So I see you came before me, I will archive the link for you and add my two cents.
Attention you niggers, (((breitbart))) has recently published a highly significant article that is in dire need of interpretation by a forum such as this and fine gentlemen such as yourselves.
Before any of you NIGGERS are going to reply with „gas the kikes race war now“ or various allegations of shilling going, let me assure you that I am a fellow Aryan who selflessly seeks to enlighten fellow humanity, which is WHY I AM DROPPING THIS KNOWLEDGE ON YOU NIGGERS. Please excuse the aggressive vernacular, but it is needed for preemptive purposes (read Schmitt).
With that said, let me first introduce my simultaneously EMPIRICAL and EVOLIAN approach to understanding the questions of race, spiritually, culturally and physically.
Purely biological racism is a notion that has some merits, which however has practically been disregarded by every rightist politician until now and this forum especially, so please do not accuse me of diluting the cause of NS, rather, I am defending it.
Practical, pragmatic approaches to worldly questions are a trait of heroic aryanism because we stand for actual, tangible change in this world rather than spiritual idealistic pipe-dreaming.
Therefore, when in South Africa a black tribe aligns itself with white people, that is an opportunity to exploit and not to disregard. When East Asians align themselves with Germans, then that, too, is an opportunity to use for the greater good.
While we may theorize about a primordial, biologically pure race of god-men, today in the darkest hours of the Kali Yuga there has been miscegenation to such an extent that you will find biologically pure norsemen of the utmost degenerated character and on the other hand you can find impure men of fine character amongst the lesser races, even the Jews.
NONE of you conspiratards will be able to offer me any other explanations for Jews such as Gilad Atzmon or Uri Avnery because even though they are Jews, they are honest and open about their intentions and actions.
The conditions of this world age therefore have led to a situation in which both culture and spirit and physiology are no longer aligned. IT IS ENTIRELY POSSIBLE to find degenerated culturally muslim blonde blue eyed men or Appolonian Jews in a black man’s body, even though I, too deem the last option very outlandish.
This leads to the situation in which the world’s religions are today no longer enough to identify their adherents, but rather containers for different cultural, spiritual and physiological strains of humanity.
As Judaism is not monolithic and there have been „court Jews“ over the ages, discuss: What exactly is Chabad Lubavitch, what are their intentions, how come Putin is aligning with them, which does (((breitbart))) want to discredit this as a „conspiracy theory“, who benefits? It is obvious that Lubavitch and Putin are one faction that is against the „globalists“, but what exactly is their goal.?
Tying into this when it comes to Russia is of course Alexander Dugin. Is his intellectual framework which grows more influential by the hour a return to Tradition (even though by own admission „dionysian, not Appollonian) or is it rather a new globalism and a strawman which will usher in the false kingdom of the Antichrist?
And what the fuck is going on in Astana, this capital of the Eurasian Union?