Hey pol so my brother just joined a freemason lodge near us, york rite, and he showed me a little gree oath booklet. He wouldnt let me take a picture of it but its for 1st degree initiates. First page read: "entered apprentice proficiency." Everything else was encrypted like Latin letters and a range of other assorted symbols… not all recognisable; I tried finding a cipher or anything on this oath booklet, to no avail. Does anyone have an idea what this book contains? I'm of the opinion masonry was infiltrated by (((them))) during the enlightenment age and that what has became of masonry in the US and in the UK is low-key satanic and controlled. Thoughts ? Pic unrelated
Hey pol so my brother just joined a freemason lodge near us, york rite, and he showed me a little gree oath booklet...
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself kike.
Be the fire of the Black Sun the force what consume your wicked being.
Don't come back till you punch that nigger, steal his book, and photograph every single page.
I ain't no fucking kike mate; I'm a Christian. I don't believe in Saturn worship or anything along those lines; I'm simply looking for some answers, hoping maybe a mason lurking here can shed some light on the subject
Fair enough; it'll be hard… I'm when I'll be back with photos
Read the kabalyon.
Start there
You just confessed the shame and crime.
Do the right thing. Die.
Are you smoking some kike's poison?
Satanist and degenerates are not allowed here.
Go back to kikechan.
Read the book for fuck's sake user. It's organized like any other book. He only has a candidate's guide so it will start as an introduction to freemasonry.
WTF is your problem? How do you expect to defeat your enemies if you don't know anything about them?
Fuck off, bud
>masonry was infiltrated by (((them)))
Loled. They were always about kabbalah and gnosticism bullshit.
Tell your brother he is contributing to the progress of the new world order and for satanism. Tell him to stop being such a faggot and man up. You don't need a group of limp dick talmud loving old men to succede in life.
To be fair user is probably LARPing and there's tons of information about the Freemasons on the internet including conspiracy theories. It's a deep rabbit hole and expecting someone to spoonfeed you is bullshit.
There are a lot of anti nwo and anti masonry books. Go to Holla Forums's library and this website: gen.lib.rus.ec
I don't know where, but I think there are pdfs of masonic rites and stuff floating around somewhere. If you can get the pictures, OP, that'd be great, but obviously don't compromise anything. Best of luck.
user the gnostics were /ourguys/
I read it when I was 17
York Rite has nothing to do with Entered Apprentice, those are two different organizations. That said, if your brother is the type of person who cannot be trusted with a simple pamphlet, that itself contains nothing special, without waiving it around like an autist, then I question what character he has.
I didn't know 8ch is capable of screening people before they enter the image board smfh
They're definitely not /ourguys/
Mfw kabala and Gnosticism is how we fight (((them)))
Masons are fags tbh. So lame, joining a kabbalist cult. I bet OP and his brother have been in each other's butts, like all masons and mason shills.
Real gnosis is knowledge through experience; there are certain schools of Gnosticism, however, they are jewish in origins; for example most Gnostic theologians were roman, Greek or Macedonian
user if what you're saying is true then they gave him this pamphlet in order to see if he would show it to anyone; how would they know if he would or not if he did…
Fml I'm a retard I meant to type gnositicsm is NOT jewish smfh
Have any of you guys even read Pistis Sophia…?
You are tainted.
You cannot expect in this board the presence of Masons at all.
And you should not be surprised of a hostile answer.
Take a look about how the issue was handled in the past (in French).
-→ the-savoisien.com
At the very least It's judeo-christian but I'm open to hearing how Gnosticism is somehow relevant to our cause.
Gnosticism has roots in certain Jewish sects and early Christian sects. It was essentially a culmination of abrahamic religions that were open to mnany different interpretations.
No clue. There's nothing in Freemason Blue Lodge that isn't on the internet. It's basically a recruitment pool for other organizations that exist within the fraternity. Those aren't on the internet and will never write anything down.
If the brother is an autist it will come out sooner or later in blue lodge. You can only give so many character tests before a dishonest man fails them. He will end up in the Shriners or something dressing up like a clown for kids but never get into anything serious.
I was told by an Ariosophist that Marcion Gnosticism was the de facto faith of Hitler and his Eternal Reich… look into that my fellow anons
The fucking nwo pushes for gnosticism and kabbalah teachings. I am sorry if you thought that using symbols and man made spirituality will somehow make you win against the jews but truth is that kabbalah and gnosticism are the weapons through which jews control goyms.
New age movement is a jewish trick. You guys are biting the bait.
To encourage memorisation.
In America they often consider Craft lodge as part of the "York rite" because they're mostly Preston-Webb rite. As opposed to Louisiana which uses "Scottish rite" Craft lodges.
Isn't that all spirituality? Certainly the codified stuff.
Provide evidence to back this claim instead of just uttering words
If you knew anything abouut Gnosticism you'd understand that the Demiurge Yaldabaoth is Satan and that the god Jesus preached about is of a higher and more Divine nature than of that worm Yvhw
Read these you stupid cunts.
* The Unknown History of the Jews by E.E. Jessel
* The New Testament by Herrell Brothers Publishing (Anointed Standard Translation)
* The History of the Bible by V.S. Herrell
* Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance by Robert Alan Balaicius
* The Origin of Race and Civilization by Charles A. Weisman
Freemasons are Kabolism and their goals is to rebuild the Temple. Read the protocols of the learned elders of zion newfag. also lurk for two years
Unless you got some info I don't have access to, that isn't the case. You need to be a Master Mason to apply for York Rite or Scottish Rite, but those two organizations have nothing to do with blue lodge. Seeing "entered apprentice" means the person is fresh to the fraternity.
Not really, this is basic stuff. P-W or American Rite is considered York Rite. You might be making the mistake of thinking "York Rite" is an organisation, rather than referring to separate groups.
And seriously, check out a "Scottish Rite" Craft lodge in New Orleans some time. Shit is very different.
Right on cue the mason slide.
These mason dubs need a proper ritual response.
This is the third fucking time I've seen this thread pop up with the same damn responses every time
May be a Cohen-cidence.
You have no power here, and you know that.
I'm in charge now.
Oh look a redditor learned how to use a script.
Not my creation, but you know that already.
Using spacing is for adults, you should try it.
kill yourself faggot.
If you're Catholic tell your brother masonry is grounds for immediate excommunication..
Masonry wasn't subverted by kikes, it was invented by them.
forgot my pic
Only a problem for Catholics, and realistically, when was the last time anyone was excommunicated for it?
Masonry is Protestant. Catholicism was legit, until it was subverted by Jesuits and CIA.
I mean to say Christians who are Masons are often Protestant*
Regular Freemasonry has traditionally not responded to these claims. In recent years, however, this has begun to change, with some Masonic websites and publications addressing these criticisms. In this era of dialogue, perhaps it’s time for a new one between Freemasonry and the Christian churches.
No freemason has deemed it worthy to kvetch about it to the media so there isn't a way to know.
Totally. There are rumblings of it happening. Catholic wise, at least.
Or it just hasn't happened for a century.
FreeMasoanry has taken a back seat to Symbolic Masonry for the past few decades.
Odds are if you meet a person that speaks about Masonry and they aren't wearing a ring, they are Symbolic Masons, which is where the women, children and homos get involved with Masonry.
I was raised in the Rotary and Lion's club, and have Protestant royal ancestry which makes me grandfathered in if I so choose to be.
My interactions with many masons has been less than civilized, leaving me to lack interest, especially in Black Lodges, which run the majority of the Masonic efforts in my locality.
Those wanting to know more about Symbolic Masonry, read into Eastern Star. They are the most progressively recruiting Masonic group that I know of.
Excuse the typos please.
What odd disinfo.
Sure, if that's what you want to accept. The left side of the compass has lodge meetings.
Holla Forums is owned by a freemasonic jew ya fucking numbskull
Choose to believe what you will, the rule is there. Unless you're a prot you can't ignore the parts you don't like.
Why did he join? WTF do they do????
what the fuck I love masonic Jews now!
There are at least four in this thread.
Well yea, because anyone who is familiar with OES would know how crazy that sounds. Or that rings are for the cheap douchebag bros.
But congrats on being grandfathered into Rotary?
Technically it isn't if you look at the wording. And it isn't enforced anyway.
Have you considered respecting other people's privacy instead of being butthurt that there's an all-male, historically racially-segregated, Bible-centric organization that knows more about opsec than you?
Yeah nah, fuck off jew cunt; proprietary software religions suck
The bro is probably still at the stage where he doesn't know how to explain it, or he thinks he's not allowed to say much.
keep crying.
unless your opsec is top notch and you're behind 7 proxies, you may have just signed your brother's death warrant by revealing this
fairy tales
When will this half-truth die? Can you really call what they did subversion when that's what it already was? Catholicism nor Christianity as a whole was never legit.
One of the biggest, but certainly not one of the few for there are many, tells that this is the case is that christians who haven't accepted the (((true))) nature of christianity still debate over what point in time christianity went bad. The ones that even entertain the idea that flaws and corruption are there understand on some level that those problems exist, but they never go far enough to find out why, and moreso (((why))). You see this in almost every thread about christianity on Holla Forums, ironically not as much on /christian/.
^I've actually seen this posted and "explained"
And that's just the shortlist. If you really dig deep you'll swallow a big redpill that will be difficult to digest but honestly is one of the most rewarding ones.
Freemasonry at its core is satanic. The eye at the top of pyramid is the eye of Lucifer.
When Hitler took over Europe he shut down the freemasons and put several of their artefacts on display to prove the Jewish link.
The knights of Columbus is the papist alternative to Freemasonry.
They won't kill initiates, he'll just get blacklisted, & never be trusted with anything important or advance in the ranks. As for the higher-ups, there's probably some truth to that 'cut out my gubbins' noise in their faggy oath.
At worst, masons are tools of the Rothskikes/NWO, at best /x/fags who didn't grow the fuck up
That's just a little book of Masonic beleifs for entered apprentices. These things aren't supposed to be written down, even in code, but most lodges use the code books. Even if you do decide it, it's babby tier entered apprentice stuff. Doubt there's anything we don't already know.
Yes their schtick is that Lucifer was what gave man wisdom, and therefore he is what we owe this experience to. Therefore worship him. They say God lied and the snake told the truth. Sidenote muh eceleb warning; I heard sargon of mossad saying this very thing so you can be sure he is not only a jew but a mason too. Atheist my arse.
Anyway it's easy to see this is a simple lie, God said you will surely die if you eat the apple, and that was the moment the garden of eden (eternal utopia) ended and the one thing every human can look forward to is their own death. So quite how so many intelligent people get sucked into what is just another dumb cult is beyond me.
As their Lord and saviour Albert pike once said something along the lines of " the best way to control a man is with a mystery "
Freemasonry evolved out of the knights template who were accused of worshiping baphomet. Who had the head of the goat, male and female parts and had a burning flame above his head.
Bit of a redpill user, Martin Luther who helped create the skisim in Christianity was a member of the Rosicrucian order.
And in Lord of the rings sauron, a lower power in the order of the heavens is represented as an all seeing eye and an eye of a snake at that. When golem finds the ring of power the story is very similar to the story behind the seal of Solomon
Funny, back when I joined, nothing was written down.
It wasn't allowed.
SPOILERS! They worship a frog like us.
As much as I love watching people who all believe in the same thing cannibalize each other for having slightly differing practices, this is counter-productive to our cause and needs a sage.
It think it is a sort of test the lodge itself created to veto initiates. It probably has a series of symbols and words that were teached during their instructions and asking them to answer some questions. Also, it's not lating, it's just english with some letters of the word missing, unless it's a treatment pronoum like GRM (may or may not be spaced, depending on the country), VM, GRS, etc…
It's not satanic. Well, most of it isn't. It's kiked though.
Yeah, he's a faggot i think.
Nah. Gnosticism is inherently alien to the european spirit. Reality exists for us to enjoy, it's some retarded test by an evil god.
Albert Pike is sort of a controversial figure among freemasons, but that's an interesting quote. In one of Jung's books, he makes a case that, in fact, symbollism is one of the best ways to awaken unknown emotions in men, and that the "nazis" were one of the best in doing so. Of course that notion predates Jung and Pike in thousands of years, but it is interesting nonetheless
this site is owned by a mason
My town has a Knights of Columbus lodge in it, and I have an old sword from their order that made its way into my possession. I have a means and reason to talk to them, perhaps even join them if I needed to
Rotary is a part of Masonry. As is the Lion's Club.
I am more than aware of this.
He also doesn't like me and has interfered with my private life as a result of this. Including letting the local Black Lodges know that I was in their "territory" without paying dues.
Nah. Both are kiked, though.
According to Satanist, like yourself everything is Kiked.
Rotary is a Masonic Branch, for rural folks, and the Lion's Club is for building leadership. These are both branches of Masonry.
Go suck your White Supremacist individualist god off somewhere else. You fags are just mad I wouldn't join your cult either.
I'm not a freemason, though. Even if i was, i wouldnt buy into their retarded gnostilarping.
And i'm just stating the fact that rotary and lion's club actually i'm only certain about rotary aren't part of freemasonry, but are often kiked. Heck, rotary was, initially, literally a merchants guild.
And a mighty fine job he did too. At least Franco added some spoopy robes.
Nope. Both are entirely independent and are charities.
Not at all. We are supposed to be working together to fight a common enemy.
They were both started by Masons, and are ran by Masons. They are tax status Charities, but so is every other Masonic entity.
That doesn't work when you can't even tell if the guy on the other side is even a real person or the enemy himself.
Here's a moment of clarity. The Masons should go fuck themselves. They behave as a gang for the Jewish interests nothing more. It's likely why my grandparents both stopped associating with them.
In this current era the Masons are the ones pushing the Homo-agenda and the miscegenation plans. Everywhere you look there's a Mason involved with it. It's not a coincidence that this is working out this way.
My business was started by, and staffed solely by a Mason. Doesn't make it Masonic.
It's not a coincidence that Hitler kicked the Masons out, and the BS stopped. The Masons in the push to appease the religion monotheists made it so no one can compete with the self-declared authority of monotheists, the Jews. Their drive to create a "Love is Love" environment hasn't done anything to improve the world.
You really don't understand how Masons operate if you think your business is secured with Masons working there. They believe in Masonic Brotherhood over all others. It's like a Civic Nationalism about religion and societal organization.
I know who you are as well.
I'm the Mason, you moron.
Naw, we make sure to put Masonry last on all priorities.
Correct. Totalitarian governments fear their people, and fear them freedom of association.
You're a Mason and you couldn't figure out that I knew that with my last post.
No, Masons always put Brother Masons first. Explaining your status.
Masonry is not a freedom of association, it's a foreign intrusion into the body politic, just as unified groups of any kind outside of their relations or civic alignment. One thing I have learned from the Black Lodges, everybody lies. It's why the Black Lodges are to be avoided.
Yes, let that fear settle in deep down.
You've mad me mad, and that means I am going to take my anger out on you.
Because you seemed to think that me, as an owner/operator, with no other employee might somehow betray myself. Full retard.
Not really. All other things being equal, i might consider it an edge, but nothing short of that.
Of my setting up my own business on my own land with help from no one else. Man, that's truly devious.
It specifically is. How could it be anything else?
You assumed what I thought without evidence, and without correlated statements. How are you a Mason with such simplistic thought?
Brother Masons always come before non-Brother Masons. That's the whole point.
Your status as a lower degree Mason.
It is not freedom to associate. There are rules you have to follow as a Mason. You are not privileged to determine all outcomes of all situations. You are not in charge of the course of Masonic works.
Well, yeah, when in equal conditions ie. 99% of all normal occurances freemasons ough to take their brother as a priority, although they do have a moral obligation to choose the other person if they deem the other freemason to be acting imorally.
Hitler sort of had a point, tbh, although it wasnt nearly as harsh as most people make it out to be. He didn't actually persecute freemasons as most people want to belive, he simply disallowed masonic lodges to exist, he just wanted to streamline all fraternal orders into the volksich movement, which sort of preached similar things.
Tbh any mason can ignore those "orders" openly. People who meddle in freemason politics often do.
I've been running into that sort of thing not exactly the same, but remarkably similar geometric and perspective based encryption.
Thanks for the new wallpaper, do you have any more?
Your illogical statements regarding business structure are evidence. Now you're just trying to backpedal.
Source? Because that's not what Masonry says on the matter.
So? There are rules to be in a chess club as well.
Is this some kind of odd divergence?
You ought to not do them harm. There's nothing saying you have to hold them above others. Yea, bros want to help bros, but that's not always going to be the best endgame over all. Ie. all things being equal, skill wise, i might not employ a brother over a non-bro, because the bro might be able to find work elsewhere, so that's more beneficial to the community.
Yea, i totally understand it, but he was operating from a position of wrong intel, and I just can't respect governments who fear their people.
I agree on the immoral portion. I see the Black Lodges doing most of this sort of thing. Criminality, drug trafficking, degeneracy, and entrapment.
Hitler was correct in his approach, the Nation of people should be the Masonic loyalty. Masons of each Nation should hold their Nation of people's as sacrosanct and work towards improving them while keeping peace among others. The Volkish approach is the correct one from my perspective. The Masons work should be that of ensuring that all Nations can live in peace.
I tend to ignore Masons a lot. Especially the women's branches and the homo ones. Just wish they would do the same and leave me alone.
Agreed. Just like in the various Masonic obligations and charges.
I never spoke on business structure. Backpedaling what exactly? There's more than one conversation occurring here, as a Mason you should be aware that our posts here are being watching, especially mine.
It's what I am telling you the new standard is.
I am the source.
No, it's me changing the rules and letting you know.
The community is not the priority anymore. The Nation of people is.
All Governments fear their people, and I can't in good conscious trust anyone that thinks otherwise.
Try to keep up, dude. That's the retarded statement, since you're implying that my business is not secure because of me working it.
Protip: You can click the post numbers to see the post chain.
Not how that works.
Nowadays? Yea, i'm in total agreement.
You think you're allowed to talk about that here? You're fucked now doucheheass. Prepare to get gangstalked.
By "black lodges", do you mean eastern star?
By my experience, most freemasons are good people most means more than 50% , but i've met some outright jewish drug lords out there, and he wasn't no eastern star guy or anything like that. The only thing that stood out in his profile was some green arch stuff that i had never heard of beforehand.
You go from a perspective that most situations between masons and non-masons are non-ambiguos, whereas most definitely are, although you are subcounciously biased towards the freemason if you like him, that is .
It's just how the human mind works, there isnt a way out lad.
LMAO! Please do, I need more evidence for my court date with a Fellow Veteran that I am being harassed and targeted by homosexuals and Masonic stooges. It will also add to the number of people the police get to lock up if I end up with HIV and they were paying for my private data.
Prince Hall is not that bad.
Black lodges are Prince Hall.
It is how that works. I was promised "My Life, My Rules", when this started.
I am not up to snuff on the Eastern Star fully, what interactions I have had with them makes me not want to associate with them any further. I am not a Jew, so I stay out of the Jewish systems. The only Jews I will interact with are the Rabbi's. Anyone less and it's like talking to an arrogant peasant.
They wanted me to be the King in Yellow, but I went towards Whites Lodges instead.
I left the Darkness, but it has tried to follow me into the Light. Both arms up.
What the fuck is wrong with you, phoneposter?
True. But being aware of that, i always try to lean away from it.
Glad for the separation though. Seems to de-niggerfy the members. Always great visiting them, since they put in way more effort than most normal American lodges.
Then that's between you and God, because it's not in the instruction manual.
You're in luck, because you're about to get more evidence than you'll ever be able to use.
And have fun trying to introduce any of that evidence in court. The orders from above will get there long before you do and everyone in the room will be ready and waiting to shut it down.
Please get video, and post it here afterwards so we can laugh at you.
I wanted nothing to do with Eastern Star, they approached me.
God has nothing to do with the interference in my life that the Eastern Star Masons have been involved with. It was all them.
"Gnosis" is usually some creepy old guy wanting to burgle your turds for "enlightenment." Don't fall for the trick. You can learn it all in books and without joining muh secret club.
Who said anything about video?
I did. Videotape your court failure for our entertainment.
They slid that Project Bluebeam thread right off the board.
Court failure? You mean me paying one fine for a window you guys broke, and me walking away free?
Wrong venue. I got GOES people to back the fuck off after harassment, but I'm not telling you how I did it…
Easy, if I test positive. Call my Jewish relatives and ask for help with putting a bunch of people in prison in return for a substantial chunk of the money they owe me.
No real Freemason is initiated through a physical temple or "lodge" your brother is being taught lies all g with every poster on here who thinks they are an authentic freemason. Kind of sad they need to feel like they are a part of something actually
A man whom speaks the truth.
I see. So you're already accepting the gang stalking. You're not as stupid as ai thought. Still fucked, though.
I went to the 34th degree and they told me what the G is for…Google.
I just don't care, if you losers want to spend George's money on someone supposed loser like me, then that's on you guys. My life isn't going to change because you're a loser.
Not sure how I am fucked though. You guys are so desperate that you're paying junkies and Pajeets to come after me.
We know it wasn't Google that started this. It was a single Jew that sat in a Calc2 class with me, after another Jew and nig-nog got wind that I was responsible for Trump winning.
Yet, I am the loser LMAO! He's still sitting in the oval office.
Laugh at the typos, and let the hate flow. If you were involved, I will put you in prison.
What gets called Kabalah these days is actually Qliphoth. An inversion of the world tree Yggdrasil. It's like how the kikes got everyone to go around making "peace" symbols. That upside-down world tree in a circle is the same evil symbolism. Most of the hand gestures in pop culture are Saturn worship. Everything is a fucking lie, man, get used to it.
Reminder that kikes never invent anything and can only steal and corrupt ideas.
Truth has been laid out to bare.
The Reich made a film in France, in 1943 about Masons, called "Forces Occultes".
The film virulently denounces Freemasonry and shows its members as the scum they are. Just puppets managed from abroad, which are willing of treason for personal gain.
Does it sound familiar? Think about the modern politicians you watch on TV every day.
A very educative film.
-→ en.wikipedia.org
-→ hooktube.com
it should just be a missing letter cipher… "The apostle john " should look something like "Te posle hn" it's all common sense words just with missing letters,
t. an user that was privileged enough to be allowed to look at a master masons ceremonies book
You sound awfully Jewish their friend. Freemasonry confirmed Jewish cult for shabbos goys.
Actual books about freemasonry:
Real dumb shit written right here. Read a book nigger.
Qliphoth usually refers to "shells of the dead", the lowest part of psyche left to roam the earth after death.
The "Qliphothic tree" refers to the excess of the virtues or qualities that the 10 sephiras represent.
"Saturn worship" shit is just shilling. If you'd read any occult stuff you'd know.
The guy with quad 6's being anti-Semitic while being pro-Satanist.
The Ironing.
MFW I know who the Druids were, and you haven't a clue who you are.
Not a single oath breaker posted. What gives?
They know the punishment for such a thing.
Jabulon Baal moloch =/= Kek of the Ogdoad, Kek the primordial chaos, the darkness before the dawn.
Freemasons fuck off back to Mossad.
Who is at the top of the pyramid?
Who is the 'king'?
Not such thing.
Everything boils down to the perspective you have.
Among us there are many factions (or so called points of view) , but we have a common goal:
- Our race and civilization above all.
- The extermination of the Juden plague.
Like a bunch of old men are going to find out who posted what on this Mongolian basket weaver forum.
You call each other " bothers" but would kill someone who revealed certain secrets. Sounds very brotherly.
Anyone who's a freemason unless they plans are to infiltrate are helping the jew.
buy a sword and cut his head off
Kek, mfw I am a shareholder at the grocery store I shop at.
Bruh, I don't care about any of that bullshit. I just want to get out of poverty and stop being the target of homosexuals and rapists.
Also the Mod just said that I do indeed have HIV
That’s right. I am in charge now.
Time to visit Israel and rape Jewesses.
This was not a kike free first post.
Look what his predecessor had to say about the JQ
Got awfully quiet didn’t you faggots.
The Masons never gave up on the ideals they were founded upon, and present in the Constitution. While totally at odds with NatSoc, it's a solidly non-Commie fraternity. Also decidedly not Satanic, as the last time I checked, one had to be a Christian to join - save for one French lodge that allows atheists.
what’s wrong now faggots? Don’t want to try and rape me now? You killed me and you’re scared now, as the Jews who sent you after me and the pos Vets that broke their Oaths to do this to me. You’re all fucked now.
It takes a special kind of faggot to do something like this.
I was given this name.
I am a a member of Four different Royal bloodlines.
When I was given the name I had trip7’s
The Jews sent the homosexuals after me.
There’s a reason the mods and admins have banned me over thirty time in the past 5 months, I have been drugged, raped, entrapped and stolen from.
Wew fucking lad.
Lower degree members won't explicitly know about just how Satanic or Jewy it is…
The higher ups have the knowledge of that
No paranoia. The guy posting above about old guys wanting to bugger me was sitting outside my house when he posted it.
I know how IP addresses work as well chief.
Top Wew
get a load of this absolute kike
Your brother is a grade 1. If he wanted to join a fraternal order he should have joined one that is at least GOOD, like the O.T.O.. Convince your brother to leave, if he can. The fundemental aspects of Freemasonry are dumb, and their reach is heavily imbellished. After all, this isn't 1910. However, your brother has joined something stupid, based in lie, with members made up of edgelord grown-men
OTO is crowley shit. If you're really interested in /fringe/ shit, hit the books like a white man instead of running off to join some buttfucking lodge of opportunist socialite LARPers maybe.
The fucking synchronity is driving me mad.
Jeebus user…. Crowley was a kike magister of the highest order and the founding members also followed the exact same system of power gain that (((they))) still use.. the eating and raping of kids
The church also doesn't enforce that you don't jack off, so will you do it anyway?
I hope you realize that Crowley never performed human sacrifice. When he wrote spells talking about the life of children, he was cryptically saying to waste sperm. Also, Crowley wasn't a kike. He was a personal contact of Hitler. I bet you think Qaballah is Jewish too. And besides, Crowley is but one magnus. I have great respect for The Master Theron and his contributions to broader hermeticism but I do not agree with Thelema. After all, Thelema is essentially civil liberterianism met with spiritual dicipline.
Yes, but if you want to join a fraternal order and have a teacher for majicks (as this man's brother wishes), I'd recommend O.T.O..
And I'd recommend that nobody actually take your advice, because you're leading them directly to a poisoned well.
Crowley was a proto-goon who got kicked out of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn for being a humongous faggot. His fiction isn't terrible but if you rely on him for metaphysical advice, I have some spell candles I can sell you.
OP is a fag
After discovering their key without trying, he was offered to join by the highest member, and was given 33rd degree upon entry. This caused scism amongst members.
Crowley was so based that him simply joining a fraternal order caused it's death
Any human-readable encryption isn't hard to crack.
Do you think there something spooky that will happen if they rebuild their stupid Temple?
It could actually be a win for us if they do it and then nothing happens. The spirit of all their true believers will be crushed. Also it would be fun to knock it down again.
Explains a lot.
You don't have to be christian, you have to believe in a higher power.
The lucifarian doctrine only gets revealed at the 33rd degree and you will only progress up further if you embrace it.
The freemasons origins come from the knights templar who did not worship god but baphomet. Who originally was a Babylonian god.
In both the catholic and protestant denominations and you can't be a christian and a freemason. The catholic church have their own versions of the masons such as the knights of malta.
If your lucky enough to be a holder of their special diplomatic passport there are some countries that aren't included UK, US and New Zealand.
The same countries that have a strong masonic presence.
The temple is really an analogy for their "grand plan" that they've wanted for generations.
Every wondered why the capstone is missing from the united states seal?
What's the general opinion on William cooper? Was full of shit or on the right tracks. Apart from this guy being killed just before 9/11 and has an excellent is but slow series mystery babylon. I think the only thing he missed was the Jews and how Hitler was a break away from these international interests.
Why Hitler correctly banned freemasonry, the post.
They think they invulnerable
Nicely done. Very well rolled. Proud 'a you kid.
Checked and heiled naming the rune perthro.
Takes a real autist to make one you can't solve. Look at the Unabomber's code. It wasn't until they found his own key that they could decode it.
Always nice to have a thread to remind anons that the masons are kikes of the most extreme nature.
Walked past the local lodge today, they have a big gold star of david right outside the front door.
The Jews stole the Six-Ray Star, aka the Hexagram. They also stole the Quaballah and turned it into Judeo-Christian terms. The Star of David is not Jewish, it was stolen by them. Luckily, the Master Theron discovered the Unicersal Hexagram and began using that, so we need not use that which now has taint and rather use simplisitc shape
This thread is so kiked and filled with heretics that I prefer to step aside.
It is very brotherly. Not that we'd ever kill anyone, but defending our brothers is the most brotherly thing one can do.
If you like ugly women, edgelord beta men, and sodomy, sure.
If i felt like it, why not?
HOGD didn't have 33 degrees.
so true.>>11218123
Sorry, what degree was he given then? He was awarded the highest degree since the head of the Golden Dawn was so impressed at Crowley's native prowess to discover their key without trying.
You can buy them on Amazon, you fucking hillbilly. Stop pretending the Masons are a secret organization. And the 200 replies to this thread need to fucking stop, too.
Get out.
Yes, metaphysics Jesus is awesome. Ridin' rainbows, large and in charge.
Have any of you guys even read Enoch I or II…?
shhhh, this is a freemason safe space
I can assure you that you are incorrect.
To join most of the appendant bodies (what idiots think are "higher degrees"), you do have to be a Trinitarian Christian.
Debunked. Fabricated by Andrew Ramsay to make himself sound like a knight.
Fabricated accusation from Phillip la Bel, who was trying to rob them.
Well no, the common theory, is that if such a name was used at all, it meant Baptist (because they may have been Johannites) or Abu Fiama(t), for obvious reasons.
False. Nothing in Freemasonry conflicts with being a Christian, and even the Vatican states the same, but then says you still can't join.
SOoM is sovereign, and simply housed in the Vatican because Napoleon was a shit. Catholics do have the (hypocritically?) Knights of Columbus, though. But that's barely akin Masonry, and more just a charity.
Highly misleading possible disinfo agent.
In HOGD, Adeptus Minor, which is like the fifth out of nine grades, before he pissed too many people off for being a queer.
Slaves seeking social status.
You are all so weak in mind and spirit. All your 'bricks' are nothing but playing cards.
There are only 11 grades in the Golden Dawn, and they kicked him out after he dressed up in Scottish Highlander cosplay and tried to storm their Valtus Adepti because they denied his 5=6 intitation because he was a sodomite(they had to call the cops to get him out, I can only imagine what a cringefest that was) you narrative spinning thelemite cocksucker.
But that never happened
It doesn't matter who he is, it matters what he knew and did. Yuri Bezmenov was a race-mixer, and David Koresh was a polygamist. Does that matter? Fundementally, he was the greatest contributer to the modern realm of majicks. I am thankful for this. I am not a thelemite. I am of the New Thought.
God bless the Mod.
And what he did was penetrate and get penetrated by men.
Only a beta would say that's bad.
That's not how you spell Eliphas Levi.
truly shit thread tho
He is but one of many, user. And what he did, besides his sodomy, was improve majick and decrypt various ritual. His belief, "The Law is for All" means that everyone should have right to read and potentially become magnus. This thread is anchored so there's no point in continuing it. And besides, this is off-topic to the thread. We're debating the worth of The Master Theron. We seem to at least be in agreement of the truth of the hermetic way. I only hope you see what I see in The Master Theron. He is but one magnus I have studied, but I simply hold respect for his works.
I am of the opinion that Catholicism has a purpose and that was to civilize man; however, from its conception it was not inherently "good." Firstly, you must remember during the Council of Nicea there was a schism between Judeo-Christians and Gnostics; Gnostics held the belief that Judaism is incompatible with Christianity and that Christ refereed to a God which is merciful and benevolent, opposite to that Hebrew god which demanded worship and was malevolent to his children when they misbehaved. Gnostics disagreed to how the modern bible was put together and thus they were the first to be persecuted by the church (I am referring to the history of what happened to the Cathars).
Poop sick is disgusting, as are the people like that nigger above that would laugh at some dude getting raped.
Funn fact, Jehowas witness were founded by masons too!
Their first meetings were even in mason buildings.
Mason attract people with the implicit promise to further their careers. This nepotism is like judaism for the goy. One former French mason wrote a book about it, the motivation he and other people had, he met as a mason, how everyone expected to receive favors. So no idealism, but pure greed and corruption.
Maybe there are also some naive, do-gooder among the lower ranks of the masons, particulate in the USA were masonry is more wide spread.
The problem with mason is not only the implicit corruption, but the secrecy and conspiracy, the intransparency even for the overwhelming majority of their members. They don’t know whom they serve and what agenda it has. They might serve their own undoing.
The lower ranks serve as a meat-shield and useful idiots for the secret leadership of the masons. It doesn’t hurt that many most became members for reasons of corruption. Where else do you think can you so easily meet people expecting mutual favors to secretly further their careers?
They are no masons and you can’t be member because it is strictly for catholic nobility.
The masons claiming relationship to Templars or medieval masons is just larping, they don’t exist that long, 17-18th century creation.
Your savior Pike said himself in morals and dogma
" Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the son of the morning! It is he who bears the light, and with it's spenders intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not! "
On what grounds exactly? His take on Natsoc and the Jews was way off but apart from that I don't see the evidence.
I'm not sure on this one. The Templar's had three initial degrees like masonry and have several medevil french words that they use that can be tied back to the templars.
That was one of the reasons but remember the knights Templar wasn't a christian organization since it's inception. They only adopted the cross later by order of the pope.
The Mormons were also a cousin of freemasonry.
Nope. Read what you posted. Then read the actual book (ie. instead of relying on out of context snippets). It's just an offhand remark about how people stupidly call a spirit of darkness by the name of light bearer normally reserved for Christ.
Biggest issue i have is his reliance on anecdotes from his "CAJI" stooges, and often uses himself as an authority, rather than providing hard evidence.
But that said, even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut.
It was Ramsay's Oration (where he came up with a fake list of Templar GMs after deMolay leading up to himself) which set off Masonic Templary in the form of Von Hund's Rite of Strict Observance a few years after. Worth reading about.
Not so much. They had various stages and positions. But if you were a knight and joined, that was about it. They did have rites to determine assignments, though.
Whut. They were formed as a group of bros who would defend pilgrims. They were granted the right to wear the cross later because of their Christian piety and good deeds.
Man, the poor bros on that commission must have facepalmed themselves into comas. All they seem to have is the retarded jahbulon argument, which is wrong, since it's not a name for God.
Shame Reverend Neville Barker-Cryer isn't still alive to give them a tongue lashing.
Lucifer corresponds to Prometheus. Nothing satanic about that. It should be evident from his writings that Albert Pike was a freethinker. He was also alert about democracy and it's flaws.
The Freemasons understand religious tolerance and religion in general to a better degree than the average Christian.It recognizes that the founders of religion (i.e. Zoroaster, Jesus, mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker) proclaimed an universal idea and that the differences arise from who the message was adapted to and where it sprang up from.
However, this is where Freemasonry errs greatly: it believes that the Jews possessed a knowledge order like their pagan neighbors.
finally someone with some sense; i can empathize greatly with your opinion user… through out my occult research i have come to a similar conclusion; although, i am not sure if you would agree, but i am of the opinion that prometheus and lucifer have been distorted as masculine when they in fact embody more feminine principles; for example, in gnosticism the black sun is the origin of the light of man, that is, the divine essence of pistis sophia! rather i see lucifer and prometheus as representing the duality which is the illusion… lucifer is seen as male when he is actually a feminine principle which is the illusion before our very eyes! the wisdom of the serpent is that life comes forth through the holy grail; the womb or yuni in sanskrit, which is an analogy to the black sun; the source of creation… becuase a women's pussy is just that.. A BLACK HOLE
freemasonry is about tradition and brotherhood im surprised so many anons have so many assumptions about it
One of the reasons the Jews were kicked out of Rome was forming secret societies.