Beware of related videos

Friendly reminder that youtube is tampering with the related video algorithms to promote soy videos if they believe you hold right wing views.

In the past couple of days I've seen related videos promoting degeneracy and communism in related videos on videos of simple music, instructional videos, and other non-political videos even when starting with a fresh browser and not being logged in.

This is dastardly and disrespectful to the user base and is only further proof that the jew can not and will not tolerate anything that doesn't blindly obey them.

Spread the word and encourage fellow healthy minded to not use related videos and only watch what is trusted.

Other urls found in this thread:

I noticed this a while back when it kept throwing this at me.

What's a soy video.

Lurk more.


In general, be weary of all recommendations from social media, large corporations, the MSM, etc.

You should be dragged into the streets and shot for being a nigger.

Hooktube doesn't have the ability to get lost wandering around
Hooktube can't save the actual good videos for later viewing
None of the other platforms have enough progress to justify going cold turkey

There's always Bitchute

it's based on your past browsing history, not just the video you have up at the moment.

You don't need to be logged in for them to read your device fingerprint.

youtube-dl, mpv, and mpsyt

If you ask me platforms are overrated. Youtube provides a social/commenting feature, subscriptions, and playlisting for the viewers. Then essentially free and unlimited hosting if you're a video maker.

It'd be far more sane for the web to have a search engine that indexes videos, and everyone else to have their own independently hosted video site. But the free & unlimited hosting part of YouTube or generally other sites is too good to pass up.

WTF, I love white genocide now.

What did toyota hilux's do to deserve this besides be banned from import?


I noticed this today all my recommended consisted of Ellen Degenerate and KSI. Laughably heavy handed.

Happened to this goy!! CNN team rocket

They said they were going to do this stuff at least a year ago. Its the same thing they do to muslims who start looking up radical Religion of Cuck™ related subjects. Ive been looking into Zarqawi out of an interest of the history of what happened in Iraq alone, chances are Im on 2 the far right and radical Religion of Cuck™ lists now lol

It's true
I only use yt for music but it always recs me the fucking communist anthem
Which makes no sense due to my history
consisting of fuhrer's speeches and skrewdriver tracks.

Currently I get lots of fashwave recommended.
It is useless anyway, because I can't use youtube as i used to, taht is getting randomly from point a to point z, now it is curtailled, and that is what i hate. (even ignoring them tinkering with it)

Not really. The reason videos from "the other side" show up is because the YT algo detects the hidden links between the various channels that are actually all run by Rebel Media (controlling both sides for maximum profit).
For example, the same people are being "MGTOW" channels as "anti-MGTOW" channels, this is one of the reasons why people like Louis Cachet (stage name Varg Vikernes) keep talking about it, and the supposed enemies keep talking about him - mutual cross promotion.
I thought everyone knew this about e-celebs by now.

I was pretty surprised to see the recommended video on the lower right. Not my usual content, and nothing directly related to the Sam Hyde vid in question
What are you trying to say, Google?

I was using smtube until it crapped out. What's good now? Even hooktube has "related" videos. It's really best not to have them, because they waste your time.

They're not "trying", it's CIA attacks.

They have been working on this for years

Yea, thats the one. Its not just on google its Jewtube too etc.

Their algo is fucking hilariously horrible. I think they're trying to track moods and what videos people watch at certain times, but it's so bad at it.

I watch a ton of technical shit, but occasionally binge on list videos. It doesn't know what to do, and then hides the "evil" youtubers I follow. It's just sad. Enjoy this evil dude's videos. He's got great stories and is an evil evil MGTOW due to hilarious divorce stories.

A point to ponder: given the millions* of babies killed by abortion every year, what do you think they manifest as?

*Not all states collect stats, but there's no auditing anyway. The CDC puts the number at >.7m. It's way higher. All abortion clinics are criminal operations.

I'm getting inundated with shit from INDIA and I never watch vids about the shit. Their trending crap is completely fucked because billions of pajeets are shitting in the servers.

pic unrelated

Kek, yesterday I watched a video with Trump in it and it had an ad for Haiti beforehand. The suggested videos were all pozzed too.

I still get recommends for Colbert, Jon Limey and all the other faggots. Even though I always click that I am not interested. Something about Youtube has it set to make all the recommended videos leftist, especially when you are watching anything remotely right.

Weird, I don't have this problem at all. I watch a Kevin McDonald interview and youtube recommends some Dr. Pierce.

I mostly only use it for music as well and this is what I get.

nothing too pozzed in my recommended videos.

post recommendeds for comparison

i'm in leafland if that makes any difference

people who post on a site like this ought to be galvanized against the propaganda of the enemy. you should be able to see right through it, and it should incense you with absolute anger. only the dumbfucks get brainwashed by shit like that

For whatever reason, when I visited reddit last the sponsored item on every page was a suicide hotline type thing. A few weeks later, twitter started redirecting right-wingers to a suicide hotline.

Could be a coincidence, but we shouldn't underestimate the scope or perversity of jewish scheming.

Watch a video, a few days later "hey you should watch this video you've already watched!" Fucking Google

They constantly push faggots, pop music, cute animal videos, CNN, RedIceTv, and Styxenhammer666 on me, among other awful things. You know what I actually watch? Hunting, gunsmithing, bushcrafting, building, and music videos; I watch the occasional Antifa getting their shit wrecked videos, too, but that is it.

Styx is pretty pozzed.

Afro-centrist, Afro-feminist, Black worshiping videos about how blacks are genetically superior due to their snout-like jaws.

Mfw youtube adsense thinks I am a 40 year old man
Mfw youtube reccomends a “40 year old man” buzzfeed videos

There's no tampering. They literally make marxist propaganda videos on the official jewtube channel (youtube spotlight)

I somehow got a 30 minute video of a numale attempting to disprove that soy can be bad for you.

I started getting Lindsay Ellis in my related videos for Felix "PewJewsDie Kjellberg.

Jews are being more controling in this century. The anti-christ might make an apearence soon…

Anything pushed by a foreskin junkie

I got rid of the related videos tab some time ago because I was noticing this, though I wouldn't be surprised if it's gotten far, far worse since then. Whenever I find a channel that I like, I bookmark it and come back to it later to peruse what else is available and to see what other channels they endorse. I peruse the comments of these channels' videos too, looking for like-minded creators who produce good content. I also check the discussion tabs of channels, but I've been noticing them disappearing from bad goy channels and I'm not sure if these channels are opting out, or being punished. Likely the latter. If I like a new channel, I subscribe to it as explained below.

I have some advice for everyone here regarding YouTube and maintaining your subscriptions. Every YouTube channel has an RSS feed associated with it that you can use to subscribe to them, rather than their (tampered-with) subscribe button and bell crap.

Here's the feed to Disgruntled Leaf Network's channel as an example:

Simply substitute the channel ID in any one of these feed URL's with another channel's ID to get the relevant feed. Often times, you can copy the channel ID directly from the URL bar of your browser when viewing a channel's main page. Sometimes however, if the channel is one that's been verified, like Black Pigeon Speaks (TokyoAtomic), the URL bar won't show their channel ID, but rather the title for the user. Channel ID's are stored as metadata in the HTML source of videos and channel pages, so in these instances, open your page source editor in your browser (ctrl+u by default in Firefox/Palemoon), do a search for "channelID" and copy the relevant string.

I maintain bookmarks of channel feeds with an RSS reader addon for Firefox and Palemoon called Sage but you could use any other feed reader or an email client that doubles as one. I never bother to remember the feed URL and just use the copy/paste method every time. I haven't logged into my YouTube account since I can't remember when. The last time I did, I went back and meticulously deleted all of my subscriptions, content, comments and whatever else. I only ever log into my Gmail with my email client unless I need to change some sort of account setting or something.

Their fuckery is getting so bad now that it's almost becoming like Web 1.0 again, having to maintain your own bookmarks and lists and such things. It's rather nostalgic.

Soy kino?

I was a kid when I started browsing the web back in like 03'. Was only 6 years old then. Newgrounds was fucking awesome though,but I never got deeper than that and didn't discover the chans till someone at school mentioned Holla Forums. Didn't frequent the place, and as such was never engrossed in chan culture till #Gamergate happened.
Sage for off-topic blogpost, web 1.0 I don't quite remember, but mentioning the old days made me remember playing JumpStart and those old educational games lol.

I'm not seeing it. Everything on my main page is either what I'm subbed to, or videos decently related to things I've randomly browsed in the past (completely unrelated to politics). The one bad thing, which removed, was that faggot Sargon's videos, as well as his "Thinkery" videos. There's their stupid NFL shit, but the super bowl was yesterday, so it makes sense. There's none of what you mentioned though.

Memes aside, can somebody for fuck's sake please tell me what is so wrong with dairy? Why the fuck would you want to eat soy shit when it's clearly a fabrication and counterfeit of something that is good. Not a lurker on /fit/fags or doctors care to comment on why they do this to themselves?

They know they are loosing

Sometimes the algorithm can be pretty smart though

guys i'm at the end of my rope, my wife's boyfriend said i wasn't able to redeem my good husband points next week because they're traveling to africa or something. what do?

These souls are lost to soy forever.

I am a walking fucking contradiction, IF a biography is ever written about me it would be described as unbelievable and embellished.

Youtube can't corner me as is evidence with my recommended videos. Sage for blogpost Thanks for the heads up.

Quads, trips and dubs all the time when I speak about the my future. Thanks for confirming I will make Hitler proud one day with your Adolf dubs long ago and once again. I have the soul of the European man born far away from white civilization, I have been cut from the same cloth as the great men before me and I will not waste it. I will not receive my daily digits when I want it but as it comes.

Terrence Popp is a fucking God, and that is beacuse just a few years ago he nearly blew his brains out like so many other soldiers after the Jew owned courts gave all he had to his wife while he was on deployment and he came back to an Empty Foreclosed house. If it wern't for chance meeting Blake Kleiner, he'd be dead by now. He went through blackpill hell, and now is getting redder by the day, and now he looks like just a few steps from full blown NatSoc.
This vid is where it all started.

Wtf are you talking about. Just don't click on gay ass videos they recommend you and you're fine.. Obviously the Kikes are going to manipulate THEIR algorithms to spread THEIR ideology. I'd assume that they've always been doing it - whether you noticed or not.

I bet you fags actually still use Yotsuba B

Goytube. You Mutts get what you paid for.

Same with Pissrael.

This has been happening for years. (((They))) have been fucking with the algorithms ever since jewgle bought the site.

the food and drug administration was originally called the department of chemistry. When food manufacturers started putting synthetic compounds into the food supply, the agency was expanded to include food. Pharmaceutical companies then fabricated studies that showed saturated fats were the cause of heart disease (in reality it's sugar), and expanded to the idea that all animal products are unhealthy. This is only true in the case of antibiotic treated animals which, when consumed, kill healthy gut bacteria and leads to diseases.
Soy is seen as a health alternative to milk because jews fucked all of science, medicine, and fitness for the past 100 years.
It's important to note that the milk on the shelf is just as estrogenic as soymilk because modern mass produced milk comes from cows injected with progesterone to force the cows to lactate 365 days a year

Don't you mean vegetable oil? Rates spiked when they replaced beef tallow in fast food, which is actually one of the healthiest animal fats.

I mean both fat and sugar can kill you if you can't metabolize fat.

Spoiler that shit user. It's worse than gore.


Is this a Burger only issue? I only use YT to watch degenerate video game videos, LPs, reviews etc. Sometimes a bit of wrestling. Only get recommendations for similar stuff.

Besides the fact that it's weird as fuck to consume another animal's milk

Lactose intolerance is a trait of the sub-races who could not into domesticated animals.

keep hanging until you lose consciousness

All they reccomend my household is holohoax and bad-goy physics videos. Perhaps The algorithm has you pegged.

user… That dead protein hormone garbage on the shelf isn't milk anymore.

Milk is only good anymore if you can get it direct from an organic (fuck thats a dirty word) farm that doesn't pasteurize or inject their cows with monsanto's proprietary 11 herbs and spices.

I actually had jew tube try and get me to watch this trash
Not even 2 seconds in the alarm was ringing.

Spoken like a formula fed nigger that didn't get chocolate milk from his mammy's pancakes topped with hershey's kiss nipples.

You probably don't eat butter either, niggerfaggot.

Yeah lets drink raw milk filled with harmful pathogens. Let's also not homogenize it so it's all lumpy and inconsistent and fucking gross.


You can boil your own organic milk you gigantic faggot. Organic isn't "straight from the utter"

I've adblocked yt's related vids long ago.
here's the Adblock Plus-compatible filters:

the ytp-endscreen-content one also works on YT videos embedded on other sites


Another lactose intolerant Jew. You fuckers just can't help but expose yourselves.

Am I the only one that gets polish adverts about jews and poles standing "together?" I think its called #germandeathcamps or something?

I got an ad about Polish Nazi death camps. I'm sold, let's build some!

you mean?
what do you mean

have you watched some hussar vids or are you polish?
theres your answer
its common in the polish language to tell someone not to be a jew, as most eastern countries

(((Highschool science)))

American education for you goys

Styxhexenhammer is an actual Satanist?

Pretty sure its edgy atheism form of satanism.
Not implying that ironic devil worship isn't devil worship or anything of the sort.

Well I'm glad that I'm informed of it, nonetheless; appreciated. While I'm not a fan given his inability to put a shirt on, it is thoroughly disappointing.

Self-admitted "former Satanist" as in a member of the Church of Satan which is indeed just atheism+edge.

My favorite hentai can help with that.


I don't think they're old enough to become spoopy ghosts. They just sorta float around in ghost wombs.

I used to be a loner Neet a decade ago, before I went to college. I tried to isolate myself from society subconsciously, it was never planned. I focussed on hobbies. There was no Internet Right back in 2007, other than on the bottom of YouTube comments that I used to lurk on.

I am naturally right wing, and used to lurk on these when there was no POL. Eventually society closed in, I was forced to go to college or work. I was still inherently right wing, an I would shit up campus with Red Pilling people. I would explore soy boy hobbies because I was around soy boys, and I would shit up their fandoms with my right wing views.

If YouTube thinks they can make me Leftist through algorithms, they are so wrong. YouTube was one of the first places I was able to grow my right wing views and nurture them with like minded individuals.

If YouTube tries to get me to watch their Soy Videos to subvert me subconsciously, it will only back fire for them with people like me. I will just shit up the safe places and Soy Hobbies of the things they throw at me.

Youtube thinks darkness is their your ally? YouTube merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man…

Not only can i see the "man" happy to have this system he was proud enough to put this image up on some social media (probably reddit)

Dude I got that exact same reccomendation. Ive figured that maybe Google recognized my anxiety disorder about schizophrenia and misinterpreted it as actual schizophrenia. I keep getting ads for it, which scare the shit out of me.


Can confirm.

Cookies, nigger, start managing your cookies.
Everytime I go to youtube I get my countries normal frontpage recommendations. it's disgusting

I was once told: "user, you are order and chaos combined in the same person." I see you too have embraced the same theory.

I never stopped that. And as an LL oldfag I DL any video immediately now that is of interest. No more CIAniggers leaking TOW calibration certificates in Syria, that are from USA less than 8 months ago, then deleting it..