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Who would have guessed?

He doesn't really care. It's not like getting voted out is going to cost him his buildings or stock holdings.

He ran on an immigration platform. No Muslims, no beaners, Wall, no amnesty. If he grants amnesty to the DACA beaners it will be the second time since 1986 that more than a million illegal beaners got pity citizenship awarded to them for being brown. Why wouldn't an endless ocean of beans pour in even more than than knowing that the US just gives out amnesty every few decades and one of the political parties campaigns on a platform of free shit for illegals? There will be a third amnesty in the future after this, then a fourth, on and on forever. The one amnesty that Reagan gave out was one too many. Now the beaners act like they own the place and their shitty entitled attitude pisses me off.

I would like to believe those results are real but caring about results of a non-scientific poll is pleb tier faggotry.

Checked. Nothing shocking about this. The only idiots who shill for this Amnesty plan are The_Cuckold shitheads and shills who know this will cost Trump re-election. Let's just look at some of the talking points they've been shilling everywhere:

Amnesty is amnesty. Just because it's a delayed form of amnesty doesn't it make it any less than what it is. A slow death is still death and 10 years isn't even a long time.

Since the 1986 amnesty, the illegal population has ballooned to anywhere form 10 to 30 million illegals. Why? There's already laws saying every single one of these illegals was supposed to be deported just for coming in illegally, but it never happened. More laws on the books saying the same shit isn't going to change anything.

Wrong. They're only playing hard to get because they've watched Trump go from demanding 5 things down to only wanting to end chain migration, end the VISA lottery, and get wall funding. E-verify was the latest demand dropped during last night's speech. The democrats on the other hand have made 0 concessions. Not to mention, the democrats only wanted 800,000 spics legalized, now Trump has offered them more than double that. Chuck Schumer and Luis Gutierrez have even stated they're OK with conceding on the border wall because they plan on obstructing it's construction at every step. Democrats will accept this deal when push comes to shove because it's even better than the one they had under Obama and they'll use the court system to gut it and turn it into another form of mass amnesty with no limit and nothing in return. Right now they're just holding out for an even weaker deal that will be even easier to gut.

The only acceptable answer is mass deportations which I worry is off the table now after what Trump said in front of the nation last night.

Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
Occupation: Research Fellow at Media Matters for America
Location: 8515 Flower Avenue
Takoma Park, MD
Phone: 202-492-3175
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Usernames:oliverwillis , owillis , OliverWillis1977
Social Media:
Google+: OliverWillis1977

Having posted in multiple threads when Trump continued to push for giving amnesty in exchange for wall funding about how it doesn't look good for us, watching the response Democrats gave about never capitulating to ANY sort of border protection has helped give me some reassurance on the matter. I still feel like there will be some voters who hold Trump's 'willingness' to trade DACA for the Wall as a sign that he isn't as dedicated to his promises, his campaign, or Holla Forums as he has claimed to be, and I don't fault for them for it– it does seem like a bad deal if he expected it to go through. It only becomes a good option if the Dems reject his updated offer to give a win to both parties: Trump gets the wall, Dems get DACA.

As they continue to disagree and reject every attempt at compromise, hopefully more of the middle-ground will be swayed his way by seeing how Trump was "willing" to cede a point to them but the Dems won't accept anything but utter capitulation. It's a risky gambit, counting on your enemies to not accept the terms of surrender you offer, but they shot it down and if he had been planning on it then he'll come out of this ahead. His actions following through on arrests and deportations if he takes them will outweigh what will be remembered as a momentary slip for his base, and will give him a powerful talking point of trying to be the man who compromises for persuadable voters.


It's already been explained in crystal clear language right above you. This is not a good deal on any level.

You power over anything.anymore.

Run for your life.
Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
Occupation: Research Fellow at Media Matters for America
Location: 8515 Flower Avenue
Takoma Park, MD
Phone: 202-492-3175
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Usernames:oliverwillis , owillis , OliverWillis1977
Social Media:
Google+: OliverWillis1977

There was a lot of talk about Trump being the only person who'd be able to get away with amnesty, because he's perceived to be tough on immigrants. Was this the plan all along? Talk tough about immigration and then sign an amnesty bill?

Fuck.your.faggot.shareblue thread

Well the previous administration put itself forward as a repudiation of earlier foreign policy and went right back to the PNAC agenda like flipping a light switch. What does your gut tell you?

How does he keep getting away with it?

What took you so long? Too busy upvoting the latest "Look At This BASED Nigger!" and "This Is What a REAL Feminist Looks Like!" thread?

I don't know, that's why i am asking. Trump has been trying hard to keep up an image of an eratic, unpredictable, maybe even slightly crazy person to keep people guessing/confused what he's up to. In any case i'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt on such an important issue.

Yes, it will. Half the country hates his guts and more than half the world feels the same. If he betrays his side, he'll have nowhere to turn to. His family name will be completely destroyed along with the brand and everything else. He's trying to please everyone, but will end up pleasing no one.


How can I be mad with digits like that?

You're thinking small. His wealth will still be there. No one is confiscating his buildings. No one is confiscating his stock holdings, many of which are in defense contractors. No one is moving out of his apartments and he can always sell them worse comes to worse and cash out.

Long-term, though, lasting damage to White America will have been done ensuring the safety of entrenched jewish capital like Trump's family.

Aged mel, he had to have had a face lift or something to do with counteract going bald because he didn't have drooping dumbo ears when he was younger.

You seem to underestimate how powerful the presidency is. If he wanted to he could make at least $1B every single month. Who knows, maybe he's already raking in the cash with the border wall & the construction of the US embassy in Israel. He'd have to sell a lot of books, ties and perfumes to make as much money as he could make with a single government contract.

¡A D I O S!

Excuse me, I was writing my post and not reading the thread.

This is exactly what we need to be expecting Dems to be doing and working to counter; thinking that your enemy is always stupid and weaker than you will lead to certain failure. So far the gambit has worked: Dems haven't taken the sweetened deal, hopefully because they're too proud to work with Trump, but quite possibly because they believe they can milk him for more. We need to continue telling Trump that these capitulations are unacceptable, that he ran as the anti-immigration candidate and THAT is what got him in, and selling out his principles for the promise of a wall that can be torn down later will make him a one term president. We have to stay the course of trying to make him work for us– as opposed to T_D who are willing to change their every belief and principle to match Trump's latest soundbite. Unfortunately, in the end we can only be able to hope that he hears us or has been working towards the same goal we have been this whole time. Like you say in , he needs his base to stay loyal to have even a chance in 2020.

You're both right. I forgot about him letting Ivanka becoming Jewvanka. It always felt like they were making plans for the (((future))). BTW did you fags notice during the speech when Trump brought up the embassy move to Jerusalem, the camera cut to Jewvanka & co.


Why should anyone here care about this? Trump is a stepping stone. But if he cucks to dems and "centrists" he becomes that much more useless to us. Those same middle-grounders he'll gain, will swap sides as soon as they see something they like better over there. They are wishy washy fence sitters. What fucking good are they in the end? This board is slipping dangerously close to muh civic nationalism/lolbertarianism everyday.

He is absolutely looking for compromise. And it needs to be fought against. Assume he means exactly what he says until proven otherwise.

Yep, they can't. Look at the shitlib freakout over a benign (((WaPo))) headline concerning Trump's SOTU

Reported for ban evasion and mass spam.

You're looking at things all wrong. If it were just about money, he wouldn't decide to become the most hated man in America by running for President in the first place, because he was already rich as shit, running a campaign ain't cheap, and the job doesn't pay well.

His only reason for running are
1) fame/legacy
2) he genuinely wants to help

Backstabbing his base is not something he will do if it means completely tarnishing his legacy.

Maybe now Trump will listen to Americans,
instead of the false conflict between the ((( fake news media))) vs. his inner circle of (((advisors))).

He won't make four years without popular support, no matter what his Jews tell him.

And it's our job to work to educate to them on the truths of the world so that they stop floating in centralist "everyone with strong opinions is an idiot" land and start to see the truths of the world. Like you said, Trump is a stepping stone. Pulling those middle-grounders to civic nationalism is an important step to making them open to hearing the true of ethno-nationalism. Spare us the idea that Trump is useless if he does anything less than drop Nazi flags and regalia all over the capital and scream to purge all kikes immediately; even the staunchest of National Socialists here, myself included, will agree that we didn't come into this ideology by one time hearing "14/88 race war now" and agreeing with it wholeheartedly. It can take years of slowly swallowing larger and stronger redpills that force them to see things in a new light, until one day they wake up and Trump is the best candidate they can find and have no choice but to vote for him.


What the "middle ground" believes is completely irrelevant. No decision is made in Washington which takes the desires of the average (white) American into consideration. If a middle ground exists, then it's mostly composed of people who aren't particularly involved in politics, and don't have the time or the inclination to keep track of ongoing political negotiations. You make the consistent mistake that many anons make, that all of white America is sitting on tenderhooks awaiting the latest happenings, and that given the right sources, they'll all inevitably embrace ethnonationalism. They aren't, and they mostly won't. The masses are good for naught but herding.


Agreed. He's the steppingstone to something greater and bigger, White collectivism.

Who then is driving the masses in a direction different from the desires of our Jewish parasites?

Anybody realizes that these foreigners actually are Mexican citizens roaming free on our streets?
Then, why is all the fuzz about with some liberals?
Oh, wait! The commies want the browning of America to stay in power forever, and to make real their dream of full communism in the Land of the Free.

now that DJT has proven that his base wants DACA to be GONE, he'll stop pretending to like it

I see your Jew tricks. What does "strongest supporters" even mean? 1%? 5%? You don't know. Liberals will never accept the President's deal. You shills never, ever, ever look at this from the Liberal perspective. Only from the alleged cucking perspective, which makes you stand out so hard that you glow in the dark.

Checked. Absolutely shocking.

The real white genocide numbers Trump saw must have been horrific. Without spics, the population of America will be too small in a decade to help Israel accomplish its expansion goals.



The deal will never happen. Has Trump ever accepted a loss or equal deal? He only accepts winning. This entire thing is a 2018 PR move to:
This "shock poll", just like this thread, is a garbage attempt to shake the Trump base in return.


Everyone already knows that pretty much no one who voted for Trump wants amnesty. However, shills are always making a fuss trying to spread panic and create 5 Threads a day on the same concluded nothingburger topic and they try similar tactics on many other places too. Looking at the links i might have jumped the gun and OP might actually be genuine this time even though the news kinda unnecessary for most anons, but in 99% other threads like this that's not the case and are used for demoralizing and blackpilling newfags who don't know much about how Trump is always doing stuff like this.

I don't think he will ever do it. He is basically just playing games with the democrats.


wrong thread!

The other thing to remember is that if he is bluffing and wants to just make the dems look bad, he has very little risk because he has the power of the veto; he literally holds all the cards at the moment. If he pushes too hard and the dems call him on it and accept a deal, then he could just make up some reason that he needed to veto it. This is assuming that the house of representatives will ever vote for it, which I doubt.

The last option is that he is just a fucking idiot out to screw the country which is always a possibility.

You heard him during the speech last night, he considers it winning because no president since Reagan has been able to accomplish it.

If you know someone watched the speech, then you know they also heard the Dems booing every bit of the deal, soyboy. The deal will never happen. And you've obviously never read The Art of the Deal. Trump usually likes taking the safest option, even if it means less profit. This tactic obviously works or else he wouldn't be a multi-billion dollar President. Trump wouldn't be offering the Dems such a fantastic deal unless he had total confidence in the Dem's ability to cuck themselves out of it.

If spics have enough numbers to think they can go their own political route it will doom the left

Or you know he can just grow some balls and cut the bullshit all talk, no action queerfest that is his Presidency and just start deporting them right now, soycuck.

For once, I believe this is a poll that is accurate. While I voted for Trump unabashedly during 2016 based on his campaign promises, if he caves and gives these alien citizens a free ride, bypassing the millions working hard to come in illegally, then I am highly unlikely to ever vote for him again.


It's time to shut down this nigger producing shithole. Let Trump be the last embarrassing failure for judeo economics.


We need an authoritarian to shut this shit down. We need National Socialism.

Joad Cressbeckler: Immigrants Who Survive Arizona Desert Deserve Citizenship