How was Joe Kennedy so much worse than I even expected?

He sounded like his sex-junk was caged. Are they really thinking about running this soy boy for President?

Other urls found in this thread:


Really? They're running a cis-white male? Why even vote.

Zero concrete proposals as rebuttal to Trump.
Only a bunch of "hey guise don't forget to Resist(tm)!" wanna-feel-good-but-failing bullshit.
It's was like a PR Speech by committee.

He's not a Kennedy, is he?

No. That’s why they had him do the response, there’s no way whoever did would come out of it looking good.

They bet absolutely everything on Hillary and have no backup plans. Being a pack of boomers they naturally hoarded all the power they acquired and undercut any younger challengers who sought to carry the torch. Now it’s biting them in the ass, hard.

I copied some of the bits about paid leave and middle class wages I think


He’s Bobby Kennedy’s grandson lmao.

Ever wonder how degenerate your progeny could get?

Yes he is.

Fuck. How far that family has fallen…

I knew this queer looked familiar.

His eyes are too close together. He's a moron.

I am sure his plane is being refitted with the latest Israeli "navigation" system as we speak.

Anyone with a twitter account check for this fag? Apparently his cummy mouth is trending.

so far…….

How much semen did you swallow?

Someone posted the drooling Futurama Fry gif on his page apparently

JFK- made LBJ his vp
Ted- pushed 1965 immigration act
LBJ- signed it

Mossad was going to have them cuck or die.

It’s literally the only thing about him people are talking about.

Even hardline shills aren’t defending him.

IIRC, they usually have the backbenchers do the rebuttals

RFK was his grandad


Just opened a clip up in Audacity and Shotcut, and yes, it sounds like the Dems put binaural beats in there. Compressed it several times, boosted the bass, and put a low-pass filter on 100hz. Sure, the Dems can say it's just from a cheap, unfiltered microphone, but what do you think of it?

I think they are running out of ideas and it scares (((them)))

Damn, son. That's bad when The Daily Show won't defend their shills.

Original on hook and webm for posterity.

Donde esta casa de pepe?


Sirhan Sirhan
Born: March 19, 1944 (age 73), Jerusalem, Israel


Reminder before neocohen cuckservative kikes smear the Kennedy name:

The patriarch, Joe Kennedy was a great man. Openly supported Hilter and was an “America first” supporter in the late 30’s. Blamed that crippled kike, FDR for sabotaging his oldest son’s bomber and killing him in WW2. Was going to use JFK to take the country back from the kikes…didn’t work out. Then RFK took the mantle…got shot by a mind controlled Palestinian…hmmm. Don’t speak ill of the Kennedy dynasty because of a few shabbos goyim in thier family.

Joe Kennedy I was pro-Hitler and anti-FDR when he served as Ambassador to Britain and his son, Joe Kennedy Jr. (who tragically died in WWII) ran his college's fascism club.

By the way, for JFK and Bobby I'd cite forcing racial integration in the school system using federal marshals and the national guard as why they were shitty. They had some good things about them, but that was unforgivable.

Yeah I think Hillary definitely took over the party and shut everyone else down keeping them all in her shadow.
So you have this situation like a plantation where the master died and the slaves are like "Ok, now what?" And since most of the slaves suffer learned-apathy, the initial power struggle is between loudmouth idiots like Keith Ellison. Then when he turns out to be shit, instead of setting up a competitive system to determine who is best suited to lead, they just give each apathetic a random trial run chance until it is clear how shit they are then change rinse repeat.

oh poo
even fucking CNN said that they wanted another face other than a Kennedy or a Clinton. Pls


He also earned his fortune bootlegging you stupid fuck.

If it was just a shitty mic, you'd expect them to coincide with movement of his hands, his tie, or possibly a strong exhalation. Looking at that video that certainly doesn't seem to be the case.

If you don’t know that the Jewish lobby wrote and pushed the immigration act(was in the works for 60+ years) and insist on blaming a shell shocked young politician that just saw his brother’s brains blown out by the kikes, you’re a bluepilled faggot spreading kosher kike disinformation. Blow your brains out.

This (((Joe Kennedy)))

Cummy Kennedy will never live it down…


He was ultra wealthy before that, you salty kike. He got all his wealth from real estate. Way to regurgitate mainstream kike disinformation. He was a Harvard graduate with an extremely high IQ. Kikes want to paint him as some fresh off the boat Irish gangster. He was a third generation Irishman. By his 20’s, the Irish were already an elite class in New England. His father had some wealth also. Was a successful bar/restaurant owner.

I don't have the necessary codecs installed and have to wake up early for work tomorrow. Please take up my slack and I will sing your praises.

XOXO the guy who confirmed Podesta is a pedo.

Didn't Nixon desegregate the schools?


-Edward "Ted" Kennedy

Oops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

JFK and RFK had their flaws (Ted Kennedy was a piece of shit) but they were nowhere near as bad as this faggot

and here I was thinking the Kennedy political dynasty died with Ted. I never heard of this ginger before tonight and I'm still unconvinced that he's legit and not a Conan O'Brien impersonator hired by DNC.

Because you had pre-determined he'd be "worse than you had even expected" long before he said a word.


That shit was already in the works since Truman. JFK didn’t put forced integration into action ffs. Was already a federal precedent long before he got into office.

It did die with Ted

Look at these fucking retards freak outy when he said AMERICANS ARE DREAMERS TOO. Just scroll down a bit.

That's absurd. The expectation is already the pre-determination. You can't pre-determine that something will be worse than you pre-determined.



RFK’s son is taking on big Pharma with the autism-immunization cartel. Trump asked him to head a WH group to investigate it.

looks a bit like Moot fucked a greek statue

Well they lost their shit over these posters. Interesting that Trump picked up the phrase.

We'll find the men who stole your eyebrows and your brain, cummiest Kennedy. They will not keep getting away with it.

wrong bread

Kenny Cummies his clandestine porn name innit?

Bernie was like that, too. I don't know if the dems went in with some organized strategy to all look as done-with-life as possible for some sort of effect to make it look to the public that Trump's words aren't that impressive even though Republicans standing ovate every ten words, or whether it was because they all know with the memo and coming storm their party is fucked as fucked can be.


Right, so Ted shilled for a kike immigration bill. Not sure how a wall of green text somehow proved me wrong that calling it “The Ted Kennedy immigration bill” is anything but deflecting blame from the true culprits, the Jewish lobby. Do you disagree? Do you think the bill was actually Ted Kennedy’s brainchild? Please answer.

Just me and my ✡️daddy✡️, hanging out I got pretty hungry🥔 so I started to pout 😞 He asked if I was down ⬇for something yummy 😍🥔 and I asked what and he said he'd give me his 💦cummies!💦 Yeah! Yeah!💕💦 I drink them!💦 I slurp them!💦 I swallow them whole💦 😍 It makes ✡️daddy✡️ 😊happy😊 so it's my only goal… 💕💦😫Harder daddy! Harder daddy! 😫💦💕 1 cummy💦, 2 cummy💦💦, 3 cummy💦💦💦, 4💦💦💦💦 I'm ✡️daddy's✡️ 👑princess 👑but I'm also a whore! 💟 He makes me feel squishy💗!He makes me feel good💜! ✡️✡️✡️He makes me feel everything a little should!~ ✡️✡️✡️ 👑💦✡️Wa-What!✡️💦👑


It's really annoying that both of these are probably the case. If the memo lives up to even a tenth of the expectations and animal thrashing the left has been doing against them, we can expect heads to roll. On the other hand if they all look like they don't see the admin as legitimate they have a slim chance of pulling some shit.

he should be holding Schumer's penor



penor checked

This explains him perhaps.

I can do better than that

So I can see why Joe Kennedy's kids were involved in politics, they bought in. I can even see why John Jr. was, but this fucking redheaded stepchild?

Did his grandpa write him a sealed letter with directions on how to claim the Hellfish Treasure or something? Why does he even enter into it other than the DNC riding on name cache?

It's pathetic and I hope the DNC's CEO resigns in disgrac-



Moot has pedo face.


Conan’s a full blown kike from (((Brookline))) Mass. His dad is Irish…which we know means nothing according to jewish law.

“I’m half jewish”

Definitely /ourguy/.

Damned Jewish bullshit. I have seen this in my life. Some kikess ropes in a goyim, and basically creates a day walker. They can claim to be whatever they want based on dad's race, but really it is all about (((mom))).

Conan admitted he was Jewish on TV, he's a kike.

Vita is great.

We know it was anglos. Who you trying to fool pal.


Knew a guy that looked a lot like Conan, and the situation of a kike mom, and a Irish dad. Would pull the shit in class of "as a white man I feel we need to do x", and then "as a jewish man I feel white people are responsible for z". It isn't a meme, they will do this….often in the same conversation.

Then gaze user upon a family beaten down by the jews and are now (((their))) puppets. The jew will use the Kennedy name just like that of Ford or Watson until it has no more weight to the normalfag and the mask disposed of for a new one.

I've seen it too user, even among questionable slav-kikes who look like Nordics.

Ten bucks says the guy's married to a kikess or will be.

And not the big milk truck khazar milkers kind, the withered sticc kind.


I FUCKING CALLED IT they already merged with the kikes.

Also she didn't even change her name to the princely Kennedy, kek.


Yeah, I just linked the video.

“I’m half jewish”

Joe III married a kike.

The half kike/half Irish michling is an epidemic in the greater Boston area…tbh

How did you know where the guy came from? Seriously though he was from Boston, and came to the midwest for some reason.

does hes have rabies.

Not surprising. The Jewess will has an unrelenting lust in her loins for Celtic men…Lived in a heavily Jewish/Irish/Italian community in high school, dated a Jew girl and her sister seduced me into dating her…Then her Jew best friend seduced me into having an “affair” with her. Lol, it’s why I was jew wise before I had actual historical info.

Cuz I’m from the Boston area…and when Conan got famous, the local media made it known he was from the area.

Also, I just knew a a few Irish-jew michlings growing up(good friends of mine) It’s a thing.

the absolute state of the left.




goals: white extinction
beliefs: big black cocks and sissy hypno porn

The weird thing about him, is that he was Reform Judaism, which allows for the whole father Jew you are Jew thing. And he was specific on only getting with Chinese or Japanese chicks. Specifically. Not Asian, only Chinese or Japanese.

Here's some OC, hope you lads like

As a Mischling myself I'll often do this too but to deride Jews instead of Whites

Why is everyone in the front row a woman in there 20s and 30s?

Damn straight, he was one of us alright.

So this is what the democrats and MSM were hyping about?
Oh God, let him run in 2020, I want to see him dropping his spaghetti.

this nigger also hates everything white big surprise


Only seven more years!

Ben G. has his eye on this Kennedy fellow, confirmed.

It’s not weird. He only wanted his inner elite clique of Harvard comedy writers and the Jews that run show biz knowing about his Jewishness. As for the goyim, it was very important for them to think Conan was just a middle class irish catholic kid from(the wealthiest and swankiest suburb in the state). Anyways, the rich Jewish kid that probably got fast tracked by his fellow tribesman to Harvard isn’t as funny.

He looks like what happens when Mark Zuckerberg imprenates Conan O'Brian. Probably grown in an israeli lab.


What even is this timeline anymore? Another Kennedy? Don't these faggots realize that the nepotistic bullshit is on the way out just like their precious globalism?

Dynasties are the last thing to die before the real happenings.
They are running out of options.

It's saturn m8.

We must summon Augusto Penorchet.

Forget Benny's sister? NEVER!

Deserves a gassing, and only a gassing.

Would you also fancy sticking your cock into a petri dish at the local biohazard research facility if I hide it in an appealing looking fleshlight?

Yeah that was just a weird unnecessary construction. No reason to compare those at all. Dems aren't going to get any further with these weird arguments that bumped elbows are somehow equivalent to beheadings.
Why exactly by the way is politics so interested in trannies that we have to hear debate over them every goddamn day? They really are just trying to popularize and normalize the concept aren't they.

Cooperating with Canadian kikes (Bronfman)

“He founded the Distillers Corporation in Montreal in 1924, specializing in cheap whiskey, and concurrently taking advantage of the U.S. prohibition on alcoholic beverages. The Bronfmans sold liquor to the northern cities of the U.S. such as Boston, New York City and Chicago during the Prohibition era,”

“Bronfman's Distillers Corporation acquired Joseph E. Seagram & Sons of Waterloo, Ontario, from the heirs of Joseph Seagram in 1928. His sales were boosted during the United States' abortive experiment with prohibition,“

“Because of changes to US tax law in the Lyndon Johnson administration, it became advantageous for Bronfman to purchase an oil company, “

“Bronfman was President of the Canadian Jewish Congress from 1939 to 1962,”

“Although he was never convicted of criminal activity, Samuel Bronfman's dealings with bootleggers during the Prohibition-era in the US have been researched by various historians and are documented in various peer-vetted chronicles.[6][7]
In the 1930s, when Seagram set up business in the United States, it paid a fine of $1.5 million to the US government to settle delinquent excise taxes on liquor illegally exported to the US during Prohibition. (The US government had originally asked for $60 million.)[8]
After the death of Samuel Bronfman in 1971, Edgar M. Bronfman was named Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) until June 1994 when his son, Edgar Bronfman Jr., was appointed CEO."
“Edgar Miles Bronfman (June 20, 1929 – December 21, 2013) was a Canadian-American businessman and President of the World Jewish Congress, “

“Together with his deputy Israel Singer, Bronfman led the World Jewish Congress in becoming the preeminent international Jewish organization. Through the campaigns to free Soviet Jewry, the exposure of the Nazi past of Austrian President Kurt Waldheim, and the campaign to compensate victims of the Holocaust and their heirs, notably in the case of the Swiss banks, Bronfman became well known internationally during the 1980s and 1990s. Bronfman turned the World Jewish Congress into the preeminent international Jewish organization that it is today.

In 1983, Bronfman suggested that "American Jews should abandon their strongest weapon, the Jackson–Vanik amendment, as a sign of goodwill that challenges the Soviets to respond in kind."
“In 1986, during Bronfman's presidency, the World Jewish Congress accused Austrian President Kurt Waldheim of covering up his past connections to the Nazi party. On May 5, 1987, Bronfman spoke to the World Jewish Congress saying Waldheim was "part and parcel of the Nazi killing machine". “
“In the late 1990s, Bronfman championed the cause of restitution from Switzerland for Holocaust survivors.[20][21]
Bronfman began an initiative that led to the $1.25 billion settlement from Swiss banks.[22] This settlement aimed to resolve claims "that they hoarded bank accounts opened by Jews who were murdered by the Nazis".“
In exchange for the settlement money, both parties agreed to release the Swiss banks and government from any claims regarding the Holocaust.”

Shit, thats nothin user, run some NPR through it, some All Jews Considered or some Morning Jewdition. Both of em have a high and low freq mindfuck going on.


So is this Joe Kennedy faggot the new meme that the left is going to push, like how they forced the Obama meme during the 2004 DNC?

First of all, I think the idea of anyone caring about political dynasties and names is over. Jack and Robert Kennedy haven't been relevant since the 60s. Ted Kennedy was pathetic dinosaur who got in early and coasted from there.

I can't help but think the idea of propping someone up just because they have the Kennedy name is some sort of boomer mindset. Nobody younger than boomers gives a shit about the Kennedy name. Especially not mudskins.

And this is to say nothing of how cringe-inducing and blatant the pandering was with this faggot.





I disagree. They’re redirecting their party to try and gain back the white working class. They’re trying to compete with Trump on the Old-1950s-white-nostalgia. Notice:

It’s not going to work though. This faggot is only going to alienate the blacks and Hispanics. If anything he’ll manage to sway the never trumpets by being a spineless moderate. He’s riding his family’s coattails and LARPIng as a presidential candidate.

Wondering why the Dems are abandoning the blacks? I wonder how their internal voter data looks. Seems like Trump is fixing to pull a Nixon in 2020. If they don’t impeach/remove him that is.

They're in a catch-22 because shitskin interests and white interests are directly opposed. They can't try to cater to one without pissing off the other. Whites want immigration reductions and rule of law. Shitskins want reparations and BLM bix nooding. They cant' square the circle. Especially not with this soyboy faggot. Kennedy name holds no value anymore.

It’s probably more to get him face time for a senate run than anything else. The left would never use a fucking white male as their presidential nomination. They’ll probably find some nigger or spic or maybe a nigger with a spic name but he won’t have the composure or intellect to go toe to toe with Trump and Trumps aggressive and unorthodox debate style. Would be amazing to watch a nigger have a meltdown on prime time live TV.

I'm really hoping they nominate that sheboon Kamala Harris. She literally does nothing but act like a typical nigger woman getting all loud and indignant and interrupting and chimping out with every sentence she utters. Every time she's in a senate hearing, the committee chair has to literally tell her to shut the fuck up and stop badgering witnesses.

JFK was literally the only Kennedy that DIDNT deserve to get his head blown off. Fuck this modern world. You don’t know how badly the average conservative new Englander (they do exist) can’t stand that ‘royal family.’ They’re basically responsible for MA always voting for dems. Hurr durr party of Kennedy! Kennedy this! Kennedy that!


joe blow

Shall we call this meme joe blow?

JFK Jr was a friend of Trump’s. He was murdered by Mossad to make way for their puppet Hillary.

dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-dopa)

Used for Parkinson disease.

Frequent head nods
Lack of facial expression

Just a thought.

JFK’s only grandson is a full blown kike. The Jews effectively assassinated the entire family.

Good ole diversity hires

This is how the media sees it in Fingolia


Maybe he has Addison's disease like his granduncle

Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.

There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"

Are you silly? Bineural beats work by playing a different frequency for each ear. It’s a big outdoor spot were all the sounds will mix together, so no single frequency will go into your ears. There is no way that barely audible worbble is meant to hypnotise anyone. Shitpost elsewhere.

It looks like he's about to kill his boyfriend.

Addison's Disease, you're probably correct. Stuff I didn't know.

This. Also do any other user's not really hide your powerlevel IRL and for some reason jewesses try to seduce you? It's really weird man. At first I thought about giving them a good hatefucking but quickly realized I didn't want to punish my benis like that and get gross jew on me.
Kek works in misterious ways


Not the best choice.

I'm trying to practice writing speeches. (inspired by Hitler of course) Could I get some Holla Forums critique for something this faggot should have said? Obviously it's designed to appeal to democrats, but I want to learn rhetoric to help promote National Socialism.

"Before we get started I would like to congratulate President Donald Trump on his first State of the Union Address… he's certainly come a long way from ranting on hotel escalators… The President has brought up many important issues that are vital to protecting the security and greatness of our nation. He talked about the opioid crisis, an issue that effects millions of Americans - an issue which republicans and democrats alike have a duty to address. But there are many other ways in which we need to fight for better public health. We must continue our work towards creating a health care system which provides every man, woman, and child with quality, affordable health care; instead of attempting to in-debt American families to either insurance companies or the government. I also believe the President is correct in recognizing the importance of America in the world. However, we must be careful to ensure that America uses its influence wisely. We must utilize the global economic and political system in order to promote world prosperity and development. We must ensure the security of our nation, while avoiding unnecessary wars. If an enemy wants a fight, we'll give it to them, but we cannot give in to the demands for wanton war hawks. And finally, we must work to make sure our country is a welcoming one; instead of one that deports its own people for misguided reasons. And make no mistake; this is not a racial issue - it is a people issue. It is an issue of ensuring that we can help good people achieve great things. I would defend Dreamers if they were White, black, hispanic, asian, you name it. And we want to ensure that good people from all walks of life are able to live happy, secure, and prosperous lives. This isn't to say that we should abolish all immigration laws, but it is to say that we cannot treat millions of people so carelessly. In closing I would like to thank my colleagues, from both parties, for all the hard work they have put in in the past year. I would like to congratulate Trump on concluding his first year in office. And I would like to thank the American people for their careful diligence and willingness to supervise the government, so that it may serve the people's interests above all else. That is my closing message: America above all else; the people above all else; you above all else. Thank you, and God bless America.

sage for questionably on-topic

Yeah! he reminds me of someone.

Cummy Kennedy, the cum guzzling faggot that may rival OP.


what a faggort

jesus fuck, no wonder everyone in Europe has no fucking clue what's actually happening in the US.

This ginger faggot is getting roasted for having a cum face on national TV and these retards call it "charming".

what an amateur. he has drool on he side of his lips
soyboys in congress

Wow what a poor orator

Don't the kennedys still have money? This fucking faggot can't get his teeth whitened?

I don't what them numbers say, but they say something…

Never knew that. Thanks.



women hate being worshiped and want to be degraded. which is why every type of mud female wants a Nazi cock, and Aryan women are so frustrated by soyboys.

To the extent Nazis learn what the place of women is and how to put them in their place, Nazis will clean up the Aryan women from the soyboys.

put it on his twitter

What are you talking about user, he's great at oral… Oh.

This much I know. Used it to get laid a lot when I was doing the degenerate chad thing before. It's just astounding how much they want the cock of a man who'd gleefully throw them in an oven.
Also true. White women will be well on their to repair once more men learn how to take them in hand.

Not who you were talking to, but no I don't disagree that it was a Jewish creation, however Ted was a commie through and through. I'm not sure why you're trying to act like he's somehow this innocent guy who just got caught up in Jewish schemes. Consider, for instance, how he literally appealed to the KGB to help him attempt to sabotage Ronald Reagan.

Its a white man, thats enough reason for them to hate him regardless of how hard he cucks.

If you could find one with his specific hairdo, I would never be able to tell these 2 apart.

Reminder anti-natsoc posting will get you banned here. Go read Mein Kampf and take a month off.

Anti-Israel posting and anti-Izlam posting can also get you banned. Try focus on positive reasons to read Mein Kampf.


Why is he drooling so hard?

Europe gets the kosher filtered version.
2 Weeks after reading the Trumps mental health bullshit here, was broadcast here on national TV.
Imagine my surprise.

To clarify, the first here is 8ch, the second here is my country.

Salivation due to lust for Aryan blood by the Eternal Hiberno

Wouldn't it be better to run a woman instead of a man? Or is the plan to have his name out there and run for real next time (since reelections are practically guaranteed)?



They were doing this with Trump's campaign rallies too. Dissonant tones.


I'm having.a hard time thinking which drug makes you drool. Benzos?
Would make sense in a weird way


Coke. He can't feel his face and his other senses are also distorted from cocaine. Watch the rapid blinking, somewhat jerky motions, and his ants in his pants behavior.

In the older days a successful person would have a protege. Now they have young good goys who they use like serfs.

Nah, he wasn't snorting or sniffling. People jacked up on coke will sniffle very frequently as their nose is trying to run and they don't want the coke running out.
t. former partyboy degenerate

Cocaine wouldn't cause drooling. General rule of thumb is that sympathetic stimulants (coke, amphetamines, MDMA, etc) cause "dry" symptoms, including dry mouth. Anticholinergic drugs (benadryl, lots of allergy meds, and a fuckton of other drugs) also cause similar dry mouth symptoms.

The only drugs off the top of my head that lead to hypersalivation are cholinergic drugs like Rivastigmine and Donepezil. Those are used for Alzheimer's. Nicotine theoretically could cause drooling, but I haven't really seen that happen in practice. Oh, and antipsychotics could cause it too. Stuff like clozapine, olanzapine quetiapine, aripiprazole, etc.

I'm doubting he has alzheimers, obviously. So if we're assuming a drug cause, it's mostly likely to be one of those antipsychotic drugs, which aren't infrequently used either. Certainly not any stimulants, to reiterate.

user caught out the shills last night:

Dude literally drools when talking….

He swam free, vainly tried to rescue Kopechne, left the scene, and did not report the accident to the police for ten hours. Meanwhile, Kopechne died inside the car that was submerged underwater.

And they put this inbred kennedy in front of a car. Where will his next speech be? A bridge?

Underrated meme magic


No, if anything, benzos are slightly anticholinergic, and thus drying.

"Hey Fonzie, it's my turn to jump the shark!"

Try Canada. Triple kosher filtered with extra soy.

I know if you take enough opiates you'll start to drool, even with high tolerance well me anyway.

Which ones?

Not quite.
While yes true the main problem is Obama.
During the Obama years all advancement in the Democrat party came from proximity and access to Obama.
As a result they don't have anyone they can run as there's been no talent development during those eight years.

That's why Hilary and Sanders were viable options for them. There was literally nobody else with name recognition.
Though in Hilarys case it was aided by the severe financial distress that Obama left the Democrat party in.

Now they've turned to a Kennedy of all things. Despite him being utterly pathetic.

Oxymorphone will certainly make you drool, and hydrocodone/oxycodone for me kinda makes me jittery. If I had to guess, he took enough to not start falling asleep. Also his pupils look constricted as well.

Also the neck wobble/slight slur reminds me how I'd talk after having a couple with some coffee. And the fact he's kinda furrowing his brown is a little weird like his eyes are sensitive to the light, which doesn't even look that bright to begin with. Cheeks look red/flushed, and the fact he kept licking his lips is another sigh cause opiates make your fucking mouth really fucking dry but at the same time will make you drool depending on the dose.

(((They))) completely cucked the Kennedy bloodline by killing the heads then using the new goys as trophies.

You forgot a key point: She didn't drown. She suffocated. There was an air pocket inside the vehicle, and she could have easily been saved.

Sanders was never an option.
The Clintions had their hooks in to everyone and any threat to Hillery2016 was squashed.That killed the new blood. They could NOT allow another young Obama come up and rob her again. It was HER turn.
And on top of that you have all these ancient boomers who refuse to give up any power at all.They are so out of touch they think younger people even give a shit about MUH CAMELOT.

Not a viable option for Hilary.
But for the party as a whole.

Someone make one of him as a member berry from south park saying "member us?" or something similar, i want a member berry joe kennedy.
That's immediately what i thought of when i saw this shit. This was just fucking pathetic.

Yeah, but Maxine Waters has had a lot of hits that still resonates with the young people. People still listen to “I feel good” although Living in America is really when her music career tanked.

Didn’t mean to sage.

I had the Andy Griffith theme playing in my head. Do any Democrats really think they could run that ginger for a national office? Or are they just going to run a weak candidate and take the lose?

Why is there a shitty, 13 year old, V6 Mustang on the stage behind him. I'm guessing it's at a Ford plant in Ohio but why is such a shit car their stage prop?


Rude, at least I use my kikery as a weapon against other Jews

As a fellow jew, I feel that you should be aware that the best and really only acceptable way for us to make up for fucking over the world is to throw every last jew into the oven, march in ourselves, and close the door behind us.

It's the only way to be sure.

I was on a roll for two months making the Eternal Anglo cry at 4Chan, then this fucker came along. Now they feel empowered.

Here's what I think


back injury, no longer jewing my body. And to answer your question, you got two jews and a nigger jew, that's why.

Love it

The Mustang is one of Ford's most iconic cars. The backdrop, the location, putting a Kennedy in the national spotlight, this is a way-too-late attempt to appeal to the white working class that formed the Democrats' base for decades until they shifted over to their present day "Fuck Whitey" strategy. Most of those people have switched over to Republican now that Trump is leading the party. After NAFTA, King Nigger and Hillary Clinton, I'd be super hesitant to ever vote for a Democrat again. It's like they expected the white working class to just keep voting for them along with the illegal beaners, niggers and Muslims. The Democrats took those votes for granted. I think they realized their fuck-up but it's too late to get those people back and the minorities think they own the party now.

It doesn't help that they marketed everything they did to alienate the white electorate as "Progress". For the few whites who remain true believers in progressivism, stepping backwards to the thing the party was moving away from can only be viewed as a betrayal. The more unhinged these true believers and their minority cohorts make the more obvious their real objective is, the farther they push the white vote away from the Democratic party. This is not a wholly good thing, ideally we would have politicians fighting over the white vote and trying to compete for it. Now we're stuck as Republicans, which on the bright side helps us primary cuck threats, but means we get in a lose-lose election if /ourguys/ get shut down by the party and/or defrauded.

Richie Cunningham as a Spanish speaking cum guzzler was supposed to win back the working man somehow? Kek.

Kek they're clueless, it was a V6 Mustang, ie the teenage girl kind for people who can't drive.

Their backdrop was mostly spot on as you say though, but the messaging was dissonant. Droolin' Joe was more concerned about trannies and wetbacks than the people who crank out American "muscle" cars and it showed. He was trying to pander to too many groups at once.

They could have picked up something cool like a 1st gen Camaro for relatively cheap. Really goes to show how bad they're half-assing it. They would have done better if instead of a speech, they had Sanders do a bernout on the stage in his Audi R8.

True, but in light of how much the Democrats have done to alienate white workers and how good industry is going by all metrics under Trump, I don't think targeting the Rust Belt in 2020 would work for them anyway (unless a (((dramatic economic downturn))) happens prior to November 2020). It would probably be a wasted effort, so they may be better off focusing on things they can use to get on a moral high horse if the media is able to spin their narratives right. An emotive strategy seems to be their only option, make whites just complacent/demoralized enough to have their hordes flip the results.

Looks like Polident Pelosi is losing her grip in more ways than one.




Fucking WEW
…but that beak

You don't even know what that means you retarded schizo faggot

The problem with that is most people in the country like Trump so you aren't going to get the same result that Canada had where they just wanted to get rid of the current guy because everyone hated him. Of course if cum face ran on dude weed lamo like Trudeau did he might have a chance.

I don't know about that. I really think Joe Kennedy's sudden outburst of spanish will bring those working class white folks back into the democrat fold. I mean, who doesn't like tacos? Underestimate the democrat stratagem at your own peril user.

There are many old families in New England, not always wealthy like "old money," but just people with deep local ties and memories in a part of the US settled in the early 1600s.

One family I know of Democrats hates the Kennedys. They have long been New England dems, but they were connected with the "older" strain of the party, back in post-civil-war days. They say the Kennedys ruined the dems and are basically all tied up with mafia thugs.

Don't know personally what to say but its an interesting take on things. There are still old-school "Yankee hicks" in rurual New England who are close to 100% Anglo who think the place went to shit when the Irish and Italians arrived in the mid-1800s. Like I said, its a weird part of the country with deep local roots and long memories.

Oh dear this didn't go well at all. If all the dems have left is this drooling idiot then they're finished.

Beautiful. I needed a good laugh.

See, I'm not 100% on-board with this "he was a drunk driver and left her for dead after trying to rape her" scenario.

Don't get me wrong, the Kennedy's have lost whatever good qualities they may have had, but think about the time period.

(((they))) had just killed his two oldest brothers, and now it's little brothers turn..?
check out this video, especially the last part, with the "Nixon bear trap" recording.

also, look at the full cover from that day.
The moonlanding takes a backseat?
Tell me that's not a bit strange.

Heil Joe Kennedy, our glorious Führer!

That's José Quenedé, castizo supremacist.


The history of the democratic party in the second half of the 20th century is the story of a socialist/kike/commie vs fascism civil war with the Kennedy family at its epicenter.
Kennedy's were definitely fascist up to and including JFK. I am unsure how the civil rights bill plays into it, but there's a reason JFK got that bullet.

Joe Kennedy was totally stressed out, even just with a small mostly empty room of die-hard Democraps for his audience. He sounded like the President in the opening scene of a disaster movie, launching the desperate doomed mission to deflect the asteroid.

Forget low energy jeb, this was No Energy Joe Kennedy right here.

The Kennedy's were always a family of liars and thieves. They were minor affliates to the Mafia and bootleggers. They are connected to the Daley mob family, which helped rig the Chicago ballots for the election.

Jack Kennedy wasn't even that good of a President and his hate for the CIA and likewise is his only good. Bobby sucked.

His family, a very wealthy family, bought most of their political influence post-kennedy and then bought all their family out of trouble. Ted Kennedy got away scott-free after straight-up murdering a bimbo because his family could be bought off.

TL;DL the Kennedy family is nothing but White Jews allied with crime, kind of like the Kesey family.

shall we??
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Anyone trying to rise above the jackboot of anglo/kike market control is a criminal goy.

You'll be gassed last.

Maybe his audience of equals made him nervous.

Shanaynay should have taken that mic and told it like it is.

Top Kek weren't these proven to be some camgirl from some streaming website? She does look similar but I'm not convinced it is Benny's sister.

leon trotsky also invented the word (((racism))) long before it became cool for leftists to use as a weapon.

He is a deep state message to Trump.

I mean.. when you put it that way I guess I could see why so many shitheads take that easy road.

I've played it out, multiple scenarios.

And every time.. all it takes is one jew remaining and the problem comes back in a few hundred years. What a plague your people are.

You are right. My finger is on antipsychotic as well. Although why?

He's an ethnic Palestinian, you fucking tool.

really hes roman catholic, he talked about it in a biography about his harvard days. typically you will find that with roman catholics is they find a sense of pride about it. and the kennedy's are catholic coincidentally.

the psycopothy of these elites is unbearable.

Is he related to the same kennedy that ruined America by letting in shitskin immigration in the 60's?

You see that jawline and chin? Gonna make all the pussies wet. No chance for us! We'll lose!

Good luck.


thats his harem