GOING APE Inside the bizarre world of human-chimp hybrids known as HUMANZEES
Suspicious/x-tier news, but could potentially mean that the "we're all human because we can breed" faggots would be eternally ass-shatteringly btfo.
GOING APE Inside the bizarre world of human-chimp hybrids known as HUMANZEES
Suspicious/x-tier news, but could potentially mean that the "we're all human because we can breed" faggots would be eternally ass-shatteringly btfo.
What are niggers for 100, Alex.
More like africa several hundred thousands years ago.
Facts aside, this is probably the conditioning for transhumanism, especially since ((((((DRUDGE)))))) had it on his site for several days now.
Why exactly did they bring this up right now?
Monkey news?
That is bollocks. Play a record.
Unlikely considering the soviets tried this repeatedly
Please tell me they got a pic of the creature before it was killed
Definitely unlikely. Those commie fucks got the good doctor Mengele after the war too bad. We could have used him
Bless you
I lost a marvellous newsclipping (with photo) of a human ape hybrid that lived on the outskirts of a village in the Mahgreb, posted either here or on feeblechan. Modern humans can breed with their genetic cousins anyway. Pic related.
We know, user.
Fake news.
Mulattos have been known about for a lot longer than 100 years.
Spotted the jewnose
Didn't Stalin try and make human ape hybrid supersoldiers?
mengele escaped to brazil
Get this trash out of here and take it to Holla Forums where it belongs.
I hope the people who did this to the pup died broke.
I'm not even surprised.
the pup had its head reattached.
I heard AIDS/GRIDS was an African thing because niggers used to fuck monkeys.
You're a nigger OP.
Yes, they did, niggers will fuck anything…which is why you don't want anything to do with them EVER unless you have a hankering for something terminal. HIV probably couldn't have spread as quickly as it did except for the fact that many 'people' (semitic; jew and arabs; also homosexuals [jews and arabs] are more likely to spread HIV) are part ape. IMO HIV is going to be the death of all semitic and blacks as long as White Indo-Europeans can stay clear of their infections we should survive to re-populate the Earth. The trick is going to be keeping this ape offspring out of our genetic lines.
Fucking and/or eating them. Either way it is disgusting. Quite a few of the deadlier diseases originate from the same behavior. Ebola-chan originated the same way, by niggers eating and/or fucking chimps/apes.
I don't know about that but apparently certain (((sources))) say Ebola-chan originated from Hammer-headed bats.
Probably fucking bush animals and eating them, funny thing is most of them don't think ebola is real, its just westerners giving them shit for eating wild animals.
Why is this being reported now? 100 years after the fact?
We already know of the russian attempt with apes, were they propaganda or are chimps just that much more compatible? Why are there no hybrids in the wild? These niggers have pet chimps, in fact many people have pet chimps. I refuse to believe a zoophile didn't get freaky with a chimp at some point.
Its called mullato
That's because any that have seen it are generally dead. kek He needs to host a meet and greet.
It likely worked in florida, because they likely used nigger sperm.
a coworker once told me that in parts of rural africa wild monkeys do on occasion gangrape lone women.
It's called coalburning
Came here to say this, second post. Good job user.
it's the bats
specifically to do with their hearts
in another life I knew a few Africans **grew up in project*
they told me different stories about voodoo and other suspicious things that the little white boy I was didn't really think anything of until one day he's knocking at my door saying he needs to stay with me for a few days
dude's mom was butchering a goat in his room because it was at the top of the house and therefore the smell would float out the windows easier or some shit
apparently goats head soup is a delicacy that gets served, fresher the better
but eventually, we started talking more about their beliefs
they were Christians but their mom practiced voodoo to the point where she wanted some of my hair at one point because blonde hair is powerful did not give her that shit because she had previously been screaming in Arabic and had called me a white devil to my face before
from what I remember, could be wrong it's been what feels like a whole life but
>then you cook it under a tree can't remember exactly the next few parts, I remember something about trees, maybe the type of tree you can find bats in?
that's filthy. Isn't magic said to be (or be equal to) satanism? Though I wouldn't expect a voodoo nog family to know that
I would make the joke that pic related is another successful humanzee, but it seems that like niggers it has lived far too long without evolving.
Niggers believe fucking anything in regards to voodoo majikz. They will spend half their family fortune of 2 USD on charms and shit to bury at others' doors. When yidslam came along and said «don du dat» they just put koran verses in the charms or whatever the fuck, and kept right on doing it.
They already exist.
Anything in opposition to the word of god is satanism.
Sound familiar?
The problem isn't that transhumanism might be jewish, the problem is the kikes are beating us to the singularity. Sticking to muh jeebus/thurrr in this age is sticking to extinction!
so 100 years ago they accidentally created a nigger and were smart enough to kill it.
i heard about nogs, dindus, basketball americans, but i like this one.
Checking the dubs of a kikeless first post.
They are already here
You don't understand the sickness that is leftism my friend.
They would just move the goal post to include chimps as humans.
Think about this. If chimps could talk even a little,kikes would put them in tv, music,movies.
They would put them in schools with your children just like they did with niggers,it would be racist to not let them date you white daughter so you can have little monkey grand kids.
My sides! Well played user
I hate this shit
As much as we hate niggers around here you have to understand that all these diseases (((always))) originate from African countries and if you wish to know (((WHO))) then simply follow the World.Health.Organization. It's so coincidental that wherever they begin to test vaccines, there's always a coincidental outbreak of some kind. Follow B. Gates, the WHO and the money and it will all make sense. Remember the user from 2015 and his prediction about the african hoardes invading europe? Remember aids? All of this shit is tied together and Africa is great for experimentation due to lack of independent thinking…. It's only been roughly 5 years but the west is now dumb enough to believe everything and anything they see on the TV or press… Things were never like that just a few years ago… but now you are seeing the experiments manifest in the west as well and they're using all of the resources to build nations of death amongst the multi-culti-cult to engineer humanity as a long term goal to enslave.
No it isn't. 2 million years is the max amount of time cousin species can produce offspring ( many of which aren't fertile ). Humans are a couple million off from chimps.
Never change, Holla Forums
dubs checked
I like how you say that as though it’s true or knowable in any capacity.
But that's a myth anyway. Actual scientists don't use the possibility of producing fertile offspring as a determinant of same-species.
There are stacks of actual scientific examples of this. Look up the Hooded Crow vs the Carrion Crow - virtually identical save for a slight difference in plumage, used to be considered races of the same species, sometimes mix in the wild to produce fertile offspring but prefer not to, now considered two totally different species.
Geographical separation can also be the basis for different species classification.
If it weren't for political squeamishness, niggers and Whites would be classified as separate species for their differences, biological, physical, behavioural, territorial, are orders of magnitude greater than that between the crows.
Holy shit that first kid never had a chance, the perfect storm of low t, soy, sassy bbbw, crazy eyes, fish mouth, hook nose, that fucking t-shirt…. It's like a fucking Hieronymus Bosch or Salvador Dali painting, the more you look at it the more you see.
The irony, just say it would be America being Nazi before Hitler.
I hope faggots who think animals are human die broke.
Sauce on the image? Absolutely fascinating.
“yes goy we must reject Jesus and join our minds to ‘the singularity’ its hurry do it quick! the joos are beating you to it!!”
And here it is hunting for food
3 looks like a fantasy orc from the LotR movies
We have to compete. You're like those "progressive" faggots who think giving up guns will stop other people from using them.
The same nigger sperm that they use in africa when raping apes and monkeys?
Transhumanism is inherently anti-culture, anti-race, and pro-kike. If it ever gets implemented in real life, you'll be forced to share a hive mind with niggers.
No good liars.
aren't those just niggers tho?
Doesn't matter what color you are, you're subhuman. Kill yourself.
Oh shut up satan.
Chimp/Goat hybrids were too beautiful for this world.
Humans aren't monkeys cuck off. Maybe these hybrids can occur under extreme artificial conditions but chimps and apes don't even have the same chromosome number as us for God's sake.
“yes goy we must reject Odin and join our minds to ‘the singularity’ its hurry do it quick! the joos are beating you to it!!”
/thread and dubs. Good work, my man.
I don't believe it because if it was true and you could fuck a female chimp and get it pregnant then some nigger in Africa would have discovered this ages ago.
No they wouldn't. They'd start publishing articles in Salon about how it's racist for whites to discriminate against chimpanzees in mate selection.
t. going to die broke
I'm going to go pet my cat for you m8.
I don't think anyone here thinks animals = humans; or that anyone here thinks you actually belong here.
enjoy your brain parasite
Your cat has to kill and eat something infected in order to contract toxoplasmosis, and then transfer the infection to you via feces during the period of several weeks when it is infected. Only old people and people with AIDS are even treated for toxoplasmosis because the disease is so harmless it's not worth the side effects of the drugs.
Came here to say that. /thread
What? Caring about animals doesn't mean you have to see them as humans. Are you this retarded or what?
Half the planet has it already. Don't blame cats when humans are the most numerous carriers.
My main concern with this is that humans have 46 chromosomes whereas chimps have 48. How could a humanzee possibly function if DNA is incompatible?
If chimp/goat breeding worked, niggers would have horns and hooves by now
Get human sperm with extra chromosomes.
There's something about cringe worthy R&M pictures that makes me laugh. They just look too fake for the person behind them to have had any real want in making them.
Can you even imagine how badly that window-sill stank after her rubbing her grundle back and forth across it?
She's right. We should abort and sterilize more of the jew rats before they mature.
Fuck, me I'm getting tired of the site being fucked up all the time because of kikes. Polite sage because wrong fucking thread.
first post, best post, kike free and dubs checked
Checked, you glorious faggot
Correct. Don't forget, it was both ways. Both male niggers fucking monkeys AND female niggers getting fucked by monkeys. Then, missionaries (the white ones who used to do "humanity missions" and so called nigger helping campaigns) who used to go there in reality just to fuck female niggers came back home and spread it to some local whores and sluts. This is how HIV came here, all official narratives are wrong. And if it happened that way, that's the best case since it could very well have been an engineered virus by (((who knows))) to regulate the population for (((NWO)))
Actually AIDS did her travel from Haiti, remember that nigs have the full CCR5 set, the delta 32 mutation isnt common there. The new strains came from faggots remixing things in their asses and most new infected from modern times are mostly bourgeois women going to Africa in "humanity missions", at least thats what exactly happened in England some years ago.
I've never thought about it that way. I always just assumed they were intentionally made to look cringy by the artist as a way of making fun of the fan base.