This subversive jewish plant has exposed himself once and for all as a pawn of the kikes. He is openly Zionist:
Here is a video of Peterson giving an hour long speech with his buddy Ezra Levant at last year's 100th year anniversary celebration of the founding of Israel, 'Canadians for Balfour 100':
At this timestamp you can see a jew he was on stage with state that:
"Antisemitism is a 2000 year old disease."
And watch Juden B. Peterstein nod his head furiously in agreement:
Here you can watch Peterson be asked to address the JQ, and his response is that jews are simply genetically superior to Whites, and that if you have a problem with their success in your country you're just a resentful bigot who has accomplished nothing with your life (he uses his psychological authority to pathologize antisemitism):
This one keeps getting deleted from jewtube; in this one a *jew* asks Peterson to address the ethnic hatred the jews had for the Russian Christians that led to the Holodomor, giving him a copy of Solzhenitsyn's '200 Years Together', and Peterson said that "he cant" talk about it:
Currently: Peterson is currenly being carted from one MSM outlet to the next to give his spiel, including Fox News, CBC News, and BBC News. These are jewish controlled media outlets (in case you are a newfag).
Peterstein's threat can no longer be ignored. He has openly stated that he specifically targets White males, and ONLY White males, for his brainwashing program, because he intends to "prevent the horrors of racial pride" and "what happened in 1930s Germany".
It's time to meme this narcissistic fuck death, lads.