.
Sacred love of the throne and the altar,
Fill our hearts with your immortal breath!
Among the foreign races,
Our guide is the law:
Let us know how to be a people of brothers,
Under the yoke of faith.
And repeat, like our fathers,
The battle cry: "For Christ and King!"
The battle cry: "For Christ and King!"
user thank you for posting the original French lyrics, translated. The "official" English version we hear most of the times is not the same.
As a Frog, I have faith in our European Faustian spirit
We need to get along, frogs and squareheads.
We need to get out of this shit.
The fucking traitor on the news tonight straight up said if you oppose the changes you're a patriarchal bigot who's on the wrong side of history
It wasn't the fucking anthem in 1903, so it can't be "the original lyrics to the anthem" It was God save the King with the Maple Leaf Forever as an unofficial anthem
Male population deserves it.
Alberta Wild rose is coming. All we need is a Cascadia Party for BC and the western Alliance for Independence would be alive. Fuck the feds.
Holy shit I thought this was just appeasing the feminist loudhorns, they ACTUALLY did it the mad men.
wew lad
canada pls
Have you nigs noticed how many nigs play hockey now? Surely the affirmative action that has successfully niggerified pigball is blowing into full motion in the ice sport now.
hey its bonhomme
What are the combined votes and populations of cities like PackiRonto HongCouver and Somaliuebec? OF course they can't vote it away.
A group of women including author Margaret Atwood and former Prime Minister Kim Campbell who launched a new campaign in 2013 to have the changes implemented said at the time a revision to O Canada's lyrics would "encapsulate the equality of all Canadians".
How long until soemthing about the poor the refuse of the somalian (african and other people who intentionally came without documents) coasts is in the anthem?
Why can't the frogs hurry up and become independent from the mother?
If it's not being penned as a bill right now, someone is absolutely thinking about it.
Remember, Canada's the first western country to outlaw "Religion of Cuck™ophobia"
Semi-related news: How long until they try to introduce genderneutral pronouns like Sweden?
They already have.
Holy shit, I've seen that beaver dude before but I never paid much attention. Is that representative of the quality of his posts? Because that is the stupidest shit I have ever seen. There is no "English Canada culture" that is the same as the US. There are lots of slightly different cultures, none of which are the same as the US. Alberta and Newfoundland are just as culturally different from Ontario as Quebec is. And frenchies and anglos can get along just fine, look at New Brunswick. The difference is simply that the frenchies in NB don't have the federal government constantly telling them they are special and throwing money at them so they act like normal people instead of narcissistic cunts.
lol the beavercuck is here getting triggered
Sorry Jean-Paul, but reality doesn't care about your feelings. Leave Quebec and see the country. There is no single "English Canadian culture" like I said. What does Albertan culture and Newfie culture have in common?
They've changed our flag, our immigration laws and now our nation. The liberals and all those in opposition who were complicit in these acts will have to pay their dues one day. I can really see Canada balkanizing tho. Northern Ontario wants out, The Western provinces want out, Quebec wants out and I'm sure if that happened the East coast would follow.
The fact they even got away with taking down the Cornwallis statue is absolutely vile. Nova Scotia wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for those men.
See, there's the problem: according to them and their education, Nova Scotia and Canada shouldn't exist.
Oh, I know.
I thought they did this like last April. That’s when we started hearing about this. I haven’t heard anything further since maybe may.
t. Albertanon
You obviously don't live there.
Yes I obviously do live here. I am an anglo from Ontario who moved to the heart of Acadia. Literally the only person within miles who speaks English as my first language. Zero problems.
I heard kikey and mooncoon are Canucks.
Reminds me of elementary school where they had us sing God Bless the USA with the lyric 'and I won't forget all those who died' instead of 'and I won't forget the men who died'. Sucks because I am returning there for an alumni event this month and this seems to have been the origin point of my descent.
I thought I left 4chan
Yes. Canada is racist. Lets rename the territory Red Zone
I swear I'm going to cease coming here now.
All is lost, except what remains of my 'life.'
Good Day
Fuck I miss fun threads like that I remember there were lots of other good flag designs. 3-4 year ago there used to be risk threads, and I ran a few, they were usually pretty fun with anywhere from 6-10 anons playing while I frantically used MS paint to fill in territories and googled region names I didn’t know. Usually one user would point out a flaw in the rules and we’d have to change it mid game to fix it.
Weedman is going a cross country town hall rally and he is getting cucked across the country.
Watch how pathetic he is
if only u knew
I saw one phone’s news thing he got cucked in Edmonton. I think some people are starting to realize that a former art teacher, snowboard instructor, and bouncer who, umm, has a, umm, really, umm, hard time, umm, coming, umm, up, with sentences, isn’t qualified because he looks cute.
Look at the bright side, at least this didn't happen to it.
The only people in Canada who give a shit about this change are the fart-sniffing leftist retards in Ottawa and University women's groups. Still, they flex their social influence with slights like this constantly. Trudeau's government is a testament to the mindless inclusiveness paradigm touted by Marxist college professors. At the end of it all, "Sons" wasn't even meant to be a sex-discriminatory word. It was often likened to the word "mankind". This is just a big power play, although they have been hinting at changing it for the past year or two.
Come to think of it, it'll probably be deemed offensive to use the word "mankind" any day now. Given the current social climate in Canada, I have no desire to sing either the old or new anthem.
I'm still looking for a patch of the ensign for my cap; only ever found it in CADPAT, but I want the original
This post should be saved and framed.
I applaud it.
It is the perfect example of why women have no business in politics. If we ever manage to rebuild our society, I want this post upheld in our founding documents, so that future generations will remember why women don't belong in politics.
what are you faggots doing up there?
t. your neighbors to the south
no, i absolutely hate the british monarchy and everything it stands for
original lyrics never mentioned 'sons'
Weir's original lyrics from 1908 contained no religious references and used the phrase "thou dost in us command" before they were changed by Weir in 1914 to read "in all thy sons command".[1][10][11][12] In 1926, a fourth verse of a religious nature was added.[13]
my country is a shit hole but at least everyone hates trudeau and it's not run by a giant orange crypto kike who's army of shills convinced everyone he's /ourguy/ - that's way more dangerous
Remember the history.
no, those words WERE NEVER IN THE ANTHEM
The real anthem is maple leaf forever. Why do you frogs always have to ruin every thread related to Canada with your bloody crying.
pretty sure my country is too pozzed for this
post proofs pls
its like youre related to your own son
lots of leafs love trudeau