Dems may get their wish short term if this is true. Schiff has been scared shitless over this document, so I don't believe it will be held up for too long by this stunt. Plus this only makes people want to see it more.

Other urls found in this thread: Changes,


These faggots will stop at nothing to protect king nigger.


He isn't even trying to hide his fear at this point.

I am just catching up on this other thread: Looks like a transcript of the entire meeting was released. I wonder if anyone read anything from the document during the meeting.

How would this fag even know what the WH received? They get copies or some shit?

Which they'll try to spin into the White House breaking the law so they can finally "impeach" blumpf. Calling it now.

This more so is against the republicans in general and not Trump himself.

Take a look at page one of his response memo here:

Jews gonna jew.

If this memo is as big as everyone is making it out to be they fucked up big time. Holding this thing up for a few more days isn't going to save anyone if it's that bad.

How fucking new! Obama is no where near the top of the pyramid of evil.

It is so close and yet so far.

No they did not.

I read it, his argument is basically, "words were changed." God damn, it was fucking voted on, the ball is in play. fuck off kikes.

I cant wait to find out that any changes made were literally the result of printing it out at 13pt font rather than 12.

He is basically at the top of the democratic party pyramid of evil though, or at least the figurehead they rely upon to get the socialists on their side.

Well the memo isn't going to reveal to the public that the Rothschilds and all those other royal families are guilty. The memo is about kang nigger and his corrupt administration's abuse of surveillance.

Where've you been the last seventy years?

Just saw this.

Within obtaining the FISA warrant on Trump, he was ultimately at the top.


Thats too bad…

He said "material changes" so that should mean more than just grammer edits. But then again he is a Jew and you cant trust them as far as you can throw them.


Kikes being exposed for kikery, like fucking clockwork.


or is it user?

They are getting cock blocked at every turn. Perfect.

Just recognizing my palindrome ID.

YEa. Kike got BTFo by the House Intl spokesperson
. But of course all the usual outlets will completely overlook this.

I don't think that anyone important will get locked up, but as for others…its a possibility. Moreover I still mean what I said with regards to public opinion. These people fucked up getting caught and it's too late to stop the release.


Well fuck, as soon as I posted:

Which means "Did it" becomes "did not do it."

material changes could mean anything, in this case it was typos. if what Davis says is true then it seems a bit was redacted at the request of the beloved FBI.

it may not get anything severe to happen, but it's one step closer to revealing how absolutely fucked Obongo was to the masses.

Get the fuck outta here nigger, your game is lame and technique, weak.

The legal term has more a more solid definition: Changes

Then release the memo they did agree upon.

It’s not difficult

This is all just a shit show.

It is of my honest opinion that Trump was forced into a deal at this point, as in the kikes-that-be came to him and gave him an ultimatum. (((they))) would let him "make America great again" for as long as he's president, and not John F. Kennedy him, but in exchange he has to use his influence and the power of the U.S. to make Jerusalem the capitol of Pissreal, and to directly aid in the creation of Greater Pissreal(a.k.a. take Syria). Watch, I'm probably in the ballpark here.

No material harm will likely come to anyone as a result of this, but we'll have to see. I believe you and I had a conversation about this on the last memo thread.

Heil'd. Sexy digits

How bad is this memo if they had to edit it? Would it cause a civil war?

webm related

This is why Schiff is freaking out. Does anyone remeber the start of this? Both Nunes and Schiff met with Trump. Those documents were damning and Schiff is saving his ass now.

good to know, didn't know there was a legal reasoning for the term.

hey, you can't just do that!!!

Name the last time the jew plan was thwarted. 1939, you fucking nigger. Name the last time anyone of any importance in the government was taken down for anything. Nixon, for going AGAINST the jews. Fact is not a blackpill. Eat shit, you fucking liar. THE ZOG WILL NOT ARREST THE ZOG. Following laws written by jews will not allow us to take power away from jews. We will NEVER take power except through physical force. In before "you are FBI."


Interesting the Ranking Member used those specific words.

There is a positive momentum towards Trump in the "independent" voter category that was only amplified by the SOTU and how well it has been generally received. Delaying the Memo only serves to intensify the interest in the general public. Since they saw last night that Trump didn't come out in a Klan uniform and lynch a wetback in the middle of the House- they see, yet again, they are being lied to. Perfect opportunity to tear down the demi-gods of the left.

Isn't this the noise some user in another thread said was supposed to hypnotize you?

No that was binaural beats.

Its fucking feedback my dude.

I agree. But nothing will ever change the mind of hardcore liberals. To them the memo is just a Republican lie spread around by Russian bots. Part of a little chat I had with some guy who has his mind already made up.

the cognitive dissonance in that guy



Good thing their relevancy falls away more and more everyday.

Well of course user, that's who the lamp posts are for.

Sock puppet your twitter account nigger

Yep, par for the course. I'm the exact opposite of asses and elbows, by the way.

I'm not really sure how you could blame them after the Republican party [or the elements within it, if it makes you feel better] signed the United States' death warrant with almost two decades of zionist war. Me personally, I don't believe a single thing anyone in the republican party says.

Also that cucked faggot you were Banting with missed an n. Nazis include grammar Nazis. An investigation goddammit

You really think my actual name is Andrew Brenton? How retarded would I have to be to argue with liberals on Twitter with my full name and then post it here?

Good job, you fucking played yourself.

Feel free to refute me, kike.

He's definitely a lurker at least.

Duly noted. Lotta new faggots these days , can't be too careful and all that

It's a good thing that they aren't a majority of voters then. IIRC, the left allegedly shrunk in following not long after the election, to the point that more people were identifying as Republican after a point.

However, Trump is doing very well with independents, if the polling on the SOTU reflects general approval of his presidency by those groups.

That's awesome. You learn something new every day

No but he is a lynchpin in most of their political bullshit.

man that retard is only driving up the hype for the memo more and more

Edits should be in a different color.

Someone's mic wasn't properly grounded, kinda like when you have a speaker with an aux input, if you turn it up and touch the end of the input plug you get the same noise.

i would normally be mad at this sort of thing, but tbh it's just getting kind of funny

That would be the single greatest thing they could do for us. It would radicalize so many so quickly that we could ignite a civil war and forcefully purge them and their supporters.

It's too late.
Buckle up.

Would you really lay down your life for someone as pro-israel as Trump? I wouldn't.

why the fuck are you direct linking some kiked up newspaper. Do you not know how to archive?

Jerusalem was already the capital of Israel you fucking idiot.

Which is why it's not happening, and also his entire premise is faulty. Kikes didn't cut any sort of deal which would let ethnonationalists have more power, idiot. He's just trying to move the fucking goalposts to reconcile his mental "Trump is secretly Hitler" delusion with reality.

yeah I'd rather just sit in my home and relax just like you

I have to think there is a lot of daylight between dying to enthrone zionism and chillaxing on the couch. Given the choice, I don't deny I'd go with the latter.


I'm not laying down my life for a man, I'm taking advantage of a flashpoint so we could use it for our ends. When the bullets fly, cucks tend to shape up or get eaten alive. His assassination would be the perfect excuse so we can kill kikes and leftists and have it be justified.

I feel like this type of shit alone should be a firing line offence.

Like you have been your entire life and will continue to do so. Who gives a fuck if Trump is not perfect about kikes. He's so much better on so many issues compared to any major party candidate since Buchanan. Not to mention any president since Nixon.

Remember that the president's security is kiked and any opposition to Trump (meaning shabbos and brainwashed leftists) would be kiked. An assassination would happen only if they let it happen, as liberals are too weak and feeble to think independently (and organize an assassination) and the security is too good (because it's designed to protect shabbos from people like us) to be beaten by uncoordinated attacks.

Didn't happen when Lincoln, Kennedy, or Regan was shot. Plus you are forgetting about that huge military, national guard and police force that would flood the streets if anyone acted up. Let alone the fact that there would still be a 99% functional government and there are plans in place for this exact scenario, hence vice president.

And don't try to pull that bullshit the military is on your side. It is close to 50% democrat now that it is filled with women and minorities.

Checked truth dubs

What issues?

Taxes, obamacare, immigration, nationalism, foreign wars, trade. Pretty much better than any other main stream candidate.

Mandate repeal
2nd amendment
Domestic energy production
Overturning fed land grabs

I do. I'm not interested in revisiting the same issues over and over again. To not talk about kikes in this society is to pass under the yoke. No thanks.


They really do not want this coming out.

You can't go from 0 to 100 in a split second. It is going to take at least 10-15 more years before the JQ is mainstream. You are better off talking to kids about it than adults.

Until you start killing kikes or running for office with a Kill All Kikes platform I'm just going to have to assume you're D&C or a LARPer. If you live your life moderately enough where no one irl knows you hate kikes and want to kill them then you are no better than Trump in regards to the JQ. If you think anyone in this very jewish controlled world could gain political office or power without in some way failing the Kill All Kikes purity test then you're either too autistic to function or D&C. If you do indeed run for office with a Kill All Kikes platform I would be happy to donate. Till then.

Do your friend and family and coworkers know how much you hate kikes and want to kill them all? If so how has that worked out for you?

That is THE one pill that the goyim always resist taking the most. We have not reached the point where one can name the kikes publicly without massive cognitive dissonance. That is changing very rapidly. The goyim ARE waking up in amazing numbers. And the names that are going to come up in this memo is going to stoke the shit out of that fire.

Your pleb-tier grasp of the situation is something you need to work on lad.

Are you sure?

It's not a split second. It's been 70 years.


I don't have a pleb tier grasp of the situation. I understand it perfectly well. Trump isn't suitable for me because I have a grasp on the situation. If he's okay for you, just say you're okay with muddling with jews so long as they tone down the damage they caused and be done with it. It would be a more respectable take than trying to paint someone else as not getting it.


Because MSM said a random loon did it. Nobody would believe that nonsense now.

The few good ones would join the people. The rest are not prepared for a civil war. They are not even prepared to deal with illiterate sandniggers in pajamas overseas. They have more detailed plans for when their pension kicks in.

Agreed. Now if we could only get him to repeal the income tax.
But that's unconstitutional in the first place, so it's not even relevant where someone stands on it.
He offered more amnesty and more citizenship than king nigger. He doesn't want them gone. He's also not deporting the non-dreamers, either.
Civic, not ethno. He doesn't differ there.
Norks, Iran, and even Syria…
Agreed. Now if we could only get him to actually follow through on NAFTA and the TPP.

So you can't list anything?
So you openly accept a zionist because… why?

Fuck your defeatism. We can do it TODAY if you faggots would just get off your asses. It can be an actual issue brought up in a goddamn debate in 2024. Stop waiting for someone else to do your job for you, coward.

1. We have.
2. Cognitive dissonance is the way of the world right now. People are brainwashed BY JEWS into denying objective reality. You can save them from this dissonance and show them who's responsible for it SIMULTANEOUSLY.
While I am very adamant in stating that we are capable of changing people's minds right now, I have not seen any evidence that anyone is actually waking up right now. Can you offer some evidence to this effect? I really need a reason not to want to kill myself lately.

That isn't a good argument. My family and few pleb friends are well fucking aware of how I feel about the kikes and my refusal to capitulate on that is slowly starting to make them see the light.

I personally feel that everyone should be wearing their 1488 on their sleeves because, the more people say something the more it is heard, the more it is thought about and the more it is repeated. And if everyone who knew of the evil of the kikes just stood the fuck up in solidarity and did just that that display of character and fortitude would have the effect of drawing many plebs to the cause. Strength is compelling.

But, that is not going to happen, not quite yet. It will happen soon enough but we still have a bit to go. As retarded as it is reality is very much nothing more than a very autistic grand strategy game, once the wokeness stats have reached the prerequisite for shoah it will happen.

Of what? Only 3 of my close friends are truely woke on the JQ. None of my family, or other friends have any clue.

You can't pretend getting into office and yelling it will do you any good. Look at Ron Paul who told some less taboo truths and he was written off as crazy or ignored. Trump would be amendment 25ed so fast it wouldn't even be worth it.

I'm still looking for an actual answer. I'm seeing Monday or tomorrow.

Here are the transcripts of the memo hearing.

Why did you not respond to running for public office with a Kill All Kikes platform if you are this pure? Also why would I respond when others already have and it's becoming increasingly obvious you are D&C.

I lost my best friend to talking about kikes and I was doing so with a very light touch when we were drunk. What kind of work do you do where you can publicly antikike?

The way to do this that gets people to actually believe you is to be CASUAL AS FUCK. And not just casual, confident. If you're going to make a politically incorrect statement during a conversation or in response to talmudvision in your breakroom with coworkers around, or out with friends, you say it as though it's the most natural thing in the world (because IT IS). Practice your fucking intonation if you have to, because fear bleeds through into speech and body language (what the fuck do WE have to fear, though?). Make your statement and then make a joke about the topic immediately after. Make your statement and then switch to a different, but related, topic. If someone calls you out, call them out. Shrug it off; you did nothing wrong and you spoke the truth.

Oh, I forgot to ask. Your thoughts on Paul Nehlen?

You've mined enough data for today.

I did respond. You just didn't like the response, you fucking reducto ad absurdum yid.
1. Because I asked YOU, kike.
2. Because that's how conversation works, kike.
Eat shit and die, obvious paid shill. "You're D&C because you refuse to compromise on your beliefs" is NOT going to fly here.

Big fan. Doubt you are though since he is publicly pro Trump.

Yeah pretty clearly D&C.

Is this person saying the document is a flop?

We have already seen similar huge releases (Snowden, 27 9/11 pages, etc) that fell flat, so I wouldn't be surprised. I just was hoping it was something with how they are acting.

Didn't have the internet back then and sad fact is people are stupid since it is not happening right this second it by default is seen as mostly irrelevant to them.

I am not ok with 'muddling with jews' what I am ok with is someone who is most definitely not making the situation worse while also doing a ton of shit to fuck them over, buying time for the plebs to wake the fuck up, which they are definitely doing. The kikes have been a serious fucking problem since the earliest recorded history. It is not something that will be solved by running through the streets screaming GTKRWN by yourself. If Trump came out right this second and said everything that he absolutely needs to say about them ya know what would happen? The left shits would balk at it, the redditpedes will show themselves as the leftists they really are and the plebs will see that and side with them. It shouldn't need to be the case but people are really, really fucking stupid and nothing of the sort will go the way we want it to until their credibility is entirely destroyed first. And in order to do that they must be whittled away at so that they publicly squirm and put on a show for all to see just how evil they are.

Your pleb tier grasp of the situation is something you need to work on.


I mean, how is this fucking possible. How would the jews allow anything actually damaging–much less "more corrupt than chicago"–to ever actually be released? I still can't believe the memo will AMOUNT to anything, just as I refuse to believe they'll EVER let Uranium One go public.

What of the worries that he's CIA, given his employment history? Or simply a regular shabbos whose goal was to propose the "force kike internet media to stop censoring speech" bill and then destroy it by association with his radical nature? See, this is the problem. You actively admit that you can't run on a "jews shouldn't be here" policy, much less a "jews shouldn't be anywhere" policy. So your hypocrisy in calling out my PRIVATELY stated beliefs (this counts as "private" since we're anonymous and obviously not in public service or running therefor) is pretty telling.
Let's put it this way: Trump will never endorse him for the house seat, and Paul Ryan isn't about to retire until death takes him.
Drown yourself. Semen is preferable. You have NO argument and cannot reply to anything presented.

he wasn't your best friend then, he was your enemy

Hey man if you have some secret in how to have a career to take care of yourself while being publicly anti kike then you should tell everyone else here not just me.

He saying notoriously corrupt Chicago politicians would never do something as bad as the intelligence agencies have done.

It might not be a total loss if the document is, in fact, a complete and total flop. The left has been in full view of everyone huffing and puffing and moaning about the memo; if it is completely nothing, they'll all look like complete retards for holding things up and making such a gigantic deal out of seemingly nothing.

When are you going to stop worrying about what every white person who is public with wanting to maintain this country as a white nation and stop bitching about kikes from the safety of your home online and actually do something constructive? If you are this pure and you think it would work run for office. I'd vote for you. Or maybe I'd act like you and accuse you of being a secret mossad agent you fucking D&C kike.

End of the civil war. His assassination changed little for the union.
Different era. Not the same circumstances as today.
Not killed and once again different circumstances.

The biggest difference today vs the last two is that people are already distrustful of the government, already are prone to believe "unofficial" explanations for events, more likely to be radicalized, the media is viewed differently, etc. Its very different today than it was 30 or 60 years ago.
Irrelevant. The military and NG can barely control some mideast shithole filled with illiterate goatfuckers. Their main advantage is in intelligence gathering and raw firepower that can be focused on one location. The authorities in the US are unprepared to deal with widespread mixed intensity conflict over a whole continent. What good is control of the internet when internet coverage in many areas is spotty or non-existent due to internet and power outages? How will trucks deliver food to cities if the highways become laden with cheap but prolific IEDs and snipers?

The majority of actions that will be taken in the next civil war will be by small cells and lone wolves. Mass organization is impossible with the constant threat of infiltration. Attacking authorities head on is futile, asymmetric warfare is how we win.

Oh, that's what it is. You and I have opposite reads on what Trump is doing and why. You believe he's working against zionism. No wonder we're just talking past each other.

Wait are you saying that Paul Nehlen is too radical for you? Wow and here I was thinking you were 100% on the kill all kikes public platform.

Sounds to me like he is saying he saw bad shit in Chicago and that this is nothing in comparison.

I think that's part the 5 day deadline, but it would be for news cycle purposes. Have it on the news all week, not just burried over the weekend.


See, it's called lying. If he's working for jews, he's not going to actually want what he says he wants. Why are you so unacquainted with the concept of lying?
And you?
So you can't comprehend why a shabbos might lie, and yet here you are comprehending the concept OF a shabbos lying. Interesting.

Get some reading comprehension.

You were just fucking whining that Nehlen is going to poison the well since he is too radical. Clearly a call for moderation. Yet here you are saying that anyone not running on a Kill All Kikes platform must obviously be beholden to kikes. Please form a real argument if you want to push a narrative you D&C kike.

I'm not privy to this conversation, but I would like to ask a question?

How would someone prove to you that they are not a shabbos goy?

Ah I see… I thought "they" meant Republicans not Chicago politicians.

As in the contents of the memo are really damning or calling the memo corrupt? He was in on the 'times up' bullshit so im guessing the latter.

I'm a part of my local republican party and more than happy to support anyone with vaguely white positive policies. If you think that a Kill All Kikes platform could win right now in America then why aren't you being a hero and running for office to save us?

I thought it was saying that the contents were damning, but rereading it and the phrase "I don't agree with what you're doing" kind of points to the latter as you said.

Nope. Voiced my concern that his purpose would be to poison the well (against a specific bill) through association with "radical" thoughts (which were known as common sense until 1945). Reading comprehension. Bone up.
Nope, not what I said at all.
Please form a non-strawman.

You'd like to know that, wouldn't you, moishe? It's quite plain to anyone not caught up in jewishness, so feel free to lurk more. Hint: it has to do with what Holla Forumsacks see as our most important belief.

… cuck

I never said that he is working against it. But he is undoing some of the damage. I haven't seen a scrap of evidence which implies he is actively aiding our destruction. When the plebs are waking up to the kikes in massive numbers anything that isnt marching to the zog beat as fast as we were before is a step in the right direction for now. The redpill will continue its spread, it can not be undone. The memes are far too powerful.

So you want Nehlen to moderate his beliefs in order to achieve something that would benefit whites? Hmmm but you don't want Trump to do the same thing. Hey this is really confusing is there a passge from the Torah you could quote that could explain this uh little bit of bad logic.
Ah I see. You just want to wait for Hitler. I wonder who is the real cuck in this situation.

jej you've gone full uneducated skinhead. I think /polk/ is more your slow speed

For young anons here be assured that in my personal experience in the late 70's-early 80's there were many Vietnam vets who spoke of asymmetrical warfare and were dismissive of the feds as thieving liars. That's not even getting into the contempt for the affiliated media/edu complex. It's not new. It's been brewing for decades.

What you're seeing now is almost 25 solid years of those men putting their ideas onto the web where there are no gatekeepers. Be patient.

Not that user but I live unabashedly NatSoc. I talk to any White who will listen. My parents now recognize the JQ and several friends do as well. I'm working on others. Hell even one of my coworkers knows now. One already knew. I'm in the aerospace industry by the way. The important thing is to speak with caring, conviction and confidence. The more you speak, the better you'll feel, and the better you will speak.

oh wait a second… I recognize you from that other thread you were shilling in the other day. choke on zyklon.

I want Trump to "radicalize" his beliefs.
Only if you're illiterate.
Jews follow the Talmud, dipshit. Would you even know a jew if you saw one?

Get out, reddit.

Feel free to point to where I did, shlomo. Reported.

you are a fucking moron
you've implied it in every one of your posts. I should counter report you but Im not a gigantic faggot.

So a non-answer. Let me give a specific example.

Lets say someone were to shoot up the Jewish Directors League. He taped a vid beforehand saying that this was revenge for the constant anti-white policies jews pursue in the US via kikewood. Would that be enough for you to consider him non-shabbos goy? Or would you think he was FBI because he was too radical?

On the other end, lets say a man is protesting with a sign that says "jews are responsible for our problems". Would he be a non-shabbos goy, or is he still shabbos because he's not extreme enough?

The greater point here is that behind your innuendos lies a near schizophrenic definition of who is and who isn't shabbos. One has to be just right to fit your narrow definition of non-shabbos.

I know who you are kike, and you will be boiled alive in pork fat when the time comes.

Wait if you want Trump to radicalize then why are you getting so worried about Nehlen being a very bad goy with all the mentions of Culture of Critique and making lists of his Jewish haters. You have a lot of internal dissonance about this issue I think. I feel that if Trump had been perfect on the Kill All Kikes issue you would be saying he is poisoning the well for REAL believers in Kill All Kikes. Pretty clear D&C to me.

I work in tech. Being an open republican is risk enough for my career and has probably hurt me in terms of promotion. But its good to know that you are able to live more truly than I can.

Individual convos are different then coming out in the news publicly.

Keep having the convos because that works, just don't expect a politician to come out during a speech to mouth breather normies.

Like I said, we're just talking past each other. There isn't anything fruitful that is going to come of this because I don't see what you see.

Oh, I'm sure you're doing a bang up job. Why not infiltrate the democrats instead?
Oh, so you admit it was never said or implied and that you're making up utter shit refuted by my own statements. Got it.
Jury's out on that.

Given that jews commit hate crimes against themselves, check to see that he's a jew first. And given that they love to use the "lone gunman" excuse for painting someone as mentally ill, your scenario screams of mossad. By Way of Deception used to be required reading here, but there aren't any book threads anymore…
You've clearly demonstrated that you don't understand what makes a shabbos. My hint is all you get.
Bit of projection there, feivel; be careful.
Hilarious. "You're a jew if you want all jews exterminated." Thanks for proving, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you have no clue what a shabbos goy is.

Why am I worried about someone not in power who may well be well poisoning if I want someone IN power to feel that adopting those beliefs is a good thing? Is that your question? If so, HOW is it a question?
Nope. You're just illiterate.
No one cares about your feelings.
If Trump had actually kept his campaign promises relating to ethnonationalism, I'd feel better about him.
It would be if you even knew what that phrase means. Learn your lingo.

Wow that is organic. How long has this been around user?

Nunes confirmed 1000D chess champion.

Democrats used it in one of their commercials during the campaign. How did you miss that? It's the greatest political commercial in half a century.

It's partly due to location as I live in a rather uncucked state and partly due to sacrificing certain career prospects to work for smaller companies instead. That being said I wouldn't change it for anything. Consider moving if you're able and that's part of the issue user. Your freedom and happiness are worth far more than any pay check.
Of course, that is what I'm recommending. I know that no one who is truly a champion of Whites and enemy of kikes will be allowed to take office. Judge Roy Moore was only pro White and still jerked Israel off and I had a front row seat to that stolen election. No, I believe in educating and when possible making fanatics of White men until the boiling point is reached.

Oh, good; I found it.


Dubs and it drops this morning.

Oh so you want someone to be moderate when they run for office THEN radicalize when they're in office. Ah very sneaky but I get you now though.

iirc it was backed by some Jeb fundraisers

Yeah, like I said. Democrats. I was going to do the stupid face here, but I realized it's not really a joke.

Notice lack of proof from Schiff.
I just woke up to this and I wonder.
Spamming 'where are the proofs' on Schiff's twatter

Yes, that works, too. Note that I'm not saying "become like jews", but I am saying that it's fine to lie to jews as long as you never lie to your people.

Kek has spoken…

oh lawd

Checked. Dubs confirm Schumer shitter shattered.

Fair enough then. I think Nehlen is a guy who has recently woken up to some truths and is willing to push the boundary for whats acceptable. I think Trump isn't /ourguy/ but was able to see the desire of many Americans for a pushback from what both parties have been doing for the last century. I think it is important to be part of this process and press things even further to our beliefs when possible. I do not think it serves any of us well with demanding public officials to run on issues that would only be acceptable on Holla Forums. I also do not really respect anyone who acts like they are 100% pure on the JQ yet do not do anything irl to push back on what is being done to our race. I think this was one of the failures of WN 1.0 in how they relegated themselves to irrelevance and then spent most of the time they had fighting each other and doing their best to smear the each other's reputations. If these men had been able to work together to gain political office and then push for further radicalization then we'd be in such a better position.

This shit again.
This was proven false time and time again.
Desperation is in the air

Fine. He isn't. Now what?
You do realize that a lone gunman can exist outside of alphabet operations, correct? Not every shooting is a grand conspiracy. And the lone gunman strategy and its variations are preferred by many different groups, not just kikes, because its effective, cheap and it works.
As was War of the Flea and various manuals and papers on asymmetric warfare.
Still a non-answer. I understand wanting to be like jello and not able to be pinned down to any concrete point, but hiding behind hints will only get you so far.

The issue with that approach is that the infrastructure of the bureaucracy can and will be used to defang and eliminate internal opposition that becomes a clear threat. If Trump went full radical tomorrow without justification, they bureaucracy could step in and severely degrade his ability to govern.

Obtaining power is only half of the equation, the other is countering the bureaucracy.

Hillary being described as extremely careless instead of grossly negligent was just a typo goys!

Uh oh, you're a "shill" now because you said that here.
And that's why Holla Forums was attracted to Trump from the day he announced: we saw that he represented the first step toward an ethnostate. Reddit, however, saw him as a cult of personality and the "end all", which is why now you can't contradict him here. It's not the only reason, but the only one you can mention without having something happen.

Now however many jews he killed are dead. He should've gone after political and financial jews, but hey.
How many times has this happened since the 'termination' of MKULTRA, user?
No shit. Hint's up there. Yes, it's vague. That's the point. What did pre-2016 Holla Forums hold as its primary tenet? It often went unspoken; it's not really one of our slogans. It's just the reason we exist. Why are we here? Why does this site exist? Why aren't we just content with accepting what jews tell us? The answer to that is how you know a shabbos from a Holla Forumsack.
I'm quite worried about a recent (((news story.)))
My 9/11 warning bells are going off. I'm concerned for this.
All the more reason we need more of US up there to muddy their votes against our will. Even if "up there" is just "state congress."

This discussion is so many levels above the crap that goes on at leftypol.

Nighttime EST/EDT is when a lot of good things happen.

And, just like that, the agent in charge of shilling for leftypol appears:

Clap on, clap off.

I think he meant here, user.

Its more common for sure, but mass murders still happened for MKULTRA. A better explanation for it is how many times has it happened since the CRA was passed and the cultural war on whites began vs before that time period? And this is before we get into non-white shitholes where martyrdom is considered privileged.
We are here because we seek the truth user.
Well he's right. Unfortunately the balknaization of American culture has made such a task impossible. 9/11 barely worked when the country was still 75%+ white and culturally stable. Now its only ~60% and almost as destabilized as it was in the 60s. 9/11 happening again wouldn't be enough to get WWIII going.
I would honestly aim for local offices and sheriff. The local governments are more powerful than many think.

Could be.

Oh fugg the everyone is CIA, post on top guy is here. Activate filters.

Well there is a happy middle ground. This thread got derailed because some pure kill all kikes user couldn't shut the fuck up about Trump being King Kike and let us talk about the memo. I found shit like that to be incredibly not useful and probable D&C.

I'm getting confusing and conflicting information. Are they forcing the released memo to be the edited one? Or are they hoping in vain that Trump releases the edited one in a desperate attempt to neutralize this?

If the latter, that's hilarious, but their plan b is that they're going to say post-release that the edited one is somehow valid and the unedited invalid because of "grammar mistakes." Their defense will literally be wiping away their guilt by saying inexplicable inproper grammar implies their guilt. This is how desperate they are. The damage control articles implying the incriminating parts are invalid due to grammar are already being written.

At the end of the day that's why the shills using fearmongering about Trump don't succeed and anyone falling for their tactics are weak-willed idiots. We're already a whole year later and if the shills were somehow not wrong and thus not shills, he would have signed the TPP, not changed anything about immigration and just been worse than Obama. I've asked these shills, where's the blackpill inducing end of america they promised because Trump was /theirgoy/ and not one ever has a valid response.

Can you imagine how desperate these shills are when their best days at their job was the airstrip bombing and when he touched the wall? And then that was it? People who grasp at straws would call these shills grasping at straws.


Same shit different day.

Go on, goon, post it already.

Trips of truth.

Go back to crying on gab, Jared Wyand. Faggot.

The second it drops we're going to see shilling the likes of which this board has never seen. They're scared. I've never seen them so frightened. Checking halfchan with a proxy, half Holla Forums is 50%+ shills right now. They will use every accusation in the book if it gets released tomorrow. They'll push russia, they'll say it's fake, everything you can think of. Whatever is in the memo is so large, so damning, so paradigm shifting that they're out in full force in the early hours of the morning. I have no clue what's going to happen, but after the trainwreck yesterday (literally), it could be happening. I just hope I have enough popcorn for this.

Are you sure of that?
I've seen an entire 751 thread of at least 300 shill posts with nigger porn all over the catalog.



There already is shilling. You are going to see an explosion of it no doubt, but there was an influx I noticed earlier after the SOTU, and Droolin' Joe's Big Disaster.

As of page 27, the jews do the same
But there's some interesting bits like the dems specifically fearing for their political careers, dems specifically trying to shut down investigation into FBI/DOJ, and the fact that the investigation was concealed from a large number of people on the oversight committee.

The immune response is to vilify the investigators, which further reinforces the idea that any of the numerous investigations that have been shilled against would/will uncover the very things they seek.

Not sure whether to call this projection or just schoolyard-level persuasion skills.

I think it is a little from column A and a little from column B, and a whole lot of fear. I want to see this, because I know that it has at least a little something good.

Schiff is projecting there at the bottom.
Trump has this.

that's Hillary, you dingus

Thanks user. Somehow I either missed it or didn't remember.

You…are not very bright, are you?

He has been running the "just sit back, don't ever vote, and wait for Hitler" line all day. I was at work following the thread and saw this. Now, I will say that things aren't perfect, but people are seeing the truth. Look, March 5th will come and go without a compromise and the Dreamers will be legally bye bye. Maybe they won't I don't know, but right now we are not going to get Hitler, and any user telling you to wait for that is a faggot.

You want to explain your mental illness or do you just want to kill yourself, you fucking kike?

Hey there, self-admitted jewish paid shill who has ban evaded hundreds of times. How are you doing?

Oh, that's not my concern…

How about just answering the question rather thank being an obvious jew? It's fairly easy. If you're too fucking retarded to comprehend how those two statements are NOT in contradiction, you don't belong on this website.

At no point have I ever said that in any thread, ever.
Yes, we know you're a paid shill. You don't need to EXPLICITLY TELL US.
Any evidence of en masse redpilling?
We have eight days until the next shutdown. They're going to get amnesty. The (((Republicans))) will cave.
Thanks for agreeing with me. I guess you're the shill now?

Then again, here's CIA-lover, shilling the CIA:

And here's the CIA-loving shill yet again, on another IP:

Reported for ban evasion. Kill yourself, redditor.

That is what the US military is tooled to deal with. They have been fighting gorillas since the end of WWII. The government paychecks have to stop flowing before your plan would even be possible. Even then the mess that it would cause and the Russian and Chinese involvement would ruin this country. It's not worth entertaining. Political migration and secession is a more likely before civil war in the first world nation.


Lol if they go after Nunes for releasing a edited version then they'll have to release the original memo to prove he did make substantial edits. So Nunes has them checked on that move.

I love the smell of jew fear in the morning. It smells like … victory.

This video is what made me question what I'd learned about Hitler. After I saw it I started reading Mein Kampf and his collected speeches and it all fell into place.


Schiff is lying.

I honestly feel like Schiff is at the end of his rope. I"m afraid they are going to have him walk into Nunes' office and shoot him to try and stop the memo. That's about the only move they have left.

If the left can't meme….. how do they make such effective propaganda for us? Checkmate

That’s likely the “deal” that was made.

What possible justification would there be for such a deal?

If they're so scared and running and Q is so confident, then why the hold up? More excuses coming from everyone's favorite LARP, shortly.

they memed so fucking bad that they made a huge negative meme

The US military is tooled to prop up the petrodollar and suck the MIC's dick, in that order.
And getting their shit pushed in by them.
Because getting shot at by your own people for a cabal of ungrateful kikes and DC SWPL cunts is totally worth a check denominated in a currency that will soon be worthless. Not very many white men are stupid enough for that and good luck getting nonwhites or roasties to fight.
nukes are still a thing
LMAO they can barely handle their own people.
oy vey don't revolt goy it's hopeless
Not only is civil war likely, it is inevitable.

The influence of the Israel lobby over the Republican Party. The lobby could make it impossible for Trump to get any of his domestic agenda through Congress. If Trump plays ball with the foreign policy agenda of the lobby, they could could give Trump a few breaks with his domestic agenda by telling thier puppet congressman and cuckservative media personalities not to obstruct Trump. It’s a plausible theory.

Uh… name the jew.
You fundamentally misunderstand the purpose of the military. It's not to win wars.
Before or after there are too few whites to win it?

Yeah, why would jews EVER compromise to let ethnonationalists have a platform in the way that we do now? No, Trump isn't one; that's not the point. The claim is that he is and that he's still going to deport anyone. But none of his policies are like that.
They can't afford to let us get any power. They wouldn't make that deal.

More like civil massacre, the people we're going to be up against are a bunch of slack jawed faggots who consider themselves "superior" while having a body mass of a 4 year old. It'll be nothing short of a (righteous) genocide.

Correct, so what's the catalyst? How do we get them to fire the first shot? Because people aren't going to take up unless it's in defense.

The way that all video and photos are digital now, once we purge them they will leave no legacy. We simply wipe them from history and forget they ever existed.

Bet Schumer is up there too. Barack is definitely not the top. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if their whole plan wasn’t to blame everything on the darkie if shit really unraveled. I don’t even believe that Obama acts on his own accord half the time. His origins are so mysterious and he’s so fundamentally unqualified that it seems like he was put through everything he did by someone (((else))). Seriously is he mkultra’s greatest success story?

It will be the end of civilization as we now know it.

Honestly, this is playing out perfectly. It's as if the Dems WANT to create as much public interest in this memo as they can…their hysterical attempts to censor this memo are like something you'd see in a reality TV show.
Memo is an absolute kill shot from the Republicans. Already. Just wait till we see it.

All of the mastermind kikes that planned this out and set it in motion are either already dead or pushing ninety. Why do you think they are so obsessed with extending their lifespan? Because they know that their grand scheme will die shortly after they do. Their children are just a pack of spoiled little cunts with a god complex. Trump can (and will) manipulate them into jumping into their own grave.

By fighting gorilla armies in these proxy wars
They still hold the countries they haven't left and they aren't leaving the US
Yes the niggers, women, and low IQ masses that fill the grunt ranks really are woke on the JQ and the petro-dollar…. if that were the case they would refuse to fight wars for Israel, but they still do retard.
So the military you think is useless against the population is all of a sudden capable of striking Russia during the chaos of a civil war. You are a genius!
Yet the US has to posture around them so they don't gain more regional power. Sending money and supplies to influence the civil war doesn't mean they will collapse.
Yes, at this stage it is. Grow up and do the cost analysis. I have a degree in risk analysis and an even temperament, unlike yourself who is a trigger happy talk big shit on the internet faggot.
No one said it isn't inevitable. I just said secession is more likely at this point with the current state of things and even that is pushing it because of past Supreme Court rulings.

Boy, that sure was easy. Couldn't be any ulteriority, could there…
So think about reasons that might be the case.
Or is it?

Great, underestimate yids. That's a plan that will get results.
Trump has never worked against jews in his entire fucking life. Stop the delusions and actually discuss the real-world topic.

ok where the fuck did you faggots come from that requires you to post based on individual lines in other posts holy shit

Where the fuck did you come from that every single sentence of what you say is OBJECTIVELY WRONG and needs to be addressed separately? Holy fuck.

anyone see this yet? i havent looked into it yet. just barely heard it on the news


Blackpill shill.
Anyone who can't see how PANICKED the Democrat complex is hasn't been paying attention.
Trump is a very stable genius. He didn't get elected president by being a fucking idiot. You think he can't handle some worthless kikes? Gas yourself.

female shooter as well. pretty rare

Does that really matter? If it gets that bad (((Soros))), Bezos, or any number of other kikes can write a check to balance everything out no problem. Or am i a brainlet in my understanding of how donations to National Committees work.

Reports are now that Trump is releasing the memo on Friday:

I think it is a poor option to release over the weekend and quite possibly miss a full week of coverage. Should be interesting to see how the news tries to bury it. Also Reuters is reporting that the FBI (read: deep state) is kvetching over the "accuracy" of the memo even though they were one of the group who got to suggest changes to the wording. They are continuing to pull out every stop to try and make this go away because it could lead to a gutting of these agencies.


kek he should tweet it out 160 characters at a time

They have a built in Slide story with the Super Bowl happening on Sunday. Trump who has been pretty masterful at playing the media dropped the ball on this one by dragging everything out.

With a Friday release, the memo is now going to be a hot topic of conversation at every Sunday Super Bowl party.

I forgot about the superb owl.

he has to release the supporting documents with it. Or else it will be simply disregarded as a partisan piece of paper.

That's a good point and likely the strategy employed here.

There's still a chance that the democrats will crash entire thing down, by hyping some other topic so the story of the memo wont reach to the public. They could also "leak" their own version of the memo to their media.

They are dangerously close to insolvency. There are limits on how much individuals or companies can give to campaigns or committees, maybe OIG has closed off the loopholes they use to get around those limits? Not really sure but they're like 6m in debt and only have about $6.2m cash on hand.

Isn't that what they're trying to do with the Hope Hicks story?

what are you even on about you nigger, i'm questioning why faggots like you are replying line by fucking line instead of coherently being able to articulate your thoughts in a concise manner. i'm guessing it's because of your apparent lack of comprehension skills, you need to see see each individual line to understand what it's saying.

link to the Hope Hicks story? these kikes better not be going after my girl Hope.I would drink her bath water.


Plus the fact that Trump just made 120 countries our enemies. I’m not blackpilling, just encouraging care in letting false hope get to you. Where the fuck is this (since redacted) memo anyhow?

Republicans who have read the Democrats memo say it only strengthens the credibility of the Nunes memo

Our government is so ass backwards. There should be full transparency except for moments when secrecy is required, and those should be few.

It's a nothing burger obviously, but it's all over media outlets since yesterday afternoon, just look up "Hope Hicks" and you'll see what I mean. I'm surprised I haven't seen a thread on Holla Forums about it
The allegation is essentially that somebody says Hope Hicks once implied she was thinking about "obstructing" the release of the Don Jr. e-mails. Yuge scandal

Which is what brought Q here in the first place - to line up a community of weaponized autists who can meme the memo contents into the public consciousness..

These filthy kikes are trying to smear my girl Hope over emails that were voluntarily published by Don Jr. months ago. Why are (((they))) so slimey and underhanded. I really want to see CNN headquarters get SWAT teamed and every contributor and anchor in the building get summarily executed live on TV.

i hope youre right
either way, this opens up the possibility that a significant portion of the population will just flat out deny any validity of the memo regardless of what it says. regardless of the facts.

its too bad, because these stubborn libshits could really use a bucket of cold water on their faces.

this is exactly what i think too. the white hats in the IC mustve known that the swamp creatures were going to pull something like this in order to ruin the credibility of the memo. they knew that they were going to need a team of autists to help push. plus, by giving all the Qtards blue balls for a couple months, they ensure that not only is everyone eagerly awaiting it (ie no chance of them just FOIAing it quietly and covering it up with some sort of distraction), but also, because of Q, the FBI has gotten a bunch of free fucking labor. and the next time they need some bruteforce gruntwork done, they can just waltz on down to cuckchan, write some cryptic limerick, add a couple ++++s and voila.

Funny because the changes are just fixing typos, grammar, etc.

Does Trump cave to the FBI?

Yes, the names will all be redacted.

Reported. Fuck off back to reddit with Q-LARP lies.

Yes, because all the names will have big ((())) around them otherwise

I think this is part of why the Trumpinator is waiting for Friday. Just to see how far they completely nut out before then.

for fucks sake. i am aware that the internet has fucking destroyed the way people write the english language. but when even FBI agents cant fucking write without spellcheck, we have a problem.

also, if transparency is what they are trying to display then WHY FUCKING EDIT THE GODDAMN THING AT ALL???? WHY THE FUCK IS ANYONE ALLOWED TO EVEN TOUCH IT?

like, really, are some grammatical/spelling errors enough to sink the validity of the whole thing? probably not. the only thing i can think of is that they need the wording to be exact so that they can further investigate the people talked about in the memo. but thats just me holding out hope that any semblance of justice will be served. foolish, i know.

why the fuck do they need to redact the names of publicly elected government officials? unless of course they are planning to further the investigation, and dont want to give the people listed in the memo a heads up as to who they will be investigating into. again, just being hopeful

Has to have the names unredacted. Releasing it without naming names is pointless. Don't think that's gonna fly with Trump or the Intel Committee.



where's the wall and deportations?

It is on its way. Congress is dragging its feet on wall funding, but deportations are happening.
ICE Plans Largest Raid On Northern California Illegals After State Passes Sanctuary Legislation:

Be patient, dems are too panicked about the memo right now to worry about saving dreamers. They'll ultimately fail, dreamers will be deported and the wall will be built.

Wall won't be built until after midterms and the R's pick up a filibuster proof majority.

Trump himself and the 9th circuit court disagree

cucks don't want the wall either

Irrelevant. Everything they try to block gets overturned anyway
No, he's trying to get a deal done this is how negotiations work
Doesn't matter, we will get the wall and Mexico will pay

You're kidding, right? They committed treason and felonies. The names have to be redacted so that the voters don't learn who did it.
There's something wrong with you.


filtered for blackpill kike fagootry


wasn't aware Trump can draft and pass legislation alone

Kill yourself, shill.

Wasn't aware that the wall needed new legislation, given that all existing laws and the Constitution itself explicitly allow it.

you need money
is Trump gonna for it himself?

You really don't know what the fuck you're talking about. He doesn't need to pass legislation. There were laws enacted by Congress in 2008 and 2010 to build a wall.

The President in fact possesses explicitly enumerated powers to deport any non-citizen he chooses and to forbid anyone he chooses from entering for any reason he chooses.Has since the mid-twentieth century I think.

The money is already there. It's literally in the fucking budget already.

Most Americans underestimate how much illegal aliens cost us each year. Looking at the Heritage Foundation study, you will find that the average illegal household pays about $10,334 annually in taxes. The disparity lies in the fact that the average illegal household receives around $24,721 in government benefits (this includes direct benefits, means-tested benefits, education benefits, population-based services, interest and other spending, and pure public goods expenditures) annually. For comparison, the average households with college-educated heads received $24,839 in government benefits while paying $54,089 in taxes. Now, looking at these figures, we can conclude that the average household of illegals costs taxpayers $14,387 per annum. The Heritage Foundation estimates that there are 3,444,955 households of illegals in the US, containing “no more than” 12,708,875 illegal immigrants. This estimate is flawed, however, because it is based off of a census study conducted in the year 2001. It’s strange how immigrants flood into our country and hop the border in droves, yet the amount of illegal immigrants has stayed roughly the same… A more apt estimate would be the one conducted by Ann Coulter in her book Adios, America! in which she cites a study by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Barlett and Steele that estimates an average of 3 million illegal aliens are coming in yearly–enough to fill 22,000 Boeing 737-700 airliners. Coulter also cites a study Fred Elbel done in 2007 that estimates there were 20 million illegal immigrants residing in the US in 2005.
Taking these new figures, we can calculate that there are close to 50 million illegal immigrants currently in the US. However, since I understand these studies are just estimates; I will use a more conservative estimate of 35 million. This new number of illegals is close to 3.5x the Heritage Foundation’s estimate, so we arrive at 12,057,343 households of illegals. AII of these households are costing US taxpayers $14,387 per annum. Multiply these two numbers and you get the cost of illegal immigration to the US: $173,468,986,547.
The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) contractor, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) completed 651 of nearly 652 miles of fencing mandated by Congress in 2005, which was a part of the DHS’ Secure Border Initiative (SBI). The price per mile (PPM) ranged from $400,000 to $15.1 million, for an average of $3.9 million PPM. The USA has close to 2,000 miles bordering Mexico and other areas illegal aliens typically trek though. Assuming the best option is the option for $15 million PPM, it would cost taxpayers around $30 billion to build a comprehensive wall. The price to build a wall that would last a lifetime is less than 17% of the yearly cost of illegal immigration. The choice is extremely clear.
The areas mentioned are not the only areas in which we would save. If we decided to deport all illegal aliens, we would save the $173 billion that is spent yearly on the illegal aliens. This would allow us to increase the border patrols budget by $15 billion–a more than 100% increase–$10 billion towards defense spending, $50 billion towards paying back the national deficit (or $60 billion; whatever), all while cutting taxes by 2.5% across the board. In addition, close to 29.3 million jobs would be open. This number comes from multiplying the amount of illegal aliens by 89% (the amount over the age of 18), and then multiplying that number by 94.5% (accounting for just Obama’s fake unemployment rate in May 2015). With the amount of job openings caused by deportation, everyone drawing unemployment in the US would be able to find a job. And there would be close to 21 million jobs left, which would allow for an extraordinary amount of economic growth and would cause a massive surge in the Labor Force Participation Rate, which is seemingly lacking. When US citizens fill those jobs, the government will see a huge leap in tax revenue. The average US citizen pays close to 30% in taxes on their average $44,888 salary. The average citizen pays approximately $13,466 in taxes per annum to the government. Multiplying this by 31.3 million (the amount of jobs that now pay income tax to the US government) gives us $421.5 billion. Allocating these funds could give us $50 billion for infrastructure repair, $10 billion for education, $15 billion for defense spending (or, again, no more than we’re spending now at all), $150 billion to pay back the national debt, and would allow us to lower taxes again, this time 5% across the board.

Fucking this. Transparency should be required in all things. Politicians should tell the truth, be open and honest with the people, work to improve the lives of the largest base of people they possibly can, and use the richest and most powerful as tools to improve everyone's lives.

Instead, they lie, they obfuscate happenings and activities under the guise of 'national security', they collude with the rich and powerful to keep the poor people down, and they actively work to demonize and demoralize the majority of the public for their own personal gain.

It's fucking disgusting, and people need to be made distinctly aware of every little thing.

Not necessarily. Redacting the names to protect them from public outrage, death threats, and the like might be reasonable to most people not to me, hang them all, but redacting names to protect against investigation is pointless because everyone that was involved knows who they are and how much they are at risk. Redacting the names for national security reasons will realistically draw the public outrage away from certain individuals, which I believe should be added to the publicly available document, and force it onto the general departments themselves.

I still think they should publish the names. Not publishing names gives those fucks plausible deniability until the investigation uncovers names, which gives more time for people to delete documentation, cover their tracks, etc.

God damn, I hope this memo is what everyone expects it to be.

Freeing up all these jobs would allow us to completely cut all unemployment benefits, which would discontinue FUTA (6%) as well as SUTA (5.82%) taxes on business, while saving taxpayers 108.5 billion USD annually. 10 billion of these newfound funds could go to paying back the national deficit, all while cutting taxes yet again, another 2.5% across the board.
In conclusion, building a border wall and deporting all illegal immigrants would allow us to spend per annum: $15 billion on border patrol, $25 billion in defense spending, $50 billion for infrastructure repair, $10 billion for education, and $210 billion towards paying back the national deficit–in addition to their current budgets–while cutting taxes nearly 12% on business, and 10% for citizens.


then why isn't he already building one?

courts disagree

1. Nope.
2. Doesn't matter; they're going against the law if they are.

He has already started you retard

where? links?

The courts are in direct contravention of their constitutional duty when they disagree with these actions. They need to be disbarred or to recuse themselves because they aren't morally comfortable with the ruling they're required to make.

The judges, I mean.

that's not what I was talking about and you know it

He has literally started building it. You can't have everything you want RIGHT THIS SECOND. So shut the fuck up until you have a real argument.

Looks like it was being recorded, not an actual video of what you're seeing, but a video of a video since the lines on the screen are out of whack, similar to when you video a computer screen. To me anyway.

literally all three articles you posted talk about prototypes and models

Magical, faggot. Keep moving those goalposts. You've been wrong every time.


from the liar himself.

steaming piles of Schiff about the memo changes


He doesn't have to
He has
Kill yourself faggot.

You fucking nigger, what part of "it's currently being built" was unclear? And the thing being built now? It's not even meant to be the MAIN wall.


literally from one of your links, faggot

Filter that stupid fuck and let's get back on topic.

I guess that's one way of admitting defeat

Okay, shlomo. Whatever you say.
I already told you the funding exists already.



then why is he begging congress to fund the wall?
that's literally part of the daca deal he's offering

They'd just deny that too.

Doesn't that contradict your point that he's not trying at all?

doesn't that contradict your point that the wall is already funded (but not being built for some reason)?

That wasn't me but that's one way to say you're just a shill trying to be divisive I guess.

So should I put the popcorn and rope away or is anything actually happening today aside form typical jewish tricks?

Apparently the memo will drop tomorrow. But keep the rope and popcorn close by just in case.

nope, today will be full of typical jewish tricks until the memo is released hopefully tomorrow morning.

and then what?

a rat defends the sinking ship

I agree. Why even vote on these things if they can just change everything in their spare time.
Are minors grammatical errors worth the loss of transparency? No.

Day of the Rope?

Trump is probably delaying the release to squeeze a major deal out of them.

I really hope he understands how dangerous this game is. Don't make deals with them, just nail these fuckers to the wall.

Trump expected to release Nunes memo without redactions, White House says

that's what they said about the JFK files and those had redactions anyway


Day of the Nope.

I think this ones personal. He has been waiting to dump this information since before he tweeted about being spied on by Obama back in March. The guy loves revenge, and he might see this as his opportunity to bury them.

holy shit

I got little past halfway and I wanted to put my fist through the screen.
Cuomo needs to be lowered feet first into a fucking meat grinder.


Friday release, huh?

My poor, blue balls.

The GCHQ letter that's been doing the rounds on Twitter for the last week mentions a direct request from the president.

It could be fake, but smells real to me. The GCHQ head responsible resigned a few days after Trump's inauguration.



It's a 60 hertz hum created by a ground loop.

That memo has been floating around since like Jan 2nd. The GCHQ symbol is a bit much for a "secret" document. I have never seen one with seals at the top of them. I am fairly certain this is fake even if what is in it has some air of truth.

Coumo is such a fucking pussy, but he does make good point about nobody seeing the underlying documents. If nobody has seen the underlying documents how can you put together an accurate report?

its fake.
It says
>former MI 5 agent Michael Steele
it should say

Dipshit, he's saying that to undermine the memo's contextual conveyance. Its a fucking summary of what those documents hold. They don't even want THAT getting out because it'll lead to bad things on their end.

Because it hasn't names a president yet

what if it mentions Obama by name?

Honestly, at first, I really thought this memo was going to be something that sort of implicates some mid-level people in some quasi-crime that most people will be able to brush off as partisan witch hunting. But the amount of shilling and DDoS attacks on 8ch alone tell me this is going to be something much more serious, not to mention all the leftist spinning and complete meltdown of the media over it. My body is ready, just give us the truth.

i understand why he is saying that. I'm just saying its a valid point. So is the memo a summary based on what their gut tells them, or did Nunes actually gain access to see what was in the underlying documents and CNN and the DOJ are just keeping up their game of fake news.

Who is, exactly?

It wouldn't be much of a summary if that was the case - but let's take him at his word and agree that they have to release the memo and the supporting documents. That way everyone's happy, right? :^)

That image has to be fake…

I have my hype music ready.

All this shit happened at universities across the US when Trump won. I can confirm Western Washington specifically had all of these things, including the cancelled classes and finals being made optional.

i want the underlying documents just so all of the kike spin gets stopped in its tracks.

Fucking hell, I knew it was bad but I didn't think it was that bad.

Stranger things have happened.

Why didn't trump release it during his SOTU speach?

Yes, it's THAT ridiculous since Trump won. LOL this fucking planet.

Maybe leverage of some kind.

It's a memo, not exactly a 9/11 commission report bud, not like they took 9 months hammering this beauty together….it's what, like 4 pages? Who gives a shit if we see the underlying FISA applications first, wouldn't you rather know that the system was being abused and politicized before wading through a bunch of lame ass handicapped evidence that can't even stand on it's own?

The reason they're freaking the fuck out is that this is going to be the straw that broke the camel's back. Trump knows it, some people are ready for it. Look at the public reaction to SOTU, the mentally insane are loosening their grip on their delusions of grandeur and maybe starting to listen. I think subconsciously the smart ones know they have to or they're going to die, it's kind of a subconscious survival at this point. Can millions of people in the wrong feel a tsunami coming that will wash them away unless they open their eyes and walk out of the cave? Their subconsciouses are definitely smarter than the conscious brainwashed self they identify as. Call it nature, whatever have you, the winds of shit are on the rise.

It doesn't matter if trump is truly punished and out for revenge for dem towers or whether he's a civnat cuck who despises us, this is the beginning of the end my friends. You don't shake hands with USS Liberty survivors as president 40 fucking years later unless you know (((them))) for what they are. It was the biggest signal we've ever had and it was largely forgotten. We all know he's not Hitler, but he's the strongest and brightest catalyst we've seen in decades.

This memo has to be a gateway to the unraveling of the corruption within Washington and America or as a nation we are truly lost and the time for waiting is over. We get arrests and transparency or we start taking bodies. Normies understand illegal wiretaps, not white genocide and the systematic rape of our children. This is the last chance they'll ever have. They get to open their eyes to truth and walk out of that cave like idiots with their country intact or we burn it to the ground around them.

I love you niggerfaggots. Hopefully we'll be in the salt mines together next week, otherwise I'm going to miss you guys.

Kills media buzz. Why release the memo monday when people are still talking about the state of the union on thursday?


Day of the rope


aw yeah baby!

Interesting that retard Michelle O was out and about on talk shows today. Another jew order to tame the moo'ing cows.

I'm worried their jewy definition is that the house IC made redactions to the memo and sent it to WH but*Trump/WH* aren't planning on redacting further

Never put it past a Jew to be Jewish, especially with words. There's a reason so many yids are bureaucrats and lawyers.

Criminally unchecked dubs.

It's because they can't do anything but lie and steal. And rape and eat children.

This. Trump has consistently released something either at the end or the start of the week. The start to dominate the news cycle for the next 3-4 days or at the end to escape the early to mid week cycle or to gag the media who's primetime coverage only exists on weekdays. The B team in charge of the weekend are so bad at covering things that it's hilarious.

Then on monday the primetime kike enablers and kike associates struggle through their hour long programming to try and cover all of the stuff Trump did on the weekend and what he did monday. It's comical because his autism is makes him a workaholic and they can't keep up.

Ya she was trying to make Melania Trump out for some sort of clueless idiot for giving her a GIFT when the Trump's came to the whitehouse.

A normal person would have just said "Thank You" when someone handed them a gift but Obama has to go and act like a cunt making faces and making Melania feel awkward.

MI6 prefers to call itself SIS (Secret Intelligence Service) these days, although MI5 aka "The Security Service" has the opposite preference and is still at, maybe because they want to avoid the SS acronym …


frogt link

Checked and exactly right along with
Releasing this tomorrow will dominate the Friday news, carry over into discussions over the weekend, and on to the Sunday morning politics shows. This keeps the story going and nobody can ignore it.


Friday release will also lead to lots of chatter during Super Bowl parties on Sunday. The politically active types can spread the word to other normies.

still spinning



Gimmie all that salt


Some solid points there. Gotta love Rand. He truly wants to MAGA.

Did the blonde just come out of lip surgery. Watch her top lip it doesn't move


I agree with Rand more than Trump on a lot of policy (especially foreign), but they both want to drain the fucking swamp


Let me be absolutely clear:

Remember the air strikes.

проверять их
Пришло время свергнуть американского товарища правительства!

The CIA exists to kill white people. Their goal is to wipe out all whites. The CIA is controlled by the kikes.



So they wanted to not release the memo that they lost the vote to not release because they should be able to vote to not release the memo with a few words changed?
Liberal logic.


Love you, too, niggerfaghead.

What do you think a government is but a gang of gangs, each more criminal than the next? The Alphabet soup agencies are the most criminal (that we know about) and they use congress and the judiciary to hide their criminality behind a facade of "oversight" and "justice".

If you haven't figured out that cleansing fire is the only way forward then you need to pay more attention.

I wish I could stomp on that shitdiots neck.

When was the last time a major political party was to being insolvent?

Not a surprise at all. All one need do is look at any city controlled by them to see how happy they are to spend every else's money until it runs out and they plot to raise taxes in some way.

Agreed fam, Trump is going to cause maximum effect with this. Just as planned…

I think it has more to do with the fact that they over-promised winning the election and paying back all their contributors with kick-backs and didn't deliver.

Only old people will admit to being a democrat. I know an old YDD. He will never vote for Bernie Sanders. He's realized Bernie Sanders is a commie.

can these r/conspiracy fags please leave.

Cuomo turns red at the end when the congressman King outs Obama.


What kind of name is Ahrens? I have my assumption.

he looks like he's holding a turd in his mouth and trying not to taste it.


I have fucking tears in my eyes. How the hell is that even news? What kind of fucking news argues against revealing the fucking truth? Christ damn the kikes! DAMN THE KIKES! DAMN THEM!


He starts snarling when the name "Nunes" is mentioned. He's not a real journo.

Good. Wray hasn't been on board with the MAGA agenda. Let him quit.


Are they trying to make releasing it sound like a bad thing?

I've long wondered. Is that a boy… or a girl?

I agree with you that transparency, above all else, should be prized in our government. I advocate for a future where every elected official should be required to wear an always-on bodycam that livestreams to the internet 24/7. I don't care if they're passing legislation, boning their wife, or taking a shit, once someone is elected they become property of the people (oh shit, like, a Public Servant?).

Abolish the CIA, DEA, FBI, ICE, and all the other alphabet soups, root through their documents and records and punish any worthy of punishment (how's that for a day of the noose) to the fullest extent of the law.

Toss in and extension of the truth in advertising laws to cover politicians and make it illegal for politicians to knowingly deceive or mislead the public.

It'd be a bright fucking future but to get there we're gonna have to bleed these (((people))) dry.

It's very interesting, actually, that a CIA kike slave points out the importance of addressing each floor of a steel building, like when the CIA killed thousands of white men and women on 911.

Remember, the goal of the CIA is to kill all white people, especially men. And the CIA is controlled by the kikes.

That is a born male person from the Eastern seaboard. Typical sort for the are.

I'll tell you, today is oh so comfy. :3

Comfy times user

How exactly can releasing information cause the FBI to implode? Surely the FBI never did anything wrong



Maybe it won't be illegal but it will be so abhorrent they expect the public to lynch the whole department please God let it happen


Pretty sure you're not supposed to shop around for a FISA warrant after you've been turned down.

Trump gets elected and Obama sets up a command center in D.C.
Obama honestly thought all this shit was going to work. That he was going to keep the presidency, swooping in to save the troubled nation in its time of need.
Now he's about to get his shit slammed.

He never was user

They cut away from his face when "Obama" was mentioned. I'm guessing it was pretty bad LOL


not "memo"


Around the 11 second mark.
Did this nigger really just say 'Drumpf' unironically or is my hearing that shit?

it's male?
FUG. I didn't know testosterone could have negative values.

"The controversial memo on the rooooosyah investigation ":



That's it. I'm naming my sons Joseph McCarthy, and my daughters Josie McCarthy.

was she having a stroke in the middle of that or does what's in the memo just puckker her asshole that much?

This fucking nigger. Who does he think believes him?

Did Comey that kike shill just call Joe McCarthy a liar? McCarthy was right with just about everything he claimed. Documents now public show that communists had infiltrated the State Department.

Comey is a fucking slimy rat.

I, I'll check those keks for you user.

I'll tell you what just happened.

shades drop

Jim Comey just outed himself as a commie.



Yikes…her brain is really fried


We need more McCarthy's today. Imagine if he had the power of the internet and meme's. (((They))) where able to shut him down because they controlled 100% of the media back then.

Everyone on CNN is a fucking Mossad kike.

McCarthy is quite possibly the only man I know of who was literally shilled to death, damn shame he's not around now.

Nixon & McCarthy made 1 mistake: they didn't view kikes as enemy #1.

Quit, that's a funny way of putting it when the wh aides are telling cnn of their gobcerns.
Fucking comey. Does anyone have a link to the memo he released right before the election that translated out in jewmatrix to something like, "help the clintons are holding my family hostage". Ya'll remember that? Or am I slipping timelines?

t…t..ttrips of truth with an check'd dubs assist Nice meme'ing boys.

I like the idea of hanging James Comey from a lamppost on a newly christened Joe McCarthy boulevard.

Ya (((they))) where extremely threatened by Nixon and McCarthy. They have done a real good job rewriting history to make them out as universally hated by all.

You mean like all the brainwashed college kids who rallied for Obama? I think you meant to type Republican. Nobody but oldfags care about being a Republican. The rest of us were forced to sign up for their faggot party so we could vote for Trump.


Nope. They aren't democrats. They're socialists, communists, liberals, but not democrats. Ask 'em.

You know what, fuck it. I call on while alphabet soup text messages are being reviewed to also look into seeing mentions of Seth Rich during the DNC debacle and with it, the amount of material that would be talked about that would put the russia collusion delusion down like the mad nigger it is.


Flake is the media's replacement John McCain, now that he's too tumor ridden and unsightly to appear on air whenever they need a "based maverick" to come out and chastise the rest of the Republicans for not being good enough goyim. As a sitting Senator, Flake is so despised by his Republican constituents that he couldn't even win the Republican nomination against a complete newcomer.


AHAHAHAHA so comfy

Grayscale is better.

You should't be confy. Noone should.
We should be loading guns, sharpening knives and getting ready.
There's a lynching coming.
A good old fashioned public. lynching.
Someone's getting skinned alive in front of the public eye to serve as an example.
And with a bit of luck, the screams of that cursed traitor are heard by a long line of his fellow "comrades" waiting their turn to have their skins peeled from their bones.
This night will be warm and comfortable because the morning will be soaked with blood and pierced by screams of agony.

< guns
gas yourself kike

I'm COMFY as a Nazi gassing 1,000 kikes & niggers


Guns also emit gas.
From the way I see it, a decent rifle let's you gas Jews from several yards away.
It even leave a neat hole throught them to improve the gas flow.
It's a matter of perspective.

Anyone else having connection problems?

So it ain't just me after all , since yesterday ,quite consistent , 522 and 502


In case it's country specific , Poland


Paths all over Europe giving 502s

(((They're))) afraid


Gayest post I have seen all week but I can't argue with those trips.

Of course that's the way they'd go. They have to keep Russia in the news.

Meanwhile, it's in Trumps best interest to let Mueller find nothing after not firing him, as long as that happens before the midterms. Discredited, biased, and empty handed.

You know what emits gas? YOUR KIKE MOUTH.

The feed from the RNC dinner was cut in an odd way tonight. Trump was speaking and the cam panned back to fade and you can hear "shut it down". Was a curious moment since the memo is pending release.

Remember how, back in 2016, CNN was anti-FBI? flip-flop

You are calling someone a kike because he's saying he wants to shoot jews you fucking retarded sperg. You are the exact brand of autism bringing down the post quality of this board.

I can hear that too. 0:26. "shut it down shut it down"


< I want all whites to get killed or go to prison, to be raped, mutilated, cannibalized.

gas yourself, kike!


Remember, you can reliably find in all the actions of the CIA, aggregated, of a region or area, in retrospect (the kike media will not give a full picture at the time of events unfolding, of course) that the singular core goal of the CIA, supposedly "secret" - yet all too obvious - is to kill all white people - all of us. And remember that the kikes control the CIA.

I'll check those double-dubs.

What the fuck are you even doing?

here's a better version

Odd but glorious times we are in.

Rumor is the media was told to leave and what we hear is the MSM monkey telling camerajockey to shut it down. Sounds legit, but frankly with the times, maybe not. It was being broadcast on ABC, Fox, CSpan and others from a CNN DC4 feed.

Gassing kikes. Yourself?


Watching a train wreck. Stop posting any time.


Checked. These are incredible times!

Weasel "Keeping them honest". Good bigger conversion btw.

When was the last time you saw a test signal on the majors?!

Not since raw sat feeds for me.

Yes user I do.

< honorable Comey
lel. That title won't age well!

Some will not learn easily.

>< honorable Comey

Gotta be honest, this reeks of some other fucky shit. This is the first time I have seen it when it wasn't in a videogame or movie for dramatic effect. I think this is exactly that, dramatic effect for some song and dance.

First time in at least a decade, I mean.


Yep. And that test signal has become programming for "the world is coming to an end". It's strongly associated. Icke, for all his faults, is quite right about that.

They may switch the purpose of the upcoming suspected super bowl attack to take attention away from the memo.

Knowing that the CIA and the FBI may attempt to kill White People should improve security for everyone in the world.

They could have been leaching the feed and had no idea it was going to be shut down.
Ka and Ku bands you would get off a satellite truck. D4 is sometimes used to reference the moto dsr4400dm digicipher.

Where is the cap from? It says CNN on the test card but there is a ABC logo on the stream?

There was one feed. The D4. All the networks used it like a pool feed. They all had the same event.


oh and fyi they are saying at a place with a massive doomsday bunker that was designed to hold all of congress for continuity of government.

Can you imagine how quickly that bunker would turn into a bloodbath with congress as it is today?

That would make a cult classic film.

It sounds like the premise of a Fallout vault.

I'll check those trips.

Has Fallout Vault eliminated the stupid achievements, or made them less necessary, anyway? The way it was, when I played it, it all vaults had to become fucktown to progress.

Mueller will still be at it in 2020.

Someone will one day write The Fall of Robert Mueller - from gay orgies with jim comey and other communists to the high crime of treason to his final hours before the televised gassing.

they spinnin nigga they spinnin


There is literally nothing wrong with that statement

If Trump had accused Democrats of arson, ebin in analogy, he would have been…

aw, fuck it. The news is a scam, controlled by the kikes & the kike-owned CIA. Fuck that shit.

Such a drama queen.

Merely holding clay is not enough. Also, the clay is foreign, not domestic. The conditions are very different when your family lives in the same areas as militants.
The minute the US goes into civil strife is the minute the US economy implodes. When the US economy implodes, the dollar loses strength. Combine these factors with the degradation of society and security, and you have quite an explosive cocktail to play with. The minute news gets out of families being killed cartel style is the minute you'll start seeing people drop out.
Yes. You can't nuke your own people if you want to keep governing. And foreign influence isn't bad if its in our favor.
Because the Chinese economy and the US economy are intertwined so deeply that a collapse of either could destabilize and destroy the other. The greater threat from the Chinese will be the gradual infiltrations of our institutions, not outright military force.
You wasted money.
So a civil war will happen anyways? I guess we should have it be on our terms than theirs.

What the hell?!

kikes are grammar nazis nao

You better check those dubs.

Germanfag here, for the last 2 days I had to use my VPN to even access Holla Forums. It stopped on its own but I have no clue what the fuck they are doing.

fuck off back to reddit shillbot


So it was a Euro problem?
I had to torfag for two days because I couldn't get here.

Remember the 7th floor group? It supposedly met on the 7th floor of another building. Maybe not!!!!!