Putin Grants Netanyahu Schindler's Letter During Meeting in Moscow

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has presented Benjamin Netanyahu with an authentic letter written by Oscar Schindler, a Nazi party member who saved the lives of more than 1,000 Jews by recruiting them to work in his Polish factory during World War II.

A whole array of pressing issues, covering Iran, Syria and Lebanon, has topped the agenda of Benjamin Netanyahu's talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the Israeli Prime Minister's working visit to Moscow.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has presented Benjamin Netanyahu with an authentic letter written by Oscar Schindler, a Nazi party member who saved the lives of more than 1,000 Jews by recruiting them to work in his Polish factory during World War II.
"After the [two's] meeting, President Putin presented Prime Minister Netanyahu with a gift. This is the original of Oscar Schindler's letter to his wife. The head of the government was very touched by this gift, timed to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day," Netanyahu's press secretary Anna Jonathan-Leus said.
She added that Netanyahu intends to hand the gift to Yad Vashem, Israel's largest Holocaust memorial located near Jerusalem.
''Russia: U/D Photo, Following his successful meeting in Moscow, President Putin gave gift to PM Netanyahu a letter written by Oskar Schindler who saved 1,200 Jews during World War II pic.twitter.com/u3B69Cmnw1
— Yiddish News (@YiddishNews) 29 января 2018 г. twitter.com/YiddishNews/status/958041103202226177''

Jonathan-Leus's remarks came after Netanyahu visited Moscow on a one-day working visit to meet President Putin and discuss a spate of bilateral and international issues, including those pertaining to Syria, Iran and Lebanon.
During the visit, Netanyahu pledged that Israel will never forget the contribution made by the Soviet Union to the defeat of the Nazis.
Putin, for his part, praised efforts by the Israelis to preserve the memory of the Soviet soldiers who had rescued European Jews from complete annihilation."


The great leader in the East..

Other urls found in this thread:


Putin with his 3 close oligarch friends, 2 of whom are practicing kikels.

Good job, Schindler.

Jews worship paper if it has to deal with the holohoax. Too bad they never found paper records of any gas chambers or systematic orders to build and use them along a line that just so happened to be the division between East Germany and West Germany for no apparent reason.

Thread "shadow anchored", or does that happen at all?

Reading threads lately I have begin to actually consider that Putin is still doing USSR tier propagation and is still the ones funneling all the kike'dness Westward.

It all makes sense to me.. I want to say it ain't so but..

Why do you want to think so?

yes, it is indeed anchored
mods are kiked and shut down any thread that shits on trump or putin

That exactly, but for some reason I never connected it even though I was always aware of the propaganda programs deforming into it's own bullshit..

But.. I never fully considered Putin and whatever it is he does as, say, a quilt.. being threaded from Tel-Aviv to Moscow and outward.. Purposely being the boogeyman to polarize the West into ironically being exactly what they want us all to be.

..Good fucking lord it's a stunning revelation the deeper you go and I am the kind of person that is artsy autistic about these types of intellectual projections.

I forgot to note, also, that it coincided with not just this but the way Trump has been acting but even more recently, not even a direct attack on Trump but all political leaders.. I donno, I just took the puzzle and turned it a little and figure out how to put more pieces in it.


This thread is not anchored. To what are you referring?

Putin does own his career to jews, those around Jelzin.

Anti-Semitic tirade on western pro-Kremlin site betrays ignorance of Russia

Russia's initiative on combating glorification of Nazism

Russian children’s camp to re-enact Nuremberg Trials of Nazi war criminals

I saw it on the front page and here I am

Not to mention, we shouldn't forget what the purpose of the KGB was, and who primarily staffed it. His loyalty to communism, both is and was explicitly a loyalty to judiasm. The putin fanboys are deluded fools hoping for some kind of hero to swoop in and save them because they can't be bothered to do anything for themselves, when they're really they're even worse than neocon ledditors sucking trump's dick over every act done in the name of pissrael.

How fucking new are you?
Go read the rules and how bumping works on 8ch.

6 of the 7 major oligarchs that effectively made modern day Russia were jewish. Even MSM reports will tell you how they acted as king makers for Yeltsin and Putin.
Not sure how so many anons overlook this fact. I'm not saying Putin is willing kiked, because I don't know his personal motives, but it's pretty fucking obvious when you have 6 jews controlling you you'll be forced to do jewisb bidding whether you like it or not.

Maybe he wanted to keep a little jew reserve to gas personally.

My personal opinion on the matter is that he's exactly what they've got lined up for america. Things went off the rails a bit when communism proved to be completely unworkable and they needed to get one of theirs back at the wheel as soon as possible. You'll see something similar crawl out of the US deepstate, likely using the same "tough-guy" appearance to sell it. Stay weary of any ex-FBI playing up Teddy Roosevelt running in the next election, burgers. Especially if they try to push a "tough on russia" narrative, the kikes have had both russia and what are now the NATO countries in their pocket since at least WWII, and they're more than happy to act out this bit of theater for as long as people are willing to believe there are two sides to this war.

Does this mean we should have voted for Hillary?

What does this have to do with anything, fellow autist?

Cry more, kike.

just because putins birth mother was jewish doesnt mean he is pro jew. she did abandon him after all

WZF????????? IM A KILLARY HILLDAWG NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

